MSDS Hypex EP Oil Based
MSDS Hypex EP Oil Based
MSDS Hypex EP Oil Based
HYPEX EP (Oil-Based)
Hazardous Ingredients The composition of this product is proprietary information. In general, the
product does not contain any component that may be a significant health
and safety hazard as long as normal precautions in handling petroleum
products are observed and good standards of industrial and personal
hygiene are maintained. However, in the event of a medical emergency,
compositional information will be provided to the attending physician or
nurse if necessary.
Primary Entry Routes Eye contact, skin contact or absorption, inhalation of vapors
Skin Contact Low order of toxicity. However, like other petroleum-based products,
prolonged or repeated contact may result in the defatting of skin, leading
to irritation and possibly dermatitis.
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Issue Date: 04/2006
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HYPEX EP (Oil-Based)
collapse, coma and death without necessarily any warning odor being
sensed. Furthermore, overexposure to oil mists may result in droplet
deposition, oil granuloma formation, inflammation and increased incidence
of infection.
Workplace Exposure Limits Due to oil-based components of the product, exposure to oil mist or vapors
should be controlled to 5 mg/m3 or less.
Eye Contact Immediately flush eyes with large amount of water for at least 15 minutes
or until irritation subsides. If irritation persists, get prompt medical
Skin Contact Immediately flush with large amount of water; use soap if available.
Remove contaminated clothing, including shoes, and launder before reuse.
Inhalation This product has a low vapor pressure and is not expected to present an
inhalation problem at ambient temperature. However, if overexposed to
oil mist, using proper respiratory protection, immediately remove the
affected person immediately to fresh air. Administer artificial respiration
if breathing is stopped. Keep at rest. Call for prompt medical attention.
Extinguishing Media In case of fire use foam, carbon dioxide or dry chemical extinguishers.
Special Fire-fighting Water jets should not be used directly on igniting products.
Procedures Avoid spraying water directly into storage containers due to danger of
over-boil. However, water may be used to cool exposed containers,
structures and equipment adjacent to fire. Respiratory and eye protection
required for fire-fighting personnel.
Decomposition Products Fumes, smoke, oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, carbon and other
Under Fire Conditions toxic gases may be formed.
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HYPEX EP (Oil-Based)
Land Spill Taking normal safety precaution, eliminate sources of ignition. Prevent
additional discharge of material, if possible to do so without hazard. For
small spills, implement cleanup procedures. For large spills, implement
clean-up procedures and, if in public area, keep public away and advise
authorities. Prevent liquid from entering sewers, water courses, or low
areas. Contain spilled liquid with sand or earth. Recover by pumping or
with a suitable absorbent. If liquid is too viscous for pumping, scrape up.
Consult an expert on disposal of recovered material and ensure conformity
to local disposal regulations.
Water Spill Use booms to confine spills immediately. Remove from water surface by
skimming or with suitable adsorbents. If allowed by local authorities and
environmental agencies, sinking and/or suitable dispersants may be used in
non-confined waters. Consult an expert on disposal of recovered material
and ensure conformity to local disposal regulations.
Handling Procedures Keep away from potential sources of ignition. Open container in a well
ventilated area. Avoid breathing vapors. Keep containers closed when not
in use. Wash thoroughly after handling. “Empty” containers and retain
product residue (liquid or vapor) can be dangerous. Do not pressurize, cut,
weld, braze, solder, drill, grind or expose containers to heat, flame,
sparks, static electricity or other sources of ignition; they may explode and
cause death or injury. Empty drums should be completely drained,
properly bunged and promptly returned to a drum re-conditioner, or
properly disposed of.
Storage Procedures Do not store near potential sources of ignition. Store in well-ventilated
area. Odorous and toxic fumes may form from the decomposition of this
product if stored at temperatures in excess of 60 oC for extended periods
of time or if heat sources in excess of 70 oC are used.
Ventilation Procedures The use of local exhaust ventilation is recommended to control mists or
vapors. Additional ventilation or exhaust may be required to maintain air
concentrations below exposure limits.
Eye Protection Where contact may occur, wear safety glasses with side shields.
Respiratory Protection Use NIOSH/MSHA approved full-face respirator with a combination organic
vapor and high efficiency filter cartridge if the recommended exposure
limit is exceeded. Use self-contained breathing apparatus for entry into
confined space, for other poorly ventilated areas and for large spill clean-
up sites.
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HYPEX EP (Oil-Based)
Clothing Recommendation Wear either a chemical protective suit or apron when potential for contact
with material exists. Use neoprene or nitrile rubber boots when necessary
to avoid contaminating shoes. Do not wear rings, watches or similar
apparel that could entrap the material and cause a skin reaction.
Appearance Clear
Viscosity at 100 oC, cSt 8.48 (Hypex EP 68) 11.18 (Hypex EP 100)
14.04 (Hypex EP 150) 18.50 (Hypex EP 220)
23.86 (Hypex EP 320) 28.05 (Hypex EP 385)
31.18 (Hypex EP 460) 34.30 (Hypex EP 570)
36.44 (Hypex EP 680) 46.44 (Hypex EP 1000)
136.0 (Hypex EP 4000) 660 (Hypex EP 25K)
Stability This product is stable and hazardous polymerization will not occur.
However, the product should not be heated above 70 oC to avoid possible
release of highly toxic hydrogen sulfide and odorous alkyl mercaptans.
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HYPEX EP (Oil-Based)
Skin Contact Low order of toxicity. Frequent or prolonged contact may cause mild skin
Eye Contact Will cause eye discomfort; may injure eye tissue if not removed promptly
Environmental Mobility Oil component of this product floats and can migrate from water to land.
Environmental Degradability Data have not been determined specifically for this product, but it is not
expected that it will be “readily” biodegradable.
Ecotoxicity & Bioaccumulation Data have not been determined specifically for this product, but it is
expected to be harmful to aquatic organisms.
Sea IMDG (Packaged Goods and BLCs). This product is not regulated for sea
The chemical substances present in this product are included in, or exempted from the PICCS inventories.
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HYPEX EP (Oil-Based)
The information presented herein has been compiled from sources considered to be dependable and is accurate to the best of
Petron Corporation’s knowledge. This information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid when
this material is combined with any other material or in any process. However, Petron Corporation makes no warranty or
guarantee as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness. It is the user’s responsibility to satisfy himself as to the suitability and
completeness of such information for his own particular use. Petron Corporation assumes no responsibility for injury to recipient
or to third persons or for any damage to any property that may occur from the use of this information.
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