Features and Specs Sheet DCIM

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Get Visual About IT

See netTerrain DCIM in action today

netTerrain DCIM

Physical Space. Power Consumption. Cooling.

Networks. Racks. Physical & Virtual Devices.
Cards and Ports. Applications. Circuits. Cables.

To gain insights and efficiently manage your

Data Center, these are some of the components
and properties you need to monitor and
document. A good Data Center Infrastructure
Management (DCIM) software helps you
automate that process. The best ones go
several steps further. We’ve managed networks
and data centers. Over the years, we learned a
cookie-cutter approach to DCIM based on
reports and complex data-entry processes
simply doesn’t cut it anymore. Data Center and
network engineers are visual people ... You
need a software that doesn’t get in the way of
doing the actual work that Optimize your Data Center and
matters. Networks without Breaking the Bank

• Visualize your Data Centers. IT inventory and

netTerrain DCIM provides a centralized, networks from one central place.
multi-user, browser-based platform to visualize • Improve IT utilization and streamline capacity
your Data Centers - from site to port. planning.
Easy-to-use navigation renders powerful • Meet SLAs and reduce downtime costs by
hierarchical and subcomponent diagrams of decreasing your mean time to repair.
data centers, IT inventory and networks. You • Reduce risks and ensure compliance with
gain greater visibility, control and governance to better control and governance.
improve capacity planning and energy • Eliminate the guesswork and reduce security
consumption, isolate troubleshooting and breaches and data loss from employee churn.
reduce downtime for improved service levels. • Extend and optimize the life of the data center.
• Measure your ROI in months. not years.
• Customizable dashboards and graphical
reporting engine.
• Real-time temperature and power monitoring
analytics engine.
Automate, Visualize and Optimize Your Data Center

netTerrain DCIM’s feature-rich, robust visualization capabilities provide a smarter way to gain
Data Center insights so that you can make better decisions and deliver enhanced business value.

• Space and Rack management

• Environmental (power and temperature) monitoring
• Discovery capabilities
• Asset management
• Cable and circuit management
• Capacity planning and forecasting
• Logical, virtual and application views
• Outside plant
What Makes netTerrain Stand Out

• Hierarchical Diagrams: they are at the heart of • Modern Platform: netTerrain uses
the tool and don’t require Visio or third-party HTML5-based browser technology for a thick
applets. client-less and plug-in less multiuser
• The Best Usability: we are obsessed. We experience.
believe a DCIM tool should maximize • Worry-Free Integration: that’s right - we create
efficiency, not make things harder on you. adapters to any commercial tool you already
• Trivially Simple Modeling: other vendors take have for increased automation at no cost.
weeks or months to deliver them: we train you • Feature-Rich Discovery: we bring in any
how to do it yourself in minutes or send device assets. Ports. feature-rich layer 2/3 links and
models back within 24-48 hours! much more using protocols such as SNMP.
• Flexibility: add or remove property field IPMI, SSH, OLE and others.
attributes, change visual cues, create business • Granular Security: 8 different access roles (AD
rules and apply them to thousands of objects and FIPS compliant) configurable on a per
in seconds. diagram basis puts you in control.
• Dashboard and Custom Reporting: create your
own reports. Don’t just depend on the reports
that are provided to you.

MS SQL Server 2014, 2016, 2019 or 2022

Windows Server 2016, 2019, or 2022
MS IIS 8.0 or better
.NET Framework 4.7 or better


Intel i7 Processor
10GB Free Space

Contact us to request a demo

814 W. Diamond Ave., Suite 370
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Phone: 1-240-912-6223
Fax: 1-240-912-6339
[email protected]

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