Past Perfect.............. Cont
Past Perfect.............. Cont
Past Perfect.............. Cont
A Work in pairs. Find out if your partner had done the following by the time he/she was fourteen. Use the past perfect
simple in your questions and answers.
• go abroad
Had you been abroad by the time you were fourteen?
• eat Japanese food
• read a book by JK Rowling
• move house
• climb a mountain Yes, I’d already been to France and China by then.
• meet your best friend
• save up for something
• sleep in a tent
• win a prize
B Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box in the past perfect simple or continuous.
C Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use a past perfect simple or continuous form in each. Try to make your
sentences as witty and original as possible!
1 Chloe felt exhausted and depressed. She
2 My granddad wasn’t wearing his glasses so didn’t realise
3 The Manchester United fans went wild because
4 When I looked in the mirror this morning, I was surprised to see that
5 Ella was too ashamed to admit that
6 Oscar was feeling a bit anxious. It was the first time
7 My parents were shocked when my brother told them
8 The students couldn’t help laughing when they heard