New Challenges 2 Second Period 2021.2022

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FIELD: Languages and Communication
Subject: English VII
Second period - 36 hours

Language Total
Class VII Culture Portfolio
grammar functions

40% 30% 20% 10%

36 hours
14 hours 11 hours 7 hours 4 hours
Key Competences Learning Outcomes
The student:
 shares ideas and listens to all members of the group.
 plans a charity concert and makes decisions together with other group members.
 takes part and contributes in class and school activities.
 uses internet as a resource.
 connects the new information with the previous one.
 asks and answer questions for issues he/she is not very certain about.
 shows self confidence in performing simple tasks or duties
 uses his/her European Language Portfolio (ELP) to document his/her work and plan his/her learning
 uses IT skills in project presentations.

Subject Competences Learning Outcomes

The student:
 talks about appearance, fashion and clothes
 talks about mysteries using simple sentence structures
 links groups of words and expressions with simple connectors.
 writes simple paragraphs about famous film stars.
 uses simple structures of present perfect and future tense for predictions correctly but still may make some mistakes.
 uses grammatically and lexically correct sentences.
 learns about and uses correctly the Past Continuous.
 listens for details in short dialogues and stories.
 guesses the meaning of the story through pictures or tittle.
 Writes a short blog or diary
Nr. Topics Topics per hour Learning situations and students Assessment Resources
1. Get ready- Speaking 1. Strange moments  group work  observation  studentbook
MYSTERIES 2. Special Powers-  pair work  assessing  workbook
4 10 hours Reading Teacher presents students  brainstorming answers  picture
with the following  questions and  assessing dictionary
situations: answers group work  CD
3. Grammar- Past a. Two students are in assessing
 gap filling   Internet
Continuous, WB a place with no maps
 matching home work  Digital
exercises or directions. How
exercises  using platform
4. Game; Time out! should they find
 Quiz checklists  Posters,
where to go?
b. two students  Pre/while/after  self- photos
6. True Stories-
encounter a ghost- listening assessment  ELP
Reading, Listening,
Act a dialogue. activities  peer-
7. Possessive
c. Telepathy. Students assessment
adjectives and
pronouns; speaking; may invent their
WB exercises strange situations as
well using the
9. The Ghost Tour-
information in the
Reading & Listening
book or stories that
10. Speaking- Showing
they might have
Interest; WB
heard or seen in
exercises; Time out!
12. Writing a ghost story
13. Grammar;some-any
Study Corner &
WB Exercises

12 hours 1. Get Ready-Speaking 1. Stars  group work  observation  studentbook
2. Child Stars- Reading  pair work  assessing  workbook
& Speaking Students choose one  brainstorming answers  picture
movie star and pretend to
3. Grammar-can/have be him/her. The others  questions and  assessing dictionary
to; WB exercises; interview him/her and ask answers group work  CD
Time out! different questions about  gap filling  assessing  Internet
4. Circus Oz-Reading their childhood.  matching home work  Digital
& Speaking The learning situation exercises  using platform
5. Street Life- Reading might continue in other  pre/while/after checklists  Posters,
& Speaking classes where students writing  self- photos
6. Listening; Time out; might predict their future activities assessment  ELP
WB exercises as the movie star they
7. Across Cultures
2. Charity Concert
8. Project
Students plan, design,
organize a charity concert
in English. The decide
9. Study Corner& how to spend the money
Grammar Exercises they raised (For what
10. Reinforcement- good purpose or charity).

11. European Language

Portfolio (ELP)
12. European Language
Portfolio (ELP)

6 LOOKS 6. Get ready-Speaking;  group work  observation  studentbook

14 hours Game 1. Appearance  pair work  assessing  workbook
7. Changes- Reading &  brainstorming answers  picture
Listening Students describe each
 questions and  assessing dictionary
other`s outer appearance
8. Grammar- Present answers group work  CD
using different adjectives
Perfect;Speaking and expressions. They  gap filling  assessing  Internet
9. WB exercises; Time also try to compare  matching home work  Digital
11. Street Styles- themselves with what they exercises  using platform
Reading looked like when they  pre/while/after checklists  Posters,
12. Speaking; Time were kids. This learning writing  self- photos
out;WB exercises situation may continue in activities assessment  ELP
the next classes by  test
14. Shopping- Reading bringing photos of people
& Listening wearing different looks
15. Speaking; WB and describing them.
exercises; Time out!
17. Reinforcement- 2. Let`s Shop
Teacher presents different
shopping situations for
18. Test
students, put them in
20. Writing a Diary groups and they prepare
Blog and act dialogues.
21. Grammar-must; WB a. You and your friend
exercises are going to buy a
13. Study Corner ; present for one of
Project your friends who has
14. European Langauge his birthday.
Portfolio (ELP) b. you and your mother
are going to buy new
curtains for your
living room. ect

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