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Lesson Plan in Epp Vi Joy

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Notre Dame of Tacurong College

City of Tacurong

Detailed Lesson Plan in EPP VI

At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
a. understand the benefits for processing and preserving of foods
b. appreciates the importance of food preservation and food processing
c. preserve foods necessary for unexpected calamities.


a. TOPIC: Explain the benefits derived from processing and preservation
b. REFERENCE: Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan 6, pages130-159
c. MATERIALS: visual aids, construction paper, marker, &pictures.


Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Good morning class. I know you are very
excited for our lesson today. But before
that we will have a game first. I am going
to group you into two groups. This will be
the “Vegetable Team” and this side will
be the “Fruit Team”.
This game is called “What Am I”? I will
give each team an activity sheet. All you
have to is to identify the preserving
methods. Write your answers in the box
provided below the picture. The group
who will finish first and got all the correct
answer will be the winner.
You may answer in a count of 3, 2, 1 Go!

Who finish first?

Notre Dame of Tacurong College
City of Tacurong

Okay, the team ______, for that teacher

Angel will give you an ice cream. Class: The ____ team finish first,

Why do you think team ___ won the

Okay, So there’s more game. Better luck
next time another Team.

2. Review
For now, let’s talk about what we have
discussed last meeting. What was our
lesson the other day? Yes, Lynde?
Lynde: Our lesson last meeting is all
about the Processes in each of the
Is Lynde’s answer correct class? food preservation and processing

Class: yes, she is.

Let’s give Lynde a Durian Clap.

Can someone give the 5 common

methods in processing food?
Hannah? Hannah: The 5 common methods
are Drying, Freezing,
Pickling,Fermenting, and Canning,

Is Hannah answer correct, Chazl? Chazl: Yes, she is!

Excellent! You really understood our
lesson last meeting. Here is your star.
A. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Okay! So now let’s play another game.
This will be played by group. The same
member. This game is called “Put me
I will give each team an item. For
Vegetable team you will get the
refrigerator and for “Fruit Team” your
lucky item is the Pantry. This activity will
have a little twist. I have here the box full
of groceries. You have to arrange this
grocery according to the food storage
they belong.
But before that you have to eat first the
cookie biscuit. The one who finish first will
be the immediately put his answer inside
his/her item.
Notre Dame of Tacurong College
City of Tacurong

So, I think everybody is ready. Let’s

start. At the count of three. One, two,
three go!

Who finish first?

Okay, the team ______, for that teacher
Angel will give you an ice cream.

Settle down everyone.

Based on our activity what have you
observe? Yes, Lucille? Lucille: I observed that we separate
those groceries, those belongs to
the refrigerator are meats and
vegetables. While on the pantry are
cans and cereals and ready to eat

Is she correct, Bel? Bel: Yes, she is.

Okay, Excellent. Here’s your star!

2. Presentation of the Lesson

From your activity earlier, what do you
think is our lesson for today? Yes, Darwin: Teacher, I think our lesson
Darwin? for today is why we preserve food.

Okay, Brilliant! You’re almost there!

To sum up our lesson for today is all
about …
What it is again? Class: Explain the benefits derived
from food processing and

3. Setting of Standards
I know you’re very excited for our new
lesson today. But before that I have here
different kind of fruits. Mr. Mango, Mr.
Grapes and Mr. Apple. Mr. Mango said
that If I’m going to raise him, you have to
sit properly.
What is it again class? Class: Sit properly, Teacher.
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City of Tacurong

If I’m going to raise Mr. Grapes, what

other classroom rules you want to add?
Yes Zybel?
Zybel: Listen carefully and don’t
make unnecessary noises.

Very good. If I’m going to raise Mr. apple

you have to participate. If you’re going to
participate what possibly you will do? Chrisna: I will work with my
groupmates and I will answer
question if I’m ask, Teacher.


4. Discussion
Our topic this morning is all about,
Explain the benefits derived from food
processing and preservation.

Let’s recall again what is food

processing and food preservation.
Kindly read Erika. Erika: Food processing is the set of
methods and techniques used to
transform raw ingredients into food
or food into other forms for
consumption by humans or animals
either in the home or by the food
processing industry.

Food processing typically takes clean,

harvested crops or slaughtered and
butchered animal products and uses
these to produce attractive, marketable,
and often long-life food products.
Can you give me an example of food that Milo: Breakfast Cereal, Milk and
is being processed, yes Milo? Cheese, Teacher.

Thank you. How about food Mardi: Food preservation is the

preservation, kindly read Mardi? process of treating and handling
food to spoilage, loss of quality and
edibility or nutritional value and thus
allow for longer food storage.

What food usually you preserve at your Jediah: We usually preserve food
refrigerator, Jediah? through freezing our Fish, Meats
and vegetables, Teacher. Class:
Dionesia Clap
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City of Tacurong

Let’s give a Dionesia clap for Erika, Milo,

Mardi and Jediah.

Thank you. Okay class, now why do you

think we process and preserve foods?

Yes Imee? Imee: We preserved food to prevent

food spoilage until it can be
consumed, Teacher.
Brilliant idea, Imee.
Here are the Benefits derived from of
food processing and preservation.

1. Safety. During food processing,

products are treated to destroy
harmful bacteria and extend self- Class: Safety. During food
life. processing, products are treated to
destroy harmful bacteria and extend

What do you think are the processing

methods that destroy harmful
microorganism? Yes, Kriscelle? Kriscelle: Drying, pasteurization
pickling, and smoking, Teacher.

Very good Kriscelle!

Explanation: Many processing

techniques ensure the safety of foods by
reducing the numbers of harmful bacteria
that can cause illness (e.g. pasteurization
of milk).

Why do you think drying, pickling and

smoking can destroy the bacteria?
Queenie: Drying, pickling and
Yes Queenie? smoking reduce the water activity (
water available for bacterial growth

Very well said Queenie, in addition for

that it also alters the pH of foods and
thereby restrict the growth of pathogenic
and spoilage microorganisms and retard
enzyme reactions. Processed foods can
also be life-saving in emergency
situations like natural disasters.
Notre Dame of Tacurong College
City of Tacurong

What are those processed food we keep

during calamities?
Yes, Juliefe?
Juilefe: Can goods and instant
noodles, Teacher.

Very good! Let’s proceed.

Kindly Read the number 2, Darwin?

Darwin: 2. Nutritional Quality. Food
processing allows key nutrients to be
sealed in right after harvesting.

Explanation: This in turn means that

individuals get more nutrients from the
food they eat. Processed foods can also
be fortified with additional nutrients such
as vitamins, minerals, and fiber to boost
the health profile of foods. Individuals
trying to optimize their health can
consume these foods to address their
specific needs.

What examples of products you can give

with this benefit of food processed? Yes,
Chrisna: Del Monte Juice, Tomato
paste or sauce and chocolates,
Cooking and canning tomatoes to make
tomato paste or sauce renders the
bioactive compound lycopene. Cocoa
and chocolate processing preserve the
levels of flavonoids like epicatechin and
catechins, but their contents can be
reduced with poor processing conditions.
Lycopene and flavonoids have
antioxidant properties which, according to
some research, contribute to
maintenance of heart health and may
reduce the risk of certain cancers.

Kindly read the number 3, Aimae?

Aimae: Convenience. Food
processing extends the shelf life of
food which means that food lasts
longer with less waste due to
Thank you Aimae. Do you know class that
there are types of food?

Class: Yes, Teacher.

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City of Tacurong

What are those types? Yes, Dominic? Dominic: Perishable, Semi-

Perishable and Shelf Stable.

Explanation: Perishable foods such as

meat, vegetables and milk. The
application of modified atmosphere
packaging means that fruit and
vegetables can be stored at home for
longer, thus meaning less frequent food
shopping for fresh items and less
spoilage loss. Sophisticated storage and
packaging enable convenience for the

Kindly read the number 4.

(Reducing health inequalities and

concerns). What are your thoughts about Reducing health inequalities and
this benefit? Yes, Angielyn? concerns.

Angielyn: For me teacher, those

process foods we take have a
nutritional box at the back of the
packaging that we can check,
because Manufacturers have
applied food processing techniques
to offer consumers the choice of low
fat or fat-free versions of many foods
and meals.

Very well said, Angielyn. Let’s give her 5


Chronic diseases such as heart disease,

obesity and diabetes can be managed, in
part, through dietary strategies. In
response to this, manufacturers have
applied food processing techniques
enabling consumers to make food
choices suitable for their individual health

Kindly read the number 5, Sheena?

Sheena: Price. Food processing can
decrease the cost of foods.
Why do you think the price will be get
cheaper if it is processed foods?
Lucille: For me teacher, processing
increases the shelf life of food and
decreases the amount of waste,
reducing thereby overall costs of
food production.
Notre Dame of Tacurong College
City of Tacurong

Food processing can decrease the cost of

foods. For example, frozen vegetables
have a similar nutritional value as fresh
ones, but a lower price, as they have
already been prepared, do not contain
inedible parts, can be bought in bulk and
can last longer.
During this pandemic, did you class
preserve food at your home, and what
are those? Yes, Jelyn Mae?
Jelyn Mae: Since it is difficult to go
outside during this pandemic, my
mom usually buys food that can’t
easily spoil and she also preserve
foods such as meat and vegies, easy
to cook food, and, making jams and
atsara, Teacher.
Excellent Jelyn Mae!
Again class, what are the 5 benefits of
food processing and preservation.
Yes, Bless?
Bless: For safety, Nutritional quality,
Convenience, Reducing health
inequalities and concerns and the
price, Teacher.

Is Bless correct, Daisy?

Daisy: Yes, she is.


Why is Nutritional quality being one of

the benefits of processed and preserve
food? Yes, Mechelle? Mechelle: Processed foods can also
be fortified with additional nutrients
such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber
to boost the health profile of foods,

Very well said, Mechelle.

How about the price of the food, is it also

one of the benefits?
Yes Gerlie? Gerlie: Yes, Teacher. Processing
increases the shelf life and decrease
the cost of foods.

Is that correct class?

Class: Yes, she is.
Notre Dame of Tacurong College
City of Tacurong

Let’s clap our hands together.

Impressive everyone you have really
learned a lot today! Say Hooray!

3. Application
Let’s play another game. This game is
entitled “Picture Perfect”. I want you to
find a partner. But before that I prepared
here a table for the 5 benefits of
processed foods and preservation, I also
have here different picture. All you have
to do is classify this picture according to
the table below.
Safety Nutritional Conve Reduci Price
Quality ng

Okay, Start!
I want a volunteer to share their answers
in front of the class.

IV. Assessment
Okay children get one whole sheet of
paper and answer the following.
Directions: Complete the sentences
below by writing your best choice in the
provided blank in each item.
Choose wisely.
1. What is the most common method of
preserving food used today?
a. Drying
b. Smoking
c. Canning
d. Freezing
Notre Dame of Tacurong College
City of Tacurong

2. An ancient method in preserving food

is? a. Canning
b. Freezing
c. Fermenting
d. Cooking

3. It is the food preservation method in

which salty liquid used to cover the
food, then the food is left in a warm
environment for a period of time. a.
b. Canning
c. Dehydrating
d. Freezing
4. You go to Angel’s hamburger and
realize there that ketchup is made
from tomatoes and lots of vinegar,
which food preservation does it
a. Pickling
b. Canning
c. Dehydrating
d. Freezing

5. Dried mangoes and dried fish are

example of which food preservation?
a. Freezing
b. Canning
c. Fermenting
d. Dehydrating

6. How does drying food kill microbes?

a. By depending on cold
temperatures to slow down their
growth rate.
b. By using a lot of heat to kill them.
c. By getting rid of their water source.
d. By spoiling the food on its own.

7. Freezing temperatures ___?

a. Destroy microorganism
b. Retard the action of bacteria and
c. Destroy enzymes
d. Prevent microorganisms from
8. What must be removed to stop the
spoiling action of microorganism?
a. Favourable temperature
b. Food
c. Moisture
d. All of the above.
9. Preventing the growth of pathogens
in food:
a. Food preservation
b. Cross- contamination
c. Danger zone
d. Shelf-life.
10.A fungus that cause fermentation:
a. Enzymes
b. Mold
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City of Tacurong

c. Yeast
d. Bacteria

V. Assignment
Directions: Write your answer in the
1. List down all processed and
preserve food found in your
kitchen. It’s either in your
refrigerator or pantries.
2. Identify and label the method of
which processed food they

“Thank you for listening, remember to

always wash your hands, maintain
social distance, wear facemask and
Pray that
everyone will always be safe.”



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