Urine Cytology
Urine Cytology
Urine Cytology
a, b
Linda M. Vap, DVM *, Sarah B. Shropshire, DVM
Transitional cell carcinoma Urine collection Bacteriuria Voided Cystocentesis
Cytologic examination of the urine sediment in animals suspected of having urinary tract
disease and/or lower urinary tract masses is one of the best means of distinguishing
inflammation, infection, and neoplasia and it can help determine if a positive dipstick result
for hemoglobin/blood is due to hemorrhage or blood contamination.
The quality of the specimen collection and handling plays an important role in the quality of
results, the validity of interpretations, and selection of appropriate course of action.
The method of sample collection aids localization of pathology.
Air dry, but do not heat fix, freeze, or expose films to formalin fumes, temperature
extremes, or condensation.
Urinalysis is an important part of the minimum database for routine health screens
and is used as a means of monitoring response to treatment. Although a complete
urinalysis provides a critical indication of renal function, acid-base homeostasis,
and other body systems, the focus of this article is the cytologic examination of urine
sediment for evidence of inflammation, infection, and/or neoplasia. It can also help
determine if a positive dipstick result for hemoglobin/blood is due to hemorrhage
or blood contamination. The specific method of sample collection can assist
with localizing the source of pathology when interpreted with the cytologic findings.
Images of urine sediment are included that illustrate common findings in these
Urine cytology continues to comprise largely manual microscopic methods. Much can
be done with a quality microscope in the hands of experienced personnel. Digital
imagery can be submitted to a clinical pathologist for further evaluation. A few recent
developments, such as rapid manual tests for determining the presence and Gram-
staining characteristics of bacteria and presence of transitional cell carcinoma com-
plement the manual techniques. A recently marketed automated sediment analyzer
claims the ability to evaluate urine for blood and epithelial cells, bacteria, casts, and
common crystals.
Indications for cytologic evaluation of urine and the lower urinary tract include routine
screening as part of the minimum database or a pursuit for an explanation of poly-
dipsia, polyuria, pollakiuria, pain, discolored urine, dysuria, anorexia, and/or vomiting.
Mass lesions or other abnormalities discovered by palpation or imaging in the bladder
or distal urinary tract are other reasons for cytologic evaluation of this region. The risks
of obtaining a urine or tissue samples are generally considered minimal and are related
to the method of collection as provided in the tables.
As with most laboratory procedures, the quality of the specimen collection and
handling plays an important role in the quality of results, validity of interpretations
and therapeutic selections.1 Urine collection containers should be clean, sterile, and
constructed of nonbreakable, leak-proof material, such as plastic cups with a screw
top lid commercially sold for this purpose. Syringes are acceptable when the samples
are collected by cystocentesis or catheterization; however, it must be insured that the
needle is snugly capped or replaced with a clean syringe cap to avoid sample contam-
ination. Owners should be warned against using food or other reused containers
because these may not be sterile and detergents can interfere with biochemical re-
sults. If there is a potential for zoonotic infectious agents, medical professionals
should collect the sample using biosafety precautions and insure the specimen is
properly labeled as potentially biohazardous.
The source of formed elements observed in urine varies with the method of collec-
tion. Collection options, selection criteria, advantages, and disadvantages are pro-
vided in Boxes 1–3.2
Voided, or free catch, specimens may be obtained by holding the collection recep-
tacle near the urethral opening during micturition. This may be easier said than done
but is feasible in many veterinary patients. Using a receptacle other than a bulky urine
specimen cup can address problems collecting samples. Examples include a flat rect-
angular clean plastic container (Tupperware, for example) or a clean ladle spoon
(recommended). The urine is then poured into the sterile urine specimen cup as
soon as possible. Collapsible sticks or poles that hold the receptacle of choice in place
allow owners to adjust the length so that the dog can urinate multiple feet away
(as normal on a leash) and they can still catch the urine. If urine is voided onto the floor,
it can be aspirated using a sterile syringe and needle but such samples are prone to
significant contamination. Manual bladder expression is not recommended because
this can induce trauma/discomfort to the patient, force bacterial organisms into other
urogenital areas, and result in hemorrhage that complicates interpretation of the
urinalysis (Box 1).
Urine Cytology 137
Box 1
Voided/free catch (first stream, midstream, collected off floor)
There are several ways to collect a cystocentesis sample, which include via ultra-
sound guidance, manual palpation with immobilization of the urinary bladder, or a
blind technique. It is considered preferable to be able to visualize the urinary bladder
via ultrasound or manually palpate it before attempting a cystocentesis because the
blind technique can have serious complications (described later). For samples
collected via ultrasound guidance, canine patients can be in left or right lateral recum-
bency, dorsal recumbency, or standing whereas feline patients can be in either left or
right lateral recumbency or dorsal recumbency but this should not be attempted while
standing in cats. The angle of the needle is typically directed at an oblique angle to the
ultrasound probe and the needle entry into the urinary bladder is visualized. For cys-
tocentesis samples collected via manual palpation, most dogs and cats are placed in
left or right lateral recumbency simply because it is easier to immobilize the urinary
bladder in this position. This technique can also be performed in standing or in dorsal
recumbency if the patient is very well-mannered or is at an ideal body weight. The
angle of the needle depends on the position of the patient and how the bladder is
immobilized. For a thin cat in lateral recumbency, the needle is held at a 90 angle
to the skin whereas in a dog in dorsal recumbency, the needle is often held at an obli-
que angle (directed caudally) to try to enter the urinary bladder lumen directly.3 The
blind cystocentesis technique is typically done in canine patients because the urinary
bladder can be palpated readily in most cats or it is visualized via ultrasound. This
technique can be done in dorsal recumbency or standing in dogs. In dorsal recum-
bency, there are 2 methods that can be used to successfully collect a sample. The first
method involves pouring a small amount of alcohol on the caudal abdomen on midline
and seeing where the alcohol pools. This can be where the urinary bladder is located
but this is not always reliable because the bladder may be more cranially or caudally
located in some patients or the urinary bladder is simply empty. The excess alcohol is
dabbed away with cotton or gauze before insertion of the needle. The second method
includes inserting the needle on midline halfway between the pelvic brim and umbili-
cus or on midline at the location where a theoretic line would be drawn between where
the last 2 sets of nipples would cross. When using the blind technique in male patients,
the prepuce is often moved to the side to gain access to midline. The angle of the
needle can be at an oblique angle to the skin (the needle enters the bladder cranially
and is directed toward the trigone) or is more often directed at a 90 angle to the skin.
For dogs, the blind technique can be done in standing as well. This is done by
palpating the caudal abdomen for a divot or indention along midline and this is where
the needle is inserted at a 90 angle. This is the same location where alcohol often
138 Vap & Shropshire
pools or is the halfway point between the umbilicus and pelvic brim. Regardless of the
technique for cystocentesis, consistent negative pressure should be applied while col-
lecting the urine but no suction should be present when removing the needle to
decrease the chance of aspirating abdominal contents or fat, which could contami-
nate the sample.4 If blood is seen in the hub of the needle, the needle should be imme-
diately removed (with no suction) and the procedure should be repeated with a new
sterile needle and syringe. Another consideration when collecting a sample via cysto-
centesis is whether to use alcohol or not to aseptically prepare the site. The general
recommendation is to move excess hair out of the way with an alcohol swab but these
samples are often collected without clipping or aseptically preparing the site because
this can sometimes result in clipper burn or irritation to the skin and potentially
compromise the site. Although this technique is an efficient way to collect urine, it is
also important to consider whether it is appropriate to use in each individual patient
(Box 2).
Urethral catheterization requires trained personnel knowledgeable in sterile
Catheterization of male dogs typically requires 2 people and is done with the patient
in left or right lateral recumbency. One person wearing nonsterile gloves moves the
prepuce back gently to expose the penis and then the penis is aseptically prepped
with a gentle cleansing solution. The penis remains unsheathed while the other person
atraumatically places a sterile urinary catheter. This catheter would have been previ-
ously measured for appropriate length and diameter for the patient. The person
placing the urinary catheter wears sterile gloves and uses sterile lube along the length
of the catheter to help with placement. Once the urinary catheter is estimated to be in
the urinary bladder, urine either starts to leak from the catheter or a sterile syringe can
be used to aspirate and obtain a sample. Once the sample is obtained, the urinary
catheter is gently removed. In female patients, the vulva is clipped of excess hair
and aseptically prepped with a dilute chlorhexidine solution or other gentle cleansing
solution.3 Placement can be performed standing, in sternal recumbency or in left or
right lateral recumbency and can be successfully done via blind palpation of the
urinary papilla or through the use of a speculum and light source. In contrast, urinary
catheterization for routine purposes (ie, not emergency) is not recommended in
cats even with heavy sedation or general anesthesia unless there are unusual
For traumatic catheterization, male and female dogs under heavy sedation or gen-
eral anesthesia are positioned and prepped (as outlined previously); however, the
Box 2
Cystocentesis (ultrasound guided, manual palpation and immobilization, blind)
For: culture (best), routine screening, fresh cell morphology for neoplasia (random timing)
Localization: kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, reproductive tract (retrograde ejaculation in
male patients)
Advantages: quick, minimally invasive, least prone to contamination
Disadvantages: requires sufficiently filled bladder, clean and disease-free skin, and personnel
trained in sterile techniques. Potential for blood contamination, acute collapse
(vagal stimulation).5 Contraindicated in patients with coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia,
anticoagulant therapy, or known bladder neoplasia (seeding). Blind technique: challenging
in overweight/obese animals, incidental enterocentesis, and severe hemorrhage
(aortic puncture).5,6
Urine Cytology 139
sample technique is different. Depending on the catheter design, the tip may be cut off
or cut at an angle to allow enhanced collection of desired cells. If a large mass is noted
along the dorsal wall of the urinary bladder via ultrasound, then the sterile catheter can
be wedged up against the wall of the urinary bladder and then repetitively pushed
back and forth into the mass. Before this occurs, however, typically a small amount
of sterile saline is flushed through the length of the catheter to allow better collection
of cells during aspiration. With the sterile syringe attached to the urinary catheter, the
catheter is moved back and forth along the mass to try to traumatize the tissue to
collect cells and fluid is aspirated repeatedly during this time.7 The sample typically
appears slightly cloudy with saline and tissue/cells present in the sterile syringe, which
can then be submitted for cytology. Then, the urinary catheter is gently removed.
Although this procedure can be done blindly (can be considered when disease is
known to be diffuse), it is possible to traumatize normal urinary bladder tissue rather
than obtain samples from the mass. Alternatively, this can be done with cystoscopy
guidance to obtain a more directed sample because the mass or abnormal tissue
can be visualized in real time. Although this technique can be used to obtain a diag-
nostic sample for conditions, such as transitional cell carcinoma, it is important to
remember that this tissue is not normal; it can be friable and prone to rupture (Box 3).
The method of collection should be associated with the specific sample and docu-
mented in the medical record to allow full consideration when interpreting results.
Urine pH may increase with storage and, as a result, crystals may form and cellular
morphology quickly deteriorates. It is recommended that urinalysis and slide prepara-
tions are performed as soon as possible after collection and ideally within 30 minutes.1
If this is not possible, the urine should be refrigerated for no more than several hours,
then rewarmed to room temperature prior to testing. Do not freeze urine intended for
microscopic examination (Box 4).
A basic standard operating procedure is provided Box 5 and more specific guidelines
are available.1 Laboratorians may elect to use a water-soluble stain to aid examination
of cellular elements. If this is done, it should be added to the sediment before it is
Box 3
Catheterization (atraumatic and traumatic)
For: assessing known urinary tract infection (antibiotic selection), especially if failure of other
methods; urinary tract trauma, neoplasia, or obstruction
Localization: urinary tract (F), urogenital tract (M); previously visualized mass (dogs, traumatic
for cytology sample acquisition)
Advantages: Light/no sedation (M); eliminates potential gastrointestinal and reproductive
sources of pathology (F)
Disadvantages: requires trained personnel and sterile techniques. Heavier sedation (F).
Iatrogenic hemorrhage; not for evaluating hematuria. Not recommended for assessing animals
prone to recurrent urinary tract infections unless concurrent urinary tract infection is being
evaluated. Potential for infection or urethral or bladder rupture leading to strictures and
Box 4
Quality assurance/documentation protocols
Label containers (not lids): date and time of collection, patient identification.
Label slide preparations: date of collection, patient identification, sample source (eg,
traumatic catheterization), sediment.
Medical record/report: collection method, sample date and time, personnel.
Sample handling: test within 30 minutes of collection or refrigerate and rewarm.
Sediment: refrigerate in small sealed container.
Neutrophils are probably the most common leukocytes observed in urine; however,
lymphocytes, monocytes/histiocytes, and eosinophils also may be present. Familiarity
with peripheral blood features is helpful in wet mount identification. Cellular size vary
depending on the cell type, concentration or pH of the urine, age of the sample, and
presence of bacterial products. Generally, leukocytes are 10 mm to 14 mm (1.5–2 times
the size of erythrocytes) and spherical (Fig. 1A). Granularity varies with the type of
leukocyte present. In some cases, lobulation of neutrophil nuclei may be visible. Typi-
cally none to only a few (0–3/high-power field) leukocytes are present in healthy indi-
viduals when urine is obtained by cystocentesis. Slightly higher numbers may be
observed in sample collected by other means owing to periurethral contamination.
Pyuria beyond these circumstances indicates inflammation and/or infection. Differen-
tials for inflammation include infection whether or not organisms are visible, calculi,
irritation, and neoplasia. Urine sediment samples can be stained with Romanowsky-
type stains to visualize cells and infectious organisms more clearly (see Fig. 1B).
Erythrocytes are smaller than leukocytes measuring approximately 5 mm to 7 mm in
diameter. They are anucleated cells that range from pink to colorless and round,
biconcave, or crenated, depending on the pH, freshness, and concentration of the
sample (Fig. 2). Crenated erythrocytes may be present in hypertonic or aged urine
and can be mistaken for leukocytes because the spicules may be interpreted as
Box 5
Urine sediment wet mount preparation
Centrifuge a 5-mL aliquot of mixed urine at low speed (eg, 450 g) for 3 to 5 minutes.
Decant all but 0.5 mL of supernatant and gently resuspend the sediment.
Place a drop of sediment on a glass slide.
Apply a no. 1, 22-mm 22-mm cover slip and allow preparation to settle.
Evaluate at 100 and 400 magnification for inflammatory or neoplastic cells and bacteria.
Urine Cytology 141
Box 6
Urine sediment wet mount examination
Use microscope of sufficient quality to allow resolution of bacteria with 40 objective.
The 40 objective indicates the thickness in mm (eg, 0.17) of the appropriate cover slip
(no. 1).
Lower the condenser and/or partially close the condenser diaphragm to enhance contrast.
Examine the entire sample with 10 (100 total magnification) objective to identify the
larger epithelial cells, cell clusters, and casts.
Examine multiple fields with the 40 (400 total magnification) objective to identify
inflammatory cells, erythrocytes, smaller epithelial cells, and organisms.
Constant focusing with the fine adjustment knob is necessary because wet mounts are
dynamic preparations and elements may be in multiple planes of focus.
Use standardized semiquantitative categories for recording the average number of
leukocytes or erythrocytes (eg, none, 0–3, 3–6, 6–10, 10–30, 30–50, 50–100, 100–250, >250)
per field and yeast, bacteria, or squamous epithelial cells (eg, none, few, moderate, or many).
Report the type (rods and/or cocci) and arrangement (pairs/chains) of bacteria.
Fig. 1. (A) Leukocytes in urine from a cat clustered around debris (wet mount, original
magnification 200). (B) Neutrophils in urine from a cat with extracellular and intracellular
rod-shaped bacteria (Wright-Giemsa stain, original magnification 1000).
142 Vap & Shropshire
Transitional epithelial cells line the urinary tract from the ureters and bladder through
the upper urethra. They range in shape and size, depending on where they originate
within the mucosal surface. Those arising from the basilar layer are smaller (approxi-
mately 20 mm) and cuboidal to columnar. Those from the intermediate layer are more
rounded to caudate and approximately 30 mm whereas those arising from the surface
are approximately 40 mm and flattened and more polygonal. As with any epithelial tis-
sue, transitional cells are shed as a result of normal cell turnover and, therefore, may
be present in urine in low numbers. These may be shed in higher numbers and exhibit
reactive or dysplastic features as a result of irritation and inflammation (Fig. 4A).
Morphologic features of reactivity and dysplasia are in a continuum with those of ma-
lignancy; there is no single criterion that distinguishes the 2. Criteria of malignancy
include variation in cell size (anisocytosis), nuclear size (anisokaryosis), nucleolar
size and shape, and the presence of mitotic figures, particularly if they are atypical
(see Fig. 4B, C). Other features might include nuclear or cell molding and multiple
nuclei or nucleoli. The more criteria of malignancy that are present, the more confident
in making a diagnosis of neoplasia, particularly if there is minimal to no evidence of
inflammation. Corroborating information, such as a mass lesion observed in the trig-
one area, can add to the level of diagnostic confidence. Although transitional cell car-
cinoma is the most common urinary tract neoplasia, lymphoma and renal cell
Fig. 3. Squamous epithelial cells ([A] wet mount, original magnification 400, and [B]
Wright-Giema stain, original magnification 500).
Urine Cytology 143
Fig. 4. (A) A few transitional cells (red arrows) and leukocytes (black arrows) and many eryth-
rocytes in urine from a cat, some of which are crenated (wet mount, original magnification
400). (B) Urine from a dog with bladder masses and urinary tract infection. Transitional epithe-
lial cells exhibit criteria of malignancy including anisocytosis and anisokaryosis. Many erythro-
cytes (often crenated) and occasional leukocytes are also present (wet mount, original
magnification 400). (C) Same urine as in (B) (Wright-Giemsa stain, original magnification
carcinoma are also possible. Suspicious cytologic samples should be sent for confir-
mation by a clinical pathologist.
Renal epithelial cells originate from the renal tubules and may be found in low
numbers because they may be shed in health as a result of normal cell turnover.
They tend to be round to oval, range in size from 10 mm to 50 mm, and may have a cyto-
plasmic tail. A columnar shape with 1 flattened surface of microvilli suggests they
came from the proximal tubules. They may be observed singly or in rows. If present
in high numbers or incorporated into casts, they indicate renal tubular pathology,
such as pyelonephritis or necrosis; however, distinguishing renal tubular cells from
leukocytes and transitional epithelial cells can be challenging. Cytologic examination
of stained preparations can be helpful.
The presence of spermatozoa has no clinical implications when observed in a
voided urine sample from intact male patients. High numbers may suggest retrograde
ejaculation in catheterized or cystocentesis samples.2 These are generally easily iden-
tified by the spatulate head and long fine tail (Fig. 5). Sperm in fresh samples may be
motile. If observed in urine from a female patient, however, verify that the sample was
obtained from the appropriate animal and that it was labeled appropriately before
informing the owner that the animal was recently bred. Disrupted spermatozoa may
be misinterpreted as yeast (heads), long rod-shaped bacteria, or fungal hyphae (tails).
144 Vap & Shropshire
Fig. 5. Urine from an intact male dog. Several spermatozoa are present along with a few
transitional epithelial cells and a calcium oxalate crystal (wet mount, original magnification
Bacteria, yeast, and fungi may be present in urine as the result of contamination during
collection or staining, or with infection of the bladder or kidneys. Visualization of bac-
teria in urine sediment requires a microscope with a resolution capable of distinguish-
ing smaller (.38 mm–.72 mm) organisms at 400 magnification. Contaminants arise
during collection from the skin or mucosal surface of vaginal areas (voided samples)
or gut (accidental enterocentesis during cystocentesis) and they may multiply to signif-
icant numbers in urine stored at room temperature. Overgrowth may also occur if the
stain becomes contaminated by touching bottle droppers or slides to nonsterile sur-
faces. Bacterial overgrowth can be minimized by refrigerating stored urine and period-
ically cleaning staining jars, replenishing with fresh stain, keeping stain jars covered
when not in use, and prohibiting the use of the same stain set for fecal smears.
The shape, size, and arrangement of bacterial organisms vary with the type of
bacteria present and at least their shape and semiquantitative number should be re-
ported, for example, moderate rods. Random jiggling of small particles, known as
brownian motion, is the result of the effects of heat produced from the microscope
lamp. For this reason, very small crystals are sometimes misinterpreted as cocci-
shaped bacteria because they appear to be alive. Truly motile organisms swim across
the field of view. Cocci-shaped bacteria can be present individually or in pairs, chains,
and clusters. Because cocci are difficult to distinguish from small crystals and other
particles, their presence can be confirmed with Romanowsky staining of an air-
dried preparation (Fig. 6). The elongate shape of rod-shaped bacteria is more readily
identified. Rods may be present individually or in chains (Fig. 7). Large rods in chains
should be distinguished from fungal hyphae, which are considerably larger and often
segmented. Yeast, such as Candida sp, are 2 mm to 7 mm 3 mm to 8 mm spherical to
egg-shaped organisms that may be individualized or in the process of budding
(Fig. 8A). They tend to have a more well-defined border than erythrocytes. With over-
growth, Candida form pseudohyphae, which are approximately 3 mm 10 mm to
15 mm with septae-like constrictions between segments (see Fig. 8B). Lipid droplets
are quite round and often float in a higher plane whereas yeast settles (see Fig. 8C).
True hyphae observed with invasion of mucosal surfaces are narrower and longer
without segmentation.9
Urine Cytology 145
Fig. 6. (A) Cocci-shaped bacteria arranged in small clusters are barely visible. Many erythro-
cytes, a few leukocytes, occasional transitional epithelial cells and one hyaline cast are also
present (wet mount, original magnification 400). (B) Cocci are readily visible intracellularly
and extracellularly when stained (Wright-Giemsa stain, original magnification 1000).
Because biochemical constituents and crystal types and number may change and
cells in whole urine do not retain morphology in stored urine, sending whole urine
for evaluation is not advised unless the referral center can receive the sample within
a short time after collection. The type of sample submitted for confirmation varies
somewhat with the formed element that is in question. Centrifuge the urine and submit
only the sediment resuspended in 0.5 mL of urine in a small, sealed container for gen-
eral review of the entire sediment or crystal identification. Refrigerate the sample dur-
ing storage and shipping. Because cellular morphology is not retained in whole urine,
organisms can die or multiply, and wet mounts do not provide sufficient detail, films for
cytologic evaluation should be made as soon as possible after sample collection.
If there are formed elements, such as suspicious cells or organisms, observed in the
wet mount prep, further evaluation can be done on air-dried and Romanowsky-stained
films. Two techniques are summarized in Box 7 and demonstrated in Fig. 9. Leuko-
cytes stain as observed in blood films, crystals tend to be faint if at all visible, and bac-
teria and yeast can be observed using a 100 oil objective and stain dark purple.
Fig. 7. (A) Many rod-shaped bacteria with three leukocytes (wet mount, original magnifica-
tion 400). (B) A leukocyte with intracellular rod-shaped bacteria and one squamous epithe-
lial cell (Wright-Giemsa stain, original magnification 1000).
146 Vap & Shropshire
Fig. 8. (A) Budding yeast, consistent with Candida spp and 2 hyaline casts (wet mount, orig-
inal magnification 400). (B) Urine containing a mat of fungal pseudohyphae and many
cocci in the background (wet mount, original magnification 100). (C) Urine with a few leu-
kocytes and variably sized lipid droplets in different planes of focus (wet mount, original
magnification 400).
Box 7
Urine cytology film preparation
Remove coverslip from the wet mount prep and air dry. Stain with Romanowsky-like (quick)
stain to confirm the presence of bacteria or further evaluate the cell types present.
If the presence of bacteria is confirmed, a second preparation can be made from the
sediment, which is air dried, heat fixed, and Gram stained to determine Gram-staining
If cells are too rounded or ruptured, further cellular detail is desired, or if there are cells
suspicious for neoplasia, recentrifuge sediment, decant, and gently resuspend
supernatant. Make 2 pull/squash preps on remaining sediment.
Place a drop of gently resuspended sediment on each of 2 glass slides adjacent to the label
end. Gently place the 2 slides on top of each other, drops to the inside, and quickly pull the
2 slides in opposing directions.
If resistance is felt, the cells have probably been ruptured. Attempt another preparation
with larger drops and/or quicker movements.
(Quick) stain one to evaluate for intact cells.
If cells are ruptured, prepare additional films using a larger drop and/or quicker pull
technique, air dry, stain one, and evaluate, as described previously.
Urine Cytology 147
Intracellular bacteria indicate infection rather than contamination. This also provides a
better means of evaluating transitional and renal epithelial cells.
Gram staining should only be performed after the presence of bacteria is confirmed by
morphology (rods) or Romanowsky staining (cocci). Gram staining results may
be unreliable, however, owing to the viability and type of the bacteria as well as whether
the sample was over-decolorized or under-decolorized. Alternatively, a recently
marketed test with a high sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative pre-
dictive values for detecting Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in urine (Rapid-
Bac Vet, Silver Lake Research Corporation, Monrovia, CA) is commercially available.10
Despite described limitations, urine samples collected via a voided sample can be
submitted for culture and sensitivity but the colony-forming units (CFU)/mL are
required for interpretation. A voided urine sample from a dog containing less than
105 CFU/mL of bacteria is not considered clinically significant.11 If greater than or
equal to this number of bacterial counts is present, however, a cystocentesis, if not
medically contraindicated, is recommended to confirm the presence of an infection.
The presence or absence of clinical signs, predisposing conditions for infection,
whether there is concurrent pyuria and the type of bacteria grown in culture must
also be considered.12 Sample handling recommendations for quantitative culture
are available at microbiology laboratories and online.1
Urine fungal antigen tests may be warranted in cases suspected of systemic fungal
infections, such as histoplasmosis or blastomycosis.13,14
A bladder tumor antigen test performed on urine has been shown sensitive and specific
in dogs with transitional cell carcinoma without concurrent urinary tract disease. It is not
specific, however, if there is concurrent pyuria, bacteriuria, or hematuria.15,16
If a pathologist’s evaluation is warranted, send both the Romanowsky-stained and
air-dried unstained and unfixed films (see Box 7; Box 8 for helpful hints).
A recently marketed automated sediment analyzer (IDEXX Laboratories, One IDEXX
Drive Westbrook, ME) claims the ability to evaluate 45 fields on a few drops of urine
within a few minutes for blood and epithelial cells, bacteria, casts, and common crys-
tals. A peer-reviewed validation of this product has yet to be published.
Box 8
Shipping hints for sediment and film review
Ship urine sediment in small, tightly sealed container (eg, bullet tube) overnight with a cold
Ship a stained and unstained sediment film for pathologist review if cells suspicious for
neoplasia, such as transitional cell carcinoma, are present.
Do not freeze, heat fix, or expose films to formalin fumes, temperature extremes, or
148 Vap & Shropshire
Bacteria, in particular cocci, are easy to miss on microscopy. Romanowsky-
stained air-dried sediment allows for an easy and inexpensive way to confirm
their presence.
Rapid test strips provide an alternative way to detect presence as well as Gram
characteristics of urine.
Contaminated stains provide an optimal medium for bacterial and fungal over-
growth. Be sure to use separate staining jars for fecal and ear samples and clean
jars and replace stain regularly.
Cells do not preserve well in urine. Send freshly prepared concentrated films
when requiring a pathologist’s evaluation of the cellular elements.
The focus of this article is on the cytologic examination of urine sediment for
evidence of inflammation, infection, and/or neoplasia. Methods of sample collection
and handling play a critical role with interpretation of results and are described.
Proper film preparation is also important whether evaluating in house or submitting
for a pathologist’s review, and several techniques are provided. The images demon-
strate the utility of appropriate film preparation and staining to maximize cytologic
9. Sudbery Peter E. Growth of Candida albicans hyphae. Nat Rev Microbiol 2011;9:
10. Jacob ME, Crowell MD, Fauls MB, et al. Diagnostic accuracy of a rapid immuno-
assay for point-of-care detection of canine urinary tract infection. Am J Vet Res
11. Labato MA. Uncomplicated urinary tract infection. In: Bonagura JD, editor. Kirk’s
current veterinary therapy XIV. Philadelphia: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2009.
p. 918–21.
12. Smee N, Loyd K, Grauer G. UTIs in small animal patients: part 1: etiology and
pathogenesis. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 2013;49(1):1–7.
13. Spector D, Legendre AM, Wheat J, et al. Antigen and antibody testing for the
diagnosis of blastomycosis in dogs. J Vet Intern Med 2008;22(4):839–43.
14. Foy DS, Trepanier LA, Kirsch EJ, et al. Serum and urine blastomyces antigen con-
centrations as markers of clinical remission in dogs treated for systemic blasto-
mycosis. J Vet Intern Med 2014;28(2):305–10.
15. Billet HG, Moore AH, Holt PE. Evaluation of a bladder tumor antigen test for the
diagnosis of lower urinary tract malignancies in dogs. Am J Vet Res 2002;63(3):
16. Henry CJ, Tyler JW, McEntee MC, et al. Evaluation of a bladder tumor antigen test
as a screening test for transitional cell carcinoma of the lower urinary tract in
dogs. Am J Vet Res 2003;64(8):1017–20.