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Paracetamol It exhibits analgesic action by Mild to moderate pain and Hypersensitivity Thrombocytopenia,
peripheral blockage of pain fever Severe hepatic impariement leucopenia, neutropenia,
impulse generation. It produce or acitive liver disease angioedema, nausea,
antipyresis by inhibiting the vomiting, hepatotoxicity,
hypothalamic-heat regulating acute renal tubular, Stevens-
centre. Its weak anti- Johnson syndrome,
inflammatory activity is related agranulocytosis,
to inhibition of prostaglandin pancytopenia,
synthesis in the CNS methaemoglobinaemia
Piperacillin+Tazobactam Piperacillin inhibits bacterial Nosocomial pneumonia; Hypersensitivity GI effects such as diarrhea,
septum formation and cell wall complicated intra-abdominal History of acute severe nausea, pruritus, decrease in
synthesis in susceptible infection; complicated allergic reaction to other hemoglobin and hematocrit
bacteria, while Tazobactam is a urinary tract infections; skin beta-lactam active
penicillanic acid sulfone and soft tissue infection substances
derivative with beta-lactamase
inhibitory properties. In
combination, tazobactam
enhances the activity of
Rosuvastatin It is a selective and competitive hyperlipidemia Acute liver diease or Headache, dizziness, severe
inhibitor of HMG-CoA unexplained persistent rhabdomyolysis with acute
reductase, the rate-limiting elevated serum renal failure, nausea,
enzyme in cholesterol transaminase; sever renal vomiting, abdominal pain
synthesis. It increases the impairment
number of hepatic LDL
receptors on cell synthesis
Flumucil It exerts its mucolytic action Acute and chronic Hypersensitivity Hypersensitivity reactions
through its free sulfhydryl respiratory tract infection including anaphylactic shock,
group, which opens the with abundant mucus anaphylactic/anaphylacoid
disulfide bonds and lowers secretions due to acute reaction, bronchospasm,
mucus viscosity. bronchitis, chronic bronchitis angioedema.
& its exacerbation,
pulmonary emphysema,
Paracetamol It exhibits analgesic action by Mild to moderate pain and Hypersensitivity Thrombocytopenia,
peripheral blockage of pain fever Severe hepatic impariement leucopenia, neutropenia,
impulse generation. It produce or acitive liver disease angioedema, nausea,
antipyresis by inhibiting the vomiting, hepatotoxicity,
hypothalamic-heat regulating acute renal tubular, Stevens-
centre. Its weak anti- Johnson syndrome,
inflammatory activity is related agranulocytosis,
to inhibition of prostaglandin pancytopenia,
synthesis in the CNS methaemoglobinaemia
Streptomycin Inhibits bacterial protein Moderate to severe infection Hypersensitvity Neurotoxic reaction such as
synthesis by binding directly to aganist Streptomyces optic nerve dysfunction,
the 30S ribosomal subunits griseus; bacterial peripheral neuritis,
causing faulty peptide endocarditis encephalopathy. Paresthesia
sequence to form in the of face, rash, angioneurotic
protein chain edema, respiratory paralysis
from neuromuscular
Fluconazole Inhibits the fungal CYP450 For candidiasis infection Hypersensitivity QT interval prolongation,
mediated alpha-lanesterol agranulocytosis,
demethylation, thereby pancytopenia,
decreasing ergosterol Thrombocytopenia,
biosynthesis and inhibiting leucopenia, neutropenia,
fungal cell membrane angioedema, nausea,
formation vomiting, hepatotoxicity,
Pyrazinamide It converts to pyrazinoic acid Tuberculosis infection Hypersensitivity, severe Hyperuricaemia, nausea,
and lowers the pH of the hepatic impairment vomiting, thrombocytopenia,
environment until it is below
the necessary for growth
Ethambutol Inhibits synthesis of bacterial Tuberculosis Hypersensitivity, optic and Optic neuritis, visual
metabolites hence inhibiting retrobulbar neuroitis disturbances,
cellular metabolism and thrombocytopenia,
multiplication leucopenia, neutropenia,
nausea, vomiting,
Rifampicin Suppresses initiation of chian Tuberculosis Hypersensitivity, px with Facial flushing and itching,
formation of RNA synthesis by jaundice nausea, vomiting,
binding to the beta subunit of hepatotoxicity
DNA-dependent RNA
Isoniazid Inhibits the synthesis of Tuberculosis Hypersensitivity, px with Peripheral neuritis, optic
mycologic acids which results acute liver disease neuritis, convulsion, nausea,
in loss of acid-fastness and vomiting
disruption of the bacterial cell
Valprioc Acid It exhibit antiepileptic activity seizure Active liver disease Headache, nausea, vomiting,
and is related to increased diarrhea
brain levels of GABA
Paracetamol It exhibits analgesic action by Mild to moderate pain and Hypersensitivity Thrombocytopenia,
peripheral blockage of pain fever Severe hepatic impariement leucopenia, neutropenia,
impulse generation. It produce or acitive liver disease angioedema, nausea, vomiting,
antipyresis by inhibiting the hepatotoxicity, acute renal
hypothalamic-heat regulating tubular, Stevens- Johnson
centre. Its weak anti- syndrome, agranulocytosis,
inflammatory activity is pancytopenia,
related to inhibition of methaemoglobinaemia
prostaglandin synthesis in the
Calcium Carbonate It acts as an antacid by Hypocalcemia and calcium Patients with hypercalcaemia Constipation, flatulence,
neutralising gastric acidity deficiency states, hyper resulting from myeloma, bone Hypercalcaemia,
resulting in increased gastric and acidity metastases, or other malignant hypophosphataemia, milk-alkali
duodenal pH. It inhibits bone disease, sarcoidosis, syndrome, Abdominal pain,
proteolytic activity of pepsin if the primary hyperparathyroidism, diarrhoea, hyperacidity (acid
pH is increased >4 and increase vitamin D overdosage, long rebound), nausea, vomiting,
lower esophageal sphincter tone. term immobilisation xerostomia., Anorexia, Headache
Additionally, it forms insoluble accompanied by
complex with dietary phosphate, hypercalcaemia and/or
thereby reducing phosphate hypercalciuria; severe
absorption in patients with hypercalciuria, calci-lithiasis,
chronic kidney disease and renal calculi. Severe renal
failure untreated by renal
Ranolazine Exert its antianginal and anti- Stable angina Concomitant admin w/ potent QT interval prolongation, acute
ischaemic effects through CYP3A4 inhibitors, CYP3A4 renal failure, nausea, constipation,
concentration-, voltage-, and inducers and class 1A or class III dizziness, headache, palpitations,
frequency-dependent inhibition antiarrhythmics other than tinnitus, vertigo, dry mouth,
of the late Na current and other amiodarone. Moderate to abdominal pain, vomiting,
cardiac ion channels and severe hepatic and severe renal peripheral oedema, dyspnoea,
transporters. It may decrease the impairment (CrCl <30 mL/min) bradycardia, haematuria,
magnitude of the late Na current paraesthesia, hypotension, blurred
resulting in a net reduction in vision.
intracellular Na concentrations,
reversal of Ca overload,
restoration of ventricular pump
function, and prevention of
ischaemia-induced arrhythmias.
Its antianginal effects are not
dependent upon reductions in
heart rate or BP and QT interval
prolongation effect is caused by
inhibition of rapid delayed
rectifier K current (IKr), which
prolongs the ventricular action
Pradaxa It is a potent, competitive, Prevention of stroke, systemic Severe renal impairment (CrCl Anemia, thrombocytopenia;
reversible and direct thrombin embolism & reduction of <30 mL/min). Hemorrhagic hypersensitivity including urticaria,
inhibitor and is the main active vascular mortality in patients manifestations, patients w/ rash & pruritus, bronchospasm,
principle in plasma. Since w/ atrial fibrillation. For acute bleeding diathesis, or angioedema, anaphylactic
thrombin (serine protease) deep vein thrombosis (DVT) spontaneous or reaction; intracranial hemorrhage;
enables the conversion of &/or pulmonary embolism (PE) pharmacological impairment of hematoma, hemorrhage; epistaxis,
fibrinogen into fibrin during the & prevention of related death hemostasis. Organ lesions at hemoptysis; GI hemorrhage &
coagulation cascade, its inhibition risk of clinically significant ulcer, abdominal pain, diarrhea,
prevents the development of bleeding including hemorrhagic dyspepsia, nausea,
thrombus.  stroke w/in the last 6 mth. gastroesophagitis, GERD, vomiting,
Concomitant treatment w/ dysphagia; abnormal hepatic
systemic ketoconazole. function; skin & urogenital
Prosthetic heart valve hemorrhage, hemarthrosis;
replacement. hematuria; inj, catheter & incision
site hemorrhage; traumatic
Metoclopramide It stimulates the motility of the Nausea and vomiting Patient with gastrointestinal Dystonic reactions, akathisia,
upper gastrointestinal tract and perforation, haemorrhage or parkinsonian symptoms, tardive
accelerates gastric peristalsis mechanical obstruction, dyskinesia,
without stimulating gastric, biliary suspected or known methaemoglobinaemia, circulatory
or pancreatic secretions, leading pheochromocytoma or other collapse, severe bradycardia,
to increased gastric emptying and catecholamine-releasing cardiac arrest, QT prolongation,
intestinal transit time. It blocks paragangliomas, history of sinus arrest, torsades de pointes.
dopamine receptors and neuroleptic or drug-induced depression, suicidal ideation;
serotonin receptors (at higher tardive dyskinesia, seizure gynaecomastia, galactorrhoea,
doses) in chemoreceptor trigger disorder (e.g. epilepsy), amenorrhoea and impotence
zone of the CNS. Parkinson’s disease, known secondary to hyperprolactinaemia,
history of
methaemoglobinaemia with
metoclopramide or
nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide-cytochrome b5
reductase (NADH-Cyb5R)
deficiency. Concomitant use
with drugs which may cause
extrapyramidal reactions (e.g.
antipsychotics, levodopa).
Children <1 year.
Carvedilol  Carvedilol is a non-selective β- Hypertension Patient with decompensated Hypotension with or without
blocker. It reduces peripheral heart failure requiring IV syncope,bradycardia,  Anaemia.
vascular resistance by selective inotropic treatment, bronchial Cardiac disorders: Dyspnoea,
α1 receptor blockade and asthma or related pulmonary oedema., Visual
suppresses renin-angiotensin bronchospastic conditions, 2nd- impairment, eye irritation, dry eye,
system through non-selective β- or 3rd-degree AV block without Nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting,
blockade. Carvedilol has weak permanent pacemaker, severe dyspepsia, abdominal pain.
membrane stabilising properties bradycardia (<50 bpm), sick hypotension, peripheral vascular
and has no intrinsic sinus syndrome, cardiogenic disease.
sympathomimetic activity. shock, untreated
phaeochromocytoma, Severe
hepatic impairment.
Amiodarone  Its main effect is to delay Supraventricular and Evidence or history of thyroid Bradycardia, hypotension,
repolarisation by prolonging the ventricular arrhythmia dysfunction, iodine sensitivity, peripheral neuropathy.
action potential duration (APD) severe resp failure, circulatory Nervous: Benign intracranial
and effective refractory period collapse, severe hypotension, pressure, paraesthesia, tremor,
(ERP) in myocardial tissues. cardiogenic shock, sinus nightmares, sleeplessness,
Additionally, it inhibits bradycardia, SA heart block; headache, ataxia.
transmembrane influx of Na via 2nd or 3rd degree AV block,
fast channels, decreasing the severe conduction disturbances
maximal rate of depolarisation (e.g. high grade AV block,
similar to class I. It is a non- bifascicular/trifascicular block),
competitive inhibitor of α- and β- sinus node disease (except in
adrenergic actions as that of class patient w/ pacemaker).
II. Lastly, it produces negative Lactation. 
chronotropic effect in nodal
tissues similar to class IV.
Insuline Glargine It regulates carbohydrate, protein Diabetes Mellitus Hypoglycaemia; IV route. Hypoglycaemia; oedema; pruritus;
and fat metabolism by inhibiting rash; hypersensitivity reactions;
hepatic glucose production and lipoatrophy or lipohypertrophy
lipolysis, and enhancing with SC Inj (rotate Inj site).
peripheral glucose disposal.
Domperidone It is a peripheral dopamine- Nausea and vomiting
receptor blocker. It increases
oesophageal peristalsis, lower
oesophageal sphincter pressure,
gastric motility and peristalsis,
and enhances gastroduodenal
coordination, thereby facilitating
gastric emptying and decreasing
small bowel transit time
Paracetamol It exhibits analgesic action by Mild to moderate pain and Hypersensitivity Thrombocytopenia,
peripheral blockage of pain fever Severe hepatic impariement leucopenia, neutropenia,
impulse generation. It produce or acitive liver disease angioedema, nausea,
antipyresis by inhibiting the vomiting, hepatotoxicity,
hypothalamic-heat regulating acute renal tubular, Stevens-
centre. Its weak anti- Johnson syndrome,
inflammatory activity is related agranulocytosis,
to inhibition of prostaglandin pancytopenia,
synthesis in the CNS methaemoglobinaemia
Diazepam  It binds to stereospecific Sever anxiety, insomnia, Acute or chronic severe Withdrawal symptoms (e.g.
benzodiazepine receptors on the adjunct in seizures respiratory insufficiency, rebound insomnia and anxiety,
postsynaptic gamma-aminobutyric respiratory depression, panic, palpitations, sweating,
acid (GABA) neuron in different myasthenia gravis, sleep paranoid psychosis, epileptic
regions of the central nervous apnoea, severe hepatic attacks, delirium), anterograde
system, e.g. brain and spinal cord insufficiency, acute narrow- amnesia, paradoxical reactions
thereby, increasing the inhibitory angle glaucoma, phobic or (e.g. restlessness, agitation,
effects of GABA which is involved obsessional states, chronic irritability, aggressiveness,
in sleep induction, control of psychosis, hyperkinesis, acute delusion, rages, nightmares,
hypnosis, memory, anxiety, porphyria. Avoid alcohol. Infants psychoses), habituation, drug
epilepsy and neuronal excitability. <6 months dependence
Amlodipine It reduces peripheral vascular Hypertension, Chronic stable Severe hypotension, cardiogenic Peripheral oedema,
resistance and BP by relaxing angine shock, left ventricular outflow hypotension, angina/MI.
coronary vascular smooth muscle tract obstruction (e.g. high-
and coronary vasodilation through grade aortic stenosis), heart
inhibition of Ca ion failure after acute MI.
transmembrane influx into cardiac
and vascular smooth muscles.
Atorvastatin Selectively and competitively Hypercholesterolarmia Acute liver disease, Myopathy, myalgia, diabetes
inhibits HMG-CoA reductase, the pregnancy, unexplained mellitus, persistent serum
enzyme that catalyses the persistent serum transaminase elevation
conversion of HMG-CoA to
transaminase elevation
produce mevalonate. The
reduction of mevalonate
production results to a
compensatory increase in the
expression of LDL receptors and
stimulation of LDL catabolism,
consequently lowering LDL-
cholesterol levels.
Pantoprazole It  is a substituted benzimidazole Gastro-oesophageal reflux Concomitant use with rilpivirine  Hypomagnesaemia, cutaneous
gastric antisecretory agent and is disease and atazanavir. lupus erythematosus, SLE,
also known as proton pump osteoporosis-related fractures,
inhibitor (PPI). It blocks the final fundic gland polyp,
step in gastric acid secretion by carcinoma, Clostridium difficile-
specific inhibition of associated diarrhoea, interstitial
H+/K+ adenosine triphosphatase nephritis, Vitamin B12 deficiency
(ATPase) enzyme system present (long-term therapy),
on the secretory surface of the gastrointestinal infection (e.g.
gastric parietal cell. Both basal and salmonella, Campylobacter).
stimulated acid are inhibited.
Onset: 2.5 hours (oral); 15-30
minutes (IV).
Citicoline It is a naturally occurring Cerebrovascular disorders; Head Hypertonia of the : Bradycardia, tachycardia.
endogenous nucleoside involved in injury; Parkinson’s disease; parasympathetic nervous
the biosynthesis of lecithin. It Cognitive disorder system.
increases the synthesis of
phosphatidylcholine (main
neuronal membrane phospholipid)
and enhances acetylcholine
production. It is also claimed that
it increases blood flow and oxygen
consumption in the brain.
Metoprolol Metoprolol selectively inhibits β1- Hypertension 2nd or 3rd degree Bradycardia, atrioventricular
adrenergic receptors but has little atrioventricular block, block, hypotensio
or no effect on β2-receptors except decompensated cardiac failure,
severe bradycardia, sick-sinus
in high doses. It does not exhibit
syndrome (without pacemaker),
membrane stabilising or intrinsic
untreated phaeochromocytoma,
sympathomimetic activity.
severe peripheral arterial
disease, and cardiogenic shock.
Ranolazine Exert its antianginal and anti- Stable angina Concomitant admin w/ potent QT interval prolongation, acute
ischaemic effects through CYP3A4 inhibitors, CYP3A4 renal failure, nausea,
concentration-, voltage-, and inducers and class 1A or class III constipation, dizziness,
frequency-dependent inhibition of antiarrhythmics other than headache, palpitations, tinnitus,
the late Na current and other amiodarone. Moderate to vertigo, dry mouth, abdominal
cardiac ion channels and severe hepatic and severe renal pain, vomiting, peripheral
transporters. It may decrease the impairment (CrCl <30 mL/min) oedema, dyspnoea, bradycardia,
magnitude of the late Na current haematuria, paraesthesia,
resulting in a net reduction in hypotension, blurred vision.
intracellular Na concentrations,
reversal of Ca overload,
restoration of ventricular pump
function, and prevention of
ischaemia-induced arrhythmias. Its
antianginal effects are not
dependent upon reductions in
heart rate or BP and QT interval
prolongation effect is caused by
inhibition of rapid delayed rectifier
K current (IKr), which prolongs the
ventricular action potential.

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