Lesson Plan in Epp Vi Joy
Lesson Plan in Epp Vi Joy
Lesson Plan in Epp Vi Joy
City of Tacurong
At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
a. understand the benefits for processing and preserving of foods
b. appreciates the importance of food preservation and food processing
c. preserve foods necessary for unexpected calamities.
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Good morning class. I know you are very
excited for our lesson today. But before
that we will have a game first. I am going
to group you into two groups. This will be
the “Vegetable Team” and this side will
be the “Fruit Team”.
This game is called “What Am I”? I will
give each team an activity sheet. All you
have to is to identify the preserving
methods. Write your answers in the box
provided below the picture. The group
who will finish first and got all the correct
answer will be the winner.
You may answer in a count of 3, 2, 1 Go!
2. Review
For now, let’s talk about what we have
discussed last meeting. What was our
lesson the other day? Yes, Lynde?
Lynde: Our lesson last meeting is all
about the Processes in each of the
Is Lynde’s answer correct class? food preservation and processing
3. Setting of Standards
I know you’re very excited for our new
lesson today. But before that I have here
different kind of fruits. Mr. Mango, Mr.
Grapes and Mr. Apple. Mr. Mango said
that If I’m going to raise him, you have to
sit properly.
What is it again class? Class: Sit properly, Teacher.
Notre Dame of Tacurong College
City of Tacurong
4. Discussion
Our topic this morning is all about,
Explain the benefits derived from food
processing and preservation.
What food usually you preserve at your Jediah: We usually preserve food
refrigerator, Jediah? through freezing our Fish, Meats
and vegetables, Teacher. Class:
Dionesia Clap
Notre Dame of Tacurong College
City of Tacurong
3. Application
Let’s play another game. This game is
entitled “Picture Perfect”. I want you to
find a partner. But before that I prepared
here a table for the 5 benefits of
processed foods and preservation, I also
have here different picture. All you have
to do is classify this picture according to
the table below.
Safety Nutritional Conve Reduci Price
Quality ng
Okay, Start!
I want a volunteer to share their answers
in front of the class.
IV. Assessment
Okay children get one whole sheet of
paper and answer the following.
Directions: Complete the sentences
below by writing your best choice in the
provided blank in each item.
Choose wisely.
1. What is the most common method of
preserving food used today?
a. Drying
b. Smoking
c. Canning
d. Freezing
Notre Dame of Tacurong College
City of Tacurong
c. Yeast
d. Bacteria
V. Assignment
Directions: Write your answer in the
1. List down all processed and
preserve food found in your
kitchen. It’s either in your
refrigerator or pantries.
2. Identify and label the method of
which processed food they