Tiny Frontiers - TLR-Uv-Van-Zine-Digital
Tiny Frontiers - TLR-Uv-Van-Zine-Digital
Tiny Frontiers - TLR-Uv-Van-Zine-Digital
Aliens have no rights on uv-van. “If they didn’t want to be
slaves, they shouldn’t have come here,” is the common line
of thinking. Their leader, the Tyrant, is the head of state and
the head of the military. The current leader, Bri-khan Sho, is
the seventeenth Tyrant to rule the planet and she is one of the
most successful. The uv-van have conquered many planets,
expanding their resources and slave labor.
Our Refugees
The four refugees were part of a
series of experiments meant to
kick start psychic abilities in the
uv-van. The result was a success.
To keep the psychics from
escaping, each group of five was
given cybernetic implants that
make them all feel what the other
feels and see what the others see.
This is called a “ko-us link.” The
cybernetic tech is placed very near
the base of the brain and interacts
with the spine. Removing it
without the proper technology has
a high risk of killing the subject.
Our group of five tried to escape
together but only four of them
made it. The fifth is currently
being used by a hunting
party to track the other
four. They torture him to
force information from him.
Because the four are in cryosleep, his psychic link is greatly
diminished. He has a sense of which direction to go, but even that
is dodgy. However, once the four wake from cryosleep, his link to
them re-awakens as well. That is what
leads the hunters directly to our heroes. The Refugees
Do our refugees know they’re being Ja-Fen Duran: The Leader
followed? Perhaps. They do have a Tu-Rek Tav: The Angry One
psionic link with Iv-Too Bin, but that Ba-Lek Nimur: The Penitent
doesn’t mean they know what’s going Ash-Kil Gri: The Clown
on. He’s currently in a machine that
Iv-Too Bin: The Captive
diminishes his abilities, so that may
interfere with the link. The answer to this
question, of course, depends on your players and their decisions.
Ja-Fen Duran
Appearance: Red skin, black eyes, feminine features
Heritage: Uv-van
Traits: Cold-Blooded Snake (Heritage), Ambush Specialist, Resolute,
Medical Savant, Psionic (Danger Sense)
Weapon Group: Blaster Pistol (Light Ranged)
Family Trade: Revolutionary
Belief: Leave No-One Behind
Psychic Ability: Pyromancy
The four see Ja-Fen as the leader of the group. She was a
revolutionary leader before being captured and forced into the
experiments. Already showing some signs of psychic ability
(she had a keen intuition and was able to sense ambushes and
sneak attacks), the
experiments boosted
her skills to a profound
Ja-Fen prefers to use
hit and run techniques,
keeping her followers
out of danger. She’s
seen too much pointless
death to throw lives
away. She is a master
tactician and strategist
and a good fighter, but
not as good as Tu-
Rek. The guilt she feels
leaving one of her own
behind wrecks her on a
minute-to-minute basis.
She will trade herself for
Iv-Too Bin if given the
Tu-Rek Tav
Appearance: Blue skin, silver eyes, masculine features
Heritage: Uv-van
Traits: Cold-Blooded Snake (Heritage), Berserker, Brawler,
Cleave, Psionic (Burn)
Weapon Group: Mono-dagger (Light Melee)
Family Trade: Pit Fighter
Belief: Freedom or Death
Psychic Ability: Pyromancy
Tu-Rek was also a revolutionary but from a different faction in a
different part of the world. He does not agree with Ja-Fen’s philosophy
of “hit and run.” He prefers to rush in to the situation, kill as many
enemies as possible, relying on his strength and combat expertise
to carry him through. During his time, he was largely successful,
his daring often taking the Tyranny off-guard, but eventually, they
captured him and his entire cadre was killed in the process.
Tu-Rek may disagree with Ja-Fen’s tactics, but he respects
her leadership. It was her plan that got them off world and it
was his recklessness that got Iv-Too Bin captured. He says
casualties are always a part of war, but secretly, he wishes he
could have acted differently. If he wasn’t so brash, perhaps all
five of them would have escaped.
Ba-Lek Nimur
Appearance: White skin, black eyes, masculine features
Heritage: Uv-van
Traits: Cold-Blooded Snake (Heritage), Insightful, Martial Artist,
Learned, Psionic (Heal)
Weapon Group: Unarmed (Light Melee)
Family Trade: Drug Dealer
Belief: This too shall pass
Psychic Ability: Biomancy
Ba-Lek is a priest of the forbidden and illegal religion ku-da.
He has smade solemn oaths of pacifism and celibacy and has
worn to protect others, disavowing weapons, using only his
own natural skills and abilities. Ku-da had already allowed him
to tap into his psychic abilities to a limited degree, but after the
experiment, his powers have blossomed.
Before he was a ku-da monk, Ba-Lek was a criminal: a drug
dealing kingpin who killed with ruthless abandon. What’s more,
he liked the violence. The power he had over the lives of others.
When he was caught and put in prison, an old woman taught
him the ways of ku-da and transformed his life. He feels Ja-Fen’s
guilt in leaving Tu-Rek behind, but also knows that everything
happens for a reason, even if that reason is not fully within
sight. He follows the mantras of his faith: “Keep moving,” and
“Do not walk forward while looking backward.”
Ash-Kil Gri
Appearance: Green skin, red eyes, feminine features
Heritage: Uv-van
Traits: Cold-Blooded Snake (Heritage), Fleet of Foot, Defender,
Charismatic, Psionic (Shield)
Weapon Group: Unarmed (Light Melee)
Family Trade: Entertainer
Belief: Everything matters
Psychic Ability: Telekenesis
Ash-Kil was not a revolutionary. She was an entertainer, trained in
the Tyranny’s School of Entertainment, she learned gymnastics,
tumbling and clowning. After graduation, the Tyranny used her in
various media, making her a star. She never questioned her role,
performing as they demanded, until an underground movement
contacted her, showing her illegal pictures of the slave camps
she was never allowed to see. Suddenly, she understood the
purpose of all the slapstick comedy she was making: to distract
the public from the Tyranny’s real activities. She began working
for the underground, devoting her resources, providing food and
equipment. But when she was discovered, she was put in prison
and forced to undergo cruel experimentation.
Part of Ash-Kil wishes she could go back to her previous life.
Making people laugh was her one true joy. Now, her life is grim
and dark and brutal and bloody. But she has also realized that
laughter is more important now than it ever was.
Iv-Too Bin
Appearance: Yellow skin, yellow eyes, masculine features
Heritage: Uv-van
Traits: Cold-Blooded Snake (Heritage), Psionic (Communicate,
Quell, Timeview, Unmake)
Weapon Group: None
Family Trade: Psionic
Belief: Family is everything
Psychic Ability: Telepathy
Iv-Too Bin is the youngest of the five, only ten years old.
He’s also the most powerful psychic of the group. His family
tried to hide his powers from the Tyranny, but when they were
discovered, the Tyranny killed them for their treachery. Yes,
Iv-Too watched the Tyranny murder his family. They put him
through rigorous training and experimentation. He did not
break. Instead, his powers only became greater.
During the escape, Iv-Too stumbled and fell. Rather than go
back for him, Ja-Fen tried to go back for him. Iv-Too used his
abilities to change her mind, forcing her to turn and run. He
does not blame her for his capture nor his torture. Secretly, he
sees the other four as his family now, and would have rather
seen them escape than be killed like his previous family.
The hunting party uses brain scanning tech and his psychic
connection to track the others. They keep him bound up both
physically and psionically to ensure he cannot use his powers
on any of their crew.
Precognition (New Psionic Discipline)
Precognition uses hyper-intuition to give the user a sense of
danger in advance of that danger’s arrival.
• Danger Sense: Test. If successful, you get the first
action in the next action scene regardless of any other
• Predict: Test. If successful, you can call the outcome of
any game of chance or randomly generated event.
• Dodge: If you roll a 6 on an Evade Test, you may immediately
take another action.
• Cold Read: Test. If successful, you can predict another
character’s next action.
Appearance: Spotted brown skin, red eyes, masculine features
Heritage: Uv-van
Traits: Cold-Blooded Snake (Heritage), Ambush Specialist,
Armor Master, Barfighter, Born Fighter, Brawler, Cleave, Diehard,
Heavy Weapons Expert, Marksman, Opportunist
Cybernetics: Augmented Reflexes, Cloaking Field, Subsurface Armor
Weapon Group: All of them
Family Trade: Bounty Hunter
Belief: Honor doesn’t pay the bills
© Eric Lofgren