Epidemiology of Surgical Site Infection in A Tertiary Care Centre in North India

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

11(05), 145-151

Journal Homepage: - www.journalijar.com

Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/16861

DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/16861


Dr. Vandana Ojha1, Dr. Anjali Singh2 and Dr. Komal Sachdeva3
1. Assistant Professor, Department of Obs and Gynae, MLN Medical College Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India.
2. Senior Resident, Department of Obs and Gynae, MLN Medical College, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India.
3. Junior Resident 3rd year, Department of Obs and Gynae, MLN Medical College, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History Background and Objective- Surgical site infections are one of the
Received: 05 March 2023 most common cause of nosocomial infections and second most
Final Accepted: 09 April 2023 common cause of maternal mortality next to PPH. Surgical site
Published: May 2023 infection being a relatively serious problem in our health institution,
there are scanty published reports on the risk factors that are involved
Key words:-
SSI- Surgical Site Infection , SES- Socio in SSIs in our local hospitals necessitatingfurther research to identify
Economic Status, CDC- Centers of the indispensable factors responsible for high infection rate
Disease Control and Prevention, APSIC Methodology- Data were collected prospectively using predefined data
- Asian Pacific Society of Infection
collection forms which was developed after review of literature to
Control, NHSN- National Health Care
Safety Network identify risk factors for SSI. The form included patients’ demographic
features, potential risk factors for SSI. A surveillance system as
suggested by the CDC NHSN criteriawere used for diagnosing SSI. SSI
was defined as a wound swab culture confirmed infection at the site of
surgery within 30 days after an operation . SSI was defined as per
NHSN criteria. Data was collected daily on all study participants after
obtaining informed written consent, and followed them until discharge.
The post discharge surveillance was done by actual patient visit in
majority of patients (81%) or by mobile phones
Results- Increasing age , increasing parity , anemia , hypertension ,
diabetes and poor nutrition, obesity were found to be independent risk
factors for development of SSI .
Conclusion- A proper assessment of identifiable risk factors that
predisposes to SSI and their correction may help reduce SSI rates.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2023,. All rights reserved.

Surgical Site Infections (SSIs), previously called post operative wound infections,are the third most commonly
reported nosocomial infection that account for approximately a quarter of all nosocomial infections. (1)

A surgical site infection is defined as an infection which occurs at the incision/operative site (including drains)
within 30 days after surgical procedure if no implant is left in place/ within one year if an implant is left in place.
The infection must appear related to the surgical procedure.[2]

Corresponding Author:- Dr. Komal Sachdeva

Address:- Junior Resident 3rd year, Department of Obs and Gynae, MLN Medical 145
College, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(05), 145-151

SSI In Obstetrics-
SSIs in obstetrics is the second most common cause of maternal mortality next to postpartum hemorrhage [3]. These
events are one of the most common nosocomial infections accounting for 14–16% of the inpatient infections [4] and
20–25% of all hospital-acquired infections worldwide [5]. Women undergoing Caesarean deliveries have a 5 to 20-
fold greater chance of getting an infection compared with women who give birth vaginally. These SSIs post-
Caesarean birth can occur around the surgical incision, in the pelvic organs,and sometimes the uterine wall [6]. In
addition, maternal morbidity related to infections post-C/S is eight times higher than post-vaginal delivery [7].

Risk Factors For SSI ( APSIC guidelines, 2018) , for prevention of surgical site infection)
Preoperative risk factors (Patient factor)
A. Unmodifiable
1. Increasing age until age 65years
2. Recent radiotherapy and history of skin and soft tissueinfection

B. Modifiable
1. Uncontrolled Diabetes
2. Obesity and malnutrition
3. Current smoking
4. Immunosupresion
5. Preoperative albumin < 3.5 gm/dl
6. Total bilirubin>1.0 mg/dl
7. Preoperative hospital stay of atleast 2 days

Peri-operative risk factors

A. Procedure related
1. Emergency and more complex surgery
2. Higher wound classification
3. Open surgery
B. Facility risk factors
1. Inadequate ventilation
2. Increased operation theatre traffic
3. Inappropriate /Inadequate sterilization of instruments/ equipments.
C. Patient preparation related
1. A preexisting infection
2. Inadequate antiseptic skin preparation
3. Preoperative hair removal
4. Wring antibiotic choice, administration, and/or duration
Intraoperative risk factors
1. Long operation time
2. Blood transfusion
3. Asepsis and surgical technique
4. Hand/forearm antisepsis and gloving techniques
5. Hypoxia
6. Hypothermia
7. Poor glycemic control
Post operative risk factors
1. Hyperglycaemia and Diabetes
2. Post operative wound care
3. Transfusion

Wounds may be classified as clean, potentially contaminated, contaminated, and dirty.

Surgical site infection, on the basis of severity (Bailey and Love’s)

Major - Criteria of major SSI are significant quantity of pus, delayed return home and systemic illness.
Minor-Pus or infected serous fluid may be present but should not be associated with excessive discomfort, systemic
signs or prolonged hospitalization.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(05), 145-151

The most common presentation of SSI in obstetrical patients in our hospital is fever and discharge from stitchline

Complications of Surgical site infection-

1. Wound dehiscence/ seperationof layers/burst abdomen
2. Necrotizing fascitis
3. Abscess of adnexa& peritonitis
4. Parametrialphlegmon
5. Intensiveparametrial cellulitis of fascia with area of induration of ligaments-– a phlegmon ,within leaves of
6. Fever persist >72 hrs after iv antibiotics

Surgical site infection is preventable in majority of the cases if proper assessment and appropriate measures are
brought by the operating surgeon, nursing staffs, patients and others in the perioperative period

Surgical site infection being a relatively serious problem in our health institution, there are scanty published reports
on the risk factors that are involved in SSIs in our local hospitals necessitatingfurther research to identify the
indispensable factors responsible for high infection rate following lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) . So,
these study findings will play a vital role to decrease the infection rate and thereby reduce the morbidity and
mortality. Further, validation of the recommendations of this study in operative field will reduce the rate of surgical
site infections in our country and thereby will improve cosmesis of wound and make the results of operations better
as a whole.

Study Design-
Prospective observational study.

This study was carried out in Swaroop Rani Nehru Hospital and Kamla Nehru Hospital, attached to Motilal Nehru
Medical college, government Medical college, Prayagraj Uttar Pradesh.

Inclusion Criteria
Patients undergoing lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) in Swaroop Rani Hospital and Kamla Nehru Hospital.

Exclusion Criteria
1. Uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus(hyperglycemic coma, DKA)
2.Immunocompromised state like HIV positive patients, patients on steroids, jaundice of
3.Patients admitted after LSCS in different set up
4.Patients with pre- existing sepsis

Demographic Factors Associated With Surgical Site Infection

Demographic features were explored and grouped as - age group, parity, socioeconomic status, BMI , hypertensive
disorders and blood sugar (diabetic status),

Surgical preparation
All procedures followed the same protocol. Proper part preparation was done using betadine scrub solution , 70%
alcohol , betadine solution in all the patients, 1 shot of pre operative antibiotic was given half an hour before surgery
. In post operativeperiod all patients were given IV antibiotic for 3 days . First dressing of surgical wound was done
72 h after surgery followed by on day 8 .

Identification of SSI was done according to CDC 2019 criteria –

1. Purulent drainage with or without laboratory confirmation from the incision site .
2. Organism isolated from an aseptically obtained culture of fluid or tissue from the incision site.
3. Sign and symptoms of infection – pain , tenderness, localized swelling or heat .

Data were collected prospectively using predefined data collection forms which was developed after review of
literature to identify risk factors for SSI. The form included patients demographic features, potential risk factors for

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(05), 145-151

SSI, wound swab culture and antibiotic. A surveillance system as suggested by the CDC NHSN criteriawere used
for diagnosing SSI. Data was collected daily on all study participants after obtaining informed written consent, and
followed them until discharge.

SPSS software V25 was used for structural analysis of data. Test applied were chi square test.

Incidence OF SSI
56 patients out of 659 patients were identified with SSI. Thus incidence rate was 8.48%.

Risk Factors For SSI

Table 1:- SSI In Patients Of Different Age Group.
≤20 5 ( 7.04%) 66 71
21-30 32 (7.1%) 427 459
≥31 19 (14.7%) 110 129
TOTAL 56 603 659
Out of 659 patients , 71 were of age less than or equal to 20 years, 459 were between 21 to 30 years, and 129 were
of more than 30 years. Youngest patient was of age 18 years and eldest was of 38 years. SSI among>30 years age
group was 14.7% whereas SSI among ≤20years age was 7.04 %. The difference in SSI of these age groups were
statistically significant. (p=0.018)

Table 2:- SSI In Patients Of Different Parity Group.

Primi 11 (5.95%) 174 185
P2-4 30 (7.92% ) 349 379
Grandmultipara 15 ( 15.79%) 80 95
TOTAL 56 603 659
Out of 659 patients,185 were primi para, 379 were multipara and 95 were grand multipara. SSI was noted in 5.95%
primi patients, 7.92% multipara patients and 15.8% grandmultipara patients. The parity of women made statistically
difference (P value= 0.016) in causing SSI.

Table 3:- SSI In Obese Patients.

≥30 (OBESE) 13(13.26%) 85 98
<30 (NON OBESE) 43(7.6%) 518 561
TOTAL 56 603 659
Patients were divided according to BMI and grouped as Obese and Non Obese. Out of 659 patients,98 patients were
obese. 13(13.26%) obese patients developed SSI. SSI among obese patients was 1.84 times than that of non obese
patients. The difference in the SSI of these 2 groups was statistically significant (p=0.035)

Table 5:- SSI Among Patients Belonging To Different Socioeconomic Status.

LOWER 30 (10.33%) 263 293
MIDDLE 22 (7.88%) 257 279
UPPER 4 (4.12%) 83 87
TOTAL 56 603 659
Above table shows distribution of SSI amongs patients belonging to different socioeconomic status according to
modified kuppuswami scale. Majority patients belonged to low SES i.e. 293 while 279 patients were from Middle
SES and 87 patients belonged to upper SES. Although ,SSI was found to be higher among Low SES i.e. (10.3%)
than in upper SES (4.12%) but differences between these three groups were statistically insignificant. (p >0.05)
reflecting that socioeconomic status is not an independant factor for develoment of SSI .

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(05), 145-151

Many of patients who came to the Labour room emergency were referred from peripheral PHC,CHC and District
Hospitals of nearby districts. Many of them had different comorbidities including severe anaemia, hypertensive
disorders of pregnancy (included Eclampsia, Severe Pre eclampsia, Gestational hypertension) and Chronic
hypertension, seizure disorders of pregnancy, jaundice in pregnancy. SSI were compared among these groups to
evaluate association of these risk facors to SSI

Table 6:- SSI Among Anaemic Patients.

Pre Operative SSI NO SSI TOTAL
Hb (gm%)
<7 15 (13.76%) 94 109
>7 41 (7.45%) 509 550
TOTAL 56 603 659
On the basis of pre operative haemoglobin status, these 659 patients who underwent LSCS, were divided into two
groups of severely anaemic (<7gm%) and not severely anaemic(>7gm%). SSI was compared among these two
groups. SSI among severely anaemic patients was 2 times than that among non severely anaemic group (OR=1.98)

There was statistically significant difference (p=0.0168) in rate of SSI between these two groups.

Table 7:- SSI Among Patients With Hypertensive Disorders.

YES 21 (12.4%) 148 169
NO 35(7.1%) 455 490
TOTAL 56 603 659
Among 659 patients, 169 had hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (including Eclampsia, severe pre eclampsia,
gestational hypertension) and Chronic hypertension. SSI among hypertensive patients was 1.84 times than that of
normotensive group (OR= 1.84). 12.4% of hypertensive patients developed SSI while 7.1% of normotensive group
patients developed SSI.
The difference between these two groups was statistically significant (p= 0.033).

Table 9:- SSI Among Patients Among Patients With Different Albumin Values N=659
<3.5 27 (11. 11%) 216 243
>3.5 29(6.97%) 387 416
TOTAL 56 603 659
Above table shows the division of patients according to their pre operative albumin .Among 659 patients . Majority
patients(416) had Pre operative serum albumin values >3.5gm/dl whereas 243 patients had Pre operativeS.Albumin
values <3.5gm/dl . SSI was compared among these two groups. SSI among patients with low albumin was 1.7 times
than that among patients with normal serum albumin group (OR=1.66)

The difference between SSI in these two groups was statistically significant (p=0.03)(CI-95%)

Table 10:- SSI Among Patients Among Diabetic Patients. n=659

YES 10(16.67%) 50 60
NO 46 (7.68%) 553 599
TOTAL 56 603 659
Above table shows distribution of patients according to blood sugar levels. Patients were divided as Diabetic (
included GDM, pregestational DM) and non diabetic . SSI was compared among these two groups. SSI among
diabetic patients was 2.4 times than that among non diabetic group (OR=2.4)

The difference in rate of SSI between these two groups was statistically significant (p=0.017). showing diabetes as
independant risk factor for development of SSI

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(05), 145-151

In our study, 56 of the 659 caesarean patients developed SSI i.e. incidence accounting to 8.5%, which is comparable
to 9.58% as reported by Savitachandra et al(2020) [8] , 9% reported by PriyankaDahiya et al in 2016[9]and
10.35% reported by AshokNaphade et al (2017)significantly lower than 18.66% reported by Shrestha et al[11]

ShaliniMahanaVelecha reported SSI of 7.3 % in dept of Obs and Gynae ESI-PGIMSR Mumbai .
In the total 659 cesarean section done, 56 developed SSI (8.5%) in which Hypertension75% was the dominant
comorbidity associated, followed by anaemia in 26.7% and diabetes mellitus in 17.8% .Anemia acts through hypo-
oxegenation of the tissueswhich directly affects the wound healing, as well as predisposes the wound to new post-
operative infection. Pre-operative anemia is thus an important risk factor for predicting SSI’s and has been proved
by several other studies. In my study, Anaemia was present in 15 out of 56 SSI cases (26.79%) which was lower
than 38.6% as reported by Savita Chandra et al [8] and much lesser than one reported by PriyankaDahiya.et al which
was 66.66%.[9]Anemic women are more prone to SSI due to frequent association with other co-morbidities.
Preoperative anemia as an important predictor of infection has been proved by several other studies as well.It
diminishes resistance to infection and is also associated with puerperal sepsis.

Hypertension was present in 21 out of 56 SSI cases (37.5%).which was higher than 29.3% as that of PriyankaDahiya
et al.[9].Patients with hypertensive disorder of pregnancy have been shown 1.84 times higher risk for SSI which is
less than 2.9 times reported by Ashish Pathak[10] et al i.e.(OR 1.84) in this study. Pregnancy induced hypertension
has positive association with increased risk of SSIs as it is associated with low vitality and thus predisposes to

Well known morbidities with diabetes mellitus as a risk factor for SSI, the higher blood sugar in the diabetics
impairs the function of the white blood corpuscles which are central to the role of the immune system. Diabetics also
have less collagen production which also slows wound healing; further they have slower blood circulation so
delivery of nutrients to the site of wound healing is slower. [8]. Diabetes(GDM+ pregestational DM) was present in
16.67% of SSI which was higher than 11.6% reported by Savita Chandra et al[8]. and Odds of Diabetes in
pregnancy in my study was 2.4 which was lower than Ashish pathat et al who reported it 5.6.

Obesity was found to be a risk factor for SSI. Inthis study, 13.26% patients were obese with BMI more than 30
which was comparable to 11.8% reported by Ashish et al[10] and much lower than 61.1% reported by Savita
Chandra et al[8]. Ibrahim et alalso observed that excess weight/obesity was a risk factor for wound infections.Thus,
a preventive approach to reduce SSI would be, to enhance effort to increase the general awareness of life style health
issues and the benefits of maintaining an optimal weight and health.

Preoperative hypoalbuminemia is an independent risk factor for postoperative complications. S. albumin was
low(<3.5gm/dl) in 48% SSI cases which is comparable to 45% as reported by KanakeswarBhuyan et al [12].
Preoperative serum albumin level is an independent predictor of surgical outcome in acute abdomen.

53% of patients having SSI were from low SES which is comparable to 62% as reported by PriyankaDahiya et
al[9] supported even by Oslen et al. This may be linked to poor hygiene and nutrition. However SES was not found
to be independent risk factor for development of SSI in this study .

This study shows the magnitude of SSI in caesarean section was highest in age group more than 30 years (that was
19 out of 56 patients with SSI - 33.9%) which was comparable to 22.2% highest among the age group that was more
than 35yrs seen with TeshagerMamo et al (13).

In our study , SSI was seen maximum in obstetric patients with parity more than 4 that is 26.8% (that 15 out of 56
patients with SSI)which was comparable to 27.8% as reported by TeshagerMamo et al (13).

A proper assessment of identifiable risk factors that predisposes to SSI and their correction may help reduce SSI
rates. Awareness programmes aimed for family planning, adequate ANC visits from early pregnancy for early
identification of high risk pregnancies complicated by diabetes ,anemia , poor nutrition status and obesity could be
identified and taken care in advance to prevent morbidities during delivery.New programmes and current schemes

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(05), 145-151

should work hand in hand with women of rural areas including anganwadi and ASHA workers to reach every corner
and strengthen the pillar of healthcare system. Frequent antimicrobial audit and qualitative research could give an
insight into the current antibiotic prescription practices and the factors governing the same.

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