Data Collection Hadeeer
Data Collection Hadeeer
Data Collection Hadeeer
Faculty of nursing
Nursing Administration
Doctoral degree
first semester
: Under supervision
/ Preapered by
Hadeer Hamdy
Seham Nassar
Out Lines:
1. Introduction
A - Physiologic Methods
B- Observational Methods
C- Interviews Methods
6. References
The phenomena in which researchers are interested must be translated into concept
that can be measured, observed or recorded. so data collection method is very
important in the research process.
some data collection method require more subjective judgment than other as
Sources of Data
In short, the sources of data are physical or digital places where information is
. stored in data table, data object, or some other storage format
Data can be gathered from two places: internal and external sources. The
information collected from internal sources is called “primary data,”for
example (case study, interview, and questionnaire)
1 - Physiologic Methods:
Much of medical and nursing researches are oriented towards the physiologic
dimension of health. So it requires measurement of such variables as hand washing,
physical care practices and so on. Not all physiologic variables could be easily
measured so the researcher must be imaginative and creative. It used for measuring
both dependent and independent variables.
Types of variables to be measured by physiologic methods:
4- Low cost
3- Energy must often be applied to the organism when physiologic
2 – Observational Methods
A- Unstructured observations
Ragneskog, Gerdner, Josefsson, and Kihlren (1998) studied antecedents to
expressed agitation in nursing home patients with dementia. Their analysis
was based on 60 videotaped sequences of nine patients exhibiting agitated.
B - Structured Observations:
Recording of observations:
The checklist:
Rating scales:
Rating scale can be used for observation as well as self report. It allows the
researcher to rate the behavior or event on a scale such as:
3- Interviews Methods:
Structured interview:
Unstructured interview:
The researcher wants to understand how the subjects view the event or
behavior and express it in their own words. It could be the first step to develop
a structured observation checklist usually used in exploratory study.
1-Personal interview: In this way meet person face to face and secure
information from them.
Disadvantages: -
It costly
Require considerable planning and interview training.
Involve a lot of personal time.
1. Less costly.
Disadvantages: -
1. Less effective
4- Questionnaires: -
2. It is economical.
Disadvantages: -
1. Questionnaires not appropriate for surveying certain population e.g. (child,
Self-administered questionnaire:
Large numbers covered.
Good response to sensitive questions.
No observer bias.
Simple method of obtaining data.
Rapid & efficient method of gathering data
Ability to gather data from a wide sample.
Are inexpensive to distribute.
Data from close ended items relatively easily tabulated.
Can remain anonymous.
It is a simple procedure for exploring a new topic.
Questions can be flexible concerning the type& order of items.
Don't necessarily require the presence of the researcher.
Can be used without any person to person contact.
Printing may be costly if the question is lengthy or printed on high quality
Some items may be misunderstood.
The samples limited to those who are literate.
The researcher cannot observe the respondent's nonverbal cues.
There is no possibility of follow up when the respondent is promised
Interviewing questionnaire:
It is the same questionnaire except the interviewer verbal asks question to the
Needs more time and resources
Response might be affected by the presence of the interviewer
Difficulty with sensitive questions
Interviewer bias might be present
Difficult analysis of open-ended questions.
Open-ended questions:
The open-ended questions allow the respondent to answer the questions with
an appropriate response in his/her own words.
Enough space must be left for the respondent to write down his answers.
The respondent speaks in his own way & without influence from the
It is more realistic & truthful
Allow the respondent to give some details & depth to express his feeling
Difficult to tabulate
It is analysis is time consuming
May be misunderstood
Ex: what did you do when you discovered you had AIDS?
The number of option or answers should be short from 2-answers
The respondent has no opportunity to express an opinion
Choices may include ascending or descending scales, quantity and
quality, a variety of opinions or yes or no
2- divorced 5- separated
List may contain important items which respondent might not remember.
Harmful effects.
One important decision concerns who will collect the data. In many
studies, the researcher hires assistants to collect data rather than doing it
personally, the critical issues are whether the people collecting data might
have introduced any biases and whether they were able to produce valid
and accurate data. In any research endeavor, adequate training of data
collectors is essential.
In evaluating the data collection plan of a study, then you should critically
appraise not only the actual methods chosen but also the procedures used
to collect the data.
■ What instruments or tools were used?
a score for analysis. As a result, a clear understanding of how and where the
data was collected, the description of the instrument (tool) that was used, and
how the results were analyzed statistically is essential.
1. Polit D, (2003), Nursing Research, 6th edition, Lippincott Company,
New York, P.P (260-297).
2. Leedy, Paul and Jeanne Ellis Ormrod (2004). Practical research:
Planning and design (8th Edition). A leading text.