1 Test Unit 1, exercise 1 the 8th floor in the city centre and has an amazing view
Speaker 1 of the city. It’s a big change for me because I live in the
Films have always been a great passion of mine. I love country in a cottage, with a big garden, far away from
watching them and making videos and I’m always curious any noise.
to find out more about films, actors and directors. I’m 2
quite sure I’d like a job which is related to the cinema Boy: It’s a nice room, very bright. But it’s still rather
industry. So, no one was really surprised when I thought empty, with only a bed and a wardrobe. I mean, it could
of starting a school film club last year. The idea worked do with a desk for studying and doing homework,
fine and our club now has about twenty regular members.
couldn’t it?
Speaker 2 Girl: Actually, I always do that on my bed. What I really
About two years ago I became interested in e-sports. want to get first is a small coffee table. I need a place to
I watched a lot of competitions and last year I joined put a cup of tea when I’m studying or doing homework.
a team to take part in some of them. My mum and dad My parents have already ordered one on the internet.
are quite concerned about that and argue that it pulls Then I can think of getting a desk and chair for my room.
me away from studying. Still, as long as my marks aren’t
Speaker 3
getting worse they don’t protest too often – but I do
need to be careful with my schoolwork.
The course was a great surprise! We learnt a lot about I guess you can always watch a cookery programme
make‑up, cosmetics and hairstyling and I loved it! I’m while you’re cooking!
actually thinking of doing a more advanced course
next summer although I don’t think I’d like to work as
Boy 1: Thanks for agreeing to help me clean this place.
a beautician in the future.
I think it’s going to take hours!
Speaker 4 Boy 2: Don’t worry. Look, I’ll open that small window
I started playing football when I was just four years old. over there to let some fresh air in, OK? Ah, here we go.
My dad, who himself retired from football a few years Your garden looks nice from up here. I can now see how
ago, put me in a football school for young kids run by big it is!
his friend. I know he still hopes I might be a pro one Boy 1: Yes, I like it. OK, let’s first check these boxes
day but that’s not my plan. Actually, playing for a club is under that wall, shall we?
now more like hard work than a hobby and I’m going to
leave the club after this season. Of course, I’ll still play 5
football, but just with friends at weekends. I know my Hello, Sue. It’s Mary. As you know, my parents have
dad will be disappointed but I can’t help it. recently bought a holiday home in the country. At first
I thought it was a bad idea. I mean, who wants to spend
2 Test Unit 1, exercise 2 most of their weekends in the same place? But I was
The police are still looking for Terry Coddick, a thirteen- wrong. The house is quite nice and the area is perfect
year-old boy who didn’t come home last Saturday. Terry for cycling and hiking. So, I was wondering if you’d like
is rather short, about 1.6 m, with dark, short straight to come over next weekend so we could go cycling
hair. When he left home, he was dressed in a black together. Let me know if you can make it. Call me back.
6 Test Unit 3, exercise 1 8 Test Unit 3, exercise 3
Speaker 1 1 Where’s the school canteen?
I usually do well at exams. The stress makes me think 2 You’re kidding, right?
harder and I can concentrate better. But in my opinion, 3 How do you feel about this course?
exams are a bad idea. Students often get bad results, not 4 Learning a foreign language is very useful.
because they haven’t studied but because of the stress.
We get marks all year round and these really show our 9 Test Unit 4, exercise 1
progress, so what do we need exams for? Text 1
Speaker 2 Eric: Hi, Chrissy. How’s it going?
I’m not good at taking exams. I almost failed my exams Chrissy: Hi, Eric. I haven’t seen you for a while. What
last year. I wasn’t stressed out too much, quite the have you been up to?
opposite. But the exams went on for too long and Eric: Well, I’ve got a weekend job.
I found it more and more difficult to think clearly. Chrissy: Really? What kind of job?
Perhaps it’s because when I study at home, I often take Eric: I work for that flower shop in Park Street. I deliver
breaks and never revise for too long. I’ll have to change
Speaker 3
that if I want to get better results in the future.
a different story. It feels like I forget everything I’ve happier earning some extra money than doing the
learnt and so I get poor results. cleaning! Look, are you busy this weekend?
Chrissy: Not really, why?
Speaker 4
Eric: They need help in the flower shop because they
I know it sounds a bit strange, but I don’t hate exams
like almost everyone else. The truth is that I’m not a top
need to prepare bouquets for two weddings this
Teacher: I think so. You’re always active during our when they need new staff. And that’s what I’d like to
English classes and it seems you’ve read quite a lot of talk about. The job interview. I’ll begin by telling you
books, including top literary works. about some typical forms of job interview and later
John: Well, it’s true. My parents often tell me to read I’d like to give you some hints and tips about how to
this or that. They say you can’t be well–educated if you prepare for one …
don’t read a lot.
Teacher: They’re right. Look, there are only four people
10 Test Unit 4, exercise 2
in our club at the moment, and we need at least two 1
more. There’s a literature competition in April and I think I sometimes work as a babysitter at the weekends.
you could help us win a good place. Usually it’s an easy job and I like looking after children.
But last week I was taking care of two brothers, aged 7
John: Thanks. But when does the club meet?
and 6 who suddenly started fighting. One of them fell,
Teacher: On Thursday afternoons at 4.30.
twisted his arm and cut his head. It was terrible. I had to
John: Well, I’ve got my tennis classes after school on call the parents who were really angry. I probably won’t
Thursdays, so I don’t think it’s possible. work for them again.
Teacher: Maybe your parents could talk to the coach
and ask him or her to move the classes to a different 2
day? I’ll ask them to do so. See you tomorrow, John. My name’s Tom. Every morning I go jogging in the park
John: Good idea. Please, do that. Goodbye, Mrs Evans. near my house and one day my neighbour stopped me
and said: ‘Would you like to take my dog with you for
a run?’ I said ‘OK’ and now I do it regularly on Tuesdays
and Fridays. It’s not real work but I get paid!
3 12 Test Unit 5, exercise 2
My name’s Sue. Two of my friends and I earn some extra Hi, it’s Caroline. Just to let you know that I can’t come
money by handing out leaflets. Sometimes we work in to Sarah’s engagement party with uncle Peter in his
the street, in front of some shops, but most often we car. I have to go to the office for a while, so I’m taking
work in the supermarket. It’s an easy but boring job, and the train. I should arrive at about 3 p.m. Can Alice or
it isn’t very well-paid. Tom pick me up from the station, please? Don’t worry if
4 they can’t. I can always take a taxi straight to the hotel
I sometimes work for a local gift shop, usually before restaurant. Just let me know as soon as you can. Bye!
Christmas and sometimes in the summer, too. I usually 13 Test Unit 5, exercise 3
wrap the gifts and tidy up the place, too. It’s not a bad
job for £6 an hour while most of my friends earn less 1 Mary and I are planning to get married in September.
than five for babysitting or other work like that. 2 Here, I’ve made a cake for you.
3 I’m staying at home with a bad cold, I’m afraid.
11 Test Unit 5, exercise 1 4 I’m taking my driving test tomorrow.
Speaker 1
We may not spend a lot of time together during the
week but we certainly make up for it at weekends. We
all love hiking and almost every Saturday and Sunday we
go to the mountains for a long walk. We all love that,
and it really holds us together. It might change next
year, though, because my older sister is going to go to
14 Test Unit 6, exercise 1
Speaker 2 orange juice.
My family used to spend a lot of time together, Woman: Are you sure? It’s really cold out there.
especially in the evenings, you know watching a film or Man: Yes, I’m sure.
just chatting. But since my parents started their own
business together a month ago, it’s been very different.
Boy: I’m not very fond of the food here. Pity they don’t
They often come back home late and tired, so we
give us hamburgers!
hardly ever have time to chat. The weekends aren’t very
Girl: Come on, you don’t get fast food at school! And at
different, but maybe it’ll get better when their business
least we’re eating healthy food.
takes off. I really hope so.
Boy: Yes, I know. Besides, my dad makes the best
Speaker 3 hamburgers. I’ll ask him to make some for me at home.
We seem to spend a lot of time together at weekends Girl: All right. Now, let’s start eating before the break’s
because we either visit someone or we have guests. over.
It’s always an uncle’s name day or someone’s wedding
anniversary and every time I want to hang out with my 3
friends, my plans are ruined. It’s really boring sitting at I got up quite late this morning, so I didn’t have time to
a table, answering the same questions about my school have much breakfast. I just had some cereal with milk,
or future plans from aunts and uncles I barely know. instead of my usual toast and jam. It’s good my mum
Sometimes I’m really glad when the weekend’s over and was still at home and she made some ham and cheese
I’m back at school! sandwiches for my packed lunch. I’m already getting
Speaker 4
15 Test Unit 6, exercise 2 Woman: It’s the Saturday three weeks from now.
So, what are the typical dos and don’ts for an evening Man: Is that still in April?
meal? Let’s start with the good things to eat. If you Woman: No, it’s the first Saturday in May. The third to
want to feel calm and relaxed, which will help you fall be exact. We go by bus, which leaves at 6 a.m. and we
asleep easily, try some honey. One teaspoonful should come back at around 11 p.m. I’d like to go.
be enough. If you’re feeling a bit hungry and you’d like Man: Let me have a look. Hmm, it says here that as well
some meat, avoid red meat. It’s heavy on your stomach, as the shopping centres, we’re going to visit the market
so turkey’s a much better option. It’ll make you full in Boulogne where you can buy some food from the
enough, but it’s easy to digest. What should we avoid local farms like cheese. I love French cheese. And of
before turning in for bed? Well, the list can actually be course, we can buy some local French wine.
quite long. Let’s start with the foods like curry. Spicy Woman: And if we don’t want to spend the whole day
food is a bad choice for the evening, because you might shopping, we can always go to a restaurant or visit
get a stomachache and also, your organism will have some local attractions like the cathedral, museum or the
problems regulating the body temperature. Another type aquarium, which is one of the biggest in Europe.
of food you shouldn’t eat late in the evening is cheese. Man: That’s good. Let’s book the trip, then.
Speaker 1 5m7
It makes your brain much more active, so even if you do
fall asleep, you might have really strange dreams!
He did the job quite quickly and everything was OK
for just two or three days before the dishwasher broke Tina: Yeah, because you spent most of the time at the
down again. I was a little annoyed, so I called the same hotel’s indoor pool or in your room playing games on
company and told them to send in another technician. your tablet! Dad and I wanted to go hiking and cycling,
but we only did that once because it rained all the time.
Fortunately, they did it and the problem was solved.
What a shame!
the problem and the cost of the repair was really low. a tourist. So, when I went to Asia last year for almost
The rest of my journey was really good. two months, I didn’t plan to do the things that many
tourists do, like staying in an expensive hotel and visiting
Speaker 4 the most popular sights. I stayed in one area for a few
Last Saturday my parents were at work when my dog days, usually in a rented room from an Indian family and
started to be very sick. I completely didn’t know what I tried to get a real feel of the local life. I met friendly
to do. I started searching the Internet to find a vet people who showed me some really beautiful places that
clinic open that day when I remembered that one of our most tourists never get to see. Then, I took a train or
neighbours was a vet. She was quite surprised when she bus to another region and did the same things as before.
saw me at the door, but she immediately agreed to take When you travel like that, you really begin to understand
care of my dog and everything was OK. the culture and the lifestyle. So, next summer I’m going
to go backpacking in South America!
17 Test Unit 7, exercise 2
Man: What’s that leaflet?
Woman: It’s from our local travel office. It’s for a day
shopping trip to France.
Man: Hm. Sounds interesting. When is it?
19 Test Unit 8, exercise 2 in the 18th century. On May 29, we invite everyone
Can I have your attention, please? I’d like to say a few to visit the historic fort on the north side of the town
words about our plans for tomorrow. Apart from the where some historical groups are going to play out the
climbing and cycling trips, we have also decided to battle. It will be presented by 20 such groups, with as
organise a kayaking trip on the river. We’ve got eight many as 400 people taking part. At the beginning, at
kayaks, so, it’s a trip for a maximum of fifteen of you, 2 p.m., a history expert will give a short talk to explain
plus our guide. You’ll go down the river for a distance what actually happened here almost 300 years ago.
of about 20 miles, which is a little over 32 kilometres. The main event will end at about 5 p.m. but it will be
We’ll stop twice on the way. The first one will be after followed by some extra attractions, such as photo
about 8 miles, near the ruins of a 17th century fort, so sessions and a souvenir market, among other things.
those of you who feel strong enough can climb up the
hill and see it. Our second stop is in a small town by the 23 Test Unit 10, exercise 1
river. There is a nice street market nearby the harbour, 1
which is a perfect spot to go souvenir-hunting. We’re I had to take him off the pitch. He wasn’t playing very
leaving at 9.30 and we’ll finish the trip about 4 p.m. well, maybe because of the injury he’d just recovered
So, if you’re interested, tell Tom, who will be your trip
leader tomorrow, so he can sign you up. Thank you.
summer? marathon for charity in our town, I decided to take part
in it. So, I’m putting my favourite rollerblades on the
21 Test Unit 9, exercise 1 shelf for the next three weeks because I’m planning to
Speaker 1 prepare for the event. Well, once or twice I might go
I started learning to play the electric guitar a few months horse-riding with my friend, just to relax.
I know the competition is hard, so I guess I need to try to go scuba diving there.
and get better and better all the time. Boy: It’s great. I did it when my dad took me to Thailand
Speaker 3 last summer. It’s awesome!
Just a few weeks ago a friend of mine, who plays in Girl: Isn’t it kind of dangerous?
a band, suggested I should start learning the bass guitar. Boy: Well, not really, as long as you follow the
The funny thing is I’d actually been thinking of learning instructions carefully. It’s not cheap, though, because
to play the acoustic guitar, but I agreed. I’ve got no you need to rent the equipment, but it’s certainly worth
regrets, though. I’m still at a basic level, but I’m really giving it a go.
amazed how quickly I’m learning. Girl: I’ll do that.
Speaker 4 5
My dad’s been teaching me to play the piano for over Cycling is a very popular activity and for good reasons.
two years now. It’s OK I guess, although I’m a little It’s relaxing and keeps you fit. But a lot of cyclists do
jealous of some of my friends who can play the guitar not take seriously the risks involved in riding on the
and I often feel I’d rather learn to play that. It’s so much road. Using a helmet to protect your head is a must –
more fun and you can take one with you when you go accidents happen all the time. Sometimes it’s the drivers
camping with friends. who are to blame as they don’t pay attention to cyclists.
But you might also fall off your bike on a bumpy forest
22 Test Unit 9, exercise 2 path. I’ve had several crashes so far and in each situation
For the first time in its history our town will see I was really lucky to have my helmet on.
a historic reenactment of the battle that took place here
24 Test Unit 10, exercise 2 fortunately it was just a pulled muscle. I used the cream
Octopushing is often called underwater hockey because the doctor prescribed and I was fine just in time for the
the basic idea of these two disciplines is quite similar. trip.
Octopushing was invented in England in 1954. The
first global event, the Underwater Hockey World 27 Test Unit 11, exercise 2
Championship took place in Canada almost 30 years Woman: St. Peter’s Hospital. Can I help you?
later in 1980. Now, how is underwater hockey played? Grace: Hello, my name’s Grace Kinnick. My friend and
The game takes place at the bottom of a swimming pool I saw a leaflet from the hospital a few days ago. It said
where two teams try to push the puck, that is the round the hospital was looking for young volunteers to spend
flat piece of rubber, into their opponents’ goal. The total time with ill children in the children’s ward. We’d like to
number of players is ten, although just like in ice hockey, help.
only six players are allowed to play at the same moment, Woman: That’s great! It’s really nice of both of you.
with the other four waiting to replace the players who Grace: So, how do we go about it?
need to take a breath. The puck is moved with short Woman: There’s a meeting with Ms Robertson,
sticks, which can’t be longer than 35 cm. This isn’t much a hospital nurse, for all the volunteers on Friday at 4
when you think of the almost 2m long ice-hockey sticks!
Unlike an ice-hockey match, which has three parts of
20 minutes each, an octopushing match is played in
two halves, ranging from 10 to 20 minutes. Let’s now
take a look at other equipment which is used during an
octopushing game …
p.m. She’ll give you all the details. But mostly, it’s simple
things, like just chatting to the children or reading
stories to them, so they don’t feel lonely and bored.
Grace: Good. Where can we find her?
Woman: She’ll meet you at the reception desk on the
ground floor.
25 Test Unit 10, exercise 3 Grace: OK, we’ll be there.
Woman: Thank you.
1 Don’t ever behave like that in class!
2 Is it OK to take photographs inside the museum? 28 Test Unit 12, exercise 1
3 Can I kick the ball in a game of handball?
Text 1
4 Can I borrow your bike for the afternoon, please? John: Hi, Susan. What are you reading?
Last year I woke up one day with red spots on my letters explaining the possible future dangers of artificial
forearm. My mum’s a nurse and she immediately intelligence.
thought it might be an allergic reaction. The tests John: Really. I think these people should be keen on the
showed that I was allergic to dark chocolate, which idea!
I loved! I had to give up eating it, although from time Susan: Well, according to this article, the main problem
to time I can’t control myself. Of course, it shows soon is that intelligent machines or systems may try to
afterwards on my skin and my mum gets angry. do what we want them to do, but in a dangerous
Speaker 3 or destructive way, just because it will be the most
I play basketball for the school team. Last month effective one.
I caught a really bad cold, just a few days before the John: Oh, I hadn’t thought of that. I guess you’re right.
final game in our junior league. I had a sore throat and
Text 2
high temperature, so there was no way I could play that
And now, another common problem with hackers is that
day. I was so miserable because I had worked hard the
they can steal important information from organisations
whole season and then I was out of the most important
and businesses. This kind of hacking attack is known as
game! My team did win the match, though.
phishing. I can see some of you nodding your heads, so
Speaker 4 probably your companies have had this problem. As you
A few weeks ago I hurt my leg while I was doing know, hackers often steal information by using emails.
sports at school. At first it wasn’t bad, but it still hurt Let’s first have a look at some basic statistics. The graph
a few days later, so I saw a doctor. I was afraid I would in the next slide here shows you that phishing attacks
miss the school trip abroad the following week, but have increased in the last six months by almost 50%.
About 44% of these attacks are successful. Research Boy: How about some factories? We could do a project
has also shown that although companies spend a lot of about air and water pollution.
money on educating their staff, still about 30% of staff Girl: The problem is that there are very few of those
members will open emails even though they are not sure nearby, so I don’t think it’s the most serious problem.
where they came from … Also, the city streets are quite clean, so the rubbish
problem is out, too.
29 Test Unit 12, exercise 2 Boy: But what about traffic? It’s really bad during most
Cathy: Tom, hello. Do you have a moment? of the day. We could write about air and noise pollution.
Tom: Oh, hi Cathy. Sure, what is it? Girl: That’s a good idea!
Cathy: I’m doing this survey for my IT project. Can you
answer a few questions? 3
Tom: Sure. We spent last weekend in the mountains in a really nice
spot. We stayed in a wooden cottage which is halfway
Cathy: How much time do you spend per week using
up the mountain. There’s a path from the cottage which
a computer?
takes you to the river in the valley. As you walk along
Tom: It’s hard to say. It depends on my schoolwork, the
the river, you get to a small but beautiful mountain lake,
weather. But not more than 3 hours on a weekday.
Cathy: And more at weekends?
Tom: No, definitely less. I like doing sports at weekends,
so I don’t spend much time at the computer then.
Maybe two hours altogether.
Cathy: OK, so in my questionnaire you’re answer B,
with crystal clear water. I loved it there!
Boy: So, have you made up your mind about a pet?
What are you going to get?
Girl: You know, everyone’s been telling me to get a dog.
that’s between 10 and 20 hours per week. Right? But I’m not very fond of dogs, and vice versa.
Tom: Yeah, I guess so. Boy: Dogs are the best. But if you think they’re too
Cathy: How much of that time do you spend gaming? much trouble, get a cat. Or fish.
And what kind of games do you like? You like sports, so Girl: I might just do that! No, I’m kidding. Fish are boring.
you probably play that type of game, don’t you? Cats are OK, though. You don’t need to look after them
as much as dogs. I’ll get one.
Tom: Not really, no. I don’t play as much as some of my
pals. I’d say about 4 hours per week. And I don’t like Boy: You know what? I don’t think you’re ready for any
good at that.
Cathy: OK, Tom, thanks a lot. 32 Test Unit 13, exercise 2
Tom: No problem. The name penguin refers to a group of bird species
that cannot fly and depend on hunting in the water.
30 Test Unit 12, exercise 3 Most penguin species live in the southern part of the
1 Do you think we’ll finish the science project on time? world, with only one living north of the equator. Only
2 Guess what! I’ve won the national maths competition! a few larger types of penguins can live in the very cold
climates of Antarctica.
3 Unfortunately, my project hasn’t won a prize.
Penguins cannot fly. Their wings are in fact flippers
4 So, what do you think of this science exhibition?
which let them move in the water quite fast. They spend
31 Test Unit 13, exercise 1 about half of their lives in the ocean, hunting small fish
1 and other forms of sea life. The rest of the time they live
And now for a short weather report. The good news is on land.
that the storm that hit the area last night has moved Penguins are excellent swimmers and divers. The smaller
south and it’s no longer raining, although it’s still cloudy penguins do not usually dive deep. They hunt near the
and there’s a strong wind from the north-east. But surface in dives no longer than two minutes, while the
the sky is going to clear up tomorrow, so we can look larger ones can go down several hundred metres and
forward to some sunny weather, though still a bit windy. stay there for as long as twenty minutes.
Now, let’s take a look at the daily life in a penguin
2 colony…
Girl: So, what about our project? We need to choose an
environmental issue in our area. Any ideas?
33 Test Unit 14, exercise 1 Jane: I’ll talk to the head teacher. What about the audio
Speaker 1 equipment, like the speakers and all that?
Last September my friend asked me to help sell some Pete: Why don’t you ask Matt? He should be able to
items made by local artists who donated them to charity help.
during a local festival. Everything sold well, like each Jane: Good! I’ll do just that!
year, but I didn’t expect it would be such a hard job. We
had to put up the stall at the festival, sell the items, clear 35 Test Unit 14, exercise 3
away the boxes and so on. Believe me, I was exhausted 1 Ben must be angry with me about something.
at the end of the day. But it was also extremely 2
Tom’s cough sounds bad, doesn’t it?
satisfying! 3 Peter says he won’t play with us tomorrow.
Speaker 2 4 Do you know why he’s not at home now?
Last month I took part in a sponsored run for the local 36 Revision Test Units 1–7, exercise 1
dog-house. It was the first time I’d done something
like that. I thought most of the people who’d come to 1
watch the runners would just be their family and friends. I’m often a bit hungry between meals, so I need to have
Well, there was a big crowd of people all along the
run, cheering the participants, which was really a great
feeling. It was raining quite hard, but amazingly, nobody
seemed to notice.
Speaker 3
A group of my schoolmates organised an event to
something to eat. I used to eat quite a lot of sweets like
chocolate bars or a piece of cake, but then I decided to
cut down on sweet things. So, now it’s mostly some nuts
for me, although occasionally I might eat some fruit, like
an apple or a banana.
collect money for one of our friends who had an illness Girl 1: Let’s find Thomas. I’ll introduce you to him.
and needed a lot of money for the therapy. Me and my Girl 2: OK. Which one is he? Is that the boy over there
friend were collecting money near a shopping centre. talking to Mark? The tall one with blond hair?
Well, trying to because hardly any one seemed to pay Girl 1: No, I don’t know that one. Thomas isn’t tall,
any attention to us. Most of the shoppers just ignored though he isn’t short, either. Medium-height, with short
us. It was so frustrating! dark hair. Oh, there he is! Thomas, come over here!
Speaker 4 3
I play the guitar in a band and last summer we were Boy 1: Hi, Alex. Wow, there’s such a long queue. Look,
invited to play at an open-air concert for a local could you get me a bottle of orange juice? I need to
charity. A lot of people attended and we all hoped go back to the library. I’m helping Ms Scott with the
for a successful evening. But halfway through the computer there.
event a storm broke out, with strong winds and heavy Boy 2: Oh, I don’t know. I’ve got my PE class in a few
rain and the whole event was ruined. We were all so minutes and I need to change.
disappointed! Boy 1: Come on, it’s on the way!
Boy 2: Oh, all right.
34 Test Unit 14, exercise 2
Jane: Pete, got a moment? 4
Pete: Sure. What’s up? It eventually opened last week. The place is just great!
Jane: I was thinking about the fundraiser we organise There’s a multi-screen and lots of places to have a meal
each year. It’s time to pick a date for this year. or a coffee, so it’s a good meeting spot for a rainy day.
My sister loves it too because she says it’s got all her
Pete: Last year it was the beginning of July, wasn’t it?
favourite stores. The clothes ones, of course! I’ve been
Jane: Yes, but lots of people were already away on
37 Revision Test Units 1–7, exercise 2 39 Revision Test Units 1–7, exercise 4
Speaker 1 1 Would you like me to carry these bags for you?
At the end of the summer my dad told us we’d be 2 Have you got any plans for the summer?
moving to a new house in another city, and the news 3 Excuse me, I’m looking for a post office.
didn’t bother us much. You see, my dad’s a football 4 Would you like to go to that new Indian restaurant
coach and it’s the fourth or fifth time in my life we’ve tonight?
moved house. So, we all know how to go about packing
and unpacking and settling in the new place. I really like 40 Revision Test Units 8–14, exercise 1
it here, though, and just hope we’d stay in this city a bit
Text 1
longer. Tina: So, Paul, what do you think? It was difficult to
Speaker 2 follow sometimes.
I’m in my final year at school and when my parents Paul: No, not really. But I read the book, so it was easier
told me we were going to move to another city, I was for me. Still, the film makes you think, doesn’t it? I mean,
both sad and really angry. I tried to persuade them to it really tells you a lot about how terrible racism and
let me stay with my grandparents so I could still go to discrimination can be.
the same school. But they didn’t agree and the whole
thing started a bad conflict. In the end, though, I had no
choice but to accept their decision and I had to move.
The place’s OK, though, and because I make new friends
easily, I don’t think it’ll be long before I settle in.
Speaker 3
Tina: Definitely. I hope it’ll change the minds of some
people. Still, I wasn’t impressed by one or two of the
actors. Their characters weren’t very real.
Paul: Really?! I thought the acting was awesome. It’s
actually one of the reasons I’d like to see it again.
Besides, it’s so different from all the typical films we get
to see in the cinema these days. Like all those superhero
A few months ago we moved from our small town to live
movies that have an obvious plot and plenty of special
in a large city. Although I was a bit nervous about it at
effects. That’s why I haven’t been to the cinema for
first, it turned out better than I expected. We now have
quite a while. But this one is worlds apart and I think it’s
a big, four-bedroomed flat, which means I no longer
a good idea to see it more than just once.
need to share a room with my brother. And there are
Tina: Maybe. Though I’m not sure I’d like to see it again
a lot more interesting things to do here. The best place
any time soon. Normally, I prefer something light, like
38 Revision Test Units 1–7, exercise 3 Man: I’m afraid not. You had a really serious accident.
Next weekend our town will be celebrating its 500th Isabel: Yeah. I can’t imagine how my mum and dad felt
birthday! The town began as a small fishing village when they learnt about it.
exactly five centuries ago. Over the years, it grew on Man: The most important thing is that you’re going to
both sides of the river and became an important port be all right. Now, I need to take your blood pressure…
for traders. Anyone interested in getting to know more
about the town’s rich history should see the exhibition 41 Revision Test Units 8–14, exercise 2
housed in the historic town hall, which has been open to Speaker 1
visitors since last week. Last summer my parents and I went on a sightseeing
The celebrations will start on Saturday morning and tour of Italy. I like history, so I was really excited about
continue until Sunday evening, with lots of attractions seeing all the museums and galleries and learning more
prepared by the organisers for both the residents and about the country. Well, what none of us expected
visitors. The celebrations will finish with a classical was that each day of the holiday would be so packed
concert given by the town orchestra on Sunday evening. with the visits to various places. We were completely
More details about the programme of the festivities are exhausted in the evenings. We had very little free time
available for download from the town’s official website. to go shopping or just have a rest. When we got back
Join us to experience the unique festive atmosphere this home, we all felt like we could sleep for a week!
Speaker 2 43 Revision Test Units 8–14, exercise 4
Last summer my dad, who’s a keen sailor, eventually got 1 Do you know whose bag this is?
me and mum to go to Croatia on a sailing holiday. He’d
2 We lost the final game yesterday.
rented a small sailing boat there. At first I was initially
3 I’m thinking of trying bungee jumping.
terrified of sailing, as was my mum, but after two or
three days we started to enjoy it. My dad turned out to 4 I’ve bought a new bag for you.
be a really good teacher, very patient and understanding, 44
and my sailing skills improved each day. I can’t wait to
Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty, Copyright Macmillan
go sailing somewhere else next summer!
Education Polska 2018
Speaker 3
Last August I went with two of my friends to the
mountains where we wanted to do some rock climbing.
I’d practised a bit on the climbing wall in our local sports
centre, so I’d been looking forward to learning the real
thing. It didn’t work out, though, because of the strong
winds and heavy rain during the whole time we were
there. In the end we decided to shorten our stay and
come home two days earlier, feeling rather disappointed.
Speaker 4
Last summer my family went to the mountains on
a cycling holiday. During the car journey I felt miserable
because I was having stomach problems. So, although
I felt quite all right the next day, I stayed away from
cycling for two days. Mum of course wanted to stay with
me, but I didn’t want her to get bored, so I told her I’d
be fine. I just rested on my own for two days and then
I was good to join in the cycling.
Woman: Oh, the centre is within walking distance from
the train station, no more than 10 minutes on foot. But
you can also take a bus as there’s a bus stop just next to
the centre. It’s line number 25.
Paul: OK, thanks a lot. Bye
Woman: You’re welcome. Goodbye.