Role of Strategy Implementation On Governance of Counties in Kenya

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Mwanje, O. B., & Deya, J.

Vol. 5, Iss. 2, pp 996 - 1012, May 3, 2018., ©strategic Journals


Mwanje, O. B.,*1 & Deya, J.2

MBA Strategic Management Candidate, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology [JKUAT],
Nairobi, Kenya
PhD, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology [JKUAT], Nairobi, Kenya

Accepted: April 30, 2018


The establishment of counties is a new governance system phenomenon in Kenya’s post-independence era. To
many Kenyans, this system presents an opportunity to address the diversity of local needs, choices and
constraints while it, at the same time, carries the promise of a more equitable system of sustainable economic
growth for the nation. This study endeavored to establish the role of strategy implementation on governance of
counties in Kenya. The population of this study was the Forty Seven Counties in Kenya recognized by the Kenyan
Constitution promulgated in 2010. A survey research design was adopted. A combination of probabilistic and
non-probabilistic sampling techniques was employed in determining the sample size of the study. Stratified
sampling was first applied to group the Forty Seven counties into eight geographic regions (strata), equivalent to
the defunct eight Kenyan provinces. Once the counties were grouped into strata, eight counties were
conveniently selected from which a sample size of Two Hundred and Eleven was determined. Data was collected
using questionnaires and interview guides. The study adopted a descriptive research design where SPSS was used
to model the relationship between the various selected variables and test there explanatory power. Overall, the
study established that strategy implementation played a role in governance of counties in Kenya. Specifically, the
study established that resource allocation, strategic leadership, strategic communication and organizational
structure made the most positive contribution, among the independent variables investigated, to the change in
governance of counties in Kenya. The study recommended that county governance should: embrace sound
strategic leadership practices; ensure that there is a well-crafted strategic communication plan; make sure there
is strict adherence to resource allocation practices and adoption of good organizational structures as a modern
day organizational exercise. The study proposed that a study be conducted after 2022 to investigate other
factors including, leadership styles, quality of workforce training, external environment, population and foreign
direct investments, among other potential variables.

Key words: County, Decentralization, Devolution, Governance, Strategy, Strategy implementation, Strategic
Management, Subsidiarity and Sustainability.

- 996 - | The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492(Online) 2414-8970(Print).
INTRODUCTION accountability, responsiveness and human rights.
This scholar presented the idea that devolution
Carola (2016) observed that Governance is an
would strengthen these goals and values but does
approach to government that is committed to
not guarantee good governance in itself.
making decisions which are effective, inclusive and
Kulshreshtha (2008) who conducted a study on
transparent. It is a commitment to doing the best
public sector governance observed that good
with the resources available within the context of
governance is epitomized by predictable, open, and
the challenges facing governance.
enlightened policy making; a bureaucracy imbued
Empirical study by UNIDO (2010), good governance with professional ethos; an executive arm of
systems were defined as processes and interactions government accountable for its actions; and a
by which an organization engages and consults with strong civil society participating in public affairs and
its stakeholders and accounts for its achievements. all operating under the rule of law.
Good governance characterizes how things are The new system of governance in Kenya,
decided and realized within an organization, be it a devolution, is associated with greater participation
government or a private institution (Sid, 2012). in key decisions by members of society; a greater
Good governance is, thus, a relevant strategic sense of shared vision and mission; an improved
matter for devolved counties as it determines how societal confidence and support based on greater
they are directed, administered or controlled. knowledge and involvement (World Bank, 2011 &
2012). The World Bank argued that a greater
A decentralized system of governance is a form of
organizational autonomy is linked to an increased
devolution that has been successfully practised by
sense of ownership, commitment, empowerment,
many countries across the world (World Bank,
initiative, professionalism, motivation and morale.
2012). It has been adopted in a number of countries
Jones, Goodwin and Jones (2005) argued that
as a guarantee against discretional use of power
devolution approaches tailored to sub-national,
and resources by national government elites as well
regional and local circumstances are considered
as a way to enhance the efficiency of social service
better able to address the continuing problems
provision, by allowing for a closer match between
caused by entrenched territorial inequities in
governance of public institutions and the desires
growth, income and employment. Besides,
and needs of local people. Countries that have
devolved structures are expected to deliver an
successfully implemented devolution globally
enhanced, democratised, political settlement that
include; Britain, Germany, United States of America,
renders economic development institutions more
Canada and Australia. In Africa, good examples of
open and accountable to local, regional and sub-
countries where devolution has been successfully
national territorial circumstances.
practised include South Africa, Nigeria and Ethiopia.
Carola (2016) further observed that with the quality
When well-managed, a devolved governance of management, greater organizational autonomy
system results into several benefits to the citizenry leads to more effective and efficient management,
of a country. According to Jones, Goodwin and the alignment of responsibility, authority and
Jones (2005), economic governance is often cited as accountability, and a greater concern for people.
a justification of devolution. Whether there is a Examining devolution from the angle of structures
positive relationship between devolution and good and processes, Sarkar (2004) established that
governance should be viewed from four specific organizational self-management transforms the
angles (Hueglin, 2010): transparency, patterns of authority positively and improves the

997 | The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492(Online) 2414-8970(Print).
process of communication, planning, decision In recent years, devolution has received much
making, problem solving, resource allocation, staff attention from those concerned with third world
relationships, supervision, evaluation, feedback and development. Among scholars, it has become the
system wide accountability. latest technique in development administration
Earlier study by (Okwach 2014; Mauborgne 2015) (Johnson & Scholes 2004). Perhaps, it would be
established that in spite of all the positive claims difficult to find any developing state without
about devolution, it is worth recognising that in experience of devolution in one form or another.
itself, devolution does not and cannot guarantee Devolution is and should be associated with
increased effectiveness and efficiency, better principles of local self-reliance, participation and
planning, decision making, resource allocation, accountability, adaptation of programs to local
evaluation or accountability. Mauborgne (2015) environments; improved communication; resource
observed that devolution is a form of governance mobilization; utilization of local expertise; better
system that is merely a management devise that utilization and maintenance of facilities and service,
moves the discretion, authority, responsibility and and cooperation.
accountability for some decisions from the central
arm to an individual unit of government.
Statement of the Problem
Transfer of power provides the opportunity for
quality of organizational decision making and action The new form of governance in Kenya, devolution,
to benefit from knowledge of local wishes, needs, embraces the principle of subsidiarity which
resources and opportunities. The positive or advocates for the transfer of responsibilities and
negative consequences of devolution depend more decision making powers from the national
on a range of other associated factors than on the government to the local governance units.
fact of devolution itself, i.e. the political and According to the World Bank (2012), devolution has
industrial climate in which devolution takes place, been successfully practiced in the United States of
the change processes proposed, the readiness of America, Canada, Britain and Australia. In Africa, it
the leadership, professional development has been practiced in South Africa, Nigeria and
availability, the nature and level of ongoing system Ethiopia. In most of these countries, devolution is
support and the organizational structure seen as a process of giving political autonomy to
(Jerome,2012). According to Sarkar (2003), administrative units that are already in place. The
devolution, as a form of governance could be seen World Bank (2012) observed that, in contrast,
as a means; through which governments are able to Kenya’s devolution entails creating new political
provide high quality services that citizen’s value; for and administrative units all at once. Based on the
increasing managerial autonomy, particularly by 2010 constitution, this new governance system
reducing central administrative controls; for carries the promise for a more equitable model of
creating receptiveness to competition and open- sustainable economic development for most
mindedness. Kenyans. Through devolution, it is hoped that
This is aimed at inspiring other actors such as the historical injustices and spatial inequities will be
private sector and civil society organizations to addressed.
participate in providing goods and services; and for A recent study by Mwenje (2016) found out that
empowering citizens through their enhanced 70% to 90% of organizations fail to realize the
participation in decision making, development success of implementing their strategies.
planning and management (Hope &Chikulo, 2006). Additionally, 66% of corporate strategies are never

998 | The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492(Online) 2414-8970(Print).
implemented, 95% of staff do not realize their allocation as the amount to distribute to all the
organization’s strategy, and often strategies fail due counties. This figure has elicited sharp reactions
to ineffective execution. Mankins and Steele (2005) from the County Governors and Senators. Given
assert that only 63% of financial objectives that the 15% allocation through CRA is meant to be
envisioned by companies are achieved. supplementary, with the counties expected to
In spite of good strategic planning, in the last five generate the bulk of the income locally for their
years, the performance of counties in Kenya sustainability, it calls for county leaders to engage
remains under ruin and is not displaying signs of governance practices in order to attain sustainable
improvement. Just to point, high levels of economic growth status. Devolution, being a new
corruption, lack of workforce, poor distribution of phenomenon in Kenya, the level of preparedness of
financial resources, under qualified staff, nepotism the counties to face up with the identified
and most critical political divide in the national challenges and potential complexities to ensure
government (council of governors, 2015). A study that they are managed governed well is a major
by Fortune magazine (2009), 90% of the strategies concern. This study will offer guidance and suggest
are unsuccessful while Kaplan, Norton & Barrows solutions to fill these gaps.
(2011) identified that more than 90% of the
strategic initiatives fail not due to formulation but Objectives of the Study
implementation challenges. The main objective of this study was to determine
Kenyans have witnessed poor performance by the role of strategy implementation on governance
successive governments due to weak strategy of counties in Kenya. The specific objectives were:
implementation procedures in public institutions
across the nation. A study by Ntoiti (2013) found  To establish the role of resource allocation on
out that for several decades, Kenyan Local governance of counties in Kenya.
Authorities, decentralised units of the national  To determine the role of strategic
government, failed to provide effective service communication on governance of counties in
delivery to the citizens mainly due to weak Kenya.
corporate governance practices. Ntoiti (2013),  To ascertain the role of strategic leadership on
argued that the central mandate of Local governance of counties in Kenya.
Authorities, as devolved public institutions, is to  To establish the role of organisational structure
bring governance closer to the people as advocated on governance of counties in Kenya.
by the decentralization theorem, which states that
each public service should be provided by the
Theoretical Framework
jurisdiction having control over the minimum
geographic area (subsidiarity) that would internalize The Stakeholder theory
benefits and costs of such provision.
Most of the newly created counties may lack According to Thibault & Walker (2009),
effective strategy implementation structures stakeholders are any group or individuals who can
necessary to enable them to be governed be affected by the achievement of the objectives of
strategically. Article 203(2) of the 2010 Kenyan the firm and suggests that firms should identify
constitution stipulates that counties will get a their direct and indirect persons or groups that are
minimum of 15% of total national revenue. As of affected. The focus of the stakeholder theory is
today, the Kenyan Government adopted a 15% coherent in two core questions; first, it asks, “what

999 | The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492(Online) 2414-8970(Print).
is the purpose of firm?” Secondly, it asks “what about the process through which an outcome is
responsibility does management have to produced as they do care about the outcome itself
stakeholders?” These are the two fundamental (Mauborgne, 2015). Subsequent researchers such
questions in the stakeholder theory. as Tom and Tyler and E. Allan Lind, have
Hullan (2007), argues that stakeholder’s theory of demonstrated the power of fair process across
the firm has two purposes: to describe how diverse cultures and social settings (Ciralsky, 2013;
organizations operate and to help predict Mauborgne, 2015).
organizational behaviour. They contrasted this People’s satisfaction with the outcome and their
theory with other theories of the firm, but they did commitment to it comes when procedural justice is
not ask whether the various theories cited have exercised. There are three mutually reinforcing
comparable purposes. Stakeholder theory has been elements that define fair process: these are
used to describe how board members think about engagement (involving individuals in strategic
the interests of the corporate constituencies and to decisions that affect them by asking for their input),
describe how some corporations are actually explanation (that everyone involved and affected
managed (Rosnah, 2010). should understand why the final strategic decisions
According to Fassim (2008) there is need for are made as they are), and clarity of expectation
revision of the Freeman’s model by putting senior and in strategy formulation and execution these
management at the center of the hub and not the three affects them whether they are the top level
firm. This is because management and not the firm management or at they are employees at the
drive decision making of the firm. Hoover (2005) lowest level. Fair process is the managerial
proposed a stakeholder network model arguing that definition of procedural justice theory and just like
stakeholders of one firm can also be a stakeholder in the legal settings, fair process builds execution
of another firm or firms. into strategy by creating people’s buy-in up front
This theory recognizes how devolved governments (Bossidy, 2012; Mauborgne, 2015). Fair process is
and other organizations operate, entities impact important in shaping people’s attitudes and
entities which in turn impact other entities directly behaviour, both emotionally and intellectually.
or indirectly. The major role of the boards, The procedural justice theory is relevant to this
suppliers, management teams and the national study because in devolved governments,
government cannot be understated. development of strategies, contracts and their
enforceability such as with suppliers, national
The procedural justice theory governments, and other service providers is based
on fair process. Without external stakeholders’
According to Mauborgne and Kim (2015), the direct
commitment and cooperation, execution of good
theoretic origin of fair process traces back to two
strategies can easily become a slippery slope of
social scientists: John W. Thabut and Laurent
missed deadlines, cost over runs and half-hearted
Walker. In the mid-1970s they combined their
alignment on quality work.
interest in psychology of justice with the study of
the process, creating the term “procedural justice”, Systems theory
(Thibault& Walker, 1975). They sought to
understand what makes people trust a legal system The systems theory was advocated in the 1940s by
so that they comply with laws without being a biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy and advanced by
coerced. They established that care people as much Ross Ashby in his study “Introduction to

1000 | The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492(Online) 2414-8970(Print).
Cybernetics” in 1956. Von Bertalanffy was reacting Conceptual Framework
to reductionism and attempted to revive the unity Strategy Implementation

of science. He emphasized that real systems were Resource allocation

open to, and interact with, their environments, and  Human Resource
that they can acquire qualitatively new properties  Financial Capital
through emergence, resulting in continual  Natural Resource
evolution. He argued that rather than reducing an
Strategic Leadership
entity or organization to the properties of its parts
 Technical
or elements, systems theory focused on the Governance
 Conceptual
arrangement of and the inter-relations between the  Interpersonal  Human Rights
 Rule of Law
parts which connect them into a whole. Such an Strategic  Accountability
organization determined a system that is Communication to Public funds
 Democratization
independent of the concrete substance of the  Public Relations
 Management
elements (for example, the various departments  Communication
such as finance, accounting, human resources,  Advertising

research and development). Thus, the same Organisational

concepts and principles of organization underlie the Structure

different disciplines, providing a basis for their  Centralized vis-a-

vis decentralized
unification. system
Devolved county governments in Kenya could be  Processes

viewed from the systems theory perspective. The

Independent Variables Dependent Variable
counties consist of several parts/units that are Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
envisaged by the systems theory, i.e. people and
skills, leadership, systems and structures, processes, Resource Allocation
resources (human, financial, natural resources), Bordum (2010) points out that resource allocation
communication systems, position and power. The invloves planning using available resources and
theory’s key message is that organizations should without right resources nothing can be done. They
be regarded as systems composed of regularly range from human, financial, natural resources.
interacting or interrelating groups of activities or Mulligan (2017) describes financial resources as the
people performing activities. Application of this money available to a business for spending in the
theory is recognition by management of how the form of cash, liquid securities and credit lines,
different sub-systems work inter-relatedly to financial resources need to be allocated on time for
achieve organizational goals. counties to function. William (2016) defines human
resources as the people that staff and operate an
organization for counties to function effectively
there need to be enough qualified workforce
allocated to perform tasks. Swafford (2015)
indicates natural resources as raw materials that we
get from the earth, counties need to be allocated
power to earn revenue form their natural resources
and not the national government.

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Strategic leadership Organisational structure

Strategic leadership is based on three skills: According to Frisk (2011) organisational structure is
technical, human, and conceptual. (katz 2005) a framework around which a group is organized, the
explained technical skills are proficiency, based on underpinnings which keep the coalition functioning.
specific knowledge, in a particular area of work. He emphasises that structure describes how
(Yukl 2006) in contrast to technical skills, members are accepted, how leadership is chosen,
interpersonal skills are proficiency in working with and how decisions are made.
people based on a person’s knowledge about Osmond (2014) points that an organisation can be
people and how they behave, how they operate in either centralised or decentralised, he describes
groups, how to communicate effectively with them, centralised organisational structure as the one
and their motives, attitudes, and feelings. (Zaccaro which one individual to makes decisions and
2003) viewed that conceptual skills allow you to provides direction for an organisation and says
think through and work with ideas. The leadership decentralized organizational structures often have
skills approach is mainly a descriptive model, it several individuals responsible for making business
allows different groups of leadership to decisions and running the business. Counties in
comprehend what it takes to be an effective leader Kenya therefore have to pick the best organisational
rather than offering prescriptive ways to be an structure so as to function better.
effective leader within an organisation.
Strategic communication From the early 1990s, most aid-donor and aid-
recipient nations, besides international
Shayna (2009) points out that strategic development organizations stressed the importance
communications has become popular over the last of certain key elements of governance in core
two decades. It means infusing communications functions of governments (AfDB, 2004). The various
efforts with an agenda and a master plan elements of governance include, accountability of
encompassing marketing, public relations and public officials due to improved accounting and
advertising. auditing standards, decentralized decision making,
Robert (2013) describes Public relations as a responsive management structures, participation of
strategic communication process that builds NGOs and civil society, and implementation of
mutually beneficial relationships between effective anti-corruption strategies (World Bank,
organizations and their publics with the aim to 2000; Kulshreshtha, 2008).
persuade the public to maintain a certain type of
view. Economic times (2016) described adverting as A study by Ntoiti (2013) observed that Local
a means of strategic communication with the users Authorities in Kenya did not have good leadership
of a product or service. The messages are paid for structures that supported effective corporate
by those who send them and are intended to inform governance. The study concluded that corporate
or influence people who receive them. Counties governance practices of Local Authorities are
need a strong advertising platform to lure investors ineffective; thus contributing to financial distress of
who will bring a positive impact its native publics; Local Authorities in Kenya. Ntoiti added that highly
this will be attained with a strong management distressed local authorities had poor ratings on
communication corporate governance practices compared to
moderately and lowly distressed local authorities.

1002 | The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492(Online) 2414-8970(Print).
Pick & Thein (2010) observed that governance is a counties have often developed strategic plans
key concept for interpreting and explaining changes aimed at making them competitive.
in a society. A study by Collier (2007) observed that According to Sorooshian, Norzima, Yusof and
there are big differences in the consequences of Rosnah (2010), failure of strategy implementation
getting governance and economic policies right and efforts causes enormous costs to the organization
getting them wrong. Generally, good governance that includes wastage of resources, considerable
and economic policies significantly improve growth amount of time, leads to lower productivity, lower
but bad governance and policies destroy an employee morale, diminished trust and faith in
economy. In explaining this concept, the new senior management, inefficient use of resources
institutional economics approach argued that an and decline in performance.
essential element of good governance and effective Tan (2004), indicates that strategy implementation
development policy is the establishing of is an important stage in strategic implementation
institutions that are favourable to economic growth process, yet not much study, particularly in
(Lepenies, 2008). developing countries, has been given to it as
compared to strategy formulation.
Empirical Review
Strategic Communication and Good Governance
Resource Allocation and Good Governance
Albert (2006) reasons that resource allocation is an Noble (2003) implementation framework looked at
important feature in a heterogeneous organisation strategy implementation in various fields and
that wants to achieve good governance and defines strategy implementation as communication
maintain a cost benefit network. Proper resource and enactment of strategic plans.
allocation improves the performances of both the (Thompson & Strickland, 2003; O’Regan and
organisation, and also helps in avoiding the Ghobadian, 2007)Communication is important
different kinds of tailbacks in terms of governance because the details of implementation effort need
in an organisation. Similarly, increase in demand to be communicated as early and as clearly as
makes resource allocation competitive and ensures possible, while incentives are important to inspire
that the share of resource is not larger than its and motivate members to change in accordance
demand, to ensure proper resource allocation in with the new strategy.
this environment, good governance that involves To achieve a good strategic communication, ensure
coming up with fairness strategies such as that you maintain regular cross functional
proportional fairness has to be developed Tewfik communication to foster understanding and
(2010) appreciation, discuss and resolve implementation
Strategic Leadership and Good Governance details early in the process, update implementation
team frequently on progress and changes in
Jooste and Fourie (2009) indicate that the high
objectives and communicate implementation
failure rate of strategic change initiatives can be
progress across the entire organization to foster
attributed to poor implementation of new
strategies, and the lack of strategic leadership
making them major barriers to effective strategy
implementation. Most organisations have the
know-how to create strategy, and this is evident in
the devolved governments where individual

1003 | The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492(Online) 2414-8970(Print).
Organizational structure and Good Governance are rarely implemented according to the planned
schedules. Realization of competitive advantage
Various empirical studies suggest a relationship and the achievement of outcomes of organizations
between organization structure and the successful are hinged on the successful execution of the
strategy implementation both local and global strategy.
context. Njanja (2010) in a study of 176 small and
medium enterprises looked at the effect of planning
on performance and established that although RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
strategic planning existed in most firms, there was Research design refers to how data collection and
need to operationalize the plans through adequate analysis are structured in order to meet the
resource allocation. The study also did not establish research objectives through empirical evidence
the influence of strategic planning and the value of economically. This study adopted a descriptive
small and medium enterprises. research design. It represented perceptions of
Another empirical study by Kraus (2006) looked at personnel at three diverse levels i.e. top
290 Austrian firms to analyse the implication of management, middle management and lower
strategic planning on performance of small and management and provided insights as they exist in
medium enterprises. The study established that different counties. The target population was 143
formalizing strategic planning significantly impacts respondents which included top, middle and lower
on the growth of firms which was measured in level managers in the target population. This
terms of employee count. comprised the county secretaries, county executive
An empirical study by Amrule (2013), examined the committee members and chief officers. This
role of strategic planning on the performance of particular population was justified since it was
information communication and technology small required to carry out strategic
and medium enterprises in Kenya established that a
The Multiple Regression model that aided the
significant relationship between strategic planning
analysis of the variable relationships was as follows:
and internal business process, learning and growth
Y = β0+β1X1+β2X2+β3X3+β4X4+μ
and financial performance of small firms. The study
Where: Y = Governance of counties (dependent
was based on a sample of 146 small and micro
enterprises in Nairobi Kenya.
= Constant
Similarly an empirical study by Obiajolum and
β1….β4 = Coefficients of independent variables
Ngoasong (2008) to understand the relationship
X1 = Resource allocation
between organizational management control
X2 = Strategic leadership
systems and performance established that
X3 = strategic communication
integrated management and budgeting enables
X4 = Organizational structure
firms to be competitive.
μ = Error term
Nanara (2008) observes a trend in strategic
planning process that produces a document that
ends up collecting dust on as they ignore or fails to RESEARCH FINDINGS
make good use of the procured information
required in the strategic planning document. Resource allocation and Governance of Counties
African context studies (Aosa, 2002; Fubava, 2006) The first objective sought to establish the role of
noted that many firms created strategic plans which resource allocation and governance of counties in

1004 | The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492(Online) 2414-8970(Print).
Kenya, and the results are as shown in the table below.
Table 1: Weighted mean for Resource Allocation

Response N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

The county has a strong monitoring and 143 1 5 4.04 0.956

evaluation unit to track resource use
The county budget includes input from 143 1 5 3.95 0.944
critical stakeholders
Fairness is exhibited in allocating 143 1 5 3.67 1.161
resources to all departments
Accountability of resources is key in my 143 1 5 3.62 0.864
Allocation of resources is done within 143 1 5 3.60 1.168
stipulated time frame

According to study findings in Table 1, In average 0.864, the respondents were further neutral on
the respondents agreed that the counties have a whether allocation of resources in counties is done
strong monitoring and evaluation unit to track within stipulated time frame as shown by a mean of
resource use as shown by a mean of 4.04 and 3.60 and standard deviation of 1.168 . These finding
standard deviation of 0.956, in average the were in line with the argument of Lewis and Becker
respondents agreed that counties budgets included who asserted that strategy implementation has a
input from critical shareholders as shown by a mean big role to play in resource allocation which in turn
of 3.95 and standard deviation of 0.944, the positively influences governance (Lewis & Baker,
respondents were neutral on whether fairness is 2013).
exhibited in allocating resources to all departments
as shown by a mean of 3.67 and standard deviation Strategic leadership and Governance of Counties
of 1.161 , the respondents agreed that The second objective sought to establish the role of
accountability of resources is key in counties as strategic leadership and governance of counties in
shown by a mean of 3.62 and standard deviation of Kenya and results are shown in the table below.
Table 2: Weighted Means for strategic leadership
Response N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.

There exists a good interpersonal relationship 143 1 5 3.99 .927

between top and middle management
Top management possess the right 143 1 5 3.84 .869
qualification to handle their duties and

1005 | The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492(Online) 2414-8970(Print).
Different heads of department clearly 143 1 5 3.38 1.326
understand the roles and responsibilities of
their work
Trainings need to be undertaken to enhance 143 1 5 3.34 1.132
good strategic leadership
There is aspect of fairness by top 143 1 5 3.31 .970
management when dealing with employees

According to study findings in Table 2, in average strategic leadership as shown by a mean of 3.34 and
the respondents agreed that there existed a good standard deviation of 1.132, further the
interpersonal relationship between the top and respondents agreed that there is aspect of fairness
middle management of counties as shown by a by top management when dealing with employees
mean of 3.99 and standard deviation of 0.927, in as shown by a mean of 3.31 and standard deviation
average the respondents agreed that the top of 0.97. This findings indicated that strategic
management possessed the right qualification to leadership it is a critical factor that contributes to
handle their duties and responsibilities as shown by governance of counties in Kenya as supported by
a mean of 3.84 and standard deviation of 0.869. (Anderson et al, 2013).
On average the respondents were neutral on that
the different heads of departments clearly Strategic communication and Governance of
understood the roles and responsibilities of their Counties
work as shown by a mean of 3.38 and standard The third objective sought to establish the role of
deviation of 1.326, respondents also agreed strategic communication and governance of
trainings need to be undertaken to enhance good counties in Kenya as shown in the table below.

Table 3: Weighted Means for strategic communication

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
Information is shared in a timely 143 1 5 3.78 1.133
Strategic communication has helped 143 1 5 3.90 1.070
create awareness on the activities and
projects of my county
Communication strategies in my 143 2 5 4.11 .815
county are crafted by professionals

According to study findings in Table 3, in average 1.133, in average the respondents the respondents
the respondents the respondents were neutral on were neutral on whether strategic communication
whether information being shared in a timely has helped to create awareness on the activities
manner is key to good governance in counties as and projects of their counties as shown by a mean
shown by a mean of 3.78 and standard deviation of of 3.90 and standard deviation of 1.070.

1006 | The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492(Online) 2414-8970(Print).
On average the respondents agreed that impact of strategic communication in governance
communication strategies in their counties are may be relatively small.
crafted by professionals as shown by a mean of 4.11
and standard deviation of 0.815. This findings Organisational structure Governance
indicated that strategic communication contributes The fourth objective sought to establish the role of
to the governance of counties in Kenya. Despite this organizational structure and governance of counties
assertion and findings, (Dutta, Nicholas & Vasilakos, in Kenya as shown in the table below.
2007) opposed to these findings claiming that the

Table 4: Weighted Means for organizational structure

Responses N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.

Existing layers of governance supports
strategy implementation 143 3 5 3.75 0.540
There is no duplication of roles within the 143 3 5 3.70 0.719
Development of appropriate organizational 143 3 5 3.90 0.704
structures and process for my county is the
role of county government.
Dissemination of duties relies on the 143 2 5 3.75 .948
organizational structure
Organizational structure has brought sanity on 143 2 5 3.65 0.915
how to raise complains

Respondents agreed that existing layers of relies on the organisational structure as shown by a
governance supports strategy implementation, as mean of 3.75 and standard deviation of 0.948.
shown by a mean of 3.75 and standard deviation of Respondents showed a lot of concerning
0.540, the respondents agreed that there is no organisational structure and governance noting that
duplication of roles within the county as shown by a all organisational structures impact governance in
mean of 3.70 and standard deviation of 0.719, the the same way but the study categorized this
respondents agreed that development of concern emphasizing that different organisational
appropriate organisational structures is the role of structures impact governance differently as
their respective county governments as shown by a supported by (Petersen and Rajan, 2002)
mean of 3.90 and standard deviation of 0.704. The Table 5. Regression analysis model summary
respondents agreed that dissemination of duties
Table 5: Model summary

Model R R2 Adjusted R Square

.667 .445 .429

1007 | The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492(Online) 2414-8970(Print).
From table 5, R-square is the Coefficient of Organisational structure).The value of Adjusted R-
determination that explains the extent to which Square is 0.445. This implies that, 44.5% of variation
changes in the dependent variable can be explained of strategy implementations independents. From
by the change in the independent variables or the the findings, there is remaining 55.5% which implies
percentage of variation in the dependent variable that there are factors not studied in this study that
(Governance of counties) that is explained by all the affects strategy implementation.
four independent variables (Resource allocation,
Strategic leadership, Strategic communication and
Table 6: ANOVA table
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 1363.640 4 340.910 27.643 .000b

Residual 1701.912 138 12.333

Total 3065.552 142

The ANOVA test is used to interpret the results Strategic communication and Organisational
obtained and draw conclusions on the study. At structure as indicated by significance value=0.001
0.05 level of significance the ANOVA test indicated which is less than 0.05 level of significance (P-
that in this model the independent variables value=0.001<0.05).
namely; Resource allocation, Strategic leadership,
Table 7: Coefficient of Multiple determinations of the variables
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Std. t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta

Constant -2.826 2.681 -1.054 .294

Resource Allocation .039 .067 .043 .583 .006

Strategic Leadership .457 .062 .477 7.328 .000
Strategic .132 .101 .176 1.313 .001
Organizational Structure .223 .082 .367 2.708 .008
From the findings in table 7 above, at 5% level of Where, Y is the dependent variable (Governance),
significance, strategic communication was a X1 is resource allocation, X2 strategic leadership, X3
significant predictor of governance where (P- strategic communication and x4 organisational
value=0.001<0.05). Organisational structure was structure.
also significant predictor of governance where (P-
As per the SPSS generated regression, the equation
(Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4X4) becomes:

1008 | The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492(Online) 2414-8970(Print).
Y = -2.826 + 0.039X1 +0.457X2 +0.132X3 + 0.223X4 communication structures at counties is a modern
According to the equation taking all factors day business practice that has direct influence on
constant; a unit increase in resource allocation the effective governance of institutions. Lean
would lead to a 0.039 increase in governance; a unit structures: are less costly; facilitate faster decision
increase in strategic leadership leads to 0.457 making and communication; subordinates are free
increase in governance. A unit increase in strategic from close and strict supervision and control; and
communication leads to 0.132 increase in enhance creativity and innovation given the
governance and a unit increase in organisational reduced levels of bureaucracy that is known as a
structure leads to 0.223 increase in governance. main feature of the public sector.
Therefore according to the study findings strategic
The study recommended that counties have to
leadership contributes more to increase in
understand key strategic communication forms for
effective implementation mechanisms between the
forty seven county governments and the national
Resource allocation and Governance of Counties
From the descriptive statistics, the study Strategic leadership and Governance of Counties
established that Strategy implementation has a From the descriptive statistics, the study
direct impact on the realization of resource established that Strategic leadership plays a
allocation for counties and for devolution to deliver significant role in determining the level of economic
the dreams of a majority of Kenyans as envisaged in growth achievable by any economy. Political
the constitution, counties should inculcate environment was also critical in influencing
governance of the private sector, which has been strategic leadership. The governance of county
known to produce good results. strategic leadership should have skilled leaders with
The study recommended that, County governance the conceptual, interpersonal and technical
should embrace good resource allocation practices knowhow and necessary governance skills.
across their counties, as a rule and as envisaged in The study further recommended that County
the Public Finance Management Act 18 of 2012 and governance should embrace good strategic
the Kenyan Constitution 2010 for the realization of leadership that encompass technical, conceptual
sustainable economic growth furthermore and interpersonal skills so as to exploit their
governance should hold the principle of subsidiarity opportunities and counter their threats effectively,
by developing functional/departmental strategies at with the mentioned skills specific leaders in
the level where the greatest and direct impact can counties will be able to implement their strategies.
be felt as a contribution to the overall county Organizational structure and Governance of
strategy. Counties should also share resources Counties
based on their CIDPs and high impact projects that
lessens poverty. From the descriptive statistics, the study
established that organizational structure has a
Strategic communication and Governance of statistically significant effect between the
Counties independent variables and the governance of
From the descriptive statistics, the study counties in Kenya. Organizational structure
established that development of lean strategic manifested through the processes, centralized vis-à-

1009 | The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492(Online) 2414-8970(Print).
vis decentralized systems and Reward system thus the findings of this study. If resources allow, the
plays a role in the governance of counties. researcher advocates that a larger number of
Therefore, organizational structure should be given counties be sampled in the study to provide an
adequate attention by counties for the effective enhanced reflection of the situation on the ground.
governance. One of the major findings of this study was that all
The study recommended that rewarding of allies the four independent variables taken together
and engaging in acts of nepotisms should not be could explain up to 44.9% of the variation in the
considerations as they impede the process of dependent variable, i.e. governance of counties in
governance. County governments should also Kenya. This means that 55.1% of the change in
ensure that, the type of organization structure governance of counties could be explained by other
chosen promotes strategy implementation. variables. The researcher, therefore, proposes that
a study be conducted to investigate other factors
Areas for Further Research including, leadership styles, quality of workforce
Based on the findings of this study, the researcher training, external environment, population and
recommends that a similar study be conducted foreign direct investments, among other potential
during the next government, after 2022, to validate variables.


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