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Control Systems and Optimization Letters, Vol. 1, No.

1, 2023
ISSN: 2985-6116, DOI: 10.59247/csol.v1i1.6 27

DC Motor Rotary Speed Control with Arduino

UNO Based PID Control
Rikwan 1, Alfian Ma'arif 2,*
1, 2
Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: 1 Rikwanudding007@gmail.com, 2 alfianmaarif@ee.uad.ac.id
*Corresponding Author

Abstract— Along with the development of the times, DC popularity of PID controllers results from their good
motors are often used in industrial equipment or household performance over a wide range of conditions due to the
appliances, but in DC motors they often experience a decrease simplicity of the PID, which allows engineers to operate them
due to the given load, it requires a controller. This research uses directly. To implement the PID controller, three parameters
PID (Proportional Derivative) controller. In this study, the DC
motor can be controlled despite the load using the trial and error
must be set in the controlled process which include
method. This study uses Arduino UNO software for testing proportional gain, integral gain, and derivative gain
using parameters 𝑲𝒑 = 𝟏. 𝟓, 𝑲𝒊 = 𝟎. 𝟖𝟕, 𝑲𝒅 = 𝟎. 𝟐𝟕, [6][7][14].
parameter y is the parameter value 𝑲𝒑, 𝑲𝒊, 𝑲𝒅 obtained from Today, the tech world often uses Differential Integral
the system response according to the software used. the value of Proportional (PID) control as a feedback controller. Because
rise time = 0.9925 Tested, Time = 2.7368, Overshoot = 1.3333 it is tested to be able to share control performance well, can
and Steady State Error = 0 speed up system reactions, and eliminate offsets, although it
has a simple but easy-to-understand algorithm [8][15].
Keywords— DC Motors; Arduino UNO PID (Proportional In the study, the speed of DC motors is often abnormal
Integral Derivative).
due to external constraints or changes in parameters from the
I. INTRODUCTION fabrication, so it is necessary to try the controller design. The
controller designed using PID consists of 3 types of settings
In today's era, the need for motors that have great combined, namely the P (Proportional), I (Integral), and D
efficiency, large torque, large and variable speeds, and (Derivative) controls. Switching to the PID control set on the
relatively low maintenance budgets continues to grow. keypad and the best time (Time Sampling) obtained to obtain
However, the motors that are universally produced at this stability from the coveted DC motor speed ATMega328
time, are DC motors and induction motors, so these needs Microcontroller [6][16].
have not been met. In DC motors, the motor drive uses DC This study explains the adjustment of a single-phase
voltage on the rotor [1]. induction motor in this study utilizing a Proportional Integral
But on the other hand, DC motors require large Derivative (PID) controller to adjust the motor speed to
maintenance costs. Large maintenance costs arise because maintain a constant speed along with load changes. This
DC motors use brushes for commutation. The brush quickly speed setting is controlled by PWM pulses to obtain a
faces destruction because when the motor turns around, on frequency corresponding to the reference speed. In this
the brush, arching will arise on the brush due to the study, no-load testing obtained motor rise time will
commutation process. Induction motors require lower accelerate at smaller reference speeds [9][17].
maintenance costs and have greater speed than DC motors In this study, it was focused on determining the value
[2][3]. of PID control parameters that worked optimally using the
With the development of technology, various manual trial error tuning method using Aspen Hysis V8,6.
microcontrollers have become widespread in the market Research was conducted to determine whether PID control
today. Starting from the cost, limitations on expertise or could work optimally in stabilizing errors if given
memory types as well as other facilities provided from the disturbances in temperatures that had been set in the
manufacturer that are easy and suitable to apply as desired. reactants [10][18] .
The use of microcontrollers in the process of control or In this study, we will design a DC motor control model
automatic control has benefited many areas in terms of using several kinds of controls, namely PID control tuned
efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness, as well as in terms of with autotuning Matlab, PID led with Ant Colony
accuracy, reliability, and speed of the creation process can Optimization (ACO) to control speed [11][19].
continue to grow [4][3]. This study uses a PID control system using a feedback
DC motor is one of the easy-to-apply motors. This encoder as feedback based on microcontroller Arduino
convenience makes DC motors often used in all kinds of UNO and its application to a no-load DC motor by using
purposes, including industrial equipment or household visual studio application as an interface that functions to
appliances. However, in its application, the speed of the DC input set point values in PID parameters and present data in
motor often occurs due to a load so that the speed is unstable graphs in real time [12][20].
PID (Proportional–Integral– Derivative) controllers are
universal controllers used in various industrial processes. The

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Control Systems and Optimization Letters, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2023 28

II. METHODS integral-derivative controller, the result of the PID controller

The design of this system is carried out with two stages of is the angular velocity of the DC motor.
design, namely hardware design and software design. PID control results in addition to the rotation results on
Hardware design required block diagrams, circuit diagrams, the DC motor, this study also displays the PID control results
and tool designs. The design of the software contains a flow through a graph displayed by the serial monitor, data from the
chart of the method used. serial monitor will later be processed to in the application
In this study, a process of identifying problems in the DC MATLAB will be used to calculate the results of the PID
motor was carried out, where the rotation of the DC motor controller so that the values of the PID control parameters are
needs to be controlled at speed in accordance with the obtained, such as the calculation of risetime, settling time,
function and use of the motor. The factors that are considered overshoot, undershoot and its peak value. Hardware design
in this study are motor speed control and calculation of begins with creating a wiring diagram of the components
controlling values. To get optimal results, a study was carried used and continues with hardware assembly. Assembly is n
out and subsequently the appropriate hardware was made and the process of connecting the wiring of all t-gauge so that the
the manufacture of software to operate the system from the reading of the value of the driver motor and the rotation of
driver motor and DC motor. After that, tool testing is carried the DC motor is obtained. The wiring diagram of the entire
out to obtain data to be processed and compared with system can be seen in Fig. 3.
previous studies. The research flow chart of the automatic
feeding system can be seen in Fig. 1.

Fig. 3. Wiring diagram

Fig. 1. Research Flowchart
Fig. 3 is the wiring circuit of this system, all components
A. Hardware Design are connected by the Arduino UNO with a power supply
The hardware design of this dc motor's angular velocity coming from a 12 Volt adapter. The motor driver and DC
control system rests on the Arduino Uno controller which motor are directly connected with the Arduino pins. The pins
controls all sensors and actuators. The hardware design used on the Arduino UNO can be seen in Table I.
block diagram can be seen in Fig. 2.
No. Pi Information
1 + Driver + Driver to motor Encoder +
2 - Driver - Driver to Motor Encoder -
3 GND GND Arduino to GND Encoder
4 D3 Battery D3 to Battery Encoder Chanel B motor DC
5 D2 Pin D3 to pin Encoder Chanel A motor DC
6 3,3 VCC 3,3 Volt Encoder
7 5 VCC Motor Driver 5 Volt
8 GND Ground Motor Driver & Ground Encoder
9 Wire VCC 12 Volt Motor Driver
Fig. 2. System design block diagram
B. 3D Design
The design of this DC motor angular velocity control Mechanical manufacturing in this system begins with
system uses an Arduino UNO microcontroller to regulate a 3D creation to get an estimate of the size of the hardware.
DC motor that has an encoder in it, Arduino will send a The design includes the entire mechanics of the DC motor
voltage signal to the driver motor to be subsequently speed system in the form of a black plastic box, this system
discharged to the DC motor according to the voltage will have two boxes, of which the first box contains a DC
calculation results of the PID controller. The voltage value in motor, the second box will contain arduino UNO and a
the DC motor is influenced by the PID controller, depending driver motor. The two boxes at the top will be pinned to be
on the setpoint value and the value of each Proportional- paired with a jack tire, later this system will be uninstalled,

Rikwan, Control Speed Rotary Motor DC with Control PID Based Arduino UNO
Control Systems and Optimization Letters, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2023 29

so that users can easily understand and use this system. The
two boxes will later be connected to each other with a cable
through the jack hole at the top of the box. The 3D design of
the overall system can be seen in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. 3D Design

Fig. 4 is a 3D design of the control box of the DC motor

rotary speed control system. The frame-shaped system is
made of plastic boxes and arranged in such a way following
a 3D design. A more detailed explanation can be seen in
Table II.


No Component Information
1 Arduino As a system control center
2 Engine Drive As a link between arduino and DC motor
(L298N) Fig. 5. System flow chart
3 PG28 As an Object of Research on Speed Control
4 Banana Jack As a place for connections between cables and III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
between boxes
5 Adapt Jack System Power Supply from USB A. DC Motor Testing
6 Step Down As a voltage lowering from Power Supply 12 V to
In testing the PG28 DC motor, it was carried out by giving
(LM2596) 5 V Arduino Uno
a PWM speed value, where in this experiment using PWM
255 can be seen on Fig. 6. By using a tachometer where the
C. Software design motor test results are as expected on Fig. 7.
Software design, that is, the program for the Arduino
UNO controller is created through the Arduino IDE
application and downloaded via a USB cable to the node
board. Fig. 5 is an explanation of the system flow chart.
Based on Fig. 5, it can be understood that the motor
speed control system uses the PID control method, starting
with the inclusion of the values of the coefficients P, I and D
and the desired setpoint value. The program will process the
PID input and later the physical output is in the form of the
angular speed of the DC motor, the speed of the DC motor is
basically obtained from the voltage given after being given a
PID controller. The speed of the DC motor will always be
monitored and detected by the encoder sensor, the encoder
will always calculate what speed the motor is rotating, if the
speed of the motor is different from the PID value (Reference
Value) then the encoder will send the next error value, the
error value will be processed and corrected, the repair results
will again be issued by the Arduino in the form of DC motor
rotation in accordance with the PID value (reference value).

Fig. 6. Rpm 255 rpm Arduino

Rikwan, Control Speed Rotary Motor DC with Control PID Based Arduino UNO
Control Systems and Optimization Letters, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2023 30

Fig. 7. Rpm 255 rpm tachometer

B. Overall System Testing

a) PID testing Fig. 9. Load PID control graph
The approval of the DC motor speed control design
system using PID control where in this test by changing the It can be seen Fig. 9 of the comparison chart of PID values
values of 𝐾𝑝, 𝐾𝑖 and 𝐾𝑑, the results can be seen in Fig. 8. given the load by changing the values of 𝐾𝑝, 𝐾𝑖 and 𝐾𝑑
values obtained the best results as in Fig. 9. Hasil obtained
as desired stably at the given set point value even though the
resulting Rise Time result is slower than in PID which is not
given a load.


Kp WHICH KD Rise Time Overshot Peak Settling Error
(Tr) (Mp) Time Time
1.5 0.87 0.27 1.1372 3.3333 80 99.4000 0
2.2 0.85 0.85 2.6723 3.3333 72 72.2500 0
2.0 1.0 0.7 2.1355 3.3333 64 94.2500 0
1.0 0.91 0.21 .6855 3.3333 99 99.2500 -2

It can be seen in Table IV by changing the value of 𝐾𝑝,

𝐾𝑖 and the value of 𝐾𝑑 given the load can be seen the result
of the Rise Time obtained is greater than the PID, larger
overshot and small error.
Fig. 8. Graphic control PID
It can be seen Fig. 8 of the comparison chart of PID Based on the discussion and test results of the research
values that change the value of 𝐾𝑝, 𝐾𝑖 and 𝐾𝑑 values controller of the angular velocity of the DC motor using the
obtained the best results as in Fig. 8 where the results Arduini UNO-based PID method, conclusions were obtained.
obtained are as desired stably at the given set point value. For the work of the DC motor control tool system that has
been designed and can be controlled so that it reaches the
rotation that is in line with the reference value that has been
Kp WHICH KD Rise Time Overshot Peak Settling Error given.
(Tr) (Mp) Time Time
The correct PID value to control the speed of the DC motor
1.5 0.87 0.27 0.9925 1.3333 3 2.7368 0
2.2 0.85 0.85 0.8824 1.3333 16 4.5000 0 rotation can be found by changing the values of KP, KI, and
2.0 1.0 0.7 1.0301 3.3333 3.3333 7.4000 0 KD values using the trial and error method, in the trial and
1.0 0.91 0.21 0.9925 1.3333 3 2.7368 0 error process, the values used with 𝐾𝑝 = 1.5, 𝐾𝑖 = 0.87,
𝐾𝑑 = 0.27 are obtained.
It can be seen in Table III by changing the value of 𝐾𝑝, From the parameters that have been tested, the system
𝐾𝑝 and 𝐾𝑑 value can be seen the results of the Rise Time response is obtained from the values of the 𝐾𝑝, 𝐾𝑖,
which is small and there is no error. 𝐾𝑑 parameters that correspond to software testing where the
b) Load PID Testing value of Rise Time = 0.9925, settling time = 2.7368,
The approval of the DC motor speed control design overshoot = 1.3333 and steady state error = 0
system using PID control where in this test by changing the
values of 𝐾𝑝, 𝐾𝑖 and 𝐾𝑑 with a load, the results can be seen ACKNOWLEDGMENT
as follows. The author would like to thank the editors and reviewers
for their suggestions and input so that this journal can be
resolved. To all parties involved in the research and

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