New Challenges 2 Second Period 2021.2022
New Challenges 2 Second Period 2021.2022
New Challenges 2 Second Period 2021.2022
FIELD: Languages and Communication
Subject: English VII
Second period - 36 hours
Language Total
Class VII Culture Portfolio
grammar functions
36 hours
14 hours 11 hours 7 hours 4 hours
Key Competences Learning Outcomes
The student:
shares ideas and listens to all members of the group.
plans a charity concert and makes decisions together with other group members.
takes part and contributes in class and school activities.
uses internet as a resource.
connects the new information with the previous one.
asks and answer questions for issues he/she is not very certain about.
shows self confidence in performing simple tasks or duties
uses his/her European Language Portfolio (ELP) to document his/her work and plan his/her learning
uses IT skills in project presentations.
12 hours 1. Get Ready-Speaking 1. Stars group work observation studentbook
2. Child Stars- Reading pair work assessing workbook
& Speaking Students choose one brainstorming answers picture
movie star and pretend to
3. Grammar-can/have be him/her. The others questions and assessing dictionary
to; WB exercises; interview him/her and ask answers group work CD
Time out! different questions about gap filling assessing Internet
4. Circus Oz-Reading their childhood. matching home work Digital
& Speaking The learning situation exercises using platform
5. Street Life- Reading might continue in other pre/while/after checklists Posters,
& Speaking classes where students writing self- photos
6. Listening; Time out; might predict their future activities assessment ELP
WB exercises as the movie star they
7. Across Cultures
2. Charity Concert
8. Project
Students plan, design,
organize a charity concert
in English. The decide
9. Study Corner& how to spend the money
Grammar Exercises they raised (For what
10. Reinforcement- good purpose or charity).