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28 AVRAO Prabhuji - Unit 1 - Bhakti Sastri Open Book Assessment - All 3 Qs

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Q 1: List three aspects of Prabhupda’s mood and/or mission as

revealed in the Preface to Bhagavad-gita and comment, in own
words, on the importance of these aspects for ISKCON.

Ans: Three aspects of mood and mission of Srila Prabhpada are:

1. To present the message of Krishna to the world without any


The mood and mission of Srila Prabhupada is to spread

unadulterated teachings of Lord Krishna all over the world. Srila
Prabhupada explains in preface that our attempt in presenting
“Bhagad-gita As It Is” is to present the mission of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, Krishna and also our business is to
present the will of Kṛiṣhṇa, not that of any mundane speculator
like the politician, philosopher or scientist.

Importance of this aspect for ISKCON:

It is very important for ISKCON to continue to preach and practice
the teachings of Bhagavad-Gita without any adulteration. If we
want to take a particular medicine, then we have to follow the
directions written on the label. We cannot take the medicine
according to our own will or the direction of friend. It must be
taken according to the directions on the label or directions given
by the physician. Similarly, Bhagavad-gita should be taken or
accepted as it is directed by the speaker Himself. We have to
accept this fact and thus understand the historical significance of
Bhagad-gita, without misinterpretation, on the authority of

2. To establish Krishna Consciousness movement is essential

in human society:
Srila Prabhupada explains in preface that Krishna Consciousness
movement is essential in this material world for the highest
perfection of life and this is explained fully in Bhagavad-gita.
Everyone should know that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of
godhead. Serve Krishna sincerely to come out from birth and
death cycle. How to serve the Krishna? Remember Krishna
always in our daily activities. Chant Hare Krishna Mantra - Hare
Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama
Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 16 rounds daily.

Importance of this aspect for ISKCON:


By chanting Hare Krishna Mantra, our hearts will get free from all
material impurities and we will gradually develop love for Krishna
and attain complete perfection.
Lead as an example as ISKCON devotee for others to follow
Krishna Consciousness.
You are not only get benefited, you can show the path for others
to get liberated.

3. To understand the central point of Bhagad-gita:

Prabhupada has made one thing very clear that as souls, we are
part and parcel of Krishna. Krishna is the Supreme Controller, the
cause of all causes. He is the source of all happiness.
Instead of satisfying our material senses, we should always try to
satisfy Krishna’s senses. This will bring peace and happiness.
That is the highest perfection of life. The Lord want this and He
demand it. One has to under this Central point of Bhagavad-gita
and benefit by studying the Bhagavad-gita. To attain eternal
happiness, we should connect ourselves to Krishna. Whatever
activities we do in this material world, we should keep Krishna in
the centre. Whatever results we achieve we should offer it to

Importance of this aspect for ISKCON:

It is important for ISKCON to keep all living entities under one
shelter and make understand that we should reach to Krishna in
single life.

Q 2: Discuss, in your own words, the following, with reference to

verses, analogies, and statements from Prabhupäda’s purports.
(Bhagavad-gita 2.21, 27)
 When is violence justified?
 Why did Krishna, who is all-loving, incite Arjuna to war?
 Is terrorism in the name of religion appropriate or

Ans: 1. When is Violence Justified::

Violence is only justified if it is for the supreme justice keeping
law and order in society and it has to be done according to the
will of the lord and the person carrying violence should be in
knowledge. An example is that judge awards punishment to a
person committed for a murder, the justice of the peace cannot
be blamed. Judge has done his duty for a justice of peace with


his knowledge. Srila Prabhupada explains with reference from

Saahita in purpose of Bhagavad-Gita 2.21 that it is advantageous
for the murder to be killed because all the reactions for his sin
would be forgiven at once in his next birth.
Another example is that king’s punishment of hanging a murderer
is actually beneficial.
And also solider kills’ enemies to protect his country which will not
be considered as a violence. He did to protect his country. A
surgical operation is not meant to kill the patient, but to cure the
patient. Similarly, when Krishna orders Arjuna for fighting, it must
be concluded that violence is for supreme justice and thus Arjuna
should follow the instruction, knowing well that such violence,
committed in the act of fighting for Krishna, is not violence at all
because at any case, the soul cannot be killed. So, for the
administration of justice, violence is permitted.

2. Why did Krishna, who is all-loving, incide Arjuna to war?

Arjuna was very sorrow to fight with his cousins, relatives,
grandfather and teacher. He did not deserve to break the law,
thereby becoming subjected to the reactions of sinful acts, of
which he was so afraid. He did not consider the ultimate benefit
of the war dovetailed with the will of Lord Krishna. So, Krishna
instructed Arjuna to fight that there is no death for the
indestructible soul, only body will destruct, soul will take another
body. Krishna reminded him his prescribed duty to fight in the
battle field of Kuruksetra, being a Ksatriya and this is will of
Supreme Lord. Krishna also explained that by avoiding the
discharge of his duty, he would not able to stop the death of
his relatives, and he would be degraded due to his selection
of the wrong path of action.
The above instructions, made Arjuna to understand that any
activities happen only according to will of the Lord and he will not
get any sin as he is not destroying the soul and it is his
prescribed duty as Ksatriya.

3. Is terrorism in the term of religion is appropriate or

Terrorism in the term of religion is inappropriate. Terrorism
technically invites mass murder of human, irrespective of whether
real justice is achieved. Groups that perform terrorism don’t have
knowledge about indestructible soul and their actions are fully
justified. The cycle of birth and death does not support


unnecessary murder, slaughter and war.

Q 3: Discuss how the general principles drawn from Arjuna’s

dilemma are relevant to your own practice of Krishna
consciousness with reference to Bhagavad-gita 2.6-11.
Ans: Being intelligent, Arjuna could understand that his affection for family
members and his wish to protect them from death were the causes
of his perplexities. Although he could understand that his duty to fight
was awaiting him, still, on account of miserly weakness, he could not
discharge the duties. He is therefore asking Lord Kṛishna, the
supreme spiritual master, to make a definite solution.

Similarly we are also in dilemma, whether we can go in spiritual path

by making our relationship with Krishna or continue in material path
by showing affection with our close relationship. And how we can
achieve a permanent happiness.

By nature’s own way the complete system of material activities is a

source of perplexity for everyone. In every step there is perplexity,
so, we should approach a bona fide spiritual master who can give
one proper guidance for executing the purpose of life. All Vedic
literatures advise us to approach a bona fide spiritual master to get
free from the perplexities of life, which happen without our desire.
No one wants fire, and yet it takes place, and we become perplexed.
The Vedic wisdom therefore advises us in order to solve the
perplexities of our life and to understand the science of the solution,
we must approach a spiritual master who is in the disciplic
succession. A person with a bona fide spiritual master is supposed to
know everything. We should not, therefore, remain in material
perplexities but should approach a spiritual master.

We are in material perplexities do not understand the problems of

life. This human form of life is a most valuable asset for us to utilize it
for solving the problems of life. We should utilize this body to solve
all the problems like intelligent Brahmana, not like a miser.

We should not waste our time in being overly affectionate for family,
society, country, etc., in the material conception of life like the
kṛupaṇas, or miserly persons. We think that we are able to protect
our family members from death; or we think that our family or society
can save us from the verge of death like animals.


Based on knowledge of the principles of religion and moral codes, it

appears that we will not able to solve his real problem without the
help of the spiritual master, Academic knowledge, scholarship, high
position, etc., are all useless in solving the problems of life; Only
spiritual master can solve our problems. Therefore, we should
understand that a spiritual master who is one hundred percent
Krishna conscious is the bona fide spiritual master can solve the
problems of life.

The real spiritual master is a master in the science of Kṛishna

consciousness, regardless of his social position. It does not matter
whether a person is a vipra or is born in a lower family, or is in the
renounced order of life and it is confirmed in Caitanya-caritāmṛta,
Madhya 8.128 and Vedic literature. So without being a master in the
science of Kṛishna consciousness, no one is a bona fide spiritual

We are seeking peace in different ways, but we can achieve real

happiness only if we chant Hare Krishna Mantra, or read the
Bhagavad-gītā and Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam – which constitute the
science of Kṛishna – through the bona fide representative of Kṛishna,
the man in Kṛishna consciousness.


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