IEEE PAPER Gowrishangar
IEEE PAPER Gowrishangar
IEEE PAPER Gowrishangar
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A View on Usage of Artificial Intelligence in electrical and electronics engineering
The AI works by three things in electrical :
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A View On Usage Of An Artificial Intelligence
In Electrical And Electronics Engineering
Gowrishangar.B, May 31, 2022
Contact: [email protected]
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A View on Usage of Artificial Intelligence in electrical and electronics engineering
form of truth values that may be any real • Distribution systems: Planning and operation
number between 0 and 1 as a way to absorb the of distribution systems, demand side response
idea of complete truth. There are some cases and management, operation and control of smart
where the output can be completely true or grids, and network configuration.
completely false, but a majority of the cases
have some degree of truth or falsehood coupled
with them. This is based on the observation that
people usually make decisions based on • Distributed generation applications:
imprecise and non-numerical information, Distributed Generating planning, solar
therefore the name fuzzy logic. It finds its uses photovoltaic power plant control, wind turbine
in controlling power systems like voltage plant control, and renewable energy resources.
control, stability control, power flow control,
stability analysis and enhancement, load
forecasting and performance improvement of
transmission lines. Various problems in power • Forecasting: short term load forecasting, long
systems are difficult to be solved by term load forecasting, electricity market
conventional methods due to the fact that the forecasting, solar power forecasting, and wind
requirements for these methods to process are power forecasting.
not practicable at that point in time. A few broad
areas that artificial intelligence can be used in
As electrical engineering is highly specialized
branch, it needs expert systems to solve a
problems with the help of reasoning and
Working of power systems: Unit decision making. Fuzzy logic systems can be
commitment, hydro-thermal used to diagnosis the fault. Considering that a
coordination, maintenance scheduling, fault has arisen on the transmission line. The
and load and power flow. fault detector will help to feed the data of this
fault into the fuzzy logic system. The fuzzy
system then processes this data in order to give
us a output of what the fault is. Artificial neural
• Planning of power system: Generation networks can be used to improve the efficiency
expansion planning, power system reliability, of the transmission lines. Many sensors can be
transmission expansion planning, and reactive added to the transmission lines in order to
power planning. continuously monitor the environment and other
ambient conditions. These conditions can fed
into the artificial neural network to process it
and then commuting the line parameters to
• Control of power system: Voltage control, improve the performance of the line. The
stability control, power flow control, and load development in performance is directly
frequency Control of power plants. [2] proportional to the efficiency of the ANN. The
performance and speed of operation of the ANN
can be improved by expanding the number of
hidden neuron layers in the ANN.
• Automation of power system: Restoration,
management, fault diagnosis, and network
It is good evident how much of an impact of
artificial intelligence can have on power
systems. An using of artificial intelligence will
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A View On Usage Of An Artificial Intelligence
In Electrical And Electronics Engineering
Gowrishangar.B, May 31, 2022
Contact: [email protected]
make our existing systems efficient and reliable. Artificial intelligence plays a major role in
[3] Research and development (R&D),
Manufacturing and security. These are some
factors where AI is used.
Most of the devices which we using in our
day to day life comprises of electronic
components hence it is called as electronics. The Most electronics equipment manufacturers using
electronic field has a long reputation for AI to proceed advanced research. These
innovation. Systems from computer hardware to companies are creating long-term investments in
smartphones, the industry has constantly proved AI research to implement commercial
itself that the adoption of this new tech is very applications and to find how this technology will
important in development of electronics help to improve their existing product. The
industry. These technology not only helps in research consisted of machine vision, speech
electronics but also transforms the things in recognition, audio processing and other areas
other industries as well. connected to AI. Through these R&D programs,
we can try to have a better understanding of the
usage context, user behavior, their preference
and requirements.
Now with the introduction of new adoption AI,
the electronics industry is developing more than
expected. Experts believe that this new
technology will provide an electronics field with MANUFACTURING ELECTRONIC
good efficiency in operation. This is entered into PRODUCTS
a companies with independent on its size. The
results are fortunately better from this tech
across both industries as well as consumers.
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A View on Usage of Artificial Intelligence in electrical and electronics engineering
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