Drug Study Amoxicillin

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Patient: ___________________________________________________________________________Age: ____________Hospital No: ____________ Room No: _____________
Impression/Diagnosis: _______________________________________________________________Attending Physician: _____________________________________________
Allergy to: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Generic/ Dose,
Indication/ Adverse/Side Effects Drug
Brand Name & Strength & Nursing Responsibilities Rationale Client Teaching
Mechanism of Drug Interaction
Classification Formulation (20%) (10%) (20%)
Action (15%)
(10%) (10%)

Baseline assessment: 1. Evaluatiing

Generic: Order: Indication:
1. Asses input and input and
Amoxicillin 1.75g daily q Uses for treatment of Side effects: output: report output is
1. Take only as
8hr skin , respiratory, GI ● Headache prescribed, do
hematuria, oliguria necessary
infection, Otitis ● Seizures not double
since penicillin
● Nausea dose
media, gonorrhea.; 2. Assess patient with in high doses
● Anemia 2. Need to
treatment of suceptible compromised renal is nephrotoxic.
● Increase bleeding complete
Timing: infections due to system
time entire course
streptococci ● of medication
2. Since product
Brand: 7 am 3. Report sore
3. Skin eruptions after is secreted
Adverse drug interaction: throat, fever,
administering of slowly in poor
amoxil 3 pm ● Skin rash fatigue
penicillin to 1wk after renal system
● Shortness of breath 4. Drug must be
discontinueing drug function,
● Swelling on hand, taken on equal
11 pm 4. Question for history toxicity may
face, mouth, throat intervals
of allergies occur rapidly.
● Trouble swallowing 5. Take drug with
3. Eruptions are
caused by
virus and
some because
Mechanism of Action: of penicillin
Interferes with cell allergy
4. Determines
wall replication of
the need of
Duration: suseptible organisms; patient and
Classification: the cell wall, rendered intervention/evaluation: most likely to
Antiinfective, 8 hours osmotically unstable, 1. Be alert for prevent further
antiulcer, antibiotic swells and bursts from superinfetion such as complications
osmotic fever, vomiting, black
pressure;bactericidal “hairy “ tongue, oral
mucosal changes
Other Drug
1. Symptoms are
2. Resolution of ulcer most likely
symptoms need direct
cAps: 3. Monitor vital signs for medical
250;500mg allergic reaction attendtion
2. To ensure
Suspension: reduce
stomach acd
125mg/ 5mL
and protect
stomach lining
Drops: 3. Adverse effect
50mg/mL may occur
________________________ ________________________
Printed Name and Signature Printed Name and Signature
Clinical instructor Student

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