Let's Go 1 Student Book 3rd Edition Full

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,.,,..ii::tr, '}:

Ritsuko Nqkoto
Kqren Frozier
Bqrborq Hoskins

with songs ond chqnts by Corolyn Grohqm

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Yshls *f Can**ntn
Unit I Things for School poge 2
Unit 2 Colors ond Shopes poge I 0

Units I-2 Listen ond Review poge I 8

Let's Leorn About Numbers 0-20 poge I 9

Unit 3 At the Store poge 20

Unit t+ People ot Home poge 28

Units 3-t+ Listen ond Review poge 36

Let's Leorn About Ports of the Body poge 37

1,.!nit 5 Birthdoy ond Toys poge 38

Unit 6 Outdoors poge 46
Hi, I'm Som.
Units 5-6 Listen ond Review poge 54
Let's Leorn About Doys of the Week poge 55

Unit 7 Food poge 56

Unit 8 Animols poge 6tt

Units 7-8 Listen ond Review poge 72

Let's Leorn About Feelings poge 73

Syllobus poge 74
Teocher ond Student Cord List poge 77
Word List poge 78

Lefs Stort Lefs Leorn Lefs Leorn More

- --- l'-.,
.---i- ii H..r
Lefs Build t.lnits Review Lel's Leorn About


\MFfl \&#
f# ls*.*a*$ Lmfm Stmrr*
A. Let's tolk.
Hello. f'm Scott.
Whot's youn nome?

My nome is Kqte.

Whot's your nome?

My nome is Andy.

Whot's your nome? Whot is = Whot's

My nome is Kote. Iom=l'm

2 Unit I /Things for School

B. Let's sing. @ ru
The Hello Song
Hello, hello, hello!
Whot's your name?
Hello, hello, hello!
My nom e is Scott.
My nom e is Scott.
Hello, Scott!
Hello, Scott!
Scott I

C. Let's move.

I . stond up 2. sit down

3. moke o circle 4. moke o Iine

Let's stond up.
Unif I /Things for School 3

Ier' il Br
-@ Lsffm
rtt ks*Nrn

A. Proctice the words.

2. o pen 3. o bog {. o book

5. o desk 6. o choii 7. o ruler B. on eroser

B. Proctice the sentence.

10 It's o pencil.
It is = It's
w It's on eroser.

l+ Unit I /Things for School

C. Proctice the question ond onswer.


f";L cD

\# l' >=<
( rz 13
Whot's this? Whot is = Whot's
It's o pencil. It is = It's

Unit I /Things for School

Is this o mop?

Lmffm fum*rrx&&*rffi

A. proctice the words. @

l. o mop 3. o globe
2. o morker 4. o toble

5. o boord 7. o poster
6. o wostebosket 8. o croyon

B. Proctice the sentence.

This is o mop.

6 Unit I /Things for School

C. Proctice the question ond onswer.

Is this o mop?

No, it isn't. It's o globe.

Is this o toble?
t9 Yes, it is. is not = isn't
Is this o croyon? It is = It's
No, it isn't. It's o morker.

D. Ask ond onswer.

2. Is this o book?

Unit I /Things for School 7

fumffm &ax**d

A. Leorn the olphobet ond sing. @ ru


obcd ji ABcrlE
ni l

fi f Ehli FGHIJK

ii Imno p

ii ti LMNOP
$i qrst

$i vwxyz,i

B. Proctice.
This is my pencil.

2. 3. +.

8 Unit I /Things for School

c. Listen ond circle. @,


D. Ask your portner. @

Is this your erosen?
Yes, it is.

,N 3-u{frfiflH$llbr 5%'ff
ff Unit I /Things for School 9
A. Let's tolk.

Hi, Andy. How one you?

I'm fine. How ore you?

I'm fine. Thonk you.

How ore you?

I'm fine. Thonk you.

l0 Unit 2/Colors ond Shopes

B. Let's sing. @ ru

C. Let's move.

I . toke out your book

3. drow o picture 4. point to the poster

\#/ 2s
cD r
Pleose toke out your book.
>< Toke out your book, pleose.

Unit 2 /Colors ond Shopes I I

fumffm kmmrm

A. Proctice the words.

2. blue
3, red,

B. Proctice the sentence.

It's yellow. It is = It's
t2 Unil 2/Colors ond Shopes
C. Proctice the question ond onswer. @

It's red .

Whot colon is this?

35 Whot color is this?
It is = It's
w It's groy.

D. Listen ond circle, then sing. @ ru

whqf colonrs
Whot colon is this?
Whot colon is this? t
I fl n,1
Whot colon is fhis? ond
ry 'Y


@ ry
tri't&*w: ! l:Irt-- =:1- t i'*&*. Unit 2 /Colors ond Shopes l3
Is this o tniongle?

'eT1g" h*Tm ks*rxx&&*r*
A. Proctice the words. @

| . o triongle 3. o circle
2. o squore 4. o stor

5. o heort 7. o diomond
6. o rectongle 8. on ovol

B. Proctice the sentence. @

39 This is o triongle.
x{ This is on ovol.

lr.l Unit 2/Colors ond Shopes

C. Proctice the question ond onswer.
!.F1.,,,,,,,,fi1 IF.- ,P!rr'""':./ !f, ,,',7l|1



Is this on ovol?

Is this o heort? No, it isn't. It's q triongle.

Yes, it is.

Is this o stor?
Yes, it is.
Is this o circle?
No, it isn't. It's on ovol.

D. Answer the questaon.

Is this 2

l.r:iOSquOre? 2, r:; o circle? 3. {f purple? +. *' o stor? 5. @green?

Unit 2 /Colors ond Shopes I5

il***m ffiax**d

A. Proctice the olphobet.

opple bug circle

computer circus

B. Ask ond onswer.

Whot's this? Whot color is it?

It's o pen. It's red. It's o red pen.

Whot's this?
It's o pen.
Whot color is it?
It's red. It's o red pen.

I 6 Unil 2/ Colors ond Shopes

c. Proctice. @

D. Listen ond sing. @ ffi

*Green,*Jh:,t'*;.l;fl,Tfl White clouds, blue sky,

Block coB, yellow eyes, A Blsck cols, yellow eyes,


Red birds,.hlue sky, Bluck,cols, hlue sky,

Block cuts, yellow eyes. Yellow, yellow eyes.

Unit 2 /Colors ond Shopes I 7
t-}n*tm x"*& Ltffin mmd ffiev$&Kr

A. Listen ond circle. @


m @

M *&

r ry

W ,il@

t ,{re

l8 Units l-2 Listen ond Review

kef* hmcrn &hmr# Nunnhmm ****
A. Count to ten. @
0 2 +
zero I
two 3 5
fou r

A !e
one three five

A ry ry
ry @ TI
6 B
o t0
six 7 eight ten

i SEVEN nine
?rur ^A,AA
it A"&.A^&
* * .w

B. Count to twenty. @
il l3 l5
eleven t2 thirteen l+ fifteen

fou rteen

{'/d"t'"{ rrrr!


nar IIII XXX {,/{'rf{

IIII "/r/{,/ 'fI,TU
t6 l8 20
sixteen t7 eighleen l9 twenty
seventeen nineteen
IIII {,fd"f{
IIII XXXXX d'/,f{,/"/ 84ryryry #r#V
IIII XXXXX taaa& ddddd
XX sryary
Let's Leorn About Numbers 0-20 I 9

A. Let's totk. @ Hi, Scott. This is

my fniend, Soroh.

Hello, Soroh.

Hi, Scott.

Let's ploy!

This is my friend, Soroh.

Hello, Soroh.

20 Unit 3/At the Store

B. Let's sing. @ ru
This ls My friend
This is my friend, Soroh.
This is my friend, Scott.
Hello, Soroh!
Hi, Scott!
This is my friend, Soroh.
This is my friend, Scott.
Hello, Soroh!
Hi, Scott!

This is my friend, Soroh.

This is my friend, Scott.
Let's ploy!
,,,' i. ..., ,

C. Let's move. @

I . count Io ten 2. write the word

3. reod o book r-1. soy the olphobet

Unit 3 /At the Store 2l
{ 'e*, *

A. Proctice the words.

I . o croyon % 2. croyons tl. morkers

5. o notebook
7. o pencil cose
6. notebooks B. pencil coses

B. Proctice the sentence.

5B I ,:lq.,.itt One croyon.

22 Unit 3/Athe Store

C. Proctice the question ond qnswer. ffi

r--****** **-*-'-**--'-*"1
too 1 How mony croyons? How mony notebooks?
\-,/ 6l>=< croyon.

One ' t
I r:. 1
Thrce notebooks.

D. Listen qnd write, then sing. ffi &p

How ftf\cny?
Crayons, morkers, pencil cdeel Vencil cdsa,

Crayons, mctrksrs, pencil cdse, yenci* cdse.

% 2" crayclftso

How mdny-crayons?
- crdyons.
How mdny morkerE?
yuryle pancil cdse.

- cases? yuryle yencil C*EE.
l{ow mdny yuryle pancil
\ Unit 3 /At the Store 23
fu*ffm ilm*rm&&*rffi

A. Proctice the words. @

l.oCD 3. o video gome

2. CDs 4. video gomes

5. o cell phone 7 . o compuler

6. cell phones

B. Proctice the sentence. @

65 It's o CD. It is = It's
M They're CDs. They ore = They're

24 Unit 3/Arhe Store

C. Prqctice the question ond onswer. @
Whqt one these?
Whot's this?

They're computers.

It's o video gome.

Whot's this?
6B It's o cell phone. It is = It's
w Whot ore these?
They're video gomes.
They ore = They're

D. Ask ond onswer.

Whot is this? Whot ore these?

Unit 3 /At the Store 25

Whot color qne these?

il***m ffia**&S

A. Proctice the olphobet. @


. . :.,, :, :.:,,,,.. , 1:. ,,

diomond e9g

B. Ask ond qnswer.

Whot's this?

Whqt ore these?

They'ne pencils.
26 Unit 3/Auhe Srore
C. Ask your portner.

,r:' .l

t-:: 3,
1t{1,4.:rr &l ",&

:-i,r I ffi"
V{ r't
\$ =qr6ffi ii1!!&!#sw

' M\)
They'ne pink.
They're pink circles.

2 +I
5. ihry

I v
D. Listen ond sing. @ru
Whal's fhir?
Whot's this?
It's o blue CD.
Whot's this?
It's o red CD.
Whot ore these?
They're green CDs.
How mqny CDs?

Unit 3 /At the Store 27


A. Let's tolk. @
Hi, Mom! I'm home.

This is my friend, Scott.

ffiffi This is my mother.

It's nice to meet you, Mns. Hill.

It's nice to meet Vou, too.

It's nice lo meet you.

It is = It's
It's nice to meet you, too.

28 Unit t{/People ot Home

B. Let's sing. @ ru
The Fomily Song
This is my mother. This is my sister.
Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too. Nice to meet you,
This is my fother. This is my br.other.. ,,
Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.''.
Nice to meet you, too. Nice to meet your,

C. Let's move.


I. find my book 2. reoch the bookshelf

3. see the boord 4. heor the teocher

7B I con find my book.
M COnnOt = C0fl't
ary I con't find my book.

Unit 4 /People ot Home 29

She's my mother.

/ \e\ ,u j

A. Proctice the words.

I . grondmother 5. grondfother

2. mother

3. sister tl. boby sister 7. brother

B. Proctice the sentence.

8t She's my grondmother. She is = She's
w He's my grondfother. He is = He's

30 Unit t{/People ot Home

C. Proctice the question ond onswer. @

Who's she?
cDl Who is = Who's
B4 She's my sister.
She is = She's
w Who's he?
He's my brother.
He is = He's

Unit t-l /People ot Home 3 I

He's tqll. She's shont.

hmt*m L*mrrx&&*r*
A. Proctice the words. @
2. short 3. young tt. old

5. pretty 6. ugly 7. thin

B. Proctice the sentence.

He's toll. He is = He's

She's short. She is = She's

32 Unit t{/People ot Home

C. Proctice the question ond onswer. @,
Is she pnetty?
Is he old?

Yes, she is. No, he isn't. He's young.


cDt Is he short?
90 Yes, he is. is not = isn't
w No, he isn't. He's toll.
He is = He's

D. Listen ond circle, then sing. @W

ls He Short? ls He Toll?
Is he short? Yes No Is she rll? Yes No
Is he toll? Yes No Is she hort? Yes No
Is he young? Yes No Is she td? Yes No
Is he old? Yes No Is she oung Yes No

Isher"rrW Is she our I

ffi &,
Unit tl /People ot Home 33
My fother is
toll ond thin.

k*fs ffir**td
A. Proctice the otphobet. @
Gg Gg Ii
giroffe hot ink

% & i\

1,1 - i

house igloo

B. Listen ond number. @

Is he youn fothen?

3t{ Unit t-llPeople ot Home

C. Prqctice.

This is my sister.
She's toll qnd pretty.

I . boby brother 3. grondfother

2. fother

5. grondmother
4. mother

D. Totk obout your fomity. @,

Unit t-l /People ot Home 35

Un*trc S*4 L*ffimn ffiffiS ffiruu*&u$

A. Listen ond circle.

I 2.
r= *, B -"-"*

@ &
, T


.ffi ffifH 4H ffi

B. Listen ond number. @.

Units 3-t-l Listen ond Review

Lwffn Leam &hmL*t F*rtm mf ffhe ffimdy

A. Proctice the words. @,

Touch your nose!

B. Soy these. @,
finger fingers

AH* \
r!4!lr i
'{. , 'q

Let's Leorn About Ports of the Body 37


A. Let's tolk. @
Hoppy binthdoy, Jenny!

How old ore you?

f 'm seven yeons old.

This is for you.

,rt:i:i, t.tt'i:il
bb.- ^.F{APPY i

Thqnk you.

How old ore you?

I'm seven yeors old.

38 Unit S/Birthdoy ond Toys

B. Let's sing. @ ffif

It's your bir:thdoy todoy.

It's my birthdoy todoy.
Hoppy birthdoy, Jenny!
One, two, three,four, five, six,
Seven yeors old!

C. Let's move. *--t

s a'{

o-r, -fig \

I.rideobicycle 2. fly o kite

3. jump rope tl. ploy with o yo-yo

(ooI cD2
07 Whot con you do?
\1 >s<
I con ride o bicycle.

Unit 5 /Birthdoy ond Toys 39

il*ffx il**rrx
A. Proctice the words. @

2. o boll
;w !& ...''--
4. o doll

I . o yo-yo
t'f \i-
K v S.OKrIe 5. o cor

; .jr
6. o robot B. o jump rope 10. o bot

7. o bicycle 9. o puzzle

B. Proctice the sentence. @

It's o yo-yo. It is = It's

t+0 Unit 5/Birthdoy ond Toys

C. Proctice the question ond onswer. @
Whot is it? Whot is it?

It's o doll.
I don't know.

/A\ cD2 Whot is it?

\1 ]
I rz 13
>-< It's o doll. do not = don't
w I don't know.

D. Guess.
Whot is it?

Unit 5 /Birthdoy ond Toys q I

fusff* fummrxx&&*rs
A. Proctice the words. @

l. little 3. new

2. big tl. old

6. short B. squore

5. long 7. round

B. Proctice the sentence. @

It is = It's

q2 Unit 5/Birthdoy ond Toys

Is it o round yo-yo? l i
CD2 ' r'.1
,, l,il.rl.;,,,i Yes, it is.
I \,
i"9 It=isn't
= isn't Ili j

\ ," , .: i
I is not

=lf's I ;

Is it o new doll? It is = It's
,,,,,,,1 No, it isn't. It's on old doll. i
',"*"..".*,..=:,! $
rr,.:,. r:l { .s
'.r.i.. . .d$
},ti+1ii1*+*S{ifr i r'

D. Listen ond sing. @ #e

tumffm ffin**td

A. Proctice the olphobet. @

Jj KK Mm
juice mop
S .e*+
x, ffiffi ',#,'r
'l-"'-'e,i.:. ...... .
jump rope kongoroo lemon
moTner G

B. Ask your portner. @'

Whot is it? Is it o triongle?

I don't know. No, it isn't.

Is it round? Is it o stor?

No, it isn't.

w Yes, it is.

Unit 5/Birthdoy ond Toys

C. Ask ond onswer.
Whot ore these? Are they pencils?

I don't know. No, they oren't.

Ane they blue? Are they pens?

No, they oren't. Yes, they ore.

D. Listen ond number.

Unit 5 /Birthdoy ond Toys q5

A. Let's tolk. @
How's the weother?

l. sunny 2. roiny 3. windy 4. cloudy

How's the weother? How is = How's

It's sunny. It is = It's

Ll6 Unit 6/Outdoors

r**\ a

B. Let's sing. U# ,6W;,


c. Let's move. e$i

l. throw o boll 2. cotch o boll

3. hit o boll 4. kick o boll

,i co2 \ cD2 r Con you threw c bcil?

i29l 30
,r, Yes, Icon. connot = cofl't
W :

,, No, Icon't.

Unit 6 /Outdoors 47
rGrr)}:, U
i r
{ \nl_l
tSffS hs*fryt
A. Proctice the words.

L o flower 2. flowers 3. o tree 4. tr 'ees
w wwry
6. clouds 7. o puddle B.o dles

B. Proctice the sentence.

cD2 There is = There's

33 There's one flower.
ffi There ore four trees.
o flower = ooe flower

C. Let's count.
There is There ore

Unit 6/Outdoors
D. Proctice the question ond onswer. @

Thene is one puddle.

How mony kites ore there?

/ cD2 \ cD2
There is one kite.
\3s/ 36
How mony trees ore there?
There ore eight trees.

Unit 6 /Outdoors '+9

Where's the bug?

ileffx L*mrrx&&mr*
A. Proctice the words. @
l. in 3. under ,t. by

B. Proctice the sentence.

I . The bug is in the bog. 2. The bug is on the bog.

3. The bugs ore under the bog. 4. The bugs ore by the bog.

/aF. cD2

\-/ ) \<
(gg 40 The bug is in the bog.
W The bugs ore in the bog.

50 Unil 6/Outdoors
C. Prqctice the question ond onswer.
Where's the bot?

It's on the toble.

Where ore the books?

They're under the toble.

cD2 Where is = Where's

They ore = They're

D. Listen ond sing. @ ffi

Wkmm.m ffiwm &km ffi*ffiffi?
Where ore the bugs? Where's the tree?
They're on the flowers. It's in the puddle.
M/here are the flowers? Where's the puddle?
They're by the tree. It's under the tree.

Unit 6 /Outdoors 5l
Lmffs ffiux*td

A. Proctice the otphobet. @

Nn Oo Pp Qq
nut octopus pencil queen
*@ /.'., cQQr-
67 ,r,'.:f.|*ir;?l ffi* ..--ffi:h^

w$' W
$-d*ff . .
#t fi&r;i-

notebook picture qu estion

B. Ask your pqrtner. @

#t* ds&

Unit 6/Outdoors
C. Ask ond onswer.
Are there bots in the bog?
Yes, there ore. No, there oren't.

D. Listen ond circle.


Unit 6 /Outdoors 53
Units 5*6 Listen snd Review
A. Listen ond circle. @

ffiru@& ffi @ @
w .:i]r,],j&

9w W &:w

ffi ffi+.
ffifi. &
,ct^).* wffiL
(, @t
{r'- -l I
,) .l
(< 1
wffitl \-J
ffiryffi ryryryry
WTfrxel T#H.
{r', {
ffi ',.'jj]M

,q&xtr wffi

5t{ Units 5-6 Listen ond Review

Lmffm Lwmnx &-hmffi ffiwYm m$&w Wr k
A. Ask ond onswer. @

B. Proctice.
A. Let's tolk. @
I'm hungny.
I wont on qpple.

I'm thinsty. I wont juice.

Here you ore.

Thqnk you.

You're welcome.

Here you ore.

Thonk you. You ole = You're
You're welcome.

56 Unit 7/Food
B. Let's sing. @ ru

C. Let's move.

L wosh my honds 2. eol breod

3. drink milk 4. brush my teeth

/A cD2
I\4ss): s6
I wosh my honds every doy.
Unit 7 /Food 57
Whqt do you wqnt?

Let's Lesrn
A. Proctice the words.

I . on oronge 3. o sodo
2. o bonono tl. o milkshoke

5. o cookie 7. on egg
6. o sondwich B. o solod

B. Proctice the sentence. @

59 I wont o bonono.
w I wont on oronge.

58 UnitT/Food
C. Proctice the question ond onswer. @

Whot do you wont?

I wont o sondwich.

D. Listen qnd circte, then sing. ffi


# ilr"*"*4'€w Whgf ffiw Yww Wffimff?ffi

Whot do you wont? Whot do you wont?

Whot do you wont?
Whor do you wont?
a @M' @a rwont

%ry #A* #"-6 Ww ffi#ffiwffi * Unir T,Food se

Do you wqnt chicken?

kmffm fusmrrt&**r#

A. proctice the words. @

3. pizzo

2. fish tl. breod

7. coke

6. milk 8. ice creom

B. Proctice the sentence.

66 I wont chicken.
do not = don't
w I don't wont fish.

60 UnitT/Food
C. Proctice the question qnd onswer.

Do you wont breod?

Do you wont bneod?

Yes, I do. No, I don't. I wont rice.

69 Do you wont coke? Do you wont rice?
Yes, I do. No, I don't. I wont milk.

D. Ask your portner.

Do you wont fish?

Yes, I do.
No, I don't.

Unit 7 /Food 6l
No, Idon't. Iwont
o big, ned kite.

, Lefs Build
A. Proctice the olphobet.
Rr Ss Tt Uu
SUN towel umbrello
T.fl? l}

eopot umpi

B. Listen ond circle.

62 UnitT/Food
C. Ask your portner. Use the words.

l. big 3. pretty 5. 1 don't know.

2. thin 4. little

tu6 w @
D. Ask ond onswer. Use the words. @

Do you wont o No, Idon't. Iwont

yellow bicycle? on oronge bicycle.

l.big/little 2. old / new

r T-1,
{"'& "'r

3. green / blue tl. Iittle / big

,n,.j\ ,-

Unit 7 /Food 63
t mfm$tmrt
-/ fr!

A. Let's tolk.

Whot's youn fovonite color?

Red. Whot obout you?

I like blue.

Whot's your fovorite color?

Red. Whot is = Whot's
I like blue.

6tf Unit 8/Animols

B. Let's sing. @ ru
Whst's Your Fovorite Calor?
Whot's your f ovorite color, Ron?
My fovorite color is red.
Whot's your fovorite color, Pom?
My fovorite color is pink.
Whot's your fovorite color, Gus?
My fovo rite color is green.
Whot obout you? Whot obout yo

C. Let's move.

L wolk the dog 2. feed the turtle

3. brush the horse 4. pet the cot

ffi I wolk the dog every doy.
do not = don't
I don't wolk the dog every doy.

Unit 8 /Animols 65
I like dogs.

Leff* fu**rm
A. Proctice the words. @
l. o dog 2. dogs 3. o cot tl. cots


5. o bird 6. birds 7. o robbit B. robbits


9. o turtle 10. turtles ll.ofrog 12. frogs

B. Proctice the sentence.

66 Unit 8/Animols
C. Proctice the question ond onswer.
Whot do you Iike?
,i* w
-:i \ ,..

i*,i ],r1"...,-

I like frogs.

/A\ cD2
Ie+] 8s
\J >=< Whot do you like?
w I like frogs.

D. Ask ond onswer.

Whot do you like?

M w @sw

Your portner

Unit 8 /Animols 67
fu#t Lemrm$t&*rrffi

A. Proctice the words. @

I . o monkey 2. monkeys 3. o lion 4. lions


5. o tiger 6. tigers 7. o beor 8. beors

9. o giroffle giroffes ll.onelephont 12. elephonts

B. Proctice the sentence.

68 Unit 8/Animols
r{ ;}
*fj At*A \ ,,'-*,.
{fr t^

No, tr d on't.

Do You llke -' :ri'i ri '1'l'';1:


o1 Yes I do.
I \rvr, i vi\/r, l

' do not = don'i

Do you like ,.1 , ,
R lrt

No, i don't.
ileffx ffiw**d
A. Proctice the olphobet. @
Vv Ww Xx Yy
VOCUUM woter yo-yo

von yorn zebro

B. Ask your portner. @

-* ri&F I


70 Unit 8/Animols t

C. Ask ond onswer.
Whot do you like?

Whot do you wont?

I Iike frogs. I wont o frog.

D. Listen ond sing. @ ru

I Like Turtles
I like turtles.
Whcrt obout you?
I like turtles, too.
I like turtles.
I wqnt cr turtle.
I wqnt q turtle, too.

UnitS/Animols 7l
Unif-t ?*& L*ffin *nd ftmv*&urr

A. Listen ond circle. @


q W ffi w


##ffiF %w

ffiw tu&6W


LWm kmwrrx &kmnxf Fmlings

A. Ask ond onswer.

Yes, I om.

No, f'm not.

l. hoppy 3. ongry

4. tired 5. sick 6. scored


B. Soy these .@
2. lhirsty 3. hot tl. cold

ffi Let's Leorn About Feelings 73

Leffx ffis X Syl*mbus
Unit 1 Things fon School
Lefs Stonf Lefs Leorn l-efls Lesrn fL&one Le'f,s Build
Hello, I'm Scott. It's o pencil. This is o globe. Is this your
Whot's your nome? eroser? Yes, it is.
My nome is Kote. Whot's this? Is this o globe? No, it isn't.
Introducing yourself It's o pencil. Yes, it is. No, it isn't. Clorifying possession
Asking someone's nome Identifying objects Asking obout objects
Let's stond up.
Suggesting on octivity

Unit 2 Colors ond Shspes

[efs Stort tefs Leorn Leffs l-esrrr $lAore Lefs BuiNd
Hi, Andy. How ore you? It's yellow. This is on ovol. Whot's this?
I'm fine. How ore you? It's o pen.
I'm fine. Thonk you. Whol color is this? Is this o triongle? Whot color is it?
Greetings It's green. Yes, it is. It's o red pen.
It's red ond blue. No, it isn't. It's o stor. Describing objects
Pleose toke oul your Colors, identifying Shopes, identifying shopes with color ond shope
book. colors

Units tr*Z Llsten ond Review Le{"s Leqrn About Fdumbers 0-20

Unit 3 At the Store

Le{'s Sfexrt Lefs Leam Lefs Leorm &flore Lefs Build
This is my friend, Soroh. I croyon, l0 croyons. They're CDs. Whot color ore
Hello, Soroh. these? They're pink
Hi. Let's ploy! How mony croyons? Whot's this? They're pink pencils.
Introducing olhers I 0 croyons. It's o CD.
Whot ore these? Identifyi ng cho rocter-
I con count to ten. Asking obout numbers They're CDs. istics of objects
Describing obilities Controsting singulor
Identifying objects ond plurol
(singulor ond plurol)

74 Let's Go I /Syllobus
Unit 4 Peopte of Home
Lefs Storf Lel"s Lesrn Lefs Leorn More Lefs Build
Hi, Mom! I'm home. She's my grondmother. He's toll. This is my sister.
This is my friend, John. He's my grondfother. She's toll ond pretty.
This is my mother. Is he short? My sister is toll ond
It's nice to meet you. Who's she? Yes, he is. pretty.
Introducing fomily members She's my grondmother. No, he isn't. He's toll. Asking obout ond
Identifying ond osking Descirbing people describing fomily
I con't find my book. obout people members
Describing obilities

Units 3-4 Listen ond Review Lefs Leorn About Ports of t{re Body
Touch your nose!

Unit 5 Birthdoy ond Toys

Lefs Stort Lefs Leorn Lefs Lesrn More Lefs Build
Hoppy birthdoy, Jenny! It's o yo-yo. It's little. It's o little box. Whot is it? Whot ore
How old ore you? these? I don't know.
I'm seven yeors old. Whot is it? Is it little? Are they pencils?
Birthdoy greetings It's o yo-yo. Yes, it is. Are they blue? No,
Asking ond telling oge No, it isn't. It's big. ihey oren't. Are they
This is for you. Identifying objects Describing objects pens? Yes, they ore.
Thonk you. Guessing Guessing bosed
Giving gifts on size, shope,
Whot con you do? ond color
I con ride o bicycle.
Asking obout obililies

Unit 6 Outdoors
Lefs Stort l-efs Leorn Lefs Leorn More Lefs Build
How's the weother? There is one flower. The bug is in the desk. Are lhere bots
It's sunny There ore four trees. The bugs ore on the in the bog?
Asking obout ond desk. Yes, there ore.
describing weother How mony puddles Identifying objects
Con you throw o boll? ore there? Where's the kite? in o locotion
Yes, I con. No, I con't. There is one puddle. It's in ihe lree. There is one doll in
Asking obout obility How mony flowers the bog.
ore there? Where ore the books? Counting objects in
There ore three They're under the toble. o locotion
flowers. Asking obout o locotion
Counting Specifying locotion
Describing o situotion

Let's Go I Syllobus 75
Lmfm ffis I Syl*robum
Units 5-6 Listen qnd Review Lefs Leorn About Days of ltre Week
Whot doy is it todoy?
Todoy is Mondoy

Unit 7 Food
Lefs Stort Lefs Lesrn Lel's Leorn More Lefs Build
I'm hungry. I woni on Whot do you wont? I wont chicken. Do you wont o big
opple. I wont on oronge. I don'l wont fish. robot? No, I don't.
Expressing hunger Asking whot someone I wont o new
ond thirst wonts Do you wont chicken? computer.
Here you ore. Yes, I do. No, I don't. Expressing wonts
Thonk you. Expressing wonts with descriptive
You're welcome. odjectives
Giving ond receiving
I wosh my honds
every doy.
Describing everydoy

Unit I Animcrls
Lefs Storf Lefs Leorn Lefls N-eorn lVlore Lefs Build
Whot's your fovorite I like dogs. Do you like lions? Whot do you like?
color? Yes, I do. No, I don't. I like sondwiches.
Red. Whot obout you? Whol do you like? Whot do you wont?
I like blue. I like frogs. I like monkeys. I wont o sondwich.
Asking obout fovorites Asking obout likes I don't like tigers. Controsting wonts
I don't wolk the dog Asking ond telling obout ond likes
every doy. likes ond dislikes
Describing everydoy

Units 7-8 Listen ond Review Lefs Leorn About Feelings

Are you hoppy?
Yes, I om. No, I'm not.

76 Let's Go I Syllobus
?mqqk*mr mn$ Studmnt Cmrd k$mt kevmt &ne
I stond up I{8 opple 97 diomond I 45 knee l9$ on 242 pel the cot
2 sit down t-|9 box 98 elephont l$6 ride o bicycle I 95 under 2t-|3 brush the
3 moke o circle 50 bug 99 egg It{7 fly o kite 196 by horse
r-l moke o line 5l cot 100 five It{8 jump rope I97 nut 2r-lr{ o dog
5 o pencil 52 compuler l0l fish I L{9 ploy with o I 98 notebook 2t15 dogs
6 open 53 circle I02 find my book yo-yo I 99 octopus 2tl6 o cot
7 obog 5tl circus I 03 reoch lhe I 50 o yo-yo 200 omelet 247 cots
8 o book 55 zero bookshelf l5l oboll 20 I pencil 2tt8 o bird
9 o desk 56 one I Otl see the boord 152 o kite 202 piclure 2$9 birds
| 0 o choir 57 two I 05 heor the 153 o doll 203 queen 250 o robbit
I I o ruler 58 three teocher l5r-l o cor 20t1 question 251 robbils
I 2on eroser 59 four 106 grondmother I 55 o robot 205 Sundoy 252 o turtle
13 o mop 60 five 107 mother I56 o bicycle 206 Mondoy 253 turtles
ir-{ o morker 6l six 108 sister I 57 o jump rope 207 Tuesdoy 25{ o frog
l5 o globe 62 seven I09 boby sister I 58 o puzzle 208 Wednesdoy 255 frogs
| 6 o toble 63 eight I I 0 grondfother 159 obot 209 Thursdoy 256 o monkey
|7 o boord 64 nine I
I I fother I 60 little 2 I 0 Fridoy 257 monkeys
|8 o wostebosket 65 ten I I 2 brother l6l big I
2 I Soturdoy 258 o lion
|9 o poster 66 eleven I l3 toll I 62 new 212 wosh my 259 lions
20 o croyon 67 twelve I I4 short 163 old honds 260 o tiger
2 I fine 68 thirteen I I5 young l6H long 213 eotbreod 261 tigers
22 greol 69 fourteen I l6 old I 65 short 2 I t] drink milk 262 obeor
23 0K 70 fifteen I l7 pretty I 66 round 215 brushmy 263 beors
2tl toke out your 7l sixteen I l8 ugly I 67 squore teeth 264 o giroffe
book 72 seventeen I I9 fol 168 jump rope 216 onoronge 265 giroffes
25 put owoy your 73 eighteen 120 thin I69 juice 217 a bonono 266 on elephonl
book 7tl nineteen l2l girl I 70
kongoroo 218 osodo 267 elephonts
26 drow o picture 75 twenty I 22
gorden l7l kite 219 omilkshoke 268 vocuum
27 point to the 76 count to ten 123 giroffe 172 lemon 220 o cookie 269 von
poster 77 write the word l2t{ giont I 73 lion 221 osondwich 270 woter
28 yellow 78 reod o book I 25 hot lTLt mop 222 onegg 271 wig
29 blue 79 soy the olpho- I 26 house 175 mother 223 o solod 272 box
30 red bet 127 igloo I 76 sunny 22$ chicken 273 fox
3 | green 80 o croyon 128 ink 177 roiny 225 fish 274 yorn
32 oronge I I croyons 129 eye I78 windy 226 pizzo 275 yo-yo
33 purple 82 o morker I 30 nose 179 cloudy 227 breod 276 zebro
3t1 pink 83 morkers l3l mouth I 80 snowy 228 rice 277 zoo
35 brown 8{ o notebook I 32 eor I 8l throw o boll 229 milk 278 hoppy
36 block 85 notebooks 133 finger 182 cotch o boll 230 coke 279 sod
37 white 86 o pencilcose l3t{ fingers I 83
hit o boll 23 I ice creom 280 ongry
38 groy 87 pencil coses I 35 hond I 84
kick o boll 232 rockel 281 tired
39 o triongle 88 oCD 136 toe 185 o flower 233 roinbow 282 sick
{0 o squore 89 CDs 137 toes 186 flowers 23t{ socks 283 scored
tl o circle 90 o video gome I38 foot I 87 o lree 235 sun 28tl hungry
L{2 o stor 9l vldeo gomes I 39 feet I 88 lrees 236 teopot 285 thirsty
{3 o heort 92 o cell phone I t-10 heod I 89 o cloud 237 lowel 286 hol
{{ o rectongle 93 cell phones I t-l I shoulder I 90 clouds 238 umbrello 287 cold
Ll5 on ovol 94 o computer lr-12 orm l9l opuddle 239 umpire
{6 o diomond 95 computers 143 elbow | 92 puddles 2t10 wolk the dog
$7 ont 96 dog I r1r{ leg 193 in 2tl I feed the turtle

Teocher Cord/Student Cord List 77

Werd L*s?
A D H Mondoy 55 reodobook 2l lo 28
monkey 68 rectongle lr+ todoy 39
o t-l
doy 55 hond 37
obout 6tl
mother 30 red 12 toe 37
desk t-l hoppy 73 mouth 37 rice 60
olphobet I too 28
diomond lt{ hot 3t1 Mrs. 28 ride o bicycle 39 touch 37
om2 do 59 he 30 Much 57 robot tlo towel 62
on I5 dog 66 heod 37 mY2 rocket 62 tree t{8
ond l3 doll t]0 heor the teocher 29
rope 39 triongle l4
ongry 73 drowopicture ll heort lt{ round $2 Tuesdoy 55
ont l6 drink milk 57 hello 2 N
ruler tl turtle 66
opple l6 here 56 nome 2 twelve l9
ore l0 hi 20 new {2
5 twenty l9
orm 37 hit o boll r-17 nice 28
eor 37 two I9
home 28 nine l9 sod 73
eot breod 57 hot 73 nineteen l9
B solod 58
egg 58 house 3t{ nose 37 sondwich 58 U
boby sister 30 eight l9 how l0 not 7 Soturdoy 55 ugly 32
bog t{ eighteen l9 hungry 73 notebook 22 soy the olphobet 2 I umbrello 62
boll {0 elbow 37 nut 52 scored 73 umpire 62
bonono 58 elephont 68
bot l10 eleven l9 I see the boord 29 under 50
beor 68 eroser I{ l2 o seven I 9
bicycle t10 eye 37 ice creom 60 octopus 52
seventeen I 9
she 30
big t{2 igloo 34 oKil vocuum 70
short 32
bird 68 F in 50 old 32 von 70
shoulder 37
birthdoy 38 ink 34 omelet 52 very 57
fomily 28 sick 73
block l2 is2 on 50 sister 30 video gome 2t1
blue l2 fol 32 ir+ one l9
fother 30 sit down 3
boord 6 oronge I 2, 58
fovorite six l9 W
book t{ ovol lt{
feed the turtle 65 J sixteen I9
box 16
sky l7 wolk the dog 65
breod 60 feet 37 juice 4{ wont 56
fifteen l9 jump rope tlO P snowy +6
brother 30 wosh my honds 57
find my book 29 jump 39 pen t{ socks 62
brown l2 wostebosket 6
fine I pencil t{ sodo 58
brush my teeth 57 I
woter 70
finger 37 pencil cose 22
squore lr+
brush the horse 65 K weother H6
fish 26, 60 stond up 3
bug l6 pet the cot 65 Wednesdoy 55
five l9 kongoroo 4tl picture 52 stor lL+
by 50 Welcome 56
flower {8 kick o boll t{7 pink l2 sun 62
Sundoy 55
whot 2
fly o kite 39 kite 40 pizzo 60
c foot 37 knee 37 ploy with o yo-yo 39 Sunny r+6
where 5l
white l2
coke 60 for 38 know tl pleose I I who 3l ?

con 2l four I9 point to the poster I I T wig 70

connot 29 fourteen I 9 L poster 6 windy H6
toble 6
cor t{0 fox 70 pretty 32
cot 66 leg 37 toke oul your book I I write the word 2l
friends 20 puddle t{8
cotch o boll t{7 let's loll 32
Fridoy 55 purple l2
lemon tlt-l teopot 62 Y
CD 2+ frog 66 put owoy your book
like 6t1 ten l9
cell phone 2tl
lion 68 ll thonk I 0 yorn 70
choir { {., liille puzzle t10
the ll yeor 38
chicken 60 +2
yellow l2
circle gorden 3tl long t{2 there t{8
lr-l young 32
circus l6 giont 34 0 these 25
they 2|1
your 2
cloud {8 giroffe 68 M queen 52 yo-yo tlO
cloudy {6 girl 3t{ question 52 thin 32
globe 6 moke o circle 3 thirsty 73
cold 73
color l3 grondfother 30 moke o line 3 ihlrteen l9 z
grondmother 30 mony 23 R this 5
computer 2r+ zebro 70
gross I 7 mop 6 robbit 66 three I 9
cookie 58 zero 19
groy 12 morker 6 roinbow 62 throw o boll I+7
count to ten 2 I zoo 70
greot I meet 28 roiny {6 Thursdoy 55
croyon 6 I
milk 60
green I 2 reoch the bookshelf tiger 68
milkshoke 58 29 tired 73
Mom 28

78 Word List
Neu, !rr..
orourb:Y !$*ion

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