SM Basic Concepts Gustavo Ardila
SM Basic Concepts Gustavo Ardila
SM Basic Concepts Gustavo Ardila
Gustavo Ardila
J µ = iqαψ̄γ µ ψ (3)
Dµ = ∂µ + iqAµ , (7)
For every incoming fermion assign a spinor us (p) and the following
; ;
p k +p p
QED was the first successful QFT. However it does not explain the
remaining 3 fundamental forces: Strong, Weak and Gravitation.
So far, there was no understanding of the physics that governs the
atomic nucleus.
1940 → Heisenberg, Jordan and others started to study the force that
binds the nucleus together, the Strong force.
Any choose of T’s following the SU(2) algebra, will then give us a
representation of it. The lowest dimensional irreps are proportional to
the Pauli matrices
Ti = τi (23)
Y =B +S (26)
3 × 3̄ = 8 ⊕ 1 (36)
This means that mesons can live in an octet and a singlet. In terms
of flavour physics: Octet is the one we saw before, the singlet is
represented by the η meson
g1 = r ḡ ; g2 = g r¯; g3 = r b̄; g4 = b¯
r ; g5 = g b̄
1 1
g6 = bḡ ; g7 = √ (r r¯ − g g¯); g8 = √ (r r¯ + g ḡ − 2b b̄)
2 6
Now we need to build an SU(3) invariant QFT
From our last seminar, we know that these spinors must carry color
indices to preserve SU(3)
Flavor indices are also introduced to reduce the number of terms in
the Lagrangian
L = i ψ̄ f γ µ ∂µ ψ f − mψ̄ f ψ f (40)
note that there is one conserved charge for each color combination.
Then, we define the Field strength tensor in a similar way than for the
photon field
1956: Yang and Lee noted that there was no experimental evidence of
parity conservation in weak processes
1957: Wu discovered that the 60 Co decay violates parity!
Weak interaction distinguishes between Left Handed(LH) and Right
Handed chiralities !
Solution given by Feynman: Introduce V-A currents such that LH
components of the spinor participate in the interaction, whilst the RH
are singlets!
GF 1
J µ = √ ψ̄γ µ PL ψ; PL = (1 − γ5 ) (50)
2 2
ψ = ψL + ψR (52)
will not leave the mass terms invariant, we say then that mass terms
break gauge invariance. Additionally, note that as neutrinos only
participate in weak processes, they can only posses left-handed
chirality which means that they are massless.
Short range interaction implies the existence of massive vector
L = i ψ̄γ µ ∂µ ψ (57)
ψ → e −igw τa θa ψ (58)
igw τa θa
ψ̄ → ψ̄e (59)
L = i ψ̄ ′ γ µ Dµ ψ ′ (70)
µ iτa θa µ −iτc θc
= i ψ̄γ ∂µ ψ − gw ψ̄e γ τb (Wbµ + ∂µ θb )e ψ (71)
3 boson terms are also possible via (∂µ Waµ )Wαb Wβc
Note that the terms between parenthesis add in a similar way as the
result of a matrix multiplication with a vector. In other words, it takes
the form
a11 a12 a a11 a + a12 b c
= =
a21 a22 b a21 a + a22 b d
Dµ = ∂µ + igw Ta Wµa + i Bµ , (94)
Replacing derivatives induces quadratic terms for the vector bosons!
How to deal with the Goldstone bosons? → Unitary gauge → Vector
bosons ”eat” these modes and become massive!
In this gauge, the doublet becomes
ϕ= v√
+h (95)
LYuk = Γuij q̄Li ϕ̃uRj + Γdij q̄Li ϕdRj + Γeij ēLi ϕeRj ; ϕ̃ = −iτ2 ϕ∗ (96)
Γ matrices are the couplings between fermions and the Higgs doublet
Without loss of generality, let us consider only one lepton family with
Yukawa Lagrangian given by