Advances in Phased Array Weld Inspection Scan Plan Designs Apiasme Presentation

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OLYMPUS Advances in Phased Array Weld Inspection Scan Plan Designs Compound S-Scan for Improved Weld Flaw Detection and Sizing Chris Magruder 2016 ASNT Annual Conference Long Beach, CA October 26, 2016 OLYMPUS Advances in Phased Array Scan Plan Designs — Presentation Overview + ASME phased array scan plan design definitions. + Compound S-scan setup and configuration. + Compound S-scan beam resolution. + ASME compliance and essential variables. * Compound S-scan calibration and configuration. + Compound S-scan vs S-scan coverage comparison. + Compound S-scan API 650 9%Ni cryogenic data example. + Compound S-scan ASME B31.3 carbon steel weld data example. OLYMPUS Advances in PA Scan Plan Designs — ASME V Art 1 121.2 UT Definitions + E-scan: A single focal law multiplexed across a group of elements for a constant angle beam stepped along the probe length. + S-scan: Set of focal laws that provides a fan-like series of beams through a defined range of angles using the same elements. + Compound S-scan: Set of focal laws using a fan-like series of beam movements through a defined range of angles and elements. The compound S-scan combines the E-scan and S-scan in a single acquisition group. Linear E-sean Azimuthal S-scan ‘Compound S-scan Ney OLYMPUS Advances in PA Scan Plan Designs — Compound S-Scan Setup + Select probe frequency and aperture. + The aperture is limited by the pulser configuration and element pitch. A simple rule of thumb is to reproduce the size of the equivalent UT probe. * Position the probe as close to the weld as possible with respect to the first and last A-scan position\angle that is needed for full volumetric coverage. + Near-side wall fusion is best detected as close to perpendicular as possible. Advances in PA Scan Plan Designs — Beam Resolution + The beam resolution will determine the number of A-scans in the compound S-scan. + This parameter significantly affects flaw resolution, file size, and scanner speed. Tee OLYMPUS Advances in PA Scan Plan Designs — Beam Resolution cont. + Inthe example below, all compound S-scans use the same beam aperture and the same first and last A-scan angle and beam exit position in the wedge. + They only differ in beam resolution, which greatly affects acoustic results. * In addition to the S-scan beam resolution, results are also affected by the proximity of the probe to the weld (beam spread) and probe frequency. OLYMPUS Advances in PA Scan Plan Designs — Beam Resolution cont. * The beam resolution will determine the # of A-scans in the compound S-scan and the beam-to-beam distance on the weld bevel that affects flaw height sizing. + Flaw resolution on the weld bevel is a function of many factors, including the sound path distance from the probe to the weld, probe frequency, aperture, focus, and beam orientation. OLYMPUS Advances in PA Scan Plan Designs — ASME Compliance + The compound S-scan scan plan is defined for the PA calculator or work procedure by populating the parameters of both the linear E-scan and S-scan in ASME V Art 4 Appendix V Table V-421. Serre seas mats tend fen 3a 30) OLYMPUS Advances in PA Scan Plan Designs — Calibration and Work Procedure + The compound S-scan is compatible with traditional phased array sensitivity and time-of-flight (TOF) calibrations. + With regard to UT settings, gate position, C-scan configuration, and other functions, the compound S-scan does not require any special accommodation and is compatible with normal work procedure. rms 3 rr ce ee ee Snes Lee reer tere ee ee u ei ele ene es Advances in PA Scan Plan Designs — Compound S-scan vs S-scan + Although a two group S-scan strategy from the front and back of the probe is possible with any 32 or 64 element probe, use of a single compound S-scan results in less setup and calibration time, more inspection coverage, and faster analysis. 2X 40-72 at 1 degree compound S-scan 4X 40-72 at 1 degree standard S-scan apap OLYMPUS Advances in PA Scan Plan Designs — Compound S-Scan vs S-Scan * Below is a comparison of a standard and compound S-scan with the same aperture and focus inspecting a 12.7 mm V weld. * Detection, sizing, and characterization are similar in this thickness, but the compound S-scan index position is 8 mm closer to the weld and more easily adapted to a range of bevel thicknesses using the same setup and calibration. OLYMPUS Advances in PA Scan Plan Designs — Data Example + The data sample below is two-sided coverage of a 12 mm V weld. + 5L32 0.6 mm pitch probe. + No significant loss in flaw characterization and sizing as is typical in a single angle linear scan, also called an E-scan. ee OLYMPUS Advances in PA Scan Plan Designs — Data Sample 9% Ni LNG Shell + Ability to use one setup configuration for a range of bevel thicknesses. * Thin section data sample. + 4L32 1mm pitch probe. OLYMPUS Advances in PA Scan Plan Designs — Data Sample 9% Ni LNG Shell + Ability to use one setup configuration for a range of thicknesses. * Thick section data sample. OLYMPUS Advances in PA Scan Plan Designs — Data Sample ASME B31.3 * 25mm double V weld bevel coverage comparison of compound and standard S-scans with a 1 mm pitch, 60 element probe. Compound S-scan Standard $-scan 2X Standard S-scan OLYMPUS Advances in PA Scan Plan Designs — Data Sample ASME B31.3 cont. + Flaw detection, sizing, and characterization meet and exceed the needs of ASME B31.3, I, V, VIII, and similar referencing codes. 31 mm V weld bevel coverage using @ 32 mm aperture compound S-scan. OLYMPUS Advances in PA Scan Plan Designs — Data Sample ASME B31.3 cont. + Full volumetric coverage, including the heat affected zone (HAZ), on a 1.219 in. bevel is achieved in a single group line scan with the probe adjacent to the weld toe. 31 mm V weld bevel coverage using a 32 mm aperture compound S-scan. OLYMPUS Advances in PA Scan Plan Designs — Data Sample ASME B31.3 cont. + Fewer files, faster setup and calibration, fewer acquisitions, and less time analyzing is made possible through the use of a compound S-scan. 31 mm V weld bevel coverage using @ 32 mm aperture compound S-scan.

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