Project 1
Project 1
Project 1
Consumer complaint resolution is important to any business. In this particular case we have been
given details consumer complaints along with whether consumer disputed with the conclusion. If
we are able to predict this , consumer likely disputed can be given more attention as to how the
complaints are handelled as well as how to convincingly convey the final conlusions to them.
Your target here is to build prediction model for column "Consumer disputed"
All the column names are sefl explanatory.You need to build your model on Train data . Test data
doesnt have response column 'Consumer disputed', you need to predict those values and submit
it a csv format. Submission CSV should resemble the file
Column names ,value types should exactly match. Also number of rows in the submission csv
should be exactly same as test data. If this is not taken care of , your submission will not be
Your submission should have AUC score atleast 0.54 for you to pass. The better you do further
you move up in the leader board for this particular project.
Do not use date columns as is , you can use them to create other features. For example
which month of the year complaint was filed. Was it first week or last week of the month.
How long it took between complaint filing and data being sent to the company. These are
just ideas , feel free to make any other features out of these. You can convert strings/object
type columns to date_time data using pd.to_datetime. Create cyclic features for date
You can handle Consumer Complaint Narrative, creatively. See if you can create some good
feature from this column containing text data. [tfidf ?]
It doesnt make sense to use Consumer ID as predictor.
While parameter tuning with grid search or randomised search you will get cv performance
score . That would be close to what you score might on the test data, but its necessary that it
will be always close to that, especially in case if your model is overfitting.
Before removing NAs from data, do check if there are columns which have too many NaN.
See whether you need to impute those values or need to drop that column all together;
before you start removing NA obs from the entire data.
If you are creating any new features on your training data or modifying features in the train;
you will have to do that for test data also , in order to use the model which you built on test
data for making prediction.
It doesnt make sense to use ZIP CODES as a numeric variable
Its a large dataset , might take a lot of time to run
You can discuss anything on QA forum. Although threads which explicitly disclose too much
information for a solution right away will be removed from QA forum.
Consider making features for prsesence of NaNs itself
We have also uploaded a benchmark script, it gives you auc score on test data, slightly less than
what is required to pass the course. You can include your ideas to make better predictions and
make submissions. You can make as many submissions you want if you want to move up the
leader board. [We might ask you to submit the script which was used to generate the submission
at any time].