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DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop)

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of Computer
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Introduction to Desk Top Publishing, Introduction to Desk top
Publishing (DTP),History, Definition,Need and Area of Application,
Difference between a Word processor and publication Software, Use
and importance of DTP in publication & Newspaper Printing, Various
DTP Softwares, Introduction to Offset printing Technology,printers
Formatting of a text: Typography, Fonts Point Size, Spacing, Breaks,
Measurements etc., Types of printing: Lithography, Flexography,
Gravure, Screen printing, Offset printing. Working of offset printing,
Terms used in Offset printing: Bleed, CMYk, Impressions, Importance of
DTP in publication. Laser Printers – Use, Types, Advantage of laser
printer in publication

Adobe Page Marker- Introduction to Page Marker, Aldus & Adobe page
Marker, previous and current versions of page Maker, Page Marker as a
DTP Software, Attribute settings: Tools , Styles, Menus, Alignments,
Grids, Guides etc., Keyboard shortcuts, Page Layouts- margins and
page orientations With Various page sizes, Text Editing and
Manipulation, Filters, Import and Export options, Placing of Text and
Images, Auto flow and Story Editor, Different Layout views, Tab
setting, Columns & Gutters, Use of Styles, Palettes & Colours, Find
Option & Documents Setup

Adobe Page Marker – Page and documents setup, working with rulers,
setting the unit measurement, Bullets, Column Balancing, Breaks, Text
Wrapping, Windows & Orphan lines, Revert Command and its use,
Using Drop Caps and various style formats, Editing of Graphics and
Frames, OLE & Embedding, Plug-ins, Mathematical Equation, Table Editor
and it's use, Master pages, Headers & Footers, Frame Options, print
setup Options, Managing and printing Publication – Tiles, multiple
copies etc. Use of Page Marker in News Paper and Magazines

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Documents, Various
Graphic Files and Extensions- JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF, BMP, PSD, CDR, SVG
ETC., Graphic Files: Vector Image and Raster images. Definition,
Features, Area of ​application etc.Advantages and Disadvantages Vector
& Raster Graphics, Bitmap Graphics, Pixels, Application Programs to
work on Vector Graphics and Raster Graphics, Various color Modes and
Models: HSB, RGB, CMYK, Bitmap, Grayscale, Duotone Image: Image
Size and Resolution, Changing Image size and Resolution, Getting
Image from Input Devices, Creating New image in photoshop, Using
File Browser, Opening and Importing Selecting Image, Adjusting Pixel,
Snap command, Saving and Loading Selection, Deleting Selection

DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop)

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Photoshop – Introduction PSD files. Screen and work Area Interfaces:

Menu Bar, Option Bar, Palette, Active Image Area, Tool Box List etc.,
Opening a file, Saving a File, Closing a File, Tool: Icons, Name and
usage of Each tool, Setting History Option , Photoshop Layer & Palettes:
Use of Layers, Why Use Layers, Using Layer Palette, Creating Layers
and Layer Sets, Background layer.Working With layered Image: Layer
and Layer sets, Selecting Layers, Displaying Content of a Layer,
Duplicating Layers, Changing Order of Layers, Linking and Aligning
Layers, Renaming, Deleting Layer, Color Coding, Rasterizing Layer,
Setting Opacity and Blending, Layer Effect and Style, Applying Preset
Style, Creating Custom Style, Masking Layer.Filters: Using Filter Gallery, Filter
Gallery Gialogue box, Applying and Blending Filters, Choosing
Various Filter Effects

DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop)

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as per Syllabus UNIT-I Q1. What is DTP? Explain the history of DTP, its usefulness in
which area? Q2 What are the advantages of Dex Sipp Psyllacanon? Q3. What is the
difference between Word Processor and Publication Software? Q4. Explain the use
and importance of DTP in Publication and Newspaper printing? Q5. Tell me about the
DTP software of different governments? Q6. Explain Formatting Typography, Fonts
Point Size, Spacing, Breaks, Measurements of Text? Q7. Explain the types of printing?
Q8. Tell me about Offset Printing Technology? Q9.Explain the working of Offset
Printing? Q10. Explain the terms related to Offset Printing Bleed, CMYk, Impressions
Q11 What is laser printing? State the Advantages Disadvantage of Laser Printer UNIT-
II Q1. What is Pagemaker? State its features and give a pictorial description of
Windows Q2. Explain Menu bar in Pagemaker? Q3. Explain Toolbox in Pagemaker? Q4
Tell me about the version of Pagemaker? Q5. Explain what is the use of Pagemaker as
a DTP software? Q6 Tell the shortcut keys of Pagemaker? Q 7. How to create a new
Dupumen in PageMaker 7.0 ? Q8. Explain the Text Editing and Manipulation Options of
Pagemaker Q9. Explain Import and Export options in Pagemaker?
Q10. Explain Story Editor in Pagemaker?
Q11. Explain Different Screen views and Page Views in Pagemaker?
Q12. Explain Tab and Indent setting in Pagemaker?
Q13. Explain Columns & Gutters in Pagemaker?
Q14. Explain Palettes in Pagemaker?
Q15. How to check tape gap in PageMaker 7.0?
Q16 How to use the Find and Replace option in PageMaker 7.0
Q17. Explain Documents Setup in Pagemaker?

DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop)

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Q1. Explain what is the use of Rulers in Pagemaker?

Q2. How to get Bullets and Numbering in Pagemaker?
Q3. Explain Text Wrapping in Pagemaker?
Q4. Explain what is the use of Windows & Orphan lines in Pagemaker?
Q5. Explain what is the use of Revert Command in Pagemaker?
Q6. Explain Drop Caps in Pagemaker?
Q7. How to edit Graphics and Frames in Pagemaker?
Q8. Explain Plug-ins in Pagemaker?
Q9. Explain what is the use of Table Editor in Pagemaker?
Q10. Explain master pages in Pagemaker?
Q11. , Explain Headers & Footers in Pagemaker?
Q12. Explain Frame Options in Pagemaker?
Q13. How is AutoFlow used in PageMaker?
Q14. Explain print setup options in Pagemaker?
Q15. Explain what is the use of Pagemaker in News Paper and Magazines Printing

Q1. Tell me about Adobe Photoshop?

Q2. Explain different Graphics File and its Extension?
Q3. Vector Image and Raster Images. explain to whom?
Q4. Explain Vector & Raster Graphics, Advantages and Disadvantages
Q5. Explain the different color Modes and Models?
Q6. Resolution, explain?
Q7. How to create new image in photoshop
Q8 Explain the options related to image in photoshop
Q9. Explain Opening and Importing Selecting Image in Photoshop?
Q10. Explain Snap command in Photoshop?

Q1. Explain Screen and work Area Interfaces in Photoshop?
Q2. Explain the use of all the tools in Photoshop?
Q3. Explain Opening a file, Saving a File, Closing a File in Photoshop?
Q4. Explain all the options related to Layer in Photoshop?
Q5. Explain Filter Effects in Photoshop?

DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop)

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Barela P age | 6
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Q1. What is DTP? Explain the history of DTP, its usefulness in which area?
What is DTP?
The literal meaning of the term desktop publisher is to prepare the material to be
printed on your own table, that is , to do the work of
publication only by the equipment kept on your table , its practical meaning is to do
the work of publication by computer and its connected equipment, In other words , in
this system, starting from composing the text, drawing, etc., setting them on different
pages, ie , all the work is done in the computer kept on his desk and finally such a
master copy is printed on the laser printer. ready to print , which allows you to borrow
from any printing press such as offset press directly onto paper and print as many
copies as desired. In short, creating a fully printable document with the help of your
desktop computer . There are many types of programs available for this , which is
called desktop publishing system , through which you can create a complete
document by combining information and content that have been divided into pieces .
Why use DTP? The advantage of using DTP over traditional publishing systems is that
the traditional department relies heavily on outsiders, such as artists, designers,
compositors, and proofreaders, to prepare the material for publication , while desktop
publishing systems often do this. Due to dependence on outsiders, it takes a long
time for a publication to be ready in the traditional form , whereas in DTP this work is
done in a very short time Desktop publishing All the work is done in one place even
though it is being done by many people, so it naturally takes less time, so any material
can be printed before it loses its importance and reaches the relevant people. The
purpose of the publication is also successful, the DTP section saves a lot of time and
money in publishing, which reduces the cost of the publication and can reach more
and more people. A special advantage of DTP is that the publication prepared in it can
be kept safe for life time by lending it on any storage medium like hard disk, floppy,
CD, magnetic tape etc. or any part thereof may be reprinted DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 7 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com or can be used in other publications Like the traditional
category Type set pages do not have to be preserved physically Publications for
reprinting a publication in the traditional system The whole process has to be
completely duplicated , whereas in the new system all the work is kept ready in its
final form, only it has to reach the printing press . History of DTP Desktop publishing
was first developed at Xerox PARC in the 1970s. A conflicting claim states that
desktop publishing began in 1983 with a program developed by James Davis at a
community newspaper in Philadelphia . Program Type Processor One ran on a PC
using a graphics card for a WYSIWYG disk and was introduced commercially in 1984
by Best Info. Desktop typesetting with only limited page makeup facilities came with
the introduction of TeX in 1978–9 , and was extended by LaTeX in the 1980s. The
Macintosh computer platform was introduced by Apple in 1984 with much fanfare ,
but initially , the Mac initially lacked DTP capabilities. 1985 saw the DTP market
explode with the January debut of the Apple LaserWriter printer and later in July the
debut of PageMaker software from Aldus , which quickly became the standard
software application for desktop publishing. With its advanced layout features,
PageMaker quickly superseded word processors such as Microsoft's for writing and
editing purely text documents . The term "desktop publishing" is attributed to Aldus
founder Paul Brendith . Before the advent of desktop publishing, most businesses'
only option for producing typed documents (as opposed to handwritten documents)
was a typewriter, which could only use a handful of typefaces (usually fixed-width)
and one or two fonts. size offered. In fact, a popular desktop publishing textbook, the
Mac didn't have a typewriter , and it really had to show how the Mac could do so much
more than a typewriter. The behind-the-scenes technologies developed by Adobe
Systems set the foundation for professional desktop publishing applications .
LaserWriter and LaserWriter 3S printers included high quality , scalable Adobe
PostScript fonts built into their ROM memory. The LaserWriter's postblast capability
allowed publication designers to proof files on a local printer, then print the same files
in a DTP service laboratory using optical resolution 600+ ppi postblast printers such
as those from Sinotronics. Later, the Macintosh II was released which was more
suitable for desktop publishing because of its greater expandability, support for large-
width multi-monitor drives, and its SCSI storage DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and
Photoshop) Tomar Institute School of Computer Barela P age | 8 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com Because of the interface that allowed fast high capacity hard
drives to be connected to the system . When the GEM-based Ventura Publisher was
introduced for MS-DOS keyboards in 1986, Macintosh-based systems dominated the
market. Software was also published for 8-bit computers such as the Apple-II and
Commodore 64 : Home Publisher, New Newsroom and Geouse. During its early years,
desktop publishing gained a bad reputation as a result of untrained users creating
poorly organized, unprofessional-looking "ransom note effect" layouts; A similar
scheme was used again a decade later against World Wide Web publishers. However,
the few desktop publishers who mastered the programs were able to realize truly
professional results. Desktop publishing skills were considered to be of primary
importance in career advancement in the 1980s , but increased access to more user-
friendly DTP software has led DTP to become a focus on graphic design, multimedia
development, marketing communications and administrative careers . Ke Shie has
become a mediating skill. DTP skill level can be learned in minutes Optimized for
documents . Uses of Desktop Publishing) Creating Text In this step, the text is
created, usually by a word processor, which includes typing, proof reading, spelling
checking, editing, revising etc. is included. 1. Creating Illustrations 2. Designing Page
3. Making The Page 4. Printing The Publication 5. Finalizing the Publication ) Creating
Illustrations Creating Illustrations This work is generally done in two ways, either the
necessary images are created by a graphics software or the already made or printed
images are converted into electronic data by a scanner and into the computer . The
capacity of the scanner is more important in this category, all types of drawings,
photographs, etc. are prepared by using these two categories as per the requirement .
Designing Page DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of
Computer Barela P age | 9 Visit www.tomarbarela.com In this step, the layout of each
page is prepared, in this the length, width and margins to be left on all sides of the
page are set, this work is easy to do by DTP software because in it you Different types
of designs can be made in minito and see which design will be best for you. Making
The Page This step is the most important , in fact this is the main step of DTP , in this
all the prepared material is kept well on the electronic page, in this the font size of the
text is changed . Decisions are made about the size of the pictures and they are drawn
in such a way that each page becomes more and more beautiful and useful. This is
very easy to do by DTP software because in this you can draw a page on your
computer screen itself. You can try it in several ways and see which one will be the
best. Printing The Publication In this step, all the pages of the electronically generated
publication are printed on a laser printer. In this step, the difference between the
traditional category and the DTP category is clearly visible, because in the traditional
publication The material is available already printed in physical form whereas in DTP
the material is printed last. Finalizing the Publication In this step, the publication
document is revised once again in its layout and content, and after printing it for the
final time, the copy is sent for offset printing. Q2 Name the desktop publication?
Advantages of DTP (After Desktop Publishing) The main function of DTP software is
to set up the desired printing work accurately and rapidly on the computer . Some
software are used for single page designing, such as designing a poster, or designing
a letterpad, etc. Some software are used for setting of multi page documents, like
setting of a book etc. There are many software for doing work related to DTP by which
we can save any document, image very quickly and easily. Can prepare like – Adobe
Pagemaker Adobe Photoshop Coral Draw Adobe in Design DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 10 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com Adobe Frame maker Page Plus Disadvantages of computer
based desktop publish system are- Speed ​:- In comparison to the old system, the work
is more in this system Can be done more quickly . In this, not only can you create new
work, but you can also improve the work created earlier . In this, text form editing,
photo editing, etc. can be done very quickly. Changes :- You can easily make
corrections and changes in the document or file created in this system. Various tasks
can be stored in it, so that it can be searched and modified at any time. In this system,
keeping the basic design the same, you can also make new modifications. All
changes you make to the desktop publication package appear on the screen. With the
help of modern internet, you can also make changes in the design of remote (remote
location) computer . Page Formatting:- Many of the desktop publication software has
various page layouts, and many page decoration tools . Different types of text types,
which we call fonts, are available in the computer . Different types of borders, clip art
pictures, simple text, etc. are available in this, with their help, you can format the page
very well . Low cost :- In olden times, it used to take a lot of time to compose a book ,
and it required many skilled people . If there was a work to put a picture or a picture,
then a skilled artist was required . But today any work can be composed very quickly
and well with the help of DTP package. Due to DTP package, the cost of compounding
has been reduced to a great extent. Q3. DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and
Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | Q4. How to do page foam
printing of news paper in Pagemaker 7.0 What is News Paper? Newspaper is a
collection of news from all over the world , which gives us information about all the
events happening in the world. How to do page foam printing of news paper in
PageMaker 7.0 The size of news paper is large, so normal page layout is not used in it
. DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela
P age |

Fonts Point Size The font size or size of the text on the screen or how big
the printed characters on the page are.
A font is usually measured in pt (points).

Q7. Explain the types of printing? Printing is the process by which text and images are
transferred from ink to paper using

a printing press.
Often this is a large-scale
industrial process and a high degree of publishing is necessary.
Before the invention of the printing press,
opportunities to read magazines were extremely limited. Because the only way to
describe a
was to copy it, to redraw it by
hand .
In 1440, German inventor Johannes
Gutenberg invented a printing press process. The process used web-type, a special
press made of metal
and alloys
, with web-based inks that proved useful for the mass production of printed books .
Types of Printing Printing is such a medium, which shows us everywhere. It is used
for Newspapers , Books, Magazines, Brochures, Invitation Letters , Pamphlests etc. 1.
Letter Press Printing - Since it is the traditional method of printing, letter press printing
is established as an authentic type of printing today. This type of printing is also
called Typographic Printing. In letterpress printing, printing is done with raised letters.
These letters are made of wood or stone . These letters form a box, which is called a
form. It is tightly closed by arranging in . And then their paper ink poker DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 15 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com is written on the paper and these letters are printed on the
paper. In this type of printing, useful pictures can also be printed with the letters with
the help of glue. These blocks can be made of zinc, rubber or plastic. And they can be
used for line graphs or halftone graphs. These blocks are slotted into place with the
letters in Fum Mate. And then printing is done. 2. Screen Printing Screen printing is a
specialized type of printing that prints sharp- edged images using porous fabric and
stencils. This technique was developed in the early 19th century and popularized for
printing war banners and flags during the First World War . The larger the frame, the
lower the quality of printing. In screen printing a finely woven fabric, which may not be
silk, polyester or nylon , is stretched over a wooden or aluminum frame. At the time of
screen printing, printing is done with very thick ink after pasting the film on a very
thick cloth fixed in a wooden or aluminum frame . This ink is rubbed onto the screen
with a small wiper called a squeegee. That is why no machine is needed for screen
printing , a screen mounted frame, a squeegee to cover the ink and a wooden table
used as a base for the frame are the essential tools of this industry. 3. Offset Printing
Offset printing is also known as offset lithography or chiro of offset. Offset printing is
a ubiquitous printing technology in the world. 40 percent of the world's printing work
is done through offset printing. Although offset printing machines are very expensive,
their printing cost is very low and cheap. Offset printing technology is popular
because of the high printing quality and high volume printing. This is also one of the
reasons for its popularity. That in offset mode, the image and text etc. are placed on
the same surface. Offset printing, in comparison to other printing techniques, is
optimally yielded for the mass production of high quality prints at a lower cost . This
technology requires minimum maintenance . In offset printing, there is no direct
contact between the printing plate and the printing paper, so that the printing plate
lasts longer than other types of printing. 4. Gravure Printing - Gravure printing
technique is used for printing with clear and excellent images . This type of printing is
typically used for bulk printing packaging, wallpaper, and gift wrap using fast-drying
inks. Although the use of this type of printing is not excessive, yet in large quantities
DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P
age | 16 Visit www.tomarbarela.com Gravure printing is used for Advertising Print
Campaigns Greeting card cases and Magazines. The operations required in gravure
printing are- Image preparation, Schinder preparation, Print Painting and Finishing The
gravure printing process is a form of intaglio printing. Depressed or sunken ink is used
to produce the technical image used by the gravure printing machine. The image area
is made up of Honey Comb Shaped Cells , which are etched or etched into a copper
cylinder. The rest of the cylinder, i.e. it Any non-engraved or exposed material is non-
image or unprinted material . This cylinder is usually held in a tub of ink, called an
inkpan. As the cylinder rotates , the steel doctor blade cleans off the excess ink on the
cylinder. When the card or any other printable material is passed between the plate
cylinder and the impression cylinder , printing takes place due to the direct transfer of
ink to it. 5. Flexography Flexography is a major technique used by flexo printing
machines for printing packaging materials . This printing technique is used for
printing Corrugated Bixes] Folding Cartons , Plastic Bags etc. 6.Electrostatic Printing -
Electrostatic printing technique is such a printing technique, in which plate, ink or type
is not used, this printing technique is such a printing technique, in which the powder
on the surface to be printed ( Powder Ink) electrostatic force meter is used to print the
image directly. Due to the advancement of technology and high efficiency,
electrostatic machines are also used for printing small booklets . 7. Digital Printing -
In digital printing, no type of sheet or film is used for printing. Digital imaging
techniques are used to provide high quality in this type of printing . This method of
printing cuts down on the various factors like – making of film, making of fabric etc.
Digital Image Printing offers high performance and cost effective digital web fed
solutions for commercial printing . Digital printing machines use dry toner instead of
liquid ink. DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of
Computer Barela P age | 17 Visit www.tomarbarela.com Q8.Tell me about Offset
Printing Technology? What is Offset Printing (What are offset printing?) Offset printing
is a type of printing that is generally used in small and medium works, such as
Newspaper, Books, Magazine, bill book, form etc. The speed of this printing is fast,
from 1000 to 10,000 copies are printed simultaneously. It is wedge and wire rope
distribution system. But its print quality is not very good, and artistic works cannot be
printed in it. But for general printing works this method is of many uses . In this type
of printing technique the image is transferred from the printing plate to a rubber sheet
, from that rubber sheet the image is transferred to the paper. In this type of technique,
images are printed on paper with ink using oil and water . In this, the part of the rubber
sheet which is not to be printed is made a water base, and the heavy part to be printed
is made a base of ink (which contains ink). This type of printing had been known since
the early 1900s . It is effective, cheap, and fast technique compared to other printing
methods. In this, large size printing can be done in less time. Maintenance of the
machines used in this type of method is also necessary. Working on offset machines
is easier than other printing machines. It is mostly used for printing on paper. This
type of printing is also called lithography. A single sheet is used in this type of printer .
This chest is made of PVC or aluminum. Apart from this, there are many types of
plates , but generally aluminum plates are used. It is light in weight and strong . Water
and oil have no effect on aluminum plates. By processing this grid, the data which is
to be printed on it is extracted. Q9. Explain the working of Offset Printing? Mainly in an
offset machine there are three cylinders, on the first cylinder the master or plate is
driven, on the second cylinder there are rubber rings, on which the image is printed, on
the third cylinder the card is kept. In addition, there are various rubber rods to blend
the ink properly. The following are the classes to print in offset printing. 1. First of all,
the data to be printed is drawn on a plastic plate by a computer or on an aluminum
plate by a large exposing machine . 2. The first cylinder of the machine is also called
the master cylinder. DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of
Computer Barela P age | 18 Visit www.tomarbarela.com 3. The color in which printing
is to be done, the ink of that color is poured into the ink ball. The place where ink is
kept in the machine is called Ink Dust. 4. Ink Dust It is connected to a rower , that
rower is feeding ink as required from Ink Dust. 5. The ink roller is connected to the
other two rollers , one of them rotates left and right , due to which the ink gets mixed
well. The second ink rotor is found worn from the cylinder of the belt . 6. Water is
poured into the base row. Water plays a very important role in this type of printing . In
this type of printing, ink is applied to the part to be printed, and water is applied to the
part that is not to be printed. In this way only the matter printed on the web gets
printed. Due to this, Shyam is on the net. A water line is also connected to the other
part of the plate . Ink and water are poured on both the plates simultaneously. 7. Now
the machine is turned off. After some delay either the cylinder or the plate comes on
the cylinder. 8. Belt cylinder It is made of rubber cylinder (called as a cylinder) . This
causes the ink on the plate to fall on the rubber cylinder. 9. Another cylinder is filled
with a rubber cylinder. The paper goes in between those two. The image that comes
on the rubber cylinder is printed on the paper. 10. The portion of the plate containing
the image or text is only inked. In the remaining part, water comes in the form of a
fairy. 11. The mirror image of the portion which is inked on the plate appears on the
second cylinder. Rubber rings are mounted on this cylinder. 12. Finally the image is
printed on the paper with a rubber headed cylinder. Thus printing can be done only on
identical paper. If multiple digit printing is to be done, when it is to be printed more
than once. All the colors are printed from below, red, yellow and black. In some big
machines all these four lines are printed simultaneously. Advantages of Offset
Printing (After Offset Printing System) 1. Data is printed clean and clear in this. In this,
graphics can also be printed along with text . DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and
Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 19 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com 2. Its results are very high. It can generally print from 1000
pages per hour to 10,000 pages per hour. 3. After mastering a page, can start printing
on the machine in very less time . 4. After making a plate in it, any number of printings
can be done from that plate at once. Q10. DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and
Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age |

1. Its printing
quality is good.
2. Printing speed is more than other printers.
3. Apart from paper,
can also be done on other media like butter paper, pvc plate etc.
4. Graphics data
is printed with more precision.
5. Does not make sound while printing.
6. Can be used from small functional jobs to large network printers.

Disadvantages of Laser Printer (Deficiencies of laser printer) 7. Laser printer is

expensive than
all other computer printers. 8. Then laser printer is more expensive. 9. Laser printers
are bigger and heavier than inkjet printers. 10. Duplicate printing cannot be done in it
like Dot Matrix Printer . 11. Laser printer requires more electric power to print. DCA
2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age |
24 Visit www.tomarbarela.com UNIT-II Q1. What is Pagemaker? Draw its features and
give an illustrative description of Windows Introduction of Page Maker 7.0 Adobe
PageMaker is a desktop computer program first introduced by Aldus in 1985 on the
Apple Macintosh. Later it was adopted by Adobe Corporation, after which many of its
versions were released in the market. Adobe PageMaker is a software program that is
used to create brochures, flyers, newsletters, reports and many other professional-
quality documents that are used for business or educational purposes. The program
makes it easy for users to format documents , adjust their layout, and change various
design details , such as graphics and fonts, before printing and distributing the
document. Adobe PageMaker 7.0 is the final version of the desktop publishing
application. However it is still sold and supported by Adobe. Adobe PageMaker 7.0
was originally released in 2002 , designed for small businesses and professionals. It 's
a feature-rich program designed for designing items for print and everything from
posters to reports. Like most of Adobe's output , it's a feature- rich program. Adobe
PageMaker runs on both Macintosh and Windows computer systems , and it is
recommended that the computer system being used to run the program has at least
200 megabytes of available hard disk space. PageMaker is designed to work in
conjunction with other Adobe programs including Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
and Adobe Acrobat. Features of PageMaker • Templates have been added to it. By
which the design of different types of pages is already determined. And you can use
them to speed up your work. T- bar has been added for the first time in this edition . By
which the speed of working has increased . With the help of this toolbar, you can print
the file, save it, format it, check its spacing from a single block. Case management
has also been used in this. By this, you can determine the lines in the document
according to your choice . Using Clip Art, you can easily use pictures and icons in the
publish body . Through modern and advanced printing technology, you can easily do
both side printing, duplex printing , binding printing etc. DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 25 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com • Photos can be used by importing the directory through
Photoshop. Adobe PageMaker Screen (Adobe PageMaker 's screen ) But you get 14
types of tools to create a publication . The file that is created in PageMaker is called
publication. You can move it anywhere according to your convenience . When a new
publication is created in PageMaker Or the previously created publication is opened
and the icons present in the toolbox are visible. If for some reason the toolbox is not
visible, open the window menu and click on Show Tools to see the publication in
PageMaker. Editing of text and graphics can be done DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker
and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 26 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com The commands used in it like New , Open, Save, Print, Find etc.
are given in the form of icons. Which you can use while working in the publication. The
router widths are used to set the width and height of the page. It can also be
previewed if required . Ruler sides are at the left and top of the publication. In Control
Panel , font, font size, bold, italic, underline, line spacing, etc. options are given . Which
are used to do any kind of editing while working on the publication. Page Border
Allows you to set the page border. What border do you have to keep if you have typed
something and it goes outside the border of the page so that it is not printed when
you take out the print. This option is used to specify the location of the typing inside
the page margin . It appears as a first line of text at the bottom of the page. Q2.
Explain Menu bar in Pagemaker? Page Maker 7.0 Menu Bar Adobe PageMaker is
powerful and versatile page layout software. Professionals use PageMaker for its
exceptional typographic controls, precise page design capabilities including layers,
frames and multiple master pages and many customization options. PageMaker's
extensive import and linking capabilities let you include text, graphics, spreadsheets,
charts, and movie frames from most popular programs. It also includes menu plug-ins
that extend the program's features and capabilities. It also supports advanced cover
printing technologies. To give you Pagemaker tutorial on how to set up your
publication and lay out your pages, you can refer to DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker
and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 27 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com to access the menu bar. Pagemaker 7.0's menu bar has nine
separate options : File – Use this menu to manipulate your files . You can create,
search, close, save, import and export files with this option . There is also a command
for printing in the menu . Edit – This menu has options to cut and paste text and
graphics. Layout – Using this menu , you can choose to submit and delete pages. It
also has the option of submitting a column. Type – The options on this menu allow
you to set the size and alignment of your text . Everything related to text is on the Type
menu , including font, size, alignment, type style, spacing, and indentation. Element – ​
This menu contains options that affect graphic elements, such as lines, rectangles,
and vertical/vertical lines, as well as graphic images. Utilities – This menu is the
gateway to the PageMaker plug-in. It also has story editor commands ( for Find,
Replace and Spell Check) and options for creating guides of content and indexes.
View – Use this menu to view the page at different levels . For example, you can view
the entire page at once with one option , or zoom in on one side of a page with
another at twice its actual size . This menu also includes items that can be turned on
and off, such as Router and Grid. DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop)
Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 28 Visit www.tomarbarela.com Window –
Use this menu to control what you see in your window. For example , you can turn on
and off the display of the Toolbox, Keys palette, Control palette and a Style palette .
Help – Use this menu to display an index of various topics on which online
information is available. In many of these menus , there are options that are relevant
and confusing at the time of selection. If these menu items are selected, the program
ignores them. Q3. Explain Toolbox in Pagemaker? Tool Box of Pagemaker 7.0
Normally the Toolbox palette appears automatically in the Pagemaker window, if it is
not visible, it can be seen by giving Show Tools command in the Window Menu. I have
all the necessary tools to prepare any page of your publication . When you click the
mouse pointer on a tune to select it, the mouse pointer changes its shape and when it
comes out of the toolbox, it becomes the shape of the same tune. This lets you know
that Which word have you chosen ? Pointer tool ) To select any type of object on a
page , like text, line, box, circle , picture, etc. , click the mouse pointer on the right side
of that object . , headings appear around the heard item , letting you know that the
item has been heard . You can use this tool to select more than one object at the
same time, for this first block one object and then hold down the shift key while
blocking the other objects one by one. All those objects will be selected if the object
to be selected is near enough to activate the vector tool to draw an imaginary
background around them with the mouse pointer DERA DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 29
Create Visit www.tomarbarela.com , this will select all the items that go within that
range. To remove a selected item from the selection , press Shift and hold the block to
cancel all selections . Place a block somewhere in the empty space. Text Tool With
the help of this tool , you can type text in your publication or select already typed text .
Rotating Tool This tool is used to rotate a fixed object within 0.01 o to 360 o . For this,
first rotate the object using the Vertner tool. Plant, then block the rotating tool . With
this, the shape of the mouse pointer will change to the shape of a square, now move
the mouse pointer to the point of the selected object , considering it as the center ,
you want to rotate it, press and hold the same mouse button and point in the direction
Draw a line from that point by dragging the mouse pointer in the direction you want to
move it, when you move the line, the shape of the cut object will appear as the desired
part. Mane Release the mouse button after that, this will zoom and destroy the object
itself . Line Tool This tool is used to draw inclined straight lines on any degree. Before
drawing a line, block this tool , so that the mouse pointer will appear as a + sign. They
serve. Now hold down the mouse button and drag the mouse pointer from one point
to the other , so that a straight line will be formed between those two points . If you
want to make the line inclined within 45 o , hold down the Shift key while dragging the
mouse pointer . Constrained Line tool This tool is used to draw horizontal and vertical
straight lines. Blick this tool before drawing a line . So that the mouse pointer will
appear as a + symbol . Now drag the mouse pointer from one point to another by
holding down the mouse button . So that a horizontal or vertical straight line will be
formed between those two bubbles. You can produce the effect of this tune by
holding down the Shift key while using the Line Tune. Rectangle Tool DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 30 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com This tool is used to draw rectangular and rectangular shapes .
Blick this tool first to draw a rectangle, which will make the mouse pointer look like a +
sign. Now, while holding down the mouse button, drag the mouse pointer from one
corner of the rectangle to its opposite corner. Due to which an ion will be formed
between those two bubbles . The paper's action is to hold down the shift key while
dragging the mouse pointer to make a value . Ellipse Tool This tool is used to create
vertical circular and circular shapes. Blick this tool before drawing a life circle or oval,
which will make the mouse pointer appear as a + sign. Now, by holding down the
mouse button , drag the shape of the mouse writer from one corner to the corner
opposite to it. So that between those two bubbles an ov or life circle will be formed.
The Shift key is held down while dragging the mouse pointer to create a life circle.
Hand Tool This tool is used to move any page of the publication up or down on the
screen so that you can see it at the desired position. Zoom Tool This tool is used to
enlarge or reduce the size of any page of the publication so that you can see it clearly.
Q4 Tell me about the version of Pagemaker? Adobe PageMaker (formerly Aldus
PageMaker) is a desktop publishing computer program introduced by Aldus in 1985
on the Apple Macintosh. The combination of the Mac 's graphical user interface for
document creation and PageMaker using Apple's Edgeware for output revolutionized
the desktop publishing of the late 1980s. Ported to PCs running Windows 1.0 in 1987 ,
PageMaker helped popularize the Macintosh platform and the Windows environment.
Aldus Pagemaker 1.0 was released in July 1985 for the Macintosh and in December
1986 for the IBM PC. Aldus Pagemaker 1.2 was released in 1986 and added support
for postburst fonts built into the Verizon drive or downloaded into the memory of
other output devices . DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute
of Computer Barela P age | 31 Visit www.tomarbarela.com Aldus Pagemaker 2.0 was
released in 1987. By May 1987, preliminary Windows releases were bundled with the
full version of Windows 1.0.3 Aldus Pagemaker 3.0 Pagemaker 3.0 for the PC was
released in May 1988 and required Windows 2.0, which ran- was tied as a time edition
. Aldus PageMaker 4.0 was released in 1990 and offered new word-processing
capabilities, expanded typographic control and advanced features for editing long
documents. Aldus PageMaker 5.0 was released in January 1993. Adobe PageMaker
6.0 1995 was released. Adobe PageMaker 6.5 was released in 1996. Adobe
PageMaker 7.0 final version was made available. It was released on 9th July 2001 Q5.
What is the use of Pagemaker as DTP software? PageMaker is used to develop
publications and other professional text documents . Adobe Pagemaker contains
hundreds of templates that enable and assist users to create documents with quality
with minimum effort. Correct use of Pagemaker for business cards, resumes, books,
magazines, newspapers, letters It is also used in a prominent way in making and
designing pads, pamphlets etc. and many other documents. DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 32 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com Q6 Create Shortcut keys of Pagemaker? alt + ctrl + g =======
go to (page) ctrl + t ======= character (gaps) specs ctrl + shift + / =======
letter/word strike through ctrl + m ======= setup/modify paragraph ctrl + shift + v
======= reverse ctrl + shift + b ======= bold ctrl + shift + i ====== = italic ctrl + shift
+ u ======= underline ctrl + shift + c ======= center (text) alignment ctrl + shift + j
======= justify (text) alignment ctrl + shift + l ======= left (text) alignment ctrl + shift
+ r ======= right (text) alignment ctrl + shift + > ======= increase size (font) ctrl + alt
+ > ======= standard size (font) ctrl + shift + < ======= decrease size (font) ctrl +
shift + k ======= upper/all caps letter ctrl + \ ======= letter/word subscript ctrl +
shift + \ ======= letter/word superscript ctrl + i ======= tabs/indents setup/modify Q
7. How to create a new document in PageMaker 7.0 ? How to create a new document
in Pagemaker 7.0 (How to Create a Document in Pagemaker 7.0) After getting familiar
with Pagemaker, you can use it to create a publication, also known as a document.
First of all, we find a new blank document, then according to our requirement, text,
images, etc. are added to it, in this way a complete document is prepared, then we
print it on a printer. . Starting a New Publication To create a new PageMaker
document, first open the PageMaker Format tab and click the New command in the
File menu, or press the Ctrl+N button along with the Ctrl key. Due to which the dialog
box of Document Setup will open on your screen . In this dialog box , the initial details
about your document are set. According to which empty document should be
searched DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute Of
Computer Barela P age | 33 Visit www.tomarbarela.com . By the way, you can open
this dialog box by giving Document Setup command in File Menu or by pressing P
(Shift+Ctrl+P) button along with Shift and Control. The following information is pre-set
in this dialog box . Which you can change according to your requirement . Page Size In
this, the general size of each page of the publication or document is set. Page
Dimensions This sets the actual width and height of the page of the size you have
selected . These dimensions are usually shown in the window, but you can choose any
other measurement category and see it in that too. You can enter Page Dimensions to
choose any other page size you want. Orientation Generally, the orientation of the
pages of the document is Tall, which is also called Portrait. In this the width is less
and the height is more. Selecting Wide zooms the page 90 o . Which is also called
Landscape. In this the width is more and the height is less. However, PageMaker
automatically selects one of these orientations based on the page dimensions you
enter . You can change it if you want. Number Of Pages In this, you make it that how
many pages are there in your document, initially empty document of the same number
of pages is searched, later if required you can increase or decrease the number of
pages. Is. Starting Page Number In this, you create that from which number the page
numbers will start in this document. For example, if you want the page number of the
first page of the document to be 8 and the second page to be 9, then you should put 8
in its box. Margins In these text boxes, the margins around each page of the new
document are set. You can change them as per your wish . DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 34 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com Options In this page, other options about the document are
set, such as whether the document will be hidden on both sides of the paper or on one
side, margins will be fixed to bind the pages from the left or No etc. Printer In this you
have to choose the name of the printer on which the document will be printed. This
printer should be installed in your computer , if you do not have any printer then
Display on None will appear in this box. You can create the document again. Q8.
Pagemaker's Text Editing and Manipulation Options Explained Working with Text in
Adobe PageMaker 7.0 A text box is a "container" for your text. This is a bordered area
on your document that is designed to hold text . The text you type in your document is
automatically appended to a text box . Before you start typing in PageMaker, you can
define the size of the text box by drawing it . You can resize and replace your text
boxes by using the pointer tool. How to Create a Text Box in Page Maker 7.0 Click on
the Text Tool in the Toolbox . Put your chair back on your document . Your chair will
switch to I-Beam after you've taken over the document . Click anywhere on your
document inside the margin width , and then drag the mouse to the right to create a
rectangular box. Release the mouse when you have drawn a text box. Your pillow will
automatically reset inside the box. DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop)
Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 35 Visit www.tomarbarela.com • Start
learning in your text box . You can also paste text in the text box . Once you are done
typing in your text, select the text box by clicking the pointer over the tool in the text
box. Quick Tip: If the text is too small for you when you start typing , click the View
Menu and choose Zoom In. How to edit text in Pagemaker 7.0 Once you've created a
text box and typed your text, you can edit it however you want in Pagemaker. Click on
the text tool from the toolbox . Place the cursor at the beginning of the text you want
to format. Click and drag the I-beam over the text to select it . Edit the desired text as

To delete text,

tap the Delete key or simply start typing

, which will replace the selected text.
click on the Edit menu and then select Clear.
To copy or move the text) Click on
the Edit menu Select the Cut, Copy or Paste command To change the type style Type
menu Click on the question Select your desired option Q9. Explain Import and Export
options in Pagemaker? How to Import and Export Document in PagemMaker 7.0
(How to Import and Export Document in PagemMaker 7.0) If you want to open MS
Word document in Pagemaker, then for that we use import option. DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 36 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com First click on the File menu and then select the Place… option
from the drop-down menu. The text dialog box will open in front of you. Then go to the
folder that contains your text files and double click to open it. Click on the file you
want to keep. Click on the Open button. Your status will change to a loaded text icon.
Place your cursor in the PageMaker page where you want to import the text file. Your
text will go as far down as it will fit within your column, text block, or page. Now you
can edit your text and match the form as required. You can import your text or
graphics directly into a new text box. When the cursor changes to the icon you loaded
in step 5, click and drag the mouse in a downward, diagonal direction. This will create
a text box. Once you release the mouse, your import file will be placed in this text box.
If you have a large amount of text from Microsoft Word or any other source, it may not
fit in the column or page that holds it. When the amount of text overruns your column
or page , a single, downward-pointing arrow appears . Unless you choose Autoflow ,
your text will appear on the lock's own handle. You can use two methods to place an
external text file in a PageMaker document : Manual Flow - This allows you to
manually place the rest of the text on another column or page . Autoflow)- It provides
the facility to automatically place your text flow in its columns or subpages . DCA 2nd
Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 37
Visit www.tomarbarela.com Manual Flow • Click on the next arrow to continue with
the text. The statically loaded text will be changed back to the icon. Place the loaded
text icon in another location on your document, and click. Once again, the text will go
to the column, text block, or bottom of the page. Repeat this step until you have
erased all your text. When all the text fits, the bottom handle will become empty. Open
the Layout Menu from the Autoflow menu bar. Select the Autoflow command from the
drop-down menu . The Add Text icon will have a rounded arrow instead of a few
horizontal lines . Click a spot on the document to place your text. The text will be
placed automatically , and PageMaker will add pages as needed. How to Convert
Adobe Pagemaker 7.0 to PDF Format Export Option in Pagemaker Adobe Pagemaker
7.0 allows its users to create hundreds of different types of newsletters, brochures
and reports depending on their business needs. Gives permission. Adobe PageMaker
supports the integration of text or graphics from other Adobe programs such as
Photoshop or Illustrator . To convert your Adobe Pagemaker documents into PDF
format you need to install various plugins which are installed when you install
Pagemaker itself . First open your Pagemaker document and click on the “File” button
at the top of your screen. Select “Adobe PDF” from the “Export” sub-menu . Select a
PDF option from the “Job Name” menu in the pop-up screen. Change any desired pre-
defined option from the tab in the pop-up menu and click on “Export”. DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 38 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com Enter a name for your PDF document and choose a location to
save it on your computer's hard drive. Select “PDF View” and click on “Save”. Q10.
Explain Story Editor in Pagemaker? What is the Story Editor in PageMaker? (What is
Story Editor in Page Maker?) The Story Editor in PageMaker is a text-only view where
you can edit text quickly and easily because PageMaker does not need to apply
graphics or refined formatting For editing in a format that resembles a word
processor, the Story Editor inserts all text into a single page for easy correction, even
if the story spans multiple pages in your document . A scroll bar to the right of the text
allows you to scroll through the text block . The Space Maker and Find and Return
commands are available only inside the Story Editor. Because the Story Editor does
not feature all text enhancements, editing and typing here is faster than in text layout
mode . Some tasks in PageMaker can only be done in Story Editor view , such as
checking spaced grammar, finding and replacing text. The story editor is a way to type
and edit text in PageMaker. Simply click on the text you want to edit, press Ctrl + E (or
use Edit > Edit Story from the menu ), and your story appears in its own word
processing window. Editing commands (insert, delete, cut, and paste) are available for
all text tools in the story editor . When you're in a story editor, you're interested in the
content, not the form. Although the Story Editor displays the type style (bold, italic,
etc.), it does not display the page layout, graphics, or formatting. When you are in the
Story Editor, which is the opposite of Layout view. When you launch pagemaker and
type something, the view you see at that time is called Layout View. You can use the
Story Editor in a few ways. You can use it to improve what is already placed in the
publication. You can correct typing mistakes , check spelling in a story, or use the Find
and Return feature . Second , even if you don't want to do the form formatting in the
Story Editor, you may want to use it to change the Find and Feeder to change your
form formatting. For example, if subheads are in 14 point Times New Roman, the
story editor can automatically convert them to 16 point Helvetica. Use of Story Editor
DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P
age | 39 Visit www.tomarbarela.com Another way is to use the editor to create and
type a complete story from scratch. The Story Editor provides several advantages. You
can type and make corrections much faster in story view than in layout view because
the story editor does not display fonts and graphics on the screen, nor does it count
with line or page breaks . . To edit an existing story in the Story Editor , click on the
text with the Text tool , or select a block of text with the Pointer tool, and press Ctrl + E
or choose Edit > Edit Story . You can also add an existing story in the Story Editor by
double clicking on the text block with the pointer tool. To create a new story in the
Story Editor, without any text or text block, press Ctrl + E . When you load the Story
Editor, you arrive at a window that looks like MS Word. The Story Editor's menu bar is
slightly different from what you see in the Publications window because you have a
different menu bar in each view. - Now there are errors. How to open Story Editor in
Page Maker 7.0) To edit an existing story in the Story Editor, click on text with the Text
tool , or block text with the Pointer tool. Select , and press Ctrl + E.  Or from the Edit
Menu, select Story Editor. The text of the complete story will now be visible in the
Story Editor. Mouse options: • To access the story editor with the pointer tool , triple-
click in a text block. When you load the Story Editor, you arrive at a window that looks
like MS Word. The Story Editor's menu bar is slightly different from what you see in the
Publications window because you have Every now and then there are shortcomings.
You can now find and replace text in this story editor view . You can check the spacing
of the text. How to exit Story Editor • From Edit Menu, select Edit Layout • Or from
Story menu, select Close Story DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar
Institute of Computer Barela P age | 40 Visit www.tomarbarela.com  OR Click on
CLOSE box. Q11. Explain different Screen views and Page Views in Pagemaker?
Different Screen views The type of publication displayed on the Monitor Screen in
PageMaker is called Screen View. Screen views are of the following two types - (1)
Layout View ( 2) Story The Story Editor View layout view displays all the contents of
the publication in their original form, while the Story Editor view provides a word
processing environment. The focus is on the text in the Story Editor view. not on its
introduction. The spacing of the text can be checked in the Story Editor view . The
desired character or character series can be searched for and replaced in the text of
the file in the Story Editor view . The Edit Story command on the Edit menu of
PageMaker is used to switch from the layout view to the text editor view of a
PageMaker publication . The text editor view can be accessed from the layout view by
pressing the left button of the mouse three times in succession by placing the mouse
pointer over the selected text. The Control and E keys can be pressed together on the
keyboard to do the same thing. To switch from the text editor view of a PageMaker
publication to the layout view, the Close Story Command and Edit Menu of the
PageMaker Story Menu are used to edit Layout . Control and E keys can be pressed
together on the keyboard to do the same thing. Pagemaker Diffrent Page Views The
presentation of pages in different predefined layouts in Pagemaker is called Page
Views . The option given in View Menu is used to determine the page view . Fixed
Page View Page View The position of the page is in effect until it is changed . The
various options given in the View menu for Page View are as follows - (1)Zoom In-
Zoom In Option is used to display the page enlarged from the current view . The
keyboard shortcut of this option is ^+. Arathi is DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and
Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 41 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com Option can also be used by pressing both CTRL and + keys
simultaneously on the keyboard. (2) Zoom Out. The Zoom Out Option is used to
display the page smaller than the current view . The board shortcut for this option is
^+. That is, this option can also be used by pressing both the CTRL and - keys on the
keyboard simultaneously. (3) Actual Size - To advance text or graphics etc. to their
actual size on the page . Actual Size Option is used. This is the actual size in which
the print of the document is obtained. The keyboard shortcut for this option is ^1. That
is, this option can also be used by pressing both the CTRL and 1 keys on the keyboard
simultaneously. (4) Fit in Window - Fit in Window is used to see the complete
composition of one or two pages . The keyboard shortcut for this option is ^0. That is,
this option can also be used by pressing both the CTRL and 0 keys on the keyboard
simultaneously. (5)Entire Pasteboard- The blank space around the page, on which the
blank ads cannot be printed, is called Pasteboard, Entire Pasteboard option is used to
view the entire Pasteboard . The keyboard shortcut for this option is Shift^0. Meaning,
Shift, CTRL and 0 can also be used by pressing all the three keys on the keyboard
simultaneously. (6)Zoom To- When the mouse pointer is placed on this option, its sub
-menu is displayed. Six options in this sub-menu are 25%. ,50%,75%,100%,200%,400%.
Q12. Explain Tab and Indent setting in Pagemaker? In this dialog box, the two black
buttons on the left and right of the breast can be separated from each other on the
rulers displayed at the bottom. The top left corner of the paper is used to set First Line
Indent and the bottom square is used to set Left Indent. On the right side of this Ruler,
a big black pencil is displayed equal to these two black pencils. This pencil is used to
destroy the Right Indent of the paragraph. By moving the mouse pointer over the
desired area, clicking and holding the mouse button, that is, while dragging and
dropping the desired area on the ruler, the desired area is disabled. To insert a tab in
the text , one has to select any one type of Tab from the four tab symbols displayed on
the left side of the Indent/Tabs dialog box and click on the desired location on the
router. The details of these four tab signs are as follows - 1. Left Tab has to be
selected from it. The text is Left Aligned from the space given by this tab . DCA 2nd
Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 42
Visit www.tomarbarela.com 2.It is selected to run Right Tab. Medicines of this tab.
From this place the text is Right Aligned. 3. To show Center Tab it has to be selected.
Text Center Aligns from the space specified by this tab . 4. It is selected for running
Decimal Tab when the text has to be aligned with the center when this type of tab is
used. Selecting the desired tab mark and typing the location on its router in the text
box after the Position command button can be used by selecting Add Tab Option from
the list that appears when clicking on the command button Position. There are also
three other options in this list - Delete Tab, Move Tab, Repeat Tab. Delete Tab option is
used in Indenets Tab Dialog Box to select the desired tab on the router and delete it.
The task of deleting a tab can be done by selecting the desired tab and dragging it
down from the form or by dragging it with the paper key and dropping it . To rearrange
the tabs, select the desired tab and type the desired location in the text box. Repeat
Tab option is used. Repeat Tab is used to use a tab repeatedly . If the desired tab is at
a distance of 0.5 inches from the previous tab , then using this option, this tab gets
repeated at an interval of 0.5 inches. To use any filler in the middle of the talc, the
command button Leader and the brush text box in front of it are used. By clicking on
this command button, the desired option is selected from the list that appears or by
typing the desired character in the text box . Default Tab Specification for newly
created publication files can be set using Type Menu's Indents/Tabs Option when no
publication file is open in PageMaker . The keyboard shortcut for this option is
CTRL+I. Q13. Explain Columns & Gutters in Pagemaker? What are COMs in
PageMaker 7.0? DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of
Computer Barela P age | 43 Visit www.tomarbarela.com We often need to use
columns when creating newsletters and brochures in PageMaker. You can create
comms manually by setting the width of your text block, which can make this process
easier by creating comms . As you create a column with PageMaker, a set of tabs (like
page margins) are added to the page . When you first create your document, it
defaults to one column per page. Pagemaker provides an option to create up to 20
columns on a single page . There will be a “Titter” in the middle of each column . Filter
adds some white space between each column so the text is not visible on its own
column. Note: If you want to set columns for all pages in your document, set them on
the master page. How to Insert Column in Page Maker 7.0) To create a column, first of
all click on Layout Menu and choose Column Guide option . This command creates a
number of columns of equal width, fitting them within the margins of the page . If text
or graphics are already on the page , PageMaker can replace them to align with the
revised column setup if you select adjust layout in the Column Guide dialog box . The
Utilities> Plug in> Grid Manager command fits columns within an area you specify , or
creates columns of a specified width. You can create up to 20 comics on one page.
How to Set Column on Page ) Go to the page or master page where you want the
column. Select Layout Menu> Column Guide . The Column Guide dialog box will open
in front of you . DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of
Computer Barela P age | 44 Visit www.tomarbarela.com • • Type the number of
columns you want in the Number of Columns box and the space between the columns
in the Space Between Columns box. If you are setting left and right pages alternately,
type the values ​for both pages. •If you want the existing text and graphics on the page
to adjust to the column setup, select Adjust layout and then click Ok. PageMaker
creates the specified number of columns, evenly spaced and of the same size. Q14.
Explain Palettes in Pagemaker? There are many palettes available in PageMaker to
help you do your work well. The names of the main palettes are as follows • Tool box •
Control Palette • Color Palette • Styles Palette • Layers Palette • Master Pages Palette
You can open any of these palettes on your screen when needed and close them
when not needed. To close the Window menu in the menu bar , press the Black key,
the palettes that are open at that time are shown in this menu with the Hide key and
the palettes that are closed , their names are shown in that menu. Are seen with
power. You can open or close a packet by giving shortcut commands. You can also
click the X button on the top left corner of a palette to close it . Palettes of PageMaker
7.0 (Palettes of PageMaker 7.0) Control Palette As its name suggests, this palette
provides the facility to control, i.e. change and modify the desired shape and size of
an object. When an object or text is selected , the appearance of the control palette
changes accordingly and various parameters related to that object such as font, size,
thickness, position, zoom angle, etc. are displayed. DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker
and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 45 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com If you want to change any of these parameters, then go to the
box of that parameter in the control palette and set the value of the parameter in it or
select the box from the small boxes made in the control palette. Click the keys. You
can immediately see the effect of your setting on the relevant object. Style Palette
This palette is used to apply a style to a paragraph with text or to see the name of the
style applied. You can view it by using the Show Styles command in the Window Menu
or by pressing the B (Ctrl + B) Button simultaneously with the Control. Special
functions relevant to the Styro are available in its palette menu, which you can access
by flicking the arrow button near the top left corner. In this, the actions of duplicating a
style , correcting etc. are available, you can also create your new style. And can apply
them on any paragraph . Master Pages Palette This palette is used to create a master
page and apply it to any page of the publication . You can view it by using the Show
Master Pages command in the Window Menu or by pressing the Ctrl + Shift + 8 (Ctrl +
Shift + 8) button . Special actions related to master pages are available in its palette
menu , which can be seen by clicking on the arrow button on the left corner. DCA 2nd
Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 46
Visit www.tomarbarela.com Q15. How to check spacing in PageMaker 7.0? How to
Check Spelling in PageMaker 7.0) To check spelling in PageMaker, you have to go to
Story Editor first, so first of all we should know what is Story Editor? How to open
Story Editor Click on the block of text you want to edit From the Edit Menu, select
Story Editor The text of the entire story will now appear in the Story Editor. Mouse
options: To access the story editor with the Pointer Tool , triple-click in a text block.
How to Use Spell Check In PageMaker PageMaker has the facility to check Spelling &
Grammar . This is an important tutorial for those users who have little knowledge of
English . The text of Spelling & Grammar written by the user is displayed in PageMaker
. If any spacing occurs. So the line comes below that. And if there is a grammatical
relation . So the green line comes below that sentence. These entries can be
corrected with the Spelling & Grammar tool. A spacing check in PageMaker can only
be done in the Story Editor. PageMaker's word check feature checks your text against
the computer's dictionary. If the computer does not recognize a character, the upper
left corner of the dialog box will read “Unknown character” followed by the extraneous
character. You have to ignore Shali, Shali has a new

There is an option to replace with the text or add the word

to the computer's dictionary . If you want the text to remain in the document as it is,
click IGNORE. For example, the computer probably won't recognize your first and last
name, but you don't want them spelled wrong. This file will be added to a temporary
folder until DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of
Computer Barela P age | 47 Visit www.tomarbarela.com is active until you exit
PageMaker.  From Utilities Menu, Spelling…. Select what. Spacing dialog box will
appear on the screen. •Optional: To check all the stories in your document, select the
All Stories option. Click START If all the letters are recognized by the computer's
dictionary, a No Spelling Errors dialog box will appear on the top left of the box If this
happens, continue with step 6. If a word is not recognized from the computer
dictionary then Unknown Word will appear at the top left of the dialog box. In the
Change to box, delete it and type a new word. If it does, continue with step 5. o If the
word is a word and the computer 's dictionary recognizes it, the word will appear in the
Change to box. In the text area below the Change to box, the computer will list
possible spellings for the letter with the wrong spelling. Select the correct option, and
go to step 5. Click on Replace When the spelling is checked, the phrase “Spelling
Check Complete” will be displayed. Click on CLOSE. How to exit the Story Editor From
the Edit Menu, select Edit Layout. Q16 How to use the Find and Return options in
PageMaker 7.0 When you are working with large documents, locating a specific word
or phrase can be difficult and time consuming. Particular text can be automatically
searched from your document by using Find option , and you can also replace the text
using Replace option. PageMaker allows you to search stories in the Story Editor for
specific words or paragraphs and replace all or some of the tension with other words
or paragraphs. Find Option is used to search for a particular character or character
series. Make sure you are in the Story Editor. Find feature gives you many options to
find your documents and stories. In Search Story you will see the following options-
Selected Text – This feature will search only the text selected by you. DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 48 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com Current Story – This will search only current open story. All
Stories – Find Feeder will find all the stories. First of all from Utility Menu, Find….
Select the option. The Find dialog box will appear on the screen. In the Find What box,
type the word or phrase , then click on FIND . To find occurrences after the word or
phrase, click on FIND NEXT . When there are no more occurrences, the Search
Complete dialog box appears. Will be visible Click Ok To search for another word or
phrase, repeat the process. When finished, close the Find dialog box. How to use the
Change option in Page Maker 7.0 (How to use the Change option in Page Maker 7.0)
When you work on a document, sometimes you will need to replace one text with
another . Like spelling of a person's name or you have written only Page Maker
instead of reading Adobe Page Maker in your entire document , you can correct it
through Changes option. First of all make sure you are in the story editor. After this,
from the Utilities menu, Change…. Select the one. Change dialog box will appear on
the screen. DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of
Computer Barela P age | 49 Visit www.tomarbarela.com Find What: Type the word or
phrase to be searched for in the text box Change to: Type the return word or phrase in
the box To find the first occurrence of the word or phrase, click on the FIND button OR •
To find and replace all occurrences of the word or phrase, click on Changes All ( If you
selected Change On, skip to step 7.) • If you selected Find in step 4, So now you have
many options o To change the word, click on CHANGE o To ignore the word, click on
IGNORE o To find the other word, click on FIND NEXT o To change the word, click on the
next one To find, click on Change and Find o To change all occurrences of the word, click
on Changes all When Search Complete dialog box appears. Then click on Ok Finally click
on CLOSE. How to exit the Story Editor • From the Edit Menu, select Edit Layout. Or from
the Story menu, choose Close Story.  Or click on CLOSE box. Q17. Explain Documents
Setup in Pagemaker? When you give New command in File Menu to create a new
document, first of all you are given a dialog box of Document Setup, in which various
types of settings are done related to the document . K Shie DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 50 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com Can be opened at any time by using Document Setup command
in File Menu or by pressing P (Shift + Ctrl + P) along with Shift and Control. This will open
that dialog box . You can make various settings in this dialog box to apply them to the
pages of your document that have a master page called Document Master . PageMaker
comes pre- set with all print and performance or standard page sizes for the printer
connected to your computer. You set a page size that exceeds the maximum physical
paper size your printer can handle. Can't do it But you can set a page of less size than
that, you can set the orientation of your selected size in Tall or Wide. Similarly you can
also set the margins to be left around the page for your selected size . The page size is
the full size of the paper and the margins are the inner boundary lines on the page that
determine where the printer's content and images should be placed. Margins are four:
Top, Bottom)] Outside] Inside PageMaker has no left or right margin, as a normal
publication is double-outside. In which there are face to face pages . In the structure of
such twin pages, the outer and inner margins are significant. To set various properties of
the pages in your publication, do the following. 1. Click the left button of the Page Size
drop down list box to choose from the display or standard sizes already available in
PageMaker, which will open the list of standard sizes . 2. Select any of the available
shapes by ticking them , you can see other available shapes by clearing the list if
necessary. 3. Set the page orientation by unchecking the two radio buttons Tall or Wide ,
which you want to select. 4. Now put the mouse pointer in the text box in front of the
margin, which you want to change or set, and click on it, this will bring the cursor to it. 5.
Type the new value of that margin in the new measurement system . 6. To move to your
next margin, press the Tab key or the Right Arrow button. DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker
and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 51 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com 7. To set the number of pages in the document, move the mouse
pointer over the number of pages text box and click the box. So that stability will come in
it. , Now type the number of pages in it. 8. If instead of page number 1, you want to start
with some other number, then go to the Start Page # text box and press the left key or
press Tab, so that the cursor will come in it. Now type the first page number in it. ,
starting from which you want to number the pages in the document. 9. After making all
the settings, either click OK Button or press Enter to exit the dialog box, which will nullify
the settings made by you. If you have prepared the content of some pages in your
publication and when you change the page size, margins etc. then the content of some
pages may get deburred so it is best to avoid placing any content in the document.
Before you set the page well, if it is necessary to change any page setting, then first the
document should be saved so that in case of any mess, you can come back to the old
position. DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer
Barela P age | 52 Visit www.tomarbarela.com UNIT-III Q1. Explain what is the use of
Rulers in Pagemaker? Using of routers helps us to print any page of our publication and
to place the content on it accurately . There are two types of routers: Vertical and
Horizontal. Whenever you move the mouse pointer or an object on a page in the
publication, its positioning lines appear on the surfaces that indicate where the mouse
pointer or the object is at that time . Starting from which place or point is it written ? If
you are not satisfied with its current position , you can again set it in the raised position
by moving it . If the rulers are not visible, you can see them on the screen by using the
Show Rulers command in the View Menu or by pressing the R (Ctrl+R) Button
simultaneously with the control , you can hide them by pressing the Ctrl+R Button once
again. Generally, marks are made on the surfaces with eyes. You can also see these
marks by putting them in any other measurement system or unit as per your
convenience . DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of
Computer Barela P age | 53 Visit www.tomarbarela.com Q2. How to use Bullets and
Numbering in Pagemaker? Bullet and Numbering This command is used to
automatically use bullets and numbers in paragraphs of a publication created in
PageMaker. For this, bullet or numbers are to be used for weight paragraphs, after
selecting them, best of all they are provided with hanging indent. On the purpose of this
commentary to prevent a Hangin Indent, there is a proposal of the script stable in the
Bett Station Station, in the Dia Box, the Better Station Station has been given the script of
the world. To be selected if we want to use any other bullet style apart from these five
bullet styles, then selecting any one of these five bullet styles and clicking on the
command button Edit Edit In the Bullet dialog box , different types of symbols are
displayed below the character , out of which the desired option is selected for the bullet.
In the Bullet & Numbering dialog box , the number of paragraphs to be numbered in the
new Bullet style is determined by selecting the desired option as a radio button below
Range. By selecting the first Radio Button in the For Next Text Box in the Story, the
paragraph in which the Text Cursor is placed, the Bullet is to be used on that paragraph.
By selecting the second radio button, it is determined that for which paragraph style of
text in the story, the bullet is to be applied. The paragraph style is selected by selecting
the desired style from the list of all paragraph styles defined for the publication that
appear when you click the down arrow of the All those with Style list box. Selecting the
third radio button activates the bullet for all paragraphs in the story and selecting the
fourth radio button activates the bullet for the selected paragraphs in the story. On
clicking on the command button number of Bullet and Numbering dialog box, the display
of this dialog box is like a picture which is used to apply the automatic serial number on
the paragraph. Now in this dialog box below five types of styles are available. Also
available in the form of radio buttons, out of which desired numbering style can be
applied for paragraphs in the story DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop)
Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 54 Visit www.tomarbarela.com Q3. Explain
Text Wrapping in Pagemaker? This command is used to break the text around an object.
The shortcut key for this command is Alt+Ctrl+E. On using this command after selecting
a drawing or image object , the three Wrap Option and Text Flow Icon appear in the Text
Wrap dialog box that displays the character on the monitor screen. On selecting the first
Wrap Option icon, the text appears on the top or bottom of the image. The text can be
made to flow around the image by selecting the second Wrap Option Icon . On selecting
this Wrap option Icon all the three text flow icons become active. On selecting the first
Text Flow Icon, the text appears only on the image, the text below the image does not
appear. If the text of this story is also located on the next page, then it is placed on the
next page, on selecting the second Text Flow ICon, the text is displayed on the page and
below the image, while on selecting the third Text Flow ICon, the text is displayed above
the image. The distance between the image and the text is set in the vertical Baro Text
Boxes below Standoff in inches . The distance from the left end of the image in the Left
Text Box, the distance from the right end of the Image in the Right Text Box, the distance
from the rear end of the Image in the Top Text Box and the distance from the bottom end
of the Image in the Bottom Text Box are typed in inches . Q4 . Explain what is the use of
Windows & Orphan lines in Pagemaker? In the case of our text having more than one
page, the paragraph started from one page can be given on the next page, in such a
case, if the last line of the question is the first line of a paragraph, then that line is called
Orphan. Type If the first line of a page is the last line of a paragraph, then that line is
called Widow. Fig Orpahn Widow is written on the page itself. It is not considered good
to have Orpahn Widow in a desktop publish sentence. Major desktop publishing
software also has a facility to control the minimum number of lines at the beginning and
end of a question but a practical problem arises when a paragraph has only 3 lines. The
entire paragraph should be on a single page only DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and
Photoshop) of the paragraph Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 55 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com to be first or at the end or at the beginning of the next page it is
to be decided by the desktop publishing team operator Q5. Explain what is the use of
Revert Command in Pagemaker? This command is used to cancel the current work done
on a publication in PageMaker and retrieve it along with the work already saved . This
action can also be performed by pressing Alt+F+V on the keyboard . Q6. Explain Drop
Caps in Pagemaker? This command is used to display the first letter of a paragraph in
uppercase and larger than other letters of the text of the paragraph. In the Drop Cap
dialog box , the size of the drop cap character in the Size text box, which appears within
the bounds area, is used to ensure that the size of the paragraph falls within the lines . If
you want to use drop cap on any other paragraph other than the current paragraph, then
using the previous and next command buttons given in the two paragraphs section of
this dialog box, go to the first character of the current paragraph or go to the subsequent
paragraph. Drop cap can be used for Q7. How to edit Graphics and Frames in
Pagemaker? Yes graphics can be attached to the frame Follow these steps to attach the
burst graphics to the frame in the publication Step1 Selecting the frame with the Pointer
tool Step2 Input to be added to the Frame by holding down the Shift key on the keyboard
Step3 Select the Attach Content option of the sub-menu that appears when the mouse
pointer moves the mouse pointer over the frame option in the Pagmaker Action menu.
Do DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P
age | 56 Visit www.tomarbarela.com Step1 Select the frame with the Pointer tool Step2
Select the Place option from the File menu of Pagemaker Step3 Now select the desired
graphic file from the Place dialog box that appears and click the Place button in this
dialog box Select the radio Within frame option and click the command button OK, if you
have placed the graphic file without selecting Frame or without selecting the Within
frame option in the text dialog box , either It can be attached to the Frame by clicking its
loaded icon on the Frame. Instead of publishing Graphics, the main advantage of adding
it to a frame is that Scale Contentents to Fit Frame Radio Button and Maintain Aspect
Ratio in the Frame Option dialog box. The graphic can also be resized by selecting the
frame and resizing the frame to the desired size while maintaining the width and height
ratio of the graphic Q8. Explain Plug-ins in Pagemaker? Under Pagemaker's Plugin
option, we have got many options, such as, today we are going to talk about some of
these options like, Button Sun Numbering, Finding and Return Drop, which will appear
when clicking on the Google option. The sub-menu consists of the following divisions 1.
Add Cont'd Line - It is often seen in various magazines that some lines of a line are first
and the rest after some pages. While decorating the page , there is no need to remember
the question in the page maker that on which page is the previous article or on which
page is it, it is necessary that the text blocks of this article should be related to each
other and make adjustments to the page. First Option Add Cont'd Line is used before the
sub-menu that appears when the mouse pointer is placed on the option of the menu .
Story not sing i.e. appearing in paper's Hanger or bottom Hanger or both Hangers i +
count must be displayed Continuation Notice Dialog box displayed on selecting Add
Cont'd Line Only 2 Options Top Of Text Block and Bottam of Text Block Radio Buttons If
the bottom Hanger of the selected Text Block is empty then the Bottom of Text block
Radio button and if the inner Hanger is empty to Top off Text Block Radio Button is
selected DCA 2nd Sem DTP (Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer
Barela P age | 57 Visit www.tomarbarela.com Q9. Explain what is the use of Table Editor
in Pagemaker? In DTP, PageMaker has made the field of publication easier by making its
place in this software of Adobe, along with many types of facilities, it has been made
easy to create page layouts for printing with the convenience of many types of fonts.
The work has been made more attractive, along with this, a software called Table Editor
is also associated with it , with the help of which we can add many types of tables in our
publication . Let us open it by going to the software list of Adobe, for this we have to go
to the start menu 's open program and open Adobe Table in Adobe's folder by clicking on
it with the help of the mouse , on opening it we will see the title of Adobe Table The page
appears, after that we have to enter the number of rows and columns in the table, its
menu box appears, with the help of this, we create rows and columns according to our
work. Table Editor, we can make the row and column smaller and larger. It is convenient
to add color, with the help of this we can create attractive tables in publications. Q10.
Explain master pages in Pagemaker? How to Create Master Page in Page Maker 7.0
Adobe first distributed PageMaker 7, the final version of its storied desktop publishing
software, in 2001 , and soon after it let users create their new publications. Software -
InDesign - encouraged to move on. If you are using PageMaker 7.0, you can
automatically number the pages of your document in a style that you design by using the
master page feature of your document. A master page includes basic design elements
such as headers, footers , page numbers, nondescriptive guides, columns, guides, and
margin guides. In addition to using the default document master in your publication , you
can create a master page from scratch, or create a master based on an existing master
or publication page . If you have multiple master pages that share one or more design
attributes – such as DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of
Computer Barela P age | 58 Visit www.tomarbarela.com Page Numbering and
Formatting You can save time by designing or distributing document master pages. To
create a new master page, you need to follow some of the following steps: First open a
document in PageMaker 7.0. Click on the text tool from the toolbox . To open the master
page , click on the L / R function located below the router in the lower left corner of the
screen. Using the text tool , drag a text block on the master page near the area where
you want the page numbers to appear. Then click on Windows Menu and select Show
Master Page . Now select New Master page from the Master Pages palette , or click the
New master button at the bottom of the palette. Type a name for the master page and
set whether you want a one page or two page spread. If your publication is right sided,
set the margin, number of columns, and space between columns. If you are creating a
two-page master spread, be sure to set the columns and spacing between those two
spreads for the left and right hand pages. Then click on Ok. Q 10 What is the Story Editor
in PageMaker? What is the Story Editor in PageMaker? (What is Story Editor in Page

The story editor in PageMaker is a text-only view

where you can edit text quickly and easily
because PageMaker doesn't need to apply graphics or refined formatting to
edit text in a format that is acceptable for editing.
Looks like a processor Story Editor
inserts all the text in a single page for easy correction
DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop)
Tomar Institute
of Computer
Barela P age | 59
Visit www.tomarbarela.com The story spans
multiple pages in your document .
A scroll bar to the right of the text allows
you to scroll through the text block . The Space Maker and Find and Return commands
are available only inside the Story Editor. Because the Story Editor does not feature all
text enhancements, editing and typing here is faster than in text layout mode . Some
tasks in PageMaker can only be done in Story Editor view , such as checking spaced
grammar, finding and replacing text. The story editor is a way to type and edit text in
PageMaker. Simply click on the text you want to edit, press Ctrl + E (or use Edit > Edit
Story from the menu ), and your story appears in its own word processing window.
Editing commands (insert, delete, cut, and paste) are available for all text tools in the
story editor . When you're in a story editor, you're interested in the content, not the form.
Although the Story Editor displays the type style (bold, italic, etc.), it does not display the
page layout, graphics, or formatting. When you are in the Story Editor, which is the
opposite of Layout view. When you launch pagemaker and type something, the view you
see at that time is called Layout View. You can use the Story Editor in a few ways. You
can use it to improve what is already placed in the publication. You can correct typing
mistakes , check spelling in a story, or use the Find and Return feature . Second , even if
you don't want to do the form formatting in the Story Editor, you may want to use it to
change the Find and Feeder to change your form formatting. For example, if subheads
are in 14 point Times New Roman, the story editor can automatically convert them to 16
point Helvetica. Another way to use the Story Editor is to create and type a complete
story from scratch using the editor . The Story Editor provides several advantages. You
can type and make corrections much faster in story view than in layout view because the
story editor does not position fonts and graphics on the screen, nor does it count with
line or page breaks. . To edit an existing story in the Story Editor , click on the text with
the Text tool , or select a block of text with the Pointer tool, and press Ctrl + E or choose
Edit > Edit Story . You can also add an existing story in the Story Editor by double clicking
on the text block with the pointer tool. To create a new story in the Story Editor, without
any text or text block, press Ctrl + E . DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop)
Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 60 Visit www.tomarbarela.com When you
load the Story Editor, you arrive at a window that looks like MS Word . The menu bar of
the Story Editor is slightly different from what you see in the Publications window
because You have different abilities in each view. How to open Story Editor in Page
Maker 7.0) To edit an existing story in the Story Editor, click on text with the Text tool , or
block text with the Pointer tool. Select , and press Ctrl + E.  Or from the Edit Menu,
select Story Editor. The text of the full story will now be visible in the Story Editor. Mouse
options: • To access the story editor with the pointer tool , triple-click in a text block.
When you load the Story Editor, you arrive at a window that looks like MS Word. The
Story Editor's menu bar is slightly different from what you see in the Publications
window because you have Every now and then there are shortcomings. You can now find
and replace text in this story editor view . You can check the spacing of the text. How to
exit the Story Editor • From the Edit Menu, select Edit Layout • or from the Story menu,
select Close Story • or click on the CLOSE box. Q11. , Explain Headers & Footers in
Pagemaker? In pagemaker we can write anything on our page according to the matter
which is visible on each page 1. First of all click on any one of the symbols which you
see in the left and corner of the screen to open the master pages For example, if we
want to open the Left Master Page then click on L and if you want to go to the Right
Master Page then you click on R. 2. Now to type Header, print on the right side line of the
master page. Keep your cursor outside the area with the help of text tool DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 61 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com 3. Now type the matter that appears on each page as Header,
after that to type Footer keep your Cursor just below the bottom guideline of the master
page 4.Here he Type the matter which we want to see on the page of our document as
Footer then come back to our document in this way Master Page in which set Header
and Footer appear on each page of your document at the exact same place where but
they are set in the master page or on any page from its left edge to the right edge neither
matter is taught nor typed Let's start and end the line a little before the right edge and
come to the next line, in this way the left and left blank space is called Left indenet and
left and left space is called Right indent. Before typing matter in Page maker or After
typing matter we can increase or decrease the indent whenever we want Q12. Explain
Frame Options in Pagemaker? Using this command, a sub-menu appears. Frame is a
new feature in PageMaker, using which text and graphics can be added in the middle of
a drawing . The following sub-menu contains the commands 1. Attach Contents
command is used to attach the object to the Frame by selecting the Frame and the
object to be attached to the Frame Separate Contents command is used to attach the
object to the frame The shortcut key of this command is Ctrl+F. 2.Frame Option This
command can be used to perform various nirdharno for Frame. Its shortcut key is
Alt+Ctrl+F. The vertical and horizontal alignment of the frame's horizontal object is
determined in the Frame Options dialog box and the Horizontal Alignment dialog box
that displays the orientation of the image on the monitor screen when the command is
used. By selecting the Top option from the resulting list, the upper end of the object is at
the lower end of the frame, by selecting the Bottom option, the lower end of the image is
in the lower end of the frame and by selecting the Center option, the vertical center of
the object The vertical center of the beam frame is in the top of the beam Q13. How is
AutoFlow used in PageMaker? Ans When we paste this text on a publication file in
Pagemaker, it will be displayed as a file and a symbol icon, this icon will be placed on the
page DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer
Barela P age | 62 Visit www.tomarbarela.com , where we have to enter this text, by
clicking the Mouse Left Button, this icon appears as a story block . Is equal to the width
and if the column is not given then the width of this text block is equal to the middle of
the left and right margin of the page. These symbols are of the following types 1.
Manual When the block is clicked at the desired location then this text block goes to the
bottom margin of the page. At this time no mark will be displayed on the back side of
this block . No mark will be displayed on the private side also but if there is text left in
the story then the symbol will be displayed on the private side thus the text is called
Manual Flow When clicked, the text goes to the bottom margin of the locked page, but if
there is text left in the new text file of the place, then the text is written on the next page
as well . The text icon of the block is the last page that the text block in the new file of
Place will be automatically paged to move to the next page without the rest of the
Bottam MArgin of the text block. This type of text is called autoflow 3 Text Icon on
Placement of .Semi Autoflow file, if there is any progress, but if by pressing Shift key, this
text will be placed at the place where it is to be placed, then the text will go to the
bottom margin of the lock post, but wait for the second time to be placed. 4.Manual
Flow In case of Manual Flow value, pressing the control key changes the value to
Autoflow value and when text is placed, it works like AutoFlow, and vice versa. On
pressing Ctrl this value changes to Manual Flow value Q14. Explain print setup options in
Pagemaker? How to Print Documents in PageMaker )Printing a PageMaker Document )
First click on the File Menu and select Print from the dropdown menu. Print dialog box
will open in front of you. Select your printer from the print options in the dialog box. Click
on the PRINT button to start printing . DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop)
Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 63 Visit www.tomarbarela.com Print Dialog
box Options Printer You can select your desired printer from the printer dropdown menu
. If you have more than one printer, select the printer to which you want to send your
printout. Number of Copies To print a single copy, enter the number of copies of your
document you want to print. To print multiple copies of your document, type the number
of copies you want in the Copies text box ( pages) To print each page of your document,
click the On radio button To print a document only once, use the Range option. Type in
the range of pages you want to print in the Ranges text box. Example: To print from page
7 of your document, type in 7-18. To print non-paged pages , type in specific page
numbers. Separate page numbers with commas. Example: To print pages 2, 6 and 12 by
18, you would type in: 2, 6, 9, 12 – 18 Orientation ) Orientation ) Select the paper
orientation that matches the way your document will be printed. Have eaten Choose
between portrait orientation and landscape orientation . DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker
and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 64 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com How to Set a Default Printer If you have more than one printer
installed on your system, you can change from one printer to another from the printer
drop-down list . Are. Alternatively, you can set a default printer from which all your
documents will be printed automatically. Click on the Start button at the bottom right
corner of your screen. Then click on Device and Printer. This opens a dialog box listing
each and every printer you have installed on your system. Right click on the icon of the
printer you want to set as default. Set as Default Printer. Click on Open the File menu and
select Close from the dropdown menu. Q15. Explain what is the use of Pagemaker in
News Paper and Magazines Printing ? How to do page foam printing of news paper in
Pagemaker 7.0 What is News Paper? For both, in today's time, newspapers have become
an important part of professional life because we get all the information related to the
country and abroad at one place in the newspaper, whether it is related to sports or
politics. Newspaper is a collection of news from all over the world , which gives us
information about all the events happening in the world. How to do page foam printing
of news paper in PageMaker 7.0 The size of news paper is large, so normal page layout
is not used in it . Although the size of the newspaper is not fixed, because there are
many types of newspapers like Paitnik Laskar, Nai Duniya , Patrika, Times, Jaran etc. yet
it is bigger than A4 size paper. Here by size means the size of a page. The size of the
newspaper varies from country to country. There are eight columns in a page. The width
of each column is 4 cm , and a space of 5 mm is left between the two columns. In the
page layout in the newspaper, the main or important news is generally placed towards
the paper , it is called lead. Less important news are placed at the bottom. Newspapers
are usually folded in the middle , the designer tries to ensure that no text comes through
the folded portion. running DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar
Institute of Computer Barela P age | 65 Visit www.tomarbarela.com text is placed in
more than one column, the width of a column is increased according to the data. The
main heading size is kept the largest, and no other text the size of the heading is placed
on that page. The size of the photo or graphics is set according to the text. Each national
news paper has its own Style Guides, which make that news paper different from other
national news papers. Local news is covered in a more significant manner in a local
newspaper . High quality pre-manufactured templates are used in any large or medium
newspaper. Using these templates, there is no need to repeat the work. In the template,
the layout of the newspaper, the size of the column, which typeface is to be used in the
headline, how many lines are to be kept in a particular headline, different lines
Combinations etc. are re-determined. News Paper Setting Layout layout is made on DTP
program pages for setting newspaper. In this, the layout of the page is destroyed by
making a grid of columns every now and then. The width of a heading can exceed one
column, the main heading can be the same width as all the columns. A picture can be
set in more than one column. 9 or 10 point type is used for body text . Headlines and
sub-headings are larger in size . Space is left for pictures and captions. Before making
the layout of any news paper , the layout of other leading newspapers should be
checked. The following features are used in the design of a news paper. Use of borders,
rules (thick lines separating text and graphics ), cover, header bold or large text,
headlines and typefaces, etc. Graphics or images can be used to set the text in the
layout. After completion of all formats , its draft output is checked. DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | DCA 2nd
Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | DCA
2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age |
Q3. Vector Image and Raster Images. explain to whom? Q4.
It is used in photo

after Vector and Raster Image and loss.

Vector and loss are the following types of data
1.It represents the data in
its original resolution 2.Output is generally better looking 3.Vector The format does not
require any data conversion 4.It maintains the exact spatial location of the data
Disadvantages 1.Need to store the location of each vertex explicitly 2.Topological
structure of vector data for effective analysis Should be changed to 3. Pattern analysis
and filtering within multiple bands is difficult Raster Graphic has loss nimbling type after
1.The commercial position of each cell is implied by its position in the cell matrix DCA
2nd Sem D TP (Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age |
70 Visit www.tomarbarela.com 2. Due to data collection technology data analysis is
generally easier to program and lead to perform 3.It is considered to be very good for
detailed image Disadvantages 1. The cell size determines the resolution at which the
data is represented 2. Enlarging the image results in burst pixels and pixel distortion 3.
The size of the file produced in these increases Q5. Explain different color Modes and
Models? A color model is a systematic system for producing a full range of colors from
a small set of primary colors. Then there are two types of models, one which is additive
color and the other which is subtraction color. Additive color models use white to display
colors while subtractive color models use white to print. The colors perceived in additive
color models are the result of transmitted light while the colors seen in subtractive
models are the result of replaced light. Because additive color models display the colors
as a result of the transmitted light . Hence, the complete absence of light can be called
black. subtraction color models result in the absorption of new light, displacing the lines
and ink printing in them. As more ink is added, less and less light is replaced. | When the
ink completely disappears, the resulting light that is automatically replaced is considered
white. Each disk drive system is capable of handling only a limited number of rings at
any given time. The minimum capacity of the system is to be able to display 16
individual colors for any given image. While high capacity systems are capable of
showing 16 Christian tracks or more on a single screen. The total number of tracks that
can be handled by the monitor depends on the memory capacity of the video controller
card . This card acts as an interface between the computer and the display device, which
is known as Video Random Access Memory (VRAM). The entire screen of a display
system is made up of tiny dots called pixels . The colors displayed by one pixel in any
short interval of time are stored as data in the Video Random Access Memory. Thus the
total number of rounds that can be performed by the system from any number of disks
then depends on the amount of data. Which can be stored inside Video Random Access
Memory DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer
Barela P age | 71 Visit www.tomarbarela.com . The number of rings that each bit can
store in Video Random Access Memory is actually some number of all possible 0-1
combinations. Finally: The number of memory blobs in the Video Random Access
Memory that are dedicated to storing data again offsets the number of slots that will be
available to the disc at any given time. The screen is made up of tiny dots called pixels.
The number of pixels on the screen at any one time is called the monitor's resolution.
The color of a computer monitor monitor is usually expressed as a quantity of red, green
and blue. It takes more computer memory and has a higher processing speed to
manage and display more combinations of values ​of red, green and blue tones , which
creates more shades of colors visible to the eye. Models or methods that are used to
determine colors in the form of computer terms such as RGB, HSB, CMYK, CIE etc. One
way to define a model is to specify a set of two or more primary ranks. Which are mixed
to make various other colors. The common color models defined with 3 primary colors
are RGB and CMYK MODELS. Video monitor displays use the RGB model while hand
copy devices use the CMYK model to produce color output . Using the 24 bit RGB model,
you can make a specification in which each of the red, green and blue color results is set
to a value that lies within a range of 0 to 255 to 256 choices Different types of Color
Models CMYK model Cyan, magenta, yellow and black cover models are less commonly
used in multimedia production. This model is more commonly used in the printing
devices of desktop publishing houses. This is the color subtraction model and it is
mostly used only in color printing devices . Chromaticity model Chromaticity model
treats color values ​as frequency saturation and luminance. It is a three dimensional
model in which 2 dimensions X and Y define the colors and the third dimension defines
the luminance. This is an additive model because colors are made alternately by adding
x and y. CIE DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer
Barela P age | 72 Visit www.tomarbarela.com The model can be compared to a human's
ability to recognize lines, but some devices such as scanners are unable to reproduce
this process. HSB and HSL light sources are described in terms of their peak frequency
(or hue), luminance (or brightness) and purity (or saturation). Complementary food
sources are those that combine to make white light. Saturation is the depth of color.
Lightness or brightness is the percentage of black or white color added to any color.
100% lightness makes white color, 0% lightness makes black and a pure color has 50%
lightness. In the HSB and HSL models you represent the HUE or color as a range of 0 to
360 degrees on the color wheel and the saturation, brightness and lightness as a
percentage. RGB MODEL Television, monitor and camera hardware manufacturers define
the RGB model as the image. Evolved as the design of capture devices . This model is
addictive, in which different colors are generated by mixing varying degrees of red, green
and blue. This model is not suitable for image processing. YIQ, YUV AND YCC MODEL
YIQ and YUV were developed for TV broadcast . It is based on luminance and
chrominance expressed as the gradient and phase of a web . YUV model is subtraction
model YUV model is used in full motion video. Photo YCC was developed by the Kodak
company to provide definition for a clear representation of images digitized from
negative slides and other high quality inputs . Q6. Resolution, explain? DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 73 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com An image is made up of Colored Pixeles These pixels are
connected to each other like small tiles are laid Pixels are of different 16 millionths
Image resolution per line refers to the number of pixels in an inch like if the resolution of
an image is 72pp it means that the image is 72 * 72 = 5,184 pixels in 1 inch inch Size of
an image refers to its physical measurement width and height on the image The number
of pixels remains constant so when the size of an image is reduced its resolution
increases and when enlarged it decreases its resolution Higher the printing resolution of
an image the clearer the image - Useful for printing cleanly To change the printing
resolution of the image the check box in the Image Size dialog box that appears when
you select the Image Size option in the Image Menu of Adobe Photoshop is turned on
and then Typing in the text box and clicking the command button closes the dialog box
and changes the resolution Q7. How to create a new image in photoshop How to create
New Image in Photoshop (Creating a new image in Photoshop) To create a new image in
Adobe Photoshop, select the New option of the File menu or Ctrl on the keyboard.
Pressing the ' key ' and ' N ' key simultaneously brings up the New dialog box . 1. Name
text box in this dialog box will have title Untitled -1, in this the name of the new image file
to be created is typed. If you do not type the name of the image file here, then
Photoshop automatically names this file as Untitled -1. 2. The desired size can be
selected from the preset sizes in Photoshop for the image to be created from the list
that appears when you click on the down arrow of the Preset list box in the New dialog
box. 3. In the Width text box in the New dialog box, the width of the image will be
displayed according to the size of your page in Preset. If you make changes in this,
Custom option will appear in the box given in front of Preset . 4. To set the width of the
image, select the desired unit from the list of different units displayed by clicking on the
down arrow of the text box next to it DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop)
Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 74 Visit www.tomarbarela.com is done by
selecting . Similarly, in the Height text box in the New dialog box, the desired height of
the image and its unit are determined. 5. This option is used to set the resolution of the
image file that is being created. The adjustment is done by selecting the desired option
from the two options – Pixels/inch and Pixels/cm in the list that appears when you click
on the down arrow of the right box of the resolution option. 6. To change the color mode
of the image to be created, select any one of the color options in the list that appears
when you click on the down arrow of the Color Mode list box in the New dialog box. are
done by 7. If the image to be created is to be worked only in black and white, then either
of the first two color modes Bitmap and Grayscale are selected in this list . By selecting
Bitmap mode, only white and black colors can be used while by selecting Grayscale
mode, white and black colors as well as a mixture of these two colors can be used. Any
type of color can be applied to the image by selecting the other three modes listed in the
list . It is more appropriate to set the image file's color mode to RGB since Photoshop's
border filters are only available for this when the image 's color mode is CYMK . 8. To set
the background of the image to be created, click on the down arrow of the Background
Contents list box in the New dialog box and select any one of the following options from
the list displayed. This is done by selecting . The background of the image appears white
when the White option is selected. If the color is to be set in the background of the
image to be created then the second option Background Color is selected. Selecting the
Transparent option from this list makes the background of the created image
transparent. 9. After setting all the options, a new image file can be created in Adobe
Photoshop by clicking on the ok button in the New dialog box or by pressing the Enter
key. Q8 Explain the options related to Image in photoshop. Image menu is used to do the
work related to image correction in photoshop. Through image menu, many things can
be done easily in the image like changing the color of the image . , change the size of the
image, increase or decrease the brightness, set the back balance, etc. Image size on
computer monitor can be changed in photoshop without resizing on screen image DCA
2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age |
75 Visit www.tomarbarela.com First click on the Image menu in the menu bar . After this,
click on the image size, as soon as you click on the image size, the image size dialog
box will open in front of you . To change the dimension, type width, height . Remember
that the Resample image option should be kept on . Then click on ok. On doing this
Photoshop resizes the image. Note – Work with a large image instead of a small image,
digitibility of the image is lost when the small image is enlarged. Change the canvas size
of the image Without the image canvas option is used to change the actual size of the
image by changing the size of the image First click on the Image menu in the menu bar
Then select the canvas size After clicking on the canvas size, the canvas size dialog box
will open in front of you . Set the Dimension in the new dialog box . Then select the
anchor in the anchor point . Click on Ok . Photoshop changes the canvas size of the
image (Canvas Image (changes both sides of the image based on the selected anchor
points) Setting Color Variations Photoshop provides a variation command to adjust the
color of the image by viewing the image in several colors Menu for color variation Click
on image menu in bar • Here you will see adjustment option to select DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 76 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com Then select the variation option. In the variation window, different
tones are given. Click on the desired tone radio button . Move the slider to the left for
less adjustment and to the right for more adjustment. To add color to the image click on
more color of another image of the variation Current color result will be displayed in
current pick panel Use lighter option to increase the brightness of the image or click on
Darker to decrease the brightness Click on Ok Setting the bar balance This is used to set
the amount of bar balance in Photoshop. Click on the image in the menu bar. Click on
Adjustment. Then click on balance. • After clicking on the then balance dialog box will
open in front of you • Click on the tone radio button to close the then balance dialog box
. Drag the slider or bar to adjust the bar. Enter the numbers from 100 to 100. Click on OK.
Setting Brightness and Contrast The function of brightness and contrast in Photoshop is
to enhance the look of the image. Click on the image in the menu bar. Click on
Adjustment. On clicking on brightness or contrast a dialog box will appear on the screen.
DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P
age | 77 Visit www.tomarbarela.com Adjust the brightness of the image by dragging the
brightness slider to the right or left. To increase the contrast, drag the contrast slider
right or left. Click on OK. Q9. Explain Opening and Importing Selecting Image in
Photoshop? Searching Importing Image in Photoshop We can search or import image in
many file formats Available Format File Browser Open Dialog Box Open As Dialog Box
Open As Dialog Box or View in Import Sub Menu Recently Used To open the file follow
the below steps 1. A new sub menu will appear with File Open Recent option it will show
10 recently opened files by default select the file you want to open from the sub menu
finally in the list Click on the name of the file and the selected image will be opened by
you Importing the image The way to import image in photoshop is to import it from
other hardware Source Many scanners old cameras including digital films back full
digital cameras video device and other similar devices that are used to capture images
that are directly imported into photoshop each of these devices comes with a plugin for
photoshop that you can use for example epson expression 1600 fire wire is one plug-in
of Scanner so that you can access scanner through File Import Menu Follow steps to
import image from a pdf file 1.File-Import-Pdf Image Select 2.That pdf Select what you
want to import and click on open button 3. Then pdf image import dialog box will come
4. Select the image you want to search DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop)
Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 78 Visit www.tomarbarela.com Q10. Explain
Snap command in Photoshop? To use the snap to ruler option, we have to check the
snap ruler by going to the view menu in pagemaker , after that when we move an object,
it automatically opens itself as the next instrument of the ruler. Howi Snapto Guide Snap
to guide This option is available in the View menu and to activate it we have to check the
Snap to guide, after that when we move an object , it moves to the side of 3 pixels. I will
align the object itself with the slide when it comes to turn DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker
and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 79 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com UNIT-V Q1. Explain Screen and work Area Interfaces in
Photoshop? Photoshop Work area (Work area of ​Photoshop) The functions of tools
group, menu command and pallets are mainly used to open and edit digital images in
Photoshop. Title bar Menu bar Option bar Tool box Pallets Title bar The top most visible
bar in the Photoshop window is known as the title bar. In this bar the title of the software
is visible and on the right side there are three control buttons minimize. , maximize, close
button. Menu bar – Menu bar is used to display the menu, which includes commands of
Photoshop like file menu, edit menu, view menu, image menu etc. There are sub menus
inside these menus which make it easy to work on images DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 80 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com Tool box – It shows different types of icons, each tool is used to
make the image attractive in different ways. Option bar It shows the controls which are
used to customize the selected toons by the toon box . The properties of the tool that we
select from the tool box appear in the action bar, so that you can easily control that tool.
Task bar - Where the bottom bar in Photoshop's window is called the task bar, the left
side, the start button is visible, the program is being worked on and the right side is the
icon tray, in which date, time are displayed. , volume, network etc. appear. DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 81 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com Q2. Explain the use of all the tools in Photoshop? Photoshop
Tools (Tools of Photoshop ) There are different types of tools to work on Adobe
Photoshop. The place where these tools are arranged is called Toolbox . Can do tasks
such as selecting the photo, cleaning the photo, cropping, re-ranging, filling etc.
SELECTION TOOL This tool is used to select the image, through this tool we can These
are of four types: Rectangular Marqee tool Elliptical marqee tool Single row tool Single
column tool Rectangular Marqee tool – Rectangular Marqee tool is used to select the
rectangular portion of the image. The mouse pointer becomes variable when clicked.
Dragging the mouse pointer over the selection line on the image selects a rectangular
line of the image. Elliptical marqee tool – Elliptical marqee tool is used to select the
elliptic edge of the image Single row tool – Single row tool is used to select single row
Single column tool – Single column tool is used to select The column is used to select
the MOVE TOOL Move tool is used to move the selected part in the image. DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 82 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com MAGIC BAND TOOL This tool is used to select the pixels of a
similar line from the lines used on the image. The pixels around the space to be
selected. CROP TOOL This tool is used to use the selected part of the image as the
whole image. In this tool, the part which is selected remains and the remaining part is
erased. LASSO TOOL This tool is used to cut the image but this tool is not able to cut the
image properly This tool is used to select the shape of unequal size POLYGONAL TOOL
This tool is used to cut a single image but this tool selects the image in multiple shapes
. This tool works in the same way as the lasso tool but the selection is done in a
rectangular shape . MAGNETIC TOOL This is also a lasso tool which is used to cut the
image but this tool correctly selects the image and cuts it. This is the easiest tool to
select irregular shapes. To select, move the mouse over the text size. This tool
automatically selects the back of the image. SLICE TOOL This tool is used for normal
and web pages. is done in which work can be done on breaking each and every part of
an image but it looks like an image SPOT HEALING BRUSH TOOL

The tool is used to clean the brush marks on the image By selecting this tool the
pointer is moved to the place in the image where there
is a brush or brush This
tool automatically cleans the brush Bill deva hai
DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop)
Tomar Institute
of Computer
Barela P age | 83
Visit www.tomarbarela.com
This is an intelligent tool
It is used to repair the image It
repairs the image like a target point
This tool
is also used to repair the image Shie is done.
This tool is used to remove the effect of red eye in
the person's eye, which is called red eye, when the flash light in the camera is
near the lens of the camera.
The red eye tool
is used
This tool is used
to use any part of the image at any other place in the image. The name to be used as a
clone stamp is ticked PATTERN STAMP TOOL It is used to apply a pattern to the desired
name of the image The pattern to be used is selected from the pattern library ERASER
TOOL This tool is used to erase a particular layer of an image. By selecting this tool and
clicking on the image, the background of the image is visible. BACKGROUND ERASER
TOOL This tool is used to select and erase a particular range of pixels from an image.
MAGIC ERASER TOOL To select and delete is done DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and
Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 84 Visit www.tomarbarela.com
BLUR TOOL This tool is used to blur the image SHARPEN TOOL This tool is used to blur
the image SMUDGE TOOL This tool is used to make the lines equal DODGE TOOL This
tool is used to lighten the color of any part of the image BURN TOOL This tool is used to
lighten the color of any part of the image SPONGE TOOL This tool is used to increase or
decrease the color saturation on any part of the image BRUSH TOOL This tool is used to
fill the color defined for phone rounds in the image BRUSH BRUSH Tool The size and
shape of the tree can be changed. This tool is also used to create a new painting.
PENCIL TOOL This tool is used to create any type of line drawing in Photoshop. The size
and shape of the pencil used can be changed COLOR REPLACEMENT TOOL This tool is
used to replace the color of the image with another color HISTORY BRUSH TOOL This
tool is used to work on the image While editing the changes made to the image are done
to remove any particular name of the image DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and
Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 85 Visit www.tomarbarela.com
ART HISTORY BRUSH TOOL This tool works in the same way as the History Brush Tool,
the difference between the two is that the Art History Brush Tool has different brush
options to apply different effects . TOOL This tool is used to fill the gradient of the multi
layer after the image is selected . Select this tool and set it for the image. After moving
the mouse pointer , start drawing. It is called the starting point and the place where the
mouse button is released is called the ending point. PAINT BUCKET TOOL This tool is
used to draw a uniform cover in the specified space on the image DRAWING AND
TYPING TOOL PEN TOOL This tool is used to draw a shape in Photoshop HORIZONTAL
TYPE TOOL This tool is used to type text It is also called type tool It types horizontal text
We draw the text VERTICAL TYPE TOOL This tool is used to type text vertically This is
also a type tool VERTICAL MASK TOOL This tool is also used to type text vertically but
which Whenever text is typed, its outline appears. HORIZONTAL MASK TOOL This tool is
used to type horizontal text. It also displays the outline of the text . CUSTOM SHAPE
TOOL This tool is used to apply various shapes to the image. DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 86 Visit
This tool is used to draw a line of specified color The thickness of the line can be
changed by option NOTES TOOL This tool is used to insert a note along with the image
This note contains relevant information from the image or any part of the image so that
this information is available when reworking this image Only one item appears on the
image instead of the note AUDIO ANNOTATION TOOL This ton EYEDROPPER TOOL is
used to add audio clip as a note with the image, for this it is necessary to have a
microphone and sound card in the computer. Type Kiya Kiya for Ground Kir gets set in
DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P
age | 87 Visit www.tomarbarela.com HAND TOOL This tool is used when the entire
image is not being displayed in the image window of photoshop. can be seen on the
screen. ZOOM TOOL tool is used to view the image in the image window in a larger size.
By selecting this tool and breaking on any row of the image, that row of the image
becomes bigger. Q3 . Explain Opening a file, Saving a File, Closing a File in Photoshop?
How to Open image in Photoshop Open option is used to open an image in Adobe
Photoshop. Following are the ways to open any file 1. File menu The open option of the
question can be used. 2. Browse option of File menu can be used 3. Open As option of
File menu can be used. It is not necessary that this image file can be opened in many
Image types of Image files created in Photoshop itself. The down arrow of the Look in
list box appears in the Open dialog box that appears using the Open option of the File
menu in Adobe Photoshop or by pressing the Ctrl key and the O key simultaneously. By
clicking on it, the desired folder can be selected from the list that appears. Now on
selecting the desired image file from the list of files displayed in this folder, its file name
is displayed in the text box and the size of this file and the preview of the image are
displayed in this dialog box. I moves downwards. DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and
Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 88 Visit www.tomarbarela.com
The list that appears when you click the down arrow of the files of type list box in this
dialog box lists the types of files that Adobe Photoshop can search . If a particular type
of file is to be searched by Adobe Photoshop , then on selecting that particular type in
this list only the list of similar type of files is displayed in this dialog box. Selecting the
All Formats option next to this list displays a list of all files in this dialog box , whether or
not they can be opened in Photoshop. After selecting the desired file and clicking on the
command button Open, these files are opened in Adobe Photoshop. Using the Browse
option of the File menu in Adobe Photoshop or pressing the Alt, Ctrl and O keys on the
keyboard simultaneously , the Adobe Bridge application window is displayed on the
monitor screen . In this window, the folder in which the image files to be searched are
located is selected from the list that appears when you click on the blast down arrow of
the blast list box below the menu bar. Now the bras files in this folder are displayed as
Thumbnails in this window. On selecting the desired file out of these, the preview of that
file is displayed in this window in the Preview palette and the metadata about this file is
displayed in the Metadata palette. Now to open the newly selected file in Adobe
Photoshop, select the Return to Adobe Photoshop CS2 option in the File menu of Adobe
Bridge or double click on this image file . The image file opens in Photoshop . Adobe
Bridge can also be opened by clicking Go To Bridge, which appears in the Palette Well in
Adobe Photoshop. Use the Open As option in the File menu of Adobe Photoshop to
convert files that cannot be opened directly into Photoshop files that can be opened in
Photoshop. are to be done. Files get damaged accidentally while doing some work . This
option is used to open such files . DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar
Institute of Computer Barela P age | 89 Visit www.tomarbarela.com How to save image
in Photoshop How to save image in Photoshop Save option to save the work done on the
image in Adobe Photoshop Is used To use it, the Save option of the File menu is used.
The work done on the image can also be saved by pressing the Ctrl 'key' and 'S' key
simultaneously on the keyboard. If you are working on a file that has already been saved
in Adobe Photoshop in a safe mode , then save the image file as described above. These
changes are saved immediately , but if working on a new image , save the work as above
on the monitor screen Save as The dialog box appears. 1. This dialog box is used to save
the currently displayed image file in a different name or format. Using the built-in Save
As option in the File menu of Adobe Photoshop also displays the Save As dialog box on
the monitor screen. 2. In this dialog box, in the Look In list box, the folder in which this
image file is to be saved is selected. The name of the image file is to be typed in the File
Name text box . In this dialog box, the current format of this image file is displayed in the
Format list box, if it is to be saved in any other format , then the format list box is clicked
on the down arrow. The format of the file can also be changed by selecting the desired
format from the list of different formats available . 3. In this dialog box, selecting the
Create backup box as a copy will create a new image file of the current image named as
In Name, the name of the current image file is appended after the name of the copy ,
saved as. If this option is being used for an image file in which more than one layout is
used DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer
Barela P age | 90 Visit www.tomarbarela.com If you copy this image in any format other
than Photoshop format, all the copyrights will be converted into a single share. 4. After
making the desired settings in this dialog box , the existing image file can be saved in a
new format with a new name by clicking on the command button Save. Q4. Explain all
the options related to Layer in Photoshop? How to Use layer in Photoshop) What are
layers? (What is Layer?) Layers are like a transparent paper in Adobe Photoshop. Layer
allows one object in Photoshop to work on another without disturbing it. Layer is a
powerful way to arrange images and objects in Adobe Photoshop. method is There is
only one layer in the new image in Photoshop. Layers can be added to the image, as well
as layer effects can be used, the number of layers can also be changed, groups of more
than one layer can also be created. Can be created, as well as changes can be made in a
layer by merging different layers . There are several types of layers you can use in
Photoshop , and they fall into two main categories: Content Layer: These layers contain
different types of content, such as photographs, text, and shapes. Adjustment layers:
These layers allow you to apply adjustments to the layers below them , such as
saturation or brightness. Adjustment layers are a type of nondestructive editing because
they don't actually change anything about the original image . When using the
baseplates, a person may find it helpful to take the baseplates on and off to see how
they affect the image. You can do this by clicking on the blinking eye icon next to each
share name. Why use SHARE? (Why Use Layer) You must be wondering why do you need
to use a layer. The truth is, layers give you an amazing amount of versatility and control
because you can adjust each layer independently of the rest of the image. Once you get
comfortable with the keys , you'll use them all the time. DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker
and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 91 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com Layer Basic You are now ready to start working with layers in
Photoshop. You can view, create and edit layers with the Layers pane . It's usually found
in the lower-right corner of the screen , although you can go to Layer from the Window
Menu to make sure it's on . How to create an adjustment layer If you haven't used one
before, we recommend trying Adjustment Layer first. Remember, an adjustment layer
does not contain material – it allows you to make an adjustment layer in the layer below
it. In the Share pane, select the new share at the bottom where you want the adjustment
share to appear. Click the Adjustment button at the bottom of the Share pane, then
choose the adjustment you want. The adjustment layer appears, and then you can
customize the adjustments in the full pane . Any changes you make will affect every tier
below the adjustment tier . Alternatively, you can use the buttons in the Adjustments
pane to create adjustment layers . How to Create New Blank Layer If you want to create
a new blank layer. To create a new layer , click the New Layer button near the bottom-
right corner of the Layers panel. The new stock will appear in the status pane . How to
create a duplicate layer (How to create a duplicate layer) If you want to create a
duplicate layer. This is a simple way of trying to improve on a step-by-step basis without
having to modify the source. Right-click the share, then select Duplicate Share . A dialog
box will appear. Click on Ok. The duplicate share appears. DCA 2nd Sem
DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 92 Visit
www.tomarbarela.com How to Delete Layer If you don't need a layer, you can delete it. To
do so, simply select the share and then press the Enter key on your keyboard.
Alternatively, you can block and drag the share to the trash can in the lower-right corner
of the share pane. Working with Layers There are several different ways to work with
layers in your document. For example, you can show and hide different layers, change
the stack order, and much more . How to hide and show layer To hide a layer, click on the
white eye icon next to the desired layer. Click it again to show the share . In the image
below, you can see that we have turned off the text layer, so the text is no longer visible
in the document window : How to reorder layer That will determine how the document
looks. There may be times when you need to change the stack stack author. To
rearrange a layer , click the layer and drag it to the desired location in the Layers pane.
Editing layers For many types of correction , the desired layer must be selected before
correction ; Otherwise, you can improvise from fire to fire . For example, if you use the
eraser tool, it will only affect the part you selected . You should make it a point to check
the stock pan frequently to ensure that you pick the right stock. Editing text layers If you
want to edit a text layer , you have to double-click on the layer icon in the Layers pane.
You can then change the text, choose a different font, or adjust the size and color of the
text . Q5. Explain Filter Effects in Photoshop? DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and
Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer Barela P age | 93 Visit www.tomarbarela.com
How to Use Filter in Photoshop You can use filters to clean up your photos, apply special
art effects that enhance your image Or impressionists can take the form of paintings, or
create unique transformations using light effects. New filters provided by Adobe appear
in the Filter menu. Some filters provided by third-party developers are available as built-
ins . Once installed, these built-in filters appear at the bottom of the Filters menu. Smart
Filters are applied to Smart Objects Smart Filters are stored as Layer Effects in the
Layers panel and can be reused at any time Working from raw image data embedded in
Smart Objects Are. To use a filter, select the appropriate submenu command from the
Filter Menu. These guidelines can help you choose a matching filter : Filters are active,
view spread, or applied to a selection . For 8-bit per channel images, most filters can be
applied manually through the filter memory. All filters can be applied individually . Filters
cannot be applied to bitmap-mode or indexed images. Some filters only work on RGB
images. All filters can be applied to 8bit images . The following filters can be applied to
16″bit images : Liquify, Vanishing Point, Average Blur, Blur, Blur More, Box Blur, Gaussian
Blur, Lens Blur, Motion Blur, Radial Blur , Surface Blur, Shape Blur, Lens Correction, Add
Noise, Despeckle, Dust & Scratches, Median, Reduce Noise, Fibers, Clouds, Difference
Clouds, Lens Flare, Sharpen, Sharpen Edges, Sharpen More, Smart Sharpen, Unsharp
Mask, Emboss, Find Edges, Solarize, De- Interlace , NTSC Colors, Custom, High Pass,
Maximum, Minimum, and Offset. The following filters can be applied to 32″ bit images :
Average Blur, Box Blur, Gaussian Blur, Motion Blur, Radial Blur, Shape Blur, Surface Blur,
Add Noise, Clouds, Lens Flare, Smart Sharpen, Unsharp Mask , De- Interlace, NTSC
Colors, Emboss, High Pass, Maximum, Minimum, and Offset. Some filters are processed
entirely in RAM. If you do not have enough available RAM to adjust the filter effect , you
may receive an error message. DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar
Institute of Computer Barela P age | 94 Visit www.tomarbarela.com How to Apply a filter
You can apply a filter to an active share or smart object. Filters placed on a smart object
are nondestructive and can be read at any time. Do one of the following: o To apply the
filter to an entire share , make sure the share is active or selected. o To apply filters to an
area , select that area. o You can change your filter settings later, to apply the filter
without interruption , select the smart object that contains the image content you want
to filter . In the Filter menu, select Filter from the sub menu . If no dialog box appears, the
filter effect is applied.  If any dialog box or filter category appears, enter the value or
select the option and then click Ok. Filter Gallery overview The Filter Gallery provides
previews of several special effect filters. You can apply more than one filter , turn filter
effects on or off, reset options for filters, and change the order in which filters are
applied. When you are satisfied with the preview, then you can apply it to your image. Not
all filters in the Filter menu are available in the Filter Library. A. Preview B. Filter category
C. Thumbnail of selected filter D. Show/Hide filter thumbnails E. Filters pop-up menu F.
Options for DCA 2nd Sem DTP(Pagemaker and Photoshop) Tomar Institute of Computer
Barela P age | 95 Visit www.tomarbarela.com selected filter G. List of filter effects to
apply or arrange H.

Filter effect selected but not applied I. Filter effects applied

cumulatively but not selected J. Hidden filter effect
Display the Filter Gallery
First click on Filter Menu then select Filter Gallery
Clicking on a Filter Category name displays an image of the available filter effects.

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