Lopez Suctioning v2.0
Lopez Suctioning v2.0
Lopez Suctioning v2.0
Rate the student's performance by checking the appropriate box using the following criteria:
5 - Excellent (Carries out procedures efficiently, systematically and independently/Personality trait is observed at all times)
4 - Very Satisfactory (Carries out procedures efficiently and systematically but requires minimal guidance and
supervision/Personality trait is observed at all times)
3 - Satisfactory (Carries out the procedures efficiently and systematically but requires moderate guidance and
supervision/Personality trait is observed at all times)
2 - Fair (Carries out the procedures efficiently and systematically but requires close guidance and supervision/Personality
trait is observed at all times)
1 - Poor (Carries out the procedures inefficiently, unsystematically even under close guidance and supervision/Personality
trait is observed at all times)
0 - Not done
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 0
1. Assess signs and symptoms of upper and lower airway
obstruction including wheezes, crackles, or gurgling on
inspiration or expiration, restlessness, ineffective
coughing, absent or diminished breath sounds, tachypnea,
cyanosis, decreased level of consciousness.
2. Assess for signs of respiratory distress
1. Prepares necessary equipment and supplies.
Suction catheter which is appropriate size for client:
Infants: 5-8 Fr
Children: 8-10 Fr
Adults: 12-18 Fr
Suction Apparatus:
Wall Unit:
Neonates: 60-80 mmHg
Infant: 80-125 mmHg
Children: 80-125 mmHg
Adolescent: 80-150 mmHg
Adults: 100-150 mmHg
Sterile disposable gloves, mask, googles, face shield
Sterile water or normal saline approximately 100 mL in a
glass container or basin
Connecting tubes (6 feet) and collecting bottle
Clean towel/ Water proof pad
If not using closed-suction catheter
Water-soluble lubricant
Small Y adapter if catheter does not have a suction port
Sterile basin
Sterile normal saline solution
Collection Receptacle
Total Score:
*Total points shall be transmuted using the table for 100 pts. Passing cut-off point is 65.
Interpretation: __________________________
Evaluator: Conforme: