Writing Test Rubrics Template - Reg - A1 - U1-6 - 1st - V1 - 21122022 - Form 1 Person

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Facultad de Educación

Centro de Lenguas
Writing test
Rubrics for assessment
Level A1
V-F. 1-21/12/2022

Student's name Teacher's name Semester Course name Term Date


Criterion/Grade 0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0

The student can express who The student can express who The student can express who The student can express who
The student cannot express
they/others are, indicate they/others are, indicate they/others are, indicate they/others are, indicate
who they/others are, indicate
possession, describe the possession, describe the possession, describe the possession, describe the
possession, describe the
relative location of objects relative location of objects relative location of objects relative location of objects
relative location of objects
and people, differentiate and people, differentiate and people, differentiate and people, differentiate
and people, differentiate
Grammar No attempt or no show between plural and singular between plural and singular between plural and singular between plural and singular
between plural and singular
nouns with the corresponding nouns with the corresponding nouns with the corresponding nouns with the corresponding
nouns with the corresponding
article, and talk about his/her article, and talk about his/her article, and talk about his/her article,and talk about his/her
article or talk about his/her
and other people's daily and other people's daily and other people's daily and other people's daily
and other people's daily
routines, with frequent syntax routines, with occasional routines, with infrequent routines, with no syntax
errors. syntax errors. syntax errors. errors.
The student used no
The student used vocabulary The student used vocabulary The student used vocabulary The student used vocabulary
vocabulary relevant to the
relevant to few of the relevant to some of the relevant to most of the relevant to all of the following
following topics: letters,
following topics: letters, following topics: letters, following topics: letters, topics: letters, numbers,
numbers, nationalities, family,
Vocabulary No attempt or no show numbers, nationalities, family, numbers, nationalities, family, numbers, nationalities, family, nationalities, family,
pronouns, small things, food,
pronouns, small things, food, pronouns, small things, food, pronouns, small things, food, pronouns, small things, food,
jobs, daily activity verbs.
jobs, daily activity verbs}, jobs, daily activity verbs, with jobs, daily activity verbs, jobs, daily activity verbs,
There is a significant L1
with frequent L1 interference. some L1 interference. without L1 interference. without L1 interference.
The text contains substantial The text contains many errors The text contains several The text contains few errors The text contains no errors
errors related to spelling, related to spelling, errors related to spelling, related to spelling, related to spelling,
Mechanics No attempt or no show
capitalization, and/or capitalization, and/or capitalization, and/or capitalization, and/or capitalization, and
punctuation. punctuation. punctuation. punctuation. punctuation.
The text is mostly The text is somewhat
The text is unintelligible. The text is intelligible. Ideas The text is well organized.
Coherence/Cohesion No attempt or no show unintelligible. Ideas are intelligible. Ideas are
Ideas are ordered illogically. are ordered mostly logically. Ideas are ordered logically.
mostly ordered illogically. somewhat ordered logically.
The text does not comply with The text complies with few The text complies with some The text complies with most The text fully complies with
the instructions of the task. instructions of the task. The instructions of the task. The of the instructions of the task. the instructions of the task.
Task completion No attempt or no show
The text contains ideas text contains many ideas text contains some ideas The text contains few ideas The text contains ideas
irrelevant to the task. irrelevant to the task. irrelevant to the task. irrelevant to the task. relevant to the task.

Final grade 0,0


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