609 Geology
609 Geology
609 Geology
(A) Ni, Cr
(B) Si, Al
(C) Li, Be
(D) H, He
(A) 35 km
(B) 8 km
(C) 70 km
(D) 220 km
(A) Silicon
(B) Iron
(C) Magnesium
(D) Oxygen
(A) Moho
(C) D”
(D) Conrad
10. A radioactive isotope A decays to radioactive isotope B with half life of 10 thousand
years. If initially 1000 atoms of A were present, how many atoms of A and B will be
respectively present after 30 thousand years?
11. The tilt of the earth’s rotation axis with reference to perpendicular of orbital plane is
(A) 17.5°
(B) 23.5°
(C) 27.5°
(D) 32.5°
12. San Andreas fault represents
13. Which of the following Earth’s feature is NOT related to plate tectonics?
14. The supercontinent Pangea came into existence during ……………….. period.
(A) Cambrian
(B) Silurian
(C) Carboniferous
(D) Triassic
(A) Plagioclase
(B) Microcline
(C) Quartz
(D) Corrundum
(A) Quartz
(B) Fluorite
(C) Calcite
(D) Apatite
17. Which of the mineral will NOT yield streak in a streak plate?
(A) Hematite
(B) Calcite
(C) Galena
(D) Topaz
18. Which is the highest pressure polymorph of quartz?
(A) Stishovite
(B) Coesite
(C) Cristobalite
(D) Tridymite
(A) Hornblende
(B) Albite
(C) Biotite
(D) Pyroxene
(A) Fluorite
(B) Apatite
(C) Magnetite
(D) Calcite
23. Which of the following symmetry point groups belongs to the orthorhombic system?
(A) 222
(B) 322
(C) 432
(D) 622
24. A body diagonal of a simple cube of the Normal Class of the Isometric system is a
25. What point group would result if a center of symmetry is added to point group 2 mm?
(A) 2mm
(B) 2/m 22
(C) 2/m2/m2/m
(D) m22
26. The symbol for the zone axis containing the faces (010), (110) and (1 10) is
(A) [100]
(B) [010]
(C) [001]
(D) [1 10]
27. What is the Weiss symbol for a face whose Miller index is (341)?
(A) 4a : 3b : 12c
(B) 3a : 4b : 1c
(C) 1a : 4b : 3c
(D) 4a : 3b : 1c
28. In crystal class 2/m if 2-fold axis is along the b-axis, then the face (011) would belong
to which of the following forms?
29. Angle between two sets of 2-fold axes in point group 622 is
(A) 30°
(B) 60°
(C) 90°
(D) 120°
30. Which one of the following crystal systems has the maximum types of unit cells?
(A) Isometric
(B) Tetragonal
(C) Orthorhombic
(D) Monoclinic
32. For which of the following crystallographic systems, face (001) is not necessarily
perpendicular to the C-axis?
(A) Cubic
(B) Hexagonal
(C) Tetragonal
(D) Triclinic
(A) Sillimanite
(B) Kyanite
(C) Epidote
(D) Andalusite
(A) Cummingtonite
(B) Tremolite
(C) Pargasite
(D) Glaucophane
36. In India, economic chromite ore deposit is situated at
(A) Sedimentary
(B) Magmatic
(C) Magmatic hydrothermal
(D) Supergene enrichment
39. Find the odd one amongst the following copper ore minerals.
(A) Chalcopyrite
(B) Cuprite
(C) Chalcocite
(D) Bornite
(A) FeS2
(B) FeS
(C) Fe1 – XS
(D) Fe1 + XS
41. Which one of the following is the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust?
(A) Chromium
(B) Manganese
(C) Titanium
(D) Iron
42. Which one of the following occur as native metal in the Earth’s crust?
(A) Copper
(B) Gold
(C) Iron
(D) Zinc
(A) Copper
(B) Uranium
(C) Molybdenum
(D) Nickel
(A) Plankton
(B) Nekton
(C) Benthic
(D) Pelagic
(A) Cambrian
(B) Ordovician
(C) Silurian
(D) Devonian
48. Echinoid fauna represent following environmental conditions
(A) Marine
(B) Estuarine
(C) Lacustrine
(D) Terrestrial
(A) Isomyaria
(B) Aniosomyria
(C) Monomyria
(D) Dimyaria
50. The criteria for becoming index fossil is that the organism lived for a
51. Which of the following Era is termed as ‘The Age of the Reptiles’?
(A) Mesozoic
(B) Cenozoic
(C) Paleozoic
(D) Tertiary
(A) Reworked
(B) Ichno
(C) Chemical
(D) Pseudo
(A) Posterior
(B) Didductor
(C) Hinge line
(D) Commissure line
54. Gastropoda exhibit ……………….. symmetry.
(A) Bilateral
(B) Radial
(C) Biradial
(D) No symmetry
56. The thorax and the pygidium of a Trilobite is differentiated according to their
(A) Bivalvia
(B) Gastropoda
(C) Brachiopoda
(D) Cephalopoda
58. Which of the following Mollusca exclusively live under marine conditions?
(A) Bivalvia
(B) Cephalopoda
(C) Gastropoda
(D) Slugs
(A) Cephalopoda
(B) Bivalvia
(C) Gastropoda
(D) Scaphopoda
60. ‘Aristotle Lantern’ is a part of ……………….. of Echinoidea.
(A) periproct
(B) peristome
(C) apical disc
(D) corona
64. The process through which hard parts of organisms either change to more stable
minerals or small crystals turn into larger crystals, is termed as
(A) Recrystallization
(B) Replacement
(C) Permineralization
(D) Carbonization
65. Hinge structure of the Bivalvia in which cardinal and lateral teeth are present is
(A) taxodont
(B) heterodont
(C) desmodont
(D) schizodont
66. The most fundamental unit of lithostraigraphy is
(A) supergroup
(B) group
(C) formation
(D) member
69. The Deccan basalt was erupted ~65 million years ago,
the time represent boundary between
(A) Archean-Proterozoic
(B) Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic
(C) Neoproterozoic-Cambrian
(D) Paleozoic-Mesozoic
(A) Cambrian
(B) Orovician
(C) Silurian
(D) Devonian
(A) Mesozoic
(B) Permo-Carboniferous
(C) Cambro-Ordovician
(D) Neoproterozoic
(A) pitch
(B) strike
(C) dip
(D) plunge
80. The relative displacement between two adjacent points on either side of
the fault plane is known as
(A) offset
(B) off lap
(C) net slip
(D) throw
(A) the linear structure and the strike line of the bed
(B) the linear structure and dip direction of the bed
(C) the linear structure and its horizontal projection
(D) the linear structure and true geographic north
(A) horizontal
(B) vertical
(C) inclined
(D) curved
83. The distance between median surface and adjacent enveloping surface is
a measure of fold
(A) wavelength
(B) amplitude
(C) arc length
(D) axial thickness
84. Elongation (ε) is measured as the ratio between
85. An oblique slip fault where hanging wall moves down and to the left
with respect to footwall is known as
86. Hanging wall of a fault always lies on the ……………….. of the fault plane.
87. Which of the following faults generally do NOT cause change in topography?
(A) Andesine
(B) Olivine
(C) Quartz
(D) Pyroxene
(A) Andesite
(B) Dacite
(C) Rhyolite
(D) Basalt
94. The rate of cooling of a magma or lava is reflected by the ……………….. of the rock.
(A) mineralogy
(B) texture
(C) colour
(D) density
(A) Poikilitic
(B) Porphyritic
(C) Hyaloporphyritic
(D) Xenoblastic
(A) Granite
(B) Gabbro
(C) Diorite
(D) Syenite
(A) Magmas are more viscous than solid rocks in the crust and upper mantle
(B) Most magmas are richer in silica than most crustal and upper mantle rocks
(C) Magmas, being melts and having gases, are less dense than the adjacent
solid rock
(D) Magmas are denser than the surrounding rocks
101. Steep sided volcanoes composed of both lavas and fragmental materials are termed as
(A) Composite
(B) Dome
(C) Maar
(D) Shield
102. Which of the following magma has highest temperature?
(A) Rhyolitic
(B) Basaltic
(C) Andesitic
(D) Komatiitic
103. A thin section of dolerite dyke rock show that plagioclase laths are partly enclosed in
pyroxene crystals, the texture is termed as
(A) Ophitic
(B) Sub-ophitic
(C) Porphyritic
(D) Graphic
104. A coarse grained plutonic rock is composed of 45% quartz, 35% alkali feldspar and
20% plagioclase. The rock can be classified as
(A) Tonalite
(B) Granodiorite
(C) Granite
(D) Alkali feldspar granite
(A) Granite
(B) Limestone
(C) Sandstone
(D) Shale
110. A rock that has undergone cataclastic metamorphism would most likely display
111. What is the most prominent textural feature of regional metamorphic rocks?
(A) Lineation
(B) Bedding
(C) Cataclasis
(D) Foliation
113. Which of the following index mineral forms at the highest metamorphic grade?
(A) Chlorite
(B) Biotite
(C) Sillmanite
(D) Garnet
114. Which of the following metamorphic rocks forms in the forearc of a subduction zone?
(A) Gneiss
(B) Quartzite
(C) Migmatite
(D) Eclogite
117. Which of the following clastic rock show highest degree of textural and
mineralogical maturity?
(A) Arkose
(B) Greywacke
(C) Quartz wacke
(D) Quartz arenite
118. Which of the following sedimentary structure can NOT be used for finding
paleocurrent direction?
(A) transgression
(B) regression
(C) aggradation
(D) offlap
120. Which of the following sedimentary structure can be used for
identifying top and bottom of asequence?
(A) Ripple
(B) Dune
(C) Plane bed
(D) Antidune
123. Spherical carbonate particles having concentric or radial internal structure, are called
(A) Intraclasts
(B) Fossils
(C) Oolites
(D) Pellets
124. Presence of Herringbone cross beds in sedimentary rocks indicate deposition under
(A) Ripple
(B) Dune
(C) Flute marks
(D) Cross bedding
126. An abrupt shift of a river segment to a new course (channel) is termed as
127. Which of the following requires minimum velocity for entrainment in stream flow?
(A) Clay
(B) Silt
(C) Fine sand
(D) Gravel
(A) Isostacy
(B) Exfoliation
(C) Orogenesis
(D) Epeirogenesis
(A) Thalweg
(B) Gorge
(C) Esker
(D) Pediment
(A) Dendritic
(B) Radial
(C) Trellis
(D) Deranged
134. The total length of stream channels divided by the basin area is
135. The sediment transport on hill slopes done by overland flow is termed as
136. Benioff zone is a dipping planar zone of earthquakes that coincides with
(A) conduction
(B) convection
(C) radiation
(D) scattering
138. Magnetic material having negative magnetic susceptibility is termed
(A) Ferromagnetic
(B) Para magnetic
(C) Diamagnetic
(D) Ferrimagnetic
(A) isostasy
(B) the principle of buoyant equilibrium
(C) elastic rebound theory
(D) None of the above
(A) air
(B) vacuum
(C) liquid
(D) solid
(A) camera
(B) scanner
(C) sensor
(D) None of the above
(A) Landsat
(D) Cartosat
146. For getting stereovision, the forward overlap between successive photographs must be
(A) 30%
(B) more than 60%
(C) 30-60%
(D) no overlap
147. Porous and permeable formation that easily store and transmits water is called
(A) aquifer
(B) aquitard
(C) aquiclude
(D) aquifuge
148. During the drilling of a borehole, water is first encountered at 10 feet depth. Soon
after, water level stabilizes at 5 feet depth. Which of the following is true?
149. In a coastal aquifer, water table lies 5 m above the sea level. What would be the depth
of freshwater-saline water interface from the sea level?
(A) 100 m
(B) 150 m
(C) 200 m
(D) 250 m
150. A line connecting points of equal rainfall is
(A) isobar
(B) isotherm
(C) isohyet
(D) isochron
Subject Name: 609 GEOLOGY
SI No. Key SI No. Key SI No. Key SI No. Key SI No. Key
1 B 31 D 61 A 91 B 121 C
2 C 32 D 62 B 92 B 122 D
3 D 33 A 63 D 93 C 123 C
4 A 34 D 64 A 94 B 124 B
5 B 35 D 65 B 95 A 125 C
6 D 36 C 66 D 96 C 126 B
7 C 37 C 67 C 97 C 127 B
8 B 38 A 68 B 98 B 128 C
9 C 39 B 69 D 99 D 129 B
10 D 40 C 70 C 100 C 130 C
11 B 41 D 71 B 101 A 131 B
12 A 42 B 72 D 102 D 132 C
13 B 43 B 73 A 103 B 133 B
14 C 44 A 74 C 104 C 134 B
15 D 45 B 75 A 105 B 135 B
16 B 46 B 76 B 106 B 136 A
17 D 47 B 77 B 107 C 137 B
18 A 48 A 78 C 108 A 138 C
19 C 49 B 79 A 109 B 139 A
20 B 50 A 80 C 110 B 140 B
21 B 51 A 81 A 111 D 141 C
22 A 52 B 82 A 112 A 142 B
23 A 53 C 83 B 113 C 143 A
24 C 54 D 84 D 114 B 144 C
25 C 55 C 85 C 115 C 145 D
26 C 56 C 86 B 116 C 146 B
27 A 57 D 87 D 117 D 147 A
28 C 58 B 88 B 118 D 148 D
29 A 59 A 89 D 119 A 149 C
30 C 60 B 90 B 120 B 150 C