113 Smart NC
113 Smart NC
113 Smart NC
|e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2347-6710| www.ijirset.com | Impact Factor: 8.423| A Monthly Peer Reviewed & Referred Journal |
| DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2023.1203113 |
ABSTRACT: Smart mirror, which continues to grow vastly, plays an important role in future technology, providing
both the functionalities of a mirror and the smart features that come with it to the users. The impact of such emerging
technology would completely change the lives of people on a day-to-day basis. Everything is turning smart in recent
years, such as smart homes and smart cities. The smart mirror is one such device where a normal mirror acts as a smart
device. It has different modes namely the regular mode where the mirror will act as a normal mirror and the smart
mode where the mirror accepts external commands and displays relevant results. The smart mirror can be built using
the Raspberry Pi-4 model along with the touchscreen functionalities.
KEYWORDS: Smart Mirror, Information System, Internet of Things, Automation, Raspberry Pi, Raspbian OS
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an arrangement of interrelated, web- associated objects that can gather and move
information over a remote organization with no human intercession. IOT's major huge pattern lately is the rapid
development of gadgets associated with the web. [1]The IOT sets out more open doors for more straightforward joining
of the actual world into PC-based frameworks bringing about effectiveness enhancements, financial advantages, and
diminished human efforts. In the customer market, IOT innovation is generally inseparable from items relating to the
idea of the "smart home", including gadgets and apparatuses (like lighting installations, indoor regulators, home
security frameworks and cameras, and other appliances) that help one or more normal biological systems, and can be
controlled through gadgets related with that environment, for example, smart- phones and shrewd speakers. IOT can
likewise be utilized in medical care frameworks. [1]The Internet of Things (IoT) is characterized as a worldwide
framework for the data society, empowering progressed benefits by interconnecting (virtual and physical things
dependent on existing and developing (new) interoperable data and correspondence advancements. Our way of life has
advanced such that streamlining time is the main thing.
[2]The use of Smart devices is increasing day by day because of the vast improvement in technology. Every single day
we tend to look in the mirror to check our attire and appearance. By this, we are psychologically interacting with the
mirror. So, the idea of a mirror that can respond to any of your commands can excite anyone. [3]A normal mirror is
improved into an insolent mirror and used as an information system to collect data. Multiple tasks can be carried out on a
single user interface. The smart mirror device is suitable to check regular activities, important meetings, News updates,
and Weather in a few seconds. The Smart mirror is an IoT-based intelligent system that can be used for the facilitation
and enhancement of the user's awareness of various functions. By using this smart mirror the standard of living and the
quality is changing drastically with the help of interactive computing systems and embedded systems. A Smart mirror
can be used as a normal commodity that can change the perspective of a person towards the mirror
This proposed Smart mirror is designed to perform various activities i.e., it displays time & date along with current
weather, and daily appointments. [3]It can be used as a normal display mirror when the system is turned OFF. This
system allows the users to use it even if their hands are dry or wet or dirty, daytime or night. The proposed system is
further divided into two modules. They are:
Hardware configuration module
The Smart mirror displaymodule
|e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2347-6710| www.ijirset.com | Impact Factor: 8.423| A Monthly Peer Reviewed & Referred Journal |
| DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2023.1203113 |
modules present in the mirror. [4] Raspberry pi which works as a CPU connected to the whole setup is provided with a
power supply using a cable so as tosupply power to every component. Raspberry pi isalso connected to Ethernet/Wi-Fi to
receive Internet that is used to update information every minute. To work in raspbian OS, itis installed and dumped onto
an SD card, which is inserted in a Raspberry pi. This whole setup is settled down ina wooden frame to safeguard
The system architecture of an Interactive modular-based Smart mirror is shown in Fig - 1. The 2-waymirror is the main
object placed at the of front the whole setup. Then an LED display that shows the information to a user is placed just
behind the mirror. The other physical devices are the Power supply, and cable to supply power to the whole setup from
Raspberry pi and sd card. The whole code is dumped onto an SD card and inserted into Raspberry pi. The whole data is
taken down by raspberry pi using an internet connection i.e.,connected using either Ethernet (LAN) or wireless (Wi-Fi)
We plan to design and develop a kind of futuristic smart mirror that provides a whole new experience to the user. Our
proposed smart mirror consists of a two- way mirror, monitor, and Raspberry Pi. A wooden frame will be prepared with
LED attached behind the glass with raspberry pi. The power supply is attached to the raspberry pi which will power the
The Interactive Smart Mirror consists of 3 modules that will perform over the normal Two-way mirror i.e., Clock,
Weather, and Google Assistant. Whenever the mirror is turned on using a power supply the Raspberry pi takes it to the
Raspbian environment. Then in the Raspberry pi terminal when the command “cd MagicMirror” will run, the
Raspberrypi will be working under the MagicMirror operating system. Then again when the command “npm start” is
given, the Magic mirror will be turned ON and the mirror willdisplay the basic information ie, date and time which is our
|e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2347-6710| www.ijirset.com | Impact Factor: 8.423| A Monthly Peer Reviewed & Referred Journal |
| DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2023.1203113 |
module 1(Clock).
Now 2nd module is setting up Google assistant for our system. We will install our Google Assistant module by entering
the “npm install” command in the terminal. After the installation using our raspberry pi browse, we will log in to the
google account.
For 3rd module i.e., Weather. The system also displays current weather along with the temperature that is felt by the
human body of the city which is mentioned. But the user must register on the open weather website and provide the
API (Application Programming Interface) key as well as the location ID to display the weather conditions based on the
particular city.
|e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2347-6710| www.ijirset.com | Impact Factor: 8.423| A Monthly Peer Reviewed & Referred Journal |
| DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2023.1203113 |
Our system integrated the concept and methodologies that have been implemented in many existing systems a smart
mirror system. It is a novel application of creating a smart interacting system. The system is reliable and easy to use, in
this interactive system; we have been concentrating on an interactive system for the home. There exist many benefits of
the smart mirror
By utilizing a sensor, we can reduce power consumption since the mirror will display information only in the presence
of a human. The future prototype is ripe with potential and probably robust in terms of functionality. The scope of this
study is to develop an efficient and cost-effective solution for the development of a Smart Mirror to reduce and possibly
eliminate the need for the user to make time in their daily morning or nightly routine to check their PC, tablet, or
smartphone for the information they need. The mirror will provide the information with little to no effort from the user
with the goal of not being a burden that he or she must maintain. The mirror wouldn’t be another activity, but rather an
enhancement to the already common use of mirrors in most modern bathrooms. The mirror will do the thinking for the
user. First, it will turn on and off by itself. Then, it will update the user’s calendar schedule, to-do lists, Twitter, news,
|e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2347-6710| www.ijirset.com | Impact Factor: 8.423| A Monthly Peer Reviewed & Referred Journal |
| DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2023.1203113 |
and weather. The information wouldn’t be thrown in the user’s face, but unobtrusively displayed on the edges of the
mirror to still allow the use of the actual mirror. The mirror provides common information most people check their
smartphones or tablets for, such as weather, news, Twitter, and schedules. This allows the users to read, think, and plan
their day while getting ready in the morning or night.
We are very thankful to our project guide Prof. Sampada Kulkarni for her valuable support, and constant guidance. In
spite of her extremely busy schedule, she never failed to take time out for us to help solve our problems and clear our
doubts. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our Head of Department, Dr. Sarita Deshpande for her
heartening, motivation, guidance, and support. We acknowledge all the faculties of the Information Technology
Department for their advice during various phases of this project work.
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