The Creatures of Thule I 1.5

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The Creatures of

Thulê I
by Varg Vikernes


Stefan Cvetković (artwork)
Theodor Severin Kittelsen (cover artwork)

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Table of Contents

3 Animals 14 Dogs, Hyenas & Wolves

4 Poisonous Creatures 14 Cave hyena
& Giant Insects 14 Hyena, giant
4 Beetle, giant 15 Hyaenodon
4 Centipede, giant 15 Ruler wolf (Andrewsarchus)
4 Centipede, monster 16 Wild dog
5 Dragonfly, giant 16 Wolf
5 Scorpion, giant, 16 Cats
5 Spider, giant 16 Lynx
6 Spider, monster 16 Cave lion
6 Wasp, giant 17 Leopard
6 Land Lizards & Venomous Snakes 17 Smilodon
6 Morning Moon Raptor (Velociraptor) 17 Riding & Grazing Animals
7 Toad, giant 17 Pack horse/riding horse
7 Venomous snake 18 Pony
7 Bears 18 Unicorn
8 Black bear 18 Game
8 Brown bear 19 Large game
8 Cave bear 19 Medium game
8 Owl bear 19 Small game
9 Polar bear 19 Nymphs
9 Birds & Winged Lizards 20 Animated Objects
9 Boat Beak (Gastornis) 21 Animated vine
9 Eagle, giant 22 Cursed tree
10 Owl, giant 23 Humans & Half-Elves
10 Swan, giant 24 Rangers
10 Winged Lizard (Pteranodon) 25 Sorcerer
11 Disease Spreaders 26 Warrior
11 Bat, giant 29 Demi-Human
11 Rat, giant 29 Dwarf
11 Rat swarm 31 Gnoll
12 Boars 32 Gnome
12 Giant boar 33 Grey Elf
12 Boar 34 Halfling
12 Sea Creatures 35 High Elf
12 Dolphin 36 Lizard-man
13 Killer whale 37 Wood Elf
13 King Lizard (Basilosaurus)
13 Octopus, giant
14 Turtle, giant

The Creatures
All demi-humans, animals and cursed trees have a Animals
+2 disease resistance and a +2 (+ size) poison
When animals die they are assumed to become
resistance, unless otherwise stated. All nymphs,
spirits in nature, flying about with the wind until
animated objects, trolls and ettins are immune to
they materialize again when they are reborn as new
poison and disease. All creatures have +2 proficiency
animals. The bodies of dead animals turn to earth.
in all skills unless otherwise stated. Two exceptions
are Stamina and Fortitude, where all creatures have Each killed animal (save poisonous creatures & giant
+8 and size + 6 proficiency respectfully, unless insects, land lizards & venomous snakes, disease
otherwise stated. All creatures have +1 modification spreaders, birds & winged lizards and sea creatures)
for all character attributes (and on Initiative). This is can normally give a hide (creatures size -10 to -7 give
their value in relation to the rules of MYFAROG. a small game hide, -6 to +1 give a medium game
hide and creatures size +2 to +10 a large game hide)
Some creatures have special abilities, such as Night
and meat equal to its weight / 5. It takes 1 minute to
Vision (gives the ability to see in the night under the
prepare 1 lb of meat (≈1 day ration), using a small
sky as if it was day, but not the ability to see in pitch
seax or dagger, and about 30 minutes to cook a meal.
black darkness), Ettin Eyes (gives the ability to see
It takes D6 * 5 minutes to prepare a small game hide,
even in pitch black darkness, but also gives the
using a small seax. It takes D6 * 10 minutes to
disadvantage of being easily blinded by light,
prepare a medium game hide and D6 * 30 minutes
especially daylight, but also artificial light), Troll
to prepare a large game hide. You also get meat (but
Nose (gives the ability to smell human blood [and
no hides) from birds & winged lizards and sea
some say also aurichalcum], 10' in headwind, 100'
creatures, and feathers from birds (e. g. giant eagle,
when calm and 1000' in tailwind) and Eagle's Gaze
giant owl, giant swan and boat beak). In desperate
(gives the ability to see things far away in greater
situations a giant rat could also be eaten, but in
detail, as if using binoculars, giving +2 Perception in
order to do so the characters should be
relation to vision).
Tired/Weary/Exhausted from lack of food and at
If the GM wants to vary the strength of the creatures least succeed with a Wil test against DD 12/8/6
encountered he can use this table: (every day they eat).

D20 Strength OV & DV HP Abbreviations for the Creature Tables

1 Weakest -2 -30% EE = Ettin Eyes
2-3 Weaker -1 -20% EG = Eagle's Gaze
4-6 Weak -1 -10% EL = Electric Damage
7-14 Average +0 +0 IM = Immune
15-17 Strong +1 +10% NV = Night Vision
18-19 Stronger +1 +20% TN = Troll Nose
20 Strongest +2 +30% W = Weapon

Fighting Animals
All animals are generally speaking afraid of
creatures walking on two legs, and especially if the
two-legged creature is holding a stick or something
“Company in distress like that in his hand, so most animals will try to
make the sorrow less.” avoid conflict with humans if they can, whether they
are shy, peaceful or aggressive. Even most predatory
animals tend to prefer easier prey whenever they
can – and if e. g. a cave lion has just eaten it is not
even dangerous to nearby sheep, and will most
NB! To find the Cold Toughness in relation to
likely leave them alone (until he is hungry again,
atmospheric temperatures, add 3 to the creature’s
that is).
Cold Toughness.

Poisonous Creatures & The giant centipede is very fast and a very good
climber. It can not breathe under water, but can stay
Giant Insects under water for up to one full day, before it has to
The poisonous creatures changed and became giant come up to breathe.
and monstrous after living in Jötunnheimr. For their
poison to have any effect on the target the poisonous This nocturnal predator hunts in the dark places of
creature needs to at least deliver 1 damage to the the earth, and is dangerous enough to pose a threat
target (or 0 for venomous snake). See the skill to almost all the creatures of Thulê. Using the cover
Healing. Poisonous creatures (if they were the of darkness, it tends to surprise attack to subdue its
aggressors) will kill (and eat) the paralysed targets, victims. Giant centipedes fear and hate spiders, their
or (if spiders) they will try to wrap them in silk and main competitor, and will try to flee if a giant or
then eat them later on, or (otherwise) just flee and monster spider appears. They often crawl into
leave them as they are. cracks in mountains and under the roots of trees
during the day.
Beetle, Giant
General Poisonous Creatures &
Giant Insects
Size +2
Weight (lbs) ≈200
Special Abilities Ettin Eyes
Tempo +40 (+60 Flying)
Fright mod -1
OV +4
DV +14 (+12 MI) Centipede, Monster
Dodging +2 General Poisonous Creatures &
Damage D10 Giant Insects
HP 20 Size +8
Weapon Natural Weight (lbs) ≈1100
Special Abilities Ettin Eyes
Centipede, Giant
General Poisonous Creatures &
Climbing +14
Giant Insects
Fortitude +5
Size -2
Stamina +18
Weight (lbs) ≈110
Swimming +6
Special Abilities Ettin Eyes
Tempo +30
Climbing +14
Fright mod -6
Stamina +18
OV (MÊ) +10
Swimming +6
DV +16 (+9 MI)
Tempo +45
Dodging +2
Damage D10 + Paralysing poison PL
Fright mod -2
OV (MÊ) +2
HP 74
DV +12 (+11 MI)
Weapon Natural
Dodging +2
Damage D6 + Paralysing poison PL Like the giant centipede, the monster centipede can
10 not breathe under water, but can stay under water
HP 11 for up to one full day, before it has to come up to
Weapon Natural breathe. Monster centipedes fear and hate spiders,
their main competitor, and will attack any giant

spiders they come across, but will try to flee if a The giant scorpion is a terrible opponent; all it needs
monster spider appears. to defeat almost any foe is to attack it a few times
with it's poisonous sting.
This nocturnal predator hunts in the dark places of
the earth, and is dangerous enough to pose a threat The giant scorpion does not hunt like other
to almost all the creatures of Thulê, using brute predators, but sits still, waiting for prey to come
force, the cover of darkness and surprise attacks to near it. If that happens, it will attack and try to
subdue its victims. poison its prey. Unless spotted in time (Perception
DD 8) it will always be allowed to attack first, and
Dragonfly, Giant the victim will be surprised.
General Poisonous Creatures &
Spider, Giant
Giant Insects
General Poisonous Creatures &
Size +0
Giant Insects
Weight (lbs) ≈150
Size +0
Special Abilities Night Vision
Weight (lbs) ≈160
Special Abilities Night Vision
Tempo +10 (+100 Flying)
Climbing +14
Fright mod +0
Fortitude +6
OV (MÊ) +2
Stamina +18
DV +12
Swimming +0
Dodging +4
Tempo +40
Damage D6
HP 15
Fright mod -3
Weapon Natural
OV (MÊ) +2
Giant dragonflies are very fast and have +4 initiative DV +11
instead of the normal +1 for animals. A flying giant Dodging +2
dragonfly can only attack every D3 rounds whilst Damage D4 + Paralysing poison PL 9
flying and must carry out a charge when it does so. HP 16
See Charges (Combat Rules). Weapon Natural

Scorpion, Giant
General Poisonous Creatures &
Giant Insects
Size +1
Weight (lbs) ≈200
Special Abilities Night Vision
Fortitude +3
Stamina +8
Tempo +20
Heat 3
Fright mod -4 Giant spiders hunt, often in numbers, in the
OV (MÊ) +3 shadows, and can usually be found in dark forests
DV +13 (+11 MI) and deep caverns. When a giant spider has poisoned
Dodging +2 (paralysed) all its foes it will start to wrap them in
Damage D8 + Poison PL 12 silk. It takes 2D6 minutes for a giant spider to wrap
HP 20 a human sized victim in silk. It is impossible to get
Weapon Natural free from spider silk without assistance once
wrapped. With assistance it takes 2D6 rounds to free

a person if using a dagger, seax, sickle or curved Combat
short sword, 4D6 rounds if using another sword or a Fright mod -2
sword-scythe, or 6D6 if using a Spear weapon, axe, OV (MÊ) +2
lead-weighted dart or broad-head arrow/bolt. DV +10 (+11 MI)
Dodging +4
Spider, Monster
Damage D4 + Poison PL 10
General Poisonous Creatures &
HP 9
Giant Insects
Weapon Natural
Size +10
Weight (lbs) ≈2500 A flying giant wasp can only attack every D3 rounds
Special Abilities Night Vision whilst flying and must carry out a charge when it
Skills does so. See Charges (Combat Rules).
Climbing +14
Fortitude +6 Land Lizards & Venomous Snakes
Stamina +18
Tempo +30
Morning Moon Raptor
General Land L. & Venomous Snakes
Fright mod -8
Size -7
OV (MÊ) +10
Weight (lbs) ≈30
DV +15 (+7 MI)
Dodging +2
Acrobatics +5
Damage D12 + Paralysing poison
Fortitude +0
PL 12
Stamina +8
HP 100
Stealth +6
Weapon Natural
Swimming +4
Monster spiders hunt in the shadows, and can often Tempo +50
be found in dark forests and deep caverns. When a Combat
monster spider has poisoned (paralysed) all its foes Fright mod +1
it will start to wrap them in silk. It takes D6 minutes OV (MÊ) +2
for a monster spider to wrap a human sized victim DV +10 (+14 MI)
in silk. It is impossible to get free from spider silk Dodging +7
without assistance once wrapped. With assistance it Damage D3
takes 2D6 rounds to free a person if using a dagger, HP 3
seax, sickle or curved short sword, 4D6 rounds if Weapon Natural
using another sword or a sword-scythe, or 6D6 if
using a Spear weapon, axe, lead-weighted dart or Morning moon raptors are small feathered
broad-head arrow/bolt. predatory dinosaurs, running fast and attacking in
groups. They tend to hide in the greenery and then
Bitten or Stung? attack the unfortunate passers-by. They are very
What if a character already bitten or stung by a aggressive, but will only attack if they are
poisonous creature is bitten/stung again by the same outnumbering their prey, and will flee when they no
creature? Let the PL of the poison be modified by +2 longer outnumber their prey.
every new time he is bitten!

Wasp, Giant
General Poisonous Creatures &
Giant Insects
Size -2
Weight (lbs) ≈90
Tempo +10 (+80 Flying)

Toad, Giant Combat
Fright mod +2
General Land L. & Venomous Snakes OV (MÊ) +2
Size +8 DV +8 (+18 MI)
Weight (lbs) ≈1000 Dodging +2
Special Abilities Night Vision Damage Only poison PL 12
Skills HP 1
Acrobatics +18 Weapon Natural
Fortitude +5
Venomous snakes usually only attack if they feel
Stamina +8
threatened. For the poison to have any effect on the
Swimming +40
target the venomous snake needs to at least have
Tempo +25
been able to (if they could deliver any damage)
deliver 1 damage to the target.
Fright mod -7
OV (MÊ) +10
When a venomous snake is encountered, it will
OV (MI) +8 (Base Range 10')
always surprise attack a randomly picked character
DV +16 (+9 MI)
in the party, unless spotted in time by him
Dodging +2
(Perception DD 12). After it has attacked, it will try
Damage (MÊ) D81
to get away as fast and stealthily as possibly.
Damage (MI) n/a
HP 70
Weapon Natural
Test against Poison PL 9 if the giant toad is touched in any All the bears, save the owl bear and polar bear, are
way (skin contact). In a mêlée there is normally a chance (1 shy (and some times curious) creatures. Only the
in a D6 every round) that a character accidentally achieves owl bear & the polar bear are really aggressive,
skin contact with the creature. viewing humans and demi-humans as food, and
will, as some of very few predators, seek conflict
Giant toads can jump great distances, up to 30 feet
when encountering humans. Other bears usually
long, and 20 feet high, and if severely injured, a
attack only when they feel threatened, and will
giant toad will most likely try to jump into a bog or
avoid contact and conflict with humans when they
lake, and into safety.
They can attack from a distance (up to 80' away!)
with their sticky tongues, and drag the victims close If a bear casts a natural 19 or 20 when it attacks, it
to their mouths. If the victim is Tiny (size -5 or less) has managed to injure with both claws and delivers
it will be swallowed whole. If larger, the victim will an additional D6 in damage to the target, from his
be exposed to a normal mêlée attack. “bear hug”. It will continue to give D6 in damage to
the victim until the bear is scared away (i. e. if it
panics) or is stunned, knocked down, knocked out
“Always watch and follow nature.” or killed. A victim of a “bear hug” can only fight
back attacking the bear with a short seax or a dagger
and does so with a -6 mod to his OV.
Venomous Snake
General Land L. & Venomous Snakes
Size -10
Weight (lbs) ≈1
Special Abilities Night Vision
Skills “Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.”
Fortitude -1
Stamina +8
Stealth +4
Swimming +6
Tempo +10

Black Bear Combat
General Bears Fright mod -5
Size +5 OV (MÊ) +10
Weight (lbs) ≈500 DV +15 (+7 MI)
Skills Dodging +2
Fortitude +4 Damage D10
Perception +6 HP 86
Stamina +8 Weapon Natural
Swimming +6
Tempo +45 Owl Bear
Tracking +12 General Bears
Combat Size +10
Fright mod -3 Weight (lbs) ≈1500
OV (MÊ) +7 Skills
DV +13 (+8 MI) Tempo +45
Dodging +2 Combat
Damage D6 Fright mod -5
HP 50 OV (MÊ) +10
Weapon Natural DV +14 (+6 MI)
Dodging +2
Brown Bear Damage D10
General Bears HP 90
Size +7 Weapon Natural
Weight (lbs) ≈850
The owl bear looks like a normal bear with a large
beak, like that of an owl. It is very aggressive and
Fortitude +5
will gladly feast on man-flesh.
Perception +6
Stamina +8
Swimming +6
Tempo +50
Tracking +25
Fright mod -4
OV (MÊ) +9
DV +14 (+7 MI)
Dodging +2
Damage D8
HP 64
Weapon Natural

Cave Bear
General Bears
Size +9
Weight (lbs) ≈1400
Fortitude +6
Perception +6
Stamina +8
Swimming +6
Tempo +45
Tracking +25

Too Tough Dodging +2
Some of the creatures in MYFAROG will simply be too Damage D6
tough for the player characters to handle when the HP 20
players start playing the game and their characters Weapon Natural
(and the players) are inexperienced, so the players
shouldn't let their characters expose themselves to The boat beak looks like a large wingless bird, with
danger unless they know that they can handle it, or else a short neck and a powerful boat-shaped beak. It is
their characters will have very short lives. Some of the
larger than a man, often hunts in groups, and sees
challenges in MYFAROG are only for experienced and
even human beings as potential meals.
well equipped characters, or for groups of such
characters rather than lone heroes.
Polar Bear
General Bears
Size +8
Weight (lbs) ≈1100
Fortitude +5
Perception +3
Stamina +8
Swimming +25
Tempo +50
Tracking +25
Fright mod -4
OV (MÊ) +10
DV +14 (+8 MI)
Dodging +2
Damage D8
HP 74
Weapon Natural

Birds & Winged Lizards

A flying creature can only attack every D6 + 1
rounds whilst flying and must carry out a charge
when it does so. See Charges (Combat Rules).

Boat Beak
General Birds & Winged Lizards
Size +1 Eagle, Giant
Weight (lbs) ≈200 General Birds & Winged Lizards
Skills Size +4
Fortitude +3 Weight (lbs) ≈400
Perception +3 Special Abilities Eagle's Gaze
Stamina +8 Skills
Tempo +45 Fortitude +4
Resistance Perception +5
Heat -1 Stamina +8
Combat Tempo +20 (+80 Flying)
Fright mod -1 All other skills +2
OV (MÊ) +3 Resistance
DV +11 (+9 MI) Heat -1

Combat Resistance
Fright mod -3 Heat -1
OV (MÊ) +6 Combat
DV +12 (+8 MI) Fright mod +4
Dodging +2 OV (MÊ) +3
Damage D6 DV +11 (+9 MI)
HP 40 Dodging +2
Weapon Natural Damage D4
HP 20
Giant eagles are aggressive, predatory and
Weapon Natural
dangerous – even to humans and demi-humans.
They will see any creature size -2 or less as a Giant swans are peaceful creatures, unless attacked.
potential meal. The giant eagles can make
wilderness travel during the day very dangerous for
small creatures. “Prevention is better than cure.”
Owl, Giant
General Birds & Winged Lizards
Winged Lizard
Size +1
General Birds & Winged Lizards
Weight (lbs) ≈200
Size +10
Special Abilities Night Vision
Weight (lbs) ≈2600
Fortitude +3
Fortitude +6
Perception +4
Perception +6
Stamina +8
Stamina +8
Tempo +40 (+70 Flying)
Tempo +30 (+60 Flying)
All other skills +2
Heat 3
Heat -1
Fright mod -6
Fright mod -2
OV (MÊ) +10
OV (MÊ) +3
DV +15 (+7 MI)
DV +11 (+9 MI)
Dodging +2
Dodging +2
Damage D12 + 1
Damage D4
HP 101
HP 20
Weapon Natural
Weapon Natural
Giant owls are aggressive, predatory and dangerous The winged lizard looks like (and, on land, walks
– even to humans and demi-humans. They will see like) a huge bat with a very long reptile head. Its
any creature size -3 or less as a potential meal. The jaws are lined with razor sharp teeth.
giant owls can make wilderness travel during the
night very dangerous for very small creatures.

Swan, Giant
General Birds & Winged Lizards
Size +1
Weight (lbs) ≈200
Fortitude +3
Perception +4
Stamina +8
Swimming +20
Tempo +30 (+70 Flying)

Disease Spreaders Resistance
Disease +10
Bat, Giant Combat
General Disease Spreaders Fright mod +0
Size -1 OV (MÊ) +0
Weight (lbs) ≈135 DV +11 (+14 MI)
Skills Dodging +5
Climbing +10 Damage D31
Perception +4 HP 6
Stamina +8 Weapon Natural
Tempo +10 (+80 Flying) Cast a D6 the first time the disease spreader at least

delivers 1 damage to its target; if the result is a 1 the target

must test his Disease Resistance against a disease (PL 7 +
Disease +10
Fright mod -3 The rat brought diseases as well as other problems
OV (MÊ) +2 when it came to Thulê a long time ago, but did not
DV +10 (+11 MI) turn into a really serious problem until it went into
Dodging +2 Jötunnheimr and was changed – and came out a few
Damage D41 generations later as giant rats: aggressive, hungry,
HP 14 mad and in huge numbers!
Weapon Natural
Rat Swarm
Cast a D6 the first time the disease spreader at least

delivers 1 damage to its target; if the result is a 1 the target General Disease Spreaders
must test his Disease Resistance against a disease (PL 7 + Size +5 (for Tracking purpose
D6). only)
Weight (lbs) n/a
Giant bats tend to attack from the air, sweep down Special Abilities Night Vision
and strike at their prey, before they fly on. They very Skills
rarely land to fight on the ground. Giant bats are Acrobatics +3
very good climbers, and often climb into trees, up Climbing +4
steep cliffs or on cave walls. Fortitude +1
Perception +3
Stamina +12
Swimming +10
“A great tree hath a great fall.” Tempo +40
Disease +10
Fright mod -3
Rat, Giant
OV (MÊ) +10
General Disease Spreaders
DV +10
Size -5
Dodging +2
Weight (lbs) ≈60
Damage D4
Special Abilities Night Vision
HP2 2D10 * 10 (Immune to
Cut/Shock Effect)1
Acrobatics +3
Weapon Natural
Climbing +4 1
Cast a D6 every time the rat swarm at least delivers 1
Fortitude +1 damage to its target; if the result is a 1, 2 or 3 the target
Perception +3 must test his Disease Resistance against a disease (PL 7 +
Stamina +8 D6).
Swimming +10 2
Can take max 1 damage from a missile weapons (because
Tempo +40 only one individual can be hit by any one missile attack)!

Not really dangerous in itself, the rat becomes a Boar
problem as a disease spreader, and also when it – General Boars
driven by some unseen and incomprehensible force Size +2
– suddenly attacks in swarms made up of up to Weight (lbs) ≈250
hundreds of individuals! Special Abilities Night Vision
The rat swarm is immune to cut/shock effects,
Fortitude +3
because making one rat bleed, or knocking one rat
Stamina +8
down, or killing one rat, doesn't really effect the
Swimming +10
swarm. Each HP represents a rat, and when down to
Tempo +40
10 HP/individuals, the swarm will disperse.
Tracking +8
Boars Resistance
Heat 1
Boars are nocturnal creatures, and if encountered
during the day, they tend to be hiding in some
Fright mod -1
bushes, waiting for night to fall, so that they can
OV (MÊ) +4
return to the safety of the forest again. They are only
DV +11 (+9 MI)
dangerous to humans in the sense that they become
Dodging +2
afraid, and attack in fear – especially if disturbed
Damage D6 + 1
during the day!
HP 25
Their tusks are highly sought after. Weapon Natural

Giant Boar
“After the boar the leech
General Boars
Size +10 and after the hart the bier.”
Weight (lbs) ≈1500
Special Abilities Night Vision Sea Creatures
Skills Dolphin
Fortitude +6
General Sea Creatures
Stamina +8
Size +0
Swimming +10
Weight (lbs) ≈160
Tempo +40
Special Abilities Night Vision
Tracking +8
All other skills +2
Fortitude +3
Perception +3
Heat 3
Stamina +8
Swimming +50
Fright mod -5
OV (MÊ) +10
Fright mod +6
DV +14 (+6 MI)
OV (MÊ) +2
Dodging +2
DV +11
Damage D12 + 1
Dodging +2
HP 90
Damage D4
Weapon Natural
HP 16
Weapon Natural
A dolphin can drag one individual along through
“A bird in the hand is better the water, if that individual is able to hold on – in
than ten birds on the roof.” MYFAROG that means he must have at least one
hand free and be able to spend 1 SP every minute. If
the character has 16+ CHA a dolphin might try to
help him in the manner described above.

Killer Whale
General Sea Creature
Size +10
Weight (lbs) ≈10000
Special Abilities Ettin Eyes
Tempo +50 Swimming
Fright mod -5
OV (MÊ) +10
DV +15 (+7 MI)
Dodging +2
Damage D12
HP 170
Weapon Natural

If the killed whale scores a Damage + 2 or better

during Combat Resolution on a creature size -2 or
less it will be swallowed whole. Unless the killer
whale is killed fast and opened up, a land-based
creature will probably quickly drown. The killer
whale can only attack every D6 rounds.

Octopus, giant
“Big flies break the web.” General Sea Creature
Size +8
King Lizard Weight (lbs) ≈1000
General Sea Creatures Special Abilities Ettin Eyes
Size +10 Skills
Weight (lbs) ≈120000 Tempo +10 (+50 Swimming)
Special Abilities Night Vision Combat
Skills Fright mod -4
Fortitude +6 OV (MÊ) +10
Perception +3 DV +15 (+8 MI)
Stamina +8 Dodging +2
Swimming +45 Damage D10
Combat HP 70
Fright mod -5 Weapon Natural
OV (MÊ) +10 The giant octopus will jet away at full speed, leaving
DV +14 (+6 MI) a black cloud of ink, if reduced to 50% of its HP.
Dodging +1
Damage 9D6
HP 1275
Weapon Natural
“Straight ahead is always shortest,
The king lizard is a giant sea creature, looking like a
but not always best.”
cross between a giant fish and a giant crocodile,
feeding on all other creatures in the sea, including
swimming humans and demi-humans - and even “A nightingale cannot sing in a cage.”
small fishing boats. Avoid at all cost!

Turtle, Giant Combat
General Sea Creatures Fright mod -1
Size +8 OV (MÊ) +4
Weight (lbs) ≈1100 DV +12 (+10 MI)
Special Abilities Night Vision Dodging +2
Skills Damage D6
Fortitude +5 HP 25
Stamina +4 Weapon Natural
Swimming +45 Hyena, Giant
Tempo +10 General Dogs, Hyenas & Wolves
Combat Size +5
Fright mod +2 Weight (lbs) ≈500
OV (MÊ) +10 Special Abilities Night Vision
DV +17 (+10 MI) Skills
Dodging +2 Acrobatics +4
Damage D8 + 1 Fortitude +4
HP 74 Perception +6
Weapon Natural Stamina +8
A giant turtle can carry up to 432 lbs on its back in Tempo +55
the water, including passengers. See the skill Riding. Tracking +15
A giant turtle carrying a rider can not attack. If the Combat
character has 16+ CHA a giant turtle might try to Fright mod -3
help him in the manner described above. OV (MÊ) +7
DV +13 (+8 MI)
Dodging +2
Damage D8
“Better die on your feet, HP 50
than live on your knees.” Weapon Natural
Packs of giant hyenas long kept movement across
the plains of the more southerly continents to their
Dogs, Hyenas & Wolves northern shores close to impossible for men, and this
Wolves are, generally speaking, very shy and only ensured that for a very long time nobody else ever
attack humans if they feel threatened, but wild dogs, ventured as far north as Thulê, but the end of the Ice
hyaenodons (who look like a mix between a giant rat Age and the coming of more forests everywhere
and a giant wolf), ruler wolves (who look like big have proved to be a great challenge for the giant
wolves with extremely big heads and jaws), cave hyenas. It is slowly giving in to more successful
hyenas and giant hyenas can be very aggressive, forest predators, such as the wolf, and might well
fearless and dangerous to humans they encounter. soon be extinct.
Cave Hyena
General Dogs, Hyenas & Wolves
Size +2
Weight (lbs) ≈250
Special Abilities Night Vision
Acrobatics +4
Fortitude +3
Perception +6
Stamina +8
Tempo +50
Tracking +15

Hyaenodon Ruler Wolf
General Dogs, Hyenas & Wolves General Dogs, Hyenas & Wolves
Size +8 Size +10
Weight (lbs) ≈1100 Weight (lbs) ≈2600
Special Abilities Night Vision Special Abilities Night Vision
Skills Skills
Acrobatics +4 Acrobatics +4
Fortitude +5 Fortitude +6
Perception +9 Perception +6
Stamina +8 Stamina +8
Swimming +6 Swimming +6
Tempo +55 Tempo +55
Tracking +15 Tracking +33
Combat Combat
Fright mod -4 Fright mod -5
OV (MÊ) +10 OV (MÊ) +10
DV +15 (+8 MI) DV +15 (+7 MI)
Dodging +2 Dodging +2
Damage D6 + 1 Damage D12 + 1
HP 74 HP 101
Weapon Natural Weapon Natural

The hyaenodon looks like a 10 feet long mix between Ruler wolves look like big wolves with extremely
a giant rat and a giant wolf. big heads and jaws. The head is so big that it makes
up almost half the entire length of the animal.

Bow & Arrow

Bow and arrow might well have been invented in
Thulê not for hunting, but because of all the
dangerous creatures there. You really don't want to
engaged them in mêlée.... better kill them from a
safer distance.

“The avenging gods have “He who becomes a sheep

their feet clothed in wool.” will be eaten by the wolf.”

“Without divine assistance, “Dog does not eat dog.”

we can achieve nothing.”

Wild Dog Cats
General Dogs, Hyenas & Wolves The leopard and the cave lion are relatively new
Size -4 species in Thulê.
Weight (lbs) ≈70
Special Abilities Night Vision The lynx is a very shy creature, and even only a few
Skills Rangers have ever seen one in the wild, but the
Acrobatics +4 other cats living in Thulê can be very aggressive and
Fortitude +1 the Smilodon even see humans as a source of food.
Perception +9 Lynx
Stamina +8 General Cats
Swimming +9 Size -3
Tempo +50 Weight (lbs) ≈90
Tracking +30 Special Abilities Night Vision
Combat Skills
Fright mod +2 Acrobatics +10
OV (MÊ) +2 Climbing +6
DV +11 (+13 MI) Perception +5
Dodging +4 Stamina +8
Damage D4 Stealth +9
HP 7 Swimming +10
Weapon Natural Tempo +50
The wild dog is hated by wolves, and killed on sight Tracking +12
by them. It is highly aggressive, and when fighting Combat
in packs a formidable foe. Fright mod +2
OV (MÊ) +2
Wolf DV +11 (+13 MI)
General Dogs, Hyenas & Wolves Dodging +3
Size -2 Damage D6
Weight (lbs) ≈110 HP 9
Special Abilities Night Vision Weapon Natural
Acrobatics +4
Perception +9 “Good habits result from
Stamina +8
resisting temptation.”
Swimming +9
Tempo +55
Tracking +33 Cave Lion
Combat General Cats
Fright mod +1 Size +4
OV (MÊ) +2 Weight (lbs) ≈400
DV +11 (+12 MI) Special Abilities Night Vision
Dodging +2 Skills
Damage D6 Acrobatics +3
HP 11 Climbing +6
Weapon Natural Fortitude +4
Perception +6
Stamina +8
Stealth +9
“Shame is worse than death.” Swimming +10
Tempo +50
Tracking +12

Combat Skills
Fright mod -2 Acrobatics +5
OV (MÊ) +6 Fortitude +4
DV +13 (+9 MI) Perception +6
Dodging +2 Stamina +8
Damage D8 Stealth +9
HP 40 Swimming +10
Weapon Natural Tempo +50
Tracking +12
Leopard Combat
General Cats Fright mod -2
Size -1 OV (MÊ) +6
Weight (lbs) ≈130 DV +13 (+9 MI)
Special Abilities Night Vision Dodging +2
Skills Damage D8 + 1
Acrobatics +5 HP 40
Climbing +3 Weapon Natural
Perception +9
Stamina +8
Stealth +9
Swimming +10
Tempo +60
Tracking +12
Fright mod +1
OV (MÊ) +2
DV +11 (+12 MI)
Dodging +2
Damage D6
HP 13
Weapon Natural

“Rather suffer for the truth

than be rewarded for lies.”

“The mills of the gods grind slowly, Riding & Grazing Animals
but they grind finely.”
Pack Horse/Riding Horse
General Riding & Grazing Animals
Size +8
Weight (lbs) ≈1100
Smilodon Acrobatics +5
General Cats Fortitude +5
Size +4 Stamina +18
Weight (lbs) ≈400 Swimming +10
Special Abilities Night Vision Tempo +50/55

Combat Swimming +12
Fright mod +8 Tempo +60
OV (MÊ) +4 Combat
DV +13 (+8 MI) Fright mod +7
Dodging +2 OV (MÊ) +5
Damage D8 DV +13 (+8 MI)
HP 74 Dodging +2
Weapon Natural Damage D8
HP 74
Pack horses can not carry riders. Riding horses can
Weapon Natural
carry riders. A horse needs rest about every 20 miles
of travel and must eat around 25 lbs of fodder each
The unicorn automatically knows the Hamnigja of
day. See Domestic Animals in Trade.
humans and demi-humans it meets, and will not
willingly allow others than characters with a positive
“Worthless is the advice of fools.” Hamingja to touch or ride it. Anyone who touches a
unicorn will automatically be cured of all diseases,
Pony all poisons will be neutralised, curses will be lifted
General Riding & Grazing Animals and all damaged character attributes will be
Size +3 restored.
Weight (lbs) ≈275
Acrobatics +3
Fortitude +3
Stamina +15
Swimming +8
Tempo +40
Fright mod +11
OV (MÊ) +1
DV +12 (+10 MI)
Dodging +2
Damage D4
HP 28
Weapon Natural

Ponies can carry riders. A pony needs rest about

every 10 miles of travel and must eat around 5 lbs of
fodder each day. See Domestic Animals in Trade.

“The life of the dead is placed in the

memory of the living.” Game
Large wild (i. e. not domesticated) animals such as
Unicorn auroch, bison, deer, elk, megaloceros (giant deer)
General Riding & Grazing Animals and such are in MYFAROG simply described as
Size +8 "large game", medium sized wild animals such as
Weight (lbs) ≈1100 roe deer and reindeer are defined as “medium
Skills game”, and small wild animals such as hare, all
Acrobatics +5 birds and rabbit are defined as "small game".
Fortitude +5
Perception +6 “One saddle is enough for one horse.”
Stamina +18

Large Game Swimming +10
General Game Tempo +50
Size +8 Combat
Weight (lbs) ≈1000 Fright mod +8
Special Abilities Night Vision OV (MÊ) +0
Skills DV +11 (+14 MI)
Acrobatics +4 Dodging +5
Fortitude +5 Damage D4
Perception +6 HP 6
Stamina +8 Weapon Natural
Swimming +10 Small Game
Tempo +50 General Game
Combat Size -10
Fright mod +2 Weight (lbs) ≈5
OV (MÊ) +4 Special Abilities Night Vision
DV +13 (+8 MI) Skills
Dodging +2 Acrobatics +4
Damage D8 Fortitude -1
HP 70 Perception +6
Weapon Natural Stamina +8
Swimming +10
Tempo +25
Fright mod +11
OV (MÊ) +0
DV +11 (+16 MI)
Dodging +10
Damage 11
HP 1
Weapon Natural
Small game can never inflict more than 1 in damage to
their targets, no matter how well they hit.

Player characters need to wear some sort of mask in
order to see nymphs. This can be everything from a
physical mask, a helmet with facial protection, to
ashes or paint smeared on the face.

NYMPH: The enchantingly beautiful nymphs

(Greek "brides") are female natural spirits in semi-
physical form. The nymphs came in the origin of
Medium Game
time from the deity Njörðr. The nymphs are the
General Game
servants and guardians of the deities, guarding the
Size -5
purity of nature. A nymph will die if someone steals
Weight (lbs) ≈60
even just a single hair from her head. All nymphs
Special Abilities Night Vision
are immune to sleep. Their blood is pure water.
Acrobatics +4
Fortitude +1
Perception +6 “A bee does not touch a withered flower.”
Stamina +8

General Nymphs An oread (mountain nymph) can not move more
Size -3 than 100' away from her mountain without taking
Weight (lbs) ≈90 injury; she will lose D6 HP (at the beginning of)
Special Abilities Night Vision, Eagle's Gaze every hour she is further away than this. Oreads
Skills have greyish skin, grey eyes and long grey hair with
Climbing +5 moss in it. The body of a killed oread will turn to
Fortitude +5 moss.
Stamina +8
Stealth +4 A nereid (sea nymph) can not move more than 100'
Swimming +20 away from the sea without taking injury; she will
Tempo +35 lose D6 HP (at the beginning of) every hour she is
Resistance further away than this. Nereids can breathe under
Cold 3 water, they have bluish skin, blue eyes and long
Combat bluish hair with seaweed in it. She often rides on a
Fright mod +8 dolphin or some other sea creature. The body of a
OV (MÊ) +2 killed nereid will turn to seaweed.
DV +11 (+13 MI)
Dodging +3 A naiad (water nymph) can not move more than 100'
Damage D3 away from her river or source without taking injury;
HP 9 she will lose D6 HP (at the beginning of) every hour
Weapon Natural she is further away than this. Naiads can breathe
under water, they have greenish skin, sharp green
eyes and long green hair with sea lilies in it. The
body of a killed naiad will turn to green algae and

A dryad/hamadryad (wood nymph/tree nymph) can

not move more than 100' away from her forest/tree
without taking injury; she will lose D6 HP (at the
beginning of) every hour she is further away than
this. Dryads/hamadryads have brownish and bark-
looking (but soft) skin, sharp green eyes and long
brown hair with oak leaves in it. The body of a killed
dryad will turn to rotten wood and fallen leaves.

Mountains, seas, lakes, woods and individual trees

in Thulê (but not in Jötunnheimr!) automatically
summon or “produce” nymphs when they grow
sufficiently old; 500 years or maybe 5000. Only the
spirits know. Most temples in Thulê used to have
nymphs guarding them. Some still do.

Animated Objects
ANIMATED VINE: Animated vines are plants
animated by means of sorcery ages ago. They attack
with whipping branches and try to strangle
everyone they manage to entangle. Anyone injured
by a branch must test Dodging against DD 12 or be
entangled. Anyone entangled suffers from a -4 mod
to all skills (but not to character attributes) whilst
slowly being crushed to death, meaning the target

will lose 1 SP every round until dead. To get free, the DD 14) recognize it as a cursed tree in time to avoid
entangled individual can test his Str against DD 12 coming in reach of its spell. If he fails to recognize it
each round. The animated vine can entangle as as a cursed tree, he will (if in sight of the tree) be
many as three individuals at once, will drop those drawn towards it (Fortitude DD 16 to resist) and
who are dead and entangle other targets instead if then fall asleep (Fortitude DD 12 every half minute/6
there are more than three individuals attacking it. rounds to resist) on its roots (a Semi-Success means
An animated vine can (1-2 in a D6) drop (randomly the character does not fall asleep, but can not attack
chosen) entangled victims when damaged – to either). The roots will quickly grow small shots into
simulate that the attackers are cutting off or sleeping bodies and will start to drain them of all
breaking the branches holding the entangled victim. their blood (1 HP each round), until they are dead or
An animated vine is very hard to injure with missile rescued.
Note that Rangers and Light Elves will not be drawn
to the cursed tree, nor will they fall asleep because of
Animated Vine it, unless they try to chop down the tree! Animals,
General Animated Objects Animated Objects and Trolls (but not Ettins) will be
Size +0 ignored by the cursed trees.
Weight (lbs) ≈160
Skills A cursed tree can not be attacked normally, but can
Fortitude +3 be chopped down by characters that have not fallen
Perception +0 asleep. The damage inflicted upon the tree is
Stamina n/a determined by the weapon used and (for axes) by
Tempo +10 the Str of the character wielding it.
A character normally able to attack multiple times
Cold Immune
per round, will also be able to attack the cursed tree
Electricity 3
multiple times per round.
Fright mod -3
OV (MÊ) +2
DV +10 (+20 MI) “Man's best candle is his understanding.”
Dodging +0
Damage D4
HP 16
Weapon Natural “The gods sell all things for labour.”
CURSED TREE: Some times ancient trees turn bad
and get an ill will of their own. Having seen so
many of their fellow trees be mindlessly cut down,
they have started to defend themselves and their Mêlée Weapon Used Damage
forests, by attacking those who cut down the trees, (per attack)
in other words against all kinds of humans and Battle axe, long & Dane axe D6 + Str
demi-humans (except Rangers and Light Elves). The Battle axe, short D4 + Str
cursed trees are all ancient, twisted and unnatural Battle glove 0
looking trees. Club 0
Hatchet D6 + Str
Sling 0
“No man was ever wise by chance.” Staff 0
Throwing Axe D4 + Str
Wood-man's Axe D10 + 1 + Str
Unarmed 0
The cursed tree can be found in deep forests,
All other weapons/saw 1
surrounded by other trees, making them hard to see
from a distance (max 50'). Anyone who sees a cursed
tree might (Perception DD 8 and then World Lore

Cursed Tree
General Animated Objects
Size +10
Weight (lbs) ≈4500
Fortitude +6
Stamina n/a
Tempo n/a
All other skills +2
Cold Immune
Electricity 3
Heat -1
Fright mod -7
Damage 1 per round for those
sleeping on its roots
HP 120

Völuspâ, stanza 1

Hljóðs bið ek allar

helgar kindir,
meiri ok minni
mögu Heimdallar;
viltu at ek, Valföðr,
vel fyr telja
forn spjöll fira,
þau er fremst of man.
(I ask for silence from all
sacred kins,
large and small
sons of Heimdallr;
will you, Valföðr (i. e. Óðinn)
that I tell,
from ancient times,
what first happened?)

Humans & Half-Elves
The statistics block below can be used for all Human
and Half-Elven NPCs with the character roles Bard,
Civilian, Stalker or Trickster. Note that for High Men
the size is +1 instead, weight is ≈200, HP is modified
by +3 and the DV (MI) is always modified by -1
because of their larger size. Half-Elves have Night
vision as a special ability and the OV for MI is
always modified by +1.

Suggestions for typical Human and Half-Elven

NPCs and their equipment can be found below, and
the DV have been calculated for each and included
in the statistics block. Most Civilians as well as
Stalkers and Tricksters can be expected to wear only
a Fur shirt for protection (mainly against wind and
weather). All (save Bards) can be expected to also
carry a short seax (or even a broad seax) at all times.

NPC Spell Casters & Level

If an NPC is a spell caster and can only cast “Weak”
spells his level (to determine the effect of the spell) is
4 and he can cast each spell 2 times. If he can cast
“Normal” spells his level is 8 and he can cast each
spell 4 times; if he can cast “Strong” spells his level
is 10 and he can cast each spell 6 times; and if he can
cast “Mighty” spells his level is 12 or more and he
can cast each spell 6 times.

Normal Leader Chief

General Humans & Half-Elves
Size +0 +0 +0
Weight (lbs) ≈150 ≈150 ≈150
CR skills +1 +4 +8
Trained skills +0 +1 +2
Stamina +8 +8 +8
Tempo +40 +40 +40
Fright mod +0 +0 +0
OV +0 +1 +2
(Hunter) +1 MI +4 MI +8 MI
DV +10 +10 +10
(w/Fur shirt) +11 +11 +11
(Militiaman) +14 (+15 MI) +14 (+15 MI) +14 (+15 MI)
(Bard) +15 (+16 MI) +15 (+16 MI) +15 (+16 MI)
Dodging +1 +1 +1
Damage Weapon Weapon Weapon
HP 13 16 20
Spells known by Bards D4 2D6 3D6
Spell Strength Weak Normal Strong

Suggested Equipment
Bard MÊ: mace or war hammer
MI: sling (-2 OV)
Small shield (+1 DV ME, +2 DV MI)
Mail shirt (+3 DV)
Helmet (+1 DV)
Craftsman MÊ: hammer, hatchet or sword
Fur shirt (+1 DV)
Farmer MÊ: club, flail, sickle or staff
Fur shirt (+1 DV)
Forester MÊ: wood-man's axe
Hunter MÊ: javelin
MI: javelin, long self bow
Militiaman MÊ: spear, staff, war flail or war
MI: sling (-2 OV) or long self-bow
Small shield (+1 DV ME, +2 DV MI)
Gambeson (+2 DV)
Helmet (+1 DV)
Miner MÊ: pick axe
Fur shirt (+1 DV)
Stalker MÊ: short sword The Rangers
MI: short self bow The statistics for Rangers have been written for High
Fur shirt (+1 DV) Men Rangers. Note that for Half-Elf Rangers the size
Thug MÊ: club is +0 instead (so the DV for MI is the same as for
Fur shirt (+1 DV) MÊ), weight is ≈150 and HP is modified by -3. Half-
Trickster MÊ: sickle-shaped sword Elves have Night vision as a special ability and the
OV for MI is always modified by +1.

Ranger Ranger Leader Ranger Chief
General Human s & Half-Elves
Size +1 +1 +1
Weight (lbs) ≈200 ≈200 ≈200
CR skills +1 +4 +8
Trained skills +0 +1 +2
Stamina +8 +11 +15
Tempo +40 +40 +40
Fright mod +0 +0 +0
OV (MÊ) +0 +1 +2
OV (MI) +1 +4 +8
DV +11 (+10 MI) +11 (+10 MI) +11 (+10 MI)
Dodging +1 +1 +1
Damage Weapon Weapon Weapon
HP 16 19 23
Spells known 1 D6
Spell Strength Weak Normal

Suggested Equipment (DV mod for fur shirt is included in Statistics Blocks)
Weapons Damage DV Cut/Shock Initiative Range
Sword D10 +0 -2/+2 +2 -
Long self bow D6 +0 -1/+3 +4 45'
Armour MS
Fur shirt (+1 DV)

The statistics for Sorcerers have been written for
High Men Sorcerers. Note that for Half-Elf Sorcerers
the size is +0 instead, weight is ≈150 and HP is
modified by -3. Half-Elves have Night vision as a
special ability and the OV for MI is always modified
by +1.

“Some men go through a forest and see no


“Better an empty pouch

than wrongly gotten gold.”

“A good tree is a good shelter.”

Apprentice Weak Sorcerer Powerful Sorcerer
General Human s & Half-Elves
Size +1 +1 +1
Weight (lbs) ≈200 ≈200 ≈200
CR skills +4 +8 +10
Trained skills +1 +2 +2
Stamina +8 +8 +8
Tempo +40 +40 +40
Fright mod -4 -4 -4
OV +1 +2 +2
DV +10 (+9 MI) +10 (+9 MI) +10 (+9 MI)
Dodging +1 +1 +1
Damage Weapon Weapon Weapon
HP 19 23 27
Spells known D4 2D6 3D6
Spell Strength Weak Normal Strong

Suggested Equipment (DV mod for weapons not included in Statistics Blocks)
Weapons Damage DV Cut/Shock Initiative Range
Staff (2H) D4 + 1 +1 +2/-2 +4 -
Mace D6 -2 +1/-2 +0 -
Sling (-2 OV) D3 - +2/-2 +4 40'

The statistics block below can be used for all Human
and Half-Elven NPCs with the character roles
Warrior. Note that for High Men the size is +1
instead, weight is ≈200, HP is modified by +3 and the
DV (MI) is always modified by -1 because of their
larger size. Half-Elves have Night vision as a special
ability and the OV for MI is always modified by +1.

Suggestions for typical Human and Half-Elven

Warrior NPCs and their equipment can be found
below, and the DV have been calculated for each and
included in the statistics block. All Warriors can be
expected to also carry a short seax (or even a broad
seax) at all times.

“The greatest business of life is to prepare

for death.”

“Our birth made us mortal, our death will

make us immortal.”

Warrior Warrior Leader Warrior Chief
General Human s & Half-Elves
Size +0 +0 +0
Weight (lbs) ≈150 ≈150 ≈150
CR skills +1 +4 +8
Trained skills +0 +1 +2
Stamina +8 +11 +15
Tempo +40 +40 +40
Fright mod +0 +0 +0
OV +1 +4 +8
DV +10 +11 (+10 MI) +12 (+10 MI)
(Bodyguard) +16 (+17 MI) +17 +18 (+17 MI)
(Heavy archer) +14 (+15 MI) +15 +16 (+15 MI)
(Heavy cavalry) +17 (+18 MI) +18 +19 (+18 MI)
(Heavy infantry) +16 (+18 MI) +17 (+18 MI) +18
(Light archer) +11 +12 (+11 MI) +13 (+11 MI)
(Light cavalry) +14 (+15 MI) +15 +16 (+15 MI)
(Slinger) +12 (+13 MI) +13 +14 (+13 MI)
(Skirmisher) +13 (+14 Mi) +14 +15 (+14 MI)
(Pirate/Bandit) +14 (+15 MI) +15 +16 (+15 MI)
Dodging +1 +1 +1
Damage Weapon Weapon Weapon
HP 14 20 28

Suggested Equipment
Bodyguard MÊ: short battle-axe
MI: throwing axe
Small shield (+1 DV ME, +2 DV MI)
Mail hauberk or mail shirt with scales (+4 DV)
Helmet (+1 DV)
Heavy archer MÊ: short sword
MI: long self bow
Small shield (+1 DV ME, +2 DV MI)
Gambeson (+2 DV)
Helmet (+1 DV)
Heavy cavalry MÊ: spear or sword
MI: javelins
Medium shield (+2 DV ME, +3 DV MI)
Mail hauberk or mail shirt with scales (+4 DV)
Helmet (+1 DV)
Riding horse
Heavy infantry MÊ: spear, short battle-axe or short sword
MI: angon, javelins or throwing axe
Large shield (+2 DV ME, +4 DV MI)
Medium armour (+3 DV)
Helmet (+1 DV)
Light archer MÊ: short sword
MI: long self bow
Fur shirt (+1 DV)

Light cavalry MÊ: javelin
MI: javelins
Medium shield (+2 DV ME, +3 DV MI)
Fur shirt (+1 DV)
Helmet (+1 DV)
Riding horse
Slinger MÊ: short sword
MI: sling
Small shield (+1 DV ME, +2 DV MI)
Fur shirt (+1 DV)
Skirmisher MÊ: javelin
MI: javelins or sling (-2 OV)
Small shield (+1 DV ME, +2 DV MI)
Fur shirt (+1 DV)
Helmet (+1 DV)
Pirate MÊ: javelin or curved short sword
MI: javelins
Small shield (+1 DV ME, +2 DV MI)
Boiled leather armour (+2 DV)
Helmet (+1 DV)
Bandit MÊ: mace
MI: crossbow
Small shield (+1 DV ME, +2 DV MI)
Gambeson (+2 DV)
Helmet (+1 DV)

“Death is nothing to us, since when we are, death has not come,
and when death has come, we are not.”

“Where the deer is slain there will some of his blood lie.”

“Death meets us everywhere.”

“The first breath is the beginning of death.”

“A fair death honours the whole life.”

The DV mod for armour has been included in the creature's DV in the statistics blocks! By default, all demi-
humans can be assumed to have +2 on all skills unless stated otherwise, or +4 for Leaders and +6 for Chiefs
and +8 for Stamina and +2 Perception.

Dwarf Dwarf Leader Dwarf Chief

General Demi-Human
Size -1 -1 -1
Weight (lbs) ≈130 ≈130 ≈130
Special Abilities Night vision1 Night vision1 Night vision1
Fortitude +4 +7 +11
Perception +0 +0 +0
Stamina +12 +14 +16
Tempo +30 +30 +30
Cold +3 +3 +3
Disease +2 +2 +2
Heat +3 +3 +3
Poison +2 +2 +2
Fright mod +0 +0 +0
OV +1 +4 +8
DV +17 (+20 MI) +18 (+20 MI) +19 (+20 MI)
Dodging +1 +1 +1
Damage Weapon Weapon Weapon
HP 17 26 38
Dwarf Spells known 1 D6
Dwarf Spell Strength Weak Normal
They can see 100' in total darkness, as if they had Ettin Eyes.
Suggested Equipment (DV included in Statistics Blocks)
Weapons Damage DV Cut/Shock Initiative Range
Dwarven war hammer, short D8 + 1 -1 +1/-2 +0 10
Dwarven spear, short D8 + 1 +0 -1/+1 +2 20
Dwarven crossbow (+1 OV) D6 + 2 - -1/+3 +4 40
Dwarven small +1 +3 +0
Armour MS
Dwarven half plate (+5 DV) -3
Dwarven helmet (+1 DV)

“Every door may be shut but death's door.”

Gnoll Gnoll Leader Gnoll Chief
General Demi-Human
Size +2 +2 +2
Weight (lbs) ≈250 ≈250 ≈250
Special Abilities Ettin Eyes Ettin Eyes Ettin Eyes
Fortitude +4 +6 +8
Riding +3 +7 +11
Stamina +10 +15 +20
Tempo +45 +45 +45
Disease +2 +2 +2
Heat +1 +1 +1
Poison +2 +2 +2
Fright mod -1 -1 -1
OV +4 +7 +10
DV +15 +16 (+15 MI) +17 (+15 MI)
Dodging +2 +2 +2
Damage D6 or Weapon +2 D6 or Weapon +2 D6 or Weapon +2
HP 25 34 46
Weapon Natural or Weapon Natural or Weapon Natural or Weapon
Suggested Equipment (DV included in Statistics Blocks)
Weapons Damage DV Cut/Shock Initiative Range
Spear D8 + 1 +0 -1/+1 +4 15'
War Flail D8 -2 +1/-2 +2 -
Medium +2 +3 -2
Armour MS
Boiled leather (+2 DV) -1
GNOLL: Gnolls are large hyena-like humanoids, living underground or in nomadic tribes in the plains,
where they often live around packs of giant hyenas – whom they co-operate with (like humans did with
wolves in the Stone Age). The gnolls mine and forge weapons for themselves and are friendly towards orcs
of all type.

“You must not expect sweet from a

dunghill, nor honour from a clown.”

Gnome Gnome Leader Gnome Chief
General Demi-Human
Size -2 -2 -2
Weight (lbs) ≈110 ≈110 ≈110
Special Abilities Night vision Night vision Night vision
Fortitude +6 +9 +13
Perception +1 +1 +1
Stealth +3 +6 +10
Tempo +30 +30 +30
Cold +2 +2 +2
Disease +1 +1 +1
Heat +2 +2 +2
Poison +1 +1 +1
Fright mod +0 +0 +0
OV +0 +3 +7
DV +14 (+16 MI) +15 (+16 MI) +16
Dodging +1 +1 +1
Damage Weapon Weapon Weapon
HP 11 14 18
Gnome Spells known 1 D6
Gnome Spell Strength Weak Normal
Suggested Equipment (DV included in Statistics Blocks)
Weapons Damage DV Cut/Shock Initiative Range
Short sword D8 -2 -2/+2 +0 -
Short self bow D4 - -1/+3 +4 35
Small +1 +2 -2
Armour MS
Boiled leather (+2 DV) -1
Helmet (+1 DV) -1

“Life is a dream; death, an awakening.”

Grey Elf Grey Elf Leader Grey Elf Chief
General Demi-Human
Size -1 -1 -1
Weight (lbs) ≈130 ≈130 ≈130
Special Abilities Night vision Night vision Night vision
Fortitude +3 +6 +10
Perception +2 +2 +2
Seamanship +3 +6 +10
Tempo +40 +40 +40
Cold +2 +2 +2
Disease +10 +10 +10
Poison +1 +1 +1
Fright mod +0 +0 +0
OV (MÊ) +1 +4 +8
OV (MI) +2 +5 +9
DV +16 (+18 MI) +17 (+18 MI) +18
Dodging +1 +1 +1
Damage Weapon Weapon Weapon
HP 11 14 18
Suggested Equipment (DV included in Statistics Blocks)
Weapons Damage DV Cut/Shock Initiative Range
Elven sword D10 +0 -2/+2 +2 -
Elven spear D8 +1 +0 -1/+1 +4 15
Elven composite bow D6 - -1/+3 +4 50
Elven medium +2 +3 -1
Armour MS
Elven mail shirt (+3 DV) +0
Elven helmet (+1 DV)

“Light another's candle, but don't put out

your own.”

Halfling Halfling Leader Halfling Sheriff
General Demi-Human
Size -2 -2 -2
Weight (lbs) ≈110 ≈110 ≈110
Special Abilities Night Vision Night Vision Night Vision
Fortitude +7 +10 +14
Perception +1 +1 +1
Stealth +4 +7 +11
Tempo +30 +30 +30
Cold +2 +2 +2
Disease +3 +3 +3
Heat +2 +2 +2
Poison +2 +2 +2
Fright mod +1 +1 +1
OV (MÊ) +0 +3 +7
OV (MI) +2 +5 +9
DV +13 (+15 MI) +14 (+15 MI) +15
Dodging +1 +1 +1
Damage Weapon Weapon Weapon
HP 14 17 21

Suggested Equipment (DV included in Statistics Blocks)

Weapons Damage DV Cut/Shock Initiative Range
Short sword D8 -2 -2/+2 +0 -
Short self bow D4 - -1/+3 +4 35
Small +1 +2 -2
Armour MS
Boiled leather (+2 DV) -1

“A giant will starve with what will surfeit

a halfling.”

High Elf High Elf Leader High Elf Chief
General Demi-Human
Size -1 -1 -1
Weight (lbs) ≈130 ≈130 ≈130
Special Abilities Night vision Night vision Night vision
Fortitude +3 +6 +10
Perception +1 +1 +1
Rune Lore +3 +6 +10
Stealth +2 +5 +9
Tempo +40 +40 +40
Cold +2 +2 +2
Disease +10 +10 +10
Poison +1 +1 +1
Fright mod +0 +0 +0
OV (MÊ) +1 +4 +8
OV (MI) +3 +6 +10
DV +16 (+18 MI) +17 (+18 MI) +18
Dodging +1 +1 +1
Damage Weapon Weapon Weapon
HP 11 14 18
Elf Spells known 1 D6
Elf Spell Strength Weak Normal
Suggested Equipment (DV included in Statistics Blocks)
Weapons Damage DV Cut/Shock Initiative Range
Elven sword D10 +0 -2/+2 +2 -
Elven spear D8 +1 +0 -1/+1 +4 15
Elven long self bow D6 - -1/+3 +4 45
Elven medium +2 +3 -1
Armour MS
Elven scale armour (+3 DV) -2
Elven helmet (+1 DV)

“If you make Bacchus your god, Apollo

will not keep you company.”

Lizard-man Lizard-man Leader Lizard-man Chief
General Land L. & Venomous Snakes
Size +3 +3 +3
Weight (lbs) ≈300 ≈300 ≈300
Special Abilities Ettin Eyes Ettin Eyes Ettin Eyes
Fortitude +5 +7 +9
Stealth +6 +6 +6
Tracking +6 +6 +6
Tempo +30 (+30 Swimming) +30 (+30 Swimming) +30 (+30 Swimming)
Disease +8 +8 +8
Poison +8 +8 +8
Fright mod -1 -1 -1
OV +5 +8 +10
DV +14 +15 (+14 MI) +16 (+14 MI)
Dodging +1 +1 +1
Damage D6 or Weapon + 3 D6 or Weapon + 3 D6 or Weapon + 3
HP 30 39 51
Weapon Natural or Weapon Natural or Weapon Natural or Weapon
Suggested Equipment (DV included in Statistics Blocks)
Weapons Damage DV Cut/Shock Initiative Range
Spear D8 + 1 +0 -1/+1 +4 15
Javelin D6 -1 -1/+1 +2 25
Small +1 +2 -1
LIZARD-MAN: Lizard-men live in tribes, in bogs and caves, and often along the shore as well. They hunt by
lying silently in wait for their prey to pass by. They can lie still for several days like that. Lizard-men kill
their victims with teeth and claws or weapons and carry or drag their bodies back to their lairs, where they
eat them.

“The sea refuses no river.”

Wood Elf Wood Elf Leader Wood Elf Chief
General Demi-Human
Size -1 -1 -1
Weight (lbs) ≈130 ≈130 ≈130
Special Abilities Night vision Night vision Night vision
Acrobatics +2 +5 +9
Perception +1 +1 +1
Stealth +3 +6 +10
Tempo +40 +40 +40
Cold +2 +2 +2
Disease +10 +10 +10
Poison +1 +1 +1
Fright mod +0 +0 +0
OV (MÊ) +1 +4 +8
OV (MI) +3 +6 +10
DV +12 (+13 MI) +13 +14 (+13 MI)
Dodging +1 +1 +1
Damage Weapon Weapon Weapon
HP 11 14 18
Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon

Suggested Equipment (DV included in Statistics Blocks)

Weapons Damage DV Cut/Shock Initiative Range
Elven sword D10 +0 -2/+2 +2 -
Elven spear D8 +1 +0 -1/+1 +4 15
Elven short self bow D4 - -1/+3 +4 35
Armour MS
Elven boiled leather (+2 DV) +0


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