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Support Sonicore

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Some important and useful "A capacity limit of your DSP card Optimization Tips - Windows
has been reached"
hints Virtual Memory
Windows XP 32Bit "Disable write-behind caching
General remarks for all drives"
Troubleshooting The Drivers dialog Read Ahead
Graphics Cards Wave Setup VCACHE parameter
PCI Bus Overclocking MIDI Setup Defragmentation
Noise when switching the For improved performance BIOS Settings
computer on or off
Known bugs Hardware Conflicts - Windows
Error messages The Hotline
XTC functionality
adr 0xxxx reads 0x... or data 0xyyy
reads 0xzzz Deinstalling Software And Warranty and Disclaimer
‘PCI capacity limit reached’ Drivers
"Timeout - waiting for 1. Deinstalling the program
acknowledge from dsp xy" / 'Mega software - Windows
Panic' 2. Deinstalling the drivers -
"no more S/TDM connections " Windows

Support Main Table of Contents Contents Index 1

Support Some important and useful hints

This chapter is under constant - If you have important work in progress, - While PlugIns are loading, it may at
revision. To ensure that you have the we recommend you complete it before times appear as if all activity has come
most recent version, visit our website proceeding with the installation of the to a halt – even the cursor does not move.
at http://www.soniccore.com and go new software. Please be patient! If you’re starting to
to the Download->Manuals section. wonder whether anything is still
You’ll also find a Readme file on the - Save your work regularly! When you happening, you can try moving a window
installation CD. It contains information create individual device settings, save with the mouse. If you can’t get it to move,
that, for time reasons, does not appear them as ‘Presets’ . then the system is still busy. Wait until
in this chapter. the window suddenly moves by itself
- Load only modules you are actually (Windows ‚remembers‘ your mouse
The Support chapter contains using. Each loaded plug-in requires DSP actions, and responds to them when it
information that applies to all power. can).
products in the SCOPE 5 family.
- Pay attention to ‘Sample Rate
In this chapter pathnames are Settings’! A correct word-clock master/
specified relative to the software’s slave configuration is essential,
installation directory. especially when using external digital
Example: If you own Pulsar3 software,
then you should read "..\App\Bin" as - Use a spacious tower case with a strong
"..\SCOPE5\App\Bin". high-quality power supply and proper
ventilation. We recommend adding a se-
cond fan, especially if you are running a
multi-board system.

Support Contents Index 2

- The PCI performance of dual- - In earlier versions (< v3.0), presets - In OS video mode (Settings) you may
processor systems is as yet not as good were often saved as part of the device. If encounter problems in some rare cases.
as that of single-processor systems. you wish to continue using presets from If possible, use the standard video mode
Therefore, we do not at present earlier versions, you must first load the instead.
necessarily recommend such systems. old versions of the devices which contain
these presets under the old software and - If you load projects from other users that
- Following a software update, export the presets as preset-list files include hardware IO modules for other
programs will not load into a sampler (more info about how to do this is found boards, you might receive the message
from an "old" project, as the sampler in the User’s Manual from the earlier "DSP capacity limit reached", or
device itself is updated during the software version). These preset-list files another message. In this case replace
installation of the new software. The most can then be imported and converted by these modules with modules for your
effective solution here is to make a the corresponding new device under board, save the project, and restart the
screenshot of the sampler while running versions 3.0 or later. Make sure to do this software. As of SCOPE 5 hardware IOs
the old version of the software in which for all of the devices for which you load dynamically so you can open
the loaded programs can be viewed, and previously created presets before you projects created with other hardware.
to refer to this screenshot after loading delete these devices - otherwise your
the project under the new software in existing presets will be lost!
order to reconstruct the list of loaded
programs. Or, create a "Pool" with the - The ASIO Flt modules are not
older version. appropriate for use with Logic Audio,
since this program does not currently
provide support for 32-bit recording.

Support Contents Index 3

- With each software update some of - The lowest ULLI setting ([email protected]
the modules(*.MDL files), especially kHz) can cause a blue screen or ‘freeze’
driver modules (Sequencer source/dest, when Windows starts. In this case, start
ASIO source/dest, Wave source/dest Windows in the Protected Mode (F8 key
etc.) are also updated. Because modules during boot process). Then open the file
are saved as part of a project, you should CSET.INI (..\App\Bin) with a text editor
replace them to ensure the best and edit the entry
performance. Do this for each module by
deleting the old one and replacing it with [hw]
the module of the same name from the intBlkSize=64
updated installation. Then reconnect it as
to one of the values 128, 256, 512, or
before. Unfortunately, for now this must
1024. Save the file and restart Windows.
be done manually for reasons due to the
current SCOPE 5 implementation.

- If the installation path conatins a blank

(space) the startup project will not load.
Please avoid using spaces in the
installation path specification.

- If the installation path is too long (for

example, C:\programs\MusicPrograms\
the application may also fail to start.

Support Contents Index 4

Noise when switching the
Graphics Cards computer on or off
Certain (older) Matrox PCI graphics cards These can be downloaded free of charge Keep in mind that the Sonic Core product
have been observed to cause severe from the Matrox website at transforms your PC into the equivalent
problems if the following entry is not of a small professional digital recording
included in the system configuration file http://www.matrox.com/mgaweb. studio. In no such studio would you switch
system.ini (located in the Windows your monitoring system on and turn up
directory): AGP graphics cards are preferred, since the volume before switching everything
they make no use of the PCI bus. See else on! The same applies when
[mga.drv] also the section regarding the "PCI switching things off – the monitor volume
PCIChipset=1 capacity limit reached" message. should be kept all the way down, or the
If you’re using a Matrox PCI graphics monitoring system switched off
card, please add this entry to the file altogether, while the rest of the studio is
PCI Bus Overclocking being switched on or off. Please do the
system.ini (Start -> Run -> type
"Sysedit<Enter>" -> select SYSTEM.INI, same with your new system, to avoid
If you are overclocking your system, the possible damage to your monitoring
make the modification as shown above,
PCI bus clock rate may increase to, for system resulting from powerful transient
SAVE the modified file!)
example, 37.5MHz. The official signals which can occur when the
specification for PCI indicates a computer is switched on or off!
In general, to avoid problems, the
maximum clock of 33MHz. However, our
acceleration functions of the graphics
DSP cards should work at rates up to
card should be disabled via the card’s
37.5MHz, although we cannot guarantee
driver setup utility. In particular, any option
this in an overclocked computer system.
with the name "PCI bus retry and Bus
Mastering" or similar should be disabled.
Also, you should always try to use the
newest drivers available.

Support Contents Index 5

Error messages

adr 0xxxx reads 0x... or data ‘PCI capacity limit reached’

0xyyy reads 0xzzz This error message indicates that the In this connection, it is extremely
Many computer users attempt to obtain effective PCI bus bandwidth is not important to make sure that you are using
extra performance from their computers sufficient to transfer the required number the newest drivers for all components of
by raising the CPU frequency beyond of channels via the PCI master interface. your system (VIA chip sets, graphics
stated specifications. However, this often This situation can be caused by the cards, SCSI controllers, etc.). Make a
also results in an increase of the PCI bus graphics card or other PCI cards. point of checking in periodically with your
frequency, to perhaps 37.5 MHz or 41.5 dealer or visiting manufacturers' Web
MHz. Unfortunately, this is well in excess In "Display .. Properties", selection of sites to find out about possible driver
of the PCI specifications, which call for a the "High Color (16 bit)" setting will updates!
maximum bus frequency of 33 MHz. As minimize the likelihood of this error
a result, the bus in such computers is no occuring. It is recommended to expand system
longer a valid PCI bus! If you run into RAM to 256 MB or more. You should also
problems starting the software, or have In addition, any graphics card driver create a permanent swap file.
trouble even when starting Windows, you acceleration functions which may be
should check the bus clock frequency and active should be completely disabled. Remove all ISA and PCI cards from your
set it back to 33MHz if it is set to a higher computer that are seldomly used or not
Some BIOS brands/revisions include a used at all.
frequency. See the manual of your
setting for a "PCI Latency Timer".
motherboard for details of how to do this.
Raising this setting to approx. 64 (or Additional tip: If at all possible, use an
higher) can help relieve this problem. AGP graphics card!
Our DSP cards may run with a higher PCI
bus frequency. If it does, this is simply a
Reducing the BIOS data throughput
matter of luck. We don’t guarantee it. As
setting for the SCSI controller (for
the manufacturer of the DSP boards we
example, from 80 MB/sec down to 40
guarantee only compliance with PCI Rev.
MB/sec or lower for U2W controllers) is
2.2, which means smooth operation at
sometimes also helpful.

Support Contents Index 6

"Timeout - waiting for "no more S/TDM connections
acknowledge from dsp xy" / from ... "
'Mega Panic' The links between multiple cascaded In our hardware test lab we routinely
Sonic Core DSP cards have been clean the S/TDM bus adapters and S/
In principle our DSP cards should work TDM contacts before testing with a soft
in any PCI slot. Should Windows or Mac disrupted. A quick rescue can often be
cloth moistened with pure alcohol or
OS nevertheless exhibit difficulties in achieved by changing the sample rate denatured alcohol.
detecting the hardware during the settings – for example, by switching from
hardware recognition process, simply slave mode to master and then, after Under no circumstances use any sol-
"Lock" occurs, back to slave mode (after vent such as acetone or the like!
change the position of the card once.
Note that the first PCI slot, particularly in making sure that a master clock signal
older motherboards, is not necessarily is indeed present!). However, this
bus-master capable. According to our represents merely a temporary solution,
experience, the "middle" slots – i.e., slots for example, to permit an project to be
2 and 3 – are the most problem-free saved. The better approach over the long
positions. run is to do a new installation of the
software (following complete
In addition, you should make sure that deinstallation – refer to the Deinstallation
the ventilation inside your computer is section).
adequate (the housing should be
generously large). The addition of an ex- Likewise, repositioning the boards
tra cooling fan to a computer with lots of generally also remedies this problem.
cards and components can sometimes
work wonders. In any case, verify that each of the cards
is correctly and fully seated in its PCI slot
and that the S/TDM Bus connector cable
is properly attached to each of the cards!

Support Contents Index 7

"A capacity limit of your DSP
card has been reached"
Even though you, as a DSP board owner, Our experience has shown that with
are in possession of one of the fastest careful, clever usage of your
DSP systems currently available (if not applications, it is entirely possible to
THE fastest), at some point you will reach produce complete, professional
the limits of performance of your system. productions with the Sonic Core
Bear in mind that we place a high products!
importance upon audio quality, which is
why, in the case of synthesizers, for
example, every individual sound is
computed internally with 32bit
algorithms. Modern audio/MIDI
sequencers and especially hard disk
recording systems permit generated
sounds to be recorded as audio files, in
order to once again "make room" for furt-
her realtime sound computations. You
should make use of this possibility if you
find yourself "bumping up against the
limits". It's also advisable to check the
DSP loading (DSP Load Window)
before saving a project, and if it turns out
to be at or near maximum, to decrease
the polyphony of the synthesizers in the
project (by 1-3 voices each) as a
precaution against possible appearance
of the DSP overload message the next
time the project is loaded.

Support Contents Index 8

Windows XP 32Bit

General remarks
Wave Setup MIDI Setup
Service Pack 2 is recommended in - Number of Devices: Specify here the - Number of Devices: Specify here the
general. number of stereo Wave devices which number of MIDI ports the SCOPE 5
the Sonic Core DSP software is to make software is to make available in Windows
In order to make new IOs, new ASIO/ available in Windows applications. It is applications. It is no longer possible to
Wave voices or new settings effective no longer possible to specify the number specify the number of inputs and outputs
under Cubase VST or Nuendo (typically of inputs and outputs separately – inputs separately – inputs and outputs are
in XTC mode), it may sometimes be and outputs are always loaded in equal always loaded in equal number. The
necessary to select "Reset devices" in number. The range of possible values is range of possible values is 1-8. Ideally
the "Options" menu. 1-8 (for 2-16 audio channels). you should load the number of modules
specified here in your SCOPE 5 project
to avoid error messages when the
sequencer starts.

The Drivers dialog

This dialog appears for every installed

CreamWare card. However, settings for
all installed Sonic Core cards are made
in the software’s Settings dialog.

Support Contents Index 9

For improved performance Known bugs
- Windows XP install initially in ACPI - Particularly with single-CPU systems, - 24-bit / 32-bit Wave
mode, in which PCI cards are all set to we recommend optimizing the system for
use IRQ9. This can negatively impact best background operation performance. - 16 Wave Interleaved
system performance. We recommend This is done via System Settings –>
switching to "Standard PC" mode. First System –> Extended –> System - Possible problems reading Akai CDs
make sure that the BIOS option "Plug and performance options, where the setting (usually with SCSI CD-ROM drives). The
Play OS" is set to "NO". Then open the "Applications" is changed to "Background files and directories are not displayed
Windows Device Manager, click on services". correctly – the Browser merely shows
"Computer" and then double-click "ACPI- "strange" characters.
PC". Select "Driver" and then "Update
driver". Here, click "Select from a list of - With dual-CPU systems, the following
known drivers" and then "All hardware occur regularly:
components in this device class". In the
- PCI Master Overflows
list in the right-hand window select "Stan-
dard PC". Windows XP will restart and - Copy Protection Faults / "Don’t mess
will reinstall all hardware components. around with the Copy Protection."
From this point on, the PC will use IRQs (Appears in the form of a key request,
as assigned in the BIOS. in which the actual error message is
hidden by the Key Request dialog).

(These two problems can also occur with

single-CPU systems – however, this
occurs only seldom).

Support Contents Index 10

XTC functionality
Logic 4.8.1 from Emagic includes the For case 1: In the SCOPE 5 (Set/) - The driver setup (Windows Device Ma-
"Plug-In Delay Compensation" feature. Settings dialog, under "Global", make nager) includes the option ‘Always
This option, which appears in the "Audio sure that "Enable XTC Mode" is not open device’. This option is important for
hardware and drivers" dialog (accesible selected. Otherwise, you may be the XTC mode. It should be
via the "Audio" menu), makes our "XTC confronted with a series of error enabled with Cubase VST and disabled
Delay M/S" latency compensation messages upon starting the sequencer with Logic Audio!
module unnecessary – you no longer application.
need to use this module. When you first start your sequencer
For case 2: In this case, "Enable XTC after following installation of the XTC
functionalityit may take a relatively
In order to use the XTC functionality of Mode" must be selected! Ideally, you
long time because a one-time-only
SCOPE 5 software (v3.1 or higher), should also deselect the "Activate Startup initialization of all new Pulsar XTC
please note the following: Project" option to prevent automatic plug-ins must be performed.
loading of the startup project.
You can use either:
- During the installation some of the op-
1: SCOPE 5 software in combination with tional devices (e.g. the Vectron)
a sequencer, without (!) XTC plug-ins. are updated. Before you try to start Pul-
sar in the XTC mode for the first
or: time, please load these devices into the
SFP Routing window or with the Live Bar
2: The sequencer alone, with the XTC and enter all the keys for these devices
plug-ins. The two applications (SCOPE into the registration dialog that opens.
5 software and XTC plug-ins) cannot be
used in parallel! If any devices have not been loaded and
installed in SCOPE 5 properly (e.g.
without activation keys) they cannot be
properly initialized and the program
hangs during initialization in XTC mode.

Support Contents Index 11

SCOPE 5 cannot be used in XTC
Accellerator mode/XTC-Plug not
properly installed - To obtain optimal latency values, the - Only the following sample rates should
This message appears when a SCOPE "Buffer Preload" option in the settings be used: 32kHz / 44.1kHz / 48kHz /
6DSP or SCOPE 3DSP card is used in of an XTC plug-in should be set to 96kHz.
XTC mode. These cards work only when "Automatic". If you experience audio
the ASIO SCOPE driver is used. If a dif- dropout problems (clicks, etc.), - Do not attempt to use the numerical
ferent ASIO driver is selected, it may still experiment with larger values (as well as keypad on your computer keyboard for
be possible to load the XTC modules, but with increasing the ASIO driver’s ASIO the entry of numerical values for
no signal output will be obtained. To fix block size). synthesizer and effects settings, as
this problem, simply switch to the ASIO these keys typically initiate various
SCOPE drivers. - Individual outputs of synthesizers which actions in the individual sequencer
have multiple outputs (such as programs.
- In Logic Audio, the ASIO driver option the Volkszämpler and the EDS8i) can not
"Larger Process Buffer" (Audio -> Audio be selected in Logic Audio.
hardware & drivers) should be disabled.
- Cubase VST does not recognize mono
- The Cubase VST option "Compensate synthesizers. For such synths,
plug-in delay" in the "Audio System therefore, we create two mono channels
Setup" dialog (Options -> Audio setup in the channel mixer. The synthesizer
-> System) should be activated. signal is present on one of these two

Support Contents Index 12

Deinstalling Software And 1. Deinstalling the program 2. Deinstalling the drivers -
Drivers software - Windows Windows
Before completely deinstalling the Click on START -> Programs -> SCOPE After deinstalling the program, open the
SCOPE 5 software, you should copy all 5 -> Uninstall (or System -> Software - Windows Device Manager by right-
of the projects (*.PRO files) you’ve > Install/Uninstall -> SCOPE 5). clicking on the "My Computer" icon on
created into a completely separate the Windows Desktop and selecting
directory (i.e., ..\temp), to ensure that - To completely remove all files and all "Properties", and then clicking on the
you do not lose these files during the entries in the Windows Registry, select the "Device Manager" tab. Locate the
deinstall. The same goes for any preset option "Custom" and, whenever you are hardware under "Audio, Video and
lists (*.PRE files). asked to select files, click on "Select All". Game Controllers". Select its entry and
click on "Remove".
Following a new installation, you can As a rule, however, the option
copy the files you’ve saved back to the "Automatic" is generally adequate for Next, open Windows Explorer and
appropriate locations. removing all relevant files from your hard navigate into the ..\Windows\Inf
disk. subdirectory. Here you will find the file
‘SCOPE6DSP*.INF’, ‘elupo*.INF’ or
‘SCOPE14DSP*.INF’, which should be
deleted. Then navigate into the
..\Windows\Inf\Other subdirectory and
delete the file Sonic Core GmbH*.INF.
Finally, in the ..\Windows\System
subdirectory, you will find the files
should likewise be deleted.

Support Contents Index 13

By following the above steps, you have
removed all traces of the existing SCOPE
5 software from your computer. Thus,
once you’ve restarted the computer, you
can start "clean" with a new installation.

Support Contents Index 14

Optimization Tips - Windows

Virtual Memory "Disable write-behind Read Ahead

In general, the selection "Windows caching for all drives" If you experience audio problems during
manages the settings for virtual memory" Check the "Disable write-behind caching recording or playback, change "Read
should be adequate in order to work for all drives" option. You can find this Ahead Cache" from its default value of
effectively with the SCOPE 5 software. option under Start -> Settings -> Control 64 kB to a smaller value such as 16 kB
When using this option, make certain that Panels -> System -> Performance -> File or 8 kB, or turn it off completely. This
you always have adequate free disk System -> Troubleshooting. Write-behind setting is found under Start -> Settings
space available (at a minimum, an caching must not be activated in a real -> Control Panels -> System -> Perfor-
amount equal the amount of system RAM time recording environment. mance -> File System. If you have more
you have installed in your computer). than 24 MB of system RAM installed, you
can also change the Typical role of this
Insufficient swap space may be signalled machine to "Network server". This setting
by the SCOPE 5 software via error improves overall performance under
messages during startup or while in Windows 95/98.
operation ("runtime error").

An alternative is the use of a permanent

swap file. The swap file must be larger
than the amount of system RAM you have
installed! We recommended setting the
size of the swap file to twice the amount
of installed RAM. You’ll find this setting
under Start -> Settings -> Control Panels
-> System -> Performance -> Virtual

The following settings are significant in

connection with hard disk recording:

Support Contents Index 15

VCACHE parameter Defragmentation BIOS Settings
Particularly in connection with hard disk Use SCANDISK and DEFRAG regularly Disable Power management in your
recording, having this entry in your (Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> computer’s BIOS setup, along with all
SYSTEM.INI file will improve System Tools -> Disk Defragmentation). other time-activated options. If you aren’t
performance. To determine the best value using any USB devices, disable USB
for your computer, divide your installed support as well.
RAM amount in MB by 4 and multiply the
result by 1024. (Example: 128 MB RAM In addition, this menu often contains the
-> 128/4 = 32 -> 32 x 1024 = 32768). item PCI Latency Timer. If you are
Add this entry under the section [vcache] experiencing "PCI capacity limit reached"
in SYSTEM.INI (Start -> Run -> type messages, set this parameter to 64 PCI
"Sysedit<Enter> -> select SYSTEM.INI, Clocks (or higher) (see Error Messages).
make the modification as shown below,
SAVE the modified file!) In the Chipset Features menu you will
generally find the option PCI 2.1 Sup-
[vcache] port, which should be set to YES/
MinFileCache=32768 Enabled.

Support Contents Index 16

Hardware Conflicts -
If a device is marked with a yellow You should also check whether our DSP If you are uncertain with regard to the
exclamation point or a red X in the Device cards are sharing an IRQ with other PCI issue of hardware conflicts, you should
Manager (Start -> Settings -> Control cards. This is generally permissible but enlist the help of a local computer
Panels -> System -> Device Manager), should be avoided where possible in specialist.
there is an IRQ or address conflict or a order to maximize the stability of the
driver incompatibility which needs to be system. Ideally, the last PCI slot (4)
resolved. Often, this can be handled by should not be used for our DSP cards as
installing a so-called "chip-set patch". You this slot often uses the same IRQ as all
may find this on the CD that came with other installed PCI cards.
your motherboard, or you may be able
to download it via the Internet from the
Web site of the motherboard The first PCI slot can also be problematic,
manufacturer. since AGP graphics cards often share an
IRQ with this slot.
Only a system which is free of
hardware conflicts can guarantee Repositioning of the cards in the
smooth operation of our products! computer often works wonders!

Furthermore, you should make sure that

you obtain and use the newest available
drivers and BIOS versions for each of
your components.

Support Contents Index 17

The Hotline
As mentioned before, the operation of our In any event, only registered users are
products is trouble-free in most entitled to direct technical support, so
computers given that attention has been please register now!
paid to the various notes described
earlier. Any known problems beyond this If you write or email us, be sure to provide
are described in the Support chapter, the us with all required information about
README file, or on the support pages Once again, however, we your system. You will find a form below
at our website: request that you recheck all to assist you with this. If you call us,
of the information please have this information ready to give
http://www.soniccore.com. presented above before to the technical support representative.
doing so! It’s best to first fill out the form completely
Please use our Internet support, the and then either send it to us or have it
manuals and the current README files ready at hand when you call us.
on the CD before contacting our hotline.

Our hotline personnel will ask if you

have done so!

If you have checked all of the information

presented here and on the Web site and
you are still unable to solve your problem,
there are various ways to contact us
directly for advice.

Support Contents Index 18

1. I have tried all suggestions given in 3. Sonic Core products: 4. Connected Devices:
this document: Yes
triple1-Board ROM serial number (which Mixers:
IRQ / Port?):
2. Computer Configuration Your software keys?
triple2-Board ROM serial number (which
Processor: Samplers:
IRQ / Port?):
Main board (chip set!): Recorders (DAT / ADAT etc..):
Your software keys?
Hard drive(s): Other (Atari, MAC, MIDI patchbays etc..):
TDAT16 ROM serial number
Graphics card (which slot / IRQ / driver (which slot / IRQ / driver version / pro-
version?): gram version?):
5. Installed Software
RAM: Your software keys?
Operating system:
CD writer: A16:
Sequencer software:
SCSI controller (which slot / IRQ?): SCOPE 6DSP ROM serial number
(which slot / IRQ / driver version / pro- Audio applications:
gram version?)
Sound card (which slot / IRQ?):
SCOPE 3DSP ROM serial number
other internal devices/cards (which slot /
(which slot / IRQ / driver version / pro-
gram version?) 6. Description of the problem
How old is the power supply (!):
SCOPE 14DSP ROM serial number When and where does it appear?
(which slot / IRQ / driver version / pro- Can it be made to recur via a specific
gram version?) series of actions? How?
SCOPE 6DSP ROM serial number Which parts of the program are involved
(which slot / IRQ / driver version / pro- (modules / devices)? Which devices?
gram version?) How are they connected?

Support Contents Index 19

There are four ways to reach our support department:

All countries:

email: [email protected]

Fax: (++49) 22 41 - 301 95 96

Phone: (++49) 22 41 - 301 95 95


DSP Audio Technology
Siegdamm 32
53721 Siegburg
But for now – enough hints about possible problems. As an experienced computer user, you are no doubt well aware that neither
software nor hardware which is one-hundred percent perfect exists. We at Sonic Core strive continually to improve our products,
and we welcome your criticism and suggestions.

Having said that – we hope (and expect) that you won’t encounter problems with our products, and we wish you all the best in
working creatively with your Sonic Core product!!!

Sincerely, Your Sonic Core team!

Before sending in your DSP card for warranty support, please call the Support office to obtain an RMA number for your card.

Testing and repair of hardware which is sent to us without making prior arrangements is given a lower priority and can take correspondingly

Support Contents Index 20

Warranty and Disclaimer
SONIC CORE DSP Audio Technology neglect, alteration or attempted repair by
GmbH ("Sonic Core") warrants this product unauthorized personnel, and is limited to
to be free of defects in materials and failures arising during normal use that are
workmanship for a period of one (1) year due to defects in material or workmanship
for parts and for a period of ninety (90) days in the product.
for labor from the date of original retail ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING
purchase. This warranty is enforceable only IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF
by the original retail purchaser. MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR
To be protected by this warranty, the A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE LIMITED
purchaser must complete and return the IN DURATION TO THE LENGTH OF THIS
enclosed warranty card within fourteen (14) LIMITED WARRANTY. Some states do not
days of purchase. allow limitations on how long an implied
During the warranty period Sonic Core shall, warranty lasts, so the above limitation may
at its sole and absolute option, either repair not apply to you.
or replace free of charge any product that IN NO EVENT WILL SONIC CORE BE
proves to be defective on inspection by LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL,
Sonic Core or an authorized service CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES
representative. In all cases disputes RESULTING FROM THE BREACH OF ANY
concerning the warranty shall be resolved EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY,
as prescribed by law. INCLUDING, AMONG OTHER THINGS,
To obtain warranty service, the purchaser DAMAGE TO PROPERTY, DAMAGE BASED
must first call or write Sonic Core at the ON INCONVENIENCE OR ON LOSS OF
address and telephone number printed USE OF THE PRODUCT, AND, TO THE
below to obtain a Return Authorization EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, DAMAGES
Number and instructions concerning where FOR PERSONAL INJURY. Some states
to return the unit for service. All inquiries do not allow the exclusion or
must be accompanied by a description of limitation of incidental or
the problem. All authorized returns must be consequential damages, so the
sent to Sonic Core or an authorized Sonic above limitation or exclusion may
Core repair facility postage prepaid, insured, not apply to you.
and properly packaged. Proof of purchase This warranty gives you specific legal rights,
must be provided in the form of a bill of and you may also have other rights which
sale, canceled cheque, or some other vary from state to state.
positive proof that the unit is within the This warranty only applies to products sold
warranty period. Sonic Core reserves the in the United States of America or Canada.
right to update any unit returned for repair. The terms of this warranty and any
Sonic Core reserves the right to change or obligations of Sonic Core under this
improve the design of the product at any warranty shall apply only within the country
time without prior notice. This warranty does of sale. Without limiting the foregoing,
not cover claims for damage due to abuse, repairs under this warranty shall be made
only by a duly authorized Sonic Core service
representative. For warranty information in
Support other countries please refer to your local Contents Index 21
Symbole Description of the problem 19 M
Device Manager 13
*.PRE files 13 Disable write-behind caching for all drives 15 Matrox PCI graphics cards 5
*.PRO files 13 Disclaimer 21 mga.drv 5
64 PCI Clocks 16 Display .. Properties 6 My Computer 13
A DSP capacity limit reached 3 N
dual-processor systems 3
A capacity limit of your DSP card has been no more S/TDM connections from
reached 8 E ... 7, 8
adr 0xxxx reads 0x... or data 0xyyy reads elupo*.INF 13 Noise 5
0xzzz 6 Enable XTC Mode 11
AGP graphics card 6
Error messages 6
Alwaysopen device 11 Optimization Tips 15
Applications 10 G Optimization Tips - Windows 15
ASIO Flt modules 3 Global 11 OS video mode 3
Audio System Setup 12 graphics card driver acceleration functions 6
Audio, Video and Game Controllers 13 P
Graphics Cards 5
Automatic 12, 13 PC CONFIGURATION 19
H PCI Bus Overclocking 5
Hardware Conflicts 17 PCI capacity limit reached 6
Background services 10 Hardware Conflicts - Windows 17 PCI Latency Timer 6, 16
BIOS Settings 16 High Color 6 PCI performance 3
blank 4 High Color (16 bit) 6 performance 10
Buffer Preload 12 hints 2 power supply 2
Hotline 18 Presets 2
C Properties 13
Connected Devices 19 I Pulsar*.INF 13
D installation path is too long 4
Installed Software 19
Defragmentation 16
Deinstalling 13 L
Deinstalling Luna Program Software And Larger Process Buffer 12
Drivers 13 lowest ULLI setting 4
Deinstalling the drivers - Windows 13
Deinstalling the program software - Windows

Support Contents Index 22

Read Ahead 15 XTC functionality 11
Sample Rate Settings 2
Select All 13
SFP cannot be used in XTC Accellerator
mode/XTC-Pl 12
single-CPU systems 10
software update 3, 4
support department 20
Timeout - waiting for acknowledge from dsp
xy / ' 7
Timeout - waiting for acknowledge from dsp
xy" / ' 7
Troubleshooting 5
ULLI setting 4
update 3
USB support 16
VCACHE parameter 16
Virtual Memory 15
Warranty 21

Support Contents Index 23

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