Grammar Homework 1
Grammar Homework 1
Grammar Homework 1
8. Jono never ________ out at nights. 15. A: There _____ traffic jam on the bridge.
A) go B: No problem. I am taking the ferry
B) doesn't go today.
C) goes A) are
D) don't go B) was
C) is
D) were
16. There _____ any students on the campus 23. Victor _____ some bad news from Ted
yesterday because they were away for a yesterday and_____ sad.
holiday. A) is hearing / is becoming
A) was B) hears / becomes
B) weren't C) heard / became
C) wasn't D) can hear / become
D) were
24. _____ she _____ your books back last
17. There _____ a lot of roses in her garden week?
because she likes growing them. A) Can / bring
A) is B) Did / bring
B) was C) Does / bring
C) were D) Is / bringing
D) are
25. They often _____ questions in meetings.
18. I _____ in Germany last month and the They just make presentations.
people at the hotel _____ very friendly. A) didn't answer
A) were / were B) don't answer
B) am / are C) aren't answering
C) was / were D) can answer
D) was / was
26. I _____ my house last week, but it _____
19. There _____ few trees on that mountain dirty again now.
five years ago, but now there _____ many. A) cleaned / is
A) was / is B) clean / was
B) were / are C) am cleaning / is
C) are / is D) cleaned / was
D) were / were
20. _____ dinner ready? I _____ so hungry 27. A: When _____ your clients sign the
right now. document?
A) Are / am B: Four days ago.
B) Were / was A) was
C) Is / am B) were
D) Was / was C) did
D) are
21. Daniel and I ________sick yesterday, but
we _______very well at the moment. 28. Sugiyono _____ up in the morning and
A) were / are _____ his best clothes because that day was
B) are / were important for him.
C) was / are A) is waking / is wearing
D) am / was B) woke / wore
C) wakes / wears
22. A: We _______ to the city museum three D) can wake / wore
days ago. 29. Are there many trees near the house?
A) can go A) There’s one.
B) went B) Are four.
C) go C) There five.
D) are going D) Three of trees.
30. _____ a very good film on TV tonight. We 37. Jessica and ________ husband are on
can watch it together. Do you have _____ free holiday in Paris.
time? A) his
A) There is / any B) our
B) Are there / no C) her
C) Is there / a few D) their
D) There isn't / some
38. A: Who is that?
31. Would you like _____ ice cream with your B: She's ________ girlfriend. ________
dessert? name is Amanda.
A) a A) your / Our
B) no B) your / Your
C) some C) my / His
D) a few D) my / Her
32. A: There are _____ apples in the fridge. I 39. ________ neighbours are on holiday in
can make an apple pie. Bali and________ flat is empty now.
B: Yes, but we don’t have_____ flour. Let's A) My / my
buy some. B) My / your
A) any / a little C) Our / our
B) some / any D) Our / their
C) no / any 40.What_________at 11.30 yesterday?
D) a few / no A) were you doing
33. _____ there _____ mistakes in my essay? B) was you doing
A) Are / any C)you were doing
B) Is / some D)you was doing
C) Are / some
D) Is / a 41.Jack was reading a book when his
34. A: Can I have ______ coffee? A) ringing
B: Sure. Would you like ______ milk in it? B)ring
A) no / no C) rang
B) any / no D) was ringing
C) some / some
D) a few / a few 42.I saw Lucy and Steve this morning.
They______at the bus stop.
35. Tony is looking at ________ . A)waiting
A) she B) waited
B) he C) were waiting
C) her D) was waiting
D) here