This series will include reference books and handbooks that will provide the concep-
tual and advanced reference materials that cover building and promoting the feld of
Big Data and Machine Learning which will include theoretical foundations, algo-
rithms and models, evaluation and experiments, applications and systems, case stud-
ies, and applied analytics in specifc domains or on specifc issues.
vi Contents
Geeta Rana
Alex Khang
Ravindra Sharma
Alok Kumar Goel
Ashok Kumar Dubey
Artifcial intelligence (AI) is being widely recognized as the power that will fuel
the future global digital economy. AI in the past few years has gained geostrategic
importance, and a large number of countries are striving hard to stay ahead with
their policy initiatives to get their countries ready. We express our sincere gratitude
to our students, colleagues and the executive participants of numerous management
development programs who have helped us clarify our concepts of AI; distinguished
scholars and authors, whose works we have used over the years in our teaching,
research and training, and have thereby become an unconscious part of our ideas and
thoughts discussed in this book. The book in its present form has been possible due
to keen interest shown by academic colleagues from around the world. We would
like to express our gratitude and appreciate the contributions of the authors.
A large number of our friends and colleagues from academia and industry offered
their support to make this project successful. This support has come in many forms:
review and re-review of chapters, suggestions for revisions and modifcations and
critical comments to make the chapters more thorough and meaningful. We acknowl-
edge their tremendous support and are thankful for their valuable comments.
We thankfully acknowledge all the support, inspiration and motivation we
received from our faculty colleagues. We would remain indebted to their outstand-
ing intellectual efforts.
Our special thanks to Prof. Renu Rastogi and Prof. Santosh Rangnekar, Indian
Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, for their constant encouragement and sup-
port in this endeavor. The book in its present shape has been possible due to keen
interest shown by academic colleagues from around the world. We acknowledge
their tremendous support and are thankful for their valuable comments. We thank
our prospective readers in advance, for they would be a source of improvement and
further development of this book.
We express our thankful to our publisher, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group),
and the entire editorial team who lent their wonderful support throughout and
ensured timely processing of the manuscript and bringing out of the book.
Finally, we would fail in our duty if we did not acknowledge the most loving care
and cooperation enjoyed by us, all through the working on this book, from our dear
families for unstained support provided.
Ashok Kumar Dubey has been professor and dean in the Dept. of Management
and Commerce for 18 years at Bangalore University, India. Prof. Dubey is fellow
member of three professional institutes, completed Ph.D. from Delhi University and
postgraduate work in both management and commerce. He also served 26 years in
industry. His research is situated in the feld of fnance and accounting, with a spe-
cial focus on forensic and behavioral, academic entrepreneurship and collaborative
research and development in industries and academia. He is author of more than 150
research papers in national and international referred journals and more.
Alex Khang has 15 years of teaching information technology and database technol-
ogy in universities of technology in Vietnam, and over 25 years of non-stop working
in the feld of software productions and specialized in data engineering for foreign
corporations from Sweden, the United States, Singapore, and multinationals. Prof.
Khang is a specialist in data engineering and artifcial intelligence at IT Corporation
and also in the contribution stage of knowledge and experience into the scope of
tech talk, a consultant, a part-time lecturer and an evaluator on the sides of content
and engineering for the research and editing of master’s/Ph.D. theses for local and
international institutes and schools of technology.
xii Editors
Macmillan. He has attended various workshops, FDPs and MDPs. He has presented
around 28 research papers in national and international conferences. He has also
attended a paper development workshop in the Indian Institute of Management
Rohtak, India. He has been honored as a session chair and keynote speaker in inter-
national conferences in various universities. His research interests include IoT, artif-
cial intelligence, employer branding, entrepreneurship and talent management.
Balaji Dhanasekaran has completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science in the year 2010.
He is having 22 years of overall teaching and administrative experience, including
17 years of abroad experience. He has guided more than 50 M.Phil., Masters and
Undergraduate students’ projects and research works. He is presently working as
Head of the Department of IT in University of Technology and Applied Sciences,
Salalah, Oman. He has published 14 journal papers, 34 international conference
papers and 20 national conference papers. He has published few of his research work
as book chapters. He has visited eight countries for presenting his research work.
His research interests are IoT, ICT and M-Learning. He is one of the technical paper
reviewers for many journals and international conferences. He has conducted vari-
ous workshops for college students in India and Oman related to IoT, Research paper
writing, Cloud Computing, etc. He is at present working on two research projects
funded by the University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Salalah. His three
research papers have got accepted by international conferences on Oman Vision
2040, organized by the Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.
V. Harish has more than 17 years of industry and academic experience. He has
served in various capacities like zonal manager, project management trainer, con-
sultant. etc. A certifed PMP (Project Management Professional) from Project
Management Institute U.S.A., he has trained numerous professionals from industries
such as IT, construction and banking. Also, as a consultant for lean practices for
companies, he has helped many factories become more effcient. He has published a
book titled Practice Exercises for PMP®. His area of interest is operations manage-
ment, futuristic technologies, project management and lean manufacturing.
xiv Contributors
sponsored research projects. He has spent ten years in teaching management grad-
uates marketing, analytics related courses and researching the same. He has also
bagged funding from the University Grants Commission to conduct research in the
area of Microfnance.
of teaching experience. She is a life member in The Indian Society for Technical
Education. She guided more than 30 under graduate and post graduate students. Her
area of interest includes wireless sensor networks, signal processing, IOT applica-
tions, drug screening and computational optimization.
1.1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Review of Literature ......................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Artifcial Intelligence ............................................................................ 2
1.2.2 Green Human Resource Management .................................................. 4
1.2.3 Determinants of GHRM Adoption........................................................ 5
1.3 Role of AI in Adopting GHRM Practices ......................................................... 8
1.4 Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 11
References ................................................................................................................ 12
Artifcial intelligence (AI) is constantly trying to meet the criteria of Industry 4.0
by transforming traditional organizations into smart factories where human efforts
can be minimized and their talent can be leveraged for attaining organizational
sustainability (Kshetri, 2021). However, business organizations in developing
economies are struggling both internally and externally. On one hand, while orga-
nizations have to meet the demands of Industry 4.0 by transforming themselves
into smart factories, they on the other hand also have to be responsive to the chang-
ing expectations of their customers and environment. With the increasing pres-
sures of maintaining the environment, reducing waste and implementing cleaner
production policies, organizations are shifting their focus to implement green
human resource management (green HRM) practices (Pham et al., 2019). In order
to both meet the ends and satisfy the organizational stakeholders, both internally
and externally, companies are relying on AI (Garg et al., 2018). AI supports orga-
nizations with the advanced digital technologies, cloud computing and data storage
facilities, decision-making applications and smart analytical tools (Kshetri, 2021).
This chapter will explain the role of AI in adopting and implementing green HRM
practices. The next section will discuss the literature carried out on green HRM
and artifcial intelligence. The latest examples and cases from the industry will be
discussed in the chapter.
DOI: 10.1201/9781003145011-1 1
2 Reinventing Processes Through AI
collecting and tagging data, assessing and analyzing data for manufacturing and
service industries. Natural language processing is a form of AI whereby individuals
can speak with machines and get their work done; for example, the virtual personal
assistant Alexa (Amazon Echo), and call center agents.
The form of artificial intelligence defined here is shown in Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1 explains the different dimensions of AI which are adopted and imple-
mented by organizations to improve their processes and services. These AI technolo-
gies are not only changing human effort, but also generating more opportunities to
leverage the human skills. AI is not limited to manufacturing or service organiza-
tions but is also implemented for improving organizational efficiency and effective-
ness. Companies are employing AI tools and techniques for various administrative
and HRM functions including recruitment, training and development, performance
appraisal, career development and talent retention.
Modern management theories management by objective (MBO) and manage-
ment by exception (MBE) are focusing more on green environment issues (Chan
& Chan, 2004; Chan et al., 2014; Mařík & Lažanský, 2007). Therefore, along with
the challenge to sustain in this competitive scenario, companies also have to main-
tain green HRM practices and functions. With smart and innovative applications,
AI helps the organizations attain green HRM functions and practices (Sekhri &
Cheema, 2019). In the era of Industry 4.0 when organizations are transforming into
digitalized systems, AI plays a great role in turning imagination into reality. With
its smart and digitally equipped applications, AI is of great help for organizations
Artificial Machine
Narrow Learning
Intelligence Technologies
Artificial Super
to adopt and implement green HRM practices and functions. Applications like chat
boats, digital attendance, job intelligence maestros, automation, distance assistants
and e-pass systems are the major AI tools which have been employed by organiza-
tions to improve their HRM functions and processes. Similarly, as per the scenario
AI tools and applications are used by organizations to adopt green HRM (GHRM)
functions and processes. The next section will discuss the main GHRM functions
practiced in organizations.
HRM Functions Disseminated on the Basis of GHRM Practices
No Antecedents of HRM Functions Research Studies
GHRM Practices
1 Developing green • Recruitment and Jabbour et al. (2010); Jabbour (2013);
ability selection Renwick et al. (2013); Pham and Paillé
• Training and (2019); Ren et al. (2018); Zaid et al. (2018);
development Chaudhary (2018); Chaudhary (2019a);
• Job description Roscoe et al. (2019)
2 Motivating green • Performance Masri and Jaaron (2017); Gupta (2018);
employees management/appraisal Longoni et al. (2018); Aboramadan (2020)
• Reward and pay system
3 Facilitating green • Employee Jabbour and Santos (2008); Teixeira et al.
opportunities involvement and (2012); Pinzone et al. (2016); Gholami et al.
empowerment (2016); Luu (2017); Masri and Jaaron (2017);
• Supportive climate/ Tang et al. (2018); Gupta (2018); Ren et al.
culture (2018); Chaudhary (2019a); Kim et al.
• Union’s role in EM (2019); Fawehinmi et al. (2020); Aboramadan
• Organizational (2020); Liu et al. (2020); Rubel et al. (2021);
learning Song et al. (2020); Srivastava et al. (2020)
Sources: From Pham et al. (2019) and Yong et al. (2019a)
and green innovation, which enables it to create fortunes and obtain competitive
advantage (Chen, 2008). As customers, suppliers, employees and partners are the
main stakeholders of the organization, their impact on implementing green HRM
services is relatively greater.
Moreover, green HRM practices can only be adopted and implemented in the
organizations if top management provide support to these practices. Top manage-
ment holds the decision to initiate any change in the organization, and they must
have orientation toward green environment which helps them to support green
HRM practices (Obeidat et al., 2020; Sawang & Kivits, 2014; Teixeira et al., 2012).
With effective leadership and employee commitment, top management initiates
changes to the organizational culture by adopting green HRM practices such as
green recruitment and selection, green job descriptions, green training and develop-
ment, green performance appraisal system, green safety and health provision, green
employee and labor relations, and green grievance handling systems (Ahmad, 2015;
Chaudhary, 2019b; Gholami et al., 2016; Guerci et al., 2016; Jabbour, 2013; Jabbour
et al., 2010; Jackson et al., 2011; O’Donohue & Torugsa, 2016; Ren et al., 2018; Rana
& Sharma, 2019; Renwick et al., 2013; Shah, 2019; Siyambalapitiya et al., 2018;
Srivastava et al., 2020; Tang et al., 2017; Zibarras & Coan, 2015). Adoption of green
HRM practices help organizations attain green environmental goals by transform-
ing employee behavior and attitudes toward adopting green behaviors and develop-
ing a green workforce (Aboramadan, 2020; Cabral & Dhar, 2019; Cabral & Dhar,
2020; Chaudhary, 2019b; Dumont et al., 2017; Fawehinmi et al., 2020; Islam et al.,
2020; Jackson & Seo, 2010; Kim et al., 2019; Luu, 2017; Luu, 2018; Mishra, 2017;
Aboramadan, 2020; Mukherjee & Chandra, 2018; Ojo et al., 2020; Renwick et al.,
2013; Rubel et al., 2021).
Green recruitment and selection helps organizations attract more talented employ-
ees due to their policies as most of the Generation Y employees look for employers
with green HRM practices (Chaudhary, 2018). Employers have transformed them-
selves as green employer to attract talent (Ahmed, 2015). European companies like
Siemens, BASF, Bayer, Mannesmann and Rover Group use environmental activities
as part of their job descriptions (Wehrmeyer, 1996). A systematic review was car-
ried out on 22 peer-reviewed articles and identifed the recommendations of recruit-
ment and selection, along with mediators and moderators, to establish a relationship
between applicant attraction outcomes and corporate environmental sustainability
(Pham & Paillé, 2019).
In order to transform the employees into a green workforce, organizations are
integrating environmental performance with performance management systems to
prevent any damage to the environment (Epstein & Roy, 1997). Companies install
environmental performance standards and green information systems to attain use-
ful data on employees’ organizational performance (Alfred & Adam, 2009). They
also initiate green training and development to educate employees about managing
environment, minimizing waste, water preservation, conserving energy and provid-
ing them with opportunities to identify sustainable innovations to preserve the envi-
ronment (Zoogah, 2011). Previous research studies have unraveled the determinants
of employee green behavior as it is important for implementing green HRM policies
(Aboramadan, 2020; Islam et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2020; Ojo et al., 2020; Rubel
The Role of AI in Adopting Green HRM 7
et al., 2021). Green training and development is an important construct which affect
employees’ behavior toward environmental safety and prevention. It also makes
employees aware of the different aspects of environmental management as they look
for more eco-friendly options like paperless documentation, energy consumption,
waste reduction, recycling scraps and generating creative and innovative solutions.
Training in U.S. frms involves regulatory requirements, employees’ awareness
of environment management and training on environmental quality management
(TEQM) (Milliman & Clair, 1996).
Apart from these, companies are also introducing green compensation policies
whereby employees are rewarded and encouraged to adopt eco-friendly activities.
More than 8% of frms in the United Kingdom are rewarding their employees’ green
behaviors with fnancial or non-fnancial incentives (Phillips, 2007). Employees’
green behavior and their participation in environmental activities is also considered
and awarded by companies as their commitment toward environment management
(Forman & Jorgensen, 2001). To maintain a healthy employee–employer relations,
companies are also adopting green safety and health policies, green employee/labor
relations and green grievance handling systems. These policies facilitate employee
participation and empowerment toward environment management activities.
Previous studies found that involving and empowering employees result in reduced
waste and pollution, along with effcient use of resources (Florida & Davison, 2001;
Kitazawa & Sarkis, 2000; Renwick et al., 2008; Wee & Quazi, 2005). Figure 1.2
describes the determinants of GHRM practices in organizations.
Human and Environmental
Relational Orientation
of GHRM Greem
Organizational employee
Culture empowerment
Stakeholder Customer
Pressure Pressure
Figure 1.2 shows the various factors to which organizations have to adopt GHRM
practices. In a green HR survey, it was revealed that more than 54% of companies
have infused green management practices in their organizational activities, 74% used
digital innovation to conduct meetings without traveling, 76% of organizations pro-
moted paperless documentation, 60% have adopted employee ftness and wellness
programs, and 80% used artifcial intelligence to perform their activities (Aggarwal
& Sharma, 2015). With the smart and artifcially intelligent software, adoption and
implementation of GHRM services becomes easy for organizations (Garg et al.,
2018). For instance, PepsiCo has implemented AI software to interview and select
candidates for their vacant positions. The software automatically scan CVs (cur-
riculum vitae) from various job portals and selects the candidates having matching
profles, which minimizes the job of interviewers to travel across countries to inter-
view the candidates. Infosys implemented new ERP system and smart meters and
able to reduce their energy consumption by 85%. Companies like ITC, Lufthansa
Group, Hyatt Group of Hotels, Nokia, Gensol Consultants Private Limited and id8
Media Solutions have also adopted AI technologies to implement GHRM practices
for adopting green and healthy environment. The next section will discuss about the
role of AI in adopting GHRM practices.
recruiters as they can take interviews using portals like Zoom and Microsoft Teams.
Companies also use AI applications to train their employees like Google Classroom,
or Google Meet platforms to train their employees online.
AI applications also help organizations in motivating employees to go green by
using performance appraisal software and data analytics. Companies assess employ-
ees’ performance on daily, quarterly, and yearly bases, and provide them with feed-
back for self-appraisal and help in overcoming their weaknesses. This feedback also
helps employees to identify how they can reduce waste, what practices they can
follow to maintain a healthy lifestyle and how to focus on creative solutions for main-
taining a green environment. Companies monitor their employees’ activities using
AI applications and reward the employees following green practices. Organizations
fnd it challenging to meet the standards of green performance management and
appraisal as it goes through various departments and staff units. Companies are
trying to understand these issues and they are trying to upgrade their performance
appraisal systems by initiating green information systems to manage the standards
of green performance management.
Various AI applications like chatbots and chat rooms help employees solve
their queries about leave and organization systems, which saves a lot of time for
counselors and mentors which can be used in other productive activities. These
applications are not only employee friendly but also help in improving employee–
employer relationships, solving grievances and developing green corporate culture.
Companies manage their operations like manufacturing processes, warehouse
management, and supply chain management using AI applications which are smart
and help reduce waste and save energy and resources. With the use of AI applica-
tions and technologies, the chance of error reduces and companies can easily adopt
GHRM practices.
Automation through AI is taking place in GHRM services which are depicted
from the AMO (ability, motivation, opportunity) framework shown in Figure 1.4.
10 Reinventing Processes Through AI
AI Technologies for Adopting GHRM Practices
No. Technology Company Outcome
1 Trackerapp Pegasystems This app is designed to help organizations track the spread of
COVID-19 among its employees.
2 Virtual Samsung Providing virtual or e-internships to new recruits of Generation
training Z category to go through Team Samsung Online portal.
3 Jobs DBS Through JIM, talent acquisition specialists take only eight
Intelligence minutes to assess a candidate’s résumé, as compared to the
Maestro typical 30 minutes.
4 Automation EPFO By launching its frst fully automatic claim settlement system in
a record time of just fve days, EPFO disbursed a whopping Rs
11,540 crore to its members in April–May 2020.
5 Distance Amazon Distance Assistant is a new technology driven by machine
Assistant learning (ML) and augmented reality (AR) which uses depth
sensors to provide visual cues to workers, to maintain safe
distance from each other.
6 LTI Safe LTI (Larsen This app has been launched to make sure that the health of the
Radius & Turbo workforce remains protected as they return to offce.
7 Chatbot Sun Life ASC This chatbot answers employees’ queries, and around 74% of
Nina India users have reported being satisfed with responses to their queries.
The Role of AI in Adopting Green HRM 11
Companies are using automation like data mining techniques to select and retain
green talent. Green employees have the ability to perform tasks as per environmen-
tal requirements; they can be motivated to maintain the environment and given
the empowerment to produce creative solutions for sustaining the environment.
Companies use AI tools to enhance learning and development among their employ-
ees like free digital libraries to explore content. There are few other AI techniques
implemented for adopting sustainable GHRM practices, as shown in Table 1.2.
In this dynamic scenario, when companies are shifting their priorities on attaining
sustainable competitive advantage rather than achieving profts, then it also becomes
their obligation to preserve the nature and environment. It will also make organiza-
tions the preferable employer brands for the job seekers, and they will be able to
attract and retain talent. Thus, organizations have to take measures for implement-
ing green HRM policies. Along with attracting and retaining talent, companies also
have to take care of their existing workforce, because any random change can cre-
ate resistance among the employees (Gupta & Haque, 2015; Gupta & Lenka, 2018).
There comes the role of AI, which helps organizations to adopt GHRM services
by offering various applications and smart technologies which simplify the work
and increase productivity of employees. AI is also important to be undertaken by
organizations because of diverse workforce which includes Baby Boomers (born
1946–1960), Generation X (born 1961–1980), Generation Y (born 1981–2000) and
Generation Z (born 1995–2012) (Naim & Lenka, 2017; Singh, 2014). Gen Y is
12 Reinventing Processes Through AI
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