MP7600 Maintenance Manual - 302399F

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Maintenance Manual

Kongsberg Maritime Part no.

MP7600 Base model: 704293
MP7600 NAV model: 704364
MP7600 with 4-screen model: 302088
MP7600 with LAN/CAN model: 302089
MP7600 with 8 channel Blue Heat model: 302090
MP7600 with LAN/CAN + 2 COM ports model: 304324
MP7600 HS/DP-Recorder 500 model: 312199

June 2008
Document history
Document number: 302399
Rev. A April 2006 First version.
Added part number 304324 MP7600 with LAN/CAN + 2 COM
Rev. B August 2006 ports model, added COM2 to Base model, changed Damper kit,
and changed name for List ident 9 in Table 3.
Corrected PN names on front page, and updated section 1.4.2 to
Rev. C December 2006
reflect that PN: 704364 does not include RIC2 card.
Changed MP7600 with 4 channel Blue Heat card with 8 channel
Rev. D January 2007
Blue Heat card, and added section 4.1.15.
Added part number 312199 MP7600 HS/DP-Recorder 500 mode.
Rev. E May 2007
Added section 4.1.5 and section 4.1.11
Updated section 5.1. Item 308845 Blue Heat PSI serial card is
Rev. F June 2008
replaced by item 320372 Bluestorm/SP Universal serial card.

The information contained in this document remains the sole property of Kongsberg Maritime AS. No
part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, and the information
contained within it is not to be communicated to a third party, without the prior written consent of
Kongsberg Maritime AS.
Kongsberg Maritime AS endeavours to ensure that all information in this document is correct and fairly
stated, but does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.

To assist us in making improvements to the product and to this manual, we welcome comments and
constructive criticism.
e-mail: [email protected]

Ko n g s b e r g M a r it im e A S
P. O. Bo x 4 8 3 Te le p h o n e : + 4 7 3 2 2 8 5 0 0 0
N- 3 6 0 1 K o n g s b e r g , Te le fa x : + 4 7 3 2 2 8 5 0 1 0
No r w a y S e r v ic e : + 4 7 8 1 5 3 5 3 5 5
w w w .k o n g s b e r g .co m
Maintenance Manual

Table of contents

1 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION................................................ 5
1.1 General description...................................................................................................5
1.2 MP7600 computer cabinet.......................................................................................5
1.2.1 Cabinet front panel ....................................................................................... 5
1.2.2 Cabinet rear panel ......................................................................................... 6
1.2.3 Cabinet interior............................................................................................. 6
1.3 MP7600 configuration ..............................................................................................8
1.3.1 Main board................................................................................................... 9
1.3.2 Power Supply ............................................................................................... 9
1.3.3 Interface cards ............................................................................................ 10
1.3.4 Storage drives............................................................................................. 10
1.3.5 Miniature speaker ....................................................................................... 10
1.3.6 Cooling fans ............................................................................................... 10
1.3.7 Power ON-OFF button ................................................................................ 10
1.4 MP7600 external connections ................................................................................10
1.4.1 Main board connections .............................................................................. 11 Mouse ................................................................................................... 11 Keyboard............................................................................................... 11 Parallel port ........................................................................................... 11 COM1 and COM2.................................................................................. 12 Network ................................................................................................ 12 Audio In ................................................................................................ 12 Audio Out ............................................................................................. 12 Microphone ........................................................................................... 12 Headphones ........................................................................................... 12 USB ...................................................................................................... 12
1.4.2 Interface cards and connections ................................................................... 12 MP7600 Base model .............................................................................. 13 MP7600 NAV model .............................................................................. 13 MP7600 with 4-screen model.................................................................. 14 MP7600 with LAN/CAN model.............................................................. 14 MP7600 with LAN/CAN + 2 COM ports model ...................................... 15 MP7600 with Blue Heat model (8 channel / 4 channel; obsolete)............... 15 Interface cards ....................................................................................... 16
1.4.3 Power connection ....................................................................................... 17
1.4.4 Chassis ground connection .......................................................................... 17
1.5 MP7600 Technical specifications ...........................................................................18
2 FAULT FINDING .............................................................. 19
2.1 Fault location/identification ...................................................................................19

302399/F 3
Kongsberg MP7600

3 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ........................................... 21

3.1 How to clean the MP7600 cabinet surface .............................................................21
3.2 Preventive maintenance intervals ..........................................................................21
4 CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE ........................................... 22
4.1 Replacement procedures.........................................................................................22
4.1.1 How to remove MP7600 computer from Damper kit ..................................... 22
4.1.2 How to remove cabinet lid........................................................................... 25
4.1.3 How to replace the DVD-RW drive.............................................................. 25 Disassembly .......................................................................................... 25 Reassembly ........................................................................................... 27
4.1.4 How to replace the System Hard-disk drive .................................................. 28 Disassembly ......................................................................................... 28 Reassembly ........................................................................................... 30
4.1.5 How to replace the Recorder Hard-disk drive................................................ 30 Disassembly ......................................................................................... 31 Reassembly ........................................................................................... 32
4.1.6 How to replace a socket-mounted PCI and PCIe card ................................... 33 Disassembly ......................................................................................... 34 Reassembly .......................................................................................... 35
4.1.7 How to replace a socket-mounted PCI in Blue Heat model ............................ 35 Disassembly ......................................................................................... 36 Reassembly .......................................................................................... 37
4.1.8 How to replace a RAM memory card ........................................................... 37 Disassembly ......................................................................................... 38 Reassembly .......................................................................................... 38
4.1.9 How to replace the Power Supply model ...................................................... 38 Disassembly ......................................................................................... 39 Reassembly .......................................................................................... 40
4.1.10 How to replace the Filter ............................................................................. 40 Disassembly .......................................................................................... 40 Reassembly .......................................................................................... 41
4.1.11 How to replace CPU cooling fan and Inlet fan .............................................. 42 CPU cooling fan .................................................................................... 43 Inlet fan................................................................................................. 44
4.1.12 How to replace the CPU .............................................................................. 46
4.1.13 How to replace the Main Board ................................................................... 46
4.1.14 How to replace the Built-in Speaker ............................................................. 46
4.1.15 How to replace a MP7600 computer w/4 channel Blue Heat card with a
new MP7600 computer w/8 channel Blue Heat card...................................... 46
5 REPLACEABLE PARTS AND CONSUMABLES ...................... 51
5.1 Replaceable basic parts and recommended spare parts .........................................51
5.2 Consumables ..........................................................................................................52

4 302399/F
Hardware Description

This section describes the MP7600 hardware configuration.

1.1 General description

The MP7600 maritime computer is used in a wide range of
Operator Stations (OSs) produced by Kongsberg Maritime.
The computer can be installed inside OS consoles by using
specific mounting brackets (see actual operator station
maintenance manual for details on mounting).
The OS and process station application software is stored on the
MP7600 hard-disk.
The MP7600 is built around a high-performance CPU (central
processing unit) running the Microsoft® Windows XP™.
The computer can be easily dismantled for replacing module
The MP7600 accepts both 115 and 230 VAC mains input voltage.
Part numbers for the different models are shown on the front page
of this document. The models differ mainly on the combination
of interface cards installed.

1.2 MP7600 computer cabinet

1.2.1 Cabinet front panel

See figure below for layout of the cabinet front. DVD-RW drive
is located to the left, and underneath the DVD is microphone
input, headphones output, two USB ports, LEDs for power and
internal hard-disk drive, and On/Off switch.

302399/F 5
Kongsberg MP7600

Figure 1 Cabinet front panel

1.2.2 Cabinet rear panel

Connectors for power, user interfaces and external equipment
are located on the rear panel. See MP7600 external connections
on page 10.
Six different types of MP7600 computers are available using
different interface cards. See Interface cards and connections
on page 12.

Figure 2 Cabinet rear panel (example)

1.2.3 Cabinet interior

Location of the main components inside the cabinet is shown in
figure below. The computer is shown from above with the front
wall pointing towards you.
The power supply with its cooling fan is lifted up and located
in the back to the left.

6 302399/F
Hardware Description

The DVD-RW/HDD-Recorder assembly is also lifted up and

located in the front to the left.

Figure 3 Cabinet interior

The interface card assembly modules (removed in figure above)

are located in the upper right hand corner. They can easily be
pulled out for changing of interface cards. No screws are to be
unscrewed, only lifting the lever at the green coloured handle,
which secures the interface cards to the main board.

302399/F 7
Kongsberg MP7600

1.3 MP7600 configuration

The following cards and components are available for the
different models of the MP7600:
• Main board (Motherboard)
• RAM, 2 x 512 MB
• Power supply 115/230 VAC
• Network card (Net B and Net C)
• DVI card
• Graphics card (2–screen / 4–screen)
• Serial line card (COM2)
• Blue Heat cards (8 channel / 4 channel; obsolete)
• CAN card (Can Net)
• Radar Interface card
• Hard-disk drive (system disk)
• Hard-disk drive (recorder disk)
• DVD-RW drive
• Miniature speaker
• Reset button (On/Off)
Each of the computer and interface cards, drives and power
supplies listed above are shortly described in sections below.
The replaceable modules are described more detailed in separate
documents (Hardware Module Descriptions).
The following figure shows a block diagram of the MP7600.
The figure does not show an actual MP7600 configuration, but
the available interface cards, drives and power supplies.

8 302399/F
Hardware Description

115/230 VAC DVD-RW d rive

P owe r fa n P C p o we r
s u p p ly

ATX pwr. conn. +12 VDC & +5 VDC

Re a r p a n e l
COM1 (s e ria l) P owe r s upply
COM2 (s e ria l)
Mous e
Ke yboa rd
US B1 (s e ria l)
US B2 (s e ria l)
US B3 (s e ria l)
US B4 (s e ria l)
US B5 (s e ria l) Ha rd -d is k d rive
US B6 (s e ria l) S ys te m d is k
P a ra lle l port
Ne twork A
Audio Out Ha rd -d is k d rive
Audio In Re c o rd e r d is k
S pe a ke r
Mic. In
Gra phics port CP U fa n Fro n t p a n e l

P CIe s lo t US B7 (s e ria l)

- DVI ca rd US B8 (s e ria l)
- S ingle Ne twork ca rd HDD. LED
- Dua l a nd 4-s cre e n P wr. LED
gra phic ca rd
s witch
P CI s lo t Mic. In
- Dua l ne twork ca rd He a dphone s
- Ra da r Inte rfa ce ca rd Out
(Vis 090501b)
Ris e r c a rd MP 7600
- Blue He a t ca rd
- Dua l ne twork ca rd Ma in b o a rd

1.3.1 Main board

The main board is equipped with a 3 GHz CPU and 2 x 512 MB
The main board is not considered a replaceable module because
the computer has to be rebuilt from scratch and thoroughly tested
if the board is changed.

1.3.2 Power Supply

One power module is used. It has 115 VAC or 230 VAC as input
voltage, and is of type Autosense.
See Replaceable Parts and Consumables on page 51 for module
names and part numbers, and see the corresponding Hardware
Module Description for more technical information.

302399/F 9
Kongsberg MP7600

1.3.3 Interface cards

The following interface cards are available with MP7600
Dual network card, Single network card, DVI card, 2-screen
graphic card, 4-screen graphic card, Radar interface card 2
(RIC2), Blue Heat card, and COM2 card.
For details about the interface cards see the appropriate
Hardware Module Descriptions, and refer to Interface cards and
connections on page 12.
See Replaceable Parts and Consumables on page 51 for module
names and part numbers.

1.3.4 Storage drives

Standard DVD-RW drive, hard-disk drive is used in the computer.
For details about the storage drive see the appropriate Hardware
Module Description.
See Replaceable Parts and Consumables on page 51 for module
names and part numbers.

1.3.5 Miniature speaker

The speaker is located inside the cabinet on the front wall.

1.3.6 Cooling fans

The CPU fan is located in the centre, behind the CPU. It provides
cooling to the CPU and graphics processor.
The power supply module contains a fan located inside the
cabinet and blowing through this module.

1.3.7 Power ON-OFF button

A grey ON-OFF button is located in the centre of the cabinet
Pressing the button once, the computer is turned On or Off,
depending on the prerequisite.

1.4 MP7600 external connections

The MP7600 provides (included options) the necessary set of
standard PC connectors for user interfaces and the necessary set
of application-required connectors for system interfacing.

10 302399/F
Hardware Description

1.4.1 Main board connections

This section lists the connectors available from the main board.
For more details refer to the Hardware Module Description for
the main board.
The following figure shows front connectors for external

Figure 4 Front – external connections

The following figure shows rear wall connectors for external


Figure 5 Rear – external connections Mouse
This is a standard PS/2 serial mouse connector. Keyboard
This is a standard PS/2 keyboard connector. Parallel port

The Parallel port complies with the standard for PC parallel ports.
With appropriate driver software and configuration a local printer
can be connected to this port.

302399/F 11
Kongsberg MP7600 COM1 and COM2

These are standard PC serial line COM ports. Network
This is a standard ethernet network connection based on the
RJ45 connector. It is assigned to the network A in the redundant
process network. Audio In
This is a audio line input connection based on the mini jack
connector. Audio Out

This is a audio line output connection based on the mini jack
connector. Microphone
This is a microphone connection based on the mini jack
connector. A contact is located on the front and on the rear wall. Headphones
This is a headphones connection based on the mini jack connector
and is located on the front. USB
The main board provides eight USB (Universal Serial Bus) roots
(ports) for attaching USB devices. Two ports are available on the
front and six on the rear panel.

1.4.2 Interface cards and connections

The illustrations below shows the different types of MP7600
Six different types of MP7600 computers are available: (see front
page for part numbers). Common for all rear panels are: Net A, 6
off USB ports, VGA graphics port, PS/2 mouse port, Keyboard
port, Audio -in and -out, and Main power plug as shown in Rear
– external connections on page 11.
The rear panel layout for each type is shown in figures below. It
is focused on slot 1 through 4 where the differences are.

12 302399/F
Hardware Description MP7600 Base model

The different card slots are as follows (seen from left to right –
slot 1 through 4): COM2 card, Dual network card (Net B and
C), DVI card, empty slot. MP7600 NAV model

The different card slots are as follows (seen from left to right –
slot 1 through 4): RIC2 (optional; empty in this picture), Dual
network card (Net B and C), 2-screen graphic card, COM2 card.

302399/F 13
Kongsberg MP7600 MP7600 with 4-screen model

The different card slots are as follows (seen from left to right –
slot 1 through 4): Empty slot, Dual network card (Net B and C),
4-screen graphic card, empty slot. MP7600 with LAN/CAN model

The different card slots are as follows (seen from left to right –
slot 1 through 4): Empty slot, Dual network card (Net B and C),
DVI card, Single network card (CAN net).

14 302399/F
Hardware Description MP7600 with LAN/CAN + 2 COM ports


The different card slots are as follows (seen from left to right –
slot 1 through 4): COM2 card, Dual network card (Net B and C),
DVI card, Single network card (CAN net). MP7600 with Blue Heat model (8 channel

/ 4 channel; obsolete)
The Blue Heat card is inserted in an extra chassis (Riser card)
for fitting to the MP7600 computer, see picture below.

302399/F 15
Kongsberg MP7600

The different card slots are as follows (seen from top to bottom –
slot 1 and 2): Blue Heat card, Dual network card (Net B and C). Interface cards

Dual network card (standard)
The dual network card is a PCI type card and provides two
network ports. The lower port is normally connected to Network
B, and the upper port, if required by the system, is connected to
Network C (for MP7600 with Blue Heat the left connector is for
Network B and the right connector is for Network C), see figures
in Interface cards and connections on page 12. The connectors
are of the RJ45 type. For details refer to the Hardware Module
Description for the network card.
Single network card (optional)
The single network card is used as interface to the external
LAN/CAN converter. The connector on the single LAN interface
card is a RJ45 type.
For details refer to the Hardware Module Description for the
single LAN network card.
DVI card (standard)
The card is a PCIe type card. The connector is a keyed standard
DVI female connector.
RIC2 (optional)
The Radar Interface Card2 (RIC2) is a PCI type card, is normally
located in slot 1 and is used for connection to radar scanners.
For details refer to the Hardware Module Description for the
appropriate card.
Blue Heat
The Blue Heat card is available in two versions (8 channel to be
• 8 channel version: This card is a PCI type card and provides
two RS232 and two RS422/485 serial channels by the use of a
special interface split cable. The connector types used on the
cable are eight 9–pin male D-sub.
• 4 channel version; obsolete: This card is a PCI type card and
provides four RS232 and four RS422/485 serial channels by
the use of a special interface split cable. The connector types
used on the cable are four 9–pin male D-sub.
Read the numbering on the cable connectors for which is which
serial line.

16 302399/F
Hardware Description

For details refer to the Hardware Module Description for the

Blue Heat interface card.
Graphics cards
The 2-screen graphics card is a PCIe slot card. Split cables that
come with the graphics card are used for connecting to the colour
The 4-screen graphics card is a PCIe slot card. Split cables that
come with the graphics card are used for connecting to the colour
Read the numbering on the cable connectors for which monitor
they connect.

1.4.3 Power connection

The computer is provided with a standard three-pin apparatus
socket and fits a standard female three-hole apparatus plug, as
shown in Rear – external connections on page 11.
The power supply is of the Autosense type, and thereby
automatically senses correct input voltage (either 115 VAC or
230 VAC).

1.4.4 Chassis ground connection

The computer is provided with a ground terminal screw located
at the right lower corner when the computer is seen from the rear
side, as shown in Rear – external connections on page 11. This
terminal must be bonded to PE (Protection Earth) with a short
ground wire having large cross section.

302399/F 17
Kongsberg MP7600

1.5 MP7600 Technical specifications

Voltage: 115/230 VAC (autosense)
Power consumption from power supply: 240 W
CPU type and speed: Intel Pentium 4, 3GHz
Hard-disk drive: Hard Disc Drive 80GB SATA-3G, (see item no. 3
in Spare Parts list)
DVD-RW drive: 16X DVD-RW drive, (see item no. 4in Spare Parts
Memory: Memory DIMM, 2 x 512MB, PC2-4200 CL4, (see
item no. 5 in Spare Parts list)
Power Supply 115/230 VAC: Power Supply, (see item no. 1 in Spare Parts list)
VGA: On main board — Intel processor
DVI: DY674A Intel DVI ADD2 SDVO (PCIe) adapter
for DC7600, (see item no. 12 in Spare Parts list)
Dual network interface card: Intel Pro/1000 MT Dual Port Server Bulk,
(Network interface, one port on main board) PWLA8492MTBLK5 (see item no. 8 in Spare
Parts list)
Single network interface card: Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit PCIe NIC, (optional)
- (see item no. 13 in Spare Parts list)
Graphics card (2-screen): Millenium G550 32MB Dual Head PCI-Express
1x, Low Profile, (optional) - (see item no. 11 in
Spare Parts list)
Graphics card (4-screen): MATROX QID 128MB QUAD DVI/RGB PCIE
LP (optional) - (see item no. 10 in Spare Parts list)
RIC: RIC card (optional) - (see item no. 14 in Spare
Parts list)
Serial interface: - Blue Heat PSI RS422/485; 4 off RS232 + 4 off
RS422/485 - (see item no. 16 in Spare Parts list)
- Blue Heat PCI/4; 2 off RS232 + 2 off RS422/485
- (see item no. 15 in Spare Parts list); obsolete

Size: width x depth x height: 337 x 379 x 100 mm
Weight: 8.8 kg (Base model)
IP degree: IP22
Refer to KM Environmental Specification, document number 161011.
MTBF calculated: 108 206 hours

18 302399/F
Fault Finding

This section presents the fault finding principles for the MP7600

2.1 Fault location/identification

If a fault situation has occurred, the fault is normally identified
from the symptoms observed. It is therefore important to record
all these observations to help the maintenance person or service
engineer. All error messages shown on the screen should be
logged for this purpose.
If you are not able to correct the error situation yourself, you
should contact your nearest Kongsberg Maritime service office
for advice or to request service.

The fault-finding table below assumes that the problem is caused

by the MP7600 computer itself and no external factors are

Table 1 Fault-finding tips

ID Symptoms Probable Error Source Corrective Action

1 No visible or audible External supply Check the 115/230 VAC
sign of power present at voltage is turned off power supply.
MP7600. Fans are not or circuit-breaker fuse has
blowing. tripped.
Internal power supply Replace power supply.
defect. See procedure How
to replace the Power
Supply model on
page 38.
2 Applications are not Defective file system. Reinstall the software by
loading when booting using the system backup
the MP7600. Only blue CD.
screen displayed.
3 Applications are not Defective hard-disk drive. Replace hard-disk.
loading when booting See procedure How
after the entire operating to replace the System
system software has Hard-disk drive on
been installed on page 28.
MP7600. Only blue
screen displayed.

302399/F 19
Kongsberg MP7600

Table 1 Fault-finding tips (cont’d.)

ID Symptoms Probable Error Source Corrective Action

4 MP7600 does not respond Network task not running. Reboot MP7600.
over network on either
5 MP7600 responds over Defective network card Replace network
network on only one of or network part of main card. See procedure
three channels. board. How to replace a
socket-mounted PCI and
PCIe card on page 33.
6 MP7600 crashes or hangs Possible defective RAM Replace RAM memory
unexpectedly. memory card. card. See procedure
How to replace a RAM
memory card on page 37.

20 302399/F
Preventive Maintenance

This section presents the preventive maintenance procedures for
the MP7600.
Replacement procedures relating to preventive maintenance, are
described only in the Corrective maintenance section.

3.1 How to clean the MP7600 cabinet surface

Use a lint-free, non-abrasive cloth and a neutral or mild soap
solution for best result. Do not use a dripping wet cloth when
cleaning. Use only a moistened cloth.

3.2 Preventive maintenance intervals

These procedures should be performed on each MP7600 in
the system. Local evaluations should be made to determine
site-specific maintenance intervals.

Table 2 Recommended preventive maintenance intervals

Clean all operator panels. Each week.
Run the on-line lamp and unit
function tests.
Clean all filters for units
equipped with fans.
Clean cabinet surface. Each month.
Check for loose connectors Each six month.
and wires.

302399/F 21
Kongsberg MP7600

This section presents the corrective maintenance procedures for
the MP7600.
Corrective maintenance procedures not described in this section
are to be found in the appropriate Hardware Module Description
for the part numbers referred to in the replaceable parts and
recommended spare parts list. Corrective maintenance of parts
not provided by any of the above should be performed by
Kongsberg Maritime service personnel only.

4.1 Replacement procedures

Electrostatic charges can damage components on the
cards. Notice the following precautions: Always wear
a properly connected earthing strap when handling
unpacked cards. Place unpacked cards only on a
properly connected earthing mat or a shielding bag.
Keep cards in their shielding bags when not installed.
Never store cards near electromagnetic or electrostatic

Replacement procedures that require power to be turned off
must be preceded by shutting down the MP7600 in a controlled
manner. Refer to the system operator manual for the appropriate

To avoid the risks accompanying high voltages,
always turn off the power circuit supplying the
computer before you open the cabinet lid.

4.1.1 How to remove MP7600 computer

from Damper kit
Two Damper kits are available: One for horizontal mounting
(MS2030) and one for vertical e.g. door mounting (MS2040+),
see figures below.
1 Disconnect all cables connected to the computer.
2 Standing in front of the computer locate the damper kit.
3 Unscrew 4 off screws (horizontal mounting, see Figure 6) or
6 off screws (vertical mounted, see Figure 7 and Figure 8)
on the damper kit securing the computer.

22 302399/F
Corrective Maintenance

Figure 6 Horizontal mounted Damper kit

Figure 7 Vertical mounted Damper kit– top

302399/F 23
Kongsberg MP7600

Figure 8 Vertical mounted Damper kit – bottom

4 Carefully remove the computer and place aside.

24 302399/F
Corrective Maintenance

4.1.2 How to remove cabinet lid

1 Disconnect all cables connected to the computer.
2 Place the computer on a firm surface.
3 Standing with the front of the computer towards you, push
the two release levers in, one on each side of computer lid,
slide the lid forward and lift the lid (see figure below for
location of the lid release lever). This also removes the top
cover and front cover.

Figure 9 Release lever of the cabinet lid

4.1.3 How to replace the DVD-RW drive

The following steps must be done before performing this
• The power to the MP7600 computer must have been turned
• Ensure that the new drive is equal to the one listed in
recommended consumable spare part list.
• The kit must have been removed from the computer, as
described in How to remove MP7600 computer from Damper
kit on page 22.
• The cabinet lid must have been removed from the computer,
as described in How to remove cabinet lid on page 25. Disassembly
1 By lifting, pivot the DVD-RW drive assembly upwards, by
pulling the green coloured handle towards you.

302399/F 25
Kongsberg MP7600

Figure 10 Lifting the DVD chassis

2 Disconnect and remove the flat signal cable and power cable
from the DVD drive, as identified in figure below:

Figure 11 Disconnecting cables

26 302399/F
Corrective Maintenance

3 Release the lock for DVD-RW drive by pushing the lever

in, identified in figure below.

Figure 12 Releasing the lock lever

4 Carefully lift the drive out from its slide.

5 Mark the DVD-RW with a label describing the symptoms
observed, carefully pack in a shielding bag and place on a
secure place. Reassembly
1 Set any mode jumpers of the new drive to the same positions
as for the replaced drive.
2 Reassemble by performing steps 1 to 4 of the Disassembly
procedure above, in reverse order.
3 Verify proper drive operation.

302399/F 27
Kongsberg MP7600

4.1.4 How to replace the System Hard-disk

The following steps must have been done before performing this
• The power to the MP7600 computer must have been turned
• Ensure that the new system hard-disk drive is equal to the one
listed in recommended consumable spare part list.
• The damper kit must have been removed from the computer,
as described in How to remove MP7600 computer from
Damper kit on page 22.
• The cabinet lid must have been removed from the computer,
as described in How to remove cabinet lid on page 25. Disassembly
1 Place the computer on a flat surface with the interface cards
towards you.
2 By lifting, pivot the power supply assembly upwards, by
pulling the green coloured handle and lifting and pushing
away from you.

Figure 13 Lifting the power supply

28 302399/F
Corrective Maintenance

3 Also lift the chassis for the DVD-RW drive, as described

in Disassembly on page 25.
4 Disconnect and remove the 2 off flat cables from the disk,
as identified in figure below:

Figure 14 Disconnecting cables

5 Release the lock for the hard-disk by pulling out, as

identified in figure below:

302399/F 29
Kongsberg MP7600

Figure 15 Releasing the lock

6 Carefully lift out the disk from its frame.

7 Mark the old disk with a label describing the symptoms
observed, carefully pack in a shielding bag and place on a
secure place. Reassembly
1 Set any mode jumpers of the new disk to the same positions
as for the replaced disk.
2 Reassemble by performing steps 1 to 5, of the Disassembly
procedure, in reverse order.
3 Verify proper operation. The hard-disk must then be
reloaded with backup data (see separate procedure).

4.1.5 How to replace the Recorder

Hard-disk drive
The following steps must have been done before performing this
• The power to the MP7600 computer must have been turned
• Ensure that the new recorder hard-disk drive is equal to the
one listed in recommended consumable spare part list.

30 302399/F
Corrective Maintenance

• The damper kit must have been removed from the computer,
as described in How to remove MP7600 computer from
Damper kit on page 22.
• The cabinet lid must have been removed from the computer,
as described in How to remove cabinet lid on page 25. Disassembly
1 Place the computer on a flat surface with the interface cards
towards you.
2 Push the green coloured lock lever on the right side of the
DVD-RW drive to release the drive, as shown in figure

Figure 16 Releasing the DVD-RW drive

3 Slide the DVD-RW drive forward and lift upwards to release

the drive from the frame.
4 Lay the DVD-RW drive upside-down on top of the power
supply in front of the DVD-RW drive, as shown in figure

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Kongsberg MP7600

Figure 17 Releasing the recorder hard-disk

5 Push the green coloured lock lever on the right side of the
recorder hard-disk accessed through a hole in the frame, to
release the hard-disk, as shown in figure above.
6 Slide the recorder hard-disk forward and lift upwards in the
back, and slide the hard-disk forward to release the hard-disk
from the frame.
7 Disconnect and remove the 2 off flat power- and data- cables
from the back of the hard-disk, as shown in figure above.
8 Carefully lift the hard-disc out of the frame.
9 Mark the hard-disk with a label describing the symptoms
observed, carefully pack in a shielding bag and place on a
secure place. Reassembly
1 Connect the 2 off flat power- and data- cables to the back of
the new hard-disk, as identified in figure above.
2 Slide the hard-disk into position in the disk frame, starting
to enter the slides (left and right) in the back, then enter the
slides (left and right) in the front, as shown in figure below:

32 302399/F
Corrective Maintenance

Figure 18 Sliding the recorder drive in position

3 Slide the hard-disk assembly forward until it clicks in

4 Install the DVD-RW drive, which is located upside-down
on top of the power supply, into its dedicated slides in the
5 Slide the DVD-RW drive forward until it clicks in position.
6 Verify proper operation. The hard-disk must then be
reloaded with backup data (see separate procedure).

4.1.6 How to replace a socket-mounted

PCI and PCIe card
The PCI sockets are the two white sockets, and the PCIe socket is
the black socket, refer to Cabinet interior on page 7.

No screws are to be unscrewed to replace an interface card, only
lifting the lever at the green coloured handle, which secures the
interface card to the main board.

The following steps must have been done before performing this

302399/F 33
Kongsberg MP7600

• The power to the MP7600 computer must have been turned

• The cable must be removed from the interface card to be
• Ensure that the new card is equal to the one listed in
recommended consumable spare part list.
• The kit must have been removed from the computer, as
described in How to remove MP7600 computer from Damper
kit on page 22.
• The cabinet lid must have been removed from the computer,
as described in How to remove cabinet lid on page 25. Disassembly
1 Seen from the front of the computer, at the back loosen the
locking lever for the PCI cards by lifting the lever at the
green coloured handle, as identified by figure below:

Figure 19 Removing a PCI card

2 Carefully pull the PCI (PCIe) card assembly to be replaced

upwards from the socket card and remove the card assembly.

34 302399/F
Corrective Maintenance

3 Mark the card with a label describing the symptoms

observed, carefully pack in a shielding bag and place on a
secure place. Reassembly
1 Check that all jumper and DIP settings of the new card are
set correctly before starting to reassemble.
2 Reassemble by performing steps 1 to 2, of the Disassembly
procedure, in reverse order.
3 If the card is a network card, you should perform the
Checking Network Cards procedure, else verify proper
operation of MP7600.

4.1.7 How to replace a socket-mounted

PCI in Blue Heat model
The Blue Heat- and Network- cards are inserted in an extra
chassis for fitting to the MP7600 computer.

The following steps must have been performed before performing

this procedure:
• The power to the MP7600 computer must have been turned
• The cable must be removed from the interface card to be
• Ensure that the new card is equal to the one listed in
recommended consumable spare part list.
• The kit must have been removed from the computer, as
described in How to remove MP7600 computer from Damper
kit on page 22.
• The cabinet lid must have been removed from the computer,
as described in How to remove cabinet lid on page 25.

302399/F 35
Kongsberg MP7600 Disassembly
1 Seen from the back of the computer, locate the handle for
lifting the extra chassis with interface cards, as identified
by figure below:

Figure 20 Locating the lifting handle

2 Carefully lift the extra chassis out of the computer chassis,

and place on a table.
3 Locate the PCI card to be replaced.
4 Carefully pull the PCI card assembly to be replaced upwards
from the socket card and remove the card assembly, see
figure below:

36 302399/F
Corrective Maintenance

5 Mark the card with a label describing the symptoms

observed, carefully pack in a shielding bag and place on a
secure place. Reassembly
1 Check that all jumper and DIP settings of the new card are
set correctly before starting to reassemble.
2 Reassemble by performing steps 1 to 4, of the Disassembly
procedure, in reverse order.
3 If the card is a network card, you should perform the
Checking Network Cards procedure, else verify proper
operation of MP7600.

4.1.8 How to replace a RAM memory card

The following steps must have been performed before performing
this procedure:
• The power to the MP7600 computer must have been turned
• Ensure that the RAM memory card is equal to the one listed in
recommended consumable spare part list.
• The kit must have been removed from the computer, as
described in How to remove MP7600 computer from Damper
kit on page 22.
• The cabinet lid must have been removed from the computer,
as described in How to remove cabinet lid on page 25.

302399/F 37
Kongsberg MP7600 Disassembly
1 Lift the power supply assembly and the DVD-RW assembly,
as described in Disassembly on page 28.
2 Locate the RAM memory card inside the computer.
3 Lift assemblies according to Disassembly on page 28.
4 Remove the RAM memory card by pressing the ejectors at
both ends of the memory card to release it from the socket,
see figure below:

Figure 21 Memory card sockets with ejectors

Memory Card Ejectors


5 Mark the memory module with a label describing the

symptoms observed, carefully pack in a shielding bag and
place on a secure place. Reassembly
1 Reassemble by performing step 1 to 3 of the Disassembly
procedure, in reverse order.
2 Verify proper operation of MP7600.

4.1.9 How to replace the Power Supply

The following steps must have been performed before performing
this procedure:
• The power to the MP7600 computer must have been turned
• Ensure that the new power supply module is equal to the one
listed in recommended consumable spare part list.
• The kit must have been removed from the computer, as
described in How to remove MP7600 computer from Damper
kit on page 22.
• The cabinet lid must have been removed from the computer,
as described in How to remove cabinet lid on page 25.

38 302399/F
Corrective Maintenance

An error with the power supply module should be handled by
Kongsberg Maritime Service Department only. Disassembly
1 Lift the power supply assembly and the DVD-RW assembly,
as described in Disassembly on page 28.
2 Disconnect 4 off power cables, refer to figure below:

Figure 22 Power cables

3 When cables are removed, slide the power supply module

out of the computer chassis by lifting upwards.

302399/F 39
Kongsberg MP7600

4 If necessary, use a cutter to remove the strips that keep the

cable bundles together.
5 Mark the power supply module with a label describing the
symptoms observed, carefully pack in a shielding bag and
place on a secure place. Reassembly
1 Reassemble by performing step 1 to 4 of the Disassembly
procedure, in reverse order.
2 Verify proper operation of MP7600.

4.1.10 How to replace the Filter

This procedure applies only to the MP7600 with LAN/CAN

The following steps must have been performed before performing

this procedure:
• The power to the MP7600 computer must have been turned
• Check that the new filter is equal to the one listed in
recommended consumable spare part list.
• The kit must have been removed from the computer, as
described in How to remove MP7600 computer from Damper
kit on page 22.
• The cabinet lid must have been removed from the computer,
as described in How to remove cabinet lid on page 25. Disassembly
1 The cabinet lid removed from the computer must be placed
upside down on a workbench.
2 Locate the filter inside the lid, refer to figure below:

40 302399/F
Corrective Maintenance

Figure 23 Filter location

3 Carefully remove the filter inside the lid by snapping it off

the lid. Reassembly

Figure 24 New filter

302399/F 41
Kongsberg MP7600

1 Reassemble by inserting a new filter onto the lid.

2 Verify proper installation and fastening of the filter.

4.1.11 How to replace CPU cooling fan and

Inlet fan
The following steps must have been performed before performing
this procedure:
• The power to the MP7600 computer must have been turned
• Check that the new fan is equal to the one listed in
recommended consumable spare part list.
• The kit must have been removed from the computer, as
described in How to remove MP7600 computer from Damper
kit on page 22.
• The cabinet lid must have been removed from the computer,
as described in How to remove cabinet lid on page 25.
• The Plastic cover, covering the inlet fan must have been
removed from inside the computer, see Figure 25.

Figure 25 Inside view of the computer

42 302399/F
Corrective Maintenance CPU cooling fan

1 Locate the CPU cooling fan assembly inside the computer,
see Figure 25 and Figure 26.
2 Unscrew 4 off spring-screws, one in each corner of the fan
assembly, see Figure 26 and Figure 27.

Figure 26 CPU cooling fan assembly

3 Lift the fan assembly carefully out of the computer.

4 Disconnect the power cable for the CPU fan from the
connector located on the motherboard of the computer, see
Figure 26.
5 Lay the CPU cooling fan assembly on a flat surface and
disconnect the fan from the fan assembly by unscrewing
4 off screws, one in each corner of the fan assembly, see
Figure 27.

302399/F 43
Kongsberg MP7600

Figure 27 CPU cooling fan

6 Mark the CPU cooling fan with a label describing the

symptoms observed, carefully pack in a shielding bag and
place on a secure place.

1 Screw the new CPU cooling fan to the fan assembly using
the 4 off screws, one in each corner on the fan, see Figure 27.
2 Connect the power cable to the connector located on the
motherboard of the computer, see Figure 26.
3 Screw the CPU cooling fan assembly to the computer by
using the 4 off spring-screws, one in each corner of the fan,
see Figure 27.
4 Insert the plastic cover inside the computer, covering the
inlet fan. Inlet fan

1 Locate the Inlet fan inside the computer, see Figure 25 and
Figure 28.

44 302399/F
Corrective Maintenance

Figure 28 Inlet fan

2 From outside of the computer, unscrew 4 off screws, one in

each corner of the fan assembly. see Figure 28.
3 Lift the fan assembly carefully out of the computer.
4 Disconnect the power cable for the inlet fan from the
connector located on the motherboard of the computer, see
Figure 28.
5 Mark the inlet fan with a label describing the symptoms
observed, carefully pack in a shielding bag and place on a
secure place.

1 Connect the power cable to the connector located on the
motherboard of the computer, see Figure 28.
2 From the outside of the computer, screw the inlet fan to the
computer by using the 4 off screws, one in each corner of
the fan, see Figure 28.
3 Insert the plastic cover inside the computer, covering the
inlet fan.

302399/F 45
Kongsberg MP7600

4.1.12 How to replace the CPU

An fault with the CPU should be handled by Kongsberg Maritime
Service Department.

4.1.13 How to replace the Main Board

An fault with the main board should be handled by Kongsberg
Maritime Service Department.

4.1.14 How to replace the Built-in Speaker

An fault with the built-in speaker should be handled by
Kongsberg Maritime Service Department.

4.1.15 How to replace a MP7600 computer

w/4 channel Blue Heat card with a new
MP7600 computer w/8 channel Blue Heat
The two computer types with Blue Heat cards are as follows:
• MP7600 computer with 4 channel Blue Heat card (MP7600
w/4 ch.)
• MP7600 computer with 8 channel Blue Heat card (MP7600
w/8 ch.)
The following steps must have been done before performing this
• Ensure that the new MP7600 computer has the correct 8
channel Blue Heat interface card.
• Ensure that the new termination board (green) is the correct
type, and the correct number termination boards are available.
• The power to the MP7600 computer must have been turned
This is how a typical MP7600 w/4 ch. looks like inside the
cabinet, where channel 1 and 2 are for RS232 and channel 3 and
4 are for RS422/485 on the old grey termination board:

46 302399/F
Corrective Maintenance

Figure 29 Typical MP7600 w/4 channel system (old termination board)

1 Unscrew and disconnect all the cables from the back of the
MP7600 computer.
2 Perform the procedure How to remove MP7600 computer
from Damper kit on page 22.
3 Then attach the new MP7600 computer with 8 channel Blue
Heat card, by reversing the steps in procedure referred in
step above.
4 Attach the cables to the back of the new computer.
5 Unscrew and disconnect the leads including the ground leads
from the 4 channels on the computer side of the termination
Channel 1 and 2 (RS232) uses 3 leads, and channel 3 and
4 (RS422/485) uses 5 leads.

6 Remove the disconnected cables from the cable tray.

7 Unscrew and disconnect leads including the ground leads
from the 4 channels on the field side of the termination
It is advisable to screw the leads including the ground leads
from the field side directly onto the new loose termination
boards (green termination boards) before removing the old
termination boards from the metal bar.

302399/F 47
Kongsberg MP7600

8 Remove the 4 off old termination boards by snapping

them off the metal bar, using a screwdriver at top of the
termination board, see figure below:

Figure 30 Disconnecting old termination board

9 Connect the Blue Heat cable to the Blue Heat connector

(78–pin) on back of the MP7600 computer, see
10 Snap-on the new termination boards, onto the metal bar.
The new termination boards are to be connected to reflect
the channels on the new 8 channel Blue Heat card, where
channel 1 through 4 are for RS232 and channel 5 through 8
are for RS422/485 (P1 to channel 1, P2 to channel 2, P5 to
channel 5 and P6 to channel 6).
Channel P3, P4 (RS232) and channel P7 and P8
(RS422/RS485) are for future use.

48 302399/F
Corrective Maintenance

Figure 31 Terminal board – new type

11 On the other side of the Blue Heat cable, screw the split
cables (P1 to P8) onto each connector (9–pin) on the
respective new termination boards.
The figure below is how a typical MP7600 w/8 ch. looks like
inside the cabinet (only channel 1 shown and connected).

Figure 32 Typical MP7600 w/8 channel system (new terminal board)

12 If more termination boards are to be connected, perform

steps 10 and forward.

302399/F 49
Kongsberg MP7600

13 Lay the split cables inside the cable tray and snap-on the
14 If applicable, turn on power to the MP7600 computer and
close the cabinet door.

50 302399/F
Replaceable Parts and Consumables


This section contains lists of replaceable parts, recommended
spare parts and consumables used in MP7600. Replacement
procedures for the listed parts are mainly described in the
Corrective maintenance chapter. No replacement procedures are
normally supplied for the consumables.

5.1 Replaceable basic parts and recommended

spare parts
The table shows replaceable basic parts and recommended spare

Table 3 Replaceable parts and recommended spare parts for the computer

List Recommended
Ident Part Name as Spare Part Part Number
1 Power Supply, 381024-001 X 302263
2 Motherboard, 381028-001 302264
3 System Hard-disc drive 80GB X 302265
SATA-3G, 391945-001
4 Recorder Hard-disc drive 160GB SATA 312200
WD1600BEVS (for HS/DP-Recorder
5 16X DVD-RW drive, 390882-001 302266
6 Memory DIMM, 512MB, PC2-4200 X 302267
CL4, 393393-001
7 Heat sink with cooling fan, 382024-001 302268
8 Intel Pentium 4 630 processor - 3.0GHz 302269
800MHz front side bus, 2MB Level-2
casocket 775, 392273-001
9 Dual LAN; Intel Pro/1000 MT Dual 302270
Port Server Bulk, PWLA8492MTBLK5
10 Serial Port 2ND DC7600 / DC7100 302271
11 4-screen graphic card; MATROX QID 302273
QID-E128LPA (for 4-screen model)
12 2-screen graphic card; Matrox 302274
Millenium G550 32MB Dual Head
PCI-Express 1x, Low Profile,
G55-MDDE32LPD (for NAV model)

302399/F 51
Kongsberg MP7600

Table 3 Replaceable parts and recommended spare parts for the computer (cont’d.)

List Recommended
Ident Part Name as Spare Part Part Number
13 DY674A Intel DVI ADD2 SDVO 302275
(PCIe) adapter for DC7600, 361264-001
14 Single LAN; Broadcom NetXtreme 302322
Gigabit PCIe NIC, EA833AA (for
LAN/CAN models)
15 RIC2 card, low profile (optional for 6200455
MP7600 NAV)
16 Serial interface; Blue Heat PCI/4; 2 (obsolete) 701058
ports RS232, 2 ports RS422/485 (for
Blue Heat models)
17 Serial interface; Blue Heat PSI (obsolete) 308845
RS422/485; 4 ports RS232, 4 ports
RS422/485 (for Blue Heat models)
18 Termination Board; 9–pins D-sub for 309044
screw terminals (for 8 channel Blue
Heat card)
19 Inlet fan, Type: 392185-001 312278
20 CPU cooling fan, Type: 381866-001 312281
21 Serial interface; Bluestorm/SP 320372
Universal PCI serial card; 8 ports
switchable RS232/422/485.

5.2 Consumables

Table 4 Consumables

List Recommended
Ident. Part Name as Spare Part Part Number
1 System Backup DVD X 301862
2 Filter for MP7600 computer, for X 303078
LAN/CAN models

52 302399/F
Replaceable Parts and Consumables

302399/F 53
©2008 Kongsberg Maritime

Ko n g s b e r g M a r it im e A S
P. O. Bo x 4 8 3 Te le p h o n e : + 4 7 3 2 2 8 5 0 0 0
N- 3 6 0 1 K o n g s b e r g , Te le fa x : + 4 7 3 2 2 8 5 0 1 0
No r w a y S e r v ic e : + 4 7 8 1 5 3 5 3 5 5
w w w .k o n g s b e r g .co m

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