Numerical Evaluation of AC Losses in HTS Wires With 2D FEM Formulated by Self Magnetic Field
Numerical Evaluation of AC Losses in HTS Wires With 2D FEM Formulated by Self Magnetic Field
Numerical Evaluation of AC Losses in HTS Wires With 2D FEM Formulated by Self Magnetic Field
2, JUNE 2003
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(15) where is the total area of the wire region, . The frequency
of ac field is 60 Hz.
In this paper, the total area is discretized with linear trian- Fig. 1 shows the numerical results of ac losses in a round wire
gular elements, and the interpolation function of each node is carrying only alternating transport currents. The wire has the
used for the weighting function . The discretization of time is radius of 0.55 mm, and the size of the area for analysis is 4.0
made with a technique of the backward difference. mm 4.0 mm. The -value in the power-law model is set at
5, 10, or 20. The broken lines in Fig. 1 represent the numer-
III. NUMERICAL RESULTS OF AC LOSSES ical results obtained by means of the finite difference method
in one-dimensional geometry with respect to the radial direc-
The ac losses are numerically calculated for three model tion, whose numerical errors are estimated less than 0.1%. On
wires, whose transport properties are represented by either the the other hand, the solid line is a theoretical curve with the crit-
critical state model [12] ical state model [15]. As seen in Fig. 1, the ac losses calculated
with the finite element method have a good agreement with the
(16) reference data. The linkage currents in the effective vacuum are
less than 0.2%.
or the power-law model The ac losses in a rectangular wire of 3.8 mm 0.25 mm
are plotted in Fig. 2, where the external ac magnetic fields are
(17) applied parallel to the wide face of the wire with no transport
current. The area for analysis has each side of 8.0 mm [8]. The
where is the flux-flow resistivity, the critical current solid line in Fig. 2 represents the theoretical curve [16] for an
density, the electric-field criterion, and the -value. In infinite slab with the width of 0.25 mm, whereas the broken
this paper, it is assumed that the critical current density and lines are the results obtained by the finite difference method. It
-value are independent of the magnetic field, and the values is found in Fig. 2 that the ac losses calculated with the different
of , , and are fixed at 100 V m, 1 10 A m , and methods agree well with each other.
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