FYP Module 1 Introduction

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Malaysian Institute of Aviation Technology

Prepared by FYP Module Committee

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Research Plan

►What do you intend to do?

►Why is the work important?

►What has already been done?

►How are you going to do the work?

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Main Elements

• Background of Study

• Problem Statement

• Objectives

• Scope and Limitation

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1.1 Background of study

•General background in the first chapter.

►Provide background information related to the project.

►Detailed information (Eg: ICAO rules and regulations/previous works)
should be in Chapter 2)
►Readers are expected to further understand the title of your project by
reading this background information.
►Readers are expected to generally know (but not restricted to) the field
area and previous/existing work related to your project.

•Identify and narrow down the scope of your project.

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Why is the research project important?

►Demand in the technology?

►Scarce resources?
►Impact on environment?

Support with facts / statistics

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How to write Background of study

•Write in the form of a logical


•Begin with sentences that are

more general

•Explain the purpose of your

research towards the end

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How to write Background of study

1.1.1 World

1.1.2 Asian

1.1.3 Malaysia

1.1.4 State

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1. 2 Problem Statement

Key elements

►To explain the problem being investigated in the study

►Should help clearly identify the purpose of the project.

►Should be short and concise.

►Heart of a good proposal/ thesis

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1. 2 Problem Statement

GOOD Problem Statement

► Start with sentences that are general

► Show how your research topic is important

► Explain how your research relates to the published articles. At least 1

reference cited

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1. 3 Objectives

• What we aim to achieve what is the goal of the research project?

• Every project has a single aim.

• Sub-aims are the objectives of the project and should be more than 1.

• The objectives (or sub-aims) can be seen as milestones that will guide you to
achieve your project aim.

• The objective of the proposed study should be stated very clearly.

• The objective stated should be specific, achievable and measurable.

• Too many objectives should be avoided.

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Use SMART concept when developing your aim and objectives.

Does the objective detailed enough to address the problem?

How will you know when you have achieved the objective?

Can the objective realistically be achieved with the available resources?

Is the objective relevant to the problem?

Can the objective be completed within a specific time frame?
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1. 3 Objectives (cont.)
Appropriate action verb that can be used to write objectives:

• To investigate • To compare • To measure

• To demonstrate • To determine • To present
• To determine • To discover • To provide
• To study • To evaluate • To recognize
• To ascertain • To examine • To reveal
• To assess • To explore • To construct
• To decide • To find out • To analyze
• To describe • To identify • To fabricate

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Diploma – 40%
Degree – 60%

Diploma – 60%
Degree – 40%

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Appropriate action verb that can be used to write objectives for LOTS:

L1 : Remember L2 : Understand L3 : Apply

Cite Recall Add Distinguish Acquire Determine Predict
Define Recite Approximate Elaborate Adapt Diminish Prepare
Describe Recognize Articulate Estimate Allocate Discover Price
Draw Record Associate Example Alphabetize Draw Process
Enumerate Repeat Characterize Explain Apply Employ Produce
Identify Reproduce Clarify Express Ascertain Examine Project
Index Review Classify Extend Assign Exercise Provide
Indicate Select Compare Extrapolate Attain Expose Relate
Label State Compute Factor Avoid Express Round off
List Study Contrast Generalize Back up Factor Sequence
Match Tabulate Convert Give Calculate Figure Show
Meet Trace Defend Infer Capture Graph Simulate
Name Write Describe Interact Change Handle Sketch
Outline Detail Interpolate Classify Illustrate Solve
Point Differentiate Interpret Complete Interconvert Subscribe
Quote Discuss Observe Compute Investigate Tabulate
Read Paraphrase Picture Construct Manipulate Transcribe
Predict graphically Customize Modify Translate
Review Rewrite Demonstrate Operate Use
Summarize Subtract Depreciate Personalize Practice
Translate Visualize
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Appropriate action verb that can be used to write objectives for HOTS:
L4 : Analyze L5 : Evaluate L6 : Create
Analyze Explore Select Appraise Prescribe Abstract Enhance Plan
Audit Figure out Separate Assess Rank Animate Explain Portray
Blueprint File Subdivide Compare Rate Arrange Facilitate Prepare
Breadboard Group Train Conclude Recommend Assemble Format Prescribe
Break down Identify Transform Contrast Release Budget Formulate Produce
Characterize Illustrate Relate Counsel Select Categorize Generalize Program
Classify Infer Explain Criticize Summarize Code Generate Rearrange
Compare Interrupt Examine Critique Support Combine Handle Reconstruct
Confirm Inventory Query Defend Test Compile Import Relate
Contrast Investigate Determine Validate Compose Improve Reorganize
Correlate Layout Discriminate Verify Construct Incorporate Revise
Detect Manage Estimate Predict Cope Integrate Rewrite
Diagnose Maximize Evaluate Correspond Interface Specify
Diagram Minimize Explain Create Join Summarize
Differentiate Optimize Grade Cultivate Lecture Dictate
Discriminate Order Hire Debug Model Overhaul
Dissect Outline Interpret Depict Modify
Distinguish Point out Judge Design Network
Document Prioritize Justify Develop Organize
Ensure Proofread Measure Devise Outline
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1. 4 Scope and Limitation

► Shows direction of research

► Statesboundaries or parameter of study

► Outlines method of investigation used in study

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Numbering system in Chapter 1

Chapter 1 : Introduction

1.1 Background of study

• Motivation
1.1.1 General aspect
1.1.2 Detail aspect
1.1.3 Specific aspect
1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Research Objective
1.3.1 Obj 1
1.3.2 Obj 2
1.4 Scope and Limitation
1.5 Summary (for Chapter 1)

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Example of an Introduction (Key points)

1.1 Background of study
• Motivation
►Importance of renewable energy
1.1.1 General aspect:
► Solar is an example of renewable energy.
1.1.2 Detail aspect:
► Application of solar cells? – eg: Self charging solar surveillance drone
1.1.3 Specific aspect:
► Factors affecting efficiency? Material of solar cells? Operating condition of solar cells?
1.2 Problem Statement
► Material used is expensive hence the need to find alternative.
1.3 Research Objective
1.3.1 To identify suitable alternative materials (L2 : Understanding = LOTS)
1.3.2 To examine the efficiency for the selected material (L4 : Analyze = HOTS)
1.4 Scope and Limitation
► Limitation : time consuming ➔➔➔ Scope : small scale drone

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for Diploma

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Malaysian Institute of Aviation Technology

The Development of a Hand Warmer Prototype for Passengers During Flight

1.1 Background of study

Flights on an aircraft can be rather long and uncomfortable. From the long layover times to
the turbulent weather, there are many reasons as to why someone might not want to fly. One
of these reasons is the cold temperatures in the cabin that some passengers feel is
unbearable and during long flights is just something they do not want to deal with.

1.1.1 Temperature in Flight

During cruising of a Boeing 767, the cabin temperature of the aircraft was found to be as low
as 24.9°C (Abdullah,2017). For passengers from a tropical or warmer climate, 24.9°C is a
very cold temperature and it might just be too cold.

1.1.2 Options for Warmth

As of today, a blanket or a warm towel are options that are given to Passengers that are cold
but blankets are not that effective as they work on the principle of trapping your own body
heat so you cannot be warmer than your own body temperature and in the case of a warm
towel it serves as a brief solution that does not even last 5 minutes.

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1.2 Problem Statement

The struggles passengers, especially on long haul flights face are the unbearable cold they have to
endure during flights (Abdullah,2017). Sometimes a blanket and a warm towel is not enough to
combat the cold for a 9-hour flight. This problem is hopefully solved by this Prototype that aims to
overcome this problem.

1.3 Objectives
The objective of this project is:
1.3.1 To produce a Hand Warmer prototype that is that is integrated into cabin features (L3: APPLY
1.3.2 To perform tests to observe its functionality (L4: ANALYZE = HOTS)

1.4 Scope and Limitation

A prototype using accessible materials is developed due to time consuming and cost constraint.

1.5 Summary
Development a Prototype Hand Warmer that is placed underneath the Food Tray would make it both
accessible and integrated into the cabin features. The Hand Warmer has to be able to be used when
needed and when not needed it has to be stored in a way that does not have negative effects on the
Passenger experience. This is especially on long haul flights face are the unbearable cold they have to
endure during flights.

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for Bachelor

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Malaysian Institute of Aviation Technology

The Effect of Flow Control on Wing-In-Ground Craft Hull-Fuselage for

Improved Aerodynamics Performance (I Said 2020)

1.1 Background of study

WIG craft is the latest concept of designing fast moving marine craft, which has huge
potential in numerous areas such as rescue operations, tourism, transportation, cargo, and
military functions which are the alternate solution to gain higher speed. WIG craft is the
innovation of craft which can fly near ground using the positive ground effect. Qu et al. in their
study has stated that a WIG craft has higher speed, lower drag, and lower fuel consumption,
and its cruising speed is less affected by the sea states compared to a ship.

1.1.1 WIG Craft

WIG crafts must be able to overcome significant hydrodynamic drag take-off from
water surface and aerodynamic drag during flight.

1.1.2 Aerodynamics performance on WIG craft

Reduction in fuselage drag is possible and has been demonstrated by the application
of active flow control.
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1.1.3 Flow Control on WIG craft Hull Fuselage

In this study, Micro Vortex Generator (MVG) with vane type has been used as an active
flow control. The angle of the MVG has a significant effect on the results of drag coefficient. To obtain
the best angle of MVG for WIG craft, three different angles were chosen to be installed in the
fuselage and tested. The three different angles were 10°, 16° and 23° based on low-profile vortex
generators to control boundary-layer separation.

1.2 Problem Statement

However, hull-fuselage of WIG can cause so much drag during flight, most especially on its
backward facing step (BFS). According to MX et al. , BFS creates a shear layer over the step
recirculation regions near to the wall and a reattachment area downstream. The sharp geometry at
the step edge causes flow separation at this location, whereas at a more distance downstream, the
flow reattaches, and a new boundary layer creates.

1.3 Objectives
This study aims :
1.3.1 To produce a small-scale 3D model of WIG Hull-Fuselage
1.3.2 To analyze the aerodynamics performance of WIG craft.
1.3.3 To measure the optimal parameters of MVG on WIG craft hull-fuselage

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1.4 Scope and Limitation

A small scale 3D model of WIG Hull-Fuselage is used due to high cost of materials to
build big scale as well as time consuming.

1.5 Summary
WIG hull-fuselage is the latest concept of designing fast moving marine craft. However,
hull-fuselage of WIG can cause so much drag during flight. Therefore, Micro Vortex Generator
(MVG) with vane type has been used as an active flow control in order to achieve the objectives.

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for Bachelor

Proposed Method:
Survey or Interview
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Malaysian Institute of Aviation Technology

The Challenges And Factors Affecting The Students Of UniKL MIAT In

Understanding Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) For Practical Purpose
1.1 Background of study
Aircraft maintenance manuals (AMMs) contain important information for the continued
airworthiness of aircraft and are crucial technical documents for assuring maintenance tasks are
carried out properly. However, because of mass text descriptions and static pictures, traditional
AMMs have limited ability to show complicated aircraft structures and maintenance procedures
accurately and intuitively.

1.1.1 Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) for Practical Purposes

Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) is often used by the students to carry out
practical session. Some practical session requires students to borrow the relevant AMM in order
to look for the suitable ATA chapter based on the task card given by the lecturers. There is also
practical session which students are provided with only the required ATA chapters to carry out
the task given.

1.1.2 Usage of AMM by UniKL MIAT students

However, at Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Institute of Aviation Technology (UniKL
MIAT), some students face difficulty in completing their task when they fail to execute the
maintenance steps and procedures correctly.
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1.2 Problem Statement

Despite the documents being issued by technical writers from the aircraft
manufacturers, misunderstanding of its content does happen. Koornneef, Verhagen, & Curran
(2017) noted that misunderstanding occur because procedures in the AMM are difficult to follow
and not easy to find while Hobbs (2019) stated that some AMM are poorly designed hence
causing lack of understanding of the manual itself.

1.3 Objectives

The research objectives are:

1.3.1 To identify the students’ level of understanding in using the aircraft maintenance manual
1.3.2 To investigate the challenges faced by students in completing practical task by referring to
aircraft maintenance manual
1.3.3 To investigate the factors that affect the students’ understanding of aircraft maintenance
manual in completing practical task

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1.4 Scope and Limitation

This study aims to investigate the challenges in using AMM and to investigate the
factors that affect the understanding of AMM among UniKL MIAT students in completing
their practical task either at the workshop, lab or hangar. The respondents will be the
students of semester 5 and 6 in UniKL MIAT from all technical courses in UniKL MIAT. The
data analysis is based on the questionnaire that will be distributed among the students.

1.5 Summary
This study is important to investigate the challenges in understanding and reading
the AMM among hands-on practitioners and to investigate the factors that affect the
understanding of AMM. The respondents of this study will be UniKL MIAT engineering degree
and diploma students who have been exposed to practical sessions using both the manuals
as references and tools to conduct the task assigned.

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Process flow

Obj 1 Method 1 Result 1 Conclusion 1

Prob Statement
Obj 2 Method 2 Result 2 Conclusion 2

Prob Statement
Obj 3 Method 3 Result 3 Conclusion 3

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• Write your Chapter 1 Introduction in simple key points
based on your topic.

• Discuss with your supervisor

• Get SV signature as approval on this exercise and

submit to your coordinator.
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All the best!

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