Iso 8062 - 1994

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Second edition
I 994-04-01

Castings - System of dimensional

tolerances and machining allowances

Pi&es moul&es - Systhme de tokrances dimensionnelies et

sur6paisseurs d ‘usinage

Reference number
IS0 8062: 1994(E)
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IS0 8062: 1994(E)

IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(I EC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are

circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.

International Standard IS0 8062 was prepared by Technical Committee

lSO/TC 3, Limits and fits.

This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition

(IS0 8062:1984), which has been technically revised.

Annexes A, B and C of this International Standard are for information only.

0 IS0 1994
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0 IS0 IS0 8062: 1994(E)

This International Standard relates to a system of tolerance grades and
machining allowance grades for cast metals and their alloys.
The tolerance specified for a casting may determine the casting method.
It is therefore recommended, before the design or the order is finalized,
that the customer liaise with the foundry to discuss

a) the proposed casting design and accuracy required;

b) machining requirements;
c) method of casting;

d) the number of castings to be manufactured;

e) the casting equipment involved;

f) any special requirements, for instance, datum target systems, individ-

ual dimensional tolerances, geometrical tolerances, fillet radii toler-
ances and individual machining allowances;

9) whether any other standard is more appropriate for the casting.

NOTE 1 Further investigation on metallic permanent moulds (gravity- and low-

pressure), pressure die castings and investment castings should be carried out.

Because the dimensional accuracy of a casting is related to production

factors, tolerance grades which can be achieved for various methods and
metals are described in annex A for

a) long series and mass production, where development, adjustment and

maintenance of casting equipment make it possible to achieve close

b) short series and single production.

Information on typical required machining allowance grades is given in
annex B.

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Castings - System of dimensional tolerances and

machining allowances

1 Scope IS0 286-l : 1988, IS0 system of limits and fits -

Part I: Bases of tolerances, deviations and fits.
This International Standard specifies a system of tol-
erance grades and required machining allowance IS0 1302:1992, Technical drawings - Method of in-
grades for the dimensions of castings. It is applicable dicating s&ace texture.
to the dimensions of cast metals and their alloys
produced by various casting manufacturing processes
[but see also Introduction g) and clause 51.

This tnternational Standard applies both to general 3 Definitions

tolerances and/or required machining allowances
given on a drawing and to individual tolerances For the purposes of this International Standard, the
and/or required machining allowances which are following definitions apply.
shown immediately following a specific dimension
(see clause 11).
3.1 basic dimension: Dimension of a raw casting
The system specified applies when the foundry pro- before machining (see figure I), the necessary ma-
vides the pattern or die equipment or accepts re- chining allowance being included (see figure 2).
sponsibility for proving it.

Raw casting basic dimension

2 Normative references

The following standards contain provisions which, ---

through reference in this text, constitute provisions

of this International Standard. At the time of publi-

cation, the editions indicated were valid. All standards
are subject to revision, and parties to agreements
based on this International Standard are encouraged
to investigate the possibility of applying the most re-
cent editions of the standards indicated below.
Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of cur-
rently valid International Standards. Figure 1 - Drawing indications (see clause 4)
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IS0 8062: 1994(E) 0 IS0

With cylindrical features or machining on both sides,

the RMA is taken into account twice (see figures 5
and 6).
Finished dimension
3.4 mismatch: Relative displacement of surfaces of
a casting owing to inaccuracies in the constituent
parts of multipart moulds (see figure3).
3.5 draft angle (taper): Additional slope of shaping
elements (e.g. on enveloping surfaces) necessary to
facilitate the removal of a casting from a mould or die,
or a pattern from a mould, or the parts of a permanent
mould from each other.
4 Dimensioning
With the exception of dimensioning of wall thickness
Minimum limit of size
(where a chain of two dimensions may exist), chain
Maximum limit of size
dimensioning shall be avoided.

Figure 2 - Tolerance limits 5 Tolerance grades

There are 16 casting tolerance grades, designated
CT1 to CT16 (see table 1).

3.2 dimensional tolerance: [See IS0 286-I]. Dimensions for which general tolerances are not
suitable shall be allocated individual tolerances.

3.3 required machining allowance, RMA: On raw While work is proceeding to obtain definite tolerance
castings, a material allowance to permit the removal information for metallic permanent mould castings
of the effects of casting on the surface by subsequent (gravity- and low-pressure), pressure die castings and
machining and to allow the achievement of the de- investment castings, other more appropriate tolerance
sired surface texture and the necessary accuracy of standards, e.g. national standards, may be employed
dimension. for these particular processes.

Maximum mismatch , _Maximum mismatch

Minimum Limit of size Z

Maximum limit of size m

Figure 3 - Maximum mismatch

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0 IS0 IS0 8062:1994(E)

6 Mismatch thickness in grades CT1 to CT15 shall be one grade

coarser than the general tolerance for other dimen-
Unless otherwise specified, mismatch shall lie within sions; for example, if there is a general tolerance on
the tolerance shown in table 1 (see figure3). When it a drawing of CTlO, the tolerance on wall thicknesses
is important to restrict further the value of mismatch, shall be CT? 1.
the maximum value shall be stated on the drawing
(see 11 .I). 8 Tapered features

7 Wall thickness Where a design requires a tapered feature (e.g. fea-

ture with a draft angle), the tolerance shall be applied
Unless otherwise specified, the tolerance for wall symmetrically along the surface (see figure4).

Drawina indication Interpretation

$= Ejxic dimension-]
Basic dimension

Taper +

Taper -


Taper *

Figure 4 - Tolerance zone on tapered features

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IS0 8062:1994(E) @JIS0

The drawing shall specify generally whether the taper When agreed between manufacturer and purchaser
shall be added to, subtracted from or averaged to the for specific reasons, the tolerance zone may be
material, e.g. asymmetric. In such a case the tolerance shall be
stated individually, following the basic dimension.
taper +, figure4a)

taper -, figure 4 b)
10 Required machining allowances,
taper *, figure4c) RMA

Tapers for particular surfaces arranged differently

from the general arrangement of taper of the drawing 10.1 General
shall be indicated individually at the surface, e.g.
Unless otherwise specified, the required machining
l allowance is valid for the entire raw casting, i.e. only
one value is specified for all surfaces to be machined,
For dimensions to be machined, “taper +” shall be and this shall be selected from the appropriate di-
applied, irrespective of the general drawing specifica- mension range according to the largest overall di-
tion for taper, in order that the finished dimensions mension of the finished casting after final machining
can be achievable. (see figure 9).

9 Position of tolerance zone The maximum dimension of a feature, as cast, shall

not exceed the finished dimension plus the required
The tolerance zone, unless otherwise stated, shall be machining allowance plus the total casting tolerance
symmetrically disposed with respect to a basic di- (see figure 2 and figures 5 to 8). When applicable, the
mension, i.e. with one half on the positive side and taper shall be considered additionally, as shown in
one half on the negative side (see figure2). figure 4.

CT/4,_ + /-CT/4


R = Raw casting basic dimension

F = Dimension after final machining

RMA = Required machining allowance

CT = Casting tolerance

Figure 5 - External machining of boss

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- F -
CT/4 R CT/4
C r'
* --c - RMA


I-- CT/Z

Figure 6 - Internal machining

(= F - RMA + RMA - CT/4 + CT/4)

I-- CT/Z

Figure 7 - Machining of step dimension


Figure 8 - Machining on one side of feature

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IS0 8062: 1994(E) 0 IS0

b) if further restriction of the mismatch is required

(see clause 4);


“General tolerances IS0 8062 - CT12 - maxi-

mum mismatch 1,5”

if individual tolera rices are required following the

basic dimension.

Figure 9 - Largest overall dimension of the “95 + 3” or “200 ‘z”

casting after final machining
I I .2 Indication of machining allowances

The surfaces to be machined, the required machining

allowance value and, in brackets, the required ma-
IO.2 Grades of required machining chining allowance grade shall be stated on the draw-
allowance ing. These shall be taken into account when the
pattern or die equipment is being produced.
There are 10 grades of required machining allowance,
designated A to K (see table 2). Required machining allowances shall be stated on the
drawing as follows:
NOTE 2 Grades recommended for particular alloys and
manufacturing methods are shown in table B.l for informa- a) with general information relating to tolerances and
tion only.
required machining allowances;

IO.3 Surfaces pre-machined by the foundry
For a required machining allowance of 6 mm in
Any surfaces to be pre-machined by the foundry and grade H for a casting in the largest dimension
the necessary machining allowances for the final ma-
range over 400 mm and up to 630 mm (with
chining shall be stipulated on the drawing by the cus-
general tolerance for the casting IS0 8062 -
tomer in accordance with IS0 1302.
CT1 2):
The required machining allowances necessary for the
“IS0 8062 - CT12 - RMA 6 (H)”
achievement of the pre-machined condition shall be
the responsibility of the foundry, independent of the
values given in table2.
b) on a particular surface on the drawing, if an indi-
vidual required machining allowance is necessary
11 Indication on drawings
(see 10.3).

I I .I Indication of casting tolerances EXAMPLE

See figure 10.

Casting tolerances according to this International
Standard shall be stated on the drawing in one of the
following ways:

a) with general information relating to tolerances; ,.,d

Figure 10 - Indication of required machining
“General tolerances IS0 8062 - CT12” allowance on individual surfaces

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Table 1 - Casting tolerances
Raw casting Total casting tolerancel)
basic mm
mm Casting tolerance grade CT*) 3)

up to
over and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 IO 11 12 134) 144) 154) 1645)

10 0,os 0,13 0,18 0,26 0,36 0,52 0,74 1 1,5 2 23 4,2

10 16 a1 0,14 02 0,28 0,38 0,54 0,78 ItI I,6 22 3 414
16 25 0,ll 0,15 0,22 0,3 0,42 0,58 0,82 12 1,7 2,4 32 4,6 6 8 10 12

25 40 0,12 0,17 0,24 0,32 0,46 0,64 0,s 1,3 13 Z6 3,6 5 9 11 14

40 63 0,13 0,18 0,26 0,36 015 0,7 1 1,4 2 23 4 56 10 12 16
63 100 0,14 02 0,28 0,4 0,56 0,78 ItI I,6 22 32 4,4 6 11 14 18

100 160 0,15 0,22 0,3 0,44 0,62 0,88 12 13 25 36 5 7 10 12 16 20

160 250 0,24 0,34 0,5 0,7 1 1,4 2 28 4 56 8 11 14 18 22
250 400 0,4 0,56 0,78 I,1 I,6 22 32 4,4 62 9 12 16 20 25

400 630 0,64 0,s 12 13 28 3,6 10 14 18 22 28

630 1 000 1 1,4 2 218 4 11 16 20 25 32
1 000 1 600 I,6 22 32 4,6 13 18 23 29 37

1 600 2 500 2,6 3,8 5,4 8 10 15 21 26 33 42

2 500 4 000 484 62 9 12 17 24 30 38 49
4 000 6 300 7 10 14 20 28 35 44 56
6 300 10 000 11 16 23 32 40 50 64

1) See clause 9.
2) Forwailthicknessesin grades CT1 to CT15,one grade coarser applies (see clause 7).
3) See clause 5.
4) For sizes up to 16 mm, general tolerances from CT13to CT16 are not available. For these sizes individual tolerances shall be indicated.
5) Grade 16 exists only for wall thicknesses of castings generally specified to CT15.

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Table 2 - Required machining allowances (RMA)

Largest dimensionl) ’ Required machining allowance

mm mm

Required machining allowance grade

up to and
over A*) B2) C D E F G H J K

40 OJ &I 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 015 0,7 1 L4

40 63 w 02 0,3 0,3 0,4 015 0,7 1 114 2
63 100 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,7 1 L4 2 23 4
100 160 0,3 0,4 0,5 W3 I,1 115 22 3 4 6
160 250 0,3 0,5 0,7 1 I,4 2 Z8 4 515 8
250 400 0,4 0,7 03 113 L8 2,s 3,5 5 7 10
400 630 0,5 018 I,1 I,5 22 3 4 6 9 12
630 1 000 08 03 12 I,8 23 315 5 7 10 14
1 000 1 600 087 1 I,4 2 23 4 5,5 8 11 16
1 600 2 500 Ok3 13 I,6 22 3,2 4,5 6 9 13 18
2 500 4 000 089 I,3 I,8 2,5 3,5 5 7 10 14 20
4 000 6 300 I +L4 2 23 4 5,5 8 II 16 22
6 -300 10 000 L1 I,5 22 3 4,5 6 9 12 17 24

I) *Largest overall dimension of the casting, after final machining.

2) S”Grades A and B shall only be applied in special cases, for example with series production in which the pattern equip-
ment, the casting procedure and the machining procedure with regard to clamping surfaces and datum surfaces or targets
have been agreed between the customer and the foundry.

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IS0 8062: 1994(E)

Annex A

Casting tolerances

A.1 Tables A.1 and A.2 show tolerance grades A.3 In sand casting for short production series and
which can normally be expected in casting processes. for single castings, it is generally impractical and un-
As indicated in the Introduction to this International economical to use metal patterns and to develop
Standard, the accuracy of a casting process is de- equipment and casting procedures resulting in narrow
pendent upon many factors, including: tolerances. The wider tolerances for this class of
manufacture are shown in tableA.2.
a) complexity of the design;
A.4 Tolerances in table 1 of this International Stan-
b) type of pattern equipment or die equipment;
dard are based on foundry data from a number of
countries. These data were used to construct a series
c) the metal or alloy concerned;
of smooth curves using increments of
d) the condition of patterns or dies;
J- 2 for grades CT1 to CT13, and
e) the foundry working methods.
“fi for grades CT13 to CT16.

Many dimensions of a casting are affected by the

presence of a mould joint or a core, requiring in-
A.2 For long series of repetitive work, it may be creased dimensional tolerance. Since the designer will
possible to make adjustments and to control core not necessarily be aware of the mould and core layout
positions carefully to achieve tolerance grades finer to be used, increases have already been included in
than those indicated in tableA.l. table 1.

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Table A.1 - Tolerance grades for long-series production raw castings

Tolerance grade CT

Casting material
Light- Nickel- Cobalt-
Malleable Copper Zinc
Steel Grey iron S. G. iron metal based based
iron alloys alloys
alloys alloys alloys

Sand cast,
hand- 11 to14 11 to 14 11 to 14 II to 14 IO to 13 IO to 13 9to12 II to 14 11 to 14

Sand cast,
mouided and 8to12 8to12 : 8to12 8to12 8tolO 8to10 7 to 9 8to12 8to12
shell mould-

Metallic per-
mould (grav-
ity and low-
pressure) Work is proceeding to establish appropriate data. Meanwhile consultation should take place between the
foundry and the customer to agree upon values used.
Pressure die



1 The tolerance grades indicated are those which can normally be held for castings produced in long series and when
production factors influencing the dimensional accuracy of the casting have been fully developed.

2 This International Standard can also be applied to processes and materials not cited in this table by agreement between
the producer and the user of the castings.

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IS0 8062:1994(E)

Table A.2 - Tolerance grades for short-series or single-production raw castings

I Tolerance grade CT

d /z”“I Stee,IGreviron
1Ma~~~m~~~r 2:; ~f~~~ zi$-
I I I I I IIVII alloys alloys alloys

13tol5 13to15 13tol5 13to15 13to15 11 to 13 13tol5 13tol5
Sand cast, bonded
moulded Chemically , 2 to 14
11 to 13 11tol3 11 to 13 10to12 lOto 12tol4 12tol4


1 The tolerance grades indicated are those which can normally be held for sand castings produced in short series or as
single castings.

2 The values in this table apply generally to basic dimensions greater than 25 mm. For smaller dimensions, finer tolerances
can normally be economically and practically held as follows:

a) basic dimension up to 10 mm: three grades finer;

b) basic dimension IO mm to 16 mm: two grades finer;

c) basic dimension 16 mm to 25 mm: one grade finer.

3 This international Standard can also be applied to processes and materials not cited in this table by agreement between
the producer and the user of the castings.

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IS0 8062: 1994(E)

Annex B

Required machining allowance grades (RMA)

RMA grades recommended for particular metals and alloys and manufacturing methods are presented in
table B.I.

Table B.l - Typical required machining allowance grades for raw castings

Required machining allowance grade

Casting material
Light- Nickel- Cobalt-
Malleable Copper Zinc
Steel Grey iron S. G. iron metal based based
iron alloys alloys
al lays alloys alloys

Sand cast,
G to K F to H F to H F to H FtoH FtoH F to H G to K G to K

Sand cast,
F to H E to G E to G EtoG 1 EtoG 7 EtoG 1 EtoG F to H F to H
moulded, and /
shell moulding [

Metallic perma-
nent mould
D to F D to F D to F D to F D to F l DtoF : - -
(gravity and -
low-pressure) Ii

Pressure die
B to D B to D BtoD - -
E E E - E - E E E

NOTE - This International Standard can also be applied to processes and materials not given in this table by agreement
between the producer and the user of the castings,

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IS0 8062: 1994(E)

Annex C


[ 1] IS0 1101: 1983, Technical drawings - Geomet- [2] IS0 5459:1981, Technical drawings - Geomet-
rical tolerancing - Tolerancing of form, orien- rical tolerancing - Datums and datum-systems
tation, location and run-out - Generalities, for geometrical tolerances.
definitions, symbols, indications on drawings.
[3] IS0 10135: -l) Technical drawings - Simplified
representation’ of moulded, cast and forged

1) To be published.
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IS0 8062:1994(E)

ICS 17.040.10
Descriptors: castings, metallurgical products, dimensions, dimensional tolerances, machining tolerances.

Price based on 13 pages

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