March 2018
Online Appointment System for
Kotelawala Defence University Hospital
K.W.D Silva
University of Colombo School of Computing
The thesis is my original work and has not been submitted previously for a degree at this or any other
To the best of my knowledge it does not contain any material published or written by another person,
except as acknowledged in the text.
Signature: Date:
Mr. /Ms.
Under my supervision. The thesis has been prepared according to the format stipulated and is of
acceptable standard.
Certified by:
Signature: Date:
Health care is a fast growing industry in the all over countries. Online Appointment scheduling is one
of the key processes in this industry. This thesis focused on on-line appointment system for KDU
UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL” it is a web based application. It maintains records of patient details, doctor
details and appointment details.
KDU online doctor appointment System contains two main modules.
One module is the application designed for the patient that contains a login screen. The patient has to
register himself before logging in to the application. After logging in, the patient can view the Doctor
details. The patient has the option of decide on a doctor from the list of doctors and can view the
doctor’s details. The patient can request for an appointment on his/her preferred day/time. The selected
day/time slot will be reserved and patient received automated e-mail. The second module is the admin
module that is designed on the website. The admin can add doctor, view patient’s details and doctor’s
details and can view appointments also. The doctors also are given the access of updating their personal
profiles. Apart from that, the system also facilitates the generation of a report of the patient’s history
which will be generated by the admin, so that the doctor can view the patient’s history without any
delay. Thus the time taken to treat a patient will be reduced and efficient, accurate and improved service
could be provided to the patients.
I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Dr. G.D.S.P.Wimalaratne for the useful
comments, remarks and engagement through the learning process of this master thesis. Furthermore I
would like to thank my friends for introducing me to the topic as well for the support on the way. Also,
I would like to thank my Family, who has supported me throughout entire process, both by keeping me
harmonious and helping me putting pieces together.
Table of Content
Declaration 3
Abstract 4
Acknowledgement 5
List of Figures 9
CHAPTER 1: Introduction 10
1.1 Motivation 10
1.4 Scope 12
2.1 Background 14
3.1 Introduction 16
CHAPTER 4: Implementation 23
4.3 Technologies 23
4.4 Tools 23
4.5.2 XAMPP 24
4.5.3 AngularJS 24
CHAPTER 5: Evaluation 35
CHAPTER 6: Conclusion 42
6.1 Introduction 42
6.3 Conclusion 42
CHAPTER 7: References 43
List of table
Table 5-1 Login to the system .............................................................................................................. 36
Table 5-2 Logout the system ................................................................................................................ 36
Table 5-3 Create Patient Profile ........................................................................................................... 36
Table 5-4 Create new user .................................................................................................................... 37
Table 5-5 Create Type Appointment .................................................................................................... 38
Table 5-6 Book an Appointment (Patient) ........................................................................................... 39
Table 5-7Edit Doctor Profile (Administrator) ...................................................................................... 39
Table 5-8 Cancel Doctor’s Appointment (Administrator) ................................................................... 40
Table 5-9 Cancel Patient’s Appointment (Patient)............................................................................... 41
List of Figures
Figure 2:1Flowchart for Traditional v/s Online Appointment system ................................................. 14
Figure 3:1System Architecture ............................................................................................................. 17
Figure 3:2ER diagram .......................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 3:3Use case Diagram ................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 3:4Activity Diagram Login module .......................................................................................... 21
Figure 3:5ctivity Diagram .................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 3:6Sequence Diagram ............................................................................................................... 22
Figure 4:1System Interfaces ................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 4:2Doctor Search Page .............................................................................................................. 25
Figure 4:3Patient Appointment Home Page ......................................................................................... 26
Figure 4:4Payment gateway page ......................................................................................................... 26
Figure 4:5 PayPal Account page .......................................................................................................... 27
Figure 4:6Login Form for the Different Users ..................................................................................... 27
Figure 4:7 System Administration Home Page .................................................................................... 28
Figure 4:8Enter patient details page ..................................................................................................... 28
Figure 4:9Enter Doctor Detail’s page .................................................................................................. 29
Figure 4:10 Enter Doctor Detail’s page ............................................................................................... 29
Figure 4:11 Change User Password ..................................................................................................... 29
Figure 4:12Doctor appointment list ..................................................................................................... 30
Figure 4:13 Enter User Level ............................................................................................................... 30
Figure 4:14 Send Email Message by Group ......................................................................................... 31
Figure 4:15 Send email-message .......................................................................................................... 32
Figure 4:16 Appointment-confirmation ............................................................................................... 33
Figure 4:17 SMS interface ................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 4:18 Report generating tool ...................................................................................................... 34
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
The proposed system is to make an online web application for easily taking appointment of a patient
see the schedule of doctors, so that everyone can get information about doctor’s availability, time
period, and send request to any doctor for medicine. Doctors and patients can also easily communicate
with each other from anywhere. This project is aimed at developing an online application for patient
to appointing doctors. Users have to logging in the system to be able to take appointment of a doctor.
Doctors have to logging to see his appointments. The proposed system could be accessed from any
corner of the world on net.
1.1 Motivation
Kotelawala Defence University is much more interested introducing a web based online doctor
Appointment system for their university hospital, to make their tasks easier to control without paper
Admin will be able to register doctor, view/delete patient listing, and finally moderate (insert, update
and delete) information. The functionalities of the software are focused below in brief:
The current booking system is manual as all the work is done and kept in files. Because hospital
management staff will be facing some problems issuing booking appointment of patients. All the
necessary booking is done in hard copy. So, it become much difficult for staff to keep the records
updated all the time. As an example, if the patients need to change the appointments in date it become
difficult for them to find out the patients booking details for updating as there are so many patient
booking records. Again, regarding current system patient cannot give feedback online and staff cannot
reply to them promptly.
The proposed project is a smart appointment booking system that provides patients or any user an easy
way of booking a doctor’s appointment online. This is a web based application that overcomes the
issue of managing and booking appointments according to user’s choice. The task sometimes becomes
very tedious for the compounder or doctor himself in manually allocating appointments for the users
as per their availability. Hence this project offers an effective solution where users can view doctors
available and select the preferred date and time.
The system aims to help the patients to take appointment online through internet and track their records
through it. KDU has been facing problems due to its paper-based appointment system. The increase in
the number of patients visiting, it has become difficult to manage the appointment system manually.
The purpose of this project is to solve these complications by creating custom-built database software
to manage the appointment system. For the receptionist it makes easy to set date and time for the
treatment of the patient to the relevant doctor. Doctor enters medical prescription and receptionist takes
the print. It also helps to maintain doctor’s consultation fee, Laboratories and Testing charges
1.4 Scope
The scope of this project will focus on the patient, doctors and hospitals who will use the system to
make and manage the appointment via online services. This project will be implemented and useful for
all doctors and patient. The doctor and hospital to manage the appointment for the patients those who
would like to have the appointment for the doctor in specific place date via online system anytime and
anywhere. And this system does, after the patient arrive hospital, nurse collects the patient’s
information and sends it to the doctor before the patient is diagnosed.
The system has been facing problems due to its paper-based appointment system. With the increase in
the number of patients visiting, it has become difficult to manage the appointment system manually.
Recording of appointments and creating registers by pen and paper has become a tedious task. And
also it’s difficult to manage huge number of patient database.
This online web application gives solution to the KDU patients and employees. This system which
manages complete KDU details in a single application and in a single database. The users will use this
system to handle all the functionalities easily. Doctors will also use the system to keep track of the
patients consulting to them. The intentions of the system are to reduce over-time pay and increase the
number of patients that can be treated accurately.
Chapter 1-Introduction
Describes the problems being faced currently and how to address all those problems with the proposed
system. Project scope, goals and dissertation structure is also provided.
Chapter 2-Background
This chapter targets a crucial review of matching systems and technologies and related applications.
Additionally, it is aimed for the evaluation of hiring process and justification of tool and technology
selections with quotation.
Chapter 3-Analysis and Design
Provide description of ER diagram, UML diagrams and the methodological approach that are applied
in the program designing. Also, consists of the requirement analysis, functional and non-functional
requirements of the system design.
Chapter 4-Implementation
Appropriate coding and implementation tools and techniques which are used to developing the system
are included.
Chapter 5-Evaluation
Developed system is tested against the user requirements, which are gathered at the beginning. Actual
data from the client’s environment is used. The chapter also includes aspects such as test plan, test
cases, use of test automation tools and testing frameworks.
CHAPTER 2: Background/ Literature Review
2.1 Background
Web based online booking system develop for the newly open Kotelawala Defence University Hospital
(KDUH). This project is manly focus to investigate the efficacy of the web-based online booking
system for outpatients. To deal with this problem an online booking system will be very necessary.
Online booking system is accessed on internet by using devices which have internet connection at any
time. KDUH online booking system is a convenient and an efficient way to deal with this problem. The
KDUH online system will enable people access details of hospital and other services online and also
do the booking online. The system will have all the necessary information about hospital on one single
website which accessible by anyone who wants information or online booking
Online booking system for KDUH is used to manage access to service providers. Many factors affect
the performance of appointment systems which include arrival and service time variability, patient and
provider preferences, available information technology and the experience level of the scheduling staff.
Thus a proper scheduling system has to develop by considering all these factors which will increase
patient satisfaction, which in turn increases profit. An online booking system allows individuals to
conveniently and securely book their appointments online. Compared to the usual queuing method, the
web-based booking system could significantly increase patient's satisfaction with registration and
reduce total waiting time effectively.
2.2 Literature Review
I read some papers related to this work. The main objective of their work is given below,
Doctor Appointment Booking System – NevonProjects - This system is a smart appointment booking
system that provides patients or any user an easy way of booking a doctor’s appointment online. This
is a web based application that overcomes the issue of managing and booking appointments according
to user’s choice or demands. They use this module. (http://nevonprojects.com) [2]
Oger medical information system -The appointment module is an electronic paperless application
designed with high flexibility and ease of usage, implemented in single clinics and polyclinics. The
system serves in managing appointments for different resources.
CHAPTER 3: Analysis and Design
3.1 Introduction
The chapter describes the system study, analysis, (user requirement & system and hard ware
requirement) design strengths and weaknesses of the current system, Contest level diagrams, Entity
Relationship Diagram.
The study was carried out at Patient, Doctors and Hospital the main purpose of the study was to find
out how the process of recording patient’s data is carried out. The system that is currently being used
Patient, Doctor and Hospital is entirety manuals. But we are creating online appointment system, that
is very lazy and more hesitation from the real information, doctor availability and proper time
maintenance of the doctor appointment system.
Referring existing system, I have investigated and found out how the current system operates, not only
that but also tried out which problems are faced and how best they can be settled. The users described
some of the basic requirements of the system this includes Search for Patients, Register Patient, Update
record, Doctor information record, view doctor availability record and view all types of reports.
3.3.4 Non-functional requirements
Design is the first step in the development stage. Software design involves three technical activities -
design, coding, implementation and testing that are required to build and verify the software. The
design activities are of main importance in this part, because in this activity, decisions finally affecting
the success of the software implementation and its ease of maintenance. Design is the only way to
correctly translate the customer requirements into finished software or a system. Design is the place
where quality is bringing up in development.
Doctor profile
User profile
3.4.2 Entity Relationship Diagram (ER Diagram)
ER diagram is a graphical representation of entities and their relationship to each other, typically used
in computing regarding the organization of data within database or information systems. Entity is a
piece of data, object or concept which described which data should store. Relationship is how data is
shared between entities.
Which are represented by rectangle. An entity is an object or concept that has its existence in the real
world. It includes all those things about which data is collected. A weak entity is an entity that must
defined by a foreign key relationship with another entity as it cannot be uniquely identified by its own
attributes alone.
Which are represented by ovals. A key attribute is the unique, distinguishing characteristic of the entity.
For example, an employee's social security number might be the employee's key attribute.
An Entity Set
It is a set of entities of the same type that share the same properties, or attributes.
Which are represented by diamond shapes, show how two entities share information in the database.
Figure 3:2ER diagram
3.4.3 Use Case Diagram
Use case diagrams are consisting in Unified Modeling Language. The diagram can be used to represent
a Context mode for a system. In Use Case diagram an actor are users of the system and playing a role.
3.4.4 Activity Diagram Login module
3.4.5 Sequence Diagram
Sequence Diagram is defined as a dynamic model for a use case which is used for showing the
interaction between classes for particular time period. This diagram include message, time.
CHAPTER 4: Implementation
4.1 Chapter Overview
Implementation is the process of converting user requirement and system functionalities into actual
working system. This phase takes more time compared to other stages in software development life
cycle. System is well implemented in order to achieve system functionalities which are identified in
system analysis stage. Design patterns and technology which are identified in system design stage were
used to implement the system very efficiency and timely.
Software Hardware
Microsoft Windows 10 Ultimate - 64bit Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2670QM @ 2.20GHz
WAMP Server 4 GB RAM
MYSQL Server 500 GB Hard disk
4.3 Technologies
PHP and Angular js was chosen as the main developing language to develop the system.
MYSQL was chosen to handle databases queries of the system
HTML and bootstrap was used to make the interface and CSS used apply style to the interface
to make the system more user friendly.
Angular js was used to the client side validations such as form validating
4.4 Tools
Firefox’ web browser, this was used to JavaScript debugging, analyzing network usage. Further
it’s facilitate inspect the HTML and modify the HTML layout and the styles in real-time.
Adobe Photoshop CS5 is photo editing software which was used to edit images, logos and
banners of user interface of the system.
4.5 Open source frameworks
Bootstrap is a free and open-source collection of tools for creating websites and web applications. It
contains HTML- and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other
interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. It aims to ease the development of
dynamic websites and web applications. Bootstrap is a front end framework, that is, an interface for
the user, unlike the server-side code which resides on the "back end" or server. Bootstrap includes
readymade design patterns which can be easily apply to the HTML tags and provides fully responsive
4.5.2 XAMPP
XAMPP is freely available open source cross-platform web solution package which was developed by
Apache Friends. It contains Apache HTTP Server, Maria DB database, PHP, and Perl. XAMPP works
equally well on Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems. To develop databases used MySQL
which was built in XAMPP bundle.
4.5.3 AngularJS
4.6 System Interfaces
All System interfaces in this chapter were created in angular js, php, css, html and bootstrap.
Patient Appointment Home Page
This page is patient can access the appointment and booking doctor.
Figure 4:5 PayPal Account page
System Administration Home Page
The system administrator can add, edit system user and has access to view the services.
Enter Doctor Detail’s page (backend the system)
Figure 4:10 Enter Doctor Detail’s page
Doctor appointment list
Send Email Message by Group
Send email-message
Send SMS
CHAPTER 5: Evaluation
Developed system is tested against the user requirements, which are gathered at the beginning. Actual
data from the client’s environment is used. The chapter also includes aspects such as test plan, test
cases, use of test automation tools and testing frameworks
There are three kinds of uses of KDU hospital online doctor appointment system, patient, doctor, and
administrator. To use the KDU hospital online doctor appointment system, all uses need to be identified
and authorized. Users enter their username and password to login the system.
Login page correct user Name correct Displays the welcome information to the user
password and Based on the user’s role (admin, doctor, or
press on login Button patient), the corresponding menu page
(admin menu, doctor menu, and patient
menu) will be displayed on the page.
correct User Name Displays error message
incorrect Password and
press on login Button
Logout menu User click the logout menu Redirect to the login page
Create Fill in all the fields in the registration Display a data insert successfully
Patient form as required
Press Submit button
Leave all the fields empty Display an error message that user needs to
fill in the required information
Press Submit button
Fill in the fields according to an Display a message that the record already
existing patient exists
Create new user (Administrator)
After logging in, the Administrator can choose ‘Create New user (nurse)’ option from the menu. The
Administrator will be able to see a form where he/she will be required to fill in all the relevant
information in the given fields
Fill in the fields in New user form as Display a message confirming that a new
required user is created successfully
Fill in the fields according to an Display a message that the record already
existing user exists
Leave all the fields empty Press Submit Display an error message that user needs to
button fill in the required information
Fill in the fields in New Appointment Display a message confirming that a new
type form as required Appointment type is created successfully
Case Input Data Expected Results
Fill all fields with correct values A new web page is displayed doctor profile
was created successfully.
Click on submit button
Fill in the fields according to an Display a message that the record already
existing Appointment Type exists
estimated duration of appointment type;
displays available time slots .
The doctor’s information may need changes. The administrator can modify the profile after logging in.
Try to change the “Login ID” field Since this field is read only nothing will
Cancel Doctor’s Appointment (Administrator)
Check to select Patient’s first and second Cancel the selected appointment by
name changing the appointment status into 1
Press Submit button without selecting Display an alert message informing the
any appointment(s) to cancel user to select an appointment to cancel
Cancel Patient’s Appointment (Patient)
Press Submit button without selecting Display an alert message informing the
any appointment to cancel user to select an appointment to cancel
CHAPTER 6: Conclusion
6.1 Introduction
This Chapter describes discuss the objectives of the system required in earlier chapters, limitation of
the system conclusion and recommendation of the System.
Learned how to write a documentation of the thesis also really important. Therefore, lots of self-
learning was carried out throughout this process.
6.3 Conclusion
Developed Online Doctor Appointment system is easy to use user friendly system which any new
person can easily understand. Achieved objectives are:
User can see the schedule date, time and serial no.
Doctor can see how much appointment he gets for a specific day
Admin can generate reports.
Registered patient gets conformation email
Email notifications.
Admin can query the database
make appointment reservations for patients.
CHAPTER 7: References
[1]"Research Gate | Share and discover research", Research Gate, 2017. [Online]. Available:
http://www.researchgate.net. [Accessed: 14- Oct- 2017].
[2]"Electronics & software engineering projects for students with IT projects | NevonProjects",
Nevonprojects.com, 2017. [Online]. Available: http://www.nevonprojects.com. [Accessed: 14- Oct-
[3]"Online Doctor Appointment Booking System - Book My Doctor", CodeCanyon, 2018. [Online].
Available: https://codecanyon.net/item/book-my-doctor/13150333. [Accessed: 10- Feb- 2018].
[4]J. GIPL, "Online doctor & medical appointment systems & solutions | Fullestop", Fullestop.com,
2018. [Online]. Available: https://www.fullestop.com/online-doctor-appointment-system.html.
[Accessed: 10- Feb- 2018].
[5]"Cite a Website - Cite This for Me", Arxiv.org, 2018. [Online]. Available:
https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1701/1701.08786.pdf. [Accessed: 10- Feb- 2018].
[6]A. Peter Idowu, O. Olusegun Adeosun and K. Oladipo Williams, "Dependable Online Appointment
Booking System for Nhis Outpatient in Nigerian Teaching Hospitals", International Journal of
Computer Science and Information Technology, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 59-73, 2014.
[7]"Cite a Website - Cite This For Me", Ijircce.com, 2018. [Online]. Available:
https://www.ijircce.com/upload/2016/february/56_10_Online.pdf. [Accessed: 10- Feb- 2018].