EDUC3 Module 1
EDUC3 Module 1
EDUC3 Module 1
Assessment –refers to the process of gathering, describing or quantifying information about the student
performance. It includes paper and pencil test, extended responses (example essays) and performance
assessment are usually referred to as authentic assessment‖ task (example presentation of research work)
Evaluation- it refers to the process of examining the performance of student. It also determines whether or not
the student has met the lesson instructional objectives.
Test –is an instrument or systematic procedures designed to measure the quality, ability, skill or knowledge of
students by giving a set of question in a uniform manner. Since test is a form of assessment, tests also answer
the question‖how does individual student perform?
Testing-is a method used to measure the level of achievement or performance of the learners. It also
refers to the administration, scoring and interpretation of an instrument (procedure) designed to elicit
information about performance in a simple of a particular area of behavior.
Types of Measurement
There are two ways of interpreting the student performance in relation to classroom instruction. These are the
Norm-reference tests and Criterion-referenced tests.
Norm-reference test is a test designed to measure the performance of a student compared with other students.
Each individual is compared with other examinees and assigned a score-usually expressed as percentile, a
grade equivalent score or a stanine. The achievement of student is reported for broad skill areas, although some
norm referenced tests do report student achievement for individual.
The purpose is to rank each student with respect to the achievement of others in broad areas of knowledge and
to discriminate high and low achievers.
Criterion- referenced test is a test designed to measure the performance of students with respect to some
particular criterion or standard. Each individual is compared with a pre determined set of standard for
acceptable achievement. The performance of the other examinees are irrelevant. A student’s score is usually
expressed as a percentage and student achievement is reported for individual skills,
The purpose is to determine whether each student has achieved specific skills or concepts. And to find out how
mush students know before instruction begins and after it has finished.
Other terms less often used for criterion-referenced are objective referenced, domain referenced, content
referenced and universe referenced.
According to Robert L. Linn and Norma E. gronlund (1995) pointed out the common characteristics and
differences of Norm-Referenced Tests and Criterion-Referenced Tests
There are four type of assessment in terms of their functional role in relation to classroom instruction. These
are the placement assessment, diagnostic assessment, formative assessment and summative assessment.
A. Placement Assessment is concerned with the entry performance of student, the purpose of placement
evaluation is to determine the prerequisite skills, degree of mastery of the course objectives and the
best mode of learning.
B. Diagnostic Assessment is a type of assessment given before instruction. It aims to identify the
strengths and weaknesses of the students regarding the topics to be discussed. The purpose of
diagnostic assessment:
1. To determine the level of competence of the students
2. To identify the students who have already knowledge about the lesson;
3. To determine the causes of learning problems and formulate a plane for remedial action.
C. Formative Assessment is a type of assessment used to monitor the learning progress of the
students during or after instruction. Purpose of formative assessment:
1. To provide feed back immediately to both student and teacher regarding the success and
failure of learning.
2. To identify the learning errors that is need of correction
3. To provide information to the teacher for modifying instruction and used for improving
learning and instruction
D. Summative Assessment is a type of assessment usually given at the end of a course or unit.
Purpose of summative assessment:
1. To determine the extent to which the instructional objectives have been met;
2. To certify student mastery of the intended outcome and used for assigning grades;
3. To provide information for judging appropriateness of the instructional objectives
4. To determine the effectiveness of instruction