Bob's - Children's Book Project

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Cellular respiration

An Educational Children’s book by Jerry

Table of Contents:
2nd Stage: Kreb Cycle
What is it? And Electron
1 ● What is cellular Transport Chain 4
● Equation

The map of cellular

respiration Other ways
2 It depends on if oxygen 5
is present.

1st Step: Glycolysis

Breaking down glucose
What is cellular respiration and what is it for?
What is it?
It is a step by step process that
change and store the energy from
the food you eat into bonds of a
molecule called ATP.

What is it for?
It is just for gaining the energy
needed to keep your body going.
The energy from food is stored into
the molecule called ATP and when
the body needs energy, that ATP Molecule
gives the energy your body
(essentially your cells) needs. A molecule is a group of atoms
which are like very tiny balls that
make up everything you see.
Equation of Cellular Respiration

Mitochondria is a subunit or tiny part of a cell that is a must-have

for the cell to do cellular respiration.

Steps of cellular respiration

Kreb Cycle or CAC
Makes Carbon Dioxide
and some ATP
Location: Matrix of
>> >>
Electron Transport
Glycolysis Chain
Where glucose is split
1 3 Makes lots of ATP and
into two parts. water
Location: Inner
Location: Cytoplasm
membrane of
First Stage:
A glucose has 6 carbon atoms.
Glucose is a molecule too and is
made up of atoms (think of it as tinier
balls that make up a big ball).
The main structure of glucose is the
six carbon atoms (on your right) and
they are split into 3 carbon atoms
called pyruvates.
1 Glucose = 1 Pyruvate + 1 Pyruvate

In addition, 2 ATPs and 2 NADHs are

produced. (Again ATP NADH are just
energy carrying molecules.)
The next stage depends on if oxygen is present

Aerobic respiration (Kreb Cycle) Anaerobic respiration (Fermentation)

If there is oxygen, then there is a two-step If there is no oxygen , the cell will go through
process where the products from Glycolysis (the fermentation.
pyruvates) are converted (converted) to get 2 There are two types of fermentation:
more ATPs.
● Lactic acid fermentation
● Yeast fermentation

Lactic acid involves the conversion of pyruvate

into 2 ATP and lactic acid.

Yeast fermentation is when the pyruvate is

broken down into alcohol, 2 ATP and CO2.
Second Stage: Part 1 (Kreb Cycle or CAC)
Pyruvate to ATP
1 The 2 pyruvates from Glycolysis are
converted to make 2 ATP and some NADH
and FADH2

Releases CO2
2 2
CO2 is exhaled out for humans.
Second Stage: Part 2 (Electron Transport Chain)

The electrons and hydrogen from the electron carrying molecules NADH and FADH2 are used
to produce more ATP, specifically 23 ATP and H2O.

Most of the ATP aka the energy produced from food come from this stage.
Types of Anaerobic respiration

Lactic Acid
Lactic acid involves the Yeast fermentation is when
conversion of pyruvate into the pyruvate is broken down
2 ATP and lactic acid. into alcohol, 2 ATP and CO2.

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