Practice Problems - Strema Part 1
Practice Problems - Strema Part 1
Practice Problems - Strema Part 1
Situation 1. A 1-in.-diameter solid bar, a square solid bar, and a circular 0.75 in., a solid circular rod segment with diameter d2 = 1.00 in., and another
tubular member with 0.2-in. wall thickness, each supports an axial tensile load solid circular rod segment with diameter d3 = 0.75 in. The line of action of
T. each of the three applied loads is along the centroidal axis of the member.
1. Determine the axial stress in the circular solid bar when T = 5 kips.
a. 1.2 ksi b. 6.4 ksi c. 5.0 ksi d. 3.6 ksi
2. If the axial stress in each of the other bars is 5 ksi, what is the dimension
of the square bar when T = 6 kips.
a. 1.1 in b. 0.91 in c. 0.83 in d. 1.2 in
3. If the axial stress in each of the other bars is 6 ksi, what is the outer
diameter of the tubular member when T = 5 kips.
a. 2.75 in b. 3.92 in c. 2.11 in d. 1.53 in 7. Determine the axial stress in segment (1).
a. 8.73 ksi b. 3.82 ksi c. 5.82 ksi d. 14.6 ksi
Situation 2. The structural tee supports a compressive load P = 200 kN. 8. Determine the axial stress in segment (3).
a. 2.55 ksi b. 4.53 ksi c. 6.37 ksi d. 6.79 ksi
9. What additional load can be applied at the right end of segment (3) if the
allowable axial stress in segment (2) is 8 ksi?
a. 1.28 kips b. 1.47 kips c. 3.28 kPa d. 2.30 MPa
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10. If the load is located at x = 1 m, what is the stress in the hanger rod at A.
a. 40.7 MPa b. 63.7 MPa c. 81.5 MPa d. 127.3 MPa Situation 6. A bimetallic bar is made by bonding together two homogeneous
11. If the load is located at x = 1.2 m, what is the stress in the hanger rod at rectangular bars, each having a width b and length L. The moduli of elasticity
B. of the bars are E1 and E2, respectively. An axial force P is applied to the ends
a. 48.9 MPa b. 76.4 MPa c. 73.34 MPa d. 114.6 MPa of the bimetallic bar at (y = yP, z = 0) such that the bar undergoes axial
12. At what distance x from A must the load be placed such that σ2 = σ1? deformation. Let L = 1.5 m, b = 50 mm, t1 = 25 mm, t2 = 15 mm, E1 = 70 GPa,
a. 1.829 m b. 1.333 m c. 1.171 m d. 1.667 m E2 = 210 GPa, and P = 48 kN.
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28. Determine the axial stress in the wire CD when the sign hanging has a
weight of W = 20 kN.
a. 317.5 MPa b. 190.5 MPa c. 238.1 MPa d. 357.1 MPa
29. Determine the vertical displacement at C which is the end of the beam
when W = 20 kN.
a. 9.92 mm b. 7.44 mm c. 6.35 mm d. 4.76 mm
30. If the horizontal reaction at A is 20 kN, determine the vertical
displacement at C.
a. 14.9 mm b. 11.2 mm c. 19.8 mm d. 9.52 mm
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