Internal Control ENG - Cecilia Stephanie A - 2001036049 - Auditing 2 Assignment
Internal Control ENG - Cecilia Stephanie A - 2001036049 - Auditing 2 Assignment
Internal Control ENG - Cecilia Stephanie A - 2001036049 - Auditing 2 Assignment
Student ID : 2001036049
Class : KBI – AKT
Courses : Auditing 2
Internal control can be interpreted as a regulation or activity carried out and implemented
by an organization to maintain the integrity of financial information, promote accountability, and
prevent fraud.
There are four principles that guide the internal control system auditor, namely :
• Management Responsibility, all processes of the internal control system are responsible
for management.
• Methods of Data Processing, the internal control system must be able to achieve its goals,
regardless of the data processing method used.
• Limitations, this internal control system has several obstacles to its effectiveness such as
the occurrence of errors, changing conditions, and policies by management
• Reasonable Assurance, the internal control system must be able to provide reasonable
assurance, which means that the price for achieving a goal is not greater than the benefits.
The following are examples of activities from internal controls, namely :
1) Segregation of Duties, meaning distributing work to different people to prevent errors and
minimize incompatible activities.
2) Physical Controls, meaning direct control of equipment, supplies or money, for example
using locks or safes to protect them.
3) Reconciliations, meaning that transactions are recorded and managed by more than two
different people so they can be compared to keep transaction details accurate and correct.
4) Policies and Procedures, implementing policies and procedures to ensure consistent
performance at the required quality level.
5) Transaction and Activity Reviews, create financial reports to monitor performance
against goals, look for problems, and identify trends.
6) Information Processing Controls, when data is processed many variations of internal
control are carried out to check the accuracy, completeness and authorization of the
Broadly speaking, internal control activities are divided into two, namely preventive and detective
controls :
• This Preventive Control aims to prevent errors in documentation and authorization,
examples of preventive controls are separation of duties, authorization of invoices, and
verification of expenses.
• This Detective Control is in the form of a backup procedure that is used to catch missed
events on the first line of defense, examples of detective control are reconciliation, external
audits, and internal audits of assets.