(5) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (not to exceed 200 words)
There had been an increase over the past years in plastic consumption
and that the supposed rise of a lot of people into gardening had also
contributed to a huge demand for plastic products used for planting such
as plastic grow bags. The researchers decided to conduct this study due to
the abundance corn and banana crop in the country. The researchers
observed that in Biñan Bayan, there are numerous vendors of fruit crops
such as corn as well as banana cue vendors. Also, ever since the COVID-
people who got into planting that is relatively causing a high demand for
plastic pot and grow bags. Hence, to give solutions to the increasing
demands in plastic for planting and give corn and banana cue vendors
instead of plastics, the researchers decided to choose this topic to work on.
that plastics are everywhere, and it’s supposed usefulness might require
material that can be used for various purposes. Global plastic garbage
amounted to 275 million tons, exceeding every year due to the increasing
demand for plastic. One specific use of plastic nowadays is the use of
plastic pots in planting. Using plastic grow bags has certain drawbacks
unfavorable factor for some crops. Moreover, it can ruin plant growth
when mishandled during plant transfer. Plastics can also pose hazard
when planting plants for human consumption (Italia, 2018). Plastic pot
is a more conventional choice that many people prefer when they are
pots, when used for so long and are ready to be disposed of, becomes a
The COVID-19 Pandemic struck the world so hard that people began to
necessity for gardeners to use grow bags where the plants will be allowed
As explained, plastic grow bags are not as beneficial as they seem to be,
used are readily available and organic, thus, the use for oil and energy
pollution since the materials used can be broken down into harmless
biodegradable products are added to the soil and can be transformed into
a rich humic material that can enhance water and nutrient retention.
Compared to the conventional plastic pots that are sold in the market,
are more convenient and efficient than plastics. The difficulty of starting
since biodegradable pots can be planted directly into the soil. Moreover,
the biodegradable pot will decompose and combine with the soil, making
studies showed that there had been an increase over the past years in
plastic consumption and that the supposed rise of the number of people
every year, humans generate around 380 million tons of plastic, which
may turn into contaminants in the surroundings and waterways that will
manufactured plastic pots that are not eco-friendly and pose a huge
peelings and corn husk that would mainly be beneficial to society, the
which are banana peelings and corn husk which are often viewed as
Biodegradable products are those that eventually decay after some time
saving product, since the materials used are readily available and
organic, thus, the use for oil and energy will be lessened. Second, it has
years now. They are well known to be plantable or compostable, and the
noteworthy inherent thing about them is that they are completely made
pots using banana peelings (Musa acuminasa) and corn husk (Zea mays).
containing banana peelings and corn husk acceptable in terms of: 1.1
and corn husk (Zea mays) more cost-effective than the commercialized
literature that the researchers used in order for them to grasp the topic
more and have a solid foundation to continue their research. The studies
and literature listed below encompass different concepts, ideas, facts, and
that are relatively connected to the study that the researchers did. The
According to Ritchie & Roser (2022), plastic is a valuable material that can
million tonnes, exceeding yearly due to the increasing demand for plastic.
Presently, the surroundings are filled with waste because many people are
unable to properly dispose of the waste they produce. Of over 580 million
This plastic pot's sturdiness is only used for support. One of the
disadvantages is when the plastic pot you use for your plant is unsuitable.
collapse. This may simply be avoided by ensuring that you have the
appropriate pot size for the plant. Another disadvantage of plastic pots is
that the plants can not breathe properly. These plastic pots contain
drainage holes at the bottom, but they don't enable the plants to have air
well enough. When we need to relocate the pots to another area, we can
only do so by grabbing them by the lips of the pot. It may appear simple
for little plants, but it becomes challenging when 100 plants in a 5-gallon
Plastic pots are made of inert materials, making them safe for both plants
and the environment. This type of pot comes in a range of colors, which is
option for moisture-loving plants and gardeners who don't water their
plants that often. Using plastic pots has certain drawbacks as well. The
factor for some crops. Second, the color of the plastic may fade in sunlight,
Biodegradable products are those that eventually decay after some time in
product, since the materials used are readily available and organic, thus,
the use for oil and energy will be lessened. Second, it has less contribution
biodegradable products are added to the soil and can be transformed into
a rich humic material that can enhance water and nutrient retention. It
supports the plant to grow healthier without using chemical fertilizers and
Biodegradable pots have been a staple in the market for a couple of years
noteworthy inherent thing about them is that they are completely made of
(Chieppo, 2021).
convenient and efficient than plastic pots. The difficulty of starting with a
biodegradable pots can be planted directly into the soil. Moreover, the
biodegradable pot will decompose and combine with the soil, making the
Sweetser (2022) asserted that despite the best efforts to reduce the
to those plastic plant pots to start the spring seedlings. This is where
biodegradable planting pots are most useful. Sweetser also claimed that
and compostable. Gardeners have been using plastic pots and modular
biodegradable fibre pots. The fibrous pots allow seedling roots to push
through the sides, fostering healthy, balanced root growth. Because you
can plant the entire pot in the ground and allow the seedling to establish
itself while the container decomposes naturally. These pots are especially
good for picky plants that don't want to be transported, such as poppies.
Nevertheless, biodegradable pots may only be used once, but they add to
the soil content as they degrade, saving time and effort. Additionally, while
biodegradable pots are good for the environment, they are also more
worth mentioning that there are only a handful of works that involve
al., 2020).
them to stores, most plastic plant pots are just used for a one time event
and are then disposed of. Nonetheless, they are undeniably efficient but
also not a shock anymore that the issue of plastic pollution has been
(Allen, 2018).
availability, and biodegradability. They also claimed that corn husk has
Furthermore, corn plant parts such as the stalk, straw, leaf, and husk can
be used as a textile fiber. Additionally, corn husks are widely available and
have low commercial value. As a result, corn husks have more promising
Kaur, 2017).
Corn is one of the most important staple crops in the Philippines. It is not
for humans only but also for animals to feed on. Hence, it is ranked
cycle differ depending on the community and country. Topography and the
environment are also two of the considerable factors in the location that
to over 8.0 million metric tons in 2020 from 7.98 million metric tons in
Banana peels are rich in nutrients that are essential for potted plants.
nitrogen, phosphate, and magnesium into the soil, much like a slow-
guarantee that your plants get all of the nutrients they need (Munroe,
leaves. Also, banana peels do not contain any nitrogen, making them a
good fertilizer. Other than being a good fertilizer, banana peels are used to
calcium playing the role in preventing tomatoes from getting the blossom
end rot. Manganese and sodium both play essential roles in
its consistency and the fact that it comprises a high fiber content.
However, banana peelings are edible and nutritious since they contain
Banana is a widely known fruit crop grown all over the country. Generally,
banana trees have a limited shelf life and begin to deteriorate shortly. The
most often utilized portion of banana is the fruit, meanwhile, people used
its skin for some purposes such as organic fertilizer and animal feed.
According to Hoose (2021), banana peels can take up to more or less two
years before they decompose fully. Banana peels can decompose in the
compost bin after disposing it there, but they'll degrade faster if they slice
up first into smaller pieces and then place them on the compost.
revenues, bananas are the most important fruit crop in the country.
Banana was one of the most favorite fruits of Filipinos not just because of
its delicious taste but also for the other benefits that it offers to people.
With 2.85 million metric tonnes exported in 2017, the Philippines ranks
among the top five banana exporters. In addition, Vezina also added that
"In 2018, the country produced some 9.36 million metric tons of bananas
on 447,889 ha, with Cavendish cultivars accounting for about 52% of total
corn husks
In this study, there will be three (3) different treatments, each with a
varying amounts of banana peel and corn husk. In Treatment 1 (T1), they
will use 5g of banana peelings and 10g of corn husks. Next, 10g of banana
peelings and 15g of corn husks were used in Treatment 2 (T2). Lastly, 15g
of banana peelings and 20g of corn husks were used in Treatment 3 (T3).
Research Materials
pieces of 250mL beaker, one 1000mL beaker, cooking oil, 295g and 147g
of weights, water, 75g starch powder, surgical gloves, 110g of corn husk
The researchers will prepare the necessary materials needed in this study
such as garden soil, basin, stove, casserole, digital weighing scale, small
1000mL beaker, cooking oil, 295g and 147g of weights, water, 75g starch
powder and surgical gloves. They will collect approximately 110g of corn
husk from the corn vendors and 80g of banana peelings from the banana
cue vendor in Biñan Bayan market. Then, 18 white sample plastic pots
(molders) will be bought in Imart Shopping Center. For the starch mixture,
The banana peelings and corn husks will be exposed to sunlight after
collection. It will be put in a basin, and then placed under the sun for
The researchers will use 80g of banana peelings and 110g of corn husk in
corn husk and banana peelings, it will be mixed in a basin with 100 mL of
plastic pot. First, cooking oil will be applied in the interiors of the molder.
Then, the molded mixture of corn husk, banana peelings and starch on
the shape of the white sample pot (molder) will be placed under the sun for
about 1 day for drying. Finally, when the pots are already dry and firm,
Experimental Design
banana peels and corn husks is a potential material for bio-based pots.
There will be three treatments with varying ratio of banana peels and corn
D. Statistical Analysis
The researchers will use the paired t-test to analyze the data for
researcher will use an alpha level of 0.05 as basis for decision making.
The amount of banana peelings and corn husks used in each of the
all costs was computed to determine the cost of the biodegradable pots
Goals/Expected Outcomes/Hypotheses
1. Goals
alternative to plastic grow bags that are more convenient and eco-friendlier
biodegradable pot.
2. Expected Outcomes
plastic grow bags. The researchers expect the biodegradable grow pots to
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