RAPANAN, MIKAELA S. - School Finance
RAPANAN, MIKAELA S. - School Finance
RAPANAN, MIKAELA S. - School Finance
School Finance
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School Finance
1. What are the different sources of funds of the school?
Answer: Legal Basis for School Funding; “Republic Act No. 10533 (Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013)” An act enhancing the Basic Education System by strengthening its
curriculum and increasing the number of years for basic education, appropriating funds
therefor and for other purposes.
Sources for School Funding
1. National Government;
2. Local Government;
3. Parents and Students;
4. School Owners;
5. Business and Industry;
6. Loaning Institutions;
7. Philanthropist and Civic Cultural Organizations; and
8. Alumni Support
2. Identify and elaborate six (6) factors that should be considered in planning and
preparation of school budget.
Answer: The major plans involved in the preparation of the school budget as noted by
Ikedugwu (2007) are:
1. The education plan which defines the policies of the school, its program and activities
as well as other educational services to be carried out.
2. The expenditure plan which translates each educational program and services into
3. The financing plan which sets out the means of meeting the cost of the educational
program and services.
Moreover, Adesina and UNESCO in Akinsolu (2008) specified that in planning and
preparing school budget, the following should be considered; Personnel, Educationa
Plan/Programs of the school, the Expenditure Plan, the Financial Plan, the Draft Budget, and
the Final Budget.
A. Personnel
Personnel include all individuals who will have responsibilities in the budgeting
process and should possess remarkable qualities to be able to effectively prepare the
school budget. The educational manager and planner must follow simple rules,
standardize certain procedures, ensure personal flexibility and must tailor all his
approach in budgeting towards the school needs.
After identifying possible sources of funds, a school head as a financial planner, has
to draw up a plan for securing and expending the resources. For the plan to be
expressed as a school budget a head needs to have some knowledge and experience of
designing and managing a budget. He should recognize the fact that the process of
preparing a budget should be highly regimented and follow a set schedule so that the
completed budget is ready for use by the beginning of the fiscal year. School budget
preparation should not be an exclusive preserve of the manager/principal. Classroom
teachers, vice principals and unit heads among others should be given adequate
opportunity to share in developing the educational plan. This is important because it
is only through the process of participation in the planning by all the needed
personnel that there can be genuine understanding of the budget. This implies that the
school head should at the onset study critically the general needs of the school. He
should also request his staff to submit to him their needs with respect to their subject
areas and the areas related to the posts they are holding. He should however provide
to these personnel a yard stick for evaluating and articulating these needs.
In the process of preparing the budget, the school as a matter of importance should
identify the main programs by making references to the educational policies, goals
and targets of the Federal, state and local government. The demand therefore is that
the managers of different education institutions, the finance officers, bursars, teaching
and non-teaching staff should avail themselves the opportunity of collecting vital data
that constitute the needed programs. With this, they should formulate targets geared
towards successful implementation of the plan programs of the institution within the
fiscal year.
Educational activities that are contained in the plan within the fiscal year ranges from
science programs, computer related programs, religious, arts and exhibitions,
language programs, fine arts and music, agricultural programs, medicine, pharmacy
and engineering programs as well as educational, environmental and health science
programs. Sports and games are not left out. The plan also depicts the organizational
set-up of the system, the number of the students in the school, teacher student ratio,
the number of personnel to be employed and their required qualifications, provisions
to be made for students transportation services, exceptional students and physically
impaired students, what health services should be provided by the school and a host
of other services that the institution should provide, and finance within the services
that the institution should provide, and finance within the planned year.
For proper accounting and easy management, the expenditure items are classified and
numbered. The state ministries of education usually outline the classification order
and it is important to stick to this standard so as to maintain uniformity and clarity.
Examples of simple expenditure classification for a secondary school include;
personal Emolument, Allowances, Ancillary charges, maintenance charges and
special expenditure equipment, purchase of library books, among others. It is
therefore incumbent on the school manager in his bead to translate plan into cost to
seek information from both current cost and information collected over a period of
time (Ikediugwu 2008). Excessive padding inherent in government budgeting should
not be allowed.
3. Enumerate and discuss the procurement process and public bidding rules in the
C. Pre-Bid Conference
The Pre-Bid Conference's aim is to provide an overview of the project and the
contract package as well as to answer any queries and clarifications that prospective
bidders may have on the bidding documents. Three (3) representatives per
At least one pre-bid conference shall be conducted for each procurement, unless
otherwise provided in the IRR. Subject to the approval of the BAC, a pre-bid
conference may also be conducted upon the written request of any prospective bidder.
The pre-bid conference(s) shall be held within a reasonable period before the deadline
for receipt of bids to allow prospective bidders to adequately prepare their bids, which
shall be specified in the IRR.
G. Post-qualification
It is the stage where the bidder with the Lowest Calculated. It is the process over
which is the last stage in the procurement process that the Procuring Entity can ensure
that the bidder which submitted the LCRB (Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid) is
worthy of contract award.
most preferable among the proposed. Hence, the issuance of the Notice to Proceed for
the contract to work.