Financial Assistance

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Under section 123, CA 2016, a company cannot assistance to any person to subscribe or purchase
provide financial assistance for the purpose of or in the share in its holding company.
connection with the acquisition of its shares or shares Armour Hicks Northern Ltd v Armour Trust Ltd
in its holding company. These types of transaction are [1980] 3 All ER 833
prohibited unless the transaction complies with s 126,
Armour Hicks Northern (AHN): Holding company
CA 2016, Section 126 allows financial assistance to be
Armour Hicks Partners (AHP): Shareholder of
given by other than a public listed company if the
assistance does not exceed 10% of the shareholders'
Armour Hicks Trust (AHT): Subsidiary Company
funds and subject to fulfilment of a solvency test. The
latitude is given in line with the change from the AHN owed some debts to one of its shareholders,
capital maintenance doctrine to the solvency AHP. 2 directors of AHN were also directors of its
requirement. subsidiary company, AHT. These directors caused
AHT to pay off the debts that its holding
Under s 123(1), CA 2016 a financial assistance
company, AHN, owed to AHP. This resulted in
transaction involves the following elements;
AHP transferring the shares it owned in AHN to
(a) There is subscription or purchase or acquisition of the 2 directors.
a company's shares
It was held that the decision of the subsidiary to
pay off debts of its holding company to partners
(b) There is financial assistance given by the
is a financial assistance transaction. Without the
company whose shares are being subscribed for
directors arranging for the settlement of the debt
purchased to any person directly or indirectly to
to AHP, AHP would not have transferred its AHN
subscribe to or purchase the company's shares
shares to the 2 directors. This was a financial
assistance by a subsidiary for the purpose of
For a transaction to be considered a financial
acquisition of shares in its holding company.
assistance transaction, company who shares
which is being acquired or subscribed for that  The transfer of assets to the company could
provides the assistance. Where a prospective still be a financial assistance transaction if it
shareholder acquired and then uses those shares was intended to put the purchaser of the
as security, this is not financial assistance as the company’s shares in funds to enable him to
company's assets are not affected." acquire the company’s shares.
 It is very important to ascertain from the
Cheah Theam Swee v Overseas Union Bank Ltd facts whether the acquisition of assets by
[1989] 1 MLJ 426 (High Court), the company was genuinely for its own
the existing shareholder wanted to acquire benefit.
shares in the company and obtained a loan for  Even if the price was fair, if it was to enable
that purpose. The loan was secured by a charge the purchaser to have funds to acquire the
over the shares owned by the shareholder in the company’s shares = financial assistance
company. The court held that there was no
contravention of s 67(1) CA 1965 since the
company did not provide any assistance to the There is financial assistance if the company secure the
purchaser in relation to the acquisition of its loan by charging the company’s assets or by being a
shares. The shareholder as owner of the shares guarantor for the debt.
can deal with the shares in any manner he wishes Chung Khiaw Bank Ltd v Hotel Rasa Sayang Sdn Bhd &
and, in this case, it was not the company that Anor [1990] 1 MLJ 356
provided security for the loan. The Bank agreed to grant Johore Tenggara Sdn Bhd a
fixed loan of RM1,250,000 for the purchase of the
(c) The financial assistance is given for the purpose shares by the directors of the company in Hotel Rasa
of or in connection with the subscription or Sayang Bhd. Hotel Rasa Sayang Sdn Bhd agreed to
purchase of the company's shares. It includes provide security by way of creating a charge over its
when a subsidiary provides the financial assets in favour of the Bank, which intended to use
the funds to acquire shares in that Hotel. It was held
that since the provision of the security by the Hotel obtaining paid capital, the company is actually funding
was for the purpose of or in connection with the the acquisition of its shares
acquisition of the company’s shares, this was a
if the company has the intention to put the purchaser
financial assistance transaction.
of the company shares in funds to enable him to
Where a company resolves to reduce liability or waive
acquire the company's shares, there is financial
the debt owed by a shareholder to the company such
assistance. For instance, the purchaser had actually no
a decision to waive the debt is a financial assistance.
funds originally to acquire the company's shares and
was only able to do so when the company acquired an
EH Dey Pty Ltd v Dey [1966] VR 464
asset belonging to the purchaser. Important factors to
The company had issued shares to Dey and the shares consider:
were partly paid for. Mr and Mrs Paul wished to
- Whether the acquisition of assets by the
purchase the company’s shares from the
company was genuinely for its own benefit.
shareholders, including Dey. They entered into an
Where the price was at an inflated price, the
agreement where the debt owed by Dey was deemed
transaction would evidently not be in the
to have been repaid and that the sale price was
interests of the company. However, even if the
deemed to have been paid to the amount of the
price was fair, if it was to enable the purchaser to
waived debt.
have funds to acquire the company's shares or
where this was done without considering the
The court held that there was financial assistance
company's commercial interests, this might be a
because the reduction of the amount owed was in
financial assistance transaction.
connection with the share transfer between Dey and
- the company's funds have been tied up for
Mr and Mrs Paul. The reduction had influenced Mr
something which is not for the company's
and Mrs Paul to acquire the shares.
- The way the transaction is scheduled would also
Differences between reduction and financial
provide some support in ascertaining whether or
not the intention was to give financial assistance.
Although a reduction of shareholder's liability owed to
financial assistance requires an analysis of the facts to
the company has been held to be a financial
determine whether the assistance is given mainly or
assistance transaction in this case, a reduction of
solely for the purpose of acquiring or enabling the
liability under s 116 or s 117, CA 2016 is not a financial
acquisition of the shares. This purpose means that s
assistance transaction. The difference can be
123(1) has been contravened. A transaction is not a
illustrated as follows:
financial assistance transaction if the acquisition of
where a person is issued 1000 shares a value of RM 1 the shares was only incidental to the transaction.
each and has partly paid for the shares, the company
a transaction is not a financial assistance transaction if
cannot waive his debt for the remaining shares unless
it is a genuine commercial transaction. the courts
these shares are cancelled. Thus, if his debt for the
have will examine the commercial realities of the
remaining 500 shares is waived or reduced as in EH
transaction to determine whether or not it can
Dry, this means that he is now the holder of 1000
properly be described as the giving of financial
shares worth RM1000 but was able obtain the shares
assistance by the company.
at only RM500 because another half of the price has
been paid by way of financial assistance. However, if Belmont Finance v Williams Furniture Ltd (No 2)
the company decides to cancel the shares which he [1980] 1 All ER 393
has not paid for so that he now holds only 500 shares
instead of 1000 shares, having paid RM500, this is not Belmont Finance was a wholly-owned subsidiary of
financial assistance but a reduction of capital. City Industrial Finance Ltd, which was the wholly
owned subsidiary of Williams furniture Ltd. The
whether or not a transaction is a financial assistance directors of Belmont caused the company to acquire
transaction the entire shareholding of Maximum. Maximum was
controlled by Mr Grosscurth, who had wanted to
consider the reduction of company's assets test.
acquire shares in Belmont Finance. that Maximum
financial assistance will involve a reduction of the
was worth £60, 000 and Belmont had paid an
company's assets, particularly where rather than
overvalued price of £500,000 for Maximum, which equity. Subsequently, Multi-Pak agreed to take over
enabled Mr Grosscurth to have the funds to buy the entire amount of debts owed by City Carton and
shares in Belmont from City. Box-Pak to Intraco and Intraco agreed to subscribe for
the shares in Multi-Pak. The cheques related to these
It was held that there was a financial assistance given
transactions were issued and deposited at the same
by Belmont to Mr Grosscurth even though the
bank at the same time. the total of the amount paid
transaction resulted in Belmont acquiring an asset.
for the shares and the amount of loan equalled the
The reason was because the company directors did
purchase price for the debts.
not consider whether the acquisition of the asset was
in the company's commercial interests, particularly The court held that this was not a financial assistance
the fact that the price for the shares was inflated. transaction. The debt-equity swap was was part of a
Thus, the sale of Maximum to Belmont was not a bona reorganisation scheme was considered as an ordinary
fide commercial transaction but a device to enable Mr commercial transaction. It was not entered into solely
Grosscurth to use Belmont Finance’s own funds to or mainly for the purpose of enabling Intraco to
acquire Belmont Finance’s shares. acquire the shares of Multi-Pak at no cost to Intraco.
The transaction was entered into because the
Datuk Tan Leng Teck v Sarjana Sdn Bhd [1997] 4 MLJ
directors were of the view at that time that City
Carton could be revived and that they intended to
According to the agreement, Sarjana sold land to Pasti make City Carton a subsidiary of the Multi-Pak.
Hasil. RM 1M of the purchase consideration will be
Another consideration: whether the financial
capitalized as paid-up capital for 1M shares in Sarjana.
assistance transaction occurred after the shares have
These 1M shares had been allotted to the second
been transferred and paid for.
defendant pursuant to a resolution passed by the
Sarjana at its extraordinary general meeting on 22 If the alleged financial assistance transaction was
June 1992. The plaintiff who was the majority given after the shares have been paid for, there is less
shareholder of Sarjana Sdn Bhd commenced this likelihood that it is in contravention of s 123(1) CA
action seeking declarations to render the allotment of 2016. Nevertheless, it would be financial assistance
the shares to the second defendant void on the basis transaction if a shareholder, particularly if he is a
that this was a financial assistance transaction. It was majority shareholder, uses his voting power to cause
held that there was a financial assistance when the the company to reimburse him
company transferred its asset to the purchaser of the
Lori(M) Bhd v Arab-Malaysian Finance Bhd [1999] 3
company’s shares. This was because although the
MLJ 81
assets were transferred at RM 1 million, this sum was
to be used to issue the shares of the company as fully MARA was a holding company of Lori (M). Lori (M)
paid up to the purchaser. This means that the was managed by Technivest. MARA agreed to sell its
purchaser has acquired the shares of the company at shares in Lori (M) to Technivest. The purchased was to
no cost. be paid by a loan obtained from Arab-Malaysian
Finance. To enable the loan to be given to Technivest,
A debt-equity swap has been held not to be a financial
the Bank agreed to accept several guarantees and a
assistance transaction as it is an ordinary commercial
charge over the land belonging to Lori (M) but the
transaction did not proceed as there were elements of
Intraco Ltd v Multi Pak Singapore Pte Ltd [1995] 1 SLR financial assistance. Several months later, Technivest
313 obtained loan from the Bank. The loan was to provide
Technivest working capital and security provided by
Multi-Pak and City Carton were once related
Lori (M). At this point, Technivest already acquired the
corporations, but City Carton ceased to be related
shares in Lori (M) which were fully paid for. The Court
corporation to Multi-Pak. But these companies
of Appeal decided that this was a bona fide
continued to have common shareholders. City Carton
commercial transaction. The security given by Lori
and its subsidiary, Box-Pak faced some financial
(M) was given after the shares transaction had been
difficulties, and a restructuring scheme was proposed
completed and after the shares had been transferred
by the companies’ creditors. The creditors, which
and fully paid up. There was no financial assistance.
include Multi-Pak planned to subscribe for the shares
in City Carton and convert some of their debts into
(i) the lending of money or the giving of
Notes: guarantees or the provision of security in
Where a company declares dividends in line with the connection with loans made by other
provision and a shareholder then uses such dividends persons, is done in the course of such
to acquire more shares in the company or pay off any activities; and
outstanding amount owed on the shares in the (i) the loan that is made by the company, or,
company, the dividends declared and paid do not where the guarantee is given or the
amount to the company giving any financial security is provided in respect of a loan,
assistance. such loan is made on ordinary commercial
terms as to the rate of interest or returns.
the terms of repayment of principal and
Section 125, CA 2016 identifies several transactions payment of the interest or returns
that are no considered financial assistance
transaction. These are as follows:
Section 124 provides that even if there is financial
(a) Where a company whose ordinary course of
assistance, the Act is not rendering a financial
business is lending money lends money in the
assistance transaction invalid. It means that the
course of its ordinary business. This would enable
transaction is enforceable. Section 126 CA 2016 allows
banks and financial institutions to provide loans
financial assistance to be given by companies other
as part of their ordinary course of business but
than a public listed company if
the loans must be provided on ordinary
1. the assistance does not exceed 10% of
commercial terms
shareholders funds;
2. the board of directors passes a board resolution
(b) Where a company gives financial assistance in
in accordance with s 126(2a) , CA 1016,
accordance with any employee share scheme or
3. the company receives fair value in connection
share ownership scheme which is in force at the
with the giving of financial assistance
time for fully paid shares in the company or its
holding company A company will usually enable 10% maximum from the shaholders’ funds
its shares to be acquired at a discount. These
shares are purchased or subscribed by trustees In calculating that the financial assistance does not
and are to be held by or for the benefit of exceed 10% of shareholders’ funds, the company
employees of the company or its subsidiary must calculate the aggregate amount of the financial
company assistance that is to be given under s 126 and all other
financial assistance previously given that has not been
(c) Where a company gives financial assistance to its repaid, including the amount of ny financial assistance
employees (other than directors of the company) given in the form of a guarantee or security for which
or to the employees of its subsidiary to enable the company remains liable at the time the financial
them to purchase fully-paid shares in the assistance in question is given as in s 126(4) CA 2016.
company or its holding company, to be held by This amount must not exceed 10% of the amount
such persons by way of beneficial ownership. The received by the company in respect of the issue of
company will usually enable the shares to be shares and the reserves of the company based on
acquired at a discount or will provide loans to most recent financial statements. The most recent
fund the purchase of its shares by the employees, financial statements is the one that the company is
keeping and maintaining in accordance with CA 2016
(d) The making of a loan or the giving of a guarantee but need not be the audited financial statements
or the provision of security in connection with
one or more loans made by one or more other Board's resolution and solvency statement
persons by a company in the ordinary course of
its business where the activities of that company In s 126(2)(a) CA 2016, before the company gives
are regulated by any written law relating to financial assistance, the board must pass a board
banking, insurance or takaful or which are subject resolution at a board meeting of the following
to the supervision of the Securities Commission - the company may give the assistance:
and re-
- the giving of the assistance is in the best interests meeting of shareholders. For a private company, by
of the company, and way of a written resolution
- the terms and conditions under which the
Time frame for financial assistance
assistance is to be given are just and reasonable
to the company The financial assistance can be given not more than 12
months after the day the solvency statement was
This exercise of power is subject to fiduciary duties.
made. The company must send to each member of
Section 126(3) requires that the board's resolution
the company within 14 days from giving financial
must set out in full, the grounds for the conclusions of
the directors. This is likely to be important and
relevant for the shareholders in making their decision (a) a copy of the solvency statement; and
whether to approve or reject the giving of the (b) a notice containing the following information
financial assistance. [s 12665), CA 2016]
i. the class and number of shares in respect
On the same day the directors pass the board
of which the assistance was given;
resolution, the directors who voted in favour of the
ii. the consideration paid or payable for those
resolution must also make solvency statement as in s
iii. the name of the person receiving the
Solvency statement requirement: assistance and, if a different person, the
name of the beneficial owner of those
- must be made in a manner determined by the
Registrar and signed by rich director making the
iv. the nature, the terms and, if quantifiable,
statement with the director's name and must be
the amount of the assistance.
dated as in section 113(1)
- must state that they have formed an opinion that Consequences for contravening CA 2016
the company satisfies the solvency test in relation
Section 123(3) CA 2016 states that of the company
to the transaction as in s 113(3)
provides financial assistance, it is the officer who is in
- must take into account all of the company's
default who will be liable of an offence A
liabilities including contingent labilities
contravention carries prison term of five years or a
The solvency statement must state that the company fine of RM100,000 or both. The company, which is
is able to fulfil the solvency test. The solvency test for seen as the victim of the breach, is not guilty of an
giving financial assistance is provided under 112(1), offence. This is because a financial assistance
CA 201 C which states that the company must be able transaction protects the company's its creditors
to comply with the following requirements: interest If the company is made liable to a fine, then it
defeats the purpose of the prohibition as the
(1) Immediately after transaction, there is no ground
company's funds will have to be used to pay the
for company not to be able to pay off its debes
penalty, thus depleting the company's funds and
(2) Either
a. if the intention is to wind up the company
within 12 months of the date of transaction, However, s 126(6), CA 2016 imposes criminal liability
the company will be able to pay its debes in on both the officer and the company of the company
full within 12 months after the fails to comply with the procedure and the
commencement of winding up; or requirements for permitted financial assistance Upon
b. in other cases, the company will be able to conviction, there a lability to a fine not exceeding KM3
pay off its debts as they fall doe during 12 million or imprisonment not exceeding five years or to
months from the date of the transaction both; and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a
(3) the assets of the company is more than its further fine not exceeding RM1,000 for each day
liabilities at the date of the transaction during which the offence continues after conviction It
is appropriate that the company officer who
Shareholders' approval
contravenes s 126. CA 2016 be made liable to a fine,
The giving of financial assistance must be approved by in view of the officer's conduct causing the company
a special resolution of the shareholders. For a public to contravene s126. However, s 26(6) CA 2016 also
company, the special resolution can be passed at a states that t the company is also liable to a fine This is
a new provision introduced by CA 2016, the former CA have the locus standi to enforce the charge. However,
1965 did not impose any such liability on the the majority shareholder does not have the locus
company. The reason for nor making the company standi to the security.
liable was that since the prohibition of financial
Lori(M) Bhd v Arab-Malaysian Finance Bhd [1999] 3
assistance transaction was to protect the company's
MLJ 81
assets from being dissipated, it would then be
locus standi was granted to the company and any
inappropriate to make the company pay a fine
other person which includes the banks that would be
Civil consequence and enforceability of the able to enforce a security given by a company for
transaction financial assistance transaction.

Section 123(4), CA 2016 empowers the court to order Per s 331, CA 2016, prior to a financial assistance
the officer who contravenes s 125 and, who has been transaction being given, the court may grant an order
convicted under the section, to compensate the to restrain the transition from being carried out or
company or any other person for the loss or damage implemented. This section can also be relied on in
as a result of the contravention. relation to a share buyback and a reduction of capital

Another civil consequence relates to the validity of

the financial assistance transaction is under s 124, CA
2016, the transaction's validity cannot be challenged
on the basis that the financial assistance transaction is
prohibited. This does not mean that a transaction
which amounts to a financial assistance cannot be
challenged on other grounds. For example, the charge
could have been improperly executed by the company
or the sale and purchase of property was not a
properly concluded contract Section 124, CA 2016 also
changes the common law principle that a transaction
which is prohibited is illegal and therefore

Recovery from the financial transaction

where a company provides a loan to assist a person to

acquire shares in a company, the loan is recoverable
by the company. This is provided under s 123(5) CA
2016 that confer locus standi on the company so as to
enable the company to enforce any obligation or
liability arising out of or owing to the company as a
result of the financial assistance.

In another situation, if the company uses its assets as

security, this is a prohibited financial assistance
transaction. The question is whether the charge is
valid and confer on the person in whose favour the
charge was created a right to take possession of the
assets subject to the charge. In other word, whether a
bank has locus standi to enforce a financial assistance

Datuk Tan Leng Teck v Sarjana Sdn Bhd [1997] 4 MLJ

although the company creating a charge in favour of
the bank so as to secure a loan to be used by the
plaintiff to acquire the company's shares was a
financial assistance transaction, the bank could still

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