SOTU04 - Disbelieve and Evidence

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Unit 4 | Disbelief and evidence

Adjectives of disbelief
Some test questions ask not just whether a speaker/writer disbelieves

something but also how strong that disbelief is. Some adjectives (e.g., unlikely)
show moderate doubt. Others (e.g., ridiculous) show stronger doubt. You have to
understand the difference.

1 Understanding expressions of disbelief

A. Read the article.

Crop Circles: Not Much of a Mystery

When strange patterns suddenly appear in fields about it.] There have even been competitions for crop-
of grain, people go a little crazy. Typically, a farmer circle art. Clearly, any theory that says humans could
discovers that one of these “crop circles” has not have made the circles is totally bogus.
appeared in his field overnight. One evening, all the [C. A little less goofy are some other non-human
crops are standing. The next morning, some of his corn origins for the circles—certain weather events. Some
or wheat has been pressed down into a perfect circle people have suggested that a phenomenon called
or even into an elaborate set of swoops and swirls. “ball lightning” could make the circles.] As its name
The most popular explanation is that alien spacecraft suggests, it is reported to be spherical and therefore
make crop circles. [A. Supposedly, an alien ship consistent with circular marks. [D. The problem is that
comes down from outer space and either lands or no reliable evidence shows that ball lightning even
presses crops down with a power burst. This is a silly exists, and serious scientists consider all reports of
conclusion, but farmers back in 1978, when the first it doubtful.] Other people have suggested that small,
modern crop circles appeared, could be forgiven for intense, and very local vortexes of wind descend on
jumping to it. How could anything else make such big fields and create circles. Again, however, no reliable
circles so fast?] And the design of the circle becomes witness has ever observed any such winds at crop-
clear only from above. [B. Farmers today, and the circle locations.
gullible public, should be embarrassed for even The bottom line is that a lot of evidence links tricksters
considering that flaky explanation. Two British men, or even oddball artists to crop circles, and no solid
Doug Bower and Dave Chorley, admitted that they evidence supports any other explanation.
made the 1978 circles as a joke. Since then, countless
jokers have created crop circles and then bragged

B. Look at the four bracketed sentences [A–D] in Part A. Write the number from the line
below that best describes the author’s attitude toward each bracketed idea. (Different
students may come up with different answers.)

Some Doubt 1 2 3 4 Strong Doubt


8 Spotlight on Testing • Unit 4

Strategies for taking the: TOEFL® Test TOEIC® Test IELTS™ Test
Evidence is a detail that most readers or listeners accept as true. It is used to
support an idea—to make the idea stronger or more believable. As you read or
listen, understand how evidence and ideas connect to each other.

2 Recognizing evidence
Read the article again. Check (✓) each statement that is a piece of evidence—each fact.
1. Circles or other designs appear in fields of crops.
2. An alien ship from outer space lands in the field.
3. Bower and Chorley admit to creating a hoax.
4. Ball lighting creates a circle in a field.

3 Connecting evidence and ideas

AUDIO FILE Listen to the conversation. Circle the letter of the best answer.
1. What evidence for a ghost did the security cameras show?
a. the laundry room of a dorm
b. a white shape in the corner
c. an article in the newspaper
2. What evidence indicated that students sensed a ghost?
a. Students screamed and ran from the room.
b. Students stopped using the laundry room.
c. Students suddenly acted cold or looked around.
3. What evidence for a ghost has been observed outside the laundry room?
a. A white sheet has floated through the dorm.
b. An elevator moves for no real reason.
c. A spooky voice has been recorded.

4 Check your understanding

AUDIO FILE Listen to the conversation again. Write T for true or F for false.
1. Ford Hall is a dormitory.
2. The recording of the ghost was made by students.
3. Fred knows that no one really died at Ford Hall.
2. Tina thinks there is good evidence showing that a ghost is in
the dorm.

5 Skills in review
Look again at Exercise 5 on p. 24 of the Workbook. Do you hear an
What evidence convinced people to accept Frank expression of doubt in a test
Abagnale as a pilot and a lawyer? conversation? Listen for a reason for
that doubt. People who write tests
usually include reasons.

Spotlight on Testing • Unit 4 9

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