Titus Diffusers
Titus Diffusers
Titus Diffusers
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Table of Contents Diffusers
diffuser products
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Diffuser Products............................................................................................................................................................................ F6
Diffusers Overview........................................................................................................................................................................ F13
MP-37, -38, -39, -40 Slotted - Supply.................................................................................................................................. F33
MP-SP-37, -38, -39, -40 Slotted - Supply............................................................................................................................. F33
MPI-37, -38, -39, -40............................................................................................................................................................ F33
Modulinear Plenum Performance Data................................................................................................................................. F35
Suggested Specifications...................................................................................................................................................... F48
Model Number Specification................................................................................................................................................ F48
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Adjustable Heavy Duty - Steel...................................................................................................................................................... F76
XC-310.................................................................................................................................................................................. F76
Performance Data................................................................................................................................................................. F77
Suggested Specification....................................................................................................................................................... F77
Model Number Specification................................................................................................................................................ F77
Adjustable Vortex - Steel.............................................................................................................................................................. F79
V-1......................................................................................................................................................................................... F79
Performance Data................................................................................................................................................................. F80
Suggested Specification....................................................................................................................................................... F81
Model Number Specification................................................................................................................................................ F81
PAR, PXP, PMR, PXP-DR, PDR Performance Data................................................................................................................ F92
PAR, PXP, PMR, PXP-DR, PDR Performance Notes.............................................................................................................. F92
Suggested Specifications...................................................................................................................................................... F93
Model Number Specification................................................................................................................................................ F93
Return Panels ....................................................................................................................................................................... F95
PXP, PXP-AA......................................................................................................................................................................... F95
PXP-DF.................................................................................................................................................................................. F95
Suggested Specifications...................................................................................................................................................... F96
Model Number Specification................................................................................................................................................ F96
Star Pattern - Adjustable.............................................................................................................................................................. F97
PSS, PSS-AA......................................................................................................................................................................... F97
PSS-DF.................................................................................................................................................................................. F97
Performance Data............................................................................................................................................................... F100
Suggested Specifications.................................................................................................................................................... F101
Model Number Specification.............................................................................................................................................. F101
Curved Blade - 1, 2, 3 or 4-Way Deflectors ........................................................................................................................ F102
PCS, PCS-AA....................................................................................................................................................................... F102
PCS-DF................................................................................................................................................................................ F102
Performance Data............................................................................................................................................................... F105
Suggested Specifications.................................................................................................................................................... F107
Model Number Specification.............................................................................................................................................. F107
Narrow Tee - Steel...................................................................................................................................................................... F108
PAS-NT - Round Pattern..................................................................................................................................................... F108
PAR-NT - Return................................................................................................................................................................. F108
PXP-NT - Return Panel........................................................................................................................................................ F108
PSS-NT - Star Pattern......................................................................................................................................................... F108
PCS-NT - Curved Blade....................................................................................................................................................... F108
Modular Core - 1, 2, 3 or 4-Way Adjustable - Steel................................................................................................................... F113
PMC.................................................................................................................................................................................... F113
PMC-DF............................................................................................................................................................................... F113
PMR.................................................................................................................................................................................... F113
Performance Data............................................................................................................................................................... F115
Suggested Specifications.................................................................................................................................................... F116
Model Number Specification.............................................................................................................................................. F116
Round Plaque - Steel.................................................................................................................................................................. F139
R-OMNI...................................................................................................................................................................................... F139
Performance Data............................................................................................................................................................... F140
Performance Notes............................................................................................................................................................. F141
Suggested Specification..................................................................................................................................................... F142
Model Number Specification.............................................................................................................................................. F142
Square Backpan, Round Plaque - Steel...................................................................................................................................... F143
OMNI-RS............................................................................................................................................................................. F143
Performance Data............................................................................................................................................................... F144
Suggested Specification..................................................................................................................................................... F145
Model Number Specification.............................................................................................................................................. F145
Louvered Plaque - Steel.............................................................................................................................................................. F146
DAT...................................................................................................................................................................................... F146
Performance Data............................................................................................................................................................... F147
Suggested Specification..................................................................................................................................................... F148
Model Number Specification.............................................................................................................................................. F148
Louvered Plaque, Narrow Tee - Steel......................................................................................................................................... F149
DAT-NT................................................................................................................................................................................ F149
Suggested Specifications.................................................................................................................................................... F150
Model Number Specification.............................................................................................................................................. F150
Modu-Bloc Series....................................................................................................................................................................... F151
MB-30................................................................................................................................................................................. F151
MBR-30............................................................................................................................................................................... F151
MB-30 - ¾-inch Slot Width - Performance Data................................................................................................................ F154
MB-30 - 1-inch Slot Width - Performance Data................................................................................................................. F155
MBR-30 Performance Data................................................................................................................................................. F156
Suggested Specifications.................................................................................................................................................... F157
Model Number Specification.............................................................................................................................................. F158
Modu-Bloc Series, Narrow Tee................................................................................................................................................... F159
MB-30-NT........................................................................................................................................................................... F159
MBR-30-NT......................................................................................................................................................................... F159
Suggested Specifications.................................................................................................................................................... F160
Model Number Specification.............................................................................................................................................. F160
Swirl Face - Steel........................................................................................................................................................................ F162
TSW.................................................................................................................................................................................... F162
Performance Data............................................................................................................................................................... F163
Suggested Specification..................................................................................................................................................... F164
Model Number Specification.............................................................................................................................................. F164
Square Panel - Architectural Plaque Face.................................................................................................................................. F165
Spectrum............................................................................................................................................................................. F165
Performance Data............................................................................................................................................................... F167
F4 Suggested Specification..................................................................................................................................................... F169
Model Number Specification.............................................................................................................................................. F169
Table of Contents (continued) Diffusers
square and rectangular ceiling diffusers
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Louvered Face, High Capacity ................................................................................................................................................... F170
TDC, TDC-AA....................................................................................................................................................................... F170
TDCA, TDCA-AA.................................................................................................................................................................. F170
Performance Data - Square Neck ....................................................................................................................................... F173
Performance Data - Rectangular Neck .............................................................................................................................. F174
Performance Data - Round Neck........................................................................................................................................ F183
Performance Notes............................................................................................................................................................. F185
Suggested Specifications.................................................................................................................................................... F186
Model Number Specification.............................................................................................................................................. F186
Louvered Face, Narrow Tee - Steel............................................................................................................................................. F190
TDC-NT................................................................................................................................................................................ F190
TDC-AA-NT......................................................................................................................................................................... F190
Suggested Specifications.................................................................................................................................................... F191
Model Number Specification.............................................................................................................................................. F191
Louvered Face, Induction Vanes................................................................................................................................................. F192
TDV, TDV-AA....................................................................................................................................................................... F192
Performance Data - Square Neck........................................................................................................................................ F194
Performance Data - Round Neck........................................................................................................................................ F196
Suggested Specifications.................................................................................................................................................... F198
Model Number Specification.............................................................................................................................................. F198
Louvered Face, Induction Vanes, Narrow Tee............................................................................................................................. F200
TDV-NT, TDV-AA-NT........................................................................................................................................................... F200
Suggested Specifications.................................................................................................................................................... F200
Model Number Specification.............................................................................................................................................. F200
Louvered Face, Induction Nozzles.............................................................................................................................................. F202
TDX, TDX-AA....................................................................................................................................................................... F202
TDX ADPI Comparison........................................................................................................................................................ F204
TDX , TDV & TDC Comparison ........................................................................................................................................... F205
Performance Data - Isothermal........................................................................................................................................... F205
Performance Data - 20DT Cooling...................................................................................................................................... F207
Suggested Specifications.................................................................................................................................................... F212
Model Number Specification.............................................................................................................................................. F212
Louvered Face, Induction Nozzles, Narrow Tee.......................................................................................................................... F214
TDX-NT, TDX-AA-NT........................................................................................................................................................... F214
Suggested Specifications.................................................................................................................................................... F214
Model Number Specification.............................................................................................................................................. F214
Panel-Mounted Nozzles.............................................................................................................................................................. F223
TBF-AA................................................................................................................................................................................ F223
Performance Data .............................................................................................................................................................. F224
Suggested Specifications.................................................................................................................................................... F226
Diffuser Products Diffusers
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pages: F15-F69
• Direction & volume of the discharged • Can be used in ceiling, side wall, • Designed for heating or adjustment.
air can be adjusted gradually by sill or floor installations. cooling applications. • Direction & volume discharged
moving the pattern controllers. • MRI compatible. • MRI compatible. air can be adjusted gradually by
moving the pattern controllers.
• Designed specifically for field
Diffuser Products (continued) Diffusers
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pages: F70-F81
in variable air volume systems.
• All sizes have 4 cones. applications where ceilings are
• Uniform 360B discharge pattern. high & conditions are variable.
Diffuser Products (continued) Diffusers
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from horizontal to vertical. • Can be adjusted before blow or corner blow in the field. easily removable.
• Provides excellent performance or after installation. • Provides excellent performance
in variable air volume systems. • Provides excellent performance in variable air volume systems.
in variable air volume systems.
Diffuser Products (continued) Diffusers
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pages: F117-F130
• Available in fixed or adjustable pattern. • Maintains horizontal flow pattern from maximum to minimum cfm.
Diffuser Products (continued) Diffusers
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• Provides excellent performance in variable air volume systems.
in variable air volume systems. cooling applications. in variable air volume systems. • Easy connection to flexible duct.
• Provides excellent performance
in variable air volume systems.
Diffuser Products (continued) Diffusers
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pages: F170-F215
from maximum cfm down to minimum. from maximum cfm down to minimum.
• Excellent performance for variable • Excellent performance for variable • Excellent performance for variable
air volume systems. air volume systems. air volume systems.
• Available in fixed or adjustable pattern. • Integrated induction vanes for mixing air. • Integrated induction nozzles for mixing air.
• Available in steel or aluminum. • Available in steel or aluminum. • Available in steel or aluminum.
• Excellent performance for variable air volume systems. • Available in variety of nozzle sizes.
• Available in steel or aluminum. • Available in steel or aluminum.
Diffuser Products (continued) Diffusers
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• Supply & return air are handled through one air device.
• Compatible with unitary package units.
• High capacity with long throws.
Overview Diffusers
LINEAR DIFFUSERS • High performance, adjustable pattern (Model TMSA).
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Linear diffusers are long, narrow outlets that can be • Modular Core, (Model MCD).
installed in multiple sections to achieve the appearance of
one continuous length. Linear diffusers are also available ARCHITECTURAL CEILING DIFFUSERS
to fit in modular ceiling systems. This family of diffusers Titus architectural diffusers are high performance products
has superior architectural appearance and is excellent for designed to provide a pleasing architectural appearance.
applications such as long corridors, large public areas, These diffusers provide a tight horizontal ceiling pattern
perimeter zones of offices and large exterior glass areas maximizing room air induction and comfort in the occupied
found in entrances and atriums. space. They are an excellent choice for architects,
engineers and design professionals who want to maximize
• FlowBar Linear Diffusers (Model FL). performance and aesthetics in an air outlet.
• Linear Slot Ceiling Diffusers (Model ML).
• Linear Bar Diffusers (Model CT). • Square Plaque Diffuser (Model OMNI).
• Linear Louver Diffusers (Model LL). • Round Plaque Diffuser (Model R-OMNI).
• Armstrong Techzone Ceiling Diffusers (Model ML-TZ). • Square Backpan, Round Plaque Diffuser (Model OMNI-RS).
• Louvered with Plaque Face Diffuser (Model DAT).
ROUND CEILING DIFFUSERS • Modu-Bloc Diffuser, Adjustable (Model MB).
Titus round ceiling diffusers are available in a broad range • Curved Plaque Face Diffuser (Model Spectrum).
of sizes. These devices are typically installed in sheet
rock or exposed duct. Titus round diffusers are available SQUARE AND RECTANGULAR CEILING DIFFUSERS
with adjustable deflectors that allow the option for either
horizontal or vertical flow. With their high capacity design,
Titus square and rectangular ceiling diffusers feature an
round ceiling diffusers are an excellent selection for
aesthetically pleasing, louvered face design. These diffusers
gymnasiums, atriums, industrial facilities, and large retail
are available in 1, 2, 3 or 4-way airflow discharge patterns
which provides a high level of flexibility in any design
application. The units also offer an architecturally pleasing
• 2 Horizontal Pattern (Model TMR).
appearance with the diffuser face flush with the ceiling
• Horizontal to Vertical Pattern (Model TMRA).
surface. All models are available in steel or aluminum
• Heavy Duty Adjustable (Model XC-310). construction and multiple mounting options.
• Vortex Diffuser (Model V-1).
• Architectural Round (R-Omni). • Louvered Face, Square, Rectangular, or
Round Neck Inlet (Model TDC).
PERFORATED CEILING DIFFUSERS • Louvered Face, Square, Rectangular, or Round
Perforated ceiling diffusers are typically selected to meet Neck inlet, Induction Vanes (TDV).
architectural demands for air outlets that blend into the • Louvered Face, Square, Rectangular, or Round
ceiling plane. Features include perforated face with 51% Neck inlet, Induction Nozzles (TDX).
free area, round or square inlets, and multiple mounting
options. Titus perforated diffusers can be selected with SQUARE AND RECTANGULAR CEILING AND SIDE
round or cross flow discharge patterns to maximize capacity WALL DIFFUSERS
or throw. Square and rectangular ceiling and side wall diffusers can
be applied to areas requiring directional patterns. The
• Adjustable curved blade deflectors (Model PCS). adjustable curved blades on the face of the 250 diffuser
• Stamped pattern controllers (Model PAS). allow adjustment of the discharge airflow pattern from
• Star pattern (Model PSS). vertical to horizontal thereby providing maximum for ceiling
• Modular core (Model PMC). or sidewall applications The Titus TBF-AA TurboFuser
• Matching return with backpan (Model PAR). features concentric round cones that provide superb
• Matching return, perforated face only (Model PXP). aesthetics and is great for applications requiring spot cooling
or heating control.
Linear Slot Ceiling Diffusers Diffusers
ML(R)-37, -38, -39, -40, -TZ
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MODULINEAR - ALUMINUM • Titus modulinear diffusers are
designed for variable air volume
Available Supply Models: systems. They project a uniform
blanket of air that adheres to the
ML-37 • ½” Slot
ML-38 • ¾” Slot ceiling even at low flow rates.
ML-39 • 1” Slot
ML-40 • 1½” Slot • Both the direction and volume of
ML-TZ • ¾” Slot the discharge air can be adjusted
gradually by moving the pattern
Available Return Models: controllers (see diagrams below). • Available with one to eight slots.
MLR-37 • ½” Slot
MLR-38 • ¾” Slot • Full 180° pattern controller • Ideal for continuous length
MLR-39 • 1” Slot adjustment means there are no applications. Multiple sections are
MLR-40 • 1½” Slot “lefts” or “rights.” Specifying, shipped with required alignment
MLR-TZ • ¾” Slot ordering, and installing are strips or pins for field installation.
Products Include: • Maximum one piece section is 6
• Standard Finish - #26 White border. • Model MLR returns are the same feet. Lengths greater than 6 feet
Black pattern controllers. as the Model ML supply diffusers are furnished in multiple sections.
except that the pattern controllers
• Optional Finishes: are omitted. • Optional Model MLF and MLRF
Anodized finishes available. diffusers are designed for field
• Choice of borders and mounting cutting to length and are furnished
frames for various types of in 6-foot sections.
installations (diagrams below and
on next page). • Maximum pattern controller length
is 3 feet. Pattern controllers are
furnished in multiple sections for a
diffuser longer than 3 feet.
both with
• Flange Border 35/16"
• Concealed Mounting
⅛" to ½"
Type A O’
2A 1⅛ D’ + ¾ ¾" ⅛"
2B ⅞ D’ + ¼
All dimensions are in inches. F15
Note: See page F17 for duct dimensions.
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Frame & Border Type 3 with Frame & Border Type 4 with Frame & Border Type 6 with
• Flush Border • Flange Border • Plaster & Tile Mounting Frame
• Concealed Mounting • Concealed Mounting • Flush Border
• Concealed Mounting
D'=Duct Size
D'=Duct Size
D' plus 1¼"
D' plus ½"
D'=Duct Size
35/16" 35/16"
1⅞" 115/16" 35/16"
¾" ½"
¾" S ⅛" ¾"
S 1⅛" S
¾" O' = D' plus ¾" ¾"
O' = D' minus ⅛" O' = D' minus ⅛"
Frame & Border Types 7A, 7B with Border Types 9A, 9B with Border Type 11 with
• Plaster & Tile Mounting Frame • Flange Border • Perimeter Plaster &
• Flange Border • Ceiling Hangers • Tile Mounting Frame
• Concealed Mounting Hanger • Flush Border
D'=Duct Size • Concealed Mounting
D' plus 1¼"
D' plus ½"
D'=Duct Size D'=Duct Size
35/16" ¾"
115/16" 1¾"
11/16" 1⅞"
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Border Type 12 with Border Type 15 with
• Spline Border • Flush Border
• Ceiling Hangers • Ceiling Hangers
3⅛" 3⅛"
1¾" 1¾"
13/16" 7/16"
¾" ¾"
7/16" 7/16"
Equalizing Grid
Duct 1⅛"
by Others
Standard selections: ML-38 only
1 slot: duct diameters 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24”
2 slot: duct diameters 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24”
3 slot: duct diameters 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26”
4 slot: duct diameters 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32”
C D = Duct Size
D =CDuct Size
and/or X X X Y X Z Y Y Y Z Z Z
Border Type X-X X-Y X-Z Y-Y Y-Z Z-Z
1A, 1B, 9B D - 1⅜ D + ¾ D - 11/16 D +⅜ D-⅝ D + 7/16 D D D + 1/16 D + 1/16 D + ⅛ D +⅛
2A, 4, 7A D - 1⅜ D + ¾ D - 11/16 D +⅜ D-⅝ D + 7/16 D D D + 1/16 D + 1/16 D + ⅛ D +⅛
3, 6, 11 D - 1⅜ D D - 11/16 D D-⅝ D + 1/16 D D D + 1/16 D + 1/16 D + ⅛ D +⅛
2B, 7B D - 1⅜ D + ¼ D - 11/16 D + ⅛ D - ⅝ D + 3/16 D D D + 1/16 D + 1/16 D + ⅛ D + ⅛
9A D - 1⅜ D D - 11/16 D D - ⅝ D + 1/16 D D D + 1/16 D + 1/16 D + ⅛ D + ⅛
12, 15 D - 11/16 D D - 5/16 D D - ¼ D + 1/16 D D D + 1/16 D + 1/16 D + ⅛ D + ⅛
16 D - 1⅜ D + ¾ D - 11/16 D + ⅜ N/A N/A D D N/A N/A N/A N/A
22 D - 13/16 D + 11/16 D - 19/32 D + 17/32 N/A N/A D D N/A N/A N/A N/A
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1 3/8" 2 11/16"
1 7/8" 1 7/8"
3/4" 9/16"
5 3/4" 5 3/4"
5 5/16"
1 7/8"
3/4" 9/16" 3/4"
5 3/4" 5 3/4"
1 3/8" 2 11/16"
1 9/16" 1 9/16"
5/16" 5/16"
3/4" 3/4" 9/16"
5" 3/8" 5" 3/8"
5 3/4" 5 3/4"
1 9/16"
9/16" 3/4"
5" 3/8"
5 3/4"
1 9/16" 1 9/16"
5/16" 5/16"
3/4" 3/4" 9/16"
5 3/8" 3/16" 5 3/8" 3/16"
5 3/4" 5 3/4"
5 5/16"
1 9/16" 1 9/16"
5/16" 5/16"
9/16" 3/4" 3/4" 9/16"
5 3/8"
5 3/4"
3/16" 5 3/8"
5 3/4"
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D = Duct Size
D = Duct Size
(inches) Border LT DF Border NT Border
24 22 /85
23 /16
23 23 23 /8
30 285/8 2913/16 29 29 293/8 293/8
36 345/8 3513/16 35 35 353/8 353/8
48 465/8 4713/16 47 47 473/8 473/8
60 585/8 5913/16 59 59 593/8 593/8
72 705/8 7113/16 71 71 713/8 713/8
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MLF - Supply MLRF - Return
Available Supply Models:
MLF-37 • ½” Slot
MLF-38 • ¾” Slot
MLF-39 • 1” Slot
MLF-40 • 1½” Slot
• Ideal when the exact length of an ML or MLR • The field cut ML or MLR diffuser is 72 inches long, with
diffuser is not known until it is being installed. the sides pre-punched to assure the proper alignment
• Standard factory cut diffusers can be trimmed of field installed spacers. These field installed spacers
up to 6 inches. If more than 6 inches are to be provide additional rigidity during and after cutting.
removed, use the optional field cut diffuser.
Available Models:
MC-37 • ½” Slot
MC-38 • ¾” Slot
MC-39 • 1” Slot
No. of 1A, 1B 2A, 4, 7A 2B, 7B 3, 6, 11 9A 9B 12, 15 22
Slots O D O D O D O D O D O D O D O D
1, 2
D = Duct Size
D = Duct Size
Available Uninsulated Models: A
MP-37 • ½” Slot
MP-38 • ¾” Slot ½" B Insulation
MP-39 • 1” Slot H (MPI Models)
MP-40 • 1½” Slot
MP-37-SP • ½” Slot Optional
MP-38-SP • ¾” Slot (MP-SP
MP-39-SP • 1” Slot Note: End caps are not insulated. Design)
MP-40-SP • 1½” Slot
Side Rail
Strips Temporary
• Mounting frame for Titus Modulinear • Allows the diffusers to be unpacked and
diffusers assures a clean, installed after construction is finished.
accurately dimensioned ceiling • Diffusers can be removed and replaced
opening to receive the diffuser. easily, without disfiguring the ceiling.
End Frame
• Choice of designs for wet plaster • Furnished with the diffusers in Frame &
(Factory Welded)
and other types of ceilings. Border Types 3, 4, 6, 7A, 7B and 11.
• Cut to length in the field.
Spring Clip
Blade Spacer
Optional Support (Welded) Optional
End Border Bar Blank-Offs
Optional Alignment
End Cap Pins
• Diffusers can be joined • Factory-made mitered corners
together end-to-end to form are accurately welded and
#8 x 1¼ Oval Head Screw long, continuous slots. carefully finished for a smooth,
(Border Type 1A only)
• End borders and end caps close unbroken corner treatment.
Pattern off the ends of the diffusers Mitered corners are rendered
and simplify installations ending inactive with factory-installed
(Border 22)
Align Y-Y ends using supplied SS1 Spline Support Clips
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Factory Cut Diffuser (Trimming) Field Cut Diffuser
• Titus Modulinear diffusers are so simple and rugged • Field-cut diffuser Model MLF (above) or MLRF
they are routinely cut to length in the field with a fine is shipped in standard 6-foot lengths.
tooth, high-speed carbon steel metal cutting blade. • Model MLF or MLRF diffuser can be cut to any length.
• Factory-cut diffuser Model ML (above) or MLR is ordered Field-installed spacers and other hardware are
for a specified length from the factory, but can be furnished with the diffuser for one field cut. Additional
trimmed as much as 3 inches from each end in the field. field cut kits are available at additional cost.
• Unit is shipped without end caps or end borders.
By Others
• These hanger brackets are a • Here the diffuser is simply pushed • For installation in a Titus mounting
convenient means of attaching up into the duct until the outer frame, these hanger brackets
hanger wires to support the legs of the hanger brackets snap function like the duct type
diffuser from the structural into the hems of the duct. Screws brackets at the left. The outer
members of the building. then snug the diffuser against legs of the brackets engage the
the ceiling. side rails of the mounting frame.
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Airflow, cfm/ft. 5 10 16 21 26 31 36 42 47
Static Pressure 0.006 0.023 0.051 0.090 0.141 0.203 0.277 0.362 0.458
1-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - - 20 27 32 37 40 44 46
Horizontal 1-1-6 3-6-12 6-11-15 10-12-17 11-14-19 12-15-21 13-16-23 14-17-25 15-18-26
Vertical 2 6 9 11 12 14 15 16 17
Airflow, cfm/ft. 10 21 31 42 52 62 73 83 94
Static Pressure 0.006 0.023 0.051 0.090 0.141 0.203 0.277 0.362 0.458
2-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - 13 23 30 35 40 43 47 49
Horizontal 1-3-10 5-10-17 10-15-21 14-17-25 16-19-28 17-21-30 19-23-33 20-25-35 21-26-37
Vertical 4 8 13 16 17 19 20 22 24
Airflow, cfm/ft. 16 31 47 62 78 94 109 125 140
Static Pressure 0.006 0.023 0.051 0.090 0.141 0.203 0.277 0.362 0.458
3-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 25 32 37 41 45 48 51
Horizontal 2-4-13 7-13-21 13-18-26 17-21-30 19-24-34 21-26-37 23-28-40 25-30-43 26-32-45
Vertical 5 10 15 19 21 23 25 27 28
Airflow, cfm/ft. 21 42 62 83 104 125 146 166 187
Static Pressure 0.006 0.023 0.051 0.090 0.141 0.203 0.277 0.362 0.458
4-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 26 33 38 43 46 50 52
Horizontal 3-6-14 10-14-25 14-21-30 19-25-35 22-28-39 25-30-43 27-33-46 28-35-49 30-37-52
Vertical 7 12 18 22 25 27 29 31 33
Airflow, cfm/ft. 26 52 78 104 130 156 182 208 234
Static Pressure 0.006 0.023 0.051 0.090 0.141 0.203 0.277 0.362 0.458
5-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 27 34 39 44 47 51 53
Horizontal 3-7-16 11-16-28 16-24-34 22-28-39 25-31-44 28-34-48 30-36-52 32-39-55 34-41-58
Vertical 7 14 20 25 28 30 32 35 37
Airflow, cfm/ft. 31 62 94 125 156 187 218 250 281
Static Pressure 0.006 0.023 0.051 0.090 0.141 0.203 0.277 0.362 0.458
6-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 28 35 40 44 48 51 54
Horizontal 4-9-18 12-18-30 18-26-37 24-30-43 28-34-48 30-37-52 33-40-56 35-43-60 37-45-64
Vertical 7 16 22 27 30 33 35 38 40
Airflow, cfm/ft. 36 73 109 146 182 218 255 291 328
Static Pressure 0.006 0.023 0.051 0.090 0.141 0.203 0.277 0.362 0.458
7-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 29 35 41 45 49 52 55
Horizontal 6-10-19 13-19-33 19-28-40 25-33-46 30-36-52 33-40-56 35-43-61 38-46-65 40-49-69
Vertical 8 16 24 29 32 35 38 41 43
Airflow, cfm/ft. 42 83 125 166 208 250 291 333 374
Static Pressure 0.006 0.023 0.051 0.090 0.141 0.203 0.277 0.362 0.458
8-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 29 36 41 46 49 53 55
Horizontal 7-10-20 14-20-35 20-30-43 27-35-49 32-39-55 35-43-60 38-46-65 40-49-70 43-52-74
Vertical 8 17 26 31 35 38 41 43 45
NC corrections for various diffuser lengths Throw correction multiplier for length
Length 2 4 6 8 10 Length 2 4 8 10 12
Supply -3 0 +2 +3 +5 Throw Correction 0.72 1.0 1.5 1.7 1.8
Return 0 +3 +5 +6 +8
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Airflow, cfm/ft. 6 12 19 25 31 37 43 50 56
Static Pressure 0.004 0.016 0.037 0.065 0.102 0.146 0.199 0.260 0.330
1-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - - 14 20 26 30 34 37 40
Horizontal 1-2-6 3-6-16 6-12-20 11-16-23 13-18-26 16-20-28 18-22-31 19-23-33 20-25-35
Vertical 2 6 10 12 14 15 16 17 18
Airflow, cfm/ft. 12 25 37 50 62 74 87 99 112
Static Pressure 0.004 0.016 0.037 0.065 0.102 0.146 0.199 0.260 0.330
2-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - - 17 23 29 33 37 40 43
Horizontal 1-3-11 5-11-22 11-17-28 15-22-33 19-26-37 22-28-40 25-31-43 27-33-46 28-35-49
Vertical 4 9 14 17 19 21 23 24 25
Airflow, cfm/ft. 19 37 56 74 93 112 130 149 167
Static Pressure 0.004 0.016 0.037 0.065 0.102 0.146 0.199 0.260 0.330
3-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - - 18 25 31 35 39 42 45
Horizontal 2-5-14 8-14-27 14-20-35 18-27-40 23-32-45 27-35-49 31-38-53 33-40-57 35-43-60
Vertical 6 11 17 21 23 26 28 30 32
Airflow, cfm/ft. 25 50 74 99 124 149 174 198 223
Static Pressure 0.004 0.016 0.037 0.065 0.102 0.146 0.199 0.260 0.330
4-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - - 20 26 32 36 40 43 46
Horizontal 3-6-16 11-16-32 16-24-40 21-32-46 26-37-52 32-40-57 36-43-61 38-46-66 40-49-70
Vertical 6 13 19 24 27 30 32 34 36
Airflow, cfm/ft. 31 62 93 124 155 186 217 248 279
Static Pressure 0.004 0.016 0.037 0.065 0.102 0.146 0.199 0.260 0.330
5-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - - 21 27 33 37 41 44 47
Horizontal 4-8-18 12-18-35 18-26-45 24-35-52 29-41-58 35-45-64 40-49-69 42-52-73 45-55-78
Vertical 7 14 21 27 30 33 36 38 40
Airflow, cfm/ft. 37 74 112 149 186 223 260 298 335
Static Pressure 0.004 0.016 0.037 0.065 0.102 0.146 0.199 0.260 0.330
6-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - 12 21 28 34 38 42 45 48
Horizontal 5-10-19 13-19-39 19-29-49 26-39-57 32-45-64 39-49-70 43-53-75 46-57-81 49-60-85
Vertical 8 15 24 30 33 36 39 42 45
Airflow, cfm/ft. 43 87 130 174 217 260 304 347 391
Static Pressure 0.004 0.016 0.037 0.065 0.102 0.146 0.199 0.260 0.330
7-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - 12 22 29 34 39 42 45 48
Horizontal 6-10-21 14-21-42 21-31-53 28-42-61 35-49-69 42-53-75 47-58-81 50-61-87 53-65-92
Vertical 8 16 24 32 36 39 42 45 48
Airflow, cfm/ft. 50 99 149 198 248 298 347 397 446
Static Pressure 0.004 0.016 0.037 0.065 0.102 0.146 0.199 0.260 0.330
8-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - 13 23 29 35 39 43 46 49
Horizontal 7-11-22 15-22-45 22-33-57 30-45-66 37-52-73 45-57-81 50-61-87 54-66-93 57-70-99
Vertical 8 16 24 33 38 42 45 48 51
NC corrections for various diffuser lengths Throw correction multiplier for length
Length 2 4 6 8 10 Length 2 4 8 10 12
Supply -3 0 +2 +3 +5 Throw Correction 0.72 1.0 1.5 1.7 1.8
Return 0 +3 +5 +6 +8
Airflow, cfm/ft. 7 13 20 26 33 40 46 53 59
Static Pressure 0.004 0.014 0.032 0.057 0.089 0.128 0.174 0.228 0.288
1-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - - 13 20 26 30 34 37 40
Horizontal 1-2-6 3-6-16 6-12-21 11-16-24 14-19-27 16-21-29 18-22-32 20-24-34 21-25-36
Vertical 2 8 12 14 15 17 18 19 20
Airflow, cfm/ft. 13 26 40 53 66 79 92 106 119
Static Pressure 0.004 0.014 0.032 0.057 0.089 0.128 0.174 0.228 0.288
2-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - - 16 23 29 33 37 40 43
Horizontal 1-3-12 5-12-23 12-17-29 15-23-34 19-27-38 23-29-42 26-32-45 28-34-48 29-36-51
Vertical 5 11 16 19 22 24 26 28 30
Airflow, cfm/ft. 20 40 59 79 99 119 139 158 178
Static Pressure 0.004 0.014 0.032 0.057 0.089 0.128 0.174 0.228 0.288
3-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - - 18 25 30 35 39 42 45
Horizontal 2-5-14 8-14-28 14-21-36 19-28-42 23-33-46 28-36-51 32-39-55 34-42-59 36-44-62
Vertical 7 13 20 24 27 29 32 34 36
Airflow, cfm/ft. 26 53 79 106 132 158 185 211 238
Static Pressure 0.004 0.014 0.032 0.057 0.089 0.128 0.174 0.228 0.288
4-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - - 19 26 32 36 40 43 46
Horizontal 3-6-16 11-16-33 16-24-42 22-33-48 27-38-54 33-42-59 37-45-63 39-48-68 42-51-72
Vertical 8 15 23 28 31 34 36 39 42
Airflow, cfm/ft. 33 66 99 132 165 198 231 264 297
Static Pressure 0.004 0.014 0.032 0.057 0.089 0.128 0.174 0.228 0.288
5-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - - 20 27 33 37 41 44 47
Horizontal 4-8-18 12-18-36 18-27-46 24-36-54 30-42-60 36-46-66 41-50-71 44-54-76 46-57-80
Vertical 9 17 25 31 34 38 41 43 45
Airflow, cfm/ft. 40 79 119 158 198 238 277 317 356
Static Pressure 0.004 0.014 0.032 0.057 0.089 0.128 0.174 0.228 0.288
6-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - 12 21 28 33 38 42 45 48
Horizontal 5-10-20 13-20-40 20-30-51 27-40-59 33-46-66 40-51-72 45-55-78 48-59-83 51-62-88
Vertical 9 19 28 34 38 41 45 48 51
Airflow, cfm/ft. 46 92 139 185 231 277 323 370 416
Static Pressure 0.004 0.014 0.032 0.057 0.089 0.128 0.174 0.228 0.288
7-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - 12 22 29 34 38 42 45 48
Horizontal 6-11-22 14-22-43 22-32-55 29-43-63 36-50-71 43-55-78 48-59-84 52-63-90 55-67-95
Vertical 10 20 30 36 41 45 48 52 55
Airflow, cfm/ft. 53 106 158 211 264 317 370 422 475
Static Pressure 0.004 0.014 0.032 0.057 0.089 0.128 0.174 0.228 0.288
8-Slot NC (Noise Criteria) - 13 23 29 35 39 43 46 49
Horizontal 8-12-23 15-23-46 23-35-59 31-46-68 38-54-76 46-59-83 52-63-90 55-68-96 59-72-102
Vertical 11 22 32 39 43 48 52 55 58
NC corrections for various diffuser lengths Throw correction multiplier for length
Length 2 4 6 8 10 Length 2 4 8 10
Supply -3 0 +2 +3 +5 Throw Correction 0.72 1.0 1.5 1.7
Return 0 +3 +5 +6 +8
• Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with • Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve which
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual performance, will not be exceeded by the sound pressure in any
with flexible duct inlet, may vary in the field. See of the octave bands, 2nd through 7th, with a room
the engineering section of this catalog for additional absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
information. • For vertical throw, deduct 11 NC.
• Horizontal throw values given are for terminal velocities • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
of 150, 100 and 50 fpm. • NC is based on 4-foot lengths; for other lengths use the
• Throw values given are for isothermal conditions, and NC correction table.
are based on 4-foot active section. For other lengths, • Throws listed are for the 1-way pattern. For divided
see the Throw Correction Table. airflow, select the airflow in each direction according
• Pressure is given in inches of WG for ML only. to the number of slots aimed in that direction, with
• Vertical throw values are given for terminal velocities of the total airflow apportioned between slots. For an
50 fpm. explanation of catalog throw data, see the Engineering
• For divided throw, use the cfm-per-foot value for the Guidelines section of the catalog.
number of slots in each direction. For sound, use the • Data obtained using plenums with duct velocities less
NC values for cfm-per-foot for the total number of slots. than 800 fpm. See pages F35-F46 for data with Titus
F26 plenums.
• For continuous lengths it is recommended that
maximum active lengths are no longer than 10 feet.
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Number of
Total Pressure 0.004 0.015 0.034 0.060 0.093 0.134 0.183 0.239
Airflow, cfm/ft. 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 16 23 29 33 37 41
Horizontal 1-2-7 3-7-15 7-11-18 10-15-21 12-18-23 15-18-25 16-19-27 17-21-29
Vertical 4 7 11 14 18 21 25 29
Airflow, cfm/ft. 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 18 26 31 36 40 44
Horizontal 1-3-10 5-10-21 10-16-25 14-21-29 17-23-33 21-25-36 22-27-39 24-29-42
Vertical 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 39
Airflow, cfm/ft. 24 46 72 96 120 144 168 192
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 20 28 34 38 43 45
Horizontal 1-3-13 6-13-25 13-19-31 17-25-36 21-28-40 25-31-44 27-34-48 29-38-51
Vertical 7 12 19 25 31 37 43 50
Airflow, cfm/ft. 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 256
NC (Noise Criteria) - 12 22 30 35 40 44 47
Horizontal 2-4-15 7-15-29 15-22-36 20-29-42 24-33-46 29-36-51 32-39-54 34-42-59
Vertical 8 14 21 28 35 43 49 59
Correction factor 0.40 0.83 1.00 1.15 1.29
• Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with • Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve which
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual performance, will not be exceeded by the sound pressure in any
with flexible duct inlet, may vary in the field. Refer to of the octave bands, 2nd through 7th, with a room
the engineering section of the catalog for additional absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
information. • For vertical throw, deduct 11 NC.
• Throw values given are for isothermal conditions, and • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
are based on 6-foot active section. For other lengths, • NC is based on 6-foot lengths. For other lengths use the
see the Throw Correction Table. NC correction table above.
• Horizontal throw values given are for terminal velocities • Data was obtained using plenums with duct velocities
of 150, 100 and 50 fpm. less than 800 fpm. See pages F38-F46 for data with
• Vertical throw values given are for terminal velocity of Titus plenums.
50 fpm. • For continuous lengths, a one foot blankoff should be
• Throws listed are for the 1-way pattern. used in between every 6 foot active section. A two
• For divided throw, use the cfm-per-foot value for the foot blankoff should be used in between 10 foot active
number of slots in each direction. For sound, use the sections. Active sections should not exceed 10 feet
NC values for cfm-per-foot for the total number of slots. without a blankoff.
• Pressure is given in inches of water gauge (WG). • For continuous lengths it is recommended that
maximum active lengths are no longer than 10 feet.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
No. of
Length (ft.) 2 4 10 15 20 Negative SP 0.007 0.028 0.063 0.108 0.170 0.250 0.345 0.450
MLR -7 -4 0 +2 +3 1
cfm per ft. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
NC — — 18 26 32 37 41 45
cfm per ft. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
NC — 10 21 29 35 40 44 48
cfm per ft. 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
NC — 12 23 31 37 42 46 50
cfm per ft. 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320
NC — 13 24 32 38 43 47 51
cfm per ft. 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
NC — 14 25 33 39 44 48 52
cfm per ft. 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480
NC — 15 26 34 40 45 49 53
cfm per ft. 70 140 210 280 350 420 490 560
NC — 16 27 35 41 46 50 54
cfm per ft. 80 160 240 320 400 480 560 640
NC — 16 27 35 41 46 50 54
No. of
Negative SP 0.018 0.040 0.070 0.108 0.160 0.215 0.280 0.450
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Number of Negative Static
0.007 0.028 0.063 0.108 0.17 0.250 0.345 0.450
Slots Pressure
Airflow, cfm/ft. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
NC (Noise Criteria) - 10 21 29 35 40 44 48
Airflow, cfm/ft. 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320
NC (Noise Criteria) - 13 24 32 38 43 47 51
Airflow, cfm/ft. 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480
NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 20 34 40 45 49 53
Airflow, cfm/ft. 80 160 240 320 400 480 560 640
NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 27 35 41 46 50 54
10-12 watts, with a 10-foot active diffuser section. For
other lengths, refer to the NC correction table above.
• Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
• For continuous lengths it is recommended that
maximum active lengths are no longer than 10 feet.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
multiple sections and will be joined together end-to-end with manufacturer of the linear slot diffusers. Optional diffuser
alignment pins to form a continuous slot appearance. curving to a 6-foot minimum radius with fixed deflection
shall be available as required.
All alignment components to be provided by the
manufacturer. The return models shall be constructed the The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
same as supply diffusers without the pattern controllers. for the linear slot diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
The frame and support bars shall be constructed of heavy accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
gauge extruded aluminum. The pattern controller shall be
an aerodynamically curved “ice-tong” shaped steel deflector
Duct Diameter
10, 12,
Number of Slots Refer to 14, 16,
Length 1, 2, page F18 for 18, 20,
Model Specify 3, 4, 22, 24,
ML Supply 5, 6, 26, 28,
7, 8 30, 32
MLR Return
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
an aerodynamically curved “ice-tong” shaped steel deflector
capable of 180° pattern adjustment from the face of the
ALUMINUM MODULINEAR FOR TECHZONE CEILING GRIDS diffuser and shall allow dampering if required. Maximum
Available Supply Models: pattern controller length shall be 3 feet, for diffusers longer
ML-TZ • ¾” Slot than 3 feet pattern controllers shall be furnished in multiple
Available Return Models:
MLR-TZ • ¾” Slot
The finish shall be #31 Armstrong Global white to match the
Global white finish on the Armstrong TechZone ceiling grid
Modulinear diffusers shall be Titus model ML-TZ (supply) system.
or MLR-TZ (return) with ¾” inch slot spacing and nominal
width of 3-¾” or 5-¾”” to fit Armstrong Industries Techzone The paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
style ceiling grids with 4" or 6" grid sizes. Linear slot Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
diffusers shall be available in standard one piece lengths up
to 6 feet and 1 to 4 discharge slots. Heavy gauge extruded aluminum end borders, end caps and
mitered corners shall be available to close off the ends of
Diffuser lengths greater than 6 feet shall be furnished in the diffusers. Plenums shall be manufactured by the same
multiple sections and will be joined together end-to-end with manufacturer of the linear slot diffusers.
alignment pins to form a continuous slot appearance. All
alignment components to be provided by the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
The return models shall be constructed the same as supply for the linear slot diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
diffusers without the pattern controllers. accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
of Slots Border Type
Lay-in T-Bar LT
Model 1, 2, Drop Face DF
ML-TZ Supply 3, 4, Narrow Tee NT
MLR-TZ Return
Linear Slot Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
ML(R)-37-NT, ML(R)-38-NT, ML(R)-39-NT
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
• The ML Modulinear diffuser is a
Available Supply Models:
ML-37-NT • ½” Slot high performance, high quality
ML-38-NT • ¾” Slot linear slot diffuser. The unique
ML-39-NT • 1” Slot “ice tong” deflector blades allow
ML-40-NT • 1½” Slot both changes in air volume and
direction from the face of the
Available Return Models:
MLR-37-NT • ½” Slot diffuser.
MLR-38-NT • ¾” Slot • Available in 24- or 48-inch
MLR-39-NT • 1” Slot • Available in one to eight slots. lengths.
MLR-40-NT • 1½” Slot
• Made of extruded aluminum
For Performance Data and Notes, please
refer to pages F24-F27 for ML-37-NT, -38-NT, with steel deflectors.
The frame and support bars shall be constructed of heavy
ALUMINUM MODULINEAR NARROW TEE gauge extruded aluminum. The pattern controller shall be
an aerodynamically curved “ice-tong” shaped steel deflector
Available Supply Models: capable of 180° pattern adjustment from the face of the
ML-37-NT • ½” Slot diffuser and shall allow dampering if required. Pattern
ML-38-NT • ¾” Slot controller length shall be one piece for the 2-foot modulinear
ML-39-NT • 1” Slot diffusers and two pieces for the 4-foot modulinear diffusers.
ML-40-NT • 1½” Slot
The finish shall be #26 white on the face and #84 black
Available Return Models: on the pattern controllers. The finish shall be an anodic
MLR-37-NT • ½” Slot acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The pencil
MLR-38-NT • ¾” Slot hardness must be HB to H. The paint must pass a 100-hour
MLR-39-NT • 1” Slot ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray Test without
MLR-40-NT • 1½” Slot creepage, blistering or deterioration of film. The paint must
pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test. The
Modulinear diffusers shall be Titus Model ML-__-NT (supply) paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
or MLR-__-NT (return) with ½-, ¾-, and 1-inch slot spacing Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
of the sizes and mounting types shown on the plans and Heavy gauge extruded aluminum end borders shall be
outlet schedule. factory attached to close off the ends of the diffusers.
Plenums shall be manufactured by the same manufacturer
Diffusers shall be compatible with 24 x 24-inch modules for of the linear slot diffusers.
regressed narrow tee ceiling systems. Linear slot diffusers
shall be available in standard one piece lengths of 2 and 4 The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
feet and one to eight discharge slots. The return models for the linear slot diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
shall be constructed the same as supply diffusers without accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
the pattern controllers.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
MODULINEAR DIFFUSER excellent variable air volume
performance. The air stays on
the ceiling in a tight, horizontal
pattern, even at low volumes.
Available Models:
MP-37 • ½” Slot • Widths available to fit Models ML
MP-38 • ¾” Slot and MLR Modulinear diffusers
MP-39 • 1” Slot with 1, 2, 3 or 4 slots.
MP-40 • 1½” Slot
Special Performance Models: • Standard nominal lengths are 24, throw and widening the spread
MP-37-SP • ½” Slot 36, 48, and 60 inches. of the discharge air. This is
MP-38-SP • ¾” Slot accomplished by internal baffling.
MP-39-SP • 1” Slot • End caps can be turned up to The result is improved comfort in
MP-40-SP • 1½” Slot allow plenums to be installed on short-throw applications.
continuous runs of ML diffusers.
MPI-37 • ½” Slot With the air directed against
MPI-38 • ¾” Slot • Optional internal insulation an outside wall, the ML diffuser
MPI-39 • 1” Slot (MPI and MPI-SP models). mounted in an MP-SP allows
MPI-40 • 1½” Slot effective handling of the thermal
• Optional field mounted inlet load by thoroughly blanketing the
• Titus Series MP plenums are wall or window surface.
dampers are available.
designed specifically for field
attachment of ML or MLR See page F27 for a
• Material is galvanized steel.
Modulinear diffusers. further explanation of the
MP-SP performance.
• Optional MP-SP models maximize
• Utilizes the Modulinear diffuser’s air diffusion by shortening the
W 1" L H LP HP
(in.) 7⅝ 10⅝
Optional Border Types 3, 4, 6, 7A, 7B, 11
½" B Insulation ML/MLR
H (MPI Models) End Fabrication
XX N - ¼
Optional XY N - ¼
YY N - ¼
ZZ N - ¼
Note: End caps are not insulated. Design)
ML/MLR Number of Slots
Border Types 1A, 1B, 3, 4, 6, 7A, 7B, 11, 9A, 9B, 12, 15 1 23/16 27/16 211/16 33/16
1 18"
Border Types 2A, 2B 1
B 2"
Nominal Length N Standard
(inches) Inlets H
24 6, 8, 10
36 6, 8, 10
48 6, 8, 10, 12 H LP HP
60 6, 8, 10, 12 INSULATION (MPI MODELS) 11
72 6, 8, 10, 12
12 Oval 14⅛ 7⅞ YY N - ¼
ZZ N - ¼ MP-39 211/16 47/16 63/16 715/16 911/16 117/16 133/16 1415/16
MP-40 3 /163
5 /16 711/16 915/16
7 N/A N/A N/A N/A
F Border Types
1A, 1B, 9A, 9B, 12, 15
Border Types
2A, 2B
W=Plenum Size
Frame & Border Types
3, 4, 6, 7A, 7B, 11
Concealed Mounting
Elevation, MP-SP Plan View
Plenum Mounted on Diffuser
Airflow Spread for Maximum Diffusion
MP-SP models maximize air diffusion by shortening the Spread
throw and widening the spread of the discharge air.
This is accomplished by internal baffling. The result At a given cfm, the MP-SP plenum shortens the throw
is improved comfort in short-throw applications, as in and widens the spread of the air leaving the diffuser (as
exterior zones. compared with the MP plenum or standard plenum).
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Airflow, cfm 20 33 45 58 70 83 95
Total Pressure 0.017 0.046 0.087 0.143 0.212 0.294 0.390
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.017 0.044 0.084 0.137 0.203 0.282 0.374
NC (Noise Criteria) - 21 29 34 39 43 46
6-inch Throw 3-6-12 7-10-20 9-14-24 12-18-27 14-21-30 17-23-32 20-24-34
Inlet Airflow, cfm 30 48 65 83 100 118 135
Total Pressure 0.017 0.043 0.081 0.131 0.193 0.266 0.351
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.016 0.039 0.074 0.119 0.175 0.241 0.319
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 27 32 37 41 44
Throw 2-5-11 5-9-15 8-12-17 10-14-19 12-15-21 13-16-23 14-17-25
Airflow, cfm 25 38 50 63 75 88 100
Total Pressure 0.028 0.063 0.111 0.174 0.251 0.341 0.446
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.027 0.062 0.110 0.172 0.247 0.336 0.439
NC (Noise Criteria) - 20 27 32 37 40 43
8-inch Throw 4-8-15 8-12-22 10-15-25 13-19-28 15-22-31 18-23-33 20-25-35
Inlet Airflow, cfm 35 55 75 95 115 135 155
Total Pressure 0.015 0.037 0.068 0.110 0.161 0.222 0.292
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.014 0.035 0.065 0.104 0.152 0.209 0.276
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 26 32 36 40 43
Throw 3-6-13 7-10-16 9-13-18 11-15-21 13-16-23 14-17-25 15-19-26
Airflow, cfm 25 35 45 55 65 75 85
Total Pressure 0.039 0.077 0.127 0.190 0.265 0.353 0.453
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.039 0.076 0.126 0.189 0.264 0.351 0.451
NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 22 27 31 34 37
10-inch Throw 4-8-15 7-11-21 9-14-24 11-17-26 13-20-29 15-22-31 17-23-33
Inlet Airflow, cfm 40 65 90 115 140 165 190
Total Pressure 0.017 0.044 0.085 0.138 0.205 0.285 0.378
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.016 0.043 0.082 0.134 0.198 0.275 0.365
NC (Noise Criteria) - 20 28 34 38 42 45
Throw 4-7-13 8-12-17 11-14-20 13-16-23 14-18-25 16-19-27 17-21-29
Airflow, cfm 45 70 95 120 145 170 195
12-inch Total Pressure 0.025 0.060 0.111 0.176 0.257 0.354 0.466
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.025 0.059 0.109 0.174 0.255 0.350 0.461
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 25 30 35 39 42
Throw 5-8-14 8-13-18 11-15-21 13-16-23 15-18-26 16-20-28 17-21-30
Airflow, cfm 20 35 50 65 80 95 110
Total Pressure 0.015 0.045 0.091 0.154 0.233 0.328 0.440
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.014 0.042 0.087 0.146 0.222 0.312 0.419
NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 26 32 37 41 45
6-inch Throw 1-3-10 4-9-18 8-13-25 11-16-29 13-20-32 16-24-34 18-26-37
Inlet Airflow, cfm 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Total Pressure 0.018 0.041 0.072 0.113 0.163 0.222 0.290
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.015 0.034 0.061 0.095 0.137 0.187 0.244
NC (Noise Criteria) - 20 27 32 36 40 43
Throw 2-5-12 5-9-16 8-12-19 10-15-21 12-16-23 14-18-25 15-19-27
Airflow, cfm 25 35 45 55 65 75 85
Total Pressure 0.037 0.072 0.118 0.177 0.247 0.329 0.422
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.036 0.071 0.117 0.175 0.244 0.325 0.417
NC (Noise Criteria) - 14 20 24 28 32 35
8-inch Throw 2-5-13 4-9-18 7-11-23 9-14-26 11-16-29 13-19-31 14-21-33
Inlet Airflow, cfm 40 68 95 123 150 178 205
Total Pressure 0.014 0.041 0.080 0.134 0.200 0.280 0.374
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.013 0.037 0.074 0.123 0.185 0.259 0.345
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 27 33 38 42 45
Throw 2-5-12 6-10-17 9-14-21 12-17-23 15-18-26 16-20-28 18-21-30
Airflow, cfm 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Total Pressure 0.115 0.157 0.205 0.259 0.320 0.387 0.460
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.115 0.156 0.204 0.258 0.319 0.386 0.459
NC (Noise Criteria) - 11 14 17 19 22 24
10-inch Throw 3-7-15 4-9-18 6-10-20 7-11-23 8-13-25 9-14-26 10-15-27
Inlet Airflow, cfm 40 68 95 123 150 178 205
Total Pressure 0.015 0.044 0.086 0.143 0.215 0.301 0.401
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.015 0.042 0.083 0.138 0.207 0.289 0.386
NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 24 30 35 39 42
Throw 2-5-12 6-10-17 9-14-21 12-17-23 15-18-26 16-20-28 18-21-30
Airflow, cfm 60 78 95 113 130 148 165
12-inch Total Pressure 0.067 0.112 0.169 0.236 0.316 0.406 0.509
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.067 0.111 0.167 0.235 0.313 0.403 0.505
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 20 24 27 30 33
Throw 5-9-16 8-11-19 9-14-21 11-16-23 13-17-24 15-18-26 16-19-27
For Performance Notes, please see page F47.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Inlet Airflow, cfm 50 78 105 133 160 188 215
Total Pressure 0.012 0.030 0.055 0.088 0.128 0.176 0.231
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.012 0.028 0.051 0.081 0.119 0.163 0.214
NC (Noise Criteria) - 20 27 32 37 41 44
Throw 2-5-13 5-10-19 9-13-22 11-17-24 14-19-27 16-21-29 18-22-31
Airflow, cfm 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
12-inch Total Pressure 0.023 0.052 0.093 0.145 0.209 0.284 0.371
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.023 0.051 0.091 0.142 0.205 0.278 0.364
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 26 31 35 39 42
Throw 3-7-15 7-12-20 10-15-23 13-18-26 15-20-28 18-22-31 19-23-33
Airflow, cfm 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Total Pressure 0.008 0.031 0.069 0.123 0.193 0.278 0.378
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.007 0.028 0.063 0.112 0.175 0.252 0.343
NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 25 32 37 41 45
6-inch Throw 1-2-8 4-8-17 8-13-26 12-17-32 15-22-35 17-26-39 20-30-42
Inlet Airflow, cfm 40 63 85 108 130 153 175
Total Pressure 0.021 0.050 0.093 0.149 0.218 0.299 0.394
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.018 0.043 0.080 0.128 0.187 0.258 0.340
NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 22 28 33 36 40
Throw 1-3-10 3-7-16 6-11-20 9-14-22 11-17-24 13-19-26 15-20-28
Airflow, cfm 30 50 70 90 110 130 150
Total Pressure 0.011 0.030 0.060 0.099 0.147 0.206 0.274
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.010 0.029 0.056 0.093 0.139 0.194 0.258
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 30 35 39 43
8-inch Throw 2-5-13 6-11-22 10-15-30 13-20-34 16-24-37 19-28-40 22-31-43
Inlet Airflow, cfm 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Airflow, cfm 30 50 70 90 110 130 150
Total Pressure 0.010 0.028 0.055 0.092 0.137 0.191 0.255
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.009 0.024 0.047 0.077 0.115 0.161 0.214
NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 24 30 34 38 42
6-inch Throw 1-3-10 3-7-18 6-12-25 10-16-32 13-20-37 15-23-40 18-27-43
Inlet Airflow, cfm 50 80 110 140 170 200 230
Total Pressure 0.016 0.040 0.076 0.124 0.182 0.252 0.334
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.011 0.029 0.055 0.089 0.131 0.181 0.239
NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 24 29 34 38 41
Throw 1-3-10 3-6-17 5-12-22 9-15-25 12-18-28 14-21-30 16-23-32
Airflow, cfm 40 65 90 115 140 165 190
Total Pressure 0.014 0.038 0.072 0.118 0.174 0.242 0.321
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.013 0.035 0.067 0.109 0.161 0.224 0.296
NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 26 31 36 40 43
8-inch Throw 2-5-14 5-12-23 10-16-32 14-20-38 17-25-42 20-29-45 23-34-49
Inlet Airflow, cfm 60 95 130 165 200 235 270
Total Pressure 0.013 0.031 0.059 0.095 0.139 0.192 0.253
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.010 0.025 0.047 0.076 0.111 0.154 0.203
NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 24 29 34 38 41
Throw 2-4-13 4-9-20 8-14-24 12-17-27 14-21-30 16-23-33 19-25-35
Airflow, cfm 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Total Pressure 0.024 0.054 0.096 0.149 0.215 0.292 0.382
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.023 0.052 0.092 0.144 0.207 0.281 0.367
NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 25 31 35 39 42
10-inch Throw 3-7-18 7-13-27 12-18-35 15-22-40 18-27-43 21-31-47 24-35-50
Inlet Airflow, cfm 70 110 150 190 230 270 310
Total Pressure 0.013 0.032 0.059 0.094 0.138 0.190 0.251
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.011 0.027 0.051 0.081 0.119 0.164 0.216
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 30 34 38 41
Throw 2-5-15 5-12-22 10-16-26 13-20-29 16-23-32 19-25-35 22-26-37
Airflow, cfm 90 140 190 240 290 340 390
12-inch Total Pressure 0.018 0.044 0.080 0.128 0.187 0.257 0.339
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.017 0.041 0.076 0.120 0.176 0.242 0.318
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 26 31 36 40 43
Throw 4-8-19 9-15-25 13-20-29 17-23-33 20-26-36 23-28-39 24-30-42
Airflow, cfm 30 50 70 90 110 130 150
Total Pressure 0.008 0.021 0.041 0.068 0.102 0.143 0.190
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.006 0.017 0.033 0.054 0.081 0.113 0.150
NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 24 30 35 39 42
6-inch Throw 1-2-7 2-5-15 4-9-22 7-14-28 10-17-34 13-20-40 15-23-43
Inlet Airflow, cfm 50 80 110 140 170 200 230
Total Pressure 0.014 0.035 0.066 0.107 0.158 0.218 0.288
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.009 0.023 0.044 0.072 0.106 0.147 0.194
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 30 34 38 42
Throw 1-2-7 2-4-15 4-8-20 6-13-25 8-15-28 12-18-30 14-21-32
Airflow, cfm 40 63 85 108 130 153 175
Total Pressure 0.009 0.022 0.040 0.064 0.094 0.129 0.170
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.008 0.019 0.035 0.056 0.082 0.113 0.149
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 25 30 35 38 42
8-inch Throw 1-3-12 3-7-19 6-13-26 10-17-33 13-20-40 16-23-44 18-27-47
Inlet Airflow, cfm 60 95 130 165 200 235 270
Total Pressure 0.010 0.025 0.046 0.075 0.110 0.152 0.200
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.007 0.019 0.035 0.056 0.082 0.114 0.150
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 30 34 38 41
Throw 1-2-9 3-6-17 5-11-24 8-15-27 12-18-30 14-21-33 16-24-35
Airflow, cfm 40 65 90 115 140 165 190
Total Pressure 0.008 0.021 0.040 0.066 0.098 0.136 0.180
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.007 0.020 0.038 0.061 0.091 0.126 0.167
NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 23 29 34 38 41
10-inch Throw 1-3-12 3-8-20 7-14-28 11-18-35 14-22-42 17-25-45 20-29-49
Inlet Airflow, cfm 60 100 140 180 220 260 300
Total Pressure 0.007 0.019 0.037 0.061 0.091 0.128 0.170
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.005 0.015 0.030 0.049 0.074 0.103 0.137
NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 23 29 34 38 41
Throw 1-2-9 3-7-18 6-13-25 9-16-28 13-20-31 16-24-34 18-26-37
Airflow, cfm 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
12-inch Total Pressure 0.011 0.024 0.042 0.066 0.095 0.130 0.170
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.010 0.021 0.038 0.059 0.086 0.116 0.152
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 25 30 34 38 41
Throw 2-5-16 5-12-24 9-16-28 14-20-32 16-24-35 19-27-38 22-28-40
For Performance Notes, please see page F47.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Inlet Airflow, cfm 80 120 160 200 240 280 320
Total Pressure 0.020 0.046 0.081 0.127 0.183 0.249 0.325
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.018 0.040 0.072 0.112 0.162 0.220 0.288
NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 25 30 34 38 41
Throw 3-6-17 6-13-23 11-17-27 14-21-30 17-23-33 20-25-35 22-27-38
Airflow, cfm 90 138 185 233 280 328 375
12-inch Total Pressure 0.014 0.033 0.059 0.093 0.135 0.185 0.243
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.013 0.030 0.055 0.086 0.125 0.171 0.224
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 29 34 37 41
Throw 4-8-19 8-14-25 13-19-29 16-23-32 20-25-35 22-27-38 24-29-41
Airflow, cfm 40 65 90 115 140 165 190
Total Pressure 0.012 0.032 0.062 0.101 0.150 0.209 0.277
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.009 0.025 0.048 0.078 0.115 0.160 0.212
NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 23 29 34 38 41
6-inch Throw 1-2-10 3-7-19 6-13-26 9-17-33 14-20-41 16-24-45 18-28-49
Inlet Airflow, cfm 70 108 145 183 220 258 295
Total Pressure 0.025 0.060 0.109 0.173 0.251 0.344 0.452
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.017 0.039 0.072 0.113 0.165 0.226 0.296
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 29 34 38 41
Throw 1-3-11 3-6-18 5-12-25 8-16-29 12-19-31 15-22-34 17-25-36
Airflow, cfm 50 80 110 140 170 200 230
Total Pressure 0.012 0.030 0.058 0.093 0.137 0.190 0.252
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.010 0.026 0.049 0.080 0.118 0.163 0.215
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 30 34 38 42
8-inch Throw 2-4-15 4-10-23 8-16-32 14-20-41 16-25-46 19-29-50 22-33-54
Inlet Airflow, cfm 80 125 170 215 260 305 350
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Airflow, cfm 40 65 90 115 140 165 190
Total Pressure 0.010 0.027 0.051 0.083 0.124 0.172 0.228
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.007 0.019 0.037 0.060 0.089 0.123 0.163
NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 24 30 34 38 41
6-inch Throw 1-2-6 2-4-16 4-8-23 6-13-29 9-18-35 12-21-41 16-24-48
Inlet Airflow, cfm 70 108 145 183 220 258 295
Total Pressure 0.023 0.054 0.099 0.157 0.228 0.312 0.410
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.014 0.034 0.061 0.097 0.141 0.194 0.254
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 30 34 38 41
Throw 1-2-7 2-4-16 3-8-21 5-12-27 8-16-31 11-19-34 14-22-36
Airflow, cfm 50 80 110 140 170 200 230
Total Pressure 0.016 0.040 0.076 0.124 0.182 0.252 0.334
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.014 0.036 0.068 0.110 0.162 0.225 0.297
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 30 35 39 42
8-inch Throw 1-3-10 3-6-20 5-12-28 9-18-35 13-21-43 17-25-50 19-29-54
Inlet Airflow, cfm 80 125 170 215 260 305 350
Total Pressure 0.014 0.034 0.063 0.100 0.147 0.202 0.266
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.009 0.023 0.043 0.069 0.100 0.138 0.182
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 30 34 38 41
Throw 1-2-9 2-6-19 5-10-25 7-16-31 11-19-34 15-23-37 17-26-40
Airflow, cfm 60 95 130 165 200 235 270
Total Pressure 0.009 0.024 0.044 0.071 0.104 0.144 0.190
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.008 0.020 0.038 0.061 0.090 0.124 0.164
NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 26 31 36 40 43
10-inch Throw 2-4-15 4-9-24 8-16-33 12-21-41 17-25-50 20-30-54 23-34-58
Inlet Airflow, cfm 90 140 190 240 290 340 390
Total Pressure 0.011 0.027 0.049 0.079 0.115 0.158 0.208
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.008 0.020 0.036 0.058 0.084 0.116 0.152
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 30 34 38 41
Throw 1-3-12 3-7-21 6-13-28 9-18-33 13-21-36 17-25-39 19-29-42
Airflow, cfm 100 165 230 295 360 425 490
12-inch Total Pressure 0.008 0.021 0.041 0.067 0.100 0.139 0.185
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.006 0.017 0.034 0.055 0.082 0.114 0.152
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 30 35 39 42
Throw 2-4-14 4-10-24 8-17-32 14-22-36 18-27-40 21-31-44 24-33-47
Airflow, cfm 40 63 85 108 130 153 175
Total Pressure 0.021 0.050 0.093 0.149 0.218 0.299 0.394
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.018 0.043 0.080 0.128 0.187 0.258 0.340
NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 22 28 33 36 40
6-inch Throw 1-3-12 3-7-19 6-13-26 10-17-33 13-20-40 16-23-44 18-27-47
Inlet Airflow, cfm 70 93 115 138 160 183 205
Total Pressure 0.052 0.090 0.139 0.199 0.269 0.350 0.442
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.043 0.075 0.116 0.165 0.224 0.291 0.367
NC (Noise Criteria) - 14 19 23 27 30 33
Throw 1-3-13 2-6-17 4-9-21 6-12-25 7-15-27 10-17-29 12-19-30
Airflow, cfm 50 80 110 140 170 200 230
Total Pressure 0.016 0.041 0.077 0.125 0.184 0.254 0.336
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.014 0.036 0.069 0.111 0.164 0.227 0.300
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 25 30 35 39 42
8-inch Throw 2-5-15 5-12-25 10-17-34 14-22-42 17-26-46 21-31-50 24-35-54
Inlet Airflow, cfm 60 103 145 188 230 273 315
Total Pressure 0.017 0.048 0.097 0.161 0.243 0.341 0.456
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.014 0.041 0.082 0.137 0.206 0.290 0.387
NC (Noise Criteria) - 12 21 27 31 35 39
Throw 1-2-9 3-7-19 6-13-26 10-17-29 14-21-32 16-25-35 19-27-38
Airflow, cfm 60 95 130 165 200 235 270
Total Pressure 0.015 0.039 0.072 0.116 0.171 0.236 0.312
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.014 0.035 0.066 0.106 0.156 0.216 0.285
NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 26 31 36 40 43
10-inch Throw 3-7-18 7-15-29 13-20-40 17-25-45 21-31-50 24-36-54 28-41-58
Inlet Airflow, cfm 90 140 190 240 290 340 390
Total Pressure 0.022 0.054 0.099 0.157 0.230 0.316 0.415
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.019 0.046 0.086 0.136 0.199 0.274 0.360
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 30 34 38 41
Throw 2-5-16 6-13-25 11-17-29 15-22-33 18-26-36 21-28-39 24-30-42
Airflow, cfm 100 165 230 295 360 425 490
12-inch Total Pressure 0.014 0.037 0.072 0.118 0.175 0.244 0.325
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.012 0.033 0.064 0.106 0.158 0.220 0.292
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 25 30 35 39 42
Throw 3-7-18 8-15-27 14-21-32 18-26-36 22-28-40 25-31-44 27-33-47
For Performance Notes, please see page F47.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Inlet Airflow, cfm 120 185 250 315 380 445 510
Total Pressure 0.020 0.047 0.085 0.135 0.197 0.270 0.355
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.014 0.034 0.063 0.099 0.145 0.198 0.261
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 26 31 36 39 43
Throw 2-5-18 5-12-27 10-19-34 16-23-38 19-28-41 22-32-45 25-34-48
Airflow, cfm 130 210 290 370 450 530 610
12-inch Total Pressure 0.013 0.034 0.065 0.105 0.156 0.216 0.286
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.011 0.028 0.053 0.087 0.128 0.178 0.236
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 25 31 36 39 43
Throw 3-6-19 7-16-31 13-21-36 18-27-41 22-32-45 26-35-49 30-37-52
Airflow, cfm 50 83 115 148 180 213 245
Total Pressure 0.014 0.037 0.072 0.119 0.177 0.246 0.327
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.009 0.025 0.048 0.080 0.119 0.165 0.220
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 25 31 36 40 43
6-inch Throw 1-2-7 2-4-18 4-9-25 6-14-32 9-20-39 13-23-46 18-27-53
Inlet Airflow, cfm 90 130 170 210 250 290 330
Total Pressure 0.035 0.074 0.127 0.193 0.274 0.368 0.477
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.021 0.044 0.075 0.114 0.162 0.218 0.282
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 29 33 36 39
Throw 1-2-8 2-4-16 3-7-22 5-10-27 6-15-32 9-19-36 11-21-39
Airflow, cfm 60 95 130 165 200 235 270
Total Pressure 0.020 0.049 0.092 0.148 0.218 0.301 0.397
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.017 0.043 0.080 0.130 0.190 0.263 0.347
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 30 34 38 41
8-inch Throw 1-2-9 3-6-21 5-11-28 8-18-36 12-22-44 16-26-51 20-29-58
Inlet Airflow, cfm 90 150 210 270 330 390 450
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Airflow, cfm 15 25 35 45 55 65 75
Total Pressure 0.012 0.032 0.063 0.105 0.156 0.218 0.291
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.011 0.031 0.061 0.101 0.151 0.211 0.281
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 25 31 35 39 43
6-inch Throw 1-3-10 4-8-16 8-11-21 10-15-24 12-18-26 14-20-29 16-22-31
Inlet Airflow, cfm 30 45 60 75 90 105 120
Total Pressure 0.021 0.047 0.083 0.130 0.187 0.254 0.332
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.019 0.043 0.077 0.120 0.172 0.235 0.306
NC (Noise Criteria) - 20 27 32 36 40 43
Throw 2-5-9 5-7-11 6-9-13 8-10-14 9-11-15 10-12-17 10-13-18
Airflow, cfm 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Total Pressure 0.021 0.048 0.085 0.133 0.192 0.262 0.342
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.021 0.047 0.084 0.132 0.190 0.258 0.337
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 29 33 37 40
8-inch Throw 3-6-13 6-10-19 9-13-23 11-16-25 13-19-28 15-21-30 17-23-32
Inlet Airflow, cfm 35 53 70 88 105 123 140
Total Pressure 0.018 0.040 0.071 0.111 0.161 0.219 0.285
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.017 0.038 0.068 0.106 0.153 0.208 0.272
NC (Noise Criteria) - 20 26 32 36 40 43
Throw 3-5-10 5-8-12 7-10-14 9-11-15 10-12-17 10-13-18 11-14-19
Airflow, cfm 25 35 45 55 65 75 85
Total Pressure 0.047 0.092 0.152 0.227 0.317 0.423 0.543
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.047 0.092 0.151 0.226 0.316 0.421 0.540
NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 24 29 33 36 39
10-inch Throw 4-8-16 8-11-21 10-15-24 12-18-26 14-20-29 16-22-31 18-23-33
Inlet Airflow, cfm 40 63 85 108 130 153 175
Total Pressure 0.020 0.049 0.091 0.145 0.212 0.291 0.384
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.019 0.048 0.088 0.141 0.206 0.283 0.373
NC (Noise Criteria) - 21 28 34 38 42 45
Throw 4-6-10 6-9-13 9-11-15 10-12-17 11-13-19 12-14-20 12-15-22
Airflow, cfm 45 68 90 113 135 158 180
12-inch Total Pressure 0.030 0.067 0.119 0.186 0.267 0.364 0.475
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.029 0.066 0.118 0.184 0.265 0.360 0.471
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 26 31 35 39 42
Throw 5-7-11 7-9-13 9-11-15 10-12-17 11-13-19 12-14-20 13-15-22
Airflow, cfm 20 33 45 58 70 83 95
Total Pressure 0.017 0.046 0.088 0.144 0.213 0.297 0.393
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.017 0.044 0.085 0.138 0.205 0.284 0.377
NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 26 31 36 40 43
6-inch Throw 1-3-11 4-9-17 7-12-24 10-15-27 12-18-30 15-22-32 17-25-35
Inlet Airflow, cfm 35 55 75 95 115 135 155
Total Pressure 0.017 0.041 0.076 0.122 0.179 0.247 0.325
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.014 0.036 0.066 0.106 0.155 0.214 0.282
NC (Noise Criteria) - 20 27 33 37 41 44
Throw 2-4-9 4-7-12 6-9-14 8-11-16 10-12-18 11-13-19 12-14-20
Airflow, cfm 25 35 45 55 65 75 85
Total Pressure 0.044 0.086 0.142 0.212 0.295 0.393 0.505
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.043 0.085 0.140 0.209 0.293 0.389 0.500
NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 22 26 30 34 37
8-inch Throw 2-5-13 4-9-18 7-12-24 10-15-26 11-17-29 13-20-31 15-22-33
Inlet Airflow, cfm 40 68 95 123 150 178 205
Total Pressure 0.017 0.049 0.096 0.160 0.240 0.336 0.448
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.016 0.045 0.090 0.150 0.224 0.314 0.419
NC (Noise Criteria) - 21 29 35 40 44 47
Throw 2-5-10 6-8-13 8-11-16 10-13-18 12-14-20 13-15-22 14-17-23
Airflow, cfm 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Total Pressure 0.138 0.187 0.245 0.310 0.383 0.463 0.551
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.137 0.187 0.244 0.309 0.382 0.462 0.550
NC (Noise Criteria) - 13 16 19 21 24 26
10-inch Throw 3-7-16 4-9-18 6-11-21 7-12-24 9-13-25 10-15-26 11-16-28
Inlet Airflow, cfm 40 65 90 115 140 165 190
Total Pressure 0.018 0.048 0.093 0.151 0.224 0.311 0.413
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.018 0.047 0.090 0.146 0.217 0.301 0.400
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 25 31 35 39 42
Throw 2-5-10 5-8-13 7-11-15 10-12-18 11-14-19 12-15-21 13-16-23
Airflow, cfm 55 70 85 100 115 130 145
12-inch Total Pressure 0.068 0.110 0.162 0.224 0.296 0.378 0.470
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.067 0.109 0.161 0.222 0.294 0.376 0.467
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 19 23 26 29 32
Throw 4-7-12 6-9-14 7-11-15 8-12-16 10-12-18 11-13-19 11-14-20
For Performance Notes, please see page F47.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Inlet Airflow, cfm 50 78 105 133 160 188 215
Total Pressure 0.015 0.036 0.066 0.105 0.153 0.210 0.276
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.014 0.034 0.062 0.099 0.144 0.197 0.260
NC (Noise Criteria) 11 22 29 34 39 43 46
Throw 2-5-11 5-8-14 8-11-17 10-13-19 11-15-21 13-16-22 14-17-24
Airflow, cfm 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
12-inch Total Pressure 0.028 0.063 0.111 0.174 0.250 0.340 0.445
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.027 0.061 0.109 0.171 0.246 0.334 0.437
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) 11 21 28 33 37 41 44
Throw 3-6-13 6-10-15 9-13-18 11-14-20 13-15-22 14-17-24 15-18-25
Airflow, cfm 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Total Pressure 0.009 0.037 0.083 0.148 0.231 0.332 0.452
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.009 0.034 0.077 0.136 0.213 0.306 0.417
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 27 34 39 43 47
6-inch Throw 1-2-8 4-8-18 8-14-27 12-18-32 15-23-36 18-27-39 21-30-42
Inlet Airflow, cfm 40 63 85 108 130 153 175
Total Pressure 0.025 0.060 0.111 0.178 0.260 0.358 0.472
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.022 0.053 0.098 0.157 0.230 0.317 0.417
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 30 35 38 42
Throw 1-3-9 3-7-13 6-9-15 8-12-17 9-13-19 11-14-20 12-15-22
Airflow, cfm 30 53 75 98 120 143 165
Total Pressure 0.013 0.040 0.082 0.138 0.210 0.296 0.396
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.012 0.038 0.078 0.132 0.200 0.282 0.378
NC (Noise Criteria) - 20 28 34 39 43 47
8-inch Throw 2-5-14 6-12-24 11-17-31 15-22-35 18-27-39 22-30-43 25-32-46
Inlet Airflow, cfm 50 80 110 140 170 200 230
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Airflow, cfm 30 50 70 90 110 130 150
Total Pressure 0.012 0.034 0.066 0.110 0.164 0.229 0.305
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.011 0.029 0.058 0.095 0.142 0.199 0.265
NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 26 32 36 40 44
6-inch Throw 1-3-10 3-7-19 6-13-26 10-17-34 14-21-37 16-24-41 19-28-44
Inlet Airflow, cfm 50 80 110 140 170 200 230
Total Pressure 0.019 0.048 0.091 0.148 0.218 0.302 0.399
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.014 0.037 0.070 0.113 0.167 0.231 0.305
NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 26 31 36 40 43
Throw 1-3-9 3-6-14 5-10-17 8-12-19 10-15-21 12-16-23 13-18-25
Airflow, cfm 40 65 90 115 140 165 190
Total Pressure 0.017 0.045 0.086 0.141 0.209 0.290 0.385
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.016 0.042 0.081 0.132 0.195 0.271 0.360
NC (Noise Criteria) - 20 28 33 38 42 45
8-inch Throw 2-5-15 5-12-24 10-17-34 14-21-38 17-26-42 21-31-46 24-35-49
Inlet Airflow, cfm 60 93 125 158 190 223 255
Total Pressure 0.015 0.036 0.065 0.103 0.150 0.206 0.271
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.013 0.030 0.054 0.086 0.125 0.172 0.226
NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 25 30 35 38 42
Throw 2-4-11 4-8-16 7-11-18 9-14-20 11-16-23 13-17-24 15-18-26
Airflow, cfm 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Total Pressure 0.029 0.064 0.114 0.179 0.257 0.350 0.457
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.028 0.062 0.111 0.173 0.249 0.339 0.443
NC (Noise Criteria) - 20 27 33 37 41 44
10-inch Throw 3-6-12 6-9-14 8-12-16 10-13-18 12-14-20 12-15-22 13-16-23
Inlet Airflow, cfm 70 110 150 190 230 270 310
Total Pressure 0.015 0.038 0.070 0.113 0.165 0.228 0.300
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.014 0.033 0.062 0.100 0.146 0.201 0.265
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 26 32 36 40 43
Throw 2-5-12 5-10-17 9-13-20 11-16-23 13-18-25 15-19-27 17-20-29
Airflow, cfm 90 143 195 248 300 353 405
12-inch Total Pressure 0.022 0.054 0.101 0.163 0.240 0.331 0.437
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.021 0.051 0.096 0.155 0.228 0.314 0.415
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) - 21 28 34 39 42 46
Throw 4-8-15 8-13-19 11-16-23 15-18-26 16-20-28 18-22-31 19-23-33
Airflow, cfm 30 53 75 98 120 143 165
Total Pressure 0.009 0.028 0.057 0.096 0.146 0.205 0.275
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.008 0.023 0.047 0.079 0.120 0.169 0.227
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 28 34 39 43 46
6-inch Throw 1-2-7 2-5-17 5-10-24 8-16-32 12-19-39 15-23-43 18-27-46
Inlet Airflow, cfm 50 83 115 148 180 213 245
Total Pressure 0.016 0.044 0.086 0.142 0.211 0.295 0.392
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.012 0.032 0.063 0.103 0.153 0.214 0.284
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 27 33 38 42 45
Throw 1-2-7 2-4-13 4-9-18 6-11-20 9-14-22 11-16-24 12-18-26
Airflow, cfm 40 65 90 115 140 165 190
Total Pressure 0.011 0.028 0.054 0.088 0.131 0.181 0.240
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.010 0.025 0.048 0.079 0.117 0.163 0.215
NC (Noise Criteria) - 20 28 34 38 42 46
8-inch Throw 1-3-12 3-8-21 7-15-29 11-19-37 15-23-42 18-27-46 20-31-49
Inlet Airflow, cfm 60 98 135 173 210 248 285
Total Pressure 0.012 0.031 0.060 0.098 0.145 0.201 0.267
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.009 0.025 0.047 0.077 0.115 0.159 0.211
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 27 33 37 41 45
Throw 1-2-9 3-6-15 5-10-19 9-13-21 11-16-24 13-18-26 14-19-28
Airflow, cfm 40 70 100 130 160 190 220
Total Pressure 0.010 0.029 0.060 0.101 0.153 0.216 0.289
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.009 0.028 0.056 0.095 0.144 0.203 0.272
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 28 34 39 43 46
10-inch Throw 1-3-12 4-9-23 8-16-32 14-21-41 17-26-45 20-31-49 24-36-53
Inlet Airflow, cfm 60 105 150 195 240 285 330
Total Pressure 0.008 0.025 0.051 0.086 0.130 0.184 0.246
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.007 0.021 0.043 0.072 0.109 0.154 0.207
NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 27 33 38 42 45
Throw 1-2-9 3-7-16 7-11-20 10-15-23 12-18-25 14-19-28 17-21-30
Airflow, cfm 90 140 190 240 290 340 390
12-inch Total Pressure 0.013 0.031 0.057 0.090 0.132 0.181 0.238
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.012 0.028 0.052 0.082 0.120 0.165 0.218
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) - 21 28 34 38 42 45
Throw 2-5-14 6-11-19 10-14-23 12-18-25 15-20-28 17-21-30 19-23-32
For Performance Notes, please see page F47.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Inlet Airflow, cfm 80 118 155 193 230 268 305
Total Pressure 0.024 0.052 0.091 0.141 0.201 0.272 0.353
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.022 0.047 0.082 0.127 0.182 0.246 0.319
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 26 31 35 39 42
Throw 3-6-14 6-10-18 9-14-20 11-16-23 13-18-25 15-19-27 16-20-29
Airflow, cfm 90 138 185 233 280 328 375
12-inch Total Pressure 0.017 0.039 0.071 0.112 0.162 0.222 0.291
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.016 0.037 0.066 0.105 0.152 0.207 0.272
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 26 31 36 39 43
Throw 4-8-15 8-12-19 11-16-22 14-18-25 16-19-27 17-21-30 18-22-32
Airflow, cfm 40 65 90 115 140 165 190
Total Pressure 0.015 0.039 0.074 0.121 0.180 0.250 0.331
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.012 0.031 0.060 0.098 0.145 0.201 0.267
NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 25 31 36 40 43
6-inch Throw 1-2-10 3-7-20 6-13-27 9-18-35 14-21-42 17-25-46 19-29-49
Inlet Airflow, cfm 70 108 145 183 220 258 295
Total Pressure 0.030 0.072 0.131 0.207 0.301 0.412 0.541
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.022 0.051 0.093 0.147 0.214 0.294 0.385
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 26 31 36 40 43
Throw 1-3-10 3-6-15 5-10-20 8-13-22 11-16-24 12-18-26 14-20-28
Airflow, cfm 50 80 110 140 170 200 230
Total Pressure 0.014 0.036 0.069 0.112 0.165 0.228 0.301
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.013 0.032 0.061 0.098 0.145 0.200 0.265
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 26 32 36 40 44
8-inch Throw 2-4-15 4-10-24 8-17-34 14-21-42 17-26-46 20-30-50 23-35-54
Inlet Airflow, cfm 80 130 180 230 280 330 380
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Airflow, cfm 40 70 100 130 160 190 220
Total Pressure 0.012 0.037 0.076 0.128 0.193 0.273 0.365
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.009 0.028 0.058 0.097 0.148 0.208 0.279
NC (Noise Criteria) - 20 28 34 39 43 47
6-inch Throw 1-2-6 2-5-18 4-10-26 8-17-34 12-21-42 16-25-49 19-29-53
Inlet Airflow, cfm 70 108 145 183 220 258 295
Total Pressure 0.028 0.065 0.119 0.188 0.273 0.374 0.491
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.019 0.045 0.081 0.128 0.186 0.255 0.335
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 26 32 36 40 43
Throw 1-2-7 2-4-13 3-8-18 5-11-22 8-14-24 11-16-26 12-18-28
Airflow, cfm 50 80 110 140 170 200 230
Total Pressure 0.019 0.048 0.091 0.148 0.218 0.302 0.399
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.017 0.044 0.083 0.134 0.198 0.274 0.363
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 26 32 37 41 44
8-inch Throw 1-3-10 3-6-21 5-12-29 9-18-37 13-22-45 18-26-50 20-30-54
Inlet Airflow, cfm 80 135 190 245 300 355 410
Total Pressure 0.017 0.047 0.094 0.156 0.234 0.328 0.437
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.012 0.035 0.069 0.115 0.172 0.241 0.321
NC (Noise Criteria) - 21 29 35 40 44 47
Throw 1-2-9 3-7-17 6-12-23 10-15-26 12-19-28 15-22-31 17-23-33
Airflow, cfm 60 100 140 180 220 260 300
Total Pressure 0.011 0.031 0.061 0.101 0.151 0.211 0.281
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.010 0.028 0.054 0.090 0.134 0.187 0.249
NC (Noise Criteria) - 22 29 35 40 44 48
10-inch Throw 2-4-15 4-10-26 9-18-37 15-24-48 19-29-53 23-34-57 26-40-62
Inlet Airflow, cfm 90 148 205 263 320 378 435
Total Pressure 0.013 0.036 0.069 0.113 0.167 0.233 0.309
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.010 0.028 0.053 0.088 0.130 0.181 0.241
NC (Noise Criteria) - 20 28 34 38 42 46
Throw 1-3-11 3-8-18 7-13-23 11-16-26 13-20-29 16-22-32 18-24-34
Airflow, cfm 100 165 230 295 360 425 490
12-inch Total Pressure 0.009 0.025 0.049 0.080 0.119 0.166 0.221
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.008 0.021 0.042 0.068 0.102 0.142 0.189
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 26 32 37 41 44
Throw 2-4-12 4-10-21 8-14-25 12-18-28 15-22-31 18-24-34 20-26-36
Airflow, cfm 40 63 85 108 130 153 175
Total Pressure 0.025 0.060 0.111 0.178 0.260 0.358 0.472
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.022 0.053 0.098 0.157 0.230 0.317 0.417
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 30 35 38 42
6-inch Throw 1-3-12 3-7-20 6-13-27 10-17-35 14-21-41 16-25-44 19-28-47
Inlet Airflow, cfm 70 90 110 130 150 170 190
Total Pressure 0.062 0.102 0.152 0.213 0.283 0.364 0.455
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.053 0.088 0.131 0.183 0.243 0.312 0.390
NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 20 24 27 30 33
Throw 1-3-11 2-5-14 4-8-17 5-10-19 7-11-20 8-13-21 10-14-23
Airflow, cfm 50 80 110 140 170 200 230
Total Pressure 0.019 0.049 0.092 0.149 0.220 0.304 0.402
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.017 0.044 0.084 0.136 0.200 0.277 0.366
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 27 32 37 41 44
8-inch Throw 2-5-16 5-12-26 10-18-36 15-23-42 18-27-46 22-32-50 25-37-54
Inlet Airflow, cfm 60 98 135 173 210 248 285
Total Pressure 0.020 0.052 0.100 0.164 0.242 0.337 0.446
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.017 0.046 0.088 0.143 0.212 0.294 0.390
NC (Noise Criteria) - 13 21 27 31 35 39
Throw 1-2-9 3-6-15 5-10-19 9-13-21 11-16-24 13-18-26 14-19-28
Airflow, cfm 60 98 135 173 210 248 285
Total Pressure 0.018 0.049 0.093 0.152 0.226 0.313 0.416
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.017 0.045 0.087 0.141 0.210 0.291 0.386
NC (Noise Criteria) - 21 29 35 39 43 46
10-inch Throw 3-6-13 7-11-16 10-13-19 12-15-21 14-17-24 15-18-26 16-19-28
Inlet Airflow, cfm 90 140 190 240 290 340 390
Total Pressure 0.026 0.064 0.118 0.188 0.275 0.378 0.497
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.024 0.057 0.105 0.167 0.244 0.336 0.442
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 26 32 36 40 43
Throw 2-5-14 6-11-19 10-14-23 12-18-25 15-20-28 17-21-30 19-23-32
Airflow, cfm 100 165 230 295 360 425 490
12-inch Total Pressure 0.016 0.044 0.086 0.141 0.210 0.292 0.389
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.015 0.040 0.079 0.129 0.192 0.268 0.356
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 27 32 37 41 44
Throw 3-7-15 8-13-21 12-18-25 15-20-28 18-22-31 19-24-34 21-26-36
For Performance Notes, please see page F47.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Inlet Airflow, cfm 120 185 250 315 380 445 510
Total Pressure 0.024 0.056 0.102 0.162 0.236 0.324 0.425
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.018 0.044 0.079 0.126 0.184 0.252 0.331
NC (Noise Criteria) - 21 28 33 38 41 45
Throw 2-5-15 5-12-22 10-16-26 13-20-29 16-23-32 18-24-34 21-26-37
Airflow, cfm 130 210 290 370 450 530 610
12-inch Total Pressure 0.016 0.041 0.077 0.126 0.186 0.258 0.342
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.013 0.035 0.066 0.107 0.159 0.221 0.292
Inlet NC (Noise Criteria) - 20 27 33 38 41 45
Throw 3-6-16 7-13-24 12-18-28 15-22-31 19-25-35 22-27-38 23-29-40
Airflow, cfm 50 85 120 155 190 225 260
Total Pressure 0.016 0.047 0.094 0.157 0.236 0.330 0.441
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.012 0.034 0.068 0.114 0.171 0.240 0.320
NC (Noise Criteria) - 20 28 34 39 43 46
6-inch Throw 1-2-7 2-5-19 4-9-27 7-16-35 11-22-43 15-26-51 20-30-57
Inlet Airflow, cfm 90 130 170 210 250 290 330
Total Pressure 0.042 0.089 0.151 0.231 0.328 0.441 0.571
4 ft. Static Pressure 0.028 0.058 0.100 0.152 0.216 0.290 0.376
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 26 31 35 38 41
Throw 1-2-8 2-4-14 3-7-18 5-10-23 6-13-26 9-16-28 11-18-30
Airflow, cfm 60 95 130 165 200 235 270
Total Pressure 0.023 0.059 0.110 0.178 0.261 0.360 0.476
2 ft. Static Pressure 0.021 0.053 0.099 0.159 0.233 0.322 0.425
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 26 32 36 40 43
8-inch Throw 1-2-9 3-6-22 5-11-30 8-18-38 12-23-46 16-27-54 21-31-59
Inlet Airflow, cfm 90 150 210 270 330 390 450
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• NC values were determined from octave band 2 thru 7
Available Models: sound power levels with a 10 dB room absorption.
MP-38 • Pressures are in inches WG.
MPI-37 • Throw values are listed for terminal velocities of 150,
MPI-39 100 and 50 fpm under isothermal conditions. For an
explanation of catalog throw data, see the Engineering
Guidelines section of this catalog.
• Data is valid only for Titus ML linear diffusers with Titus
supplied MP plenums. • Throw values listed are for the one-way air pattern.
For divided airflow, select the airflow in each direction
• Data was obtained from testing in accordance with according to the number of sides aimed in that
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual performance direction, with the total airflow apportioned between
with flexible duct inlet may vary in the field. See slots.
the Engineering Guidelines section for additional
SPECIAL PERFORMANCE • NC values were determined from octave band 2 thru 7
sound power levels with a 10 dB room absorption.
Available Models:
MPI-37-SP • Spread can be determined by multiplying the throw by
MP-38-SP 0.5.
MP-39-SP • Throw values are listed for terminal velocities of 150,
MPI-39-SP 100 and 50 fpm under isothermal conditions. For an
explanation of catalog throw data, see the Engineering
• Data is valid only for Titus ML linear diffusers with Titus Guidelines section of this catalog.
supplied MP-SP plenums.
• Throw values listed are for the one-way air pattern.
• Pressures are in inches WG. For divided airflow, select the airflow in each direction
according to the number of sides aimed in that
• Data was obtained from testing in accordance with direction, with the total airflow apportioned between
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual performance slots.
with flexible duct inlet, may vary in the field. See
the Engineering Guidelines section for additional
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Modulinear diffuser plenums shall be Titus Model MP-__ The manufacturer shall provide performance data with the
(standard performance) or MP-__-SP (enhanced spread linear slot diffuser and plenum tested as one assembly. The
performance). Plenums must be designed specifically for linear slot diffuser and plenum assembly shall be tested in
field attachment of Titus ML or MLR Modulinear diffusers accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
with ½-, ¾- or 1-inch slot widths. Plenums shall include a
Low Profile 8”
Plenum Height
Model - Modulinear Plenum 1LP 1-Slot
MP-37 ½" Slot 2LP 2-Slot
MP-38 ¾" Slot 3LP 3-Slot
MP-39 1" Slot Inlet Size (note) 4LP 4-Slot
MP-40 1½" Slot 6 6" Oval 5LP 5-Slot
MPI-37 ½" Slot 8 8" Oval 6LP 6-Slot Optional Damper
MPI-38 ¾" Slot 10 10" Oval 7LP 7-Slot ID Inlet
MPI-39 1" Slot 12 12" Oval 8LP 8-Slot Damper
Linear Bar Diffusers Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Available Models:
¼” Spacing
CT-480 • 1/8” Bars
• 0° Deflection
CT-481 • 1/8” Bars
• 15° Deflection • Ideal for continuous length
½” Spacing • When both appearance and applications. Multiple sections are
CT-580 • 1/8” Bars performance are of prime shipped with required alignment
• 0° Deflection importance in an air distribution strips or pins for field installation.
CT-581 • 1/8” Bars
• 15° Deflection system, Titus linear bar diffusers
CT-540 • ¼” Bars are a logical choice. • Maximum one piece section is 6
• 0° Deflection feet. Lengths greater than 6 feet
CT-541 • ¼” Bars • Designed for both heating and are furnished in multiple sections.
• 15° Deflection cooling applications, supply as
well as return. • Sections can be joined together
FIXED BARS - PENCIL end-to-end for continuous
PROOF - ALUMINUM • Available in eight different core appearance, using standard
styles plus a wide selection of alignment strips or alignment
Available Models: frames and borders. wires.
/16” Spacing
CT-PP-0 • 7/32” Bars
• Can be selected for ceiling, side • All deflection bars are fixed and
• 0° Deflection
CT-PP-3 • 7/32” Bars wall, or sill installations. Heavy parallel to the long dimension.
• 30° Deflection duty models (Frames 5, 6 and 15)
are designed especially for typical • Fixed bars and support bars are
Products Include: floor installations. extruded aluminum.
• Standard Finish - #26 White
• Accessories such as directional • Optional curving to a 2’ feet
• Optional Finishes:
#01 Aluminum blades, dampers, blank-offs, (24” minimum radius) on most
#04 Mill access doors and mitered models, available for architectural
#25 Off White corners make these diffusers enhancement.
#84 Black even more versatile.
Anodized finishes available
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Type 13 border is shown. For other available types, Type 1A frame & border combination is shown. For
please see F49. other available types, please see F50.
Model CT-540 core is shown. For other available Type 5 heavy duty mounting frame is shown. For other
models, please see below. available types, please see F50.
¼” Spacing ½” Spacing
⅛” Bars ⅛” Bars ¼” Bars
Model CT-480 - 0° Deflection Model CT-580 - 0° Deflection Model CT-540 - 0° Deflection
Duct Size Duct Size Duct Size
minus ¾" minus ¾" minus ¾"
¼" ⅛" ½" ⅛" ½"
Model CT-481 - 15° Deflection Model CT-581 - 15° Deflection Model CT-541 - 15° Deflection
Duct Size minus ¾" Duct Size minus ¾" Duct Size minus ¾"
/32" ½"
⅛" ½"
15/32" 15/32"
Support Bar Support Bar
Support Bar
See Note
Pencil Proof
15/32" 15/32"
See Note
F50 Note: Not recommended for floor applications with heavy loads or high traffic. See page F51 for maximum floor loading.
All dimensions are in inches.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Frame & Border Type 1A with Frame & Border Type 1B with Frame & Border Type 2 with
• 1” Border • 1¼” Border • ¾” Border
O = D plus 2" O = D plus 2½" O = D plus 1¼"
1" D minus ¾" 1¼" D minus ¾" 3 ¾" D minus ¾"
19/16" 1⅛"
Frame & Border Type 3 with Frame & Border Type 4 with Border Type 22 Tape & Spackle
• ½” Border • ¼” Border
• Spring Latch • Spring Latch A 1 5/8 Duct - 3/4
O = D plus 7/16" ¾" O=D
½" D minus ¾" ¼" D minus ¾"
9 2 5/8
1 /16" 9
1 /16"
Border Type 7 with Border Type 11 & 12 Border Type 13 & 14 with
• ¼” Border • (11) ½” Border • (13) 1” Border
• (12) ¾” Border • (14) 1¼” Border
O = D minus ¼" O = 2B plus D minus ¾"
O = 2B plus D minus ¾"
¼" D minus ¾" 3
/16" B D minus ¾" 3/16" B D minus ¾"
1¼" 1¼"
Frame Type 5 Frame Type 6 Frame Type 15
• 1” Flange • No Flange • Carpet Clamp Flange
15/16" Width
13/16" is 3"
1⅞" 2"
11 11
/32" /32" 1" D = Duct Size
D = Duct Size D = Duct Size Note: Not available for CT-480/481 F51
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Type Core Opening
Border Length Overall Length Type Core Opening
Length Frame Length Overall Length
5 D D plus 1⅝ D minus ⅜ Length
6 D D D minus ⅜ 1A D D plus 2 D minus ¾
7 D minus ⅝ D minus ¼ D minus ¾ 1B D D plus 2 ½ D minus ¾
11 D minus ⅝ D plus ¼ D minus ¾ 2 D D plus 1 ¼ D minus ¾
12 D minus ⅝ D plus ¾ D minus ¾ 3 D D plus 7/16 D minus ¾
13 D minus ⅝ D plus 1¼ D minus ¾ 4 D D D minus ¾
14 D minus ⅝ D plus 1¾ D minus ¾ 15 D D plus ¼ D minus ¾
22 D minus ⅝ D plus 21/2 D minus ¾
Border 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 12, (Frames 5, 6, and 15 with standard support bars on 6”
Border 5, 6, 15 centers)
13, 14
Max. Vertical Max. Max.
of Bars CT480, CTPPO, CT480, CTPPO,
CT540, 541, CT540, 541, Distributed Vertical Horizontal
per 481 CTPP3 481 CTPP3 Model
CT580, 581 CT580, 581
Load Live Load Load
Width ¼” 7
/16” ¼” 7
/16” (lbs./in.2) (lbs./ft.2) (lbs.)
½” spacing ½” spacing
spacing spacing spacing spacing CT-480/CT-481 300 300 50
CT-580/CT-581 200 200 50
2” 3 2 2 6 3 3
CT-540/CT-541 250 250 50
2 ½” 5 3 3 8 4 4
CT-PP-0/CT-PP-3 250 250 50
3” 7 4 4 10 4 5
3 ½” 9 5 5 12 6 7 Note: If placing furniture on cores, furniture legs should
4” 11 6 7 14 7 8 be a minimum of core spacing plus two bars wide to avoid
5” 15 8 9 18 9 10 placing a horizontal load on cores. Maximum duct width
6” 19 10 11 22 11 12 available is 12”.
S = 9” maximum support bar spacing. Used with
border width
/8" D = 72” maximum for one piece.
17 Core Only is an option available for field ½” or wider.
framing. Standard widths are as shown. Alignment pins
See page F49 for core details. Core will used with ¼”
S borders.
ship ¾” smaller than the duct width.
Type A Type B Type C
• Screw Holes • Spring Clip • Concealed Fastening
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Model AG-30 Single Blade Damper Model 07 Directional Blades Model AG-35 Opposed Blade Damper
27/16" *3"
For Model CT diffuser widths 2” For all widths of Model CT diffusers For Model CT diffusers 3” and
through 4”. Friction hinge on 2” 3” or greater. Cannot be attached wider. Not recommended for Models
widths. Screwdriver operator to Frame and Border Types 3 and CT-480 and CT-481. Cannot be
on 2½” through 4”. Cannot be 4. Can be used with Type 5, 6, or attached to Frame and Border Types
attached to Frame and Border 15 if Type B Spring Clip Fastening is 3 and 4. Use Model AG-35B damper
Types 3, 4, 5, 6, or 15. For those omitted. for those types.
types use Model AG-35B damper on Note: Minimum duct width is 3”.
diffusers 3” and wider. *For floor models, dimension is 4”
Model BLKS Steel Blank-Off Model AD Access Door (Not available on Types 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, and 22; and not available
when damper is required.)
11/16" is 6 feet.
Available Models: Available Pencil Proof Models:
MC-480 • ¼” Spacing • 1/8” Bars • 0° Deflection MC-PP-0 • 7/16” Spacing • 7/32” Bars • 0° Deflection
MC-481 • ¼” Spacing • 1/8” Bars • 15° Deflection MC-PP-3 • 7/16” Spacing • 7/32” Bars • 30° Deflection
MC-580 • ½” Spacing • 1/8 ” Bars • 0° Deflection
MC-581 • ½” Spacing • 1/8” Bars • 15° Deflection
MC-540 • ½” Spacing • ¼” Bars • 0° Deflection
MC-541 • ½” Spacing • ¼” Bars • 15° Deflection
Outside D'
Inside D=O D=O D=O D=O
Floor, Ceiling, or Sill Type C • Side Wall, Inside Type D • Side Wall, Outside
Type O • 0° Deflection
Type A • Deflection Inside
Type B • Deflection Outside
Duct Duct
by Others by Others by Others
Border Type 11, 12, 13 or 14 Frame & Border Type 3 with Frame & Border Type 4 with
Concealed Fastening Concealed Fastening
F Duct by Others
Angle by Others
Duct by Others
Core Support
by Others
Border Type 11, 12, 13 or 14 Frame & Border Type 3 Core Only
Frame Type 6 plus Heavy Duty Core Frame Type 5 plus Heavy Duty Core Frame Type 15 plus Heavy Duty
Acoustical Tile or
Finished Plaster Ceiling Finished Plaster Ceiling Acoustical Metal Pan Ceiling
Border Type 11, 12, 13 or 14 Frame and Border Type 3 with Frame and Border Type 2
Concealed Fastening
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Effective Nominal
Area, Duct
Square Width,
Feet Inches
Total Pressure 0.011 0.024 0.042 0.068 0.097 0.134 0.173 0.217 0.272
cfm per foot 19 28 37 47 56 66 75 84 94
0.048 2
Noise Criteria (NC) - - - 14 19 24 27 31 34
Throw, Side Wall 3-5-10 5-8-15 7-10-18 8-13-20 10-15/-22 12-17-23 14-18-25 15-19-26 16-20-28
Total Pressure 0.011 0.024 0.043 0.066 0.096 0.13 0.17 0.215 0.266
cfm per foot 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 130
0.066 2½
Noise Criteria (NC) - - - 15 20 25 29 32 35
Throw, Side Wall 3-6-12 6-9-18 8-12-21 10-15-23 12-18-25 14-19-27 16-21-29 18-22-31 19-23-33
Total Pressure 0.01 0.024 0.041 0.066 0.095 0.128 0.168 0.211 0.262
cfm per foot 33 50 66 83 100 116 133 149 166
0.084 3
Noise Criteria (NC) - - - 16 21 26 30 33 36
Throw, Side Wall 3-7-13 7-10-20 9-13-23 11-17-26 14-20-29 16-22-31 18-23-33 20-25-35 21-26-37
Total Pressure 0.011 0.024 0.043 0.066 0.095 0.13 0.169 0.216 0.265
cfm per foot 41 61 82 102 122 143 163 184 204
0.103 3½
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 11 17 22 27 30 34 37
Throw, Side Wall 4-8-15 8-11-22 10-15-26 13-19-29 15-22-32 18-24-34 20-26-37 23-28-39 24-29-41
Total Pressure 0.011 0.024 0.044 0.068 0.097 0.133 0.173 0.221 0.271
cfm per foot 49 73 98 122 146 171 195 220 244
0.121 4
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 12 18 23 28 32 35 38
Throw, Side Wall 4-8-17 8-12-25 11-17-28 14-21-32 17-25-35 19-27-38 22-28-40 25-30-43 26-32-45
Total Pressure 0.011 0.024 0.042 0.066 0.094 0.129 0.168 0.212 0.263
cfm per foot 63 94 125 157 188 220 251 282 314
0.157 5
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 12 19 24 29 32 36 39
Throw, Side Wall 5-9-19 9-14-28 12-19-32 16-23-36 19-28-39 22-30-43 25-32-46 28-34-48 29-36-51
Total Pressure 0.011 0.024 0.042 0.066 0.095 0.129 0.168 0.213 0.263
cfm per foot 78 116 155 194 233 272 310 349 388
0.194 6
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 13 20 25 30 33 37 40
Throw, Side Wall 6-10-21 10-16-31 14-21-36 17-26-40 21-31-44 24-34-47 28-36-51 31-38-54 33-40-57
Effective Nominal
Area, Duct
Square Width,
Feet Inches
Total Pressure 0.009 0.021 0.037 0.058 0.084 0.114 0.149 0.189 0.234
cfm per foot 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110
0.055 2
Noise Criteria (NC) - - - 12 17 21 25 28 31
Throw, Side Wall 3-6-11 6-8-17 7-11-19 9-14-21 11-17-23 13-18-25 15-19-27 17-20-29 17-21-30
Total Pressure 0.009 0.019 0.033 0.051 0.073 0.098 0.128 0.161 0.199
cfm per foot 30 44 58 72 86 100 114 128 142
0.076 2½
Noise Criteria (NC) - - - 12 17 21 24 28 30
Throw, Side Wall 3-6-3 6-9-19 8-12-22 10-15-24 12-18-27 14-20-29 16-22-31 18-23-33 20-24-34
Total Pressure 0.009 0.02 0.036 0.057 0.083 0.113 0.149 0.189 0.234
cfm per foot 38 58 78 98 118 138 158 178 198
0.096 3
Noise Criteria (NC) - - - 14 19 24 27 31 34
Throw, Side Wall 4-7-14 7-11-22 10-15-25 12-19-28 15-22-31 18-24-34 20-26-36 22-27-38 23-29-40
Total Pressure 0.008 0.019 0.034 0.053 0.076 0.103 0.135 0.171 0.211
cfm per foot 46 69 92 115 138 161 184 207 230
0.117 3½
Noise Criteria (NC) - - - 14 19 23 27 30 33
Throw, Side Wall 4-8-16 8-12-4 11-16-28 13-20-31 16-24-34 19-26-37 21-28-39 24-29-41 25-31-44
Total Pressure 0.009 0.02 0.035 0.054 0.077 0.104 0.136 0.171 0.211
cfm per foot 56 83 110 137 164 191 218 245 272
0.138 4
Noise Criteria (NC) - - - 15 20 24 28 31 34
Throw, Side Wall 5-9-18 9-13-26 12-18-30 15-22-34 17-26-37 20-28-40 23-30-42 26-32-45 27-34-47
Total Pressure 0.009 0.019 0.034 0.052 0.075 0.102 0.133 0.168 0.207
cfm per foot 72 107 142 177 212 247 282 317 352
0.179 5
Noise Criteria (NC) - - - 16 21 25 29 32 35
Throw, Side Wall 5-10-20 10-15-30 13-20-34 16-25-38 20-30-42 23-32-45 26-34-48 30-36-51 31-38-54
Total Pressure 0.008 0.019 0.035 0.054 0.079 0.107 0.14 0.178 0.22
cfm per foot 88 133 178 223 268 313 358 403 448
0.221 6
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 11 17 22 27 30 34 37
Throw, Side Wall 6-11-22 11-17-33 15-22-38 19-28-43 22-33-47 26-36-51 30-39-54 33-41-58 35-43-61
Throw, Side Wall 4-7-15 7-11-22 10-15-25 12-18-28 15-22-31 17-23-33 19-25-35 22-27-38 23-28-40
Total Pressure 0.008 0.018 0.033 0.052 0.075 0.102 0.133 0.169 0.209
cfm per foot 45 68 91 114 137 160 183 206 229
0.116 3½
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 14 21 26 31 35 38 41
Throw, Side Wall 4-8-16 8-12-4 11-16-27 13-20-31 16-24-34 19-26-36 21-28-39 24-29-41 25-31-44
Total Pressure 0.008 0.018 0.033 0.051 0.074 0.101 0.132 0.167 0.206
cfm per foot 53 80 107 134 161 188 215 242 269
0.136 4
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 14 21 27 31 35 39 42
Throw, Side Wall 4-9-17 9-13-26 11-17-30 14-22-33 17-26-37 20-28-39 23-30-42 26-32-45 27-33-47
Total Pressure 0.008 0.018 0.032 0.05 0.073 0.099 0.13 0.164 0.203
cfm per foot 69 104 139 174 209 244 279 314 349
0.176 5
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 15 22 28 32 36 40 43
Throw, Side Wall 5-10-19 10-15-29 13-20-34 16-25-38 20-29-42 23-32-45 26-34-48 29-36-51 31-38-54
Total Pressure 0.008 0.018 0.031 0.049 0.07 0.095 0.124 0.157 0.194
cfm per foot 85 127 169 211 253 295 337 379 421
0.216 6
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 16 23 28 33 37 40 43
Throw, Side Wall 6-11-22 11-16-32 14-22-37 18-27-42 21-32-46 25-35-49 29-37-53 32-40-56 34-42-59
F56 For Performance Notes, please see page F59.
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Effective Nominal
Area, Duct
Square Width,
Feet Inches
Total Pressure 0.009 0.02 0.036 0.058 0.082 0.113 0.146 0.184 0.23
cfm per foot 19 28 37 47 56 66 75 84 94
0.053 2
Noise Criteria (NC) - - - 14 19 24 28 31 34
Throw, Side Wall 2-5-10 5-7-14 6-10-18 8-12-20 10-14-22 11-17-23 13-18-25 14-19-26 16-20-28
Total Pressure 0.009 0.02 0.036 0.056 0.081 0.11 0.144 0.182 0.224
cfm per foot 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 130
0.075 2½
Noise Criteria (NC) - - - 15 21 25 29 33 36
Throw, Side Wall 3-6-11 6-8-17 7-11-21 9-14-23 11-17-25 13-19-27 15-21-29 17-22-31 19-23-33
Total Pressure 0.009 0.02 0.035 0.055 0.08 0.108 0.142 0.178 0.221
cfm per foot 33 50 66 83 100 116 133 149 166
0.097 3
Noise Criteria (NC) - - - 16 22 26 30 33 37
Throw, Side Wall 3-6-13 6-10-19 8-13-23 11-16-26 13-19-29 15-22-31 17-23-33 19-25-35 21-26-37
Total Pressure 0.009 0.02 0.036 0.056 0.08 0.11 0.143 0.182 0.224
cfm per foot 41 61 82 102 122 143 163 184 204
0.119 3½
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 11 18 23 27 31 35 38
Throw, Side Wall 3-7-14 7-10-21 9-14-26 12-18-29 14-21-32 16-24-34 19-26-37 21-28-39 23-29-41
Total Pressure 0.009 0.021 0.037 0.057 0.082 0.113 0.146 0.186 0.229
cfm per foot 49 73 98 122 146 171 195 220 244
0.141 4
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 12 19 24 28 32 36 39
Throw, Side Wall 4-8-15 8-12-23 10-15-28 13-19-32 15-23-35 18-27-38 21-28-40 23-30-43 26-32-45
Total Pressure 0.009 0.02 0.035 0.056 0.08 0.109 0.142 0.179 0.222
cfm per foot 63 94 125 157 188 220 251 282 314
0.185 5
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 13 19 25 29 33 36 39
Throw, Side Wall 4-9-17 9-13-26 11-17-32 14-22-36 17-26-39 20-30-43 23-32-46 26-34-48 29-36-51
Total Pressure 0.009 0.02 0.035 0.056 0.08 0.109 0.142 0.18 0.222
cfm per foot 78 116 155 194 233 272 310 349 388
0.228 6
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 14 20 26 30 34 37 40
Throw, Side Wall 4-10-19 10-14-29 13-19-36 16-24-40 19-29-44 22-34-47 26-36-51 29-38-54 32-40-57
Effective Nominal
Area, Duct
Square Width,
Feet Inches
Total Pressure 0.013 0.03 0.053 0.084 0.12 0.164 0.214 0.271 0.334
cfm per foot 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
0.050 2
Noise Criteria (NC) - - - 14 19 23 27 30 33
Throw, Side Wall 3-5-11 5-8-16 7-11-18 9-13-20 11-16-22 12-17-24 14-18-26 16-19-27 17-20-29
Total Pressure 0.013 0.03 0.053 0.084 0.12 0.164 0.214 0.271 0.334
cfm per foot 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 140
0.072 2½
Noise Criteria (NC) - - - 15 20 25 29 32 35
Throw, Side Wall 3-6-12 6-9-19 8-12-22 10-15-24 12-19-26 14-20-28 16-22-30 19-23-32 20-24-34
Total Pressure 0.015 0.034 0.06 0.093 0.134 0.182 0.238 0.302 0.372
cfm per foot 38 57 76 95 114 133 152 171 190
0.094 3
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 12 18 23 27 31 35 38
Throw, Side Wall 4-7-15 7-11-22 10-15-25 12-18-8 15-22-31 17-23-33 20-25-35 22-27-38 23-28-40
Total Pressure 0.015 0.033 0.058 0.091 0.132 0.179 0.234 0.296 0.365
cfm per foot 46 69 92 115 138 161 184 207 230
0.115 3½
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 12 19 24 28 32 35 38
Throw, Side Wall 4-8-16 8-12-24 11-16-28 13-20-31 16-24-34 19-26-37 21-28-39 24-29-41 25-31-44
Total Pressure 0.014 0.032 0.058 0.09 0.13 0.177 0.231 0.292 0.36
cfm per foot 54 81 108 135 162 189 216 243 270
0.137 4
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 13 19 24 29 32 36 39
Throw, Side Wall 4-9-17 9-13-26 12-17-30 14-22-33 17-26-37 20-28-40 23-30-42 26-32-45 27-33-47
Total Pressure 0.015 0.033 0.058 0.091 0.13 0.176 0.23 0.291 0.358
cfm per foot 72 107 142 177 212 247 282 317 352
0.180 5
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 14 20 26 30 34 37 40
Throw, Side Wall 5-10-20 10-15-30 13-20-34 16-25-38 20-30-42 23-32-45 26-34-48 29-36-51 31-38-54
Total Pressure 0.011 0.028 0.054 0.088 0.131 0.182 0.241 0.309 0.385
cfm per foot 75 122 169 216 263 310 357 404 451
0.224 6
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 14 21 27 31 35 39 42
Throw, Side Wall 4-9-19 10-15-31 14-21-37 18-27-42 22-33-47 26-36-51 30-38-54 33-41-58 35-43-61
Throw, Side Wall 3-7-13 7-10-20 9-14-24 11-17-26 14-20-29 16-22-31 18-24-33 20-25-35 22-26-37
Total Pressure 0.011 0.025 0.044 0.069 0.099 0.135 0.177 0.224 0.276
cfm per foot 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
0.102 3½
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 17 23 29 33 37 40 43
Throw, Side Wall 4-7-15 7-11-22 10-15-26 12-19-29 15-22-32 17-24-34 20-26-36 22-27-39 23-29-41
Total Pressure 0.012 0.027 0.048 0.076 0.11 0.15 0.196 0.248 0.307
cfm per foot 49 74 99 124 149 174 199 224 249
0.120 4
Noise Criteria (NC) - - 19 25 31 35 39 42 45
Throw, Side Wall 4-8-17 8-13-25 11-17-29 14-21-32 17-25-35 20-27-38 23-29-41 25-30-43 26-32-45
Total Pressure 0.011 0.026 0.047 0.073 0.106 0.144 0.188 0.238 0.294
cfm per foot 63 95 127 159 191 223 255 287 319
0.156 5
Noise Criteria (NC) - 11 19 26 31 36 40 43 46
Throw, Side Wall 5-9-19 9-14-28 13-19-32 16-24-36 19-28-40 22-30-43 25-32-46 28-34-49 30-36-51
Total Pressure 0.011 0.025 0.045 0.071 0.102 0.139 0.182 0.231 0.285
cfm per foot 76 115 154 193 232 271 310 349 388
0.192 6
Noise Criteria (NC) - 11 20 26 32 36 40 43 46
Throw, Side Wall 5-10-21 10-16-31 14-21-36 17-26-40 21-31-44 24-34-47 28-36-51 31-38-54 33-40-57
F58 For Performance Notes, please see page F59.
• All pressures are in inches of water. NC Correction for Length (add)
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
• Throw velocities are given for terminal velocities of 150,
100 and 50 fpm. For an explanation of catalog throw Active Length (ft) 2 4 6 8 10
data, see the Engineering Guidelines section.
NC Correction -3 0 2 3 5
• Throw values are based on an active section 4 feet
long. Multipliers for correcting the throw for other
lengths are shown in the table below. • When the diffuser is used as a return intake, the NC
value is increased by 4, and the negative static pressure
Throw Correction for Length (multiply) is 0.8 times the listed total pressure.
• Dash (–) in space denotes an NC value less than 10.
Active Length (ft) 2 4 8 10
• For continuous lengths, the selection for NC is usually
Throw Correction 0.72 1 1.5 1.7 based on a 10-foot section.
• These products have been tested per ANSI/ASHRAE
Note: Throw values based on applications with surface Standard 70-2006. Actual performance, with flexible
effect. Use the multiplier of 0.7 for free jet applications. duct inlet and supply plenums, may vary in the field.
See the Engineering Guidelines section of this catalog
• NC values are based on a room absorption of 10 dB, for additional information.
re 10-12 watts, with a 4-foot active diffuser section. • Maximum available width 24 inches except frames
Corrections for other lengths are shown in the table 5, 6 and 15 (12-inch width). Consult your Titus
below. representative for performance data.
• For continuous lengths it is recommended that
maximum active lengths are no longer than 10 feet.
LINEAR BAR DIFFUSERS available in standard one-piece lengths up to 6 feet and
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
shall have the sizes and mounting types shown on the plans
and outlet schedule. Diffuser lengths greater than 6 feet
ALUMINUM FIXED BARS shall be furnished in multiple sections and will be joined
together end-to-end with alignment strips or pins to form
a continuous appearance. All alignment components to be
Available Models:
provided by the manufacturer.
CT-480 • ¼” Spacing
• 1/8” Bars
The diffuser core shall have extruded aluminum bars locked
• 0° Deflection
into a heavy extruded aluminum border. The deflection bars
CT-481 • ¼” Spacing
must be fixed and parallel to the long dimension. The core
• 1/8” Bars
must have support bars located no more than 9 inches apart
• 15° Deflection
and shall be parallel to the short dimension. Floor models of
CT-580 • ½” Spacing
the diffuser shall have heavy duty mounting frames (frames
• 1/8” Bars
5, 6 or 15) and removable cores for easy access. The core
• 0° Deflection
support bars shall be located no more than 6 inches apart
CT-581 • ½” Spacing
and shall be parallel to the short dimension for added
• 1/8” Bars
• 15° Deflection
CT-540 • ½” Spacing
The finish shall be #26 white. The finish shall be an anodic
• ¼” Bars
acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The pencil
• 0° Deflection
hardness must be HB to H. The paint must pass a 100-hour
CT-541 • ½” Spacing
ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray Test without
• ¼” Bars
creepage, blistering, or deterioration of film. The paint
• 15° Deflection
must pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test.
The paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
ALUMINUM FIXED BARS PENCIL PROOF Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
480 ¼” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 0° deflection
481 ¼” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 15° deflection
580 ½” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 0° deflection
581 ½” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 15° deflection Fastening Accessories
540 ½” spacing • ¼” Bars • 0° deflection A Screw Holes H Heavy Duty
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
480 ¼” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 0° deflection
481 ¼” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 15° deflection
580 ½” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 0° deflection
581 ½” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 15° deflection
540 ½” spacing • ¼” Bars • 0° deflection
541 ½” spacing • ¼” Bars • 15° deflection Fastening Accessories
PP-0 7
/16” spacing • 7/32” Bars • 0° deflection C Concealed (note) H Heavy Duty
PP-3 7
/16” spacing • 7/32” Bars • 30° deflection N None Core
480 ¼” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 0° deflection
481 ¼” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 15° deflection Fastening
580 ½” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 0° deflection A Screw Holes
581 ½” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 15° deflection (note 1) Accessories
540 ½” spacing • ¼” Bars • 0° deflection B Spring Clip H Heavy Duty
541 ½” spacing • ¼” Bars • 15° deflection C Concealed Core
PP-0 7
/16” spacing • 7/32” Bars • 0° deflection (note 2) 07 Directional
PP-3 7
/16” spacing • 7/32” Bars • 30° deflection N None Blades
480 ¼” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 0° deflection
481 ¼” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 15° deflection
580 ½” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 0° deflection Fastening
581 ½” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 15° deflection A Screw Holes
540 ½” spacing • ¼” Bars • 0° deflection (note 1)
Note 1: Fastening Type A and B are not available with Border Type 6.
Note 2: Frames 5, 6, & 15 are the only floor frames available.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
580 ½” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 0° deflection
581 ½” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 15° deflection
540 ½” spacing • ¼” Bars • 0° deflection
541 ½” spacing • ¼” Bars • 15° deflection
PP-0 7
/16” spacing • 7/32” Bars • 0° deflection Fastening
PP-3 7
/16” spacing • 7/32” Bars • 30° deflection None
480 ¼” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 0° deflection
481 ¼” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 15° deflection
580 ½” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 0° deflection
581 ½” spacing • ⅛” Bars • 15° deflection
540 ½” spacing • ¼” Bars • 0° deflection
541 ½” spacing • ¼” Bars • 15° deflection
PP-0 7
/16” spacing • 7/32” Bars • 0° deflection Fastening
PP-3 7
/16” spacing • 7/32” Bars • 30° deflection None
Border Type Finish
Core Only 26 White
34 Clear Anodized H Heavy Duty
01 Aluminum Core
Linear Louver Diffusers Diffusers
LL-1, LL-2
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Available Models:
LL-1 • One-Way Pattern
• Fixed Louvers
LL-2 • Two-Way Pattern
• Fixed Louvers
• Titus architectural linear louver • Choice of four different frame
Products Include: diffusers combine crisply types, all with removable cores.
• Standard Finish - #26 White. sculptured styling, careful
workmanship, and effective • Accessories such as directional
• Optional Finishes:
air distribution. blades, dampers, blank-offs, and
#01 Aluminum.
#04 Mill. mitered corners make these
#25 Off White. • Designed for both heating and diffusers even more versatile.
#84 Black. cooling applications, supply as
Anodized finishes available. well as return. • Ideal for continuous length
applications. Multiple sections are
• Excellent performance in variable shipped with required alignment
air volume systems. Ceiling strips or pins for field installation.
mounted diffusers maintain a
uniform, horizontal discharge • Maximum one piece section is 6
pattern over widely varying feet. Lengths greater than 6 feet
flow rates. are furnished in multiple sections.
LL-1 - One-Way Pattern LL-2 - Two-Way Pattern
D' D'
LL-1, LL-2
Nominal Duct Width 3½, 4¼, 5, 5¾, 6½, 8, 9½, 11¾ Nominal Duct Width 6¼, 7¾, 9¼, 10¾, 12¼
Actual Duct Width D’ 3⅝, 4⅜, 5⅛, 5⅞, 6⅝, 8⅛, 9⅝, 11⅞ Actual Duct Width D’ 6⅜, 7⅞, 9⅜, 10⅞, 12⅜
Face Width C 3⅜, 4⅛, 4⅞, 5⅝, 6⅜, 7⅞, 9⅜, 11⅝ Face Width C 6⅛, 7⅝, 9⅛, 10⅝, 12⅛
1 58"
1¼" ½"
1 1 4"
X-X End Borders Y-Y End Borders X-Y End Borders
Y Y LL-2
LL-2 or
Frame O
1A D+¾
1B D + 1¾
Frame O
2 D-⅛
3 D + 1¼
Frame O
1A D+⅜
1B D+⅞
Frame O
2 D - 1/16
3 D+⅝
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Mitered Corners
Side Wall
Frame Type
Frame Type Frame Type
1B 1A
Duct by Others
Duct by Others Duct by Others
or Marble
Face or Glazed Brick Veneer
Wood Paneling
Angle by Others or Brick Angle by Others
Duct by Others
B3 Ceiling
B1 Ceiling Frame Type 1A
Duct by Others
Frame Type 1B
Duct by Others
B4 Ceiling
Finished Plaster Ceiling Frame Type 1B
B2 Ceiling
Duct by Others
Acoustical Tile
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Effective Nominal
Area, Duct
Square Width,
Feet* Inches
Total Pressure 0.003 0.008 0.014 0.022 0.032 0.043 0.057 0.071 0.089
cfm per foot 21 32 42 53 64 74 85 95 106
0.043 3½ NC (Noise Criteria) - 14 21 27 31 35 38 41 44
Throw, Ceiling 6-9-14 9-12-18 11-14-20 13-16-23 14-18-25 15-19-27 17-20-29 18-21-30 18-23-32
Feet, Side Wall 4-6-12 6-9-16 8-12-19 10-15-21 12-16-23 14-18-25 15-19-27 16-20-28 17-21-30
Total Pressure 0.005 0.012 0.021 0.032 0.046 0.062 0.082 0.104 0.127
cfm per foot 30 46 61 76 91 106 122 137 152
0.072 4¼ NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 29 34 38 41 44 47
Throw, Ceiling 6-9-17 10-14-21 13-17-24 16-19-27 17-21-30 18-23-32 20-24-34 21-26-36 22-27-38
Feet, Side Wall 4-7-13 7-10-20 9-13-22 11-17-25 13-19-27 16-21-30 18-22-32 19-24-34 20-25-35
Total Pressure 0.006 0.015 0.026 0.040 0.057 0.079 0.103 0.129 0.159
cfm per foot 40 61 81 101 121 142 162 182 202
0.106 5 NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 25 30 35 39 42 45 48
Throw, Ceiling 7-10-20 10-16-24 14-20-28 17-22-31 20-24-34 21-26-37 23-28-40 24-30-42 26-31-44
Feet, Side Wall 4-7-15 7-11-22 10-15-26 12-18-29 15-22-32 17-24-34 20-26-37 22-27-39 24-29-41
Total Pressure 0.008 0.019 0.033 0.052 0.074 0.101 0.133 0.168 0.207
cfm per foot 52 79 105 131 157 183 210 236 262
0.136 5¾ NC (Noise Criteria) - 20 27 32 37 41 44 47 50
Throw, Ceiling 8-12-22 12-18-28 16-23-32 20-25-36 23-28-39 24-30-42 26-32-45 28-34-48 29-36-50
Feet, Side Wall 4-8-17 8-13-25 11-17-29 14-21-33 17-25-36 20-28-39 22-29-42 25-31-44 27-33-47
Total Pressure 0.010 0.023 0.041 0.065 0.093 0.127 0.166 0.219 0.259
cfm per foot 67 100 133 167 200 234 267 307 334
0.169 6½ NC (Noise Criteria) 11 21 28 34 39 42 46 49 52
Throw, Ceiling 9-14-25 14-20-31 18-25-36 23-28-40 25-31-44 27-34-48 29-36-51 31-39-55 33-40-57
Feet, Side Wall 5-10-19 10-14-29 13-19-33 16-24-37 19-29-41 22-31-44 26-33-47 29-36-50 30-37-53
Total Pressure 0.013 0.028 0.050 0.079 0.109 0.155 0.196 0.262 0.309
cfm per foot 90 135 180 225 265 315 355 410 445
0.231 8 NC (Noise Criteria) 11 21 29 34 39 43 46 50 52
Throw, Ceiling 10-16-30 16-24-36 21-30-42 26-33-47 29-36-51 32-39-55 34-41-59 36-45-63 38-46-66
Feet, Side Wall 6-11-22 11-17-33 15-22-39 18-28-43 22-33-47 26-36-51 29-38-54 34-41-58 35-43-61
Total Pressure 0.014 0.032 0.058 0.092 0.134 0.184 0.231 0.296 0.368
cfm per foot 115 170 230 290 350 410 460 520 580
0.296 9½ NC (Noise Criteria) 11 21 29 35 39 43 46 49 52
Throw, Ceiling 12-18-33 17-26-41 24-33-47 30-37-53 34-41-58 36-45-63 39-47-67 41-50-71 43-53-75
Feet, Side Wall 6-13-25 12-18-37 17-25-44 21-32-49 25-38-54 30-41-58 33-44-62 38-46-66 40-49-69
Total Pressure 0.019 0.040 0.072 0.116 0.160 0.219 0.344 0.375 0.440
cfm per foot 160 235 315 400 470 550 690 720 780
0.389 11¾ NC (Noise Criteria) 12 22 29 35 39 43 49 50 52
Throw, Ceiling 14-22-39 21-32-48 28-39-55 36-44-62 39-48-67 42-52-73 47-58-82 48-59-83 50-61-87
Feet, Side Wall 8-15-30 15-22-44 20-30-51 25-38-58 30-44-62 35-48-67 44-53-76 45-55-77 46-57-80
• Throw velocities are given for isothermal terminal value is increased by 4, and the negative static pressure
velocities of 150, 100 and 50 fpm. For an explanation of is 0.8 times the listed total pressure.
data, see the Engineering Guidelines section. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value less than 10.
• Throw values are based on an active section 4 feet • For continuous lengths, the selection for NC is usually
long. Multipliers for correcting the throw for other based on a 10-foot section.
lengths are shown in the following table. • These products have been tested per ANSI/ASHRAE
• NC values are based on a room absorption of 10 dB, Standard 70-2006. Actual performance, with flexible
re 10-12 watts, with a 4-foot active diffuser section. duct inlet, may vary in the field. See the Engineering
Corrections for other lengths are shown in the Guidelines section of this catalog for additional
table below. information.
• An asterisk (*) indicates effective free area per linear
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The finish shall be #26 white. The finish shall be an anodic
acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The pencil
ALUMINUM hardness must be HB to H. The paint must pass a 100-hour
ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray Test without
Available Models: creepage, blistering, or deterioration of film. The paint must
LL-1 • One-Way Pattern • Fixed Louvers pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test.
LL-2 • Two-Way Pattern • Fixed Louvers The paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
Linear louver diffusers shall be Titus model LL-1 (one-
way) or LL-2 (two-way opposite). The diffuser shall be Optional opposed blade damper shall be constructed of
constructed of extruded aluminum and shall be built in heavy gauge steel (aluminum also available). Damper
standard one-piece lengths up to 6 feet and shall have the must be operable from the face of the diffuser. Optional
sizes and mounting types shown on the plans and outlet directional blades, blank-offs and extruded aluminum
schedule. Lengths greater than 6 feet shall be furnished mitered corners shall also be available.
in multiple sections and will be joined together end-to-end
with factory provided alignment pins to form a continuous The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
appearance. All alignment components to be provided by for the linear louver diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
the manufacturer.The diffuser core shall have fixed extruded accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
aluminum deflection louvers locked together into a single
assembly. The diffuser frame shall be heavy extruded
aluminum construction. The louvered core assembly shall be
removable from the outer frame for easy installation.
Finish Optional
Model 01 Aluminum Damper
LL-1 1-Way 26 White AG-35 Opposed
LL-2 2-Way 34 Clear Anodized Blade
Round Ceiling Diffusers Diffusers
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• Uniform 360° discharge pattern.
Available Models: • Excellent performance in variable
TMR • Steel air volume systems.
TMR-AA • Aluminum
• The two horizontal discharge
Products Include: settings allow the diffuser to be • Retainer cable provided to allow
• Standard Finish - #26 White.
adjusted for two different flow the inner core assembly to hang
rate conditions. At Position 1, during maintenance of diffusers
• Optional Finishes - #01 Aluminum.
maximum capacity is obtained. At with a neck size of 12 inches
Position 2, induction is increased. or greater.
• Models TMR and TMR-AA round
ceiling diffusers are designed for • Adjustment achieved by removing • Material is steel (TMR) or
cooling applications. the two inner cones as a unit and aluminum (TMR-AA) with
repositioning six screws. steel screws.
• All sizes have three cones, giving
a uniform appearance where • Spring lock allows easy removal
different sizes are used in the and replacement of the two
same area. inner cones.
Outside Diameter C
E (position 1)
E (position 2)
Nominal Round E E
Duct Size D (Pos. 1) (Pos. 2)
6 6½ 11⅛ 1¾ 1⅛
8 8½ 14¾ 2⅛ 1½
10 10½ 18¼ 2⅞ 2⅛
12 12½ 22 3⅛ 2⅜
14 14½ 26 3⅜ 2⅝
16 16½ 29 4 3¼
18 18½ 32½ 4¾ 3⅞
20 (Note) 20½ 36 5⅞ 4⅞
24 (Note) 24½ 43¼ 7¾ 6⅝
30 (Note) 30½ 53¾ 8⅛ 6⅝
36 (Note) 36½ 64½ 10⅛ 8⅜
Note: Sizes 20 through 36 are available in steel only.
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Neck Velocity 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400
Velocity Pressure 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.090 0.122
Total Pressure, Pos. 1 0.029 0.045 0.065 0.089 0.116 0.146 0.181 0.260 0.354
Total Pressure, Pos. 2 0.047 0.074 0.106 0.145 0.189 0.239 0.295 0.425 0.578
Airflow, cfm 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 235 275
6" NC, Pos.1 - - - 14 19 23 26 32 37
NC, Pos.2 - 12 18 22 26 29 32 38 42
Dia. Throw feet, Pos. 1 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-8 3-5-8 4-6-9 4-6-9 5-7-10 6-7-11
Throw feet, Pos. 2 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-7 3-5-8 4-6-8 4-6-9 5-7-9 6-7-10 6-8-11
Airflow, cfm 140 175 210 245 280 315 350 420 490
8" NC, Pos.1 - - 12 17 21 25 28 34 39
NC, Pos.2 - 14 19 24 28 31 34 39 44
Dia. Throw feet, Pos. 1 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-10 4-7-11 5-7-11 5-8-12 7-9-13 8-10-14
Throw feet, Pos. 2 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-9 4-7-10 5-8-11 6-8-12 6-9-12 8-9-13 8-10-14
Airflow, cfm 218 273 327 382 436 491 545 654 763
10" NC, Pos.1 - - 14 19 23 27 30 36 41
NC, Pos.2 - 15 20 25 29 32 35 41 45
Dia. Throw feet, Pos. 1 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-12 5-8-13 6-9-14 7-10-15 8-12-16 10-12-18
Throw feet, Pos. 2 3-5-9 4-6-11 5-7-12 5-8-13 6-9-14 7-10-14 8-11-15 9-12-17 10-13-18
Airflow, cfm 315 390 470 550 630 705 785 940 1100
12" NC, Pos.1 - - 16 20 25 29 32 38 43
NC, Pos.2 - 16 21 26 30 33 36 42 46
Dia. Throw feet, Pos. 1 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-14 6-9-15 7-10-16 7-11-17 8-12-18 10-14-20 11-15-21
Throw feet, Pos. 2 4-6-11 5-7-13 6-8-14 7-10-15 8-11-16 8-12-17 9-13 -18 11-14-20 12-15-22
Airflow, cfm 425 530 635 745 850 955 1060 1270 1490
14" NC, Pos.1 - 11 17 22 26 30 33 39 44
NC, Pos.2 11 17 22 27 31 34 37 42 47
Dia. Throw feet, Pos. 1 4-6-11 5-7-14 6-8-16 7-10-17 8-11-19 8-13-20 9-14-21 11-16-23 13-17-25
Throw feet, Pos. 2 4-7-13 5-8-15 7-10-16 8-11-18 9-13-19 10-14-20 11-15-21 13-16-23 14-18-25
Airflow, cfm 560 700 840 980 1120 1260 1400 1680 1960
16" NC, Pos.1 - 12 18 23 27 31 34 40 45
NC, Pos.2 11 18 23 28 31 35 38 43 48
Dia. Throw feet, Pos. 1 4-7-13 5-8--16 7-10-18 8-11-20 9-13-21 10-15-23 11-16-24 13-18-26 15-20-28
Throw feet, Pos. 2 5-8-15 6-9-17 8-11-19 9-13-20 10-15-22 11-16-23 13-17-24 15-19-27 17-20-29
Airflow, cfm 710 885 1060 1240 1420 1590 1770 2120 2480
18" NC, Pos.1 - 13 19 24 28 32 35 41 46
NC, Pos.2 12 18 24 28 32 36 39 44 48
Dia. Throw feet, Pos. 1 5-7-15 6-9-18 7-11-21 9-13-22 10-15-24 11-17- 25 12-18-27 15-21-29 17-22-32
Throw feet, Pos. 2 6-8--17 7-11-19 8-13-21 10-15-23 11-17-25 13-18-26 14-19-27 17-21-30 19-23-32
Airflow, cfm 875 1100 1310 1530 1750 1970 2190 2610 3060
20" NC, Pos.1 - 14 20 25 29 33 36 42 47
NC, Pos.2 13 19 24 29 33 36 39 45 49
Dia. Throw feet, Pos. 1 5-8-16 7-10-21 8-12-23 10-14-25 11-16-27 12-18-28 14-20-30 16-23-33 19-25-35
Throw feet, Pos. 2 6-9-19 8-12-22 9-14-24 11-16-25 13-19-27 14-20-29 16-22-30 19-24-33 21-25-36
Airflow, cfm 1260 1570 1880 2200 2510 2820 3140 3770 4400
24" NC, Pos.1 - 16 22 27 31 35 38 44 49
NC, Pos.2 14 20 25 30 34 37 40 46 50
Dia. Throw feet, Pos. 1 7-10-20 8-12-24 10-15-28 11-17-30 13-20-32 15-22-34 16-24-36 20-28-39 23-30-42
Throw feet, Pos. 2 8-11-23 9-14-26 11-17-28 13-20-31 15-23-33 17-24-35 19--26-36 23-28 -40 25-31-43
Airflow, cfm 1960 2450 2940 3430 3920 4410 4900 5880 6860
30" NC, Pos.1 - 18 23 28 33 37 40 46 51
NC, Pos.2 15 21 27 31 35 38 41 47 51
Dia. Throw feet, Pos. 1 8-12-24 10-15-31 12-18-35 14-21-37 16-24-40 18-27-42 20-31-45 24-35-49 28-37-53
Throw feet, Pos. 2 9-14-28 12-18-32 14-21-35 16-25-38 19-28-41 21-31-43 23-32-46 28-35-50 31-38-54
Airflow, cfm 2820 3520 4230 4930 5630 6340 7040 8450 9850
36" NC, Pos.1 12 19 25 30 34 38 41 47 52
NC, Pos.2 16 22 28 32 36 39 43 48 52
Dia. Throw feet, Pos. 1 10-15-29 12-18-37 15-22-41 17-26-45 19-29-48 22-33-51 24-37-53 29-41-59 34-45-63
Throw feet, Pos. 2 11-17-34 14-21-39 17-25-42 20-29-46 22-34-49 25-37-52 28-39-55 34-42-60 37-46-65
• All pressures given are in inches of water. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
• Throw values given are for terminal velocities of 150, • Diffusers are shipped in Position 2 (cones down).
100 and 50 fpm and for isothermal conditions. • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with
• To obtain static pressure, subtract the velocity pressure ANSI / ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual performance,
from the total pressure. with flexible duct inlet, may vary in the field. See
• If the diffuser is mounted on an exposed duct, the the section, Engineering Guidelines, for additional
throw values are 70% of those listed in the table and information.
will project downward. • For an explanation of catalog throw data, see the
• Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve which Engineering Guidelines section of this catalog.
will not be exceeded by the sound pressure in any of
the octave bands, 2 through 7, with a room absorption
of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
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Round diffusers shall be constructed of 18 gauge steel or The manufacturer shall provide published performance
0.051 aluminum. The finish shall be #26 white. The finish data for the round diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
shall be an anodic acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Finish Equalizing Grid EG
Model 26 White Foam Gasket FG
Aluminum 01 Aluminum Earthquake Tabs EQT
Round Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
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VERTICAL TO HORIZONTAL DISCHARGE • All sizes have four cones, giving
PATTERN - ADJUSTABLE uniformity of appearance where
different sizes are used in the
same area.
Available Models:
TMRA • Steel
TMRA-AA • Aluminum • Discharge pattern can be adjusted
for horizontal flow by extending
Products Include: the cones or for vertical flow by
retracting the cones. • Type 1 with three fixed cone
• Standard Finish - #26 White. positions, is adjusted by removing
• Uniform 360° discharge pattern. the three inner cones as a unit
• Optional Finishes - #01 Aluminum. and repositioning. Available in
duct sizes 6” through 36” steel, 6”
• Excellent performance in variable
through 18” aluminum.
• Models TMRA and TMRA-AA air volume systems and open
adjustable round ceiling diffusers ceiling applications.
• Type 2 (steel only) is adjusted by
are designed for both heating and sliding the three inner cones up
cooling applications. or down. Available in duct sizes 6”
through 12”.
Outside Diameter C
rotating the center cone. Available
Ceiling Opening Diameter B in duct sizes 6” through 36”.
Nominal Round Duct
Size D
• Optional Type B outer cone
D minus 1/32"
reduces ceiling smudging. Also
useful where the plenum height or
¾" the space for the ceiling opening
H is limited. Available for diffusers
with duct sizes 6” through 24” for
E Open
steel diffusers, 6” through 18” for
F Closed aluminum diffusers.
Neck Velocity 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400
Velocity Pressure 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.090 0.122
Total Pressure, Hor. 0.021 0.033 0.047 0.064 0.084 0.106 0.131 0.189 0.257
Total Pressure, Vert. 0.027 0.043 0.061 0.083 0.109 0.138 0.170 0.245 0.334
Airflow, cfm 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 235 275
6" NC, Horizontal - 15 20 25 29 32 35 41 45
Horizontal Throw Ft. 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-7 3-5-8 3-5-8 4-6-9 4-7-9 5-7-10
Airflow, cfm 140 175 210 245 280 315 350 420 490
8" NC, Horizontal - 16 21 26 30 33 36 42 47
Horizontal Throw Ft. 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-9 3-5-10 4-6-10 4-7-11 5-7-11 6-9-12 7-10-13
Airflow, cfm 218 273 327 382 436 491 545 654 763
10" NC, Horizontal - 17 22 27 31 34 37 43 47
Horizontal Throw Ft. 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-6-11 4-7-12 5-7-13 6-8-13 6-9-14 7-11-16 9-12-17
Airflow, cfm 315 390 470 550 630 705 785 940 1100
12" NC, Horizontal 11 17 23 27 31 35 38 43 48
Horizontal Throw Ft. 3-4-9 4-6-11 4-7-13 5-8-14 6-9-15 7-10-16 7-11-17 9-13-19 10-14-20
Airflow, cfm 425 530 635 745 850 955 1060 1270 1490
14" NC, Horizontal 11 18 23 28 32 35 39 44 49
Horizontal Throw Ft. 3-5-10 4-6-13 5-8-15 6-9-17 7-10-18 8-12-19 9-13-20 10-15-22 12-17-23
Airflow, cfm 560 700 840 980 1120 1260 1400 1680 1960
16" NC, Horizontal 12 18 24 28 32 36 39 45 49
Horizontal Throw Ft. 4-6-12 5-7-15 6-9-18 7-10-19 8-12-20 9-13-22 10-15-23 12-18-25 14-19-27
Airflow, cfm 710 885 1060 1240 1420 1590 1770 2120 2480
18" NC, Horizontal 12 19 24 29 33 36 40 45 50
Horizontal Throw Ft. 4-7-13 6-8-17 7-10-20 8-12-21 9-13-23 10-15-24 11-17-26 13-20-28 16-21-30
Airflow, cfm 875 1100 1310 1530 1750 1970 2190 2610 3060
20" NC, Horizontal 13 19 25 29 33 37 40 45 50
Horizontal Throw Ft. 5-7-15 6-9-19 7-11-22 9-13-24 10-15-25 11-17-27 12-19-28 15-22-31 17-24-34
Airflow, cfm 1260 1570 1880 2200 2510 2820 3140 3770 4400
24" NC, Horizontal 13 20 25 30 34 38 41 46 51
Horizontal Throw Ft. 6-9-18 7-11-22 9-13-26 10-16-29 12-18-30 13-20-32 15-22-34 18-26-37 21-29-40
Airflow, cfm 1960 2450 2940 3430 3920 4410 4900 5880 6860
30" NC, Horizontal 14 21 26 31 35 38 42 47 52
Horizontal Throw Ft. 7-11-22 9-14-28 11-17-33 13-20-36 15-22-38 17-25-40 19-28-43 22-33-47 26-36-50
Airflow, cfm 2820 3520 4230 4930 5630 6340 7040 8450 9850
36" NC, Horizontal 15 22 27 32 36 39 42 48 52
Horizontal Throw Ft. 9-13-27 11-17-33 13-20-40 16-23-43 18-27-46 20-30-48 22-33-51 27-40-56 31-43-60
40o F Differential 3-2-2 4-4-3 5-6-6 7-8-9 8-10-12 9-12-15 10-13-17 11-16-22 12-18-27
Note: The three neck velocity values used are for 6-, 12- and 24-inch diffusers respectively.
• All pressures are given in inches of water. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
• Throw values are given for terminal velocities of 150, • Add 1 NC for vertical setting.
100 and 50 fpm and for isothermal conditions. • Downward projection of heated air values represent the
• To obtain static pressure, subtract the velocity pressure distance to a total air velocity of essentially zero.
from the total pressure. • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with
• If the diffuser is mounted on an exposed duct, the ANSI / ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual performance,
throw values are 70 percent of those listed in the table. with flexible duct inlet, may vary in the field. See
• Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve that the section Engineering Guidelines of this catalog for
will not be exceeded by the sound pressure in any additional information.
of the octave bands, 2nd through 7th, with a room • For an explanation of catalog throw data, see the
absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts. section, Engineering Guidelines.
ROUND CEILING DIFFUSERS a single inner assembly and must be inner core assembly to hang during
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
easily removable using a spring lock maintenance of diffusers with a neck
ADJUSTABLE VERTICAL TO HORIZONTAL mechanism. Vertical to horizontal size of 12inches or greater.
DISCHARGE PATTERN discharge pattern must be achieved by The finish shall be #26 white. The
one of three adjustment methods as finish shall be an anodic acrylic paint,
Available Models: follows: baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The
TMRA • Steel pencil hardness must be HB to H. The
TMRA-AA • Aluminum • Type 1. The inner cone assembly paint must pass a 100-hour
can be removed and repositioned ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments
Round ceiling diffusers shall be Titus by means of adjusting screws. Salt Spray Test without creepage,
model TMRA (steel, adjustable) or • Type 2. The inner cone assembly blistering or deterioration of film. The
TMRA-AA (aluminum with steel screws, can be adjusted by sliding paint must pass a 250-hour ASTM
adjustable). The TMRA or TMRA-AA the cones up or down. D870 Water Immersion Test. The
models shall have four cones and paint must also pass the ASTM D2794
• Type 3. The center cone
round neck inlets of the sizes and Reverse Impact Cracking Test with a
can be rotated clockwise or
mounting types shown on the plans 50-inch pound force applied.
counterclockwise to move
and outlet schedule. Round diffusers
the cones up or down.
shall be constructed of 18-gauge The manufacturer shall provide
steel (TMRA) or 0.051 aluminum published performance data for the
(TMRA-AA). The airflow discharge Optional round damper shall be
round diffuser. The diffuser shall
pattern shall be field adjustable from constructed of heavy gauge steel.
be tested in accordance with ANSI/
horizontal to vertical by extending or Damper must be operable from
ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
retracting the inner three cones. These the face of the diffuser. A retainer
cable shall be provided to allow the
three cones shall be constructed as
Equalizing Grid EG
Finish Foam Gasket FG
Model 26 White Outer Cone - Steel B
Adjustable, Steel 01 Aluminum Earthquake Tabs EQT
Equalizing Grid EG
Finish Foam Gasket FG
diffuser forces the air in a long
• Steel
• Ring Operated
downward projection. The result is
• Vertical to Horizontal
effective heating and spot cooling
Discharge Pattern from high mounting locations.
Products Include: • Especially suitable for factories,
• Standard Finish - #26 White. warehouses, convention halls, • Optional damper is adjustable by
coliseums, shopping malls, and removing the inner core of the
• Model XC-310 heavy duty round other applications where diffuser.
ceiling diffusers are designed ceilings are high and conditions
for both heating and cooling are variable. • Material is steel.
• Ring operator can be adjusted
• Uniform 360° discharge pattern. with a pole.
Outside Diameter C
E Open
F Closed
Face View Post
Ring Operator
Size D
10 10½ 18¼ 7½ 3 10
12 12½ 22 9⅜ 4 12
14 14½ 26 6¾ 4 14
16 16½ 29 8½ 5 16
18 18½ 32½ 9⅛ 5 18
20 20½ 36 10⅜ 5½ 20
24 24½ 43¼ 12¼ 6⅝ 24
30 30½ 53⅝ 13⅞ 8¼ 30
36 36½ 64⅜ 15⅝ 10 36
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Neck Velocity 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400 1600
Velocity Pressure 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.090 0.122 0.160
Air Flow, cfm 220 270 330 380 435 490 545 655 765 870
Total Pressure, H 0.021 0.033 0.047 0.064 0.083 0.105 0.130 0.187 0.255 0.333
Total Pressure, V 0.012 0.019 0.027 0.037 0.048 0.061 0.076 0.109 0.148 0.194
10" NC ( Noise Criterion), H. - 17 22 27 31 35 38 44 49 53
DIa. NC ( Noise Criterion), V. - 14 19 24 28 32 35 41 46 50
Throwfeet,H. 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-4-9 3-5-10 4-6-12 4-7-13 5-8-15
Throw feet, V, 20F Cool Delta-T, 50 fpm 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 48 56 63
Throw feet, V, 40F Heat Delta-T, 50 fpm 5 7 8 9 11 12 13 16 19 21
Air Flow, cfm 315 390 470 550 630 705 785 940 1100 1255
Total Pressure, H 0.021 0.032 0.046 0.063 0.083 0.104 0.129 0.186 0.253 0.330
Total Pressure, V 0.012 0.019 0.028 0.038 0.050 0.063 0.078 0.113 0.153 0.200
12" NC ( Noise Criterion), H. 11 18 23 28 32 36 39 45 50 54
DIa. NC ( Noise Criterion), V. - 15 20 25 29 33 36 42 47 51
Throwfeet, H. 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-14 5-8-16 6-9-18
Throw feet, V, 20F Cool Delta-T, 50 fpm 14 20 24 28 33 36 41 49 57 65
Throw feet, V, 40F Heat Delta-T, 50 fpm 4 6 8 9 11 12 14 16 19 22
Air Flow, cfm 425 530 635 745 850 955 1060 1270 1490 1695
Total Pressure, H 0.020 0.032 0.046 0.063 0.082 0.103 0.128 0.184 0.250 0.327
Total Pressure, V 0.012 0.018 0.028 0.038 0.050 0.063 0.078 0.113 0.153 0.200
14" NC ( Noise Criterion), H. 12 19 24 29 33 37 40 46 51 55
DIa. NC ( Noise Criterion), V. - 16 21 26 30 34 37 43 48 52
Throwfeet, H. 2-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-11 4-6-12 4-7-13 5-8-16 6-9-19 7-11-21
Throw feet, V, 20F Cool Delta-T, 50 fpm 13 20 26 31 35 39 44 52 61 70
Throw feet, V, 40F Heat Delta-T, 50 fpm 4 6 8 10 12 13 15 17 20 23
Air Flow, cfm 710 885 1060 1240 1420 1590 1770 2120 2480 2830
Total Pressure, H 0.020 0.031 0.045 0.061 0.079 0.101 0.124 0.179 0.243 0.318
Total Pressure, V 0.011 0.017 0.028 0.038 0.050 0.063 0.078 0.113 0.153 0.200
18" NC ( Noise Criterion), H. 13 20 26 31 35 38 42 47 52 56
DIa. NC ( Noise Criterion), V. - 17 23 28 32 35 39 44 49 53
Throwfeet, H. 2-3-7 3-4-9 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-14 5-8-16 6-9-17 7-10-21 8-12-24 9-14-28
Throw feet, V, 20F Cool Delta-T, 50 fpm 14 21 30 37 42 47 53 63 74 84
Throw feet, V, 40F Heat Delta-T, 50 fpm 4 6 9 12 14 16 18 21 25 28
Air Flow, cfm 875 1100 1310 1530 1750 1970 2190 2610 3060 3500
Total Pressure, H 0.020 0.031 0.044 0.060 0.078 0.099 0.122 0.176 0.239 0.312
Total Pressure, V 0.010 0.016 0.028 0.038 0.050 0.063 0.078 0.113 0.153 0.200
20" NC ( Noise Criterion), H. 14 21 26 31 35 39 42 48 53 57
DIa. NC ( Noise Criterion), V. 11 18 23 28 32 36 39 45 50 54
Throwfeet, H. 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 4-7-13 5-8-15 6-9-17 6-10-19 8-11-23 9-13-27 10-15-31
Throw feet, V, 20F Cool Delta-T, 50 fpm 14 23 32 40 46 52 57 68 80 92
Throw feet, V, 40F Heat Delta-T, 50 fpm 4 7 9 13 15 17 19 23 27 31
Air Flow, cfm 1260 1570 1880 2200 2510 2820 3140 3770 4400 5020
Total Pressure, H 0.019 0.029 0.042 0.057 0.075 0.095 0.117 0.169 0.230 0.300
Total Pressure, V 0.010 0.014 0.028 0.038 0.050 0.063 0.078 0.113 0.153 0.200
24" NC ( Noise Criterion), H. 15 22 27 32 36 40 43 49 54 58
DIa. NC ( Noise Criterion), V. 12 19 24 29 33 37 40 46 51 55
Throwfeet, H. 3-5-9 4-6-12 5-7-14 5-8-16 6-9-18 7-10-21 8-12-23 9-14-28 11-16-32 12-18-37
Throw feet, V, 20F Cool Delta-T, 50 fpm 16 25 35 47 54 60 67 81 94 107
Throw feet, V, 40F Heat Delta-T, 50 fpm 5 7 10 14 18 20 22 27 31 36
Air Flow, cfm 1963 2454 2945 3436 3927 4418 4909 5890 6872 7854
Total Pressure, H 0.017 0.027 0.039 0.053 0.069 0.088 0.108 0.156 0.213 0.278
Total Pressure, V 0.009 0.014 0.020 0.027 0.036 0.045 0.056 0.081 0.110 0.144
30" NC ( Noise Criterion), H. 16 23 29 34 38 41 45 50 55 59
DIa. NC ( Noise Criterion), V. 13 20 26 31 35 38 42 47 52 56
Throwfeet, H. 4-6-12 5-7-14 6-9-17 7-10-20 8-12-23 9-13-26 10-14-29 12-17-35 13-20-40 15-23-46
Throw feet, V, 20F Cool Delta-T, 50 fpm 19 29 42 57 66 74 82 99 115 132
Throw feet, V, 40F Heat Delta-T, 50 fpm 2 3 5 7 9 11 14 20 25 28
Air Flow, cfm 2827 3534 4241 4948 5655 6362 7069 8482 9896 11310
Total Pressure, H 0.016 0.024 0.035 0.048 0.063 0.079 0.098 0.141 0.191 0.250
Total Pressure, V 0.007 0.012 0.017 0.023 0.030 0.038 0.046 0.067 0.091 0.119
36" NC ( Noise Criterion), H. 17 24 30 35 39 42 46 51 56 60
DIa. NC ( Noise Criterion), V. 14 21 27 32 36 39 43 48 53 57
Throwfeet, H. 5-7-14 6-9-17 7-10-21 8-12-24 9-14-28 10-16-31 12-17-35 14-21-41 16-24-48 18-28-55
Throw feet, V, 20F Cool Delta-T, 50 fpm 22 34 49 67 78 88 98 117 137 156
Throw feet, V, 40F Heat Delta-T, 50 fpm 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 11 15 20
• All pressures are in inches of water. • NC values are based on a room absorption of 10 dB,
• Radius of diffusion values are given for a terminal re 10-12 watts. Values shown are for the horizontal
velocity of 50 fpm with a 20°F cooling temperature discharge pattern (center closed). For the vertical
differential. pattern (center open), subtract three.
• Vertical projection values are given for a terminal • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with
velocity of 50 fpm. Minimum projections are for a ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual performance,
40°F heating temperature differential, while maximum with flexible duct inlet, may vary in the field. See
projections are for a 20°F cooling differential. the Engineering Guidelines section of this catalog for
additional information.
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with a pole for remote access.
Round Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
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ADJUSTABLE VORTEX - STEEL • Uniform 360° discharge pattern.
Available Model:
V-1 • Vortex Diffuser • Excellent performance in variable
air volume applications.
Products Include:
• Standard Finish - #84 Black. • Especially suitable for foyers,
waiting rooms and other areas
• Model V-1 round ceiling diffusers with recessed lighting fixtures.
are designed for both heating and Complements black light and down
cooling applications. light fixtures.
• Vortex generators spin the air in • Adjusted from horizontal to • Optional damper is adjusted
a spiral pattern. This creates a vertical discharge vortex by through the diffuser face. Access
Coanda effect, forcing the air to opening the blank-off plate in the for adjustment is gained by
adhere to the curved border and center. opening the blank-off plate.
spread evenly across the ceiling.
• Material is steel.
Round Duct
Size D
Nominal Round Duct Size D
6 3⅞ 3⅞
8 5⅛ 3⅞ D minus 1/8"
10 63/16 3⅞ G Vortex Generators
12 87/16 4⅞
14 97/16 4⅞
16 107/16 4⅞
Blank-Off Plate
18 127/16 4⅞
D Plus 2"
NC 23 29 33 27 41 44 47 49
Airflow, cfm 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
16" Total Press. 0.18 0.22 0.29 0.35 0.41 0.48 0.56 0.64
Dia. Rad. of Diff. 2–4–7 3–4–7 3–5–8 3–5–9 4–6–10 4–6–11 4–7–12 4–7–13
NC 30 33 36 39 42 44 46 49
Airflow, cfm 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850
18" Total Press. 0.22 0.27 0.32 0.37 0.44 0.5 0.57 0.64
Dia. Rad. of Diff. 3–4–8 3–5–9 3–5–9 3–6–10 4–6–11 4–7–12 4–7–13 4–8–14
NC 31 34 37 39 41 43 45 47
• All pressures are in inches of water. • NC (noise criteria) values are based
• Radius of diffusion values (feet) are given for terminal on a room absorption of 10 dB, re
velocities of 150, 100 and 50 fpm. 10-12 watts.
• Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual performance,
with flexible duct inlet, may vary in the field. See
the Engineering Guidelines section of this catalog for
additional information.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
The finish shall be #84 black. The finish shall be an anodic
acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The pencil
ADJUSTABLE VORTEX hardness must be HB to H. The paint must pass a 100-hour
ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray Test without
Available Model:
creepage, blistering or deterioration of film. The paint must
V-1 • Vortex Diffuser
pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test. The
paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
Round ceiling diffusers shall be Titus Model V-1 vortex Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
diffusers of the sizes and mounting type shown on the plans
and outlet schedule. The V-1 diffuser must have deflectors Optional volume damper shall be constructed of heavy
capable of generating a spiral airflow to force the jet to gauge steel. Damper must be adjustable from the face of
adhere to the curved face border and discharge evenly the diffuser by opening the blank-off plate.
across the ceiling.
The manufacturer shall provide published performance
Center deflector must be capable of creating a vertical data for the round diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
discharge when needed. The diffuser shall be constructed of accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
heavy gauge steel.
26 White Accessories
Vortex 01 Aluminum Equalizing Grid EG
84 Black Earthquake Tabs EQT
Perforated Ceiling Diffusers Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
dropping the perforated face, then
• Titus perforated ceiling diffusers rotating the pattern controllers. • Optional factory-installed R-6 foil-
are designed for both heating and backed insulation available for 24
cooling applications. • Dropping the perforated face x 24-inch full face models, neck
also gives access to the sizes 6-16, borders 1, 2, 3 and 4.
• Excellent performance in variable optional damper.
air volume systems.
46x22 ❏
6” Dia. ● ● ● ● ● ●
8” Dia. ● ● ● ●
10” Dia. ● ● ● ●
12” Dia. ● ● ●
14” Dia. ● ● ●
16” Dia. ● ●
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Border Type 3 Border Type 4SL
(Lay-In) Nominal Duct (Spline Side Lock)
Size D Note: 4SL can be installed after
D minus ⅛" ceiling tiles are in place.
(4) Pattern Controllers
3" ⅜"
Ceiling Module minus ¼" Ceiling Module Size
Ceiling Module Size minus 1/16"
⅜" ⅜" ⅜"
Nominal Face Size Ceiling Module Size
Ceiling Module Size
Nominal Face Size
minus 1/16" minus 1/16"
plus 1"
Ceiling Module minus ¼"
Ceiling Module Size
Ceiling Module Size
minus 1/16"
D minus ⅛"
Ceiling Module Size
Nominal Face Size minus 1/16"
Nominal Face Size plus 1"
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Border Type 3 Border Type 4SL
(Lay-In or Tegular when duct size = module size - 2) (Spline Side Lock)
(Lay-In shown) Note: 4SL can be installed after
Nominal Duct Size D ceiling tiles are in place.
D minus ⅛"
2⅛" ⅜"
3" ⅜"
Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400
Velocity Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.062 0.090 0.122
Airflow, cfm 59 79 98 118 137 157 196 236 275
Total Pressure 0.016 0.028 0.044 0.064 0.087 0.113 0.177 0.255 0.347
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 16 21 25 32 38 43
6" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-7 2-4-10 2-6-12 4-7-15 5-9-17 6-10-18 8-12-20 10-15-22 11-17-23
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-4-7 2-4-9 4-5-11 4-6-12 5-7-14 6-9-17 7-11-18 8-12-20
12 x 12 Module
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-11 4-6-12 5-8-14 6-9-15 7-11-16
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-3 1-2-5 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-11 5-7-12 5-8-13
Airflow, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350
Total Pressure 0.017 0.029 0.046 0.066 0.090 0.118 0.184 0.265 0.360
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 13 19 23 28 35 41 45
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-8 2-4-11 3-6-14 4-8-17 5-10-19 7-11-20 9-14-22 11-17-24 13-19-26
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-6 2-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-14 5-8-16 7-10-19 8-12-21 9-14-22
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-9 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-14 6-9-16 7-10-17 8-12-19
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-4 1-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 3-5-10 4-7-12 5-8-13 6-9-15
Airflow, cfm 59 79 98 118 137 157 196 236 275
Total Pressure 0.016 0.028 0.044 0.064 0.087 0.113 0.177 0.255 0.347
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 16 21 25 32 38 43
6" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-7 2-4-10 2-6-12 4-7-15 5-9-17 6-10-18 8-12-20 10-15-22 11-17-23
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-4-7 2-4-9 4-5-11 4-6-12 5-7-14 6-9-17 7-11-18 8-12-20
24 x 12 Module
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-11 4-6-12 5-8-14 6-9-15 7-11-16
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-3 1-2-5 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-11 5-7-12 5-8-13
Airflow, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350
Total Pressure 0.017 0.029 0.046 0.066 0.090 0.118 0.184 0.265 0.360
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 13 19 23 28 35 41 45
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-8 2-4-11 3-6-14 4-8-17 5-10-19 7-11-20 9-14-22 11-17-24 13-19-26
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-6 2-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-14 5-8-16 7-10-19 8-12-21 9-14-22
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-9 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-14 6-9-16 7-10-17 8-12-19
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-4 1-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 3-5-10 4-7-12 5-8-13 6-9-15
Airflow, cfm 59 79 98 118 137 157 196 236 275
Total Pressure 0.016 0.028 0.044 0.064 0.087 0.113 0.177 0.255 0.347
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 16 21 25 32 38 43
6" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-8 2-4-10 3-7-13 4-8-15 6-9-17 7-10-18 9-13-20 10-15-22 12-17-23
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-6 2-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 4-7-13 5-8-15 6-10-17 8-11-18 9-13-20
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 4-6-12 5-8-14 6-10-15 8-11-16
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-9 3-5-10 4-6-11 5-7-12 6-9-13
Airflow, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350
Total Pressure 0.017 0.029 0.046 0.066 0.090 0.118 0.184 0.265 0.360
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 13 19 23 28 35 41 45
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-9 2-5-12 3-7-15 5-9-17 7-10-19 8-12-20 10-15-22 12-17-24 14-19-26
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 2-4-9 3-5-11 4-6-13 5-8-15 6-9-17 7-11-19 9-13-21 10-15-22
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-5 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-5-11 4-6-13 5-7-14 6-9-16 7-11-17 9-13-19
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-4 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 5-7-12 6-8-13 7-10-15
Airflow, cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 349 419 489
16 x 16 Module
Total Pressure 0.018 0.032 0.049 0.071 0.097 0.126 0.197 0.284 0.386
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 16 22 27 31 38 44 49
8" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-10 3-6-14 4-9-17 6-10-20 8-12-22 9-14-24 12-17-26 14-20-29 16-22-31
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-8 3-5-10 4-6-13 5-8-15 6-9-18 7-10-20 8-13-22 10-15-25 12-18-27
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-3-6 3-4-9 4-5-11 4-6-13 5-8-15 6-9-17 7-11-18 9-13-20 10-15-22
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 4-7-13 5-8-15 7-10-16 8-12-17
Airflow, cfm 133 178 222 267 311 356 444 533 622
Total Pressure 0.019 0.034 0.052 0.075 0.103 0.134 0.210 0.302 0.411
NC (Noise Criteria) - 12 19 25 29 34 41 47 51
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-12 3-7-16 5-10-20 7-12-23 9-14-25 10-16-27 13-20-30 16-23-33 18-25-35
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-9 3-6-11 5-7-14 6-9-17 7-10-20 8-11-23 10-14-25 11-17-28 13-20-30
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-7 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-15 6-9-17 6-10-19 8-12-21 10-15-23 11-17-25
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-6-11 4-7-13 5-7-15 6-9-16 7-11-18 9-13-19
Airflow, cfm 164 218 273 327 382 436 545 654 764
Total Pressure 0.020 0.036 0.056 0.080 0.109 0.143 0.223 0.321 0.437
NC (Noise Criteria) - 14 21 27 32 36 43 49 54
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-13 3-7-17 5-11-22 7-13-26 10-15-28 12-17-30 15-22-33 17-26-36 20-28-39
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-10 3-6-13 5-8-16 6-10-19 7-11-22 8-13-25 11-16-28 13-19-31 15-22-33
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-8 4-5-11 4-7-13 5-8-16 6-9-19 7-11-21 9-13-23 11-16-25 13-19-27
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-14 5-8-16 7-10-18 8-12-20 10-14-21
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Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400
Velocity Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.062 0.090 0.122
Airflow, cfm 59 79 98 118 137 157 196 236 275
Total Pressure 0.016 0.028 0.044 0.064 0.087 0.113 0.177 0.255 0.347
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 16 21 25 32 38 43
6" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-8 2-4-10 3-7-13 4-8-15 6-9-17 7-10-18 9-13-20 10-15-22 12-17-23
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-6 2-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 4-7-13 5-8-15 6-10-17 8-11-18 9-13-20
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 4-6-12 5-8-14 6-10-15 8-11-16
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-9 3-5-10 4-6-11 5-7-12 6-9-13
Airflow, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350
Total Pressure 0.017 0.029 0.046 0.066 0.090 0.118 0.184 0.265 0.360
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 13 19 23 28 35 41 45
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-9 2-5-12 3-7-15 5-9-17 7-10-19 8-12-20 10-15-22 12-17-24 14-19-26
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 2-4-9 3-5-11 4-6-13 5-8-15 6-9-17 7-11-19 9-13-21 10-15-22
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-5 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-5-11 4-6-13 5-7-14 6-9-16 7-11-17 9-13-19
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-4 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 5-7-12 6-8-13 7-10-15
Airflow, cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 349 419 489
Total Pressure 0.018 0.032 0.049 0.071 0.097 0.126 0.197 0.284 0.386
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 16 22 27 31 38 44 49
8" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-10 3-6-14 4-9-17 6-10-20 8-12-22 9-14-24 12-17-26 14-20-29 16-22-31
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-8 3-5-10 4-6-13 5-8-15 6-9-18 7-10-20 8-13-22 10-15-25 12-18-27
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-3-6 3-4-9 4-5-11 4-6-13 5-8-15 6-9-17 7-11-18 9-13-20 10-15-22
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 4-7-13 5-8-15 7-10-16 8-12-17
Airflow, cfm 133 178 222 267 311 356 444 533 622
Total Pressure 0.019 0.034 0.052 0.075 0.103 0.134 0.210 0.302 0.411
NC (Noise Criteria) - 12 19 25 29 34 41 47 51
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-12 3-7-16 5-10-20 7-12-23 9-14-25 10-16-27 13-20-30 16-23-33 18-25-35
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-9 3-6-11 5-7-14 6-9-17 7-10-20 8-11-23 10-14-25 11-17-28 13-20-30
20 x 20 Module
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-7 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-15 6-9-17 6-10-19 8-12-21 10-15-23 11-17-25
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-6-11 4-7-13 5-7-15 6-9-16 7-11-18 9-13-19
Airflow, cfm 164 218 273 327 382 436 545 654 764
Total Pressure 0.020 0.036 0.056 0.080 0.109 0.143 0.223 0.321 0.437
NC (Noise Criteria) - 14 21 27 32 36 43 49 54
10" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-13 3-7-17 5-11-22 7-13-26 10-15-28 12-17-30 15-22-33 17-26-36 20-28-39
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-10 3-6-13 5-8-16 6-10-19 7-11-22 8-13-25 11-16-28 13-19-31 15-22-33
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-8 4-5-11 4-7-13 5-8-16 6-9-19 7-11-21 9-13-23 11-16-25 13-19-27
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-14 5-8-16 7-10-18 8-12-20 10-14-21
Airflow, cfm 208 278 347 417 486 556 694 833 972
Total Pressure 0.022 0.039 0.061 0.087 0.119 0.155 0.243 0.349 0.476
NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 23 29 34 38 45 51 56
10 x 10
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-15 4-8-20 6-12-25 8-15-29 11-17-31 13-20-33 16-25-37 20-29-41 23-31-44
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-11 4-7-14 6-9-18 7-11-21 8-13-25 10-14-28 12-18-32 14-21-35 17-25-37
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-9 4-6-12 5-8-15 6-9-18 7-11-21 8-12-23 10-15-26 12-18-29 14-21-31
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-3-7 3-5-9 4-6-12 5-7-14 5-8-16 6-9-18 8-12-20 9-14-22 11-16-24
Airflow, cfm 236 314 393 471 550 628 785 942 1100
Total Pressure 0.032 0.057 0.089 0.128 0.174 0.227 0.355 0.510 0.695
NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 25 30 35 40 47 52 57
12" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 7-12-22 10-16-25 13-19-28 16-22-31 18-23-33 20-25-35 23-28-40 25-31-43 27-33-47
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 6-8-17 8-11-21 9-14-24 11-17-26 13-20-28 15-21-30 19-24-34 21-26-37 23-28-40
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 5-7-14 6-10-18 8-12-20 10-14-21 11-16-23 13-18-25 16-20-28 18-21-30 19-23-33
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 4-6-11 5-7-14 6-9-15 7-11-17 9-13-18 10-14-19 12-15-22 14-17-24 15-18-26
Airflow, cfm 321 428 535 641 748 855 1069 1283 1497
Total Pressure 0.034 0.060 0.093 0.135 0.183 0.239 0.374 0.538 0.733
NC (Noise Criteria) 12 21 28 34 38 43 50 56 60
14" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 8-14-25 12-18-29 15-23-33 18-25-36 21-27-39 24-29-41 27-33-46 29-36-51 32-39-55
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 7-10-20 9-13-25 11-17-28 13-20-30 15-23-33 18-25-35 22-28-39 25-30-43 27-33-47
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 6-8-17 7-11-20 9-14-23 11-17-25 13-19-27 15-20-29 19-23-32 20-25-35 22-27-38
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 4-6-13 6-9-16 7-11-18 9-13-20 10-15-21 11-16-23 14-18-25 16-20-28 17-21-30
Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400
Velocity Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.062 0.090 0.122
Airflow, cfm 59 79 98 118 137 157 196 236 275
Total Pressure 0.016 0.028 0.044 0.064 0.087 0.113 0.177 0.255 0.347
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 16 21 25 32 38 43
6" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-8 2-4-10 3-7-13 4-8-15 6-9-17 7-10-18 9-13-20 10-15-22 12-17-23
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-6 2-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 4-7-13 5-8-15 6-10-17 8-11-18 9-13-20
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 4-6-12 5-8-14 6-10-15 8-11-16
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-9 3-5-10 4-6-11 5-7-12 6-9-13
Airflow, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350
Total Pressure 0.017 0.029 0.046 0.066 0.090 0.118 0.184 0.265 0.360
6x6 NC ( Noise Criteria) - - 13 19 23 28 35 41 45
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-9 2-5-12 3-7-15 5-9-17 7-10-19 8-12-20 10-15-22 12-17-24 14-19-26
Neck 2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 2-4-9 3-5-11 4-6-13 5-8-15 6-9-17 7-11-19 9-13-21 10-15-22
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-5 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-5-11 4-6-13 5-7-14 6-9-16 7-11-17 9-13-19
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-4 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 5-7-12 6-8-13 7-10-15
Airflow, cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 349 419 489
Total Pressure 0.018 0.032 0.049 0.071 0.097 0.126 0.197 0.284 0.386
NC ( Noise Criteria) - - 16 22 27 31 38 44 49
8" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-10 3-6-14 4-9-17 6-10-20 8-12-22 9-14-24 12-17-26 14-20-29 16-22-31
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-8 3-5-10 4-6-13 5-8-15 6-9-18 7-10-20 8-13-22 10-15-25 12-18-27
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-3-6 3-4-9 4-5-11 4-6-13 5-8-15 6-9-17 7-11-18 9-13-20 10-15-22
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 4-7-13 5-8-15 7-10-16 8-12-17
Airflow, cfm 133 178 222 267 311 356 444 533 622
Total Pressure 0.019 0.034 0.052 0.075 0.103 0.134 0.210 0.302 0.411
8x8 NC ( Noise Criteria) - 12 19 25 29 34 41 47 51
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-12 3-7-16 5-10-20 7-12-23 9-14-25 10-16-27 13-20-30 16-23-33 18-25-35
Neck 2-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-9 3-6-11 5-7-14 6-9-17 7-10-20 8-11-23 10-14-25 11-17-28 13-20-30
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-7 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-15 6-9-17 6-10-19 8-12-21 10-15-23 11-17-25
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-6-11 4-7-13 5-7-15 6-9-16 7-11-18 9-13-19
Airflow, cfm 164 218 273 327 382 436 545 654 764
Total Pressure 0.020 0.036 0.056 0.080 0.109 0.143 0.223 0.321 0.437
NC ( Noise Criteria) - 14 21 27 32 36 43 49 54
10" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-13 3-7-17 5-11-22 7-13-26 10-15-28 12-17-30 15-22-33 17-26-36 20-28-39
24 x 24 Module
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-10 3-6-13 5-8-16 6-10-19 7-11-22 8-13-25 11-16-28 13-19-31 15-22-33
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-8 4-5-11 4-7-13 5-8-16 6-9-19 7-11-21 9-13-23 11-16-25 13-19-27
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-14 5-8-16 7-10-18 8-12-20 10-14-21
Airflow, cfm 208 278 347 417 486 556 694 833 972
Total Pressure 0.022 0.039 0.061 0.087 0.119 0.155 0.243 0.349 0.476
10 x 10 NC ( Noise Criteria) - 16 23 29 34 38 45 51 56
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-15 4-8-20 6-12-25 8-15-29 11-17-31 13-20-33 16-25-37 20-29-41 23-31-44
Neck 2-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-11 4-7-14 6-9-18 7-11-21 8-13-25 10-14-28 12-18-32 14-21-35 17-25-37
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-9 4-6-12 5-8-15 6-9-18 7-11-21 8-12-23 10-15-26 12-18-29 14-21-31
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-3-7 3-5-9 4-6-12 5-7-14 5-8-16 6-9-18 8-12-20 9-14-22 11-16-24
Airflow, cfm 236 314 393 471 550 628 785 942 1100
Total Pressure 0.032 0.057 0.089 0.128 0.174 0.227 0.355 0.510 0.695
NC ( Noise Criteria) - 18 25 30 35 40 47 52 57
12" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 7-12-22 10-16-25 13-19-28 16-22-31 18-23-33 20-25-35 23-28-40 25-31-43 27-33-47
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 6-8-17 8-11-21 9-14-24 11-17-26 13-20-28 15-21-30 19-24-34 21-26-37 23-28-40
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 5-7-14 6-10-18 8-12-20 10-14-21 11-16-23 13-18-25 16-20-28 18-21-30 19-23-33
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 4-6-11 5-7-14 6-9-15 7-11-17 9-13-18 10-14-19 12-15-22 14-17-24 15-18-26
Airflow, cfm 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400
Total Pressure 0.033 0.059 0.092 0.133 0.181 0.236 0.369 0.531 0.723
12 x 12 NC ( Noise Criteria) - 20 27 33 38 42 49 55 60
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 8-13-24 12-18-28 15-22-32 18-24-35 20-26-37 23-28-40 26-32-45 28-35-49 31-37-53
Neck 2-Way - Horizontal Throw 6-10-19 9-13-24 11-16-27 13-19-29 15-22-32 17-24-34 21-27-38 24-29-42 26-32-45
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 5-8-16 7-11-20 9-14-22 11-16-24 13-19-26 14-20-28 18-22-31 20-24-34 21-26-37
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 4-6-12 6-8-16 7-10-17 8-12-19 10-15-21 11-16-22 14-17-25 16-19-27 17-21-29
Airflow, cfm 321 428 535 641 748 855 1069 1283 1497
Total Pressure 0.034 0.060 0.093 0.135 0.183 0.239 0.374 0.538 0.733
NC ( Noise Criteria) 12 21 28 34 38 43 50 56 60
14" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 8-14-25 12-18-29 15-23-33 18-25-36 21-27-39 24-29-41 27-33-46 29-36-51 32-39-55
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 7-10-20 9-13-25 11-17-28 13-20-30 15-23-33 18-25-35 22-28-39 25-30-43 27-33-47
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 6-8-17 7-11-20 9-14-23 11-17-25 13-19-27 15-20-29 19-23-32 20-25-35 22-27-38
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 4-6-13 6-9-16 7-11-18 9-13-20 10-15-21 11-16-23 14-18-25 16-20-28 17-21-30
Airflow, cfm 419 559 698 838 977 1117 1396 1676 1955
Total Pressure 0.036 0.063 0.099 0.143 0.194 0.253 0.396 0.570 0.776
NC ( Noise Criteria) 14 23 31 36 41 45 53 58 63
16" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 10-16-29 14-21-33 17-26-37 21-29-41 24-31-44 27-33-47 31-37-53 33-41-58 36-44-63
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 8-11-23 10-15-28 13-19-32 15-23-35 18-26-38 20-28-40 25-32-45 28-35-49 31-38-53
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 6-10-19 9-13-23 11-16-26 13-19-29 15-22-31 17-23-33 21-26-37 23-29-41 25-31-44
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 5-7-15 7-10-18 8-12-21 10-15-23 11-17-24 13-18-26 16-21-29 18-23-32 20-24-34
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400
Velocity Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.062 0.090 0.122
Airflow, cfm 59 79 98 118 137 157 196 236 275
Total Pressure 0.014 0.025 0.039 0.056 0.077 0.100 0.157 0.226 0.307
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 13 18 22 30 35 40
6" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-7 2-4-10 2-6-12 4-7-13 5-9-14 6-10-15 8-12-17 10-13-19 11-14-20
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-4-7 2-4-9 4-5-11 4-6-12 5-7-13 6-9-15 7-11-16 8-12-18
12 x 12 Module
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-9 4-6-10 5-8-11 6-9-12 7-9-13
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-3 1-2-5 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-8 4-6-9 5-7-10 5-8-11
Airflow, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350
Total Pressure 0.015 0.026 0.041 0.059 0.080 0.105 0.164 0.236 0.321
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 16 21 25 32 38 43
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-8 2-4-11 3-6-14 4-8-15 5-10-16 7-11-17 9-14-19 11-15-21 13-16-23
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-6 2-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-14 5-8-15 7-10-17 8-12-19 9-14-20
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-9 3-5-10 4-6-10 5-7-11 6-9-13 7-10-14 8-10-15
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-4 1-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 3-5-9 4-7-10 5-8-11 6-9-12
Airflow, cfm 59 79 98 118 137 157 196 236 275
Total Pressure 0.014 0.025 0.039 0.056 0.077 0.100 0.157 0.226 0.307
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 13 18 22 30 35 40
6" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-7 2-4-10 2-6-12 4-7-13 5-9-14 6-10-15 8-12-17 10-13-19 11-14-20
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-4-7 2-4-9 4-5-11 4-6-12 5-7-13 6-9-15 7-11-16 8-12-18
24 x 12 Module
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-9 4-6-10 5-8-11 6-9-12 7-9-13
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-3 1-2-5 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-8 4-6-9 5-7-10 5-8-11
Airflow, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350
Total Pressure 0.015 0.026 0.041 0.059 0.080 0.105 0.164 0.236 0.321
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 16 21 25 32 38 43
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-8 2-4-11 3-6-14 4-8-15 5-10-16 7-11-17 9-14-19 11-15-21 13-16-23
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-6 2-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-14 5-8-15 7-10-17 8-12-19 9-14-20
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-9 3-5-10 4-6-10 5-7-11 6-9-13 7-10-14 8-10-15
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-4 1-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 3-5-9 4-7-10 5-8-11 6-9-12
Airflow, cfm 59 79 98 118 137 157 196 236 275
Total Pressure 0.014 0.025 0.039 0.056 0.077 0.100 0.157 0.226 0.307
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 13 18 22 30 35 40
6" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-8 2-4-10 3-7-12 4-8-13 6-9-14 7-10-15 9-12-17 10-13-19 12-14-20
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-6 2-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 4-7-13 5-8-13 6-10-15 8-11-16 9-13-18
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-9 4-6-10 5-8-11 6-9-12 8-9-13
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-8 3-5-8 4-6-9 5-7-10 6-8-11
Airflow, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350
Total Pressure 0.015 0.026 0.041 0.059 0.080 0.105 0.164 0.236 0.321
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 16 21 25 32 38 43
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-9 2-5-12 3-7-14 5-9-15 7-10-16 8-12-17 10-14-19 12-15-21 13-16-23
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 2-4-9 3-5-11 4-6-13 5-8-14 6-9-15 7-11-17 9-13-19 10-14-20
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-5 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-5-10 4-6-10 5-7-11 6-9-13 7-10-14 9-10-15
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-4 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-9 5-7-10 6-8-11 7-9-12
Airflow, cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 349 419 489
16 x 16 Module
Total Pressure 0.016 0.028 0.044 0.064 0.087 0.113 0.177 0.255 0.347
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 13 19 24 28 35 41 46
8" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-10 3-6-14 4-9-16 6-10-18 8-12-19 9-14-20 12-16-23 14-18-25 16-19-27
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-8 3-5-10 4-6-13 5-8-15 6-9-17 7-10-18 8-13-20 10-15-22 12-17-24
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-3-6 3-4-9 4-5-10 4-6-11 5-8-12 6-9-13 7-10-15 9-11-16 10-12-18
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-10 4-7-11 5-8-12 7-9-13 8-10-14
Airflow, cfm 133 178 222 267 311 356 444 533 622
Total Pressure 0.017 0.030 0.047 0.068 0.093 0.121 0.190 0.273 0.372
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 16 22 27 31 38 44 49
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-12 3-7-16 5-10-18 7-12-20 9-14-21 10-16-23 13-18-26 16-20-28 18-21-30
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-9 3-6-11 5-7-14 6-9-17 7-10-19 8-11-20 10-14-23 11-17-25 13-19-27
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-7 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-13 6-9-14 6-10-15 8-12-17 10-13-18 11-14-20
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-6-11 4-7-11 5-7-12 6-9-14 7-11-15 9-11-16
Airflow, cfm 164 218 273 327 382 436 545 654 764
Total Pressure 0.018 0.032 0.051 0.073 0.099 0.130 0.203 0.292 0.398
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 18 24 29 33 40 46 51
10" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-13 3-7-17 5-11-20 7-13-22 10-15-24 12-17-25 15-20-28 17-22-31 19-24-34
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-10 3-6-13 5-8-16 6-10-19 7-11-21 8-13-22 11-16-25 13-19-27 15-21-30
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-8 4-5-11 4-7-13 5-8-14 6-9-15 7-11-17 9-13-18 11-14-20 13-15-22
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-13 5-8-14 7-10-15 8-12-17 10-13-18
Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400
Velocity Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.062 0.090 0.122
Airflow, cfm 59 79 98 118 137 157 196 236 275
Total Pressure 0.014 0.025 0.039 0.056 0.077 0.100 0.157 0.226 0.307
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 13 18 22 30 35 40
6" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-8 2-4-10 3-7-12 4-8-13 6-9-14 7-10-15 9-12-17 10-13-19 12-14-20
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-6 2-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 4-7-13 5-8-13 6-10-15 8-11-16 9-13-18
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-9 4-6-10 5-8-11 6-9-12 8-9-13
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-8 3-5-8 4-6-9 5-7-10 6-8-11
Airflow, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350
Total Pressure 0.015 0.026 0.041 0.059 0.080 0.105 0.164 0.236 0.321
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 16 21 25 32 38 43
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-9 2-5-12 3-7-14 5-9-15 7-10-16 8-12-17 10-14-19 12-15-21 13-16-23
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 2-4-9 3-5-11 4-6-13 5-8-14 6-9-15 7-11-17 9-13-19 10-14-20
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-5 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-5-10 4-6-10 5-7-11 6-9-13 7-10-14 9-10-15
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-4 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-9 5-7-10 6-8-11 7-9-12
Airflow, cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 349 419 489
Total Pressure 0.016 0.028 0.044 0.064 0.087 0.113 0.177 0.255 0.347
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 13 19 24 28 35 41 46
8" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-10 3-6-14 4-9-16 6-10-18 8-12-19 9-14-20 12-16-23 14-18-25 16-19-27
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-8 3-5-10 4-6-13 5-8-15 6-9-17 7-10-18 8-13-20 10-15-22 12-17-24
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-3-6 3-4-9 4-5-10 4-6-11 5-8-12 6-9-13 7-10-15 9-11-16 10-12-18
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-10 4-7-11 5-8-12 7-9-13 8-10-14
Airflow, cfm 133 178 222 267 311 356 444 533 622
Total Pressure 0.017 0.030 0.047 0.068 0.093 0.121 0.190 0.273 0.372
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 16 22 27 31 38 44 49
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-12 3-7-16 5-10-18 7-12-20 9-14-21 10-16-23 13-18-26 16-20-28 18-21-30
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-9 3-6-11 5-7-14 6-9-17 7-10-19 8-11-20 10-14-23 11-17-25 13-19-27
20 x 20 Module
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-7 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-13 6-9-14 6-10-15 8-12-17 10-13-18 11-14-20
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-6-11 4-7-11 5-7-12 6-9-14 7-11-15 9-11-16
Airflow, cfm 164 218 273 327 382 436 545 654 764
Total Pressure 0.018 0.032 0.051 0.073 0.099 0.130 0.203 0.292 0.398
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 18 24 29 33 40 46 51
10" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-13 3-7-17 5-11-20 7-13-22 10-15-24 12-17-25 15-20-28 17-22-31 19-24-34
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-10 3-6-13 5-8-16 6-10-19 7-11-21 8-13-22 11-16-25 13-19-27 15-21-30
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-8 4-5-11 4-7-13 5-8-14 6-9-15 7-11-17 9-13-18 11-14-20 13-15-22
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-13 5-8-14 7-10-15 8-12-17 10-13-18
Airflow, cfm 208 278 347 417 486 556 694 833 972
Total Pressure 0.020 0.036 0.056 0.080 0.109 0.143 0.223 0.321 0.437
NC (Noise Criteria) - 13 21 26 31 35 43 48 53
10 x 10
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-15 4-8-20 6-12-23 8-15-25 11-17-27 13-20-29 16-23-32 20-25-35 22-27-38
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-11 4-7-14 6-9-18 7-11-21 8-13-24 10-14-25 12-18-28 14-21-31 17-24-34
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-9 4-6-12 5-8-15 6-9-16 7-11-17 8-12-19 10-15-21 12-16-23 14-17-25
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-3-7 3-5-9 4-6-12 5-7-13 5-8-14 6-9-15 8-12-17 9-13-19 11-14-20
Airflow, cfm 236 314 393 471 550 628 785 942 1100
Total Pressure 0.027 0.048 0.076 0.109 0.148 0.194 0.303 0.436 0.593
NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 22 28 33 37 44 50 55
12" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 7-12-19 10-15-22 13-17-24 15-19-26 16-20-29 18-22-30 20-24-34 22-26-37 23-29-40
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 6-8-16 8-11-19 9-14-21 11-16-23 13-18-25 15-19-27 17-21-30 19-23-33 21-25-36
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 5-7-12 6-10-14 8-11-16 10-12-17 11-13-19 11-14-20 13-16-22 14-17-24 15-19-26
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 4-6-10 5-7-12 6-9-13 7-10-14 9-11-15 9-12-16 11-13-18 12-14-20 12-15-22
Airflow, cfm 321 428 535 641 748 855 1069 1283 1497
Total Pressure 0.029 0.052 0.081 0.116 0.158 0.206 0.322 0.464 0.631
NC ( Noise Criteria) - 18 25 31 36 40 47 53 58
14" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 8-14-22 12-18-25 15-20-28 18-22-31 19-24-33 21-25-36 23-28-40 25-31-44 27-33-47
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 7-10-19 9-13-22 11-17-25 13-19-27 15-21-29 18-22-31 20-25-35 22-27-38 24-29-42
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 6-8-14 7-11-16 9-13-18 11-14-20 13-15-22 13-16-23 15-18-26 16-20-28 18-22-31
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 4-6-12 6-9-13 7-11-15 9-12-16 10-13-18 11-13-19 12-15-21 13-16-23 15-18-25
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400
Velocity Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.062 0.090 0.122
Airflow, cfm 59 79 98 118 137 157 196 236 275
Total Pressure 0.014 0.025 0.039 0.056 0.077 0.100 0.157 0.226 0.307
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 13 18 22 30 35 40
6" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-8 2-4-10 3-7-12 4-8-13 6-9-14 7-10-15 9-12-17 10-13-19 12-14-20
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-6 2-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 4-7-13 5-8-13 6-10-15 8-11-16 9-13-18
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-9 4-6-10 5-8-11 6-9-12 8-9-13
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-8 3-5-8 4-6-9 5-7-10 6-8-11
Airflow, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350
Total Pressure 0.015 0.026 0.041 0.059 0.080 0.105 0.164 0.236 0.321
6x6 NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 16 21 25 32 38 43
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-9 2-5-12 3-7-14 5-9-15 7-10-16 8-12-17 10-14-19 12-15-21 13-16-23
Neck 2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 2-4-9 3-5-11 4-6-13 5-8-14 6-9-15 7-11-17 9-13-19 10-14-20
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-5 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-5-10 4-6-10 5-7-11 6-9-13 7-10-14 9-10-15
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-4 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-9 5-7-10 6-8-11 7-9-12
Airflow, cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 349 419 489
Total Pressure 0.016 0.028 0.044 0.064 0.087 0.113 0.177 0.255 0.347
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 13 19 24 28 35 41 46
8" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-10 3-6-14 4-9-16 6-10-18 8-12-19 9-14-20 12-16-23 14-18-25 16-19-27
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-8 3-5-10 4-6-13 5-8-15 6-9-17 7-10-18 8-13-20 10-15-22 12-17-24
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-3-6 3-4-9 4-5-10 4-6-11 5-8-12 6-9-13 7-10-15 9-11-16 10-12-18
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-10 4-7-11 5-8-12 7-9-13 8-10-14
Airflow, cfm 133 178 222 267 311 356 444 533 622
Total Pressure 0.017 0.030 0.047 0.068 0.093 0.121 0.190 0.273 0.372
8x8 NC (Noise Criteria) - - 16 22 27 31 38 44 49
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-12 3-7-16 5-10-18 7-12-20 9-14-21 10-16-23 13-18-26 16-20-28 18-21-30
Neck 2-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-9 3-6-11 5-7-14 6-9-17 7-10-19 8-11-20 10-14-23 11-17-25 13-19-27
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-7 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-13 6-9-14 6-10-15 8-12-17 10-13-18 11-14-20
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-6-11 4-7-11 5-7-12 6-9-14 7-11-15 9-11-16
Airflow, cfm 164 218 273 327 382 436 545 654 764
Total Pressure 0.018 0.032 0.051 0.073 0.099 0.130 0.203 0.292 0.398
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 18 24 29 33 40 46 51
10" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-13 3-7-17 5-11-20 7-13-22 10-15-24 12-17-25 15-20-28 17-22-31 19-24-34
24 x 24 Module
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-10 3-6-13 5-8-16 6-10-19 7-11-21 8-13-22 11-16-25 13-19-27 15-21-30
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-8 4-5-11 4-7-13 5-8-14 6-9-15 7-11-17 9-13-18 11-14-20 13-15-22
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-13 5-8-14 7-10-15 8-12-17 10-13-18
Airflow, cfm 208 278 347 417 486 556 694 833 972
Total Pressure 0.020 0.036 0.056 0.080 0.109 0.143 0.223 0.321 0.437
10 x 10 NC (Noise Criteria) - 13 21 26 31 35 43 48 53
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-15 4-8-20 6-12-23 8-15-25 11-17-27 13-20-29 16-23-32 20-25-35 22-27-38
Neck 2-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-11 4-7-14 6-9-18 7-11-21 8-13-24 10-14-25 12-18-28 14-21-31 17-24-34
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-9 4-6-12 5-8-15 6-9-16 7-11-17 8-12-19 10-15-21 12-16-23 14-17-25
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 2-3-7 3-5-9 4-6-12 5-7-13 5-8-14 6-9-15 8-12-17 9-13-19 11-14-20
Airflow, cfm 236 314 393 471 550 628 785 942 1100
Total Pressure 0.027 0.048 0.076 0.109 0.148 0.194 0.303 0.436 0.593
NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 22 28 33 37 44 50 55
12" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 7-12-19 10-15-22 13-17-24 15-19-26 16-20-29 18-22-30 20-24-34 22-26-37 23-29-40
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 6-8-16 8-11-19 9-14-21 11-16-23 13-18-25 15-19-27 17-21-30 19-23-33 21-25-36
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 5-7-12 6-10-14 8-11-16 10-12-17 11-13-19 11-14-20 13-16-22 14-17-24 15-19-26
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 4-6-10 5-7-12 6-9-13 7-10-14 9-11-15 9-12-16 11-13-18 12-14-20 12-15-22
Airflow, cfm 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400
Total Pressure 0.029 0.051 0.079 0.114 0.156 0.203 0.317 0.457 0.622
12 x 12 NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 30 35 39 46 52 57
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 8-13-21 12-17-24 15-19-27 17-21-30 19-23-32 20-24-34 22-27-38 24-30-42 26-32-46
Neck 2-Way - Horizontal Throw 6-10-19 9-13-21 11-16-24 13-19-26 15-20-28 17-21-30 20-24-34 21-26-37 23-28-40
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 5-8-14 7-11-16 9-13-18 11-14-19 12-15-21 13-16-22 14-18-25 16-19-27 17-21-30
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 4-6-11 6-8-13 7-10-15 8-11-16 10-12-17 11-13-18 12-15-21 13-16-23 14-17-24
Airflow, cfm 321 428 535 641 748 855 1069 1283 1497
Total Pressure 0.029 0.052 0.081 0.116 0.158 0.206 0.322 0.464 0.631
NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 25 31 36 40 47 53 58
14" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 8-14-22 12-18-25 15-20-28 18-22-31 19-24-33 21-25-36 23-28-40 25-31-44 27-33-47
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 7-10-19 9-13-22 11-17-25 13-19-27 15-21-29 18-22-31 20-25-35 22-27-38 24-29-42
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 6-8-14 7-11-16 9-13-18 11-14-20 13-15-22 13-16-23 15-18-26 16-20-28 18-22-31
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 4-6-12 6-9-13 7-11-15 9-12-16 10-13-18 11-13-19 12-15-21 13-16-23 15-18-25
Airflow, cfm 419 559 698 838 977 1117 1396 1676 1955
Total Pressure 0.031 0.055 0.086 0.124 0.169 0.220 0.344 0.496 0.675
NC (Noise Criteria) 12 21 28 34 38 43 50 56 60
16" Dia. 1-Way - Horizontal Throw 10-16-25 14-20-29 17-23-32 20-25-35 22-27-38 23-29-41 26-32-45 29-35-50 31-38-54
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 8-11-22 10-15-25 13-19-28 15-22-31 18-24-34 20-25-36 23-28-40 25-31-44 27-34-48
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 6-10-16 9-13-19 11-15-21 13-16-23 14-18-25 15-19-26 17-21-30 19-23-32 20-25-35
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 5-7-13 7-10-15 8-12-17 10-13-19 11-14-20 13-15-22 14-17-24 15-19-27 17-20-29
with ANSI / ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
performance, with flexible duct inlet, may vary in • Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve
the field. See the Engineering Guidelines section that will not be exceeded by the sound pressure
of this catalog for additional information. in any of the octave bands, 2 through 7, with
• Throw values given are for terminal velocities of 150, a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
100 and 50 fpm and for isothermal conditions. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
• For an explanation of catalog throw data, • All pressures are given in inches of water.
see the section, Engineering Guidelines. • To obtain static pressure, subtract the velocity
pressure from the total pressure.
Neck Vel, fpm 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400
Neck Size Vp, in. Wg 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.12
Ps (-), in. Wg 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.13 0.17 0.23 0.36 0.51 0.70
12 x 12 Flow Rate, cfm 59 78 98 118 137 157 196 235 275
6 Dia. *
Room NC - - - 14 18 21 27 32 36
Face Flow Rate, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350
6 x 6 Neck *
Room NC - - 12 17 21 24 30 35 39
Flow Rate, cfm 208 278 347 417 486 556 694 833 972
10 x 10 Neck
Room NC 15 23 29 33 37 41 47 51 55
Neck Vel, fpm 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400
Neck Size Vp, in. Wg 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.12
Ps (-), in. Wg 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.13 0.18 0.24 0.37 0.54 0.73
Flow Rate, cfm 59 78 98 118 137 157 196 235 275
6 Dia. *
Room NC - - - 13 17 20 26 31 34
Flow Rate, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350
6 x 6 Neck *
Room NC - - - 14 18 21 27 32 35
Flow Rate, cfm 105 140 174 209 244 279 349 419 488
8 Dia. *
Room NC - - 13 17 21 24 30 35 38
Flow Rate, cfm 133 178 222 267 311 356 444 533 622
8 x 8 Neck *
Room NC - - 14 18 22 25 31 36 39
Flow Rate, cfm 164 218 273 327 382 436 545 654 763
10 Dia.*
Room NC - - 16 20 24 27 33 38 41
24 x 24 10 x 10 Neck * Flow Rate, cfm 208 278 347 417 486 556 694 833 972
Room NC - 11 17 21 25 28 34 39 42
Face Flow Rate, cfm 235 314 392 471 549 628 785 942 1099
12 Dia. *
Room NC - 12 17 22 26 29 34 39 43
Flow Rate, cfm 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400
12 x 12 Neck *
Room NC - 14 20 24 28 31 37 42 45
Flow Rate, cfm 320 427 534 641 748 855 1068 1282 1495
14 Dia. *
Room NC - 15 21 25 29 32 38 43 46
Flow Rate, cfm 469 625 781 938 1094 1250 1563 1875 2188
15 x 15 Neck *
Room NC - 16 22 26 30 33 39 44 47
Flow Rate, cfm 419 558 698 837 977 1116 1395 1674 1953
16 Dia. *
Room NC 11 18 24 28 32 35 41 46 49
Flow Rate, cfm 675 900 1125 1350 1575 1800 2250 2700 3150
18 x 18 Neck *
Room NC 11 18 24 28 32 36 41 46 49
Flow Rate, cfm 1008 1344 1681 2017 2353 2689 3361 4033 4706
22 x 22 Neck
Room NC 13 20 26 30 34 37 43 47 51
Neck Vel, fpm 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400
Neck Size Vp, in. Wg 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.12
Ps (-), in. Wg 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.13 0.17 0.23 0.36 0.51 0.70
10 x 22 Flow Rate, cfm 458 611 764 917 1069 1222 1528 1833 2139
(12 x 24 Face) Room NC - - - 14 18 21 27 32 36
14 x 14 Flow Rate, cfm 408 544 681 817 953 1089 1361 1633 1906
Sizes (16 x 16 Face) Room NC - - 12 17 21 24 30 35 39
18 x 18 Flow Rate, cfm 675 900 1125 1350 1575 1800 2250 2700 3150
(20 x 20 Face) Room NC - 11 17 22 26 29 35 40 44
22 x 46 Flow Rate, cfm 2108 2811 3514 4217 4919 5622 7028 8433 9839
(24 x 48 Face) Room NC 12 20 25 30 34 38 43 48 52
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Diffusers shall have a perforated The finish shall be #26 white. The
face with 3/16-inch diameter holes on finish shall be an anodic acrylic paint,
Available Steel Models:
¼-inch staggered centers and no less baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The
PAS • Supply
than 51 percent free area. Perforated pencil hardness must be HB to H. The
• Flush Face
face shall be steel or aluminum paint must pass a 100-hour
PDS • Supply
according to the model selected. The ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments
• Drop Face
backpan shall be one piece stamped Salt Spray Test without creepage,
PAR • Return
heavy gauge steel of the sizes and blistering or deterioration of film. The
• Flush Face
mounting types shown on the plans paint must pass a 250-hour ASTM
PDR • Return
and outlet schedule. The diffuser neck D870 Water Immersion Test. The
• Drop Face
shall have 1⅛-inch depth for easy duct paint must also pass the ASTM D2794
connection. Reverse Impact Cracking Test with a
Available Aluminum Models:
50-inch pound force applied.
PAS-AA • Supply
Diffusers must discharge a uniform
• Flush Face
horizontal blanket of air into the room Optional damper shall be constructed
PAR-AA • Return
and protect ceiling against smudging. of heavy gauge steel. Damper must be
• Flush Face
Pattern controllers in the supply operable from the face of the diffuser
models shall be mounted on the back by unlatching the diffuser face. The
Perforated ceiling diffusers shall be
of the perforated face and must be diffuser must be designed such that
Titus models PAS (steel, flush face),
field adjustable to allow the discharged complete removal of the face is not
PDS (steel, drop face), or PAS-AA
air to enter the room in either vertical required during damper adjustment.
(aluminum, flush face), for supply and
or one-, two-, three- or four-way
PAR (steel, flush face), PDR (steel,
horizontal jets. The perforated face The manufacturer shall provide
drop face), or PAR-AA (aluminum, flush
must be easily unlatchable from the published performance data for the
face) for return. The return models
backpan to facilitate option of the face perforated diffuser. The diffuser shall
shall have the same face and border
for pattern controller adjustment or to be tested in accordance with ANSI/
construction as the supply models for
access an optional damper. ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Equalizing Grid, Round EG
Module Size Finish Equalizing Grid, Long EGL
Model 12x12, 16x16, 01 Aluminum Equalizing Grid, Short EGS
PAS Supply, Flush Face 20x20, 24x12, 26 White Earthquake Tabs EQT
PDS Supply, Drop Face 24x24, 48x24 84 Black Insulation Blanket IB (note 2)
Neck Size 6, 8, 10, 12, Border Optional Damper (note 1)
14, 16, 6x6, Surface Mount 1 D-100 Radial, Round Neck
8x8, 10x10, Snap-In 2 AG-100 Radial, Round Neck
12x12, Lay-In 3 D-75 Opposed Blade, Round Neck
15x15, Spline 4 AG-75 Opposed Blade, Round Neck
18x18, 18x6 Spline, Sliding Lock 4SL AG-65 Combination, Round Neck
AG-85 Butterfly, Round Neck
Note 1: See damper model for size availability. AG-95 Opposed Blade, Rect. Neck
Note 2: Available on PAS 24”x24” full-face Border 3. AG-35B Opposed Blade, Rect. Duct
Equalizing Grid, Round EG
Module Size Equalizing Grid, Long EGL
Equalizing Grid, Round EG
Equalizing Grid, Long EGL
Model Module Size Finish Equalizing Grid, Short EGS
Aluminum, Supply, 12x12 01 Aluminum Earthquake Tabs EQT
Flush Face 24x24 26 White Insulation Blanket IB (note 2)
Neck Size 6, 8, 10, 12, Border Optional Damper (note 1)
14, 16, 6x6, Surface Mount 1 D-100 Radial, Round Neck
Snap-In 2 AG-100 Radial, Round Neck
8x8, 10x10, Lay-In 3 D-75 Opposed Blade, Round Neck
12x12, Spline 4 AG-75 Opposed Blade, Round Neck
15x15, Spline, Sliding Lock 4SL AG-65 Combination, Round Neck
18x18 AG-85 Butterfly, Round Neck
AG-95 Opposed Blade, Rect. Neck,
Neck Mounted
AG-35B Opposed Blade, Rect. Duct,
Duct Mounted
AG-95-AA Opposed Blade, Rect. Neck,
Neck Mounted, Aluminum
Note 1: See damper model for size availability. AG-35B-AA Opposed Blade, Rect. Duct,
Note 2: Available on PAS-AA 24”x24” full-face Border 3. Duct Mounted, Aluminum
Perforated Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
RETURN PANELS • Model PXP Series perforated
panels are designed for return or
Available Steel Models: exhaust applications.
PXP • Return Panel
• Flush Face • Panels match Models PAS, PDS,
PXP-DF • Return Panel and PAS-AA supply diffusers in
• Drop Face appearance after installation.
Available Aluminum Model: • Installed by laying between
PXP-AA • Return Panel T-bars.
• Flush Face
• Perforated panel has 3/16-inch
Products Include: diameter holes on ¼-inch
• Standard Finish - #26 White. staggered centers.
Perforated Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
STAR PATTERN - ADJUSTABLE • Pressure drop and noise levels
are lower than typical curved
Available Steel Models: blade perforated diffusers.
PSS • Flush Face
PSS-DF • Drop Face • Vertical air pattern can be
obtained by turning all deflector
Available Aluminum Model:
PSS-AA • Flush Face blades inward. access to the star deflector. The
optional damper is adjustable after
Products Include: • Three-way pattern or corner blow removal of the star deflector.
• Standard Finish - #26 White. can be field adjusted with no
increase in pressure drop or • Perforated face has 3/16” holes on
• Titus Series PSS perforated star sound level. ¼-inch staggered centers.
diffusers generate a high induction
air pattern that maximizes throw. • Available with either side blow or • Material is heavy gauge steel
corner blow. Side blow maximizes backpan with steel or aluminum
• PSS diffusers deliver a horizontal throw. Corner blow maximizes wall perforated face, according to the
blanket of air that adheres to the surface coverage in a perimeter model selected.
ceiling even at varying volumes. installation.
An excellent choice for VAV • Optional factory-installed R-6 foil-
systems. • Can be changed to either side backed insulation available for 24
blow or corner blow in the field. x 24-inch full face models, neck
• Deflector is mounted directly sizes 6-16, borders 1, 2, 3 and 4.
under the neck of the diffuser • Round neck with deep collar for
to generate the long-throw star easy connection to flexible duct.
• Perforated face is hinged to allow
Models PSS and PSS-AA
Border Type 3 (Lay-ln) Duct Size D
D minus 1/8"
Star Deflector
Models PSS-DF
Border Type 3 Nominal
(Lay-ln or Tegular) Duct Size D
(Lay-In shown) D minus 1/8"
Star Deflector
3" 3/8"
Ceiling Module minus ¼" A-A Back Front
Blades Blades
Ceiling Module Size Back blades can be redirected to produce
directional adjustment pattern as shown above.
Border Type 4 Border Type 4SL
Face or Ceiling
Nominal (Spline) (Spline Side Lock)
Module Size
Duct Size D
12x12 24x24
6x6 ● ●
8x8 ●
F 10x10
6” Dia.
8” Dia.
Ceiling Module Size
minus 1/16"
Ceiling Module Size
minus 1/16"
Note: 4SL can be installed after
ceiling tiles are in place.
10” Dia. ●
12” Dia. ● MODEL PSS-DF
14” Dia. ● Border Type 1 Border Type 2
(Surface Mount) (Snap-In)
16” Dia. ●
Module Size
minus 1"
1" Border
● Indicates available size. Not all
sizes available in all duct sizes.
Ceiling Module Size
Ceiling Opening = Module Size
minus 1/16"
Module Size plus 1"
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Side Blow Corner Blow Field Adjusted
Wall Wall
Corner blow
with directional
Side blow Corner blow adjustment gives Plan
gives maximum Plan gives maximum Plan maximum wall
View spread. View View
throw. coverage.
Plan Plan
View View
PSS projects a tight blanket of air that adheres to the ceiling, even at low air volumes. Guards against smudging.
Excellent VAV performance.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400
Velocity Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.062 0.090 0.122
Airflow, cfm 59 79 98 118 137 157 196 236 275
Total Pressure 0.022 0.039 0.060 0.087 0.118 0.154 0.241 0.347 0.473
12 x 12 Module
6" Dia.
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 16 22 27 32 39 45 50
Throw 1-2-5 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-10 4-6-10 5-8-12 6-9-13 8-10-14
Airflow, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350
6x6 Total Pressure 0.024 0.043 0.067 0.097 0.131 0.172 0.268 0.386 0.525
Neck NC (Noise Criteria) - - 17 23 28 33 40 46 51
Throw 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-10 5-7-11 5-8-12 6-9-13 8-10-14 9-11-15
Airflow, cfm 59 79 98 118 137 157 196 236 275
Total Pressure 0.016 0.029 0.045 0.065 0.088 0.115 0.180 0.258 0.352
6" Dia.
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 16 22 27 32 39 45 50
Throw 1-2-5 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-10 4-6-10 5-8-12 6-9-13 8-10-14
Airflow, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350
6x6 Total Pressure 0.017 0.030 0.047 0.067 0.091 0.119 0.187 0.269 0.366
Neck NC (Noise Criteria) - - 17 23 28 33 40 46 51
Throw 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-10 5-7-11 5-8-12 6-9-13 8-10-14 9-11-15
Airflow, cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 349 419 489
Total Pressure 0.018 0.032 0.050 0.072 0.098 0.128 0.200 0.288 0.392
8" Dia.
NC (Noise Criteria) - 11 19 25 30 34 41 48 53
Throw 2-4-7 3-5-10 4-6-11 5-7-12 6-9-13 6-10-14 8-11-15 10-12-17 11-13-18
Airflow, cfm 133 178 222 267 311 356 444 533 622
8x8 Total Pressure 0.019 0.034 0.053 0.076 0.104 0.136 0.212 0.306 0.416
Neck NC (Noise Criteria) - 12 20 26 31 35 42 49 54
Throw 3-4-9 4-6-11 5-7-12 6-9-14 7-10-15 8-11-16 9-12-17 11-14-19 12-15-21
Airflow, cfm 164 218 273 327 382 436 545 654 764
Total Pressure 0.020 0.036 0.056 0.081 0.111 0.145 0.226 0.325 0.443
24 x 24 Module
10" Dia.
NC (Noise Criteria) - 13 20 26 32 36 43 49 54
Throw 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-8-14 6-10-15 8-11-16 9-12-17 11-14-19 12-15-21 13-16-23
Airflow, cfm 208 278 347 417 486 556 694 833 972
10 x 10 Total Pressure 0.022 0.039 0.061 0.088 0.120 0.157 0.246 0.354 0.481
Neck NC (Noise Criteria) - 14 21 27 33 37 44 50 55
Throw 4-6-11 5-8-14 6-9-15 8-11-17 9-13-18 10-14-20 13-15-22 14-17-24 15-18-26
Airflow, cfm 236 314 393 471 550 628 785 942 1100
Total Pressure 0.023 0.041 0.064 0.093 0.126 0.165 0.258 0.371 0.505
12" Dia.
NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 22 28 33 37 45 51 56
Throw 4-6-12 5-8-15 7-10-16 8-12-18 9-14-19 11-15-21 13-16-23 15-18-25 16-19-27
Airflow, cfm 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400
12 x 12 Total Pressure 0.021 0.036 0.057 0.082 0.112 0.146 0.228 0.328 0.447
Neck NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 23 29 34 38 46 52 57
Throw 5-7-14 6-9-17 8-12-18 9-14-20 11-15-22 12-17-23 15-18-26 17-20-29 18-22-31
Airflow, cfm 321 428 535 641 748 855 1069 1283 1497
Total Pressure 0.021 0.037 0.057 0.083 0.112 0.147 0.229 0.330 0.449
14" Dia.
NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 23 29 34 39 46 52 57
Throw 5-7-15 6-10-17 8-12-19 10-15-21 11-16-23 13-17-24 16-19-27 17-21-30 18-23-32
Airflow, cfm 419 559 698 838 977 1117 1396 1676 1955
Total Pressure 0.021 0.038 0.059 0.085 0.115 0.151 0.235 0.339 0.461
16" Dia.
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 30 35 40 47 53 58
Throw 6-8-17 7-11-20 9-14-22 11-17-24 13-18-26 15-20-28 18-22-31 20-24-34 21-26-37
• Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance • Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve
with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual that will not be exceeded by the sound pressure
performance, with flexible duct inlet, may vary in in any of the octave bands, 2 through 7, with
the field. See the Engineering Guidelines section a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
of this catalog for additional information. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
• Throw values given are for terminal velocities of 150, • All pressures are given in inches of water.
100 and 50 fpm and for isothermal conditions. • To obtain static pressure, subtract the velocity
• For an explanation of catalog throw data, see the pressure from the total pressure.
Engineering Guidelines section of this catalog.
• NC values based on octave band 2 to 7 sound
power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
PERFORATED CEILING DIFFUSERS The backpan shall be one piece access an optional damper.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
stamped heavy gauge steel of the sizes The finish shall be #26 white. The
and mounting types shown on the finish shall be an anodic acrylic paint,
STAR PATTERN plans and outlet schedule. The diffuser baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The
neck shall have 1⅛-inch depth for easy pencil hardness must be HB to H.
duct connection. The paint must pass a 100-hour
Available Steel Models: ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments
PSS • Supply The diffusers shall be shipped from Salt Spray Test without creepage,
• Flush Face the factory set for a four-way star blistering, or deterioration of film. The
PSS-DF • Supply airflow pattern. The backpan of the paint must pass a 250-hour ASTM
• Drop Face diffuser shall be constructed with sheet D870 Water Immersion Test. The
metal screw locator dimples to allow paint must also pass the ASTM D2794
Available Aluminum Model: field adjustment from a four-way side Reverse Impact Cracking Test with a
PSS-AA • Supply blow to a four-way corner blow airflow 50-inch pound force applied.
• Flush Face pattern. The diffuser shall be capable
of being field adjusted to change the Optional damper shall be constructed
Perforated ceiling diffusers shall be airflow pattern without a significant of heavy gauge steel. Damper must be
Titus Model PSS (steel, flush face, increase in pressure drop or sound operable from the face of the diffuser
supply), PSS-DF (steel, drop face, level, and shall also be adjustable for by unlatching the diffuser face. The
supply) or PSS-AA (aluminum, flush vertical airflow. The star deflector shall diffuser must be designed such that
face, supply) star pattern diffuser. be one piece construction and must be complete removal of the face is not
mounted on the neck of the diffuser required during damper adjustment.
Diffusers shall have a perforated (face mounted deflectors are not
face with 3/16-inch diameter holes on
acceptable). The deflector shall include The manufacturer shall provide
¼-inch staggered centers and no less a center opening to allow access to published performance data for the
than 51 percent free area. Perforated an optional damper. The perforated perforated diffuser. The diffuser
face shall be steel or aluminum face must be easily unlatchable from shall be tested in accordance with
according to the model selected. the backpan to facilitate opening of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
the face for deflector adjustment or to
Equalizing Grid, Round EG
Equalizing Grid, Long EGL
Model Module Size Finish Equalizing Grid, Short EGS
PSS Flush Face 12x12 01 Aluminum Earthquake Tabs EQT
PSS-DF Drop Face 24x24 26 White Insulation Blanket IB (note 2)
Neck Size 6, 8, 10, Border Optional Damper (note) Blow
12, 14, 16, Surface Mount 1 D-100 Radial, Round Neck Pattern
Snap-In 2 AG-100 Radial, Round Neck Corner CP
6x6, 8x8, Lay-In 3 D-75 Opposed Blade, Round Neck Side SP
10x10, Spline 4 AG-75 Opposed Blade, Round Neck
12x12 Spline, Sliding Lock 4SL AG-65 Combination, Round Neck
AG-85 Butterfly, Round Neck
Note: See damper model for size availability. AG-95 Opposed Blade, Rect. Neck, Neck Mounted
Note 2: Available on PSS 24”x24” module size, border 3. AG-35B Opposed Blade, Rect. Duct, Duct Mounted
12"x12" Module
Size Backpan
Face or Ceiling Dimension
Neck Sizes
Module Size A B
12 x 12 6, 8 4 2
12 x 12 6 x 6, 8 x 8 33/8 13/8
24 x 12 6, 8 3½ 1½
24 X 12 6 x 6, 8 x 8, 18 x 6 3½ 1½
16 x 16 (note 1) 6, 8, 10 3½ 1½
16 x 16 6 x 6, 8 x 8, 10 x 10, 12 x 12 3½ 1½
20 x 20 (note 1) 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 3½ 1½
20 x 20 6 x 6, 8 x 8, 10 x 10, 12 x 12 3½ 1½
6, 8 3¼ 1
24 x 24
10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 6 x 6, 8 x 8, 10 x 10, 12 x 12, 14 x 14, 15 x 15, 16 x 16 3¾ 1½
48 x 24 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 6 x 6, 8 x 8, 10 x 10, 12 x 12, 16 x 16 3½ 1½
Note 1: Module Size 16x16 and 20x20 are only available with Border Type 3.
Note 2: Shaded neck sizes indicate the die-stamped backpan shown above is used. The square backpan is
F102 used for all other neck sizes.
All dimensions are in inches.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
In addition to Border Type 3 (lay-in), • All of these border types can be • The following tables indicate the
as dimensioned on the preceding page, furnished with both the 12 x 12- round and square neck sizes that
Series PCS diffusers are also available inch and 24 x 24-inch face or ceiling can be selected.
in border types to fit the various ceiling module size.
systems shown here.
Ceiling Opening = Module Size Ceiling Module Size
minus 1/16"
Module Size plus 1"
Border Type 1
(Surface Mount)
Module Size
minus 1"
12"x12" Backpan
1" Border
Border Type 2
(sizes 6", 8",
10", 12", 15"; ¼"
Round & Square)
/8" /8"
Inlet Size Square Backpan Module Size Inlet Size Square Backpan Module Size
12x12 24x12 16x16 20x20 24x24 48x24 12x12 24x12 16x16 20x20 24x24 48x24
6x6 ❏ ● ● ● ❏ ● 6” Dia. ❏ ● ● ● ❏ ●
8x8 ● ● ● ● ❏ ● 8” Dia. ● ● ❏ ●
10x10 ● ● ❏ ● 10” Dia. ● ● ❏ ●
12x12 ● ● ❏ ● 12” Dia. ● ❏ ●
14x14 ● 14” Dia. ● ❏
15x15 ● 15” Dia. ●
16x16 ● ● 16” Dia. ❏ ●
18x6 ●
● Indicates available size. Not all sizes available in all border types.
❏ Indicates aluminum (AA) available.
●/❏ Shaded area indicates stamped, formed backpan size.
1. Insert small
screwdriver 3. Face will now
or other slim swing down
instrument with the other
to push latch side hinging.
inward from
2. Repeat on
opposite side.
Individually adjustable
curved blades.
The pattern deflector in the neck of The standard model PCS diffuser
the diffuser consists of individually has a 4-way discharge pattern.
adjustable blades. These blades Also available are the patterns
vary the discharge pattern from below.
full horizontal to vertical and also
damper the air volume.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Velocity Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.075
Air Flow, cfm 59 78 98 118 137 157 176 196 216
NC (Noise Criterion) - - 13 19 25 29 33 36 40
6" Total Pressure 0.014 0.025 0.039 0.056 0.076 0.100 0.126 0.156 0.189
12" x 12" Module Size
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-1-5 1-2-7 2-4-8 2-5-8 3-6-9 4-7-10 5-7-10 6-8-11 6-8-11
Neck 3 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-8 2-4-11 3-6-13 4-8-14 5-9-15 7-11-16 8-12-17 9-13-18 10-14-19
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-8 2-4-12 3-6-15 4-8-17 5-11-18 7-12-19 8-14-21 10-15-22 11-16-23
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-9 2-4-12 3-7-15 4-9-18 6-11-20 8-12-21 9-14-23 10-15-24 11-17-25
Air Flow, cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 314 349 384
NC (Noise Criterion) - - 15 21 26 30 34 38 41
8" Total Pressure 0.020 0.036 0.056 0.081 0.110 0.144 0.182 0.224 0.272
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-7 1-3-9 2-5-10 3-7-11 5-8-12 6-9-13 7-10-14 8-10-15 8-11-15
Neck 3 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-11 2-5-14 3-8-17 5-11-19 7-12-21 9-14-22 11-16-23 12-17-25 13-18-26
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-11 2-5-16 3-8-20 5-11-23 7-14-24 9-16-26 11-18-28 13-20-29 15-22-30
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-12 3-6-17 4-9-21 6-12-25 8-14-27 11-17-28 12-19-30 14-21-32 15-23-33
Air Flow, cfm 59 79 98 118 137 157 177 196 216
NC (Noise Criterion) - 12 17 21 24 27 30 32 34
6" Total Pressure 0.008 0.015 0.023 0.034 0.046 0.060 0.076 0.094 0.113
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 0-1-4 1-2-7 1-3-8 2-4-9 3-6-10 3-7-11 4-7-11 5-8-12 6-9-12
Neck 3 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-1-6 1-2-9 2-4-11 2-6-12 3-7-13 4-9-13 6-10-14 7-11-15 8-11-16
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-8 2-4-11 2-6-12 4-8-13 5-10-14 6-11-15 8-11-16 10-12-17 10-12-17
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-9 2-4-13 3-6-15 4-9-16 5-12-18 7-13-19 9-14-20 11-15-21 12-16-22
Air Flow, cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 314 349 384
NC (Noise Criterion) - 14 19 23 26 29 32 34 36
8" Total Pressure 0.011 0.020 0.031 0.045 0.061 0.080 0.101 0.125 0.151
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-1-6 1-2-9 2-4-11 2-6-12 3-8-13 4-9-14 6-10-15 7-11-16 8-12-17
Neck 3 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-7 1-3-11 2-5-14 3-7-16 5-10-17 6-11-18 7-13-19 9-14-20 10-15-21
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-11 2-5-14 3-7-16 5-11-17 6-13-19 8-14-20 11-15-21 13-16-22 13-16-23
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-12 2-5-18 4-8-20 5-12-22 7-16-24 9-18-25 12-19-27 15-20-28 16-21-30
Air Flow, cfm 164 218 273 327 382 436 491 545 600
NC (Noise Criterion) - 15 20 24 27 30 33 35 37
10" Total Pressure 0.015 0.027 0.042 0.061 0.082 0.108 0.136 0.168 0.204
24" x 24" Module Size
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-7 1-3-11 2-5-14 3-7-15 4-9-17 5-11-18 7-12-19 9-14-20 10-15-21
Neck 3 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-9 2-4-14 3-6-18 4-9-19 6-12-21 7-14-22 9-16-24 11-18-25 13-19-26
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-13 3-6-18 4-9-20 6-13-21 8-16-23 11-18-25 13-19-26 16-20-28 17-21-29
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-15 3-7-22 5-10-25 7-15-27 9-20-30 12-22-32 15-24-34 18-25-35 21-26-37
Air Flow, cfm 236 314 393 471 550 628 707 785 864
NC (Noise Criterion) - 16 21 25 29 31 34 36 38
12" Total Pressure 0.018 0.032 0.050 0.072 0.098 0.128 0.162 0.200 0.241
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-8 2-4-13 3-6-16 4-8-18 5-11-20 7-13-21 8-15-23 10-16-24 12-18-25
Neck 3 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-11 2-5-17 3-8-21 5-11-23 7-15-25 9-17-27 11-19-29 14-21-30 16-22-32
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-16 3-7-21 5-11-24 7-16-26 10-20-28 13-21-30 16-22-32 19-24-33 20-25-35
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-18 4-8-27 6-12-30 8-18-33 11-24-35 14-27-38 18-28-40 22-30-42 25-31-44
Air Flow, cfm 321 428 535 641 748 855 962 1069 1176
NC (Noise Criterion) 11 17 22 26 29 32 35 37 39
14" Total Pressure 0.022 0.039 0.061 0.088 0.119 0.156 0.197 0.243 0.294
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-10 2-4-15 3-7-19 4-10-21 6-13-23 8-15-25 10-17-26 12-19-28 14-21-29
Neck 3 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-13 3-6-20 4-9-25 6-13-27 8-17-29 10-20-31 13-22-33 16-25-35 18-26-37
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-19 4-8-25 6-13-27 8-19-30 11-23-32 15-25-35 19-26-37 22-27-39 24-29-41
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-21 4-9- 1 6-14-35 9-21-38 13-28-41 16-31-44 21-33-47 26-35-49 29-37-52
Air Flow, cfm 419 559 698 838 977 1117 1257 1396 1536
NC (Noise Criterion) 12 18 23 27 30 33 36 38 40
16" Total Pressure 0.026 0.046 0.072 0.103 0.141 0.184 0.232 0.287 0.347
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-11 2-5-17 3-8-22 5-11-25 7-15-27 9-17-28 11-20-30 14-22-32 16-24-33
Neck 3 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-15 3-7-23 5-10-28 7-15-31 9-20-34 12-23-36 15-26-38 18-28-40 21-30-42
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-21 4-9-28 7-15-31 9-21-34 13-26-37 17-28-40 21-30-42 26-31-44 27-33-47
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 3-6-24 5-11-36 7-17-40 11-24-44 14-31-47 19-36-51 24-38-54 29-40-57 33-42-59
• Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance • Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve
with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual that will not be exceeded by the sound pressure
performance, with flexible duct inlet, may vary in in any of the octave bands, 2 through 7, with
the field. See the Engineering Guidelines section a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
of this catalog for additional information. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
• Throw values given are for terminal velocities of 150, • All pressures are given in inches of water.
100 and 50 fpm and for isothermal conditions. • To obtain static pressure, subtract the velocity
• For an explanation of catalog throw data, see the pressure from the total pressure.
Engineering Guidelines section of this catalog.
• NC values based on octave band 2 to 7 sound
power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Velocity Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.075
Air Flow, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
NC (Noise Criterion) - - 14 20 25 30 33 37 40
6" x 6" Total Pressure 0.016 0.029 0.045 0.065 0.089 0.116 0.146 0.181 0.219
12" x 12" Module Size
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-6 1-3-8 2-4-9 3-6-10 4-7-10 5-8-11 6-8-12 7-9-12 7-9-13
Neck 3 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-9 2-4-12 3-7-15 4-9-16 6-11-17 7-12-19 9- 4-20 10-15-21 11-15-22
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-9 2-4-14 3-7-17 4-9-19 6-12-21 7-14-22 9-15-23 11-17-25 12-18-26
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-11 2-5-14 4-8-18 5-11-21 7-12-22 9-14-24 11-16-25 12-18-27 13-19-28
Air Flow, cfm 133 178 222 267 311 356 400 444 489
NC (Noise Criterion) - - 15 21 26 31 35 38 41
8" x 8" Total Pressure 0.023 0.041 0.064 0.092 0.125 0.164 0.207 0.256 0.309
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-8 2-4-10 3-6-12 4 - 8 - 13 5 - 9 - 14 7-10-15 8-11-16 9-12-16 10-12-17
Neck 3 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-12 2-6-16 4-9-20 6-12-21 8-14-23 10-16-25 12-18-26 13-20-28 15-21-29
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-12 2-6-18 4-9-23 6-12-25 8-16-27 10-18-29 12-20-31 15-23-33 17-24-34
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-14 3-7-19 5-11-23 7-14-28 9-16-30 12-19-32 14-21-34 16-23-36 17-26-38
Air Flow, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
NC (Noise Criterion) - 13 18 22 25 28 30 33 35
6" x 6" Total Pressure 0.010 0.017 0.026 0.038 0.052 0.068 0.086 0.106 0.128
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-1-5 1-2-7 1-3-9 2-5-10 3-6-11 4-7-12 5-8-13 6-9-13 7-10-14
Neck 3 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-6 1-3-10 2-4-12 3-6-13 4-8-14 5-10-15 6-11-16 8-12-17 9-13-18
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-9 2-4-12 3-6-13 4-9-15 5-11-16 7-12-17 9-13-18 11-13-19 11-14-20
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-10 2-4-15 3-7-17 4-10-19 6-13-20 8-15-21 10-16-23 12-17-24 14-18-25
Air Flow, cfm 133 178 222 267 311 356 400 444 489
NC (Noise Criterion) - 15 19 23 27 30 32 35 37
8" x 8" Total Pressure 0.014 0.025 0.039 0.056 0.076 0.100 0.126 0.156 0.189
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-6 1-3-10 2-4-12 3-6-14 4-8-15 5-10-16 6-11-17 8-12-18 9-13-19
Neck 3 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-8 2-4-13 3-6-16 4-8-18 5-11-19 7-13-20 8-14-21 10-16-23 12-17-24
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-12 2-5-16 4-8-18 5-12-19 7-15-21 9-16-22 12-17-24 14-18-25 15-19-26
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-13 3-6-20 4-9-23 6-13-25 8-18-27 11-20-29 13-21-30 17-23-32 19-24-33
Air Flow, cfm 208 278 347 417 486 556 625 694 764
NC (Noise Criterion) - 16 21 25 28 31 34 36 38
10" x 10" Total Pressure 0.017 0.031 0.048 0.070 0.095 0.124 0.157 0.193 0.234
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-8 2-3-12 2-5-15 3-8-17 5-11-19 6-12-20 8-14-21 10-15-22 11-17-23
Neck 3 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-11 2-5-16 3-7-20 5-11-22 6-14-24 8-16-25 11-18-27 13-20-28 15-21-30
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-15 3-7-20 5-10-22 7-15-24 9-19-26 12-20-28 15-21-30 18-22-31 19-23-33
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-17 3-7-25 5-12-28 7-17-31 10-22-33 13-25-36 17-27-38 21-28-40 23-30-42
24" x 24" Module Size
Air Flow, cfm 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
NC (Noise Criterion) - 17 22 26 29 32 35 37 39
12" x 12" Total Pressure 0.020 0.035 0.055 0.079 0.107 0.140 0.177 0.218 0.264
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-9 2-4-15 3-7-19 4-9-21 6-13-22 7-15-24 9-17-25 12-19-27 14-20-28
Neck 3 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-13 2-6-19 4-9-24 6-13-26 8-17-28 10-19-30 13-22-32 16-24-34 18-25-36
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-18 4-8-24 6-13-27 8-18-29 11-22-31 14-24-34 18-25-36 22-27-38 23-28-39
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-20 4-9-30 6-14-34 9-20-37 12-27-40 16-30-43 20-32-45 25-34-48 28-35-50
Air Flow, cfm 408 544 681 817 953 1089 1225 1361 1497
NC (Noise Criterion) 12 18 23 27 30 33 36 38 40
14" x 14" Total Pressure 0.026 0.046 0.072 0.103 0.141 0.184 0.232 0.287 0.347
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-11 2-5-17 3-8-22 5-11-24 7-15-26 9-17-28 11-19-30 13-22-31 16-23-33
Neck 3 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-15 3-7-22 5-10-28 7-15-31 9-20-33 12-22-35 15-25-38 18-28-40 21-29-42
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-21 4-9-28 6-15-31 9-21-34 13-26-37 17-28-39 21-29-42 25-31-44 27-33-46
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 3-6-24 5-10-35 7-16-39 10-24-43 14-31-47 19-35-50 24-37-53 29-39-56 33-41-59
Air Flow, cfm 469 625 781 938 1094 1250 1406 1563 1719
NC (Noise Criterion) 12 18 23 27 31 34 36 38 40
15" x 15" Total Pressure 0.027 0.049 0.076 0.110 0.150 0.196 0.247 0.305 0.370
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-12 2-5-19 4-8-23 5-12-26 7-16-28 9-19-30 12-21-32 14-23-34 17-25-35
Neck 3 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-16 3-7-24 5-11-30 7-16-33 10-21-36 12-24-38 16-27-40 19-30-42 22-32-45
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 3-6-23 4-10-30 7-16-33 10-23-36 14-28-39 18-30-42 23-32-45 27-33-47 28-35-49
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 3-6-25 5-11-38 8-18-42 11-25-46 15-33-50 20-38-54 25-40-57 31-42-60 35-44-63
Air Flow, cfm 533 711 889 1067 1244 1422 1600 1778 1956
NC (Noise Criterion) 13 19 24 28 31 34 36 39 41
16" x 16" Total Pressure 0.030 0.054 0.084 0.121 0.165 0.215 0.273 0.337 0.407
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-12 2-6-20 4-9-25 6-12-28 8-17-30 10-20-32 12-22-34 15-25-36 18-27-38
Neck 3 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-17 3-7-26 5-12-32 7-17-35 10-22-38 13-26-41 17-29-43 21-32-45 23-34-48
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 3-6-24 5-11-32 7-17-35 11-24-39 15-30-42 19-32-45 24-34-48 29-35-50 30-37-53
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 3-7-27 5-12-40 8-19-45 12-27-49 16-35-53 21-40-57 27-43-61 33-45-64 37-47-67
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
in the neck of the diffuser and must allow the discharged
air to enter the room in either vertical or one-, two-, three-
CURVED BLADE or four-way horizontal jets. The perforated face must be
easily unlatchable from the backpan to facilitate opening of
the face for pattern controller adjustment or to access an
Available Steel Models:
optional damper.
PCS • Supply
• Flush Face
The finish shall be #26 white. The finish shall be an anodic
PCS-DF • Supply
acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The pencil
• Drop Face
hardness must be HB to H.
Available Aluminum Model:
The paint must pass a 100-hour ASTM B117 Corrosive
PCS-AA • Supply
Environments Salt Spray Test without creepage, blistering or
• Flush Face
deterioration of film. The paint must pass a 250-hour ASTM
D870 Water Immersion Test. The paint must also pass the
Perforated ceiling diffusers shall be Titus Model PCS (steel,
ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact Cracking Test with a 50-inch
flush face), PCS-DF (steel, drop face) or PCS-AA (aluminum,
pound force applied.
flush face). Diffusers shall have a perforated face with
/16-inch diameter holes on ¼-inch staggered centers and no
Optional damper shall be constructed of heavy gauge steel.
less than 51 percent free area.
Damper must be operable from the face of the diffuser by
unlatching the diffuser face. The diffuser must be designed
Perforated face shall be steel or aluminum according to the
such that complete removal of the face is not required
model selected. The backpan shall be heavy gauge steel of
during damper adjustment.
the sizes and mounting types shown on the plans and outlet
schedule. The diffuser neck shall have at least 1 inch depth
The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
for easy duct connection.
for the perforated diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
EG-T Equalizing Grid, Round
Model Module Size Finish EGL-T Equalizing Grid, Long
PCS Flush Face 12x12 01 Aluminum EGS-T Equalizing Grid, Short
PCS-DF Drop Face 24x24 26 White EQT Earthquake Tabs
Neck Size 6, 8, 10, 12, Border Optional Damper Blow Pattern
14, 16, 6x6, Surface Mount 1 (note) 1-Way 1
8x8, 10x10, Lay-In 3 Radial, Round Neck D-100 2-Way, Opposite 2
12x12, 14x14, Spline 4 Radial, Round Neck AG-100 2-Way Corner 2C
15x15, 16x16, Opposed Blade, Round Neck D-75 3-Way 3
18x6 Opposed Blade, Round Neck AG-75 4-Way 4
Opposed Blade, Rect. Neck AG-95
Note: See damper model for size availability.
EG-T Equalizing Grid, Round
Available Supply Models: • Titus has a complete line of
PAS-NT • Round Pattern perforated diffusers that are de-
PSS-NT • Star Pattern signed to integrate into narrow
PCS-NT • Curved Blade
tee ceiling systems.
Available Return Models:
PAR-NT • Return • Perforated face blends diffuser
PXP-NT • Return Panel into ceiling system.
F PAR-NT Nominal
Duct Size D
D minus 1/8"
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vertical or one-, two-, three- or four-way horizontal jets. The
perforated face must be easily unlatchable from the backpan
Available Steel Models: to facilitate opening of the face for pattern controller
PAS-NT • Supply
PAR-NT • Return adjustment or to access an optional damper.
Diffusers must discharge a uniform horizontal blanket of air
into the room and protect ceiling against smudging. Pattern The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
controllers in the supply model shall be mounted on the for the perforated diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
back of the perforated face and must be field adjustable accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
to allow the discharged air to enter the room in either
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
The diffusers shall be shipped from the factory set for a Optional damper shall be constructed of heavy gauge steel.
four-way star airflow pattern. The backpan of the diffuser Damper must be operable from the face of the diffuser by
shall be constructed with sheet metal screw locator dimples unlatching the diffuser face. The diffuser must be designed
to allow field adjustment from a four-way side blow to a such that complete removal of the face is not required
four-way corner blow airflow pattern. The diffuser shall during damper adjustment.
be capable of being field adjusted to change the airflow
pattern without a significant increase in pressure drop or The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
sound level, and shall also be adjustable for vertical airflow. for the perforated diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
The star deflector shall be one piece construction and must accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Note 2: Available on PSS-AA 24”x24” module size, border 3. AG-35B Opposed Blade, Rect. Duct
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
opening of the face for pattern controller adjustment or to
access an optional damper.
The finish shall be #26 white. The finish shall be an anodic
Availble Steel Model: acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The pencil
PCS-NT hardness must be HB to H. The paint must pass a 100-hour
ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray Test without
Perforated ceiling diffusers shall be Titus Model PCS-NT creepage, blistering, or deterioration of film. The paint
(steel). Diffusers shall be compatible with 24 x 24-inch must pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test.
modules for regressed narrow tee ceiling systems. Diffusers The paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
shall have a perforated face with 3/16-inch diameter holes on Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
¼-inch staggered centers and no less than 51 percent free
area. Optional damper shall be constructed of heavy gauge steel.
The backpan shall be heavy gauge steel of the sizes and Damper must be operable from the face of the diffuser by
mounting type shown on the plans and outlet schedule. The unlatching the diffuser face. The diffuser must be designed
diffuser neck shall have at least 1-inch depth for easy duct such that complete removal of the face is not required
connection. Individually adjustable curved deflectors shall during damper adjustment.
be mounted in the neck of the diffuser and must allow the
discharged air to enter the room in either vertical or one-, The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
two-, three- or four-way horizontal jets. The perforated face for the perforated diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
must be easily unlatchable from the backpan to facilitate accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
EG-T Equalizing Grid, Round
Model Finish EGL-T Equalizing Grid, Long
Curved Blade, 01 Aluminum EGS-T Equalizing Grid, Short
Narrow Tee Module Size 26 White EQT Earthquake Tabs
Neck Size 6, 8, 10, 12, Optional Damper Blow Pattern
14, 16, 6x6, (note) 1-Way 1
8x8, 10x10, Radial, Round Neck D-100 2-Way, Opposite 2
12x12, 15x15, Radial, Round Neck AG-100 2-Way Corner 2C
18x18 Opposed Blade, Round Neck D-75 3-Way 3
Opposed Blade, Round Neck AG-75 4-Way 4
Opposed Blade, Rect. Neck AG-95
Note: See damper model for size availability.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Perforated ceiling panels for return applications shall be The paint must pass a 100-hour ASTM B117 Corrosive
Titus Model PXP-NT (steel). Perforated face panels shall Environments Salt Spray Test without creepage, blistering,
have 3/16-inch diameter holes on ¼-inch staggered centers or deterioration of film. The paint must pass a 250-hour
and no less than 51 percent free area. ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test. The paint must also pass
the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact Cracking Test with a 50-
The return panels must match Titus supply models in inch pound force applied.
appearance and shall be provided in the sizes and mounting
type shown on the plans and outlet schedule. Return panels The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
shall be compatible with 24 x 24-inch modules for regressed for the perforated return panels. The panels shall be tested
narrow tee ceiling systems. in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Model Finish
Return Panel, 01 Aluminum
Narrow Tee 26 White
PXP-NT 24 x 24 XX XXX
Neck Size Accessories
Earthquake Tabs EQT
Perforated Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
MODULAR CORE - 1, 2, 3 OR • Perforated face provides the
4-WAY ADJUSTABLE - STEEL architectural advantage of
blending the diffuser into the
ceiling system and at the same
Available Supply Models: time offering the performance
PMC • Flush Face of the modular core diffuser for
PMC-DF • Drop Face variable air volume applications.
(Maintains a horizontal flow
Available Return Model: pattern from maximum to • Each of the modular core sections
PMR • Flush Face minimum cfm in VAV systems.) can easily be removed from the
frame and rotated to provide one-,
Products Include: two-, three-way or a vertical
• Perforated face discourages
• Standard Finish - #26 White. air pattern.
unwanted tampering with the air
pattern adjustment by providing
• Titus Model PMC perforated, a barrier in front of the modular • Shipped with the modular core set
modular core diffuser is extremely core. for a four-way discharge.
flexible; it can be adjusted for a
one-, two-, three- or four-way • Optional AG-95 damper is
• Perforated face has 3/16-inch
discharge pattern after it has accessible for adjustment by
diameter holes on ¼-inch
been installed. opening the perforated face and
staggered centers.
removing a core module.
Model PMR
Duct Size
Border Type 1C
(Curved Frame, Duct Size minus ⅛"
Surface Mount)
1⅝" ⅜"
1, 3, 1C Border Type 1C
Duct Sizes (inches) 2½" 2½"
6x6 12x12 6x6 12x12 20x20 3
3/16" /8"
8x8 14x14 8x8 14x14 22x22
Duct Size Duct Size
10x10 16x16 10x10 16x16 22x10 plus 7" plus 7"
screwdriver swing down
or other slim with the other
instrument side hinging.
to push latch
inward from
2. Repeat on
opposite side.
Each of the PMC modular core sections can easily be removed from the
frame and rotated to provide the required air pattern.
Slot Operator
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Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Velocity Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.075
Air Flow, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
Total Pressure 0.008 0.014 0.022 0.031 0.043 0.056 0.070 0.087 0.105
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 12 17 22 27 30 34 37
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 3-5-9 4-6-12 5-8-15 6-9-18 7-11-21 8-12-22 9-14-23 10-15-25 11-17-26
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-3-6 2-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-13 5-8-14 6-9-15 7-10-16 7-11-17
3 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-11 4-6-12 5-7-13 5-8-13 6-9-14
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-1-3 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 3-5-9
Air Flow, cfm 133 178 222 267 311 356 400 444 489
Total Pressure 0.011 0.020 0.031 0.044 0.060 0.079 0.100 0.123 0.149
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 17 22 27 32 35 39 42
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 4-6-12 5-8-16 7-10-20 8-12-24 9-14-27 11-16-29 12-18-31 13-20-33 15-22-34
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-8 3-5-11 4-7-13 5-8-16 6-9-18 7-11-19 8-12-20 9-13-21 10-15-22
3 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-14 6-8-16 6-9-17 7-10-18 8-11-19
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-5-11 4-6-12 4-7-13
Air Flow, cfm 208 278 347 417 486 556 625 694 764
Total Pressure 0.015 0.027 0.042 0.061 0.083 0.109 0.137 0.170 0.205
NC (Noise Criteria) - 14 21 26 31 36 39 43 46
10 x 10
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 5-8-15 7-10-20 8-13-25 10-15-30 12-18-34 13-20-37 15-23-39 17-25-41 18-28-43
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-10 4-7-13 6-8-17 7-10-20 8-12-22 9-13-24 10-15-25 11-17-27 12-18-28
3 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-13 5-8-16 6-9-18 7-10-20 8-12-21 9-13-22 9-14-23
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 1-2-5 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-11 4-6-12 5-7-14 5-8-15 6-8-16
Air Flow, cfm 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Total Pressure 0.020 0.036 0.057 0.082 0.111 0.145 0.184 0.227 0.274
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 24 30 35 39 43 46 49
12 x 12
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 6-9-18 8-12-24 10-15-30 12-18-36 14-21-41 16-24-44 18-27-47 20-30-49 22-33-52
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 3-6-12 5-8-16 7-10-20 8-12-24 9-14-27 11-16-29 12-18-30 13-20-32 15-22-34
3 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-5-9 4-6-12 5-8-16 6-9-19 7-11-22 8-12-24 9-14-25 10-16-27 11-17-28
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-3-5 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-5-11 4-6-13 5-7-14 5-8-16 6-9-18 7-10-19
Air Flow, cfm 469 625 781 938 1094 1250 1406 1563 1719
Total Pressure 0.030 0.053 0.083 0.119 0.162 0.212 0.268 0.331 0.401
NC (Noise Criteria) 12 21 28 34 39 43 47 50 53
16 x 16
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 8-11-23 10-15-30 13-19-38 15-23-45 18-26-51 20-30-55 23-34-58 25-38-61 28-41-64
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 4-8-15 6-10-20 8-13-25 10-15-30 12-18-33 13-20-36 15-23-38 17-25-40 18-28-42
3 Way - Horizontal Throw 3-6-12 5-8-16 6-10-19 8-12-23 9-14-27 10-16-30 12-17-32 13-19-34 14-21-35
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-3-7 3-5-9 4-6-11 5-7-14 5-8-16 6-9-18 7-10-20 8-11-22 8-12-23
Air Flow, cfm 675 900 1125 1350 1575 1800 2025 2250 2475
Total Pressure 0.041 0.073 0.115 0.165 0.225 0.294 0.372 0.459 0.556
NC (Noise Criteria) 15 24 31 37 42 46 50 53 56
18 x 18
1 Way - Horizontal Throw 9-14-27 12-18-36 15-23-45 18-27-54 21-32-62 24-36-66 27-41-70 30-45-74 33-50-77
2 Way - Horizontal Throw 4-9-18 7-12-24 10-15-30 12-18-36 14-21-40 16-24-43 18-27-46 20-30-48 22-33-50
3 Way - Horizontal Throw 4-7-14 6-9-19 8-12-23 9-14-28 11-16-33 12-19-36 14-21-38 16-23-40 17-26-42
4 Way - Horizontal Throw 2-4-8 4-5-11 5-7-14 5-8-16 6-9-19 7-11-22 8-12-24 9-14-27 10-15-28
• Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance • Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve
with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual that will not be exceeded by the sound pressure
performance, with flexible duct inlet, may vary in in any of the octave bands, 2nd through 7th, with
the field. See the Engineering Guidelines section a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
of this catalog for additional information. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
• Throw values are given for terminal velocities • All pressures are given in inches of water.
of 150, 100 and 50 fpm and for isothermal • To obtain static pressure, subtract the velocity
conditions.See the section, Engineering Guidelines, pressure from the total pressure.
for an explanation of catalog throw data.
• NC values based on octave band 2 to 7 sound
power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
PERFORATED CEILING DIFFUSERS in the field for one-, two-, three- or four-way discharge.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
depth for easy duct connection.
for the perforated diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
The diffuser core (supply models) shall consist of fixed
louver directional modules, which can be easily repositioned
Border Accessories
Model 1 Surface Mount Equalizing Grid, Long EGL
PMC Flush Face 1C Surface Mount, Curved Frame Equalizing Grid, Short EGS
PMC-DF Drop Face 3 Lay-In 24x24 Module Earthquake Tabs EQT
Model Equalizing Grid, Long EGL
Square Ceiling Diffusers Diffusers
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HIGH PERFORMANCE • All sizes have three cones, giving
a uniform appearance where
Available Models: different neck sizes are used in the
TMS • Steel same area.
TMS-AA • Aluminum
• Screwdriver adjustment of the
Products Include:
optional damper is achieved • Optional factory-installed R-6 foil-
• Standard Finish - #26 White.
without removing the inner cone. backed insulation available for 24
(See Step 2 in Adjusting Optional x 24-inch full face models, neck
• Titus Models TMS and TMS-AA Damper, Removing Center Core sizes 6-15, borders 1, 2, 3 and 4.
square ceiling diffusers deliver diagram on the following page.)
supply air in a true 360° pattern. • Optional SB sectorizing baffle
Designed to protect ceilings from • Quick removal of the inner cone is available. Consult your Titus
streaking and smudging. with a hex key. (See Step 3 representative for details.
in Adjusting Optional Damper,
• Excellent performance in variable Removing Center Core diagram on • Material: all sizes are available in
air volume systems. The uniform, the following page.) steel (Model TMS). Only the 24 x
nearly horizontal jet from the 24-inch ceiling module is available
outer cone maintains effective • All cones are die-stamped, one in aluminum with steel bar
room air distribution even when piece construction. Smooth, clean (Model TMS-AA).
the air volume varies over a surfaces with no corner joints.
considerable range.
Frame Type 3
1. Aluminum construction is Panel Mounted Ceiling Module A
available in full face 24” x 24” (Lay-In)
Nominal Round
Duct Size B
ceiling module only. Steel B minus ⅛"
construction is available in C
all sizes.
2. Adapter is provided for sizes 4
and 5.
3. The smallest neck size available Ceiling Module A minus ¼"
in aluminum is 6 inches. (note 1)
1. Remove center plug. 2. Insert screwdriver through 3. Insert hex key (by others)
hex hole to adjust optional damper. and unscrew center hub to
remove center cone.
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Neck Velocity 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Velocity Pressure 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.062 0.090 0.122 0.160
Airflow, cfm 35 44 52 61 70 87 105 122 140
4" Total Pressure 0.012 0.018 0.026 0.035 0.046 0.072 0.104 0.141 0.184
DIa. NC (Noise Criteria) - - - - 12 20 26 31 36
Throw feet 1-1-3 1-2-4 1-2-4 2-3-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-7 3-5-8 4-6-8
Airflow, cfm 55 68 82 95 109 136 164 191 218
5" Total Pressure 0.015 0.023 0.033 0.044 0.058 0.091 0.131 0.178 0.232
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) - - - - 15 23 29 34 39
Throw feet 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-3-7 2-4-7 3-5-8 4-6-9 4-7-10 5-7-10
12" x 12" Airflow, cfm 79 98 118 137 157 196 236 275 314
6" Total Pressure 0.018 0.028 0.041 0.056 0.073 0.114 0.164 0.223 0.291
DIa. NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 13 18 25 32 37 42
Size Throw feet 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-10 5-7-11 5-8-12 6-9-13
Airflow, cfm 107 134 160 187 214 267 321 374 428
7" Total Pressure 0.020 0.031 0.045 0.062 0.081 0.126 0.181 0.247 0.322
DIa. NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 15 20 28 34 39 44
Throw feet 2-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-10 4-7-12 5-8-13 6-9-14 7-10-15
Airflow, cfm 140 175 209 244 279 349 419 489 559
8" Total Pressure 0.022 0.035 0.050 0.069 0.090 0.140 0.202 0.275 0.359
DIa. NC (Noise Criteria) - - 12 17 22 29 36 41 46
Throw feet 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-11 4-6-12 5-8-13 6-9-14 7-11-16 8-12-17
Airflow, cfm 79 98 118 137 157 196 236 275
6" Total Pressure 0.016 0.025 0.035 0.048 0.063 0.099 0.142 0.193
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 14 18 24 30 34
Throw feet 1-1-4 1-2-4 2-3-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-9 4-5-10 4-6-12
Airflow, cfm 140 175 209 244 279 349 419 489
20" x 20"
8" Total Pressure 0.017 0.027 0.038 0.057 0.067 0.105 0.152 0.207
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 13 19 23 29 34
Throw feet 2-4-5 2-4-6 3-4-8 4-6-9 5-7-12 5-8-13 5-9-15 5-10-17
Airflow, cfm 218 273 327 382 436 545 654 764
Total Pressure 0.020 0.032 0.045 0.062 0.081 0.126 0.180 0.240
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 17 20 24 31 36 41
Dia. Throw feet 2-5-7 3-6-10 4-7-11 4-8-14 5-9-15 6-9-18 7-11-19 8-12-21
Airflow, cfm 79 98 118 137 157 196 236 275 314
6" Total Pressure 0.016 0.025 0.035 0.048 0.063 0.099 0.142 0.193 0.252
DIa. NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 12 16 22 28 32 36
Throw feet 1-2-4 1-2-4 2-3-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-9 4-5-11 4-6-12 5-7-13
Airflow, cfm 140 175 209 244 279 349 419 489 559
8" Total Pressure 0.016 0.025 0.036 0.049 0.064 0.101 0.145 0.197 0.257
DIa. NC (Noise Criteria) - - 11 15 19 26 31 36 40
Throw feet 2-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-11 4-7-13 5-8-14 6-9-16 7-11-17
Airflow, cfm 218 273 327 382 436 545 654 764 873
10" Total Pressure 0.017 0.026 0.037 0.051 0.066 0.103 0.149 0.202 0.264
DIa. NC (Noise Criteria) - - 14 18 22 29 34 39 43
24" x 24"
Throw feet 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-5-11 4-6-13 5-7-14 6-9-17 7-11-18 8-13-20 10-14-21
Airflow, cfm 314 393 471 550 628 785 942 1100 1257
Size 12" Total Pressure 0.017 0.027 0.038 0.052 0.068 0.106 0.153 0.208 0.272
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) - 11 16 21 24 31 36 41 45
Throw feet 3-5-9 4-6-11 5-7-14 5-8-16 6-9-18 8-11-20 9-14-22 11-16-23 12-18-25
Airflow, cfm 428 535 641 748 855 1069 1283 1497 1710
14" Total Pressure 0.018 0.028 0.040 0.054 0.071 0.110 0.159 0.216 0.282
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) - 13 18 22 26 33 38 43 47
Throw feet 4-5-11 5-7-14 5-8-16 6-10-19 7-11-21 9-14-23 11-16-25 13-19-27 14-21-29
Airflow, cfm 491 614 736 859 982 1227 1473 1718 1963
15" Total Pressure 0.018 0.028 0.040 0.055 0.072 0.112 0.162 0.220 0.287
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) - 13 19 23 27 34 39 44 48
Throw feet 4-6-12 5-7-15 6-9-18 7-10-21 8-12-22 10-15-25 12-18-27 14-21-29 16-22-31
• Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance • NC values based on octave band 2 to 7 sound
with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
performance, with flexible duct inlet, may vary in • Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve
the field. See the Engineering Guidelines section which will not be exceeded by the sound pressure
of this catalog for additional information. in any of the octave bands, 2nd through 7th, with
• If the diffuser is mounted on an exposed duct, the a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
throw values are 70% of those listed in the table. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
• Throw values given are for terminal velocities • All pressures are given in inches of water.
of 150, 100 and 50 fpm and for isothermal • To obtain static pressure, subtract the velocity
conditions. See the section, Engineering Guidelines, pressure from the total pressure.
for an explanation of catalog throw data.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
The finish shall be #26 white. The finish shall be an anodic
ROUND NECK acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The pencil
hardness must be HB to H. The paint must pass a 100-hour
Available Models: ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray Test without
TMS • Steel creepage, blistering or deterioration of film. The paint must
TMS-AA • Aluminum
pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test. The
Square ceiling diffusers shall be Titus Model TMS (steel) or paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
TMS-AA (aluminum with steel support bar) of the sizes and Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
mounting types shown on the plans and outlet schedule. Optional round damper shall be constructed of heavy
The TMS and TMS-AA models shall have three cones, which gauge steel. Damper must be operable from the face of the
give a uniform face size and appearance when different neck diffuser. Optional sectorizing baffles shall be available
sizes are used in the same area. All cones shall be one piece to restrict the discharge air in certain directions.
precision die-stamped; the back cone shall also include an
integrally drawn inlet (welded-in inlets and corner joints are Optional molded insulation blanket shall be available. The
not acceptable). The two inner cones shall be constructed as insulation will be R-6, foil-backed and provided an additional
a single, removable inner cone assembly for easy installation 1-inch gap around the neck to install insulated flex duct.
and cleaning. The inner cone assembly must have a hole
with removable plug in the center to allow quick adjustment The manufacturer shall provide published performance
of an optional inlet damper without removing the inner cone data for the square diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
assembly. Diffusers shall be constructed of 24-gauge steel accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
(TMS) or 0.040 aluminum (TMS-AA).
TO VERTICAL DISCHARGE optional damper is achieved
PATTERN - ADJUSTABLE without removing the inner cone.
(See Step 2 in Adjusting Optional
Available Models: Damper, Removing Center Cone
TMSA • Steel diagram in this section.)
TMSA-AA • Aluminum
Products Include: • Quick removal of the inner cone • Material: all sizes are available in
• Standard Finish - #26 White. with a hex key. (See Step 3 steel (Model TMSA). Only the 24
in Adjusting Optional Damper, x 24-inch ceiling module size is
• Titus Models TMSA and TMSA-AA Removing Center Cone diagram in available in aluminum with steel
diffusers include adjustable vanes this section.) support bar (Model TMSA-AA).
which vary the discharge pattern
between vertical and horizontal. • All cones are die-stamped, one • Delivers supply air in 360° pattern.
piece construction. Smooth, Designed to help protect ceilings
• All sizes have three cones, giving clean surfaces. from streaking and smudging.
a uniform appearance where
different neck sizes are used in the • Optional SB (sectorizing baffle)
same area. is available. Consult your Titus
representative for details.
Frame Type 3
1. Aluminum construction is Panel Mounted Ceiling Module A
available in full face 24” x 24” (Lay-In) Nominal Round
ceiling module only. Steel Duct Size B
B minus ⅛"
construction is available in Pattern Controller Vane
all sizes. C
2. Adapter is provided for sizes 4
and 5.
3. The smallest neck size available F
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Neck Velocity 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Velocity Pressure 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.062 0.090 0.122 0.160
Airflow, cfm 35 44 52 61 70 87 105 122 140
Total Pressure Horizontal 0.012 0.018 0.026 0.036 0.046 0.072 0.104 0.142 0.185
Vertical 0.013 0.021 0.030 0.041 0.053 0.083 0.120 0.164 0.214
Throw feet Horizontal 1-1-2 1-2-3 1-2-4 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-8 3-5-8
Vertical 1-1-2 1-1-2 1-1-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 2-3-4 2-3-4 2-3-4
NC (Noise Criteria) Horizontal - - - - 13 20 25 30 34
Vertical - - - - - 16 21 26 30
Airflow, cfm 55 68 82 95 109 136 164 191 218
Total Pressure Horizontal 0.018 0.028 0.041 0.056 0.073 0.114 0.164 0.223 0.291
Vertical 0.022 0.034 0.049 0.066 0.086 0.135 0.194 0.265 0.346
Throw feet Horizontal 1-2-3 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-5 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-10 4-6-10
Vertical 1-1-2 1-1-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-4 2-3-4 2-3-5 3-3-5 3-4-5
NC (Noise Criteria) Horizontal - - - 14 18 25 31 36 40
Vertical - - - 12 15 22 27 32 36
Airflow, cfm 78 98 118 137 157 196 235 274 314
Total Pressure Horizontal 0.026 0.041 0.059 0.080 0.105 0.164 0.236 0.321 0.419
12" x 12" Vertical 0.032 0.049 0.071 0.097 0.126 0.198 0.284 0.387 0.506
Module Throw feet Horizontal 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-3-7 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-6-11 4-7-12 5-7-13
Size Vertical 1-1-3 1-2-3 1-2-4 2-2-4 2-3-4 2-3-5 3-4-5 3-4-6 4-4-6
NC (Noise Criteria) Horizontal - - 14 19 23 30 36 40 45
Vertical - - 12 17 21 27 32 37 41
Airflow, cfm 107 134 160 187 214 267 320 374 427
Total Pressure Horizontal 0.036 0.056 0.080 0.110 0.143 0.223 0.322 0.438 0.572
Vertical 0.044 0.068 0.098 0.133 0.174 0.272 0.392 0.533 0.696
Throw feet Horizontal 1-2-4 2-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-4-9 4-5-11 4-7-13 5-8-14 6-9-15
Vertical 1-2-3 1-2-4 2-2-4 2-3-5 2-3-5 3-4-6 3-4-6 4-5-7 4-5-7
NC (Noise Criteria) Horizontal - 12 18 23 27 34 40 44 49
Vertical - - 16 21 25 31 37 41 45
Airflow, cfm 140 175 209 244 279 349 419 489 558
Total Pressure Horizontal 0.047 0.073 0.105 0.143 0.187 0.292 0.421 0.573 0.748
Vertical 0.057 0.090 0.129 0.175 0.229 0.358 0.516 0.702 0.917
Throw feet Horizontal 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-9 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-14 6-9-16 7-10-17
Vertical 1-2-4 1-2-4 2-3-5 2-3-6 2-4-6 3-4-7 4-5-7 4-6-8 5-6-8
NC (Noise Criteria) Horizontal - 16 22 26 31 37 43 48 52
Vertical - 15 20 25 29 35 41 45 49
• Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance • NC values are based on octave band 2 to 7 sound
with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
performance, with flexible duct inlet, may vary in • Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve
the field. See the Engineering Guidelines section that will not be exceeded by the sound pressure
of this catalog for additional information. in any of the octave bands, 2 through 7, with
• If the diffuser is mounted on an exposed duct, the a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
throw values are 70% of those listed in the table. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
• Throw values given are for terminal velocities • All pressures are given in inches of water.
of 150, 100 and 50 fpm and for isothermal • To obtain static pressure, subtract the velocity
conditions. See the section, Engineering Guidelines pressure from the total pressure.
for the catalog throw data information.
• Horizontal throw is along a surface.
• Vertical throw is a free jet.
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Neck Velocity 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Velocity Pressure 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.062 0.090 0.122 0.160
Airflow, cfm 78 98 118 137 157 196 235 274 314
Total Pressure Horizontal 0.018 0.028 0.040 0.055 0.072 0.112 0.162 0.220 0.287
Vertical 0.019 0.030 0.043 0.058 0.076 0.118 0.171 0.232 0.303
Throw feet Horizontal 2-3-5 2-3-6 3-4-7 3-5-8 3-6-8 4-7-9 4-7-10 4-7-11 5-8-12
Vertical 0-1-1 1-1-2 1-1-2 1-1-2 1-1-3 1-1-4 1-2-4 1-2-4 1-2-5
NC (Noise Criteria) Horizontal - - - 14 18 25 30 35 39
Vertical - - 13 17 24 29 34 38
Airflow, cfm 140 175 209 244 279 349 419 489 558
Total Pressure Horizontal 0.018 0.028 0.041 0.056 0.073 0.114 0.164 0.223 0.291
Vertical 0.022 0.034 0.049 0.067 0.088 0.137 0.197 0.269 0.351
Throw feet Horizontal 2 - 3 - 5 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 3-5-10 4-6-11 5-8-12 6-9-13 7-10-14
Vertical 0 - 1 - 1 1-1-2 1-1-2 1-1-2 1-1-3 1-2-4 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-6
NC (Noise Criteria) Horizontal - - 12 17 21 28 33 38 42
Vertical - - 12 16 20 27 32 37 41
Airflow, cfm 218 273 327 382 436 545 654 763 872
Total Pressure Horizontal 0.018 0.029 0.041 0.056 0.073 0.114 0.164 0.224 0.292
Vertical 0.030 0.047 0.068 0.092 0.120 0.188 0.271 0.369 0.482
Throw feet Horizontal 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 4-6-13 5-8-14 6-10-15 8-11-17 9-13-18
Vertical 1-1-2 1-1-2 1-1-3 1-2-3 1-2-4 1-2-4 2-3-5 2-3-6 2-4-7
NC (Noise Criteria) Horizontal - - 15 20 24 31 37 41 45
24" x 24"
Vertical - 12 18 22 26 33 38 43 47
Airflow, cfm 314 393 471 550 628 785 942 1099 1256
Total Pressure Horizontal 0.018 0.029 0.041 0.056 0.073 0.114 0.165 0.224 0.293
Vertical 0.040 0.063 0.090 0.123 0.161 0.251 0.361 0.492 0.642
Throw feet Horizontal 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-14 5-8-15 6-10-17 8-12-18 9-14-20 10-15-21
Vertical 1-1-2 1-1-3 1-2-3 1-2-4 1-2-4 2-3-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-9
NC (Noise Criteria) Horizontal - 12 18 23 27 34 39 44 48
Vertical - 17 23 27 31 38 43 48 52
Airflow, cfm 428 535 641 748 855 1069 1283 1497 1710
Total Pressure Horizontal 0.029 0.045 0.065 0.089 0.116 0.181 0.261 0.355 0.464
Vertical 0.044 0.068 0.098 0.134 0.175 0.273 0.393 0.535 0.699
Throw feet Horizontal 5-8-15 6-10-19 8-11-21 9-13-22 10-15-24 13-19-27 15-21-29 18-22-31 19-24-34
Vertical 2-5-7 3-6-8 5-6-9 6-7-10 6-7-10 7-8-12 7-9-13 8-10-14 8-10-15
NC (Noise Criteria) Horizontal - - 12 18 23 32 39 45 50
Vertical 12 18 23 28 32 38 43 48 51
Airflow, cfm 491 614 736 859 982 1227 1472 1718 1963
Total Pressure Horizontal 0.031 0.048 0.069 0.094 0.123 0.192 0.277 0.377 0.492
Vertical 0.041 0.064 0.092 0.125 0.164 0.256 0.369 0.502 0.655
Throw feet Horizontal 5-8-16 7-10-20 8-12-22 10-14-24 11-16-25 14-20-28 16-22-31 19-24-34 21-25-36
Vertical 2-5-8 4-6-9 5-7-10 6-7-10 6-8-11 7-9-12 8-10-14 8-10-15 9-11-16
• Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual • All pressures are given in inches of water.
performance, with flexible duct inlet, may vary in • Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve
the field. See the Engineering Guidelines section that will not be exceeded by the sound pressure
of this catalog for additional information. in any of the octave bands, 2 through 7, with
• If the diffuser is mounted on an exposed duct, the a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
throw values are 70% of those listed in the table. • To obtain static pressure, subtract the velocity
• Throw values given are for terminal velocities pressure from the total pressure.
of 150, 100 and 50 fpm and for isothermal • Horizontal throw is along a surface.
conditions. See the section, Engineering Guidelines
• Vertical throw is a free jet.
for the catalog throw data information.
• NC values based on octave band 2 to 7 sound
power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
SQUARE CEILING DIFFUSERS change the airflow discharge from fully horizontal to fully
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
vertical. The inner cone assembly must also have a hole
with removable plug in the center to allow quick adjustment
ROUND NECK, HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL of an optional inlet damper without removing the inner cone
ADJUSTABLE DISCHARGE PATTERN assembly. Diffusers shall be constructed of 24-gauge steel
(TMSA) or 0.040 aluminum (TMSA-AA).
Available Models: The finish shall be #26 white. The finish shall be an anodic
TMSA • Steel acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The pencil
TMSA-AA • Aluminum hardness must be HB to H. The paint must pass a 100-hour
ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray Test without
Square ceiling diffusers shall be Titus Model TMSA (steel, creepage, blistering or deterioration of film. The paint must
adjustable) or TMSA-AA (aluminum with steel support bar, pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test. The
adjustable) of the sizes and mounting types shown on the paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
plans and outlet schedule. The TMSA and TMSA-AA models Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
shall have three cones, which give a uniform face size and
appearance when different neck sizes are used in the same Optional round damper shall be constructed of heavy
area. All cones shall be one piece precision die-stamped; gauge steel. Damper must be operable from the face of the
the back cone shall also include an integrally drawn inlet diffuser.
(welded-in inlets and corner joints are not acceptable). The
two inner cones shall be constructed as a single, removable The manufacturer shall provide published performance
inner cone assembly for easy installation and cleaning. data for the square diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
The inner cone assembly shall include adjustable vanes to accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Equalizing Grid, Round EG
(1) 90 Sectorizing Baffle 1SB
Model Module Size Finish (2) 90 Sectorizing Baffle 2SB
Full Face, 12x12 (note 1) 01 Aluminum (3) 90 Sectorizing Baffle 3SB
Adjustable 24x24 (note 2) 26 White Earthquake Tabs EQT
Neck Size 4, 5, 6, 7, Border Optional Damper (note 3)
8, 10, 12, Surface Mount 1 D-100 Radial, Round Neck
14, 15 Snap-In 2 AG-100 Radial, Round Neck
Lay-In 3 D-75 Opposed Blade, Round Neck
Spline 4 AG-75 Opposed Blade, Round Neck
Note 1: Available in neck sizes 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 only. AG-85 Butterfly
Note 2: Available in neck sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, & 15 only. AG-65 Combination
Note 3: See damper model for size availability.
Equalizing Grid, Round EG
(1) 90 Sectorizing Baffle 1SB
Square Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
4-WAY - ADJUSTABLE • Maintains a horizontal flow pattern
from maximum to minimum cfm,
Available Models: making the MCD an excellent
MCD • Steel choice for variable air volume
MCD-AA • Aluminum systems.
Products Include:
• Optional AG-95 opposed • New core design results in a
• Standard Finish - #26 White.
blade damper is accessible for higher quality overall assembly,
adjustment from the diffuser face and easier changes to modular
• Titus Model MCD modular core by removing a core module. core placement.
diffuser is extremely flexible; it
can be adjusted for a one-, two-, • MCD is shipped with the modular • Now available with round neck for
three-, or four-way pattern after it core set for four-way discharge. flex duct applications.
has been installed. • Material is heavy gauge steel
(MCD) or aluminum with
miscellaneous steel parts
Border Type 1
(Surface Mount) Ceiling Opening = Duct Size plus 3½"
Duct Size
Duct Size plus 5 9/16"
Note: Two-way opposite pattern shown.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Border Types Border Types
1, 6 3, 4
Duct Sizes (inches)
Module Size
6x6 14x14 22x22 6x6 14x14
8x8 16x16 24x24 8x8 16x16
24 x 24
10x10 18x18 10x10 18x18
12x12 20x20 12x12
Border Type 3
Available Minimum Available Round
Module Size A Duct Size Duct Size
6x6 6
24 x 24
12x12 6, 8, 10, 12
minus ⅛"
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Velocity Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.075
Airflow, cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
Total Pressure 0.011 0.019 0.030 0.043 0.059 0.077 0.097 0.120 0.145
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 11 15 19 22 25 28
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 8-11-16 10-13-18 12-15-21 13-16-23 14-17-24 15-18-26 16-20-28 17-21-29 18-22-30
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 6-9-12 8-10-14 9-11-16 10-12-17 11-13-19 12-14-20 12-15-21 13-16-22 14-17-23
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 5-8-12 7-10-13 9-11-15 10-12-16 10-13-18 11-13-19 12-14-20 12-15-21 13-16-22
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 4-5-8 5-6-9 6-7-10 6-8-11 7-8-12 7-9-13 8-9-13 8-10-14 9-10-15
Airflow, cfm 133 178 222 267 311 356 400 444 489
Total Pressure 0.013 0.023 0.036 0.053 0.071 0.093 0.118 0.146 0.177
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 12 17 21 25 28 31 33
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 10-15-21 14-17-25 16-19-27 17-21-30 19-23-32 20-25-35 21-26-37 22-27-39 23-29-41
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 8-12-16 11-13-19 12-15-21 13-16-23 14-18-25 15-19-27 16-20-28 17-21-30 18-22-31
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 7-11-16 10-13-18 12-14-20 13-16-22 14-17-24 15-18-25 16-19-27 16-20-28 17-21-30
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 5-7-10 6-8-12 8-9-13 8-10-15 9-11-16 10-12-17 10-13-18 11-13-19 11-14-20
Airflow, cfm 208 278 347 417 486 556 625 694 764
Total Pressure 0.016 0.029 0.045 0.065 0.088 0.115 0.145 0.179 0.217
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 17 21 26 29 32 35 38
10 x 10
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 13-19-27 17-22-31 20-24-34 22-27-38 23-29-41 25-31-43 27-33-46 28-34-48 29-36-51
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 10-14-20 13-17-24 15-19-26 17-20-29 18-22-31 19-24-33 20-25-35 22-26-37 23-28-39
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 9-14-19 12-16-22 14-18-25 16-19-27 17-21-30 18-22-32 19-24-34 20-25-35 21-26-37
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 6-9-13 8-11-15 10-12-17 11-13-18 11-14-20 12-15-21 13-16-22 14-17-23 14-17-25
Airflow, cfm 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Total Pressure 0.020 0.035 0.055 0.079 0.108 0.141 0.178 0.220 0.266
NC (Noise Criteria) - 14 20 25 29 33 36 39 41
12 x 12
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 16-23-32 21-26-37 24-29-41 26-32-45 28-34-49 30-37-52 32-39-55 34-41-58 35-43-61
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 12-17-24 16-20-28 18-22-32 20-24-35 22-26-37 23-28-40 24-30-42 26-32-45 27-33-47
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 11-16-23 14-19-27 17-21-30 19-23-33 21-25-36 22-27-38 23-29-40 25-30-42 26-32-45
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 7-11-15 10-13-18 12-14-20 13-15-22 14-17-24 15-18-25 15-19-27 16-20-28 17-21-30
Airflow, cfm 408 544 681 817 953 1089 1225 1361 1497
Total Pressure 0.024 0.043 0.067 0.097 0.132 0.172 0.217 0.268 0.325
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 23 28 32 36 39 42 44
14 X 14
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 18-26-37 24-30-43 28-34-48 30-37-53 33-40-57 35-43-61 37-46-64 39-48-68 41-50-71
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 14-20-29 19-23-33 21-26-37 23-29-40 25-31-44 27-33-47 29-35-49 30-37-52 32-39-55
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 13-19-27 17-22-31 20-25-35 22-27-38 24-29-41 26-31-44 27-33-47 29-35-50 30-37-52
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 8-13-18 11-15-21 13-16-23 15-18-25 16-19-28 17-21-29 18-22-31 19-23-33 20-24-34
Airflow, cfm 533 711 889 1067 1244 1422 1600 1778 1956
Total Pressure 0.029 0.052 0.081 0.117 0.159 0.207 0.263 0.324 0.392
NC (Noise Criteria) 12 20 26 31 35 39 42 45 47
16 X 16
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 21-30-42 28-35-49 32-39-55 35-42-60 37-46-65 40-49-69 42-52-74 45-55-78 47-57-81
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 16-23-33 21-27-38 24-30-42 27-33-46 29-35-50 31-38-53 33-40-57 34-42-60 36-44-63
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 14-22-31 19-25-36 23-28-40 25-31-44 27-34-47 29-36-51 31-38-54 33-40-57 34-42-59
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 10-14-21 13-17-24 15-19-27 17-21-29 18-22-31 19-24-34 21-25-36 22-27-38 23-28-39
Airflow, cfm 675 900 1125 1350 1575 1800 2025 2250 2475
Total Pressure 0.035 0.062 0.097 0.139 0.190 0.248 0.314 0.387 0.469
NC (Noise Criteria) 15 22 28 33 37 41 44 47 49
18 X18
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 28-34-48 32-39-55 36-44-62 39-48-68 42-52-73 45-55-78 48-59-83 50-62-87 53-65-91
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 21-26-37 24-30-42 27-34-47 30-37-52 32-40-56 35-42-60 37-45-64 39-47-67 41-50-70
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 20-25-35 23-29-40 26-32-45 29-35-49 31-38-53 33-40-57 35-43-60 37-45-64 39-47-67
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 13-16-23 15-19-27 17-21-30 19-23-33 20-25-35 22-27-38 23-28-40 24-30-42 26-31-44
Airflow, cfm 833 1111 1389 1667 1944 2222 2500 2778 3056
Total Pressure 0.041 0.073 0.114 0.165 0.224 0.293 0.371 0.458 0.554
NC (Noise Criteria) 17 24 30 35 39 43 46 49 52
20 X 20
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 31-38-53 35-43-61 40-48-69 43-53-75 47-57-81 50-61-87 53-65-92 56-69-97 59-72-102
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 24-29-41 27-33-47 30-37-53 33-41-58 36-44-62 38-47-67 41-50-71 43-53-75 45-55-78
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 22-27-39 26-32-45 29-35-50 32-39-55 34-42-59 37-45-63 39-48-67 41-50-71 43-53-74
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 15-18-26 17-21-30 19-23-33 21-26-36 23-28-39 24-30-42 26-32-45 27-33-47 28-35-49
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Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Velocity Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.075
Airflow, cfm 1008 1344 1681 2017 2353 2689 3025 3361 3697
Total Pressure 0.048 0.086 0.134 0.193 0.263 0.343 0.434 0.536 0.648
NC (Noise Criteria) 19 26 32 37 41 45 48 51 53
22 X 22
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 34-41-58 39-48-67 44-53-75 48-58-83 51-63-89 55-67-95 58-72-101 62-75-107 65-79-112
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 26-32-45 30-37-52 33-41-58 37-45-64 40-49-69 42-52-73 45-55-78 47-58-82 50-61-86
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 25-30-43 28-35-49 32-39-55 35-43-60 38-46-65 40-49-70 43-52-74 45-55-78 47-58-82
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 16-20-28 19-23-33 21-26-37 23-28-40 25-31-43 27-33-46 28-35-49 30-37-52 31-38-54
Airflow, cfm 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400
Total Pressure 0.056 0.099 0.155 0.224 0.304 0.398 0.503 0.621 0.752
NC (Noise Criteria) 20 28 34 39 43 47 50 53 55
24 X 24
1-Way - Horizontal Throw 37-45-64 42-52-74 47-58-82 52-64-90 56-69-97 60-74-104 64-78-110 67-82-116 70-86-122
2-Way - Horizontal Throw 28-35-49 33-40-57 37-45-63 40-49-69 43-53-75 46-57-80 49-60-85 52-63-89 54-66-94
3-Way - Horizontal Throw 27-33-47 31-38-54 35-42-60 38-47-66 41-50-71 44-54-76 47-57-81 49-60-85 51-63-89
4-Way - Horizontal Throw 18-22-31 21-25-36 23-28-40 25-31-44 27-33-47 29-36-50 31-38-53 33-40-56 34-42-59
Air Flow, cfm 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Total Pressure 0.016 0.029 0.046 0.066 0.089 0.117 0.148 0.182 0.221
6" Round
NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 19 23 26 28 30 33 34
in 6x6
1-way Throw 3-5-10 5-7-14 6-9-15 7-10-17 8-12-18 9-14-20 10-15-21 12-15-22 13-16-23
2-way Throw 3-5-10 4-7-11 6-8-12 7-10-14 8-10-15 9-11-16 10-12-17 10-12-18 11-13-18
3-way Throw 2-3-7 3-5-9 4-6-11 5-7-12 5-8-13 6-9-14 7-10-14 8-11-15 9-11-16
4-way Throw 1-2-4 1-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 3-5-10 4-6-10 4-7-11 5-7-11
Air Flow, cfm 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Total Pressure 0.007 0.012 0.019 0.027 0.037 0.048 0.061 0.075 0.091
6" Round
NC (Noise Criteria) 15 22 26 30 33 36 39 41 43
in 12x12
1-way Throw 1-3-9 3-6-12 4-7-13 6-9-15 7-10-16 8-12-17 9-13-18 10-13-19 11-14-20
2-way Throw 1-2-7 2-4-9 3-6-10 4-7-11 5-8-12 6-9-13 7-10-14 8-10-14 8-11-15
3-way Throw 1-2-6 2-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-10 5-7-11 5-8-12 6-9-12 7-9-13 7-10-14
4-way Throw 1-2-4 1-2-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-8 3-5-8 4-5-9 4-6-9 4-7-9
Air Flow, cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 314 349 384
Total Pressure 0.008 0.014 0.022 0.032 0.043 0.056 0.071 0.088 0.106
8" Round
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 15 19 22 25 27 29 31
in 12x12
1-way Throw 3-6-13 5-9-17 7-11-19 9-13-21 10-15-23 12-17-24 13-18-26 15-19-27 16-20-28
2-way Throw 3-6-12 5-8-15 7-10-17 8-12-18 9-14-20 10-15-21 12-16-22 13-17-24 14-18-25
3-way Throw 2-5-9 4-6-12 5-8-15 6-9-17 7-11-18 8-12-19 9-14-20 10-15-22 11-16-23
4-way Throw 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-6-10 5-7-11 5-8-12 6-9-12 7-9-13 8-10-14 8-10-15
Air Flow, cfm 164 218 273 327 382 436 491 545 600
10" Total Pressure 0.010 0.019 0.029 0.042 0.057 0.074 0.094 0.116 0.140
Round NC (Noise Criteria) - - 14 18 22 25 28 31 33
in 12x12 1-way Throw 5-10-18 8-13-20 11-16-23 13-18-25 15-19-27 17-20-29 18-22-31 19-23-32 19-24-34
Square 2-way Throw 3-7-15 5-10-18 8-12-20 10-15-22 11-17-24 13-18-26 15-19-27 16-20-29 17-21-30
Neck 3-way Throw 2-4-10 4-7-13 6-8-15 7-10-16 8-12-18 9-13-19 10-14-20 11-15-21 12-16-22
4-way Throw 2-4-8 3-5-10 4-7-11 5-8-12 6-9-13 7-10-14 8-10-14 9-11-15 9-11-16
Air Flow, cfm 236 314 393 471 550 628 707 785 864
12" Total Pressure 0.014 0.025 0.040 0.057 0.078 0.101 0.128 0.158 0.192
Round NC (Noise Criteria) - 12 18 23 26 30 33 35 38
in 12x12 1-way Throw 13-17-24 16-19-28 18-22-31 19-24-34 21-26-36 22-28-39 24-29-41 25-31-44 26-32-46
Square 2-way Throw 8-12-18 10-15-21 13-16-23 15-18-26 16-20-28 17-21-29 18-22-31 19-23-33 20-24-35
Neck 3-way Throw 7-11-19 9-14-22 12-17-25 14-19-27 16-21-29 18-22-31 19-23-33 20-25-35 21-26-37
4-way Throw 2-5-12 4-8-15 6-10-17 8-12-18 10-14-20 11-15-21 12-16-22 14-17-23 14-17-25
• Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance • NC values based on octave band 2 to 7 sound
with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
performance, with flexible duct inlet, may vary in • Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve
the field. See the section, Engineering Guidelines that will not be exceeded by the sound pressure
of this catalog for additional information. in any of the octave bands, 2 through 7, with
• Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10. a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
• Throw values given are for terminal velocities • All pressures are given in inches of water.
of 150, 100 and 50 fpm and for isothermal • To obtain static pressure, subtract the velocity
conditions. See the section, Engineering Guidelines pressure from the total pressure.
for the catalog throw data information.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
damper in the neck of the diffuser.
Model Border
MCD Steel - Square/Round Neck 3 Lay-In Accessories
MCD-AA Aluminum - Square/Round Neck 4 Spline Earthquake Tabs EQT
Round Neck 6, 8, 10, 6x6, 8x8, Aluminum 01 Optional Damper
Size 12 10x10, 12x12, White 26 AG-95 Steel Opposed Blade
14x14, 16x16, Finish AG-95-AA Aluminum Opposed Blade
Note: Round Neck option only available for 6 x 6, 12 x 12 border 3 models. See G127 for availability.
Architectural Ceiling Diffusers Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Available Models: • The OMNI diffuser is an excellent
OMNI • Steel choice for variable air volume
OMNI-AA • Aluminum systems. The air pattern remains
tight and horizontal for effective
Products Include: room air distribution, even when • The OMNI-AA is entirely
• Standard Finish - #26 White. the volume varies over a wide constructed of aluminum, perfect
range. for MRI applications.
• The Titus OMNI diffuser
satisfies architectural as well as • The face panel is constructed from • The face panel is held in place by
engineering criteria. Its strong, 22-gauge steel or heavy gauge four hook brackets that positively
clean, unobtrusive lines harmonize aluminum. The edgesof the face engage into slots in the backpan.
with the ceiling system, without panel are formed to a radius for The panel can be removed from
sacrificing performance. a solid, crisp appearance. The the backpan for easy installation
formed edges also stiffen the face of the diffuser or for access to the
• The curvature of the OMNI panel and assure a straight and optional damper.
backpan works with the formed level surface.
edges of the face panel to deliver • The new face panel construction
a uniform 360° horizontal air • The formed edges of the face
ensures a smooth, clean
pattern, without excessive noise or panel capture another 22-gauge appearance and easier installation
pressure drop. steel or heavy gauge aluminum and removal.
panel that the hanger brackets
are mechanically fastened to. This • Optional factory-insulated R-6
process provides the OMNI face foil-backed insulation available for
with a smooth finish under any 24 x 24-inch full face models, neck
lighting conditions. sizes 6-15, borders 1, 2, 3 and 4.
B minus ⅛"
Ceiling Module A minus ¼"
Module A Duct Size B
4, 5 (note 1) 2⅞ 4
12 x 12
6, 7 1⅛ 2¼ 9
(note 2)
8 1¼ 2⅜
4, 5 (note 1) 2¾ 5¼
20 x 20 13⅝
6, 8, 10 ¾ 3¼
6, 8 1¼ 3¾
24 x 24 18
10, 12, 14, 15 1⅜ 3⅞
Note 1: Adapter is provided for sizes 4 and 5.
Note 2: 12 x 12-inch module is available in steel only.
Ceiling Module A
Ceiling Module A plus 1¼" Ceiling Module A
Ceiling Module A minus 1" Mounting
⅜" Hardware
by others
Frame Type 4V - (Recessed Spline) - Full Face Frame Type 4T - (Clip-On Recessed Spline) - Full Face
Cable Support Hole
½" 11/8"
¼" ¼"
Note: If Border 4V is adjacent to a light fixture a gap will be Borders 4V and 4T have four mounting clips. Two clips on
visible above the backpan. A T-bar extender is available to fill opposed sides with holes to attach mounting wire
this void, available from the ceiling manufacturer. from above.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Duct Size plus 2
R-6 Fiberglass
Duct Size
Insulation is R-6 where blanket has the most depth. One inch clearance on each side of neck is left for insulated duct
connection. 24 x 24-inch full face models only.
Neck Velocity 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400
Velocity Pressure 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.090 0.122
Airflow, cfm 35 44 52 61 70 79 87 105 122
4" Round Total Pressure, Inches WG 0.034 0.053 0.076 0.103 0.134 0.170 0.210 0.303 0.412
Neck Throw Feet 1-2-3 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 12 17 21 24 27 33 38
Airflow, cfm 55 68 82 95 109 123 136 164 191
5" Round Total Pressure, Inches WG 0.040 0.063 0.091 0.124 0.161 0.204 0.252 0.363 0.494
Neck Throw Feet 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-14 5-8-15
12"x12" Module Size
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 12 17 21 24 28 33 38
Airflow, cfm 78 98 118 137 157 176 196 235 274
6" Round Total Pressure, Inches WG 0.049 0.076 0.109 0.149 0.194 0.246 0.303 0.437 0.594
Neck Throw Feet 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-11 4-6-12 5-7-14 5-8-15 6-9-17 7-11-18
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 12 17 21 24 28 33 38
Airflow, cfm 107 134 160 187 214 240 267 320 374
7" Round Total Pressure, Inches WG 0.058 0.091 0.131 0.178 0.233 0.295 0.364 0.524 0.714
Neck Throw Feet 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-11 4-7-13 5-8-15 6-9-17 6-9-18 8-11-20 9-13-21
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 12 17 21 24 28 33 38
Airflow, cfm 140 175 209 244 279 314 349 419 489
8" Round Total Pressure, Inches WG 0.070 0.109 0.156 0.213 0.278 0.352 0.434 0.626 0.852
Neck Throw Feet 3-5-9 4-6-11 5-7-14 5-8-16 6-9-18 7-10-19 8-11-20 9-14-22 11-16-24
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 12 17 21 24 28 33 38
Airflow, cfm 78 98 118 137 157 173 196 235 274
6" Total Pressure 0.016 0.025 0.036 0.049 0.063 .080 0.100 0.142 0.193
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 16 20 24 28 34 39
20" x 20" Module Size
Throw feet 1-1-3 1-1-4 1-2-4 1-3-5 1-3-6 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-5-8 3-5-8
Airflow, cfm 140 175 209 244 279 314 349 419 489
8" Total Pressure 0.019 0.030 0.043 0.058 0.075 .096 0.118 0.169 0.229
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 18 22 26 30 36 41
Throw feet 1-2-4 2-3-6 2-4-6 3-4-7 3-5-7 3-5-8 4-6-8 5-6-9 5-7-10
Airflow, cfm 218 273 327 382 436 491 545 654 763
10" Total Pressure 0.024 0.038 0.055 0.074 0.096 .123 0.151 0.215 0.292
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 18 23 27 31 37 42
Throw feet 3-4-6 3-4-7 4-5-8 4-6-8 5-6-9 5-7-9 6-7-10 6-8-11 7-9-12
Airflow, cfm 78 98 118 137 157 176 196 235 274
6" Round Total Pressure, Inches WG 0.011 0.017 0.025 0.034 0.044 0.056 0.069 0.099 0.135
Neck Throw Feet 1-1-4 1-2-4 1-3-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-8 3-4-9 4-5-11 4-6-11
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - - 13 17 21 28 34
Airflow, cfm 140 175 209 244 279 314 349 419 489
8" Round Total Pressure, Inches WG 0.018 0.028 0.040 0.055 0.072 0.091 0.112 0.162 0.220
Neck Throw Feet 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-9 3-5-10 4-6-12 4-6-12 5-7-13 6-9-14 7-10-15
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 12 17 21 25 32 38
Airflow, cfm 218 273 327 382 436 491 545 654 763
24"x24" Module Size
Total Pressure, Inches WG 0.027 0.042 0.060 0.082 0.107 0.136 0.168 0.241 0.329
Throw Feet 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-13 5-8-14 6-9-15 7-10-16 8-12-18 10-13-19
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 15 20 24 28 35 41
Airflow, cfm 314 393 471 550 628 707 785 942 1099
Total Pressure, Inches WG 0.038 0.059 0.085 0.115 0.151 0.191 0.235 0.339 0.461
Throw Feet 4-5-11 5-7-14 5-8-15 6-9-16 7-11-17 8-12-18 9-14-19 11-15-21 13-16-23
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 12 18 23 27 31 38 43
Airflow, cfm 428 535 641 748 855 962 1069 1283 1497
Total Pressure, Inches WG 0.051 0.079 0.114 0.155 0.202 0.256 0.316 0.455 0.619
Throw Feet 4-7-13 6-8-16 7-10-17 8-12-19 9-13-20 10-15-21 11-16-23 13-17-25 15-19-27
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 14 20 25 29 33 40 45
Airflow, cfm 491 614 736 859 982 1104 1227 1472 1718
Total Pressure, Inches WG 0.058 0.090 0.130 0.177 0.231 0.292 0.360 0.519 0.706
Throw Feet 5-7-15 6-9-17 7-11-19 9-13-20 10-15-22 11-16-23 12-17-24 15-19-26 17-20-29
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 15 21 26 30 34 41 46
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
performance, with flexible duct inlet, may vary in • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
the field. See the Engineering Guidelines section • Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve
of this catalog for additional information. which will not be exceeded by the sound pressure
• If the diffuser is mounted on an exposed duct, the in any of the octave bands, 2 through 7, with
throw values are 70% of those listed in the table. a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
• Throw values are given for terminal velocities • All pressures are given in inches of water.
of 150, 100 and 50 fpm and for isothermal • To obtain static pressure, subtract the velocity
conditions. See the section, Engineering pressure from the total pressure.
Guidelines for catalog throw data information.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
shaped, rolled edge to ensure a tight horizontal discharge insulation will be R-6, foil-backed, and provide an additional
pattern. A single metal thickness on the edges of the face 1-inch gap around the neck to install insulated flex duct.
panel will not be accepted. Ceiling diffusers with a 24 x 24-
inch full face shall have no less than an 18 x 18-inch face The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
panel size. Ceiling diffusers with a 12 x 12-inch full face shall for the square panel diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
have no less than a 9 x 9-inch face panel size. accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Border Accessories
Surface Mount 1 Equalizing Grid, Round EG
Snap-In 2 (1) Directional Blow Clips 1DB
Lay-In 3 (2) Directional Blow Clips 2DB
Spline 4 Finish (3) Directional Blow Clips 3DB
Model Clip-On Recessed Spline 4T Aluminum 01 Earthquake Tabs EQT
Full Face, Steel Recessed Spline 4V White 26 Insulated Backpan IB (note 1)
Neck Size 6, 8, 10, 12, Optional Damper (note 5)
14, 15 Module 12 x 12 (note 2) D-100 Radial, Round Neck
Size 20 x 20 (note 4)
24 x 24 (note 3) AG-100 Radial, Round Neck
Note 1: Available with 24” x 24” full face models, neck sizes 6-15, borders 1, 2, 3 or 4. D-75 Opposed Blade, Round Neck
Note 2: Available in neck sizes 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 only. AG-75 Opposed Blade, Round Neck
Note 3: Available in neck sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 & 15 only. AG-85 Butterfly
Equalizing Grid, Round EG
Border (1) Directional Blow Clips 1DB
Surface Mount 1 (2) Directional Blow Clips 2DB
Snap-In 2 Finish (3) Directional Blow Clips 3DB
Model Lay-In 3 Aluminum 01 Earthquake Tabs EQT
Full Face, Aluminum Spline 4 White 26 Insulated Backpan IB (note 1)
Neck Size 6, 8, 10, 12, Module 20 x 20 Optional Damper (note 2)
14, 15 Size 24 x 24 D-100 Radial, Round Neck
AG-100 Radial, Round Neck
D-75 Opposed Blade, Round Neck
Note 1: Available with 24” x 24” full face models, neck sizes 6-15, borders 1, 2, 3 or 4. AG-75 Opposed Blade, Round Neck
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Available Models:
OMNI-NT • Steel
OMNI-AA-NT • Aluminum
For Performance Data please refer to page F134 and for Performance
Notes, please refer to page F135.
⅜" D
Round Duct C D
Module A
Size B
6, 8 1¼ 3¾
24 x 24
10, 12, 14, 15 1⅜ 3⅞
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
projecting more than ¼ inch below the outside border the diffuser. Optional down blow clips shall be available to
are not acceptable. The back of the face panel shall have restrict the discharge air in certain directions.
an aerodynamically shaped, rolled edge to ensure a tight
horizontal discharge pattern. A single metal thickness on The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
the edges of the face panel will not be accepted. Ceiling for the square panel diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
diffusers with a 24 x 24-inch full face shall have no less than accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
an 18 x 18-inch face panel size. Ceiling diffusers with a 12
x 12-inch full face shall have no less than a 9 x 9-inch face
panel size.
Equalizing Grid, Round EG
(1) Directional Blow Clips 1DB
Model (2) Directional Blow Clips 2DB
OMNI-NT Steel Module (3) Directional Blow Clips 3DB
OMNI-AA-NT Aluminum Size Earthquake Tabs EQT
Neck Size 6, 8, 10, 12, Aluminum 01 Optional Damper (note 2)
14, 15 White 26 D-100 Radial, Round Neck
Finish AG-100 Radial, Round Neck
D-75 Opposed Blade, Round Neck
Architectural Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
ROUND PLAQUE - STEEL • R-Omni’s completely smooth face
is adjustable in three positions
Available Model: for horizontal or vertical flow. Can
R-OMNI • Steel be used effectively in heating or
cooling applications.
Products Include:
• Standard Finish - #26 White.
• Uniform 360º discharge pattern.
• The Titus R-Omni - a great look • Excellent performance in variable • Spring lock allows easy removal
in circular diffusers designed for air volume systems. and replacement of the plaque
architectural ceilings and facilities assembly.
with exposed ductwork. • Optional Type B outer cone for
reducing ceiling smudging. • Material is heavy gauge steel.
Duct D
Outer Cone
Ceiling Plaque
Outside Diameter C
Model B
Outer Cone
10 20 22½ ½ 3¼ 11 29
12 24 27 11
/16 3⅞ 13 34⅞
14 28 31⅛ 13
/16 49/16 14 40⅝
Note: The plaque frame on model R-Omni projects above the neck of the
diffuser. The maximum projection is Dimension P.
Neck Velocity, fpm 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400
Velocity Pressure, In WG 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.090 0.122
Positions Air Flow, cfm 79 98 118 137 157 177 196 236 275
Total Pressure, In WG 0.017 0.027 0.039 0.053 0.070 0.088 0.109 0.156 0.213
Center NC ( Noise Criteria) - - - 13 17 21 24 30 34
Horizontal Throw, Ft 2-4-8 2-5-9 3-6-10 5-7-10 5-8-11 6-8-12 6-9-12 8-10-14 8-10-15
Total Pressure, In WG 0.012 0.018 0.026 0.036 0.047 0.049 0.073 0.105 0.143
Down NC ( Noise Criteria) - - - - 12 17 20 27 33
6" Horizontal Throw, Ft 1-3-6 2-4-7 3-5-8 4-6-9 4-6-9 5-7-10 5-7-10 6-8-11 7-9-12
Total Pressure 0.026 0.041 0.059 0.080 0.105 0.132 0.164 0.235 0.321
NC ( Noise Criteria) - - 10 15 19 22 25 31 35
50 fpm Vert. Proj., Ft @ 10º F Heating 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12
50 fpm Vert. Proj., Ft @ 20º F Heating 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11
50 fpm Vert. Proj., Ft @ 30º F Heating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10
50 fpm Vert. Proj., Ft @ 40º F Heating 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 9
Positions Air Flow, cfm 140 175 209 244 279 314 349 419 489
Total Pressure, In WG 0.019 0.029 0.042 0.057 0.075 0.095 0.117 0.168 0.229
Center NC ( Noise Criteria) - - - 12 16 20 24 30 35
Horizontal Throw, Ft 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-10 4-6-11 5-7-12 5-8-12 6-9-13 7-10-15
Total Pressure, In WG 0.014 0.021 0.031 0.042 0.055 0.070 0.086 0.124 0.168
Down NC ( Noise Criteria) - - - - 13 17 21 27 33
Horizontal Throw, Ft 2-3-5 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-10 4-6-11 5-7-12 5-8-12 6-9-13 7-10-15
Total Pressure 0.040 0.062 0.089 0.121 0.158 0.200 0.247 0.355 0.484
NC ( Noise Criteria) - - 10 15 20 25 28 35 41
50 fpm Vert. Proj., Ft @ 10º F Heating 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16
50 fpm Vert. Proj., Ft @ 20º F Heating 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 15
50 fpm Vert. Proj., Ft @ 30º F Heating 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 12 14
50 fpm Vert. Proj., Ft @ 40º F Heating 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14
Positions Air Flow, cfm 218 273 327 382 436 491 545 654 764
Total Pressure, In WG 0.019 0.030 0.043 0.059 0.077 0.098 0.121 0.174 0.237
Center NC ( Noise Criteria) - - 14 19 23 27 30 35 40
Horizontal Throw, Ft 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 5-7-12 5-8-13 6-9-13 6-10-14 8-11-16 9-12-17
Total Pressure, In WG 0.015 0.024 0.034 0.046 0.060 0.076 0.094 0.136 0.185
Down NC ( Noise Criteria) - - - 13 18 23 27 34 39
Horizontal Throw, Ft 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 5-7-12 5-8-13 6-9-13 6-10-14 8-11-16 9-12-17
Total Pressure 0.028 0.044 0.064 0.087 0.114 0.144 0.178 0.256 0.348
NC ( Noise Criteria) - - - 16 21 27 31 39 46
50 fpm Vert. Proj., Ft @ 10º F Heating 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 17
50 fpm Vert. Proj., Ft @ 20º F Heating 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 14 16
50 fpm Vert. Proj., Ft @ 30º F Heating 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 13 15
50 fpm Vert. Proj., Ft @ 40º F Heating 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 15
Positions Air Flow, cfm 314 393 471 550 628 707 785 942 1100
Total Pressure, In WG 0.022 0.034 0.048 0.066 0.086 0.109 0.134 0.194 0.263
Center NC ( Noise Criteria) 15 19 22 25 27 30 32 35 38
Horizontal Throw, Ft 5-7-14 6-9-16 7-10-17 8-12-18 9-14-20 10-15-21 11-16-22 14-17-24 15-18-26
Total Pressure, In WG 0.016 0.025 0.036 0.049 0.064 0.081 0.100 0.144 0.196
Down NC ( Noise Criteria) 10 15 19 22 25 28 30 34 37
Horizontal Throw, Ft 4-6-11 5-7-14 6-8-16 6-10-17 7-11-18 8-13-19 9-14-20 11-16-22 13-17-24
Total Pressure 0.033 0.052 0.074 0.101 0.132 0.167 0.206 0.297 0.404
NC ( Noise Criteria) 10 15 20 23 27 29 32 36 40
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
obtained from tests conducted in accordance cfm.
with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. • Horizontal throw values are for terminal velocities of
• Vertical projection data was calculated from 150, 100 and 50 fpm under isothermal conditions.
computational fluid dynamics models. • If mounted on an exposed duct, the throw
• All data based upon supply performance. values are 70% of those listed in the table.
• All pressures are in inches of water. • Vertical projections are for terminal
• Diffusers are shipped in center position. velocity of 50 fpm in heating mode.
• To obtain static pressure, subtract the velocity • NC values based on a room absorption of 10 dB.
pressure from the total pressure. • Dash (-) in space indicates NC value less than 10.
• The negative static pressure for return performance is
equal to the total pressure of supply at the same cfm.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
01 Equalizing Grid, Round
Model White 26 Outer Cone - Steel B
Adjustable, Steel Black 84 Earthquake Tabs EQT
Architectural Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Available Model:
OMNI-RS • Steel
Products Include:
• Standard Finish - #26 White.
• The OMNI-RS diffuser is designed for an architectural • The OMNI-RS provides excellent performance in
look and engineered performance. Its clean, variable air volume systems.
unobtrusive lines harmonize with ceiling systems
without sacrificing performance. • The OMNI-RS is constructed of heavy gauge steel.
Border Type 3 (Lay-in) 1⅞
Ceiling Module Size
½" to ⅞"
Note: Diffuser will be shipped with Border 3. A TRM frame will be provided for surface
Module Size D
Duct Size
6 5⅞
8 7⅞
24 x 24
10 9⅞
12 11½
All dimensions are in inches. F143
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
• Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance • Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve
with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual that will not be exceeded by the sound pressure
performance, with flexible duct inlet, may vary in in any of the octave bands, 2 through 7, with
the field. See the section, Engineering Guidelines a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
of this catalog for additional information. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
• Throw values given are for terminal velocities • All pressures are given in inches of water.
of 150, 100 and 50 fpm and for isothermal • To obtain static pressure, subtract the velocity
conditions. See the section, Engineering Guidelines pressure from the total pressure.
for the catalog throw data information.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
have a round draw transition from the face to the flat top on
which the inlet is located. Square drawn transitions shall not
SQUARE BACKPAN, ROUND PLAQUE be accepted. The diffuser backpan shall be constructed of
22-gauge steel. The diffuser neck shall have a minimum of
Available Model: 1⅞-inch depth available for duct connection.
The finish shall be #26 white. The finish shall be an anodic
Architectural round panel ceiling diffusers shall be the Titus acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The pencil
model OMNI-RS diffuser of the sizes and mounting types hardness must be HB to H. The paint must pass a 100-hour
shown on the plans and outlet schedule. The OMNI-RS ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray Test without
diffuser shall have a 22-gauge steel face. The round face creepage, blistering or deterioration of film. The paint must
panel is removable by means of three screw posts. The pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test. The
exposed surface of the face panel shall be smooth, flat and paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
free of visible fasteners. The face panel shall project ½-inch Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
below the outside border of the diffuser backpan. Panels
projecting more than ½-inch below the outside border Optional round damper shall be constructed of heavy
are not acceptable. The back of the face panel shall have gauge steel. Damper must be operable from the face of the
a formed edge, providing visual enhancement. A single diffuser.
metal thickness on the edges of the face panel will not be
accepted. The diffuser shall be shipped with the round face The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
panel factory-assembled to the backpan. for the square panel diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
The backpan shall be one piece precision die-stamped and
shall include a welded inlet ring. The diffuser backpan shall
Architectural Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Available Model:
DAT • Supply
Products Include:
• Standard Finish - #26 White.
• The Titus DAT ceiling diffuser satisfies architectural • Fits 24 x 24-inch ceiling grids.
as well as engineering criteria. Its smooth plaque
face allows the diffuser to harmonize with the ceiling • Choice of one, two or three slots. Slot width is 1½-inch.
system, without sacrificing performance.
• Diffuser has a round neck with a deep collar for easy
• The deep backpan of the DAT was designed connection to flexible duct.
to ensure optimum performance without
excessive noise or pressure drop. • Core is easily removable from face of the diffuser.
• The DAT diffuser is an excellent choice for variable • Material is heavy gauge steel.
air volume systems. The air pattern remains tight and
horizontal for effective room air distribution, even when
the volume varies over a wide range.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Air Flow, cfm 79 99 118 138 158 177 197 236 276
6" Neck Velocity 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400
Velocity Pressure, in. WG 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.090 0.122
Total Pressure, in. WG 0.022 0.035 0.051 0.069 0.090 0.114 0.140 0.202 0.275
Neck Throw Feet 2-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-11 4-6-12 4-7-13 5-8-14 6-9-15
NC (Noise Criteria) - 13 18 22 26 29 32 36 41
Air Flow, cfm 140 166 192 218 244 270 297 323 349
24X24, 1-slot
8" Neck Velocity 400 475 550 625 700 775 850 925 1000
Velocity Pressure, in. WG 0.010 0.014 0.019 0.024 0.031 0.037 0.045 0.053 0.062
Total Pressure, in. WG 0.027 0.038 0.051 0.066 0.083 0.102 0.123 0.146 0.170
Neck Throw Feet 3-5-9 4-6-11 4-7-13 5-7-14 6-8-14 6-9-15 7-10-16 7-11-17 8-12-17
NC (Noise Criteria) 15 19 23 26 29 32 34 37 39
Air Flow, cfm 109 150 191 232 273 313 354 395 436
10" Neck Velocity 200 275 350 425 500 575 650 725 800
Velocity Pressure, in. WG 0.003 0.005 0.008 0.011 0.016 0.021 0.026 0.033 0.040
Total Pressure, in. WG 0.008 0.015 0.024 0.036 0.049 0.065 0.084 0.104 0.127
Neck Throw Feet 2-4-7 3-5-10 4-6-13 5-8-14 6-9-15 7-11-16 8-12-17 9-13-18 10-14-19
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 17 22 26 30 33 36 38
Air Flow, cfm 59 94 128 163 197 231 266 300 335
6" Neck Velocity 300 475 650 825 1000 1175 1350 1525 1700
Velocity Pressure, in. WG 0.006 0.014 0.026 0.042 0.062 0.086 0.114 0.145 0.180
Total Pressure, in. WG 0.010 0.025 0.047 0.076 0.111 0.154 0.203 0.259 0.321
Neck Throw Feet 0-1-3 1-2-4 2-3-6 2-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-11 4-6-13 5-7-14 5-8-16
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 12 18 23 27 31 34 37
Air Flow, cfm 140 192 244 297 349 401 454 506 558
8" Neck Velocity 400 550 700 850 1000 1150 1300 1450 1600
Velocity Pressure, in. WG 0.010 0.019 0.031 0.045 0.062 0.082 0.105 0.131 0.160
Total Pressure, in. WG 0.022 0.041 0.066 0.097 0.135 0.178 0.228 0.283 0.345
24X24, 2-slot
Neck Throw Feet 2-3-7 3-5-9 4-6-12 5-7-14 6-8-17 6-10-18 7-11-20 8-12-21 9-13-22
NC (Noise Criteria) - 14 21 26 30 34 37 40 43
Air Flow, cfm 218 273 327 382 436 491 545 600 654
10" Neck Velocity 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Velocity Pressure, in. WG 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.075 0.090
Total Pressure, in. WG 0.025 0.039 0.056 0.077 0.100 0.127 0.157 0.189 0.225
Neck Throw Feet 3-5-10 4-7-13 5-8-16 6-9-18 7-10-19 8-12-20 9-13-21 10-14-23 10-16-24
NC (Noise Criteria) 12 17 22 26 30 33 36 38 41
Air Flow, cfm 236 314 393 471 550 628 707 785 864
12" Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Velocity Pressure, in. WG 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.075
Total Pressure, in. WG 0.016 0.028 0.044 0.064 0.087 0.113 0.143 0.177 0.214
Neck Throw Feet 4-6-11 5-8-15 6-9-18 8-11-20 9-13-22 10-15-23 11-17-24 13-18-26 14-19-27
NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 22 27 31 34 37 40 43
Air Flow, cfm 140 192 244 297 349 401 454 506 558
8" Neck Velocity 400 550 700 850 1000 1150 1300 1450 1600
Velocity Pressure, in. WG 0.010 0.019 0.031 0.045 0.062 0.082 0.105 0.131 0.160
Total Pressure, in. WG 0.019 0.036 0.058 0.085 0.118 0.156 0.199 0.247 0.301
Neck Throw Feet 1-2-5 2-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-14 5-8-16 6-9-18 7-10-20 7-11-22
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 16 21 25 29 32 35 37
Air Flow, cfm 164 232 300 368 436 504 572 640 709
10" Neck Velocity 300 425 550 675 800 925 1050 1175 1300
Velocity Pressure, in. WG 0.006 0.011 0.019 0.028 0.040 0.053 0.069 0.086 0.105
Total Pressure, in. WG 0.012 0.025 0.041 0.062 0.087 0.117 0.151 0.189 0.231
24X24, 3-slot
Neck Throw Feet 1-3-6 3-5-9 4-6-12 5-7-14 6-9-17 7-10-20 7-11-22 8-13-23 9-14-24
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 15 20 25 29 32 35 38
Air Flow, cfm 236 314 393 471 550 628 707 785 864
12" Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Velocity Pressure, in. WG 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.075
Total Pressure, in. WG 0.014 0.025 0.039 0.056 0.076 0.099 0.125 0.154 0.187
Neck Throw Feet 3-5-9 4-6-12 5-8-15 6-9-18 7-11-22 8-12-23 9-14-24 10-15-26 11-17-27
NC (Noise Criteria) - 11 17 22 26 29 32 35 38
Air Flow, cfm 321 428 535 641 748 855 962 1069 1176
14" Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Velocity Pressure, in. WG 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.075
Total Pressure, in. WG 0.015 0.027 0.043 0.062 0.084 0.110 0.139 0.171 0.207
Neck Throw Feet 4-6-13 6-8-17 7-10-21 8-13-23 10-15-25 11-17-27 13-19-29 14-21-30 15-22-32
NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 21 26 30 33 36 39 42
• Throw values given are for terminal velocities • Dash (-) in space indicates NC value less than 10.
of 150, 100 and 50 fpm and for isothermal • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with
conditions. See the section, Engineering ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Guidelines for throw calculation data.
• NC values based on Octave Band 2 to 7 sound power
levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB. F147
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Available Model: The finish shall be #26 white. The finish shall be an anodic
DAT acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The pencil
hardness shall be HB or H. The paint must pass a 100-hour
Louvered plaque ceiling diffusers shall be the Titus Model ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray Test without
DAT diffuser of the sizes and mounting types shown on the creepage, blistering or deterioration of film. The paint must
plans and outlet schedule. The DAT diffuser shall be of steel pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test. The
construction, having an 18-gauge steel plaque face panel paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
and 22-gauge steel louvered blades and backpan. Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
The diffuser core shall be a one-piece assembly, accessible Optional round damper shall be constructed of heavy gauge
and removable from the face of the diffuser. Ceiling diffusers steel. Damper must be operable from face of the diffuser.
designed for a 24 x 24-inch lay-in modular ceiling shall
consist of one, two or three continuous slots, 1½ inches The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
wide, surrounding a fixed center plaque face. for the square panel diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Number of Slots
1 Accessories
Model 2 Border Equalizing Grid, RoundEG
Steel 3 Lay-In 3 Earthquake Tabs EQT
Architectural Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Available Model:
Products Include:
• Standard Finish - #26 White.
• The deep backpan of the DAT-NT was designed to • Diffuser has a round neck with a deep collar for easy
ensure optimum performance without excessive noise connection to flexible duct.
or pressure drop.
• Core is easily removable from face of the diffuser.
• The DAT-NT diffuser is an excellent choice for variable
air volume systems. The air pattern remains tight and • Material is heavy gauge steel.
horizontal for effective room air distribution, even when
the volume varies over a wide range.
DAT-NT 23¾"
1 6, 8, 10 19
24 x 24 2 6, 8, 10, 12 16
3 8, 10, 12, 14 13
ARCHITECTURAL CEILING DIFFUSERS The diffuser shall have a round neck with a minimum of
1⅛-inch depth available for 6- to 14-inch nominal round
duct connection.
The finish shall be #26 white. The finish shall be an anodic
Available Model:
DAT-NT acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The pencil
hardness shall be HB or H. The paint must pass a 100-hour
Louvered plaque ceiling diffusers shall be the Titus Model ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray Test without
DAT-NT diffuser of the sizes and mounting types shown on creepage, blistering or deterioration of film The paint must
the plans and outlet schedule. pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test. The
paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
The DAT-NT diffuser shall be of steel construction, having Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
an 18-gauge steel plaque face panel and 22-gauge steel
louvered blades and backpan. Optional round damper shall be constructed of heavy gauge
steel. Damper must be operable from face of the diffuser.
The diffuser core shall be a one-piece assembly, accessible
and removable from the face of the diffuser. Ceiling diffusers The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
shall be compatible with 24 x 24-inch modules for regressed for the square panel diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
narrow tee ceiling systems. The diffuser shall consist of one, accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
two or three continuous slots, 1½ inches wide surrounding
a fixed center plaque face.
Architectural Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
MB-30, MBR-30
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
MB-30, MBR-30
Available Models:
MB-30 • Supply
MBR-30 • Return
Products Include:
• Standard Finish - #26 White.
• Fits 24 x 24-inch ceiling grid.
• Titus Modu-Bloc diffusers, Models MB-30 and MBR-30,
are designed to be visually pleasing while providing • Discharge directions are adjustable through 180°.
superior performance. The Titus Modulinear pattern controller in each slot
controls not only the direction of flow, but also the
• Designed so that a ceiling tile (by others) can be field volume.
cut and inserted in the face of the diffuser. The center
panel of Model MB-30 matches the surrounding ceiling • Choice of one, two, three or four slots.
tiles. This results in a smooth, clean appearance that
blends with the ceiling. • Choice of ¾- or 1-inch slots.
• Supply diffuser delivers a one-, two-, three- or • Supply diffuser has a round neck with a deep collar for
four-way horizontal throw or a vertical throw. With easy connection to flexible duct.
horizontal throw, the blanket of air is held tight against
the ceiling even with varying volumes of air, making • Optional external insulation on the supply diffuser
the MB-30 an excellent choice for VAV systems. (Model MBI-30).
• Uniform, unbroken flow pattern guards against ceiling • Model MBR-30 return is similar to the supply diffuser in
smudging. appearance, but is built without the pattern controllers
and backpan. Designed for plenum return, the MBR-30
• Discharge patterns are individually adjustable for each has a light shield to prevent see-through and to block
slot, resulting in combinations that fit the distribution stray light from fixtures in the plenum.
requirements of the room.
• Material is extruded aluminum face. Steel backpan or
light shield, steel pattern controllers.
Inlet View
(by others) Ceiling Tile
Center Panel
(by others)
MB-30, MBR-30
by others
of MB-30
T-bar by others
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
233/16" 1⅜"
6¼" 8¼"
Inlet Diameter
Nominal minus ⅛" Slot Width
Slot Width
23¾" 1 Slot 1⅜"
1⅜" 3 Slots
6¼" 8¼"
Number Slot Width Available
of Slots ¾-inch 1-inch Inlet Sizes
1 19⅞ x 19⅞ 19⅜ x 19⅜ 8”
2 16⅞ x 16⅞ 15⅞ x 15⅞ 10”
3 13⅞ x 13⅞ 12⅜ x 12⅜ 12”
4 10⅞ x 10⅞ 8⅞ x 8⅞ 14”
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
413/16" 413/16"
Number Slot Width
of Slots ¾-inch 1-inch
1 19⅞ x 19⅞ 19⅜ x 19⅜
Light Shield 2 16⅞ x 16⅞ 15⅞ x 15⅞
3 13⅞ x 13⅞ 12⅜ x 12⅜
4 10⅞ x 10⅞ 8⅞ x 8⅞
Ceiling Tile
(by others)
Cut as at right
S Clip
Return View
Light Shield
of MBR-30
Airflow S Clips
T-bars by others
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Velocity Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.075
Airflow,cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 314 349 384
8" Total Pressure 0.047 0.084 0.131 0.188 0.257 0.335 0.424 0.524 0.633
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) 19 25 30 34 37 40 43 45 47
Throw 4-6-12 5-8-16 7-10-20 8-12-24 9-14-28 11-16-32 12-18-35 13-20-37 15-22-39
Airflow,cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 314 349 384
8" Total Pressure 0.018 0.032 0.049 0.071 0.097 0.126 0.160 0.197 0.238
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) - 14 19 23 27 29 32 34 36
Throw 2-4-9 3-6-12 5-7-15 6-9-18 7-10-21 8-12-24 9-13-26 10-15-29 11-16-32
Airflow,cfm 164 218 273 327 382 436 491 545 600
10" Total Pressure 0.035 0.063 0.098 0.141 0.192 0.250 0.317 0.391 0.474
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) 16 22 27 31 34 37 40 42 44
Throw 4-7-14 6-9-18 8-11-23 9-14-28 11-16-32 12-18-37 14-21-41 15-23-46 17-25-48
Airflow,cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 314 349 384
8" Total Pressure 0.011 0.019 0.030 0.043 0.058 0.076 0.096 0.118 0.143
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 20 24 27 30 33 35 37
Throw 1-2-7 2-4-10 3-6-12 4-7-15 6-9-17 7-10-20 7-11-22 8-12-25 9-14-27
Airflow,cfm 164 218 273 327 382 436 491 545 600
10" Total Pressure 0.018 0.032 0.050 0.071 0.097 0.127 0.161 0.198 0.240
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) 17 23 28 32 35 38 40 43 45
Throw 3-6-12 5-8-16 7-10-20 8-12-23 9-14-27 10-16-31 12-18-35 13-20-39 14-21-43
Airflow,cfm 236 314 393 471 550 628 707 785 864
12" Total Pressure 0.031 0.055 0.086 0.124 0.169 0.221 0.279 0.345 0.417
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) 23 29 34 38 41 44 47 49 51
Throw 5-8-17 7-11-22 9-14-28 11-17-34 13-20-39 15-22-45 17-25-51 19-28-55 21-31-58
Airflow,cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 314 349 384
8" Total Pressure 0.009 0.016 0.025 0.036 0.049 0.064 0.081 0.100 0.121
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) - 12 17 21 24 27 29 32 34
Throw 1-2-7 1-3-9 2-5-11 3-7-14 4-8-16 6-9-18 7-10-20 8-11-23 8-12-25
Airflow,cfm 164 218 273 327 382 436 491 545 600
10" Total Pressure 0.014 0.025 0.038 0.055 0.075 0.098 0.125 0.154 0.186
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) 13 20 24 28 32 35 37 39 41
Throw 2-4-11 3-7-14 5-9-18 7-11-21 8-12-25 9-14-28 11-16-32 12-18-35 13-19-39
Airflow,cfm 236 314 393 471 550 628 707 785 864
12" Total Pressure 0.023 0.040 0.063 0.091 0.124 0.161 0.204 0.252 0.305
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) 20 26 31 35 38 41 43 46 48
Throw 4-8-15 7-10-20 8-13-25 10-15-31 12-18-36 14-20-41 15-23-46 17-25-51 19-28-56
Airflow,cfm 321 428 535 641 748 855 962 1069 1176
14" Total Pressure 0.037 0.066 0.104 0.149 0.203 0.265 0.335 0.414 0.501
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) 25 31 36 40 43 46 49 51 53
Throw 7-10-21 9-14-28 12-17-35 14-21-42 16-24-49 18-28-55 21-31-61 23-35-65 25-38-68
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Velocity Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.075
Airflow,cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 314 349 384
8" Total Pressure 0.033 0.058 0.091 0.131 0.178 0.233 0.295 0.364 0.441
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) 15 21 26 30 33 36 38 41 43
Throw 3-5-10 5-7-14 6-9-17 7-10-21 8-12-24 9-14-28 10-16-31 12-17-35 13-19-38
Airflow,cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 314 349 384
8" Total Pressure 0.014 0.025 0.039 0.056 0.076 0.100 0.126 0.155 0.188
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) - - 16 20 23 26 28 30 33
Throw 1-3-8 2-5-10 3-6-13 5-8-15 6-9-18 7-10-21 8-12-23 9-13-26 9-14-28
Airflow,cfm 164 218 273 327 382 436 491 545 600
10" Total Pressure 0.026 0.046 0.072 0.104 0.142 0.185 0.235 0.290 0.351
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) 12 19 23 27 31 33 36 38 40
Throw 3-6-12 5-8-16 7-10-20 8-12-24 9-14-28 11-16-32 12-18-36 13-20-40 15-22-44
Airflow,cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 314 349 384
8" Total Pressure 0.009 0.017 0.026 0.037 0.051 0.066 0.084 0.103 0.125
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) - 12 17 21 24 27 30 32 34
Throw 1-2-7 1-3-9 2-5-11 3-7-13 4-8-16 5-9-18 7-10-20 7-11-22 8-12-24
Airflow,cfm 164 218 273 327 382 436 491 545 600
10" Total Pressure 0.015 0.026 0.040 0.058 0.079 0.104 0.131 0.162 0.196
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) 14 20 25 29 32 35 37 40 42
Throw 2-4-10 3-7-14 5-9-17 7-10-21 8-12-24 9-14-28 10-16-31 12-17-35 13-19-38
Airflow,cfm 236 314 393 471 550 628 707 785 864
12" Total Pressure 0.024 0.043 0.067 0.097 0.132 0.172 0.218 0.269 0.325
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) 20 26 31 35 38 41 44 46 48
Throw 4-8-15 7-10-20 8-13-25 10-15-30 12-18-35 13-20-40 15-23-45 17-25-50 18-28-55
Airflow,cfm 105 140 175 209 244 279 314 349 384
8" Total Pressure 0.008 0.015 0.023 0.033 0.045 0.058 0.074 0.091 0.110
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) - - 14 18 21 24 26 29 31
Throw 1-1-5 1-2-8 2-4-10 2-5-12 3-7-14 4-8-16 5-9-18 6-10-20 7-11-22
Airflow,cfm 164 218 273 327 382 436 491 545 600
10" Total Pressure 0.012 0.021 0.033 0.048 0.065 0.085 0.107 0.132 0.160
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 22 26 29 32 34 36 39
Throw 1-3-10 2-6-13 4-8-16 6-10-19 7-11-22 8-13-25 10-14-29 11-16-32 12-18-35
Airflow,cfm 236 314 393 471 550 628 707 785 864
12" Total Pressure 0.019 0.033 0.052 0.075 0.102 0.133 0.168 0.208 0.251
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) 17 23 28 32 35 38 41 43 45
Throw 3-7-14 5-9-18 8-11-23 9-14-28 11-16-32 12-18-37 14-21-41 15-23-46 17-25-50
Airflow,cfm 321 428 535 641 748 855 962 1069 1176
14" Total Pressure 0.030 0.053 0.083 0.119 0.163 0.212 0.269 0.332 0.401
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) 22 28 33 37 41 43 46 48 50
Throw 5-9-19 8-12-25 10-16-31 12-19-37 15-22-44 17-25-50 19-28-56 21-31-62 23-34-68
• Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance • Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve
with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual that will not be exceeded by the sound pressure
performance, with flexible duct inlet, may in any of the octave bands, 2 through 7, with
vary in the field. See the section Engineering a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
Guidelines for additional information. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
• If the diffuser is mounted on an exposed duct, the • All pressures are given in inches of water.
throw values are 70% of those listed in the table. • To obtain static pressure, subtract the velocity
• Throw values given are for terminal velocities pressure from the total pressure.
of 150, 100 and 50 fpm and for isothermal
conditions. See the section Engineering Guidelines
for the catalog throw data information.
• NC values based on octave band 2 to 7 sound
power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Size Negative Static Pressure 0.007 0.028 0.063 0.108 0.17 0.25 0.345 0.45
1 Slot Airflow, cfm 75 150 225 300 375 450 525 600
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 16 24 30 35 39 43
2 Slot Airflow, cfm 145 290 435 580 725 870 1015 1160
¾" Wide
NC (Noise Criteria) - 12 20 28 34 39 43 47
3 Slot Airflow, cfm 210 420 630 840 1050 1260 1470 1680
NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 21 29 35 40 44 48
4 Slot Airflow, cfm 270 540 810 1080 1350 1620 1890 2160
NC (Noise Criteria) - 17 22 30 36 40 45 49
Size Negative Static Pressure 0.018 0.04 0.07 0.108 0.16 0.215 0.28 0.45
1 Slot Airflow, cfm 147 220 293 367 440 513 586 733
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 17 23 28 32 36 42
2 Slot Airflow, cfm 280 420 560 700 840 980 1120 1400
1" Wide
NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 24 30 35 39 43 49
3 Slot Airflow, cfm 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 2000
NC (Noise Criteria) - 19 27 33 38 42 46 52
4 Slot Airflow, cfm 507 760 1013 1267 1520 1773 2026 2533
NC (Noise Criteria) - 21 29 35 40 44 48 54
• Static pressures are in negative inches of water. • Data obtained per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
• NC based on room absorption of 10 dB re 10-12 watts.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray Test without
creepage, blistering or deterioration of film. The paint must
MODU-BLOC SERIES pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test. The
paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
Available Models: Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
MB-30 • Supply
MBR-30 • Return The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
MBI-30 • Supply • Internal Insulation for the architectural diffuser. The test data shall include
• Internal Insulation
static pressure drop, horizontal air throw pattern and NC.
The diffusers shall be tested in accordance with ANSI/
Square, architectural, panel faced ceiling diffusers shall ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
be Titus Model MB-30 (uninsulated) or MBI-30 (insulated)
of the sizes and mounting types shown on the plans and Square, architectural, panel faced return diffusers shall
outlet schedule. Diffuser shall be available in ¾- or 1-inch be Titus Model MBR-30 of the sizes and mounting types
slot widths; one, two, three or four slots shall be available shown on the plans and outlet schedule. The face of the
as standard. Diffuser shall be compatible with 24 x 24-inch return diffuser shall match the MB-30 and MBI-30 supply
modules for lay-in T-bar ceilings. diffusers. Return diffusers shall be available in ¾- or 1-inch
slot widths; one, two, three or four slots shall be available
Diffusers must be field adjustable for vertical, one-, two-way as standard. Diffuser shall be compatible with 24 x 24-inch
opposite, two-way corner, three-way and four-way discharge modules for lay-in T-bar ceilings.
patterns. Fixed vane diffusers are not acceptable. Each
supply slot of the diffuser shall be provided with a two- The MBR-30 shall have an extruded aluminum face and
element, aerodynamically curved, “ice-tong” shaped steel factory fabricated 22-gauge light shield. The diffuser shall
deflector capable of 180° pattern adjustment from the face have the capacity to insert a ceiling tile into the center of
of the diffuser and shall allow volume dampering of supply the diffuser to match the ceiling system. The ceiling tile will
air for final balancing. All adjustments shall be accessible be provided by the ceiling system contractor. The light shield
from the face of the diffuser. shall be removable.
The diffuser shall have an extruded aluminum face and The diffuser finish shall be #26 white. The finish shall be
factory fabricated 22-gauge steel backpan. The diffuser shall an anodic acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes.
have the capacity to insert a ceiling tile into the center of The pencil hardness must be HB to H. The paint must
the diffuser to match the ceiling system. The ceiling tile will pass a 100-hour ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt
be provided by the ceiling system contractor. The backpan Spray Test without creepage, blistering or deterioration of
shall be removable and shall include side handles. Diffuser film. The paint must pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water
shall have ¼-inch thick fiberglass internal insulation (MBI- Immersion Test. The paint must also pass the ASTM D2794
30) when specified. The diffuser inlet shall be located on the Reverse Impact Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force
top of the backpan and shall have a minimum of 1⅛-inch applied.
depth available for duct connection. Optional damper shall
be constructed of heavy gauge steel. The manufacturer shall provide published performance
data for the architectural return diffuser. The test data shall
The diffuser finish shall be #26 white and the pattern include negative static pressure drop and NC. The diffusers
controllers shall be black. The finish shall be an anodic shall be tested in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Model Finish
MB-30 Supply, Uninsulated Module White 26
MBI-30 Supply, Insulated Size Aluminum 01
Model Finish
Plenum Return, Light Module White 26
Shield/Backpan Size Aluminum 01
MBR-30 XX X 24x24 X X XX
Inlet Size 8, 10, 1 1 Slot Slot Width LS Light Shield
12, 14 2 2 Slots ¾ ¾” Slot (used with no inlet)
3 3 Slots 1 1” Slot Accessories
Slots 4 4 Slots
Architectural Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
MB-30-NT, MBR-30-NT
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
MB-30-NT, MBR-30-NT
NT are designed to allow an
existing ceiling tile to be field
Available Models:
cut and inserted into the face
MB-30-NT • Supply
of the diffuser. This results in
• ¾” or 1” Slot
a smooth, clean appearance
MBR-30-NT • Return
that blends with the ceiling.
For Performance Data and Notes, please refer
to pages F154-F157. • Pattern controllers adjust volume
and discharge direction of the • Face is aluminum, backpan
MB-30-NT. is steel.
• The MB-30-NT and MBR-30-NT
Modu-Bloc diffusers are visually • Available in one, two, three, or • Optional internal insulation.
pleasing while providing four slots.
superior performance.
Two-Slot Unit
23¾" 6¼"
Slot Width
1 Slot
MB-30-NT, MBR-30-NT
ARCHITECTURAL CEILING DIFFUSERS The diffuser shall have an extruded aluminum face and
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of the diffuser shall be provided with a two-element,
The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
aerodynamically curved, “ice-tong” shaped steel deflector
for the architectural diffuser. The test data shall include
capable of 180° pattern adjustment from the face of the
static pressure drop, horizontal air throw pattern, and NC.
diffuser and shall allow volume dampering of supply air for
The diffusers shall be tested in accordance with ANSI/
final balancing. All adjustments shall be accessible from the
ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
face of the diffuser.
Model Finish
MB-30-NT Supply, Narrow Tee, Uninsulated Module White 26
MBI-30-NT Supply, Narrow Tee, Insulated Size Aluminum 01
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have the capacity to insert a ceiling tile into the center
of the diffuser to match the ceiling system. The ceiling tile
MODU-BLOC SERIES, NARROW TEE will be provided by the ceiling system contractor. The light
shield shall be removable.
Available Models:
MBR-30-NT • Return The diffuser finish shall be #26 white. The finish shall be
an anodic acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The
Square, architectural, panel faced return diffusers shall be pencil hardness must be HB to H. The paint must pass a
Titus Model MBR-30-NT of the sizes and mounting types 100-hour ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray
shown on the plans and outlet schedule. The face of the Test without creepage, blistering or deterioration of film.
return diffuser shall match the MB-30-NT and MBI-30-NT The paint must pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water
supply diffusers. Return diffusers shall be available in ¾- or Immersion Test. The paint must also pass the ASTM D2794
1-inch slot widths; one, two, three or four slots shall be Reverse Impact Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force
available as standard. applied.
Diffuser shall be compatible with 24 x 24-inch modules for The manufacturer shall provide published performance
regressed narrow tee ceiling systems. data for the architectural return diffuser. The test data shall
include negative static pressure drop and NC. The diffusers
The MBR-30-NT shall have an extruded aluminum face and shall be tested in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard
factory fabricated 22-gauge light shield. The diffuser shall 70-2006.
Model Finish
Plenum Return, Light Shield/ Module White 26
Backpan, Narrow Tee Size Aluminum 01
MBR-30-NT XX X 24x24 X X XX
Architectural Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
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Available Model:
TSW • Steel
Products Include:
• Standard Finish - #26 White.
• Model TSW ‘Swirl’ ceiling diffuser is designed to provide • The Inlet collar is 17/8 inches deep to allow for easy
a tight 360B circular pattern. duct connection.
• The TSW provides excellent performance in variable air • Optional Damper can be adjusted with screwdriver
volume systems. through center hole in diffuser without removing face.
½" to ⅞"
Note: Diffuser will be shipped with Border 3. A TRM frame will be provided for
surface mounting.
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Neck Velocity 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300
Velocity Pressure 0.002 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062 0.075 0.090 0.105
Airflow, cfm 34 59 79 98 118 138 157 177 197 216 236 256
Total Pressure 0.004 0.012 0.022 0.034 0.049 0.067 0.087 0.106 0.126 0.155 0.188 0.219
6" Dia.
NC (Noise Criteria) -- -- 4 9 13 16 19 23 26 30 33 35
Throw 0-1-3 1-2-4 2-3-5 2-3-6 3-4-6 3-5-7 3-5-7 4-5-8 4-6-8 5-6-9 5-6-9 5-7-9
Airflow, cfm 70 105 139 174 209 245 279 314 349 384 419 454
Total Pressure 0.008 0.017 0.030 0.047 0.067 0.094 0.117 0.145 0.189 0.218 0.259 0.304
8" Dia.
NC (Noise Criteria) -- 6 12 17 21 27 31 35 38 40 41 43
24 x 24 Throw 1-2-3 1-2-4 2-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-7 3-5-8 4-5-9 4-6-9 5-7-10 5-7-10 5-7-11 6-8-11
Module Airflow, cfm 109 164 218 273 328 382 436 491 546 601 655
10" Total Pressure 0.011 0.024 0.043 0.068 0.114 0.152 0.191 0.240 0.297 0.359 0.427
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) -- 10 16 21 28 34 36 40 42 44 46
Throw 1-2-4 2-3-6 3-4-8 4-5-9 4-6-10 5-7-11 6-8-12 6-9-13 8-9-13 8-10-14 8-10-14
Airflow, cfm 157 239 319 393 471 550 628 707 785 864
12" Total Pressure 0.023 0.053 0.094 0.138 0.199 0.271 0.354 0.448 0.554 0.670
Dia. NC (Noise Criteria) 9 18 24 30 38 41 44 47 49 51
Throw 2-3-5 3-4-8 4-5-10 5-6-11 5-8-13 6-9-14 7-10-15 8-11-15 9-12-16 9-12-17
• Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance • Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve
with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual that will not be exceeded by the sound pressure
performance, with flexible duct inlet, may vary in in any of the octave bands, 2 through 7, with
the field. See the section, Engineering Guidelines a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
of this catalog for additional information. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
• Throw values given are for terminal velocities • All pressures are given in inches of water.
of 150, 100 and 50 fpm and for isothermal • To obtain static pressure, subtract the velocity
conditions. See the section, Engineering Guidelines pressure from the total pressure.
for the catalog throw data information.
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Architectural swirl face ceiling diffusers shall be the Titus The paint must pass a 100-hour ASTM B117 Corrosive
Model TSW diffuser for a fixed horizontal discharge pattern. Environments Salt Spray Test without creepage, blistering,
The TSW diffuser shall have a removable one piece stamped or deterioration of film. The paint must pass a 250-hour
face of heavy gauge steel containing a circular round pattern ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test. The paint must also
of curved louvers. The interior of the face shall contain an pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact Cracking Test with a
inner and outer steel ring bordering the ends of the louvers. 50-inch pound force applied.Optional round damper shall be
The border rings shall be securly welded to the rear of the constructed of heavy gauge steel. Damper must be operable
face panel. from the face of the diffuser.
The backpan shall be one piece stamped heavy gauge steel The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
of the sizes and mounting types shown on the plans and for the swirl face diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in
outlet schedule. The diffuser neck shall have a 1⅛-inch accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
depth for easy duct connection. The face of the diffuser
shall include a center opening to allow access to an optional
Architectural Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Available Model:
Spectrum • Steel
The Titus Spectrum diffuser offers a unique alternative when
considering ceiling mounted air outlets for architectural
building applications. The Spectrum design includes a APPLIQUE INFORMATION
special arcuate face with center appliqué. The appliqué is
available in nine standard colors, as well as custom color The Spectrum applique is constructed of matte substrate
matches or company logo. The versatility of these different material with adhesive backing. Each appliqué is individually
color schemes provides the architect with a multitude of die cut for consistency and fitted to the pre-formed square
design options to compliment and enhance a building’s embossment in the center of the Spectrum faceplate after
décor. The Spectrum also provides excellent performance the diffuser is painted. Applique specifications include a
by delivering a tight 4-way horizontal air discharge pattern 0.017” polycarbonate substrate with opacity film, 0.002”
which make is it a great choice for variable air volume adhesive with peel-off backing, and total thickness of
applications. In additional to its architectural features, 0.019”.
the Spectrum can also be used for retrofit applications
with existing Titus perforated diffusers (PCS model). The COLOR OPTIONS
removable arcuate face can be ordered separately to retrofit
existing PCS diffusers in the field by removing the pattern Titus offers nine standard appliqué colors for the Spectrum
controllers and replacing the face. diffuser as well as custom colors or custom logo’s. For the
• Unique architectural face design with center custom color matching process, two color chips (2” x 2”)
appliqué (nine standard colors) must be sent in to Titus. For the custom logo process, a
• Customer color matches and company logos available high resolution digital image must be supplied to Titus in a
• Appliqué sold separately for field application & retrofit 3.96” x 3.96” viewing size.
• Hinged removable faceplate is sold separately
for retrofit of existing Titus perforated diffusers
without removal of backpan or ductwork
• Excellent choice for VAV systems. The 4-way air
pattern remains tight and horizontal even when
the air volume varies over a wide range
• 24” x 24” module size with square or round inlets
• Border type 1 ships as border type 3 with separate TRM
frame for easy mounting in surface mount applications
• Heavy gauge steel construction SPECTRUM
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Round Neck Square Neck
Border Type 3 (Lay-In) Duct Size Round Neck
(Inches) A B
6 5⅞
8 7⅞
10 9⅞
12 11⅞
14 13⅞
16 15⅞
14 x 14 13⅞ x 13⅞
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Neck Velocity (fpm) 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Inlet Size
Velocity Pressure 0.002 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.023 0.030 0.040 0.051 0.063 0.076
Airflow, cfm 39 59 78 98 118 137 157 177 196 216
Total Pressure 0.004 0.010 ? 0.027 0.039 0.053 0.069 0.088 0.108 0.131
6” Dia.
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - - - 14 19 22 26 29
Throw 1-1-3 1-2-3 2-3-5 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-9 4-7-10 5-8-11 6-8-11 6-8-12
Airflow, cfm 70 105 140 175 209 244 279 314 349 384
Total Pressure 0.007 0.016 0.029 0.043 0.062 0.085 0.111 0.140 0.173 0.209
8” Dia.
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - - 12 17 22 25 29 32
Throw 1-1-4 1-3-7 2-4-9 3-6-11 4-7-12 5-8-13 6-9-13 7-10-14 7-11-15 8-11-16
Airflow, cfm 109 164 218 273 327 382 436 491 545 600
Total Pressure 0.008 0.017 0.031 0.048 0.070 0.095 0.124 0.157 0.193 0.234
24” x 24” 10” Dia.
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - - 15 20 24 28 31 34
Throw 1-2-6 2-3-8 3-5-10 4-7-13 6-8-14 7-10-16 7-11-17 8-13-18 9-14-19 10-14-20
Airflow, cfm 157 236 316 393 470 550 630 710 785 865
Total Pressure 0.014 0.032 0.057 0.089 0.128 0.175 0.230 0.290 0.357 0.433
12” Dia.
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 11 17 21 26 29 33 36
Throw 1-2-7 2-4-10 3-6-13 5-8-16 7-10-17 8-12-19 9-13-20 10-15-21 11-16-22 12-17-24
Airflow, cfm 214 321 427 535 641 748 855 962 1070 1175
Total Pressure 0.019 0.043 0.076 0.119 0.172 0.234 0.305 0.386 0.477 0.576
14” Dia.
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 12 18 23 27 31 34 37
Throw 1-2-8 2-5-12 4-7-16 6-10-19 8-12-20 9-14-22 10-16-23 12-18-25 13-19-26 14-19-27
Airflow, cfm 279 419 557 698 838 977 1117 1257 1395 1535
Total Pressure 0.025 0.055 0.098 0.154 0.222 0.302 0.394 0.498 0.615 0.745
16” Dia.
NC (Noise Criteria) - - 11 14 20 24 29 32 36 39
Throw 1-2-9 2-5-13 5-8-17 7-11-21 9-13-23 10-16-25 12-18-27 13-20-28 15-21-30 16-22-31
• Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance • Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve
with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. that will not be exceeded by the sound pressure
• Throw values are in feet at terminal velocities of in any of the octave bands, 2 through 7, with
150, 100 amd 50 fpm at isothermal conditions. a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
• For an explanation of catalog throw data, see the • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
Engineering Guidelines section of this catalog. • All pressures are given in inches of water.
• NC values based on octave band 2 to 7 sound • To obtain static pressure, subtract velocity
power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB. pressure from the total pressure.
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Neck Velocity (fpm) 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Inlet Size
Velocity Pressure 0.002 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.023 0.030 0.040 0.051 0.063 0.076
Airflow, cfm 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
Total Pressure 0.005 0.012 0.022 0.033 0.047 0.064 0.084 0.106 0.131 0.158
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - - 11 16 20 23 27 30
Throw 1-1-4 1-2-4 2-4-6 3-5-9 4-6-10 4-7-11 5-8-11 6-9-12 6-9-13 7-9-14
Airflow, cfm 89 133 177 222 267 311 356 400 444 489
Total Pressure 0.009 0.019 0.034 0.053 0.077 0.104 0.136 0.173 0.213 0.258
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - - 14 19 23 26 30 33
Throw 1-2-5 1-3-8 2-4-10 4-6-12 5-8-13 6-9-14 7-10-15 8-11-16 8-12-17 9-13-18
24” x 24”
Airflow, cfm 139 208 277 347 417 485 555 625 695 765
Total Pressure 0.013 0.029 0.052 0.080 0.115 0.156 0.204 0.258 0.319 0.386
Size 10 x 10
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - - 16 21 26 29 32 35
Throw 1-2-6 2-4-9 3-6-12 5-8-15 6-9-16 7-11-18 8-13-19 9-14-20 10-15-21 12-16-22
Airflow, cfm 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Total Pressure 0.018 0.040 0.071 0.112 0.161 0.219 0.287 0.363 0.448 0.542
12 x 12
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 12 18 23 27 31 34 37
Throw 1-2-8 2-5-11 4-7-14 6-9-18 8-11-20 9-13-21 10-15-23 11-17-24 13-18-25 14-19-27
Airflow, cfm 272 408 541 681 817 953 1090 1225 1360 1495
Total Pressure 0.024 0.054 0.097 0.150 0.216 0.294 0.385 0.485 0.600 0.727
14 x 14
NC (Noise Criteria) - - - 14 19 24 29 32 36 39
Throw 1-2-9 2-5-13 5-8-17 7-11-21 9-13-23 10-15-25 12-18-26 13-20-28 15-21-30 16-22-31
• Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance
with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
• Throw values are in feet at terminal velocities of
• Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve
that will not be exceeded by the sound pressure
in any of the octave bands, 2 through 7, with
a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
150, 100 amd 50 fpm at isothermal conditions.
• For an explanation of catalog throw data, see the • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
Engineering Guidelines section of this catalog. • All pressures are given in inches of water.
• NC values based on octave band 2 to 7 sound • To obtain static pressure, subtract velocity
power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB. pressure from the total pressure.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
causes the supply airflow to exit the backpan in a single
continuous flow. The appliqué shall be constructed of .017”
FACE SQUARE PANEL thick polycarbonate material that includes an opacity film
to prevent light transmission. Appliqué shall include a .002”
Available Models: thick acrylic adhesive for attachment to the faceplate.
Spectrum • Steel Optional round or square neck damper shall be constructed
of heavy gauge steel. Damper must be operable from face
Architectural plaque face ceiling diffuser shall be the Titus of diffuser.
model Spectrum diffuser for the sizes and mounting type Finish shall be #26 white. The finish shall be an anodic
as shown on the plans and out schedule. The Spectrum acrylic paint, baked at 315 º for 30 minutes. The pencil
shall be constructed of a heavy gauge steel one-piece hardness must be HB to H. The paint must pass a 100-hour
backpan with an integrally drawn inlet. Welded-in inlets and ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray Test without
corner joints are not acceptable. Diffuser shall also have creepage, blistering or deterioration of film. The paint must
an arcuate (bow shaped) faceplate that is precision die- pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test. The
stamped in one-piece. Faceplate shall be removable from paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
room side for access to duct or damper. The faceplate shall Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
have four arcuate openings. Each opening shall be in one The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
of the four quadrants of diffuser. Each opening shall have for the diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in accordance
an integral transition that is tangent to the backpan that with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Equalizing Grid,
Model Finish EG Round Neck
Equalizing Grid,
01 Aluminum EGL Long
6, 8, 10, Optional Damper
Neck Size Border Applique
12, 14, 16,
6x6, 8x8, Surface
1 Radial, Round Neck D-100 No Applique NA
10x10, Mount
12x12, Lay-in 3 White 00
14x14 Radial, Round Neck AG-100
Off-White 01
Medium Beige 05
Blue/Gray 06
Olive 07
Rust 08
Available Steel Models: flow pattern from maximum cfm
TDC • with fixed discharge down to minimum. Excellent
TDCA • with adjustable performance in variable air
discharge volume systems.
Available Aluminum Models:
TDC-AA • with fixed discharge • In the TDCA and TDCA-AA models, • Extremely flexible, with cores
TDCA-AA • with adjustable movable vanes, accessible from available for one-, two-, three- or
discharge the face, adjust the discharge four-way horizontal flow.
pattern from horizontal to vertical.
Products Include:
• Material is 22-gauge steel or
• Standard Finish - #26 White.
• Core is easily removable from the aluminum with miscellaneous
face of the diffuser. steel components.
• Titus Series TDC diffusers handle
an unusually large amount of air • Lever operator on the optional • For a uniform face appearance
for a given pressure drop and Model AG-95 damper allows easy on all neck sizes, specify an 18
noise level. volume adjustment from the face x 18-inch dimension A size and
of the diffuser. the desired round neck size. This
• Pleasing appearance harmonizes is available in 24 x 24-inch lay-in
with various architectural details - module size only.
especially modular ceiling systems.
Ceiling Module
¼" A plus 59/16"
Ceiling Module
minus ¼"
A plus 59/16"
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Border Type 4 Border Type 5 Border Type 6
(Spline) (Dropped Face) (Beveled Drop Face)
Duct Size
⅜" plus ¼"
Duct Size
plus 1"
⅜" 7/16"
Ceiling Module 2⅛"
* A plus 5½"
* A plus 5"
Available in Steel Only
Note: Std. diffuser is 2½” deep.
Optional 4” deep diffuser is
Minimum Maximum Max. Max. Max. Max.
Available Min.
Duct Size Duct Size Duct Size A Duct Size A Duct Size A Duct Size A
Duct Size A Module Duct
Size Size A
6x6 48 x 48 (Steel) (Alum.) (Steel, Adj.) (Alum., Adj.)
S1 Square A1 B1
1 Way
A2 S2 Square B2
2 Way
1. Remove shipping clips.
E2 X F2 X G2 Square
2 Way
A3 X E3 X For A3, XPY
For A3-2, X>Y, X<2Y
For B3, X=2Y
Y Y For E3, X>2Y
A4 Square B4
core option.
3. Hold core securely and allow 4 Way
to drop down.
Note: Patterns are shown in plan view (looking down into inlet).
• The table below shows the quantity and location of • Total pressure will be 1.40 times that listed
Model TRV vanes required per side of the diffuser. in the diffuser performance table.
• Throw reduction will be shown in the isovel diagrams. • Sound level will be 4 NC higher than that
listed in the diffuser performance table.
X - 1 1½ 2½ 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 11
Model TDC X
Air Pattern S1 L
L=(0.67)X L
- 2 2 3 4 4 5 7 7 8 10 14
Core Style 4a X
9" x 9" neck
60 60
90 60 30
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Neck Vel. 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Vel. Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.050
Total Pressure 0.042 0.075 0.117 0.169 0.229 0.300 0.379
Return Factors Total cfm 75 100 125 150 175 200 225
-SP = 1.1 TP NC - 13 16 23 27 31 34
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
6 S1 X 75 8-10-14 100 9-11-16 125 10-13-18 150 11-14-20 175 12-15-21 200 13-16-23 225 14-17-24
x S2&G2 X&Y 38 4-6-10 50 5-8-12 63 6-10-14 75 8-10-15 88 9-11-16 100 10-12-17 113 10-13-18
6 A3 X 28 4-6-9 38 5-7-11 47 6-8-12 56 7-9-13 66 8-10-14 75 9-11-15 84 9-11-16
0.25 Y 19 3-5-8 25 4-7-9 31 6-7-10 38 7-8-11 44 7-9-12 50 8-9-13 56 8-10-14
ft2 A4 X&Y 19 3-5-8 25 4-7-9 31 6-7-10 38 7-8-11 44 7-9-12 50 8-9-13 56 8-10-14
Return Factors Total cfm 169 225 281 338 394 450 506
-SP = 1.1 TP NC - 15 21 26 30 34 37
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
9 S1 X 169 11-15-21 225 14-17-24 281 16-19-27 338 17-21-30 394 18-23-32 450 20-24-34 506 21-26-36
x S2&G2 X&Y 84 6-9-16 113 8-11-18 141 10-14-20 169 11-16-22 197 13-17-24 225 15-18-26 253 16-19-27
9 A3 X 63 8-10-14 84 9-11-16 105 10-13-18 127 11-14-20 148 12-15-21 169 13-16-23 190 14-17-24
0.56 Y 42 4-7-12 56 7-10-14 70 8-11-16 84 10-12-17 98 11-13-18 113 11-14-20 127 12-15-21
ft2 A4 X&Y 42 4-7-12 56 7-10-14 70 8-11-16 84 10-12-17 98 11-13-18 113 11-14-20 127 12-15-21
Return Factors Total cfm 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
-SP = 1.1 TP NC - 17 23 28 32 35 38
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
12 S1 X 300 15-20-28 400 19-23-32 500 21-25-36 600 23-28-39 700 25-30-43 800 26-32-46 900 28-34-48
x S2&G2 X&Y 150 8-11-21 200 10-15-24 250 13-19-27 300 15-21-30 350 18-23-32 400 20-24-34 450 21-26-36
12 A3 X 113 11-13-18 150 12-15-21 188 14-17-24 225 15-18-26 263 16-20-28 300 17-21-30 338 18-23-32
1.00 Y 75 6-10-16 100 9-13-19 125 11-15-21 150 13-16-23 175 14-17-25 200 15-19-26 225 16-20-28
ft 2
A4 X&Y 75 6-10-16 100 9-13-19 125 11-15-21 150 13-16-23 175 14-17-25 200 15-19-26 225 16-20-28
Return Factors Total cfm 469 625 781 938 1094 1250 1406
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 11 19 25 29 33 37 40
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
15 S1 X 469 19-25-35 625 23-29-40 781 26-32-45 938 29-35-49 1094 31-38-53 1250 33-40-57 1406 35-43-60
x S2&G2 X&Y 234 10-14-26 313 13-19-30 391 16-24-34 469 19-26-37 547 22-28-40 625 25-30-43 703 26-32-45
15 A3 X 176 13-16-23 234 15-19-27 293 17-21-30 352 19-23-33 410 20-25-35 469 22-27-38 527 23-28-40
1.56 Y 117 7-12-20 156 11-16-23 195 14-18-26 234 16-20-28 273 18-22-31 313 19-23-33 352 20-25-35
ft2 A4 X&Y 117 7-12-20 156 11-16-23 195 14-18-26 234 16-20-28 273 18-22-31 313 19-23-33 352 20-25-35
Return Factors Total cfm 675 900 1125 1350 1575 1800 2025
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 12 20 26 31 35 38 41
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
18 S1 X 675 23-30-42 900 28-34-48 1125 31-38-54 1350 34-42-59 1575 37-45-64 1800 39-48-68 2025 42-51-73
x S2&G2 X&Y 338 11-17-31 450 15-23-36 563 19-29-41 675 23-31-44 788 27-34-48 900 30-36-51 1013 31-38-54
18 A3 X 253 16-20-28 338 18-23-32 422 21-25-36 506 23-28-39 591 24-30-42 675 26-32-45 759 28-34-48
2.25 Y 169 9-15-24 225 13-20-28 281 17-22-31 338 20-24-34 394 21-26-37 450 23-28-39 506 24-30-42
ft2 A4 X&Y 169 9-15-24 225 13-20-28 281 17-22-31 338 20-24-34 394 21-26-37 450 23-28-39 506 24-30-42
Return Factors Total cfm 919 1225 1531 1838 2144 2450 2756
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 13 21 27 32 36 39 42
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
21 S1 X 919 27-35-49 1225 33-40-56 1531 36-45-63 1838 40-49-69 2144 43-53-75 2450 46-56-80 2756 49-60-85
x S2&G2 X&Y 459 13-20-37 613 18-27-42 766 22-33-47 919 27-37-52 1072 31-40-56 1225 35-42-60 1378 37-45-63
21 A3 X 345 19-23-32 459 22-26-37 574 24-30-42 689 26-32-46 804 29-35-49 919 31-37-53 1034 32-40-56
3.06 Y 230 10-17-28 306 16-23-32 383 19-26-36 459 23-28-40 536 25-30-43 613 27-32-46 689 28-34-49
ft2 A4 X&Y 230 10-17-28 306 16-23-32 383 19-26-36 459 23-28-40 536 25-30-43 613 27-32-46 689 28-34-49
Return Factors Total cfm 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 14 22 28 32 36 40 43
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
24 S1 X 1200 31-39-56 1600 37-46-64 2000 42-51-72 2400 46-56-79 2800 49-60-85 3200 53-64-91 3600 56-68-97
x S2&G2 X&Y 600 15-23-42 800 20-30-48 1000 25-38-54 1200 30-42-59 1400 35-45-64 1600 39-48-68 1800 42-51-72
24 A3 X 450 21-26-37 600 25-30-43 750 28-34-48 900 30-37-52 1050 33-40-56 1200 35-43-60 1350 37-45-64
4.00 Y 300 12-20-32 400 18-26-37 500 22-29-41 600 26-32-45 700 28-35-49 800 30-37-52 900 32-39-56
ft2 A4 X&Y 300 12-20-23 400 18-26-37 500 22-29-41 600 26-32-45 700 28-35-49 800 30-37-52 900 32-39-56
Return Factors Total cfm 1875 2500 3125 3750 4375 5000 5625
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 16 23 29 34 38 41 45
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
30 S1 X 1875 38-49-70 2500 47-57-81 3125 52-64-90 3750 57-70-99 4375 62-75-107 5000 66-81-114 5625 70-86-121
x S2&G2 X&Y 938 19-29-52 1250 25-38-60 1563 32-48-68 1875 38-52-74 2188 44-56-80 2500 49-60-85 2813 52-64-91
30 A3 X 703 27-33-46 938 31-38-53 1172 34-42-60 1406 38-46-65 1641 41-50-71 1875 44-53-76 2109 46-57-80
6.25 Y 469 15-25-40 625 22-33-46 781 28-37-52 938 33-40-57 1094 35-43-61 1250 38-46-66 1406 40-49-70
ft 2
A4 X&Y 469 15-25-40 625 22-33-46 781 28-37-52 938 33-40-57 1094 35-43-61 1250 38-46-66 1406 40-49-70
Return Factors Total cfm 2700 3600 4500 5400 6300 7200 8100
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 17 24 30 35 39 43 46
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
36 S1 X 2700 46-59-84 3600 56-68-97 4500 62-76-108 5400 68-84-118 6300 74-90-128 7200 79-97-137 8100 84-103-145
x S2&G2 X&Y 1350 23-34-63 1800 30-46-72 2250 38-57-81 2700 46-63-89 3150 53-68-96 3600 59-72-102 4050 63-77-109
36 A3 X 1013 32-39-55 1350 37-45-64 1688 41-51-72 2025 45-55-78 2363 49-60-85 2700 52-64-91 3038 55-68-96
9.00 Y 675 18-30-48 900 27-39-56 1125 33-44-62 1350 39-48-68 1575 43-52-74 1800 45-56-79 2025 48-59-83
ft2 A4 X&Y 675 18-30-48 900 27-39-56 1125 33-44-62 1350 39-48-68 1575 43-52-74 1800 45-56-79 2025 48-59-83
Return Factors Total cfm 4800 6400 8000 9600 11200 12800 14400
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 19 26 32 37 41 45 48
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
48 S1 X 4800 61-79-112 6400 74-91-129 8000 83-102-144 9600 91-112-158 11200 99-121-171 12800 105-129-182 14400 112-137-193
x S2&G2 X&Y 2400 30-46-84 3200 41-61-97 4000 51-76-108 4800 61-84-118 5600 71-90-128 6400 79-97-137 7200 84-102-145
48 A3 X 1800 43-52-74 2400 49-60-85 3000 55-68-96 3600 60-74-105 4200 65-80-113 4800 70-85-121 5400 74-91-128
ft 2
A4 X&Y
Y 1200
1600 36-52-74 2000 44-59-83
1600 36-52-74 2000 44-59-83
57-69-98 3200 61-74-105
57-69-98 3200 61-74-105
3600 64-79-111
3600 64-79-111
For Performance Notes, please refer to page F185.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
0.50 B3 X 75 10-13-19 100 12-15-22 125 14-17-24 150 15-19-26 175 16-20-28 200 18-22-30 225 19-23-32
ft2 Y 38 5-8-14 50 7-10-16 63 9-12-18 75 10-14-19 88 12-15-21 100 13-16-22 113 14-17-23
B4 X 56 7-11-16 75 10-13-18 94 12-14-20 113 13-16-22 131 14-17-24 150 15-18-26 169 16-19-27
Y 19 5-8-12 25 7-10-14 31 8-11-16 38 10-12-17 44 11-13-19 50 11-14-20 56 12-15-21
Return Factors Total cfm 188 250 313 375 438 500 563
-SP = 1.1 TP NC - 16 22 26 30 34 37
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 188 14-17-24 250 16-19-27 313 18-21-30 375 19-24-33 438 21-25-36 500 22-27-38 563 24-29-41
A2&B2 X&Y 94 7-11-19 125 10-15-22 156 12-18-25 188 15-19-27 219 17-21-30 250 18-22-32 281 19-24-34
E2&F2 X 150 9-13-18 200 12-15-21 250 14-17-24 300 15-18-26 350 16-20-28 400 17-21-30 450 18-23-32
6 Y 38 6-9-15 50 8-11-18 63 10-14-20 75 11-15-21 88 13-16-23 100 14-18-25 113 15-19-26
x A3 X 84 8-12-18 113 11-14-20 141 13-16-23 169 14-18-25 197 15-19-27 225 17-20-29 253 18-21-30
15 Y 19 6-8-14 25 8-11-16 31 9-12-18 38 11-14-19 44 12-15-21 50 13-16-22 56 14-17-24
0.63 E3 X 113 12-15-21 150 14-17-24 188 16-19-27 225 17-21-30 263 19-23-32 300 20-24-34 338 21-26-36
ft2 Y 38 6-9-15 50 8-11-18 63 10-14-20 75 11-15-21 88 13-16-23 100 14-18-25 113 15-19-26
B4 X 75 8-12-18 100 11-14-20 125 13-16-23 150 14-18-25 175 15-19-27 200 17-20-29 225 18-21-30
Y 19 6-8-14 25 8-11-16 31 9-12-18 38 11-14-19 44 12-15-21 50 13-16-22 56 14-17-24
Return Factors Total cfm 225 300 375 450 525 600 675
-SP = 1.1 TP NC - 16 22 27 31 34 38
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 225 15-18-26 300 17-21-30 375 19-24-33 450 21-26-36 525 23-28-39 600 24-30-42 675 26-32-45
A2&B2 X&Y 113 8-12-21 150 11-16-25 188 14-19-27 225 16-21-30 263 19-23-32 300 20-25-35 338 21-26-37
E2&F2 X 188 10-14-20 250 13-16-23 313 15-18-26 375 16-20-28 438 18-22-31 500 19-23-33 563 20-25-35
6 Y 38 6-9-17 50 8-13-19 63 10-15-21 75 13-17-23 88 15-18-25 100 16-19-27 113 17-20-29
x A3 X 103 9-14-19 138 12-16-22 172 14-18-25 206 16-19-27 241 17-21-29 275 18-22-31 309 19-23-33
18 Y 19 6-9-15 25 8-12-17 31 10-14-19 38 12-15-21 44 13-16-23 50 14-17-24 56 15-18-26
0.75 E3 X 150 13-16-23 200 15-19-27 250 17-21-30 300 19-23-33 350 20-25-35 400 22-27-38 450 23-28-40
ft2 Y 38 6-9-17 50 8-13-19 63 10-15-21 75 13-17-23 88 15-18-25 100 16-19-27 113 17-20-29
B4 X 94 9-14-19 125 12-16-22 156 14-18-25 188 16-19-27 219 17-21-29 250 18-22-31 281 19-23-33
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Neck Vel. 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Vel. Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.050
Total Pressure 0.042 0.075 0.117 0.169 0.229 0.300 0.379
Return Factors Total cfm 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
-SP = 1.1 TP NC - 17 23 28 32 35 38
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 300 17-21-30 400 20-24-34 500 22-27-38 600 24-30-42 700 26-32-45 800 28-34-49 900 30-36-52
A2&B2 X&Y 150 9-14-25 200 13-19-28 250 16-22-32 300 19-25-35 350 22-27-37 400 23-28-40 450 25-30-43
E2&F2 X 263 12-16-23 350 15-19-27 438 17-21-30 525 19-23-33 613 21-25-36 700 22-27-38 788 23-28-40
6 Y 38 7-11-19 50 10-15-22 63 12-18-25 75 15-19-27 88 17-21-29 100 18-22-31 113 19-23-33
x A3 X 141 11-16-22 188 14-18-26 234 17-20-29 281 18-22-31 328 20-24-34 375 21-26-36 422 22-27-38
24 Y 19 7-11-17 25 10-14-20 31 12-16-22 38 14-17-24 44 15-19-26 50 16-20-28 56 17-21-30
1.00 E3 X 225 15-19-27 300 18-22-31 375 20-24-34 450 22-27-38 525 23-29-41 600 25-31-43 675 27-33-46
ft2 Y 38 7-11-19 50 10-15-22 63 12-18-25 75 15-19-27 88 17-21-29 100 18-22-31 113 19-23-33
B4 X 131 11-16-22 175 14-18-26 219 17-20-29 263 18-22-31 306 20-24-34 350 21-26-36 394 22-27-38
Y 19 7-11-17 25 10-14-20 31 12-16-22 38 14-17-24 44 15-19-26 50 16-20-28 56 17-21-30
Return Factors Total cfm 375 500 625 750 875 1000 1125
-SP = 1.1 TP NC - 18 24 29 33 36 39
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 375 19-24-33 500 22-27-38 625 25-30-43 750 27-33-47 875 29-36-51 1000 31-38-54 1125 33-41-58
A2&B2 X&Y 188 11-16-27 250 14-21-32 313 18-25-35 375 21-27-39 438 24-30-42 500 26-32-45 563 27-34-48
E2&F2 X 338 13-18-26 450 17-21-30 563 19-24-34 675 21-26-37 788 23-28-40 900 25-30-42 1013 26-32-45
6 Y 38 8-12-21 50 11-16-25 63 14-20-28 75 16-21-30 88 19-23-33 100 20-25-35 113 21-26-37
x A3 X 178 12-18-25 238 16-20-29 297 18-23-32 356 20-25-35 416 22-27-38 475 23-29-40 534 25-30-43
30 Y 19 8-12-19 25 11-16-22 31 13-18-25 38 16-19-27 44 17-21-29 50 18-22-31 56 19-24-33
1.25 E3 X 300 17-21-30 400 20-24-34 500 22-27-38 600 24-30-42 700 26-32-45 800 28-34-49 900 30-36-51
ft2 Y 38 8-12-21 50 11-16-25 63 14-20-28 75 16-21-30 88 19-23-33 100 20-25-35 113 21-26-37
B4 X 169 12-18-25 225 16-20-29 281 18-23-32 338 20-25-35 394 22-27-38 450 23-29-40 506 25-30-43
Y 19 8-12-19 25 11-16-22 31 13-18-25 38 16-19-27 44 17-21-29 50 18-22-31 56 19-24-33
Return Factors Total cfm 225 300 375 450 525 600 675
-SP = 1.1 TP NC - 16 22 27 31 34 38
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 225 15-18-26 300 17-21-30 375 19-24-33 450 21-26-36 525 23-28-39 600 24-30-42 675 26-32-45
A2&B2 X&Y 113 8-12-21 150 45977 188 14-19-27 225 16-21-30 263 19-23-32 300 20-25-35 338 21-26-37
E2&F2 X 141 10-14-20 188 13-16-23 234 15-18-26 281 16-20-28 328 18-22-31 375 19-23-33 422 20-25-35
9 Y 84 6-9-17 113 8-13-19 141 10-15-21 169 13-17-23 197 15-18-25 225 16-19-27 253 17-20-29
x A3 X 91 9-14-19 122 12-16-22 152 14-18-25 183 16-19-27 213 17-21-29 244 18-22-31 274 19-23-33
12 Y 42 6-9-15 56 8-12-17 70 10-14-19 84 12-15-21 98 13-16-23 113 14-17-24 127 15-18-26
0.75 A3-2 X 75 9-13-21 100 12-17-24 125 15-19-27 150 17-21-30 175 19-23-32 200 20-24-34 225 21-26-37
ft2 Y 75 6-9-17 100 8-13-19 125 10-15-21 150 13-17-23 175 15-18-25 200 16-19-27 225 17-20-29
B4 X 70 9-14-19 94 12-16-22 117 14-18-25 141 16-19-27 164 17-21-29 188 18-22-31 211 19-23-33
Y 42 6-9-15 56 8-12-17 70 10-14-19 84 12-15-21 98 13-16-23 113 14-17-24 127 15-18-26
Return Factors Total cfm 281 375 469 563 656 750 844
-SP = 1.1 TP NC - 17 23 28 32 35 38
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 281 17-20-29 375 19-24-33 469 21-26-37 563 24-29-41 656 25-31-44 750 27-33-47 844 29-35-50
A2&B2 X&Y 141 9-14-24 188 46739 234 15-22-31 281 18-24-34 328 21-26-36 375 22-27-39 422 24-29-41
E2&F2 X 197 12-16-23 263 15-18-26 328 17-21-29 394 18-23-32 459 20-24-34 525 21-26-37 591 23-28-39
9 Y 84 7-11-19 113 9-14-21 141 12-17-24 169 14-19-26 197 16-20-28 225 18-21-30 253 19-23-32
x A3 X 120 10-15-21 159 14-18-25 199 16-20-28 239 18-21-30 279 19-23-33 319 20-25-35 359 21-26-37
15 Y 42 7-10-17 56 9-14-19 70 12-15-21 84 14-17-24 98 15-18-25 113 16-19-27 127 17-20-29
0.94 A3-2 X 117 10-15-24 156 13-19-27 195 16-22-30 234 19-24-33 273 21-25-36 313 22-27-38 352 24-29-41
ft2 Y 82 7-11-19 109 9-14-21 137 12-17-24 164 14-19-26 191 16-20-28 219 18-21-30 246 19-23-32
B4 X 98 10-15-21 131 14-18-25 164 16-20-28 197 18-21-30 230 19-23-33 263 20-25-35 295 21-26-37
Y 42 7-10-17 56 9-14-19 70 12-15-21 84 14-17-24 98 15-18-25 113 16-19-27 127 17-20-29
Return Factors Total cfm 338 450 563 675 788 900 1013
-SP = 1.1 TP NC - 18 24 28 32 36 39
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 338 18-22-32 450 21-26-36 563 24-29-41 675 26-32-45 788 28-34-48 900 30-36-52 1013 32-39-55
A2&B2 X&Y 169 10-15-26 225 13-20-30 281 17-24-34 338 20-26-37 394 23-28-40 450 25-30-43 506 26-32-45
E2&F2 X 253 13-17-25 338 16-20-28 422 18-23-32 506 20-25-35 591 22-27-38 675 23-28-40 759 25-30-43
9 Y 84 8-12-20 113 10-15-23 141 13-19-26 169 15-20-29 197 18-22-31 225 19-23-33 253 20-25-35
x A3 X 148 11-17-23 197 15-19-27 246 18-21-30 295 19-23-33 345 21-25-36 394 22-27-38 443 23-29-41
18 Y 42 8-11-18 56 10-15-21 70 13-17-24 84 15-18-26 98 16-20-28 113 17-21-30 127 18-22-32
1.13 B3 X 169 14-20-28 225 19-23-32 281 21-25-36 338 23-28-39 394 25-30-43 450 26-32-46 506 28-34-48
ft2 Y 84 8-12-20 113 10-15-23 141 13-19-26 169 15-20-29 197 18-22-31 225 19-23-33 253 20-25-35
B4 X 127 11-17-23 169 15-19-27 211 18-21-30 253 19-23-33 295 21-25-36 338 22-27-38 380 23-29-41
Y 42 8-11-18 56 10-15-21 70 13-17-24 84 15-18-26 98 16-20-28 113 17-21-30 127 18-22-32
1.50 E3 X 281 19-23-33 375 22-27-38 469 24-30-42 563 27-33-46 656 29-35-50 750 31-38-53 844 33-40-56
ft2 Y 84 9-13-23 113 12-18-27 141 15-21-30 169 18-23-33 197 21-25-36 225 22-27-38 253 23-29-41
B4 X 183 13-19-27 244 17-22-31 305 20-25-35 366 22-27-38 427 24-29-41 488 26-31-44 548 27-33-47
Y 42 9-13-21 56 12-17-24 70 15-19-27 84 17-21-30 98 19-23-32 113 20-24-34 127 21-26-36
Return Factors Total cfm 563 750 938 1125 1313 1500 1688
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 12 19 25 30 34 37 41
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 563 24-29-41 750 27-33-47 938 30-37-53 1125 33-41-58 1313 36-44-62 1500 38-47-67 1688 41-50-71
A2&B2 X&Y 281 13-19-34 375 17-26-39 469 21-31-43 563 26-34-48 656 30-36-51 750 32-39-55 844 34-41-58
E2&F2 X 478 16-23-32 638 21-26-37 797 24-29-41 956 26-32-45 1116 28-34-49 1275 30-37-52 1434 32-39-55
9 Y 84 10-15-26 113 13-20-30 141 17-24-34 169 20-26-37 197 23-28-40 225 25-30-43 253 26-32-45
x A3 X 260 14-21-30 347 19-25-35 434 23-28-39 520 25-30-43 607 27-33-46 694 29-35-50 780 30-37-53
30 Y 42 10-15-24 56 13-19-27 70 16-21-30 84 19-24-33 98 21-25-36 113 22-27-38 127 24-29-41
1.88 E3 X 394 21-26-36 525 24-30-42 656 27-33-47 788 30-36-51 919 32-39-56 1050 34-42-59 1181 36-45-63
ft2 Y 84 10-15-26 113 13-20-30 141 17-24-34 169 20-26-37 197 23-28-40 225 25-30-43 253 26-32-45
B4 X 239 14-21-30 319 19-25-35 398 23-28-39 478 25-30-43 558 27-33-46 638 29-35-50 717 30-37-53
Y 42 10-15-24 56 13-19-27 70 16-21-30 84 19-24-33 98 21-25-36 113 22-27-38 127 24-29-41
Return Factors Total cfm 675 900 1125 1350 1575 1800 2025
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 12 20 26 31 35 38 41
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 675 26-32-45 900 30-36-52 1125 33-41-58 1350 36-45-63 1575 39-48-68 1800 42-52-73 2025 45-55-77
A2&B2 X&Y 338 14-21-37 450 19-28-43 563 24-34-48 675 28-37-52 788 32-40-56 900 35-43-60 1013 37-45-64
E2&F2 X 591 18-25-35 788 23-28-40 984 26-32-45 1181 28-35-49 1378 31-38-53 1575 33-40-57 1772 35-43-60
9 Y 84 11-16-29 113 15-22-33 141 18-26-37 169 22-29-41 197 25-31-44 225 27-33-47 253 29-35-50
x A3 X 316 16-23-33 422 21-27-38 527 25-30-43 633 27-33-47 738 29-36-51 844 31-38-54 949 33-41-58
36 Y 42 11-16-26 56 14-21-30 70 18-24-33 84 21-26-36 98 23-28-39 113 24-30-42 127 26-32-45
2.25 E3 X 506 23-28-40 675 27-33-46 844 30-36-51 1013 33-40-56 1181 35-43-61 1350 38-46-65 1519 40-49-69
ft2 Y 84 11-16-29 113 15-22-33 141 18-26-37 169 22-29-41 197 25-31-44 225 27-33-47 253 29-35-50
B4 X 295 16-23-33 394 21-27-38 492 25-30-43 591 27-33-47 689 29-36-51 788 31-38-54 886 33-41-58
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Neck Vel. 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Vel. Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.050
Total Pressure 0.042 0.075 0.117 0.169 0.229 0.300 0.379
Return Factors Total cfm 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 11 19 24 29 33 37 40
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 450 21-26-36 600 24-30-42 750 27-33-47 900 30-36-52 1050 32-39-56 1200 34-42-60 1350 36-45-63
A2&B2 X&Y 225 12-17-30 300 15-23-35 375 19-27-39 450 23-30-43 525 27-32-46 600 28-35-49 675 30-37-52
E2&F2 X 300 15-20-28 400 19-23-33 500 21-26-37 600 23-28-40 700 25-31-43 800 27-33-46 900 28-35-49
12 Y 150 9-13-23 200 12-18-27 250 15-21-30 300 18-23-33 350 21-25-36 400 22-27-38 450 23-29-41
x A3 X 188 13-19-27 250 17-22-31 313 20-25-35 375 22-27-38 438 24-29-41 500 26-31-44 563 27-33-47
18 Y 75 9-13-21 100 12-17-24 125 15-19-27 150 17-21-30 175 19-23-32 200 20-24-34 225 21-26-36
1.50 A3-2 X 169 12-19-30 225 17-24-34 281 21-27-38 338 24-30-42 394 26-32-46 450 28-34-49 506 30-37-52
ft2 Y 141 9-13-23 188 12-18-27 234 15-21-30 281 18-23-33 328 21-25-36 375 22-27-38 422 23-29-41
B4 X 150 13-19-27 200 17-22-31 250 20-25-35 300 22-27-38 350 24-29-41 400 26-31-44 450 27-33-47
Y 75 9-13-21 100 12-17-24 125 15-19-27 150 17-21-30 175 19-23-32 200 20-24-34 225 21-26-36
Return Factors Total cfm 525 700 875 1050 1225 1400 1575
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 12 19 25 30 34 37 40
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 525 23-28-39 700 26-32-45 875 29-36-51 1050 32-39-56 1225 35-43-60 1400 37-45-64 1575 39-48-68
A2&B2 X&Y 263 12-19-32 350 17-25-37 438 21-30-42 525 25-32-46 613 29-35-50 700 31-37-53 788 32-40-56
E2&F2 X 375 16-22-31 500 21-25-36 625 23-28-40 750 25-31-43 875 27-33-47 1000 29-36-50 1125 31-38-53
12 Y 150 10-14-25 200 13-19-29 250 16-23-33 300 19-25-36 350 22-27-39 400 24-29-41 450 25-31-44
x A3 X 225 14-21-29 300 19-24-34 375 22-27-38 450 24-29-41 525 26-32-45 600 28-34-48 675 29-36-51
21 Y 75 9-14-23 100 13-19-26 125 16-21-29 150 19-23-32 175 20-25-35 200 21-26-37 225 23-28-39
1.75 A3-2 X 230 13-20-32 306 18-26-37 383 22-29-42 459 26-32-46 536 28-35-49 613 30-37-53 689 32-39-56
ft2 Y 148 10-14-25 197 13-19-29 246 16-23-33 295 19-25-36 345 22-27-39 394 24-29-41 443 25-31-44
B4 X 188 14-21-29 250 19-24-34 313 22-27-38 375 24-29-41 438 26-32-45 500 28-34-48 563 29-36-51
Y 75 9-14-23 100 13-19-26 125 16-21-29 150 19-23-32 175 20-25-35 200 21-26-37 225 23-28-39
Return Factors Total cfm 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 12 20 25 30 34 38 41
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 600 24-30-42 800 28-34-49 1000 31-38-54 1200 34-42-60 1400 37-45-64 1600 40-49-69 1800 42-52-73
A2&B2 X&Y 300 13-20-35 400 18-27-40 500 22-32-45 600 27-35-49 700 31-37-53 800 33-40-57 900 35-43-60
E2&F2 X 450 17-23-33 600 22-27-38 750 25-30-42 900 27-33-46 1050 29-36-50 1200 31-38-54 1350 33-40-57
12 Y 150 10-15-27 200 14-21-31 250 17-25-35 300 21-27-38 350 24-29-41 400 26-31-44 450 27-33-47
x A3 X 263 15-22-31 350 20-26-36 438 23-29-40 525 26-31-44 613 28-34-48 700 30-36-51 788 31-38-54
24 Y 75 10-15-24 100 14-20-28 125 17-22-31 150 20-24-34 175 21-26-37 200 23-28-40 225 24-30-42
2.00 B3 X 300 19-26-37 400 25-30-43 500 28-34-48 600 30-37-53 700 33-40-57 800 35-43-61 900 37-46-65
ft2 Y 150 10-15-27 200 14-21-31 250 17-25-35 300 21-27-38 350 24-29-41 400 26-31-44 450 27-33-47
B4 X 225 15-22-31 300 20-26-36 375 23-29-40 450 26-31-44 525 28-34-48 600 30-36-51 675 31-38-54
Y 75 10-15-24 100 14-20-28 125 17-22-31 150 20-24-34 175 21-26-37 200 23-28-40 225 24-30-42
Return Factors Total cfm 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 13 20 26 31 35 38 41
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 750 27-33-47 1000 31-38-54 1250 35-43-61 1500 38-47-67 1750 42-51-72 2000 44-54-77 2250 47-58-82
A2&B2 X&Y 375 15-22-39 500 20-30-45 625 25-35-50 750 30-39-55 875 34-42-59 1000 37-45-63 1125 39-48-67
E2&F2 X 600 19-26-37 800 25-30-42 1000 27-34-47 1200 30-37-52 1400 32-40-56 1600 35-42-60 1800 37-45-64
12 Y 150 11-17-30 200 15-23-35 250 19-28-39 300 23-30-43 350 27-33-46 400 29-35-50 450 30-37-53
x A3 X 338 17-25-35 450 22-29-40 563 26-32-45 675 29-35-50 788 31-38-53 900 33-40-57 1013 35-43-61
30 Y 75 11-17-27 100 15-22-31 125 19-25-35 150 22-27-38 175 24-29-41 200 26-31-44 225 27-33-47
2.50 E3 X 450 24-30-42 600 28-34-49 750 31-38-54 900 34-42-59 1050 37-45-64 1200 40-49-69 1350 42-51-73
ft2 Y 150 11-17-30 200 15-23-35 250 19-28-39 300 23-30-43 350 27-33-46 400 29-35-50 450 30-37-53
B4 X 300 17-25-35 400 22-29-40 500 26-32-45 600 29-35-50 700 31-38-53 800 33-40-57 900 35-43-61
Y 75 11-17-27 100 15-22-31 125 19-25-35 150 22-27-38 175 24-29-41 200 26-31-44 225 27-33-47
Return Factors Total cfm 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 13 21 27 31 36 39 42
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 900 30-36-52 1200 34-42-60 1500 38-47-67 1800 42-52-73 2100 45-56-79 2400 49-60-84 2700 52-63-89
A2&B2 X&Y 450 16-24-43 600 22-33-49 750 27-39-55 900 33-43-60 1050 37-46-65 1200 40-49-69 1350 43-52-74
E2&F2 X 750 21-28-40 1000 27-33-46 1250 30-37-52 1500 33-40-57 1750 36-43-62 2000 38-46-66 2250 40-49-70
12 Y 150 13-19-33 200 17-25-38 250 21-30-43 300 25-33-47 350 29-36-51 400 31-38-54 450 33-41-58
x A3 X 413 18-27-38 550 24-31-44 688 29-35-50 825 31-38-54 963 34-41-59 1100 36-44-63 1238 38-47-66
36 Y 75 12-19-30 100 17-24-34 125 21-27-38 150 24-30-42 175 26-32-45 200 28-34-49 225 30-36-52
3.00 E3 X 600 26-33-46 800 31-38-53 1000 34-42-59 1200 38-46-65 1400 41-50-70 1600 43-53-75 1800 46-56-80
ft2 Y 150 13-19-33 200 17-25-38 250 21-30-43 300 25-33-47 350 29-36-51 400 31-38-54 450 33-41-58
B4 X 375 18-27-38 500 24-31-44 625 29-35-50 750 31-38-54 875 34-41-59 1000 36-44-63 1125 38-47-66
Y 75 12-19-30 100 17-24-34 125 21-27-38 150 24-30-42 175 26-32-45 200 28-34-49 225 30-36-52
1.88 A3-2 X 169 14-21-33 225 19-27-38 281 23-30-43 338 27-33-47 394 29-36-51 450 31-38-54 506 33-41-58
ft2 Y 197 10-15-26 263 13-20-30 328 17-24-34 394 20-26-37 459 23-28-40 525 25-30-43 591 26-32-45
B4 X 164 14-21-30 219 19-25-35 273 23-28-39 328 25-30-43 383 27-33-46 438 29-35-50 492 30-37-53
Y 117 10-15-24 156 13-19-27 195 16-21-30 234 19-24-33 273 21-25-36 313 22-27-38 352 24-29-41
Return Factors Total cfm 656 875 1094 1313 1531 1750 1969
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 12 20 26 30 34 38 41
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 656 25-31-44 875 29-36-51 1094 33-40-57 1313 36-44-62 1531 39-48-67 1750 42-51-72 1969 44-54-76
A2&B2 X&Y 328 14-21-36 438 19-28-42 547 23-33-47 656 28-36-51 766 32-39-55 875 34-42-59 984 36-44-63
E2&F2 X 422 18-24-34 563 23-28-40 703 26-31-44 844 28-34-49 984 30-37-53 1125 32-40-56 1266 34-42-60
15 Y 234 11-16-28 313 14-21-33 391 18-26-37 469 21-28-40 547 25-31-43 625 27-33-46 703 28-35-49
x A3 X 270 16-23-33 359 21-27-38 449 24-30-42 539 27-33-46 629 29-35-50 719 31-38-53 809 33-40-57
21 Y 117 11-16-25 156 14-21-29 195 18-23-33 234 21-25-36 273 22-27-39 313 24-29-41 352 25-31-44
2.19 A3-2 X 230 15-22-36 306 20-29-42 383 25-33-46 459 29-36-51 536 32-39-55 613 34-42-59 689 36-44-62
ft2 Y 213 11-16-28 284 14-21-33 355 18-26-37 427 21-28-40 498 25-31-43 569 27-33-46 640 28-35-49
B4 X 211 16-23-33 281 21-27-38 352 24-30-42 422 27-33-46 492 29-35-50 563 31-38-53 633 33-40-57
Y 117 11-16-25 156 14-21-29 195 18-23-33 234 21-25-36 273 22-27-39 313 24-29-41 352 25-31-44
Return Factors Total cfm 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 13 20 26 31 35 38 41
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 750 27-33-47 1000 31-38-54 1250 35-43-61 1500 38-47-67 1750 42-51-72 2000 44-54-77 2250 47-58-82
A2&B2 X&Y 375 15-22-39 500 20-30-45 625 25-35-50 750 30-39-55 875 34-42-59 1000 37-45-63 1125 39-48-67
E2&F2 X 516 19-26-37 688 25-30-42 859 27-34-47 1031 30-37-52 1203 32-40-56 1375 35-42-60 1547 37-45-64
15 Y 234 11-17-30 313 15-23-35 391 19-28-39 469 23-30-43 547 27-33-46 625 29-35-50 703 30-37-53
x A3 X 316 17-25-35 422 22-29-40 527 26-32-45 633 29-35-50 738 31-38-53 844 33-40-57 949 35-43-61
24 Y 117 11-17-27 156 15-22-31 195 19-25-35 234 22-27-38 273 24-29-41 313 26-31-44 352 27-33-47
2.50 A3-2 X 300 16-24-38 400 21-31-44 500 27-35-50 600 31-38-54 700 34-42-59 800 36-44-63 900 38-47-67
ft2 Y 225 11-17-30 300 15-23-35 375 19-28-39 450 23-30-43 525 27-33-46 600 29-35-50 675 30-37-53
B4 X 258 17-25-35 344 22-29-40 430 26-32-45 516 29-35-50 602 31-38-53 688 33-40-57 773 35-43-61
Y 117 11-17-27 156 15-22-31 195 19-25-35 234 22-27-38 273 24-29-41 313 26-31-44 352 27-33-47
Return Factors Total cfm 938 1250 1563 1875 2188 2500 2813
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 13 21 27 32 36 39 42
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 938 30-37-53 1250 35-43-61 1563 39-48-68 1875 43-53-74 2188 46-57-80 2500 50-61-86 2813 53-64-91
A2&B2 X&Y 469 17-25-43 625 22-33-50 781 28-40-56 938 33-43-61 1094 38-47-66 1250 41-50-71 1406 43-53-75
E2&F2 X 703 21-29-41 938 27-34-47 1172 31-38-53 1406 34-41-58 1641 36-44-63 1875 39-47-67 2109 41-50-71
15 Y 234 13-19-34 313 17-26-39 391 21-31-44 469 26-34-48 547 30-37-52 625 32-39-55 703 34-42-59
x A3 X 410 19-28-39 547 25-32-45 684 29-36-51 820 32-39-55 957 35-42-60 1094 37-45-64 1230 39-48-68
30 Y 117 13-19-30 156 17-25-35 195 21-28-39 234 25-30-43 273 27-33-46 313 29-35-50 352 30-37-53
3.13 B3 X 469 24-33-47 625 31-38-54 781 35-42-60 938 38-47-66 1094 41-50-71 1250 44-54-76 1406 47-57-81
ft2 Y 234 13-19-34 313 17-26-39 391 21-31-44 469 26-34-48 547 30-37-52 625 32-39-55 703 34-42-59
B4 X 352 19-28-39 469 25-32-45 586 29-36-51 703 32-39-55 820 35-42-60 938 37-45-64 1055 39-48-68
Y 117 13-19-30 156 17-25-35 195 21-28-39 234 25-30-43 273 27-33-46 313 29-35-50 352 30-37-53
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Neck Vel. 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Vel. Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.050
Total Pressure 0.042 0.075 0.117 0.169 0.229 0.300 0.379
Return Factors Total cfm 1125 1500 1875 2250 2625 3000 3375
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 14 22 27 32 36 40 43
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 1125 33-41-58 1500 38-47-67 1875 43-53-74 2250 47-58-82 2625 51-62-88 3000 54-67-94 3375 58-71-100
A2&B2 X&Y 563 18-27-48 750 24-36-55 938 30-43-61 1125 36-48-67 1313 42-51-73 1500 45-55-78 1688 48-58-82
E2&F2 X 891 23-32-45 1188 30-37-52 1484 34-41-58 1781 37-45-64 2078 40-49-69 2375 42-52-74 2672 45-55-78
15 Y 234 14-21-37 313 19-28-43 391 23-34-48 469 28-37-53 547 33-40-57 625 35-43-61 703 37-45-64
x A3 X 504 20-30-43 672 27-35-50 840 32-39-55 1008 35-43-61 1176 38-46-66 1344 40-50-70 1512 43-53-74
36 Y 117 14-21-33 156 18-27-38 195 23-30-43 234 27-33-47 273 29-36-51 313 31-38-54 352 33-41-58
3.75 E3 X 656 29-36-51 875 34-42-59 1094 38-47-66 1313 42-51-73 1531 45-56-79 1750 49-59-84 1969 51-63-89
ft2 Y 234 14-21-37 313 19-28-43 391 23-34-48 469 28-37-53 547 33-40-57 625 35-43-61 703 37-45-64
B4 X 445 20-30-43 594 27-35-50 742 32-39-55 891 35-43-61 1039 38-46-66 1188 40-50-70 1336 43-53-74
Y 117 14-21-33 156 18-27-38 195 23-30-43 234 27-33-47 273 29-36-51 313 31-38-54 352 33-41-58
Return Factors Total cfm 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 15 23 28 33 37 41 44
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 1500 38-47-67 2000 44-54-77 2500 50-61-86 3000 54-67-94 3500 59-72-102 4000 63-77-109 4500 67-82-115
A2&B2 X&Y 750 21-32-55 1000 28-42-63 1250 35-50-71 1500 42-55-78 1750 48-59-84 2000 52-63-90 2250 55-67-95
E2&F2 X 1266 27-37-52 1688 35-42-60 2109 39-47-67 2531 42-52-74 2953 46-56-79 3375 49-60-85 3797 52-64-90
15 Y 234 16-24-43 313 22-32-50 391 27-39-55 469 32-43-61 547 38-46-66 625 40-50-70 703 43-53-74
x A3 X 691 24-35-50 922 31-40-57 1152 37-45-64 1383 40-50-70 1613 44-53-76 1844 47-57-81 2074 50-61-86
48 Y 117 16-24-38 156 21-31-44 195 27-35-50 234 31-38-54 273 34-41-59 313 36-44-63 352 38-47-67
5.00 E3 X 1031 34-42-59 1375 40-49-69 1719 44-54-77 2063 49-59-84 2406 52-64-91 2750 56-69-97 3094 59-73-103
ft2 Y 234 16-24-43 313 22-32-50 391 27-39-55 469 32-43-61 547 38-46-66 625 40-50-70 703 43-53-74
B4 X 633 24-35-50 844 31-40-57 1055 37-45-64 1266 40-50-70 1477 44-53-76 1688 47-57-81 1898 50-61-86
Y 117 16-24-38 156 21-31-44 195 27-35-50 234 31-38-54 273 34-41-59 313 36-44-63 352 38-47-67
Return Factors Total cfm 788 1050 1313 1575 1838 2100 2363
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 13 20 26 31 35 39 42
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 788 28-34-48 1050 32-39-56 1313 36-44-62 1575 39-48-68 1838 43-52-74 2100 45-56-79 2363 48-59-84
A2&B2 X&Y 394 15-23-40 525 20-30-46 656 25-36-51 788 30-40-56 919 35-43-61 1050 37-46-65 1181 40-49-69
E2&F2 X 450 19-27-38 600 25-31-43 750 28-34-49 900 31-38-53 1050 33-41-58 1200 36-43-62 1350 38-46-65
18 Y 338 12-18-31 450 16-24-36 563 20-28-40 675 24-31-44 788 27-34-47 900 29-36-51 1013 31-38-54
x A3 X 309 17-25-36 413 23-29-41 516 27-33-46 619 29-36-51 722 32-39-55 825 34-41-59 928 36-44-62
21 Y 169 12-17-28 225 15-23-32 281 19-25-36 338 23-28-39 394 25-30-42 450 26-32-45 506 28-34-48
2.63 A3-2 X 230 16-25-39 306 22-32-46 383 27-36-51 459 32-39-56 536 35-43-60 613 37-46-64 689 39-48-68
ft2 Y 279 12-18-31 372 16-24-36 465 20-28-40 558 24-31-44 651 27-34-47 744 29-36-51 837 31-38-54
B4 X 225 17-25-36 300 23-29-41 375 27-33-46 450 29-36-51 525 32-39-55 600 34-41-59 675 36-44-62
Y 169 12-17-28 225 15-23-32 281 19-25-36 338 23-28-39 394 25-30-42 450 26-32-45 506 28-34-48
Return Factors Total cfm 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 13 21 27 31 36 39 42
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 900 30-36-52 1200 34-42-60 1500 38-47-67 1800 42-52-73 2100 45-56-79 2400 49-60-84 2700 52-63-89
A2&B2 X&Y 450 16-24-43 600 22-33-49 750 27-39-55 900 33-43-60 1050 37-46-65 1200 40-49-69 1350 43-52-74
E2&F2 X 563 21-28-40 750 27-33-46 938 30-37-52 1125 33-40-57 1313 36-43-62 1500 38-46-66 1688 40-49-70
18 Y 338 13-19-33 450 17-25-38 563 21-30-43 675 25-33-47 788 29-36-51 900 31-38-54 1013 33-41-58
x A3 X 366 18-27-38 488 24-31-44 609 29-35-50 731 31-38-54 853 34-41-59 975 36-44-63 1097 38-47-66
24 Y 169 12-19-30 225 17-24-34 281 21-27-38 338 24-30-42 394 26-32-45 450 28-34-49 506 30-36-52
3.00 A3-2 X 300 18-26-42 400 23-34-49 500 29-38-54 600 34-42-60 700 37-46-64 800 40-49-69 900 42-52-73
ft2 Y 300 13-19-33 400 17-25-38 500 21-30-43 600 25-33-47 700 29-36-51 800 31-38-54 900 33-41-58
B4 X 281 18-27-38 375 24-31-44 469 29-35-50 563 31-38-54 656 34-41-59 750 36-44-63 844 38-47-66
Y 169 12-19-30 225 17-24-34 281 21-27-38 338 24-30-42 394 26-32-45 450 28-34-49 506 30-36-52
Return Factors Total cfm 1125 1500 1875 2250 2625 3000 3375
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 14 22 27 32 36 40 43
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 1125 33-41-58 1500 38-47-67 1875 43-53-74 2250 47-58-82 2625 51-62-88 3000 54-67-94 3375 58-71-100
A2&B2 X&Y 563 18-27-48 750 24-36-55 938 30-43-61 1125 36-48-67 1313 42-51-73 1500 45-55-78 1688 48-58-82
E2&F2 X 788 23-32-45 1050 30-37-52 1313 34-41-58 1575 37-45-64 1838 40-49-69 2100 42-52-74 2363 45-55-78
18 Y 338 14-21-37 450 19-28-43 563 23-34-48 675 28-37-53 788 33-40-57 900 35-43-61 1013 37-45-64
x A3 X 478 20-30-43 638 27-35-50 797 32-39-55 956 35-43-61 1116 38-46-66 1275 40-50-70 1434 43-53-74
30 Y 169 14-21-33 225 18-27-38 281 23-30-43 338 27-33-47 394 29-36-51 450 31-38-54 506 33-41-58
3.75 A3-2 X 469 20-29-47 625 26-38-54 781 33-43-61 938 38-47-67 1094 42-51-72 1250 44-54-77 1406 47-58-82
ft2 Y 328 14-21-37 438 19-28-43 547 23-34-48 656 28-37-53 766 33-40-57 875 35-43-61 984 37-45-64
B4 X 394 20-30-43 525 27-35-50 656 32-39-55 788 35-43-61 919 38-46-66 1050 40-50-70 1181 43-53-74
Y 169 14-21-33 225 18-27-38 281 23-30-43 338 27-33-47 394 29-36-51 450 31-38-54 506 33-41-58
6.00 E3 X 1125 37-46-65 1500 43-53-75 1875 49-59-84 2250 53-65-92 2625 57-70-99 3000 61-75-106 3375 65-80-113
ft2 Y 338 18-27-47 450 24-36-54 563 30-43-61 675 36-47-66 788 41-51-72 900 44-54-77 1013 47-58-81
B4 X 731 26-38-54 975 34-44-63 1219 40-50-70 1463 44-54-77 1706 48-59-83 1950 51-63-89 2194 54-66-94
Y 169 18-26-42 225 23-34-49 281 29-38-54 338 34-42-59 394 37-45-64 450 40-49-69 506 42-52-73
Return Factors Total cfm 1050 1400 1750 2100 2450 2800 3150
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 14 21 27 32 36 40 43
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 1050 32-39-56 1400 37-45-64 1750 42-51-72 2100 45-56-79 2450 49-60-85 2800 53-64-91 3150 56-68-97
A2&B2 X&Y 525 18-26-46 700 23-35-53 875 29-42-59 1050 35-46-65 1225 40-50-70 1400 43-53-75 1575 46-56-80
E2&F2 X 591 22-31-43 788 29-36-50 984 32-40-56 1181 36-43-62 1378 38-47-66 1575 41-50-71 1772 43-53-75
21 Y 459 14-20-36 613 18-27-41 766 23-33-46 919 27-36-51 1072 32-39-55 1225 34-41-59 1378 36-44-62
x A3 X 410 20-29-41 547 26-34-48 684 31-38-53 820 34-41-59 957 37-45-63 1094 39-48-68 1230 41-51-72
24 Y 230 13-20-32 306 18-26-37 383 22-29-41 459 26-32-45 536 28-35-49 613 30-37-52 689 32-39-56
3.50 A3-2 X 300 19-28-46 400 25-37-53 500 32-42-59 600 37-46-64 700 40-49-70 800 43-53-74 900 46-56-79
ft2 Y 375 14-20-36 500 18-27-41 625 23-33-46 750 27-36-51 875 32-39-55 1000 34-41-59 1125 36-44-62
B4 X 295 20-29-41 394 26-34-48 492 31-38-53 591 34-41-59 689 37-45-63 788 39-48-68 886 41-51-72
Y 230 13-20-32 306 18-26-37 383 22-29-41 459 26-32-45 536 28-35-49 613 30-37-52 689 32-39-56
Return Factors Total cfm 1313 1750 2188 2625 3063 3500 3938
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 15 22 28 33 37 40 43
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 1313 36-44-62 1750 42-51-72 2188 46-57-80 2625 51-62-88 3063 55-67-95 3500 59-72-102 3938 62-76-108
A2&B2 X&Y 656 20-29-51 875 26-39-59 1094 33-47-66 1313 39-51-73 1531 45-55-78 1750 48-59-84 1969 51-63-89
E2&F2 X 853 25-34-49 1138 32-40-56 1422 36-44-63 1706 40-49-69 1991 43-53-74 2275 46-56-79 2559 49-60-84
21 Y 459 15-23-40 613 20-30-46 766 25-37-52 919 30-40-57 1072 35-43-61 1225 38-46-66 1378 40-49-69
x A3 X 541 22-33-46 722 29-38-53 902 35-42-60 1083 38-46-66 1263 41-50-71 1444 44-53-76 1624 46-57-80
30 Y 230 15-22-36 306 20-29-41 383 25-33-46 459 29-36-51 536 32-39-55 613 34-41-59 689 36-44-62
4.38 A3-2 X 469 21-32-51 625 28-42-59 781 35-46-66 938 42-51-72 1094 45-55-78 1250 48-59-83 1406 51-62-88
ft2 Y 422 15-23-40 563 20-30-46 703 25-37-52 844 30-40-57 984 35-43-61 1125 38-46-66 1266 40-49-69
B4 X 427 22-33-46 569 29-38-53 711 35-42-60 853 38-46-66 995 41-50-71 1138 44-53-76 1280 46-57-80
Y 230 15-22-36 306 20-29-41 383 25-33-46 459 29-36-51 536 32-39-55 613 34-41-59 689 36-44-62
Return Factors Total cfm 1575 2100 2625 3150 3675 4200 4725
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 15 23 29 33 37 41 44
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 1575 39-48-68 2100 45-56-79 2625 51-62-88 3150 56-68-97 3675 60-74-104 4200 64-79-111 4725 68-84-118
A2&B2 X&Y 788 22-32-56 1050 29-43-65 1313 36-51-73 1575 43-56-80 1838 50-61-86 2100 53-65-92 2363 56-69-97
E2&F2 X 1116 27-38-53 1488 36-43-62 1859 40-49-69 2231 43-53-75 2603 47-58-81 2975 50-62-87 3347 53-65-92
21 Y 459 17-25-44 613 22-33-51 766 28-40-57 919 33-44-62 1072 39-47-67 1225 41-51-72 1378 44-54-76
x A3 X 673 24-36-51 897 32-41-59 1121 38-46-66 1345 41-51-72 1570 45-55-78 1794 48-59-83 2018 51-62-88
36 Y 230 16-25-39 306 22-32-45 383 27-36-51 459 32-39-56 536 35-42-60 613 37-45-64 689 39-48-68
5.25 A3-2 X 675 23-35-56 900 31-46-64 1125 39-51-72 1350 46-56-79 1575 49-60-85 1800 53-64-91 2025 56-68-97
ft2 Y 450 17-25-44 600 22-33-51 750 28-40-57 900 33-44-62 1050 39-47-67 1200 41-51-72 1350 44-54-76
B4 X 558 24-36-51 744 32-41-59 930 38-46-66 1116 41-51-72 1302 45-55-78 1488 48-59-83 1673 51-62-88
Y 230 16-25-39 306 22-32-45 383 27-36-51 459 32-39-56 536 35-42-60 613 37-45-64 689 39-48-68
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Neck Vel. 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Vel. Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.050
Total Pressure 0.042 0.075 0.117 0.169 0.229 0.300 0.379
Return Factors Total cfm 2100 2800 3500 4200 4900 5600 6300
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 16 24 29 34 38 42 45
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 2100 45-56-79 2800 53-64-91 3500 59-72-102 4200 64-79-111 4900 70-85-120 5600 74-91-129 6300 79-97-136
A2&B2 X&Y 1050 25-37-65 1400 33-50-75 1750 41-59-84 2100 50-65-92 2450 57-70-99 2800 61-75-106 3150 65-80-112
E2&F2 X 1641 32-43-62 2188 41-50-71 2734 46-56-79 3281 50-62-87 3828 54-66-94 4375 58-71-100 4922 62-75-107
21 Y 459 19-29-51 613 26-38-59 766 32-46-66 919 38-51-72 1072 45-55-78 1225 48-59-83 1378 51-62-88
x A3 X 935 28-41-59 1247 37-48-68 1559 44-53-76 1870 48-59-83 2182 52-63-89 2494 55-68-96 2805 59-72-101
48 Y 230 19-28-45 306 25-37-52 383 32-41-59 459 37-45-64 536 40-49-69 613 43-52-74 689 45-56-79
7.00 E3 X 1181 40-50-70 1575 47-57-81 1969 52-64-91 2363 57-70-99 2756 62-76-107 3150 66-81-115 3544 70-86-122
ft2 Y 459 19-29-51 613 26-38-59 766 32-46-66 919 38-51-72 1072 45-55-78 1225 48-59-83 1378 51-62-88
B4 X 820 28-41-59 1094 37-48-68 1367 44-53-76 1641 48-59-83 1914 52-63-89 2188 55-68-96 2461 59-72-101
Y 230 19-28-45 306 25-37-52 383 32-41-59 459 37-45-64 536 40-49-69 613 43-52-74 689 45-56-79
Return Factors Total cfm 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 15 23 28 33 37 41 44
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 1500 38-47-67 2000 44-54-77 2500 50-61-86 3000 54-67-94 3500 59-72-102 4000 63-77-109 4500 67-82-115
A2&B2 X&Y 750 21-32-55 1000 28-42-63 1250 35-50-71 1500 42-55-78 1750 48-59-84 2000 52-63-90 2250 55-67-95
E2&F2 X 900 27-37-52 1200 35-42-60 1500 39-47-67 1800 42-52-74 2100 46-56-79 2400 49-60-85 2700 52-64-90
24 Y 600 16-24-43 800 22-32-50 1000 27-39-55 1200 32-43-61 1400 38-46-66 1600 40-50-70 1800 43-53-74
x A3 X 600 24-35-50 800 31-40-57 1000 37-45-64 1200 40-50-70 1400 44-53-76 1600 47-57-81 1800 50-61-86
30 Y 300 16-24-38 400 21-31-44 500 27-35-50 600 31-38-54 700 34-41-59 800 36-44-63 900 38-47-67
5.00 A3-2 X 469 23-34-54 625 30-44-63 781 38-50-70 938 44-54-77 1094 48-59-83 1250 51-63-89 1406 54-67-94
ft2 Y 516 16-24-43 688 22-32-50 859 27-39-55 1031 32-43-61 1203 38-46-66 1375 40-50-70 1547 43-53-74
B4 X 450 24-35-50 600 31-40-57 750 37-45-64 900 40-50-70 1050 44-53-76 1200 47-57-81 1350 50-61-86
Y 300 16-24-38 400 21-31-44 500 27-35-50 600 31-38-54 700 34-41-59 800 36-44-63 900 38-47-67
Return Factors Total cfm 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 16 23 29 34 38 41 44
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 1800 42-52-73 2400 49-60-84 3000 54-67-94 3600 60-73-103 4200 64-79-111 4800 69-84-119 5400 73-89-126
A2&B2 X&Y 900 23-35-60 1200 31-46-69 1500 38-55-78 1800 46-60-85 2100 53-65-92 2400 57-69-98 2700 60-74-104
E2&F2 X 1200 29-40-57 1600 38-46-66 2000 42-52-74 2400 46-57-81 2800 50-62-87 3200 54-66-93 3600 57-70-99
24 Y 600 18-27-47 800 24-36-54 1000 30-43-61 1200 36-47-66 1400 41-51-72 1600 44-54-77 1800 47-58-81
x A3 X 750 26-38-54 1000 34-44-63 1250 40-50-70 1500 44-54-77 1750 48-59-83 2000 51-63-89 2250 54-66-94
36 Y 300 18-26-42 400 23-34-49 500 29-38-54 600 34-42-59 700 37-45-64 800 40-49-69 900 42-52-73
6.00 A3-2 X 675 25-37-60 900 33-49-69 1125 41-54-77 1350 49-60-84 1575 53-64-91 1800 56-69-97 2025 60-73-103
ft2 Y 563 18-27-47 750 24-36-54 938 30-43-61 1125 36-47-66 1313 41-51-72 1500 44-54-77 1688 47-58-81
B4 X 600 26-38-54 800 34-44-63 1000 40-50-70 1200 44-54-77 1400 48-59-83 1600 51-63-89 1800 54-66-94
Y 300 18-26-42 400 23-34-49 500 29-38-54 600 34-42-59 700 37-45-64 800 40-49-69 900 42-52-73
Return Factors Total cfm 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 7200
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 17 24 30 35 39 42 45
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 2400 49-60-84 3200 56-69-97 4000 63-77-109 4800 69-84-119 5600 74-91-129 6400 79-97-138 7200 84-103-146
A2&B2 X&Y 1200 27-40-69 1600 35-53-80 2000 44-63-90 2400 53-69-98 2800 61-75-106 3200 65-80-113 3600 69-85-120
E2&F2 X 1800 34-46-66 2400 44-54-76 3000 49-60-85 3600 54-66-93 4200 58-71-100 4800 62-76-107 5400 66-81-114
24 Y 600 21-31-54 800 27-41-63 1000 34-50-70 1200 41-54-77 1400 48-59-83 1600 51-63-89 1800 54-66-94
x A3 X 1050 30-44-63 1400 40-51-72 1750 47-57-81 2100 51-63-89 2450 55-68-96 2800 59-72-102 3150 63-77-108
48 Y 300 20-30-49 400 27-40-56 500 34-44-63 600 40-49-69 700 43-52-74 800 46-56-79 900 49-59-84
8.00 B3 X 1200 38-53-74 1600 50-61-86 2000 56-68-96 2400 61-74-105 2800 66-80-114 3200 70-86-122 3600 74-91-129
ft2 Y 600 21-31-54 800 27-41-63 1000 34-50-70 1200 41-54-77 1400 48-59-83 1600 51-63-89 1800 54-66-94
B4 X 900 30-44-63 1200 40-51-72 1500 47-57-81 1800 51-63-89 2100 55-68-96 2400 59-72-102 2700 63-77-108
Y 300 20-30-49 400 27-40-56 500 34-44-63 600 40-49-69 700 43-52-74 800 46-56-79 900 49-59-84
Return Factors Total cfm 2250 3000 3750 4500 5250 6000 6750
-SP = 1.1 TP NC 16 24 30 34 39 42 45
NC + 1 Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
A1&B1 X 2250 47-58-82 3000 54-67-94 3750 61-74-105 4500 67-82-115 5250 72-88-125 6000 77-94-133 6750 82-100-141
A2&B2 X&Y 1125 26-39-67 1500 34-51-78 1875 43-61-87 2250 51-67-95 2625 59-73-103 3000 63-78-110 3375 67-82-116
E2&F2 X 1313 33-45-64 1750 42-52-74 2188 47-58-82 2625 52-64-90 3063 56-69-97 3500 60-74-104 3938 64-78-110
30 Y 938 20-30-53 1250 27-40-61 1563 33-48-68 1875 40-53-74 2188 46-57-80 2500 50-61-86 2813 53-64-91
x A3 X 891 29-43-61 1188 38-50-70 1484 45-55-78 1781 50-61-86 2078 53-66-93 2375 57-70-99 2672 61-74-105
36 Y 469 20-29-47 625 26-38-54 781 33-43-61 938 38-47-67 1094 41-51-72 1250 44-54-77 1406 47-58-81
7.50 A3-2 X 675 28-42-67 900 37-54-77 1125 46-61-86 1350 54-67-94 1575 59-72-102 1800 63-77-109 2025 67-82-115
ft2 Y 788 20-30-53 1050 27-40-61 1313 33-48-68 1575 40-53-74 1838 46-57-80 2100 50-61-86 2363 53-64-91
B4 X 656 29-43-61 875 38-50-70 1094 45-55-78 1313 50-61-86 1531 53-66-93 1750 57-70-99 1969 61-74-105
Y 469 20-29-47 625 26-38-54 781 33-43-61 938 38-47-67 1094 41-51-72 1250 44-54-77 1406 47-58-81
12.00 A3-2 X 1200 35-53-84 1600 47-69-97 2000 59-77-109 2400 69-84-119 2800 74-91-129 3200 80-97-138 3600 84-103-146
ft2 Y 1200 25-38-66 1600 34-50-77 2000 42-61-86 2400 50-66-94 2800 59-72-101 3200 63-77-108 3600 66-81-115
B4 X 1125 37-54-77 1500 49-63-89 1875 57-70-99 2250 63-77-108 2625 68-83-117 3000 72-89-125 3375 77-94-133
Y 675 25-37-59 900 33-49-69 1125 41-54-77 1350 49-59-84 1575 52-64-91 1800 56-69-97 2025 59-73-103
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Return Factors Total cfm 78 98 117 137 156 176 215
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.058 0.092 0.131 0.179 0.223 0.296 0.442
NC + 1 NC 10 16 21 25 28 31 36
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
6 S1 X 75 5-7-15 98 6-9-18 117 7-11-20 137 9-13-22 156 10-15-25 176 45978 215 14-19-27
x S2&G2 X&Y 38 3-5-10 50 4-6-13 59 5-7-14 69 6-9-16 78 7-10-17 88 7-11-18 108 9-14-20
6 A3 X 29 3-4-8 37 3-5-9 44 4-6-10 51 5-7-10 59 6-8-11 66 6-8-12 81 7-9-13
6" Y 20 2-4-7 25 3-5-8 29 4-6-9 34 4-7-9 39 5-7-10 44 6-7-12 54 7-8-12
Round A4 X&Y 20 2-4-7 25 3-5-8 29 4-6-9 34 4-7-9 39 5-7-10 44 6-7-12 54 7-8-12
Return Factors Total cfm 98 117 137 156 176 215 254
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.041 0.058 0.079 0.103 0.131 0.196 0.273
NC + 1 NC 10 14 18 21 25 30 34
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
9 S1 X 98 6-9-18 117 7-11-20 137 9-15-22 156 10-15-23 176 11-17-25 215 20-24-34 254 17-21-30
x S2&G2 X&Y 49 4-6-13 59 5-7-14 69 6-9-16 78 7-10-17 88 7-11-18 108 9-14-20 127 11-15-21
9 A3 X 37 3-5-9 44 4-6-10 51 5-7-10 59 6-8-11 66 6-8-12 81 7-9-13 95 8-10-14
6" Y 25 3-5-8 29 4-6-9 34 4-7-9 39 5-7-10 44 6-7-11 54 7-8-12 64 7-9-13
Round A4 X&Y 25 3-5-8 29 4-6-9 34 4-7-9 39 5-7-10 44 6-7-11 54 7-8-12 64 7-9-13
Return Factors Total cfm 139 174 209 244 279 314 383
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.046 0.072 0.104 0.142 0.186 0.235 0.350
NC + 1 NC 10 16 20 24 27 32 36
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
9 S1 X 139 7-10-21 174 8-13-24 209 10-15-27 244 12-18-29 279 14-21-31 314 15-23-33 383 19-26-37
x S2&G2 X&Y 70 4-7-14 87 5-8-17 105 7-10-19 122 8-12-21 140 9-14-22 157 10-15-24 192 12-19-26
9 A3 X 52 4-6-11 66 5-7-12 79 6-9-13 92 7-10-14 105 8-10-14 119 9-11-16 145 10-12-18
8" Y 35 3-5-9 44 4-7-11 52 5-8-12 61 6-9-13 70 7-9-14 79 8-10-14 96 9-11-16
Round A4 X&Y 35 3-5-9 44 4-7-11 52 5-8-12 61 6-9-13 70 7-9-14 79 8-10-14 96 9-11-16
Return Factors Total cfm 174 209 244 279 314 383 453
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.041 0.059 0.080 0.104 0.132 0.197 0.275
NC + 1 NC 11 16 21 25 28 31 36
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
12 S1 X 174 8-13-24 209 10-15-27 244 12-18-29 279 14-21-31 314 15-23-33 383 19-26-37 453 22-28-40
x S2&G2 X&Y 87 5-8-17 105 7-10-19 122 8-12-24 140 9-14-22 157 10-15-24 192 12-19-26 227 15-20-29
12 A3 X 66 5-7-12 79 6-9-13 92 7-10-14 105 8-11-15 119 9-11-16 145 10-12-18 171 11-14-19
8" Y 44 4-7-11 52 5-8-12 61 6-9-13 70 7-9-14 79 8-10-14 96 9-11-16 113 10-12-18
Round A4 X&Y 44 4-7-11 52 5-8-12 61 6-9-13 70 7-9-14 79 8-10-14 96 9-11-16 113 10-12-18
Return Factors Total cfm 218 272 327 381 436 490 599
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.041 0.064 0.092 0.125 0.163 0.206 0.308
NC + 1 NC 10 16 21 25 28 31 36
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
12 S1 X 218 8-13-24 272 11-16-31 327 13-19-34 381 15-23-36 436 17-26-39 490 19-29-41 599 24-32-46
x S2&G2 X&Y 109 5-8-17 136 7-11-22 164 8-12-24 191 10-15-26 218 11-17-28 245 13-19-30 300 16-23-33
12 A3 X 82 5-7-12 103 6-9-13 123 7-11-16 144 8-12-18 165 10-13-29 185 11-14-20 226 13-16-22
10" Y 55 4-7-11 68 5-8-12 82 7-10-15 95 8-11-16 109 9-12-17 123 10-13-18 150 11-14-20
Round A4 X&Y 55 4-7-11 68 5-8-12 82 7-10-15 95 8-11-16 109 9-12-17 123 10-13-18 150 11-14-20
Return Factors Total cfm 235 314 392 471 549 628 706
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.033 0.059 0.092 0.132 0.130 0.235 0.298
NC + 1 NC 5 13 19 24 28 32 35
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
12 S1 X 235 7-11-23 314 10-15-31 392 13-19-34 471 15-23-36 549 18-27-44 628 21-31-47 706 23-35-40
x S2&G2 X&Y 118 5-7-15 157 7-10-21 196 8-12-24 236 10-15-26 275 12-18-32 314 13-19-30 353 16-23-33
12 A3 X 89 4-6-13 119 6-10-20 148 7-11-16 178 8-12-18 207 10-15-21 237 11-14-20 267 13-16-24
12" Y 59 4-6-12 79 5-8-12 98 7-10-15 118 8-11-16 137 9-12-17 157 11-14-21 177 12-15-22
Round A4 X&Y 59 4-6-12 79 5-8-12 98 7-10-15 118 8-11-16 137 9-12-17 157 11-14-21 177 12-15-22
Return Factors Total cfm 314 392 471 549 623 706 863
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.038 0.059 0.085 0.115 0.150 0.190 0.284
NC + 1 NC 10 17 22 26 29 32 37
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
15 S1 X 314 10-15-31 392 13-19-37 471 15-23-41 549 18-27-44 623 21-31-47 706 23-35-50 863 29-39-55
x S2&G2 X&Y 157 7-10-21 196 8-13-26 236 10-15-29 275 12-18-32 312 14-21-34 353 15-23-36 432 19-28-40
15 A3 X 119 6-9-16 148 7-11-18 178 9-13-20 207 10-15-21 235 12-16-23 267 13-17-24 326 15-19-27
12" Y 79 5-8-14 98 7-10-16 118 8-12-18 137 9-14-21 156 11-14-21 177 12-15-22 216 14-17-24
Round A4 X&Y 79 5-8-14 98 7-10-16 118 8-12-18 137 9-14-21 156 11-14-21 177 12-15-22 216 14-17-24
Return Factors Total cfm 320 427 534 641 748 855 863
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.029 0.051 0.080 0.115 0.157 0.205 0.260
NC + 1 NC - 14 20 25 29 33 36
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
15 S1 X 320 9-13-27 427 12-18-37 534 15-23-43 641 18-27-47 748 21-32-52 855 24-37-55 863 24-32-46
x S2&G2 X&Y 160 6-9-18 214 8-12-24 267 10-15-31 321 12-18-34 374 14-27-37 428 16-24-40 432 16-23-39
15 A3 X 121 5-8-16 161 7-10-19 202 9-14-21 242 10-16-23 282 12-18-25 323 14-19-27 326 13-16-22
14" Y 80 4-7-14 107 6-9-17 134 8-12-19 160 9-14-23 187 11-16-23 214 13-17-24 216 14-18-26
Round A4 X&Y 80 4-7-14 107 6-9-17 134 8-12-19 160 9-14-23 187 11-16-23 214 13-17-24 216 14-18-26
Return Factors Total cfm 98 117 137 156 176 215 254
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.041 0.058 0.079 0.103 0.131 0.196 0.273
NC + 1 NC - 14 18 21 25 30 34
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
18 S1 X 98 6-9-18 117 7-11-20 137 9-15-22 156 10-15-23 176 11-17-25 215 20-24-34 254 17-21-30
x S2&G2 X&Y 49 4-6-13 59 5-7-14 69 6-9-16 78 7-10-17 88 7-11-18 108 9-14-20 127 11-15-21
18 A3 X 37 3-5-9 44 4-6-10 51 5-7-10 59 6-8-11 66 6-8-12 81 7-9-13 95 8-10-14
6" Y 25 3-5-8 29 4-6-9 34 4-7-9 39 5-7-10 44 6-7-11 54 7-8-12 64 7-9-13
Round A4 X&Y 25 3-5-8 29 4-6-9 34 4-7-9 39 5-7-10 44 6-7-11 54 7-8-12 64 7-9-13
Return Factors Total cfm 174 209 244 279 314 383 453
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.041 0.059 0.080 0.104 0.132 0.197 0.275
NC + 1 NC 11 16 20 24 27 32 36
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
18 S1 X 174 8-13-24 209 10-15-27 244 12-18-29 279 14-21-31 314 15-23-33 383 19-26-37 453 22-28-40
x S2&G2 X&Y 87 5-8-17 105 7-10-19 122 8-12-24 140 9-14-22 157 10-15-24 192 12-19-26 227 15-20-29
18 A3 X 66 5-7-12 79 6-9-13 92 7-10-14 105 8-11-15 119 9-11-16 145 10-12-18 171 11-14-19
8" Y 44 4-7-11 52 5-8-12 61 6-9-13 70 7-9-14 79 8-10-14 96 9-11-16 113 10-12-18
Round A4 X&Y 44 4-7-11 52 5-8-12 61 6-9-13 70 7-9-14 79 8-10-14 96 9-11-16 113 10-12-18
Return Factors Total cfm 218 272 327 381 436 490 599
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.041 0.064 0.092 0.125 0.163 0.206 0.308
NC + 1 NC 10 16 21 25 28 31 36
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
18 S1 X 218 8-13-24 272 11-16-31 327 13-19-34 381 15-23-36 436 17-26-39 490 19-29-41 599 24-32-46
x S2&G2 X&Y 109 5-8-17 136 7-11-22 164 8-12-24 191 10-15-26 218 11-17-28 245 13-19-30 300 16-23-33
18 A3 X 82 5-7-12 103 6-9-13 123 7-11-16 144 8-12-18 165 10-13-29 185 11-14-20 226 13-16-22
10" Y 55 4-7-11 68 5-8-12 82 7-10-15 95 8-11-16 109 9-12-17 123 10-13-18 150 11-14-20
Round A4 X&Y 55 4-7-11 68 5-8-12 82 7-10-15 95 8-11-16 109 9-12-17 123 10-13-18 150 11-14-20
Return Factors Total cfm 314 392 471 549 623 706 863
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.038 0.059 0.085 0.115 0.150 0.190 0.284
NC + 1 NC 10 17 22 26 29 32 37
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
18 S1 X 314 10-15-31 392 13-19-37 471 15-23-41 549 18-27-44 623 21-31-47 706 23-35-50 863 29-39-55
x S2&G2 X&Y 157 7-10-21 196 8-13-26 236 10-15-29 275 12-18-32 312 14-21-34 353 15-23-36 432 19-28-40
18 A3 X 119 6-9-16 148 7-11-18 178 9-13-20 207 10-15-21 235 12-16-23 267 13-17-24 326 15-19-27
12" Y 79 5-8-14 98 7-10-16 118 8-12-18 137 9-14-21 156 11-14-21 177 12-15-22 216 14-17-24
Round A4 X&Y 79 5-8-14 98 7-10-16 118 8-12-18 137 9-14-21 156 11-14-21 177 12-15-22 216 14-17-24
Return Factors Total cfm 427 534 641 748 855 962 1175
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.036 0.056 0.080 0.109 0.142 0.180 0.269
NC + 1 NC 12 17 22 26 30 33 38
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
18 S1 X 427 12-18-27 534 15-23-43 641 18-27-47 748 21-32-47 855 27-37-55 962 27-41-58 1175 33-45-64
x S2&G2 X&Y 214 8-12-24 267 10-15-31 321 12-18-34 374 14-27-37 428 16-24-40 481 18-27-42 588 22-33-47
18 A3 X 161 7-10-19 202 8-13-21 242 10-16-23 282 12-18-25 323 14-19-27 363 16-20-29 444 18-22-32
14" Y 107 6-9-17 134 8-12-19 160 9-14-21 187 11-16-23 214 13-17-24 241 14-18-26 294 16-20-29
Round A4 X&Y 107 6-9-17 134 8-12-19 160 9-14-21 187 11-16-23 214 13-17-24 241 14-18-26 294 16-20-29
Return Factors Total cfm 418 558 698 837 977 1116 1256
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.020 0.036 0.056 0.080 0.109 0.142 0.180
NC + 1 NC – 12 17 21 29 34 38
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
18 S1 X 418 10-15-31 558 14-21-42 698 17-26-49 837 21-31-54 977 24-37-59 1116 28-42-63 1256 31-47-67
x S2&G2 X&Y 209 7-10-21 279 9-14-28 349 11-17-35 419 14-21-39 489 16-24-42 558 18-28-45 628 21-31-48
18 A3 X 158 6-10-20 211 8-12-22 264 10-15-24 316 12-18-27 369 14-20-29 421 16-22-31 474 18-23-33
16" Y 105 5-8-17 140 7-11-19 175 9-14-22 209 11-17-24 244 13-18-26 279 15-19-28 314 17-21-29
Round A4 X&Y 105 5-8-17 140 7-11-19 175 9-14-22 209 11-17-24 244 13-18-26 279 15-19-28 314 17-21-29
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Available Models: TDC, TDC-AA, TDCA, TDCA-AA, TDV, TDV-AA
• All pressures are in inches of
water. TP is total pressure, 9” x 9” Model TDC • 4-Way Diffuser
- SP is negative static 240 cfm Total
pressure for return units. 20°F Cooling Differential
• Throw values are given for terminal
velocities of 150, 100, and 50 fpm. Ceiling
For an explanation of catalog throw
data, see the section, Engineering 6" 3"
Guidelines for catalog throw data. 12"
• NC values are based on a room
absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts, 30"
with one diffuser operating.
• If the diffuser is used as a 16°
return inlet, the following 30°
corrections apply:
200 fpm Isovel
• Negative static pressure: Multiply
the factor at the upper left corner
of the performance table by the
total pressure listed in the table.
• Sound: Add the NC correction
at the upper left corner of
the performance table to the RECOMMENDED MAXIMUM AIRFLOW
NC value listed in the table.
Ceiling Height, ft. 8 9 10 12 15 20
• Return Performance Example: 6 x 6
Airflow, cfm, per Side 200 350 550 900 1500 4000
Model TDC handling:
150 cfm of return air
Note: Although this data is based on a 20°F temperature differential during cooling,
–SP = 1.1(-TP).
it also applies to any differential between 15°F and 25°F.
Return negative SP = 1.1 x (0.169)
= - 0.1859 inches wg.
Return NC = 23 + 1 = 24.
• These products have been tested Total Vertical Throw (Multiply)
per ANSI/ASHRAE 70-2006. Actual Nominal Pressure
(add) Cooling Heating, ∆T
performance, with flexible duct Neck Size (Multiply)
20 F
inlet, may vary in the field. See the H V H V 0 F 20 F
section, Engineering Guidelines 6x6 3 7 1.3 1.6 1.3 1.1 0.8
for additional information.
9x9 3 7 1.5 2.3 1.4 1.2 0.72
• Data in the tables apply when the
diffuser is mounted nearly flush 12 x 12 3 7 1.5 2.3 1.5 1.25 0.65
with the ceiling for maximum 15 x 15 3 7 1.5 2.3 1.55 1.27 0.62
ceiling effect. When no ceiling 18 x 18 3 7 1.5 2.3 1.6 1.3 0.59
effect is present, the horizontal 21 x 21 3 7 1.5 2.3 1.65 1.35 0.57
throw will be about 25% less than
shown in the tables. The mounting 24 x 24 3 7 1.5 2.3 1.1 1.1 0.55
distance below the ceiling
will also affect the downward Note: TDC and TDV Performance Data were obtained from tests conducted in
projection angle as indicated in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
the diagram at upper right.
MODEL TDCA PERFORMANCE • Vertical adjustments are most effective with the
• For Model TDCA diffusers above sizes, using an A4 pattern.
(adjustable pattern controllers) • Vertical throw will not work with round inlets.
apply the corrections from the
table at the right to the TDC
data for square neck, 4-way
core styles, as follows:
• TP = Listed value x correction
• NC = Listed value + correction
• Throw = Listed value x correction
Available Steel Models: The finish shall be #26 white. The finish shall be an anodic
TDC • Fixed Discharge acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The pencil
TDCA • Adjustable Discharge hardness must be HB to H. The paint must pass a 100-hour
ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray Test without
Available Aluminum Models:
TDC-AA • Fixed Discharge creepage, blistering, or deterioration of film. The paint
TDCA-AA • Adjustable Discharge must pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test.
The paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
Ceiling diffusers shall be Titus Models TDC (steel) or TDC-AA Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
(aluminum with miscellaneous steel components) for fixed,
horizontal discharge pattern and TDCA (steel) or TDCA- Optional damper shall be constructed of heavy gauge steel
AA (aluminum with miscellaneous steel components) for (aluminum also available). Damper must be operable from
adjustable discharge pattern. These diffusers shall consist the face of the diffuser by removing the spring loaded inner
of an outer frame assembly of the sizes and mounting core assembly. Optional Throw Reducing Vanes (TRV) must
types shown on the plans and outlet schedule. A square be available to deflect a horizontal discharge airstream from
or rectangular inlet shall be an integral part of the frame each side of the TDC diffuser into diverging airstreams.
assembly and a transition piece shall be available to
facilitate attachment of round duct. An inner core assembly The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
consisting of fixed deflection louvers shall be available in for the diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in accordance
one-, two-, three- or four-way horizontal discharge patterns. with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Models TDCA and TDCA-AA shall include adjustable vanes
Optional Damper
Model Opposed Blade AG-95
TDC Sq. or Rect. Neck Height Finish Opposed Blade AG-35-B
TDCA Sq. or Rect. Neck, White 26 Opposed Blade - Short AG-65-S
Adjustable Pattern Aluminum 01 Opposed Blade - Long AG-65-L
Blow Pattern
1-Way 1 Accessories
Model Border 2-Way, Opposite 2 Equalizing Grid - Long EGL
TDC Sq. or Rect. Neck Height Snap-In 2 2-Way, Corner 2C Equalizing Grid - Short EGS
TDCA Sq. or Rect. Neck, Lay-In 3 3-Way 3 Throw Reducing Vanes TRV
Adjustable Pattern Spline 4 4-Way 4 Earthquake Tabs EQT
Width 12 x 12 White 26 Opposed Blade AG-95
24 x 24 Aluminum 01 Opposed Blade AG-35-B
48 x 24 Finish Opposed Blade - Short AG-65-S
Module Size Opposed Blade - Long AG-65-L
Optional Damper
Model Number Specification (continued)
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Backpan Size Blow Pattern
6x6 1-Way 1
Model 9x9 Border 2-Way, Opposite 2 Accessories
TDC Rnd. Neck 12 x 12 Snap-In 2 2-Way, Corner 2C Equalizing Grid EG
TDCA Rnd. Neck, 15 x 15 Lay-In 3 3-Way 3 Throw Reducing Vanes TRV
Adjustable Pattern 18 x 18 Spline 4 4-Way 4 Earthquake Tabs EQT
Inlet Size 6, 8, 12 x 12 White 26 Radial D-100
10, 24 x 24 Aluminum 01 Radial AG-100
12, Module Size Finish Opposed Blade D-75
14, Opposed Blade AG-75
16 Combination AG-65
Module Backpan Round
Butterfly AG-85
Size Size “A”
Inlet Size (inches)
Optional Damper (note)
(inches) (inches)
6x6 6
12 x 12
9x9 6, 8
6x6 6
9x9 6, 8
24 x 24 12 x 12 6, 8, 10, 12
15 x 15 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
18 x 18 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16
Note: See damper model for size availability.
Blow Pattern
1 1-Way
Model Border 2 2-Way, Opposite Accessories
TDC Rnd. Neck 2 Snap-In 2C 2-Way, Corner EG Equalizing Grid
TDCA Rnd. Neck, 3 Lay-In 3 3-Way TRV Throw Reducing Vanes
Adjustable Pattern 4 Spline 4 4-Way EQT Earthquake Tabs
Inlet Size 6, 8, White 26 RadialD-100
10, Aluminum 01 RadialAG-100
12, Finish Opposed Blade D-75
14, Opposed Blade AG-75
16 Combination AG-65
Butterfly AG-85
Backpan Size Round
Optional Damper (note)
“A” (inches) Inlet Size (inches)
6x6 6
9x9 6, 8
12 x 12 6, 8, 10, 12
15 x 15 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
Note: See damper model for size availability.
18 x 18 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16
Model Number Specification (continued)
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
TDC-AA Sq. or Rect. Neck, 1-Way 1
Aluminum 2-Way, Opposite 2
TDCA-AA Sq. or Rect. Height Finish 2-Way, Corner 2C
Neck, Adjustable White 26 3-Way 3
Pattern, Aluminum Aluminum 01 4-Way 4
Width Surface Mount 1 Opposed Blade AG-95 EGL
Equalizing Grid - Long
Beveled 6 Opposed Blade AG-35-B EGS
Equalizing Grid - Short
Border Opposed Blade, Alum. AG-95-AA Throw Reducing Vanes TRV
Opposed Blade, Alum. AG-35-B-AA Earthquake Tabs EQT
Opposed Blade - Short AG-65-L Accessories
Opposed Blade - Long AG-65-S
Optional Damper
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Optional Damper (note)
Model Radial D-100
TDC-AA Rnd. Neck, Radial AG-100
Aluminum Module Opposed Blade D-75
TDCA-AA Rnd. Neck, Size Finish Opposed Blade AG-75
Adjustable Pattern, 12 x 12 White 26 Combination AG-65
Aluminum 24 x 24 Aluminum 01 Butterfly AG-85
Inlet Size 6, 8, Lay-In 1-Way 1 Equalizing Grid - Short EGS
10, Border 2-Way, Opposite 2 Throw Reducing Vanes TRV
12, Type 2-Way, Corner 2C Earthquake Tabs EQT
14, 3-Way 3 Accessories
16 4-Way 4
Module Size Round Blow Pattern
Backpan Size
(inches) “A” (inches) Inlet Size (inches)
6x6 6
12 x 12
9x9 6, 8
6x6 6
9x9 6, 8
24 x 24 12 x 12 6, 8, 10, 12
15 x 15 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
18 x 18 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 Note: See damper model for size availability.
Square and Rectangular Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Available Models:
TDC-NT • Steel
TDC-AA-NT • Aluminum
• The TDC-NT is an extremely flexible, high capacity • Available in sizes from 6 x 6 inches up to 18 x 18
ceiling diffuser that can meet a wide range of inches, in 3-inch increments.
applications. It is an excellent choice for variable
volume applications because it maintains a horizontal • Material is heavy gauge steel.
air pattern from maximum to minimum cfm.
Border Type NT
Square Neck
F Duct Size A
Duct Size minus ⅛"
⅜" 23⅜"
SQUARE AND RECTANGULAR CEILING DIFFUSERS without tools for easy installation, cleaning or damper
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
LOUVERED FACE, NARROW TEE The finish shall be #26 white. The finish shall be an anodic
acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The pencil
hardness must be HB to H. The paint must pass a 100-hour
Available Models:
ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray Test without
TDC-NT • Steel • Fixed Discharge
creepage, blistering or deterioration of film. The paint must
TDC-AA-NT • Aluminum • Fixed Discharge
pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test. The
paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
Ceiling diffusers shall be Titus model TDC-NT (steel) or TDC-
Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
AA-NT (aluminum) for a fixed, horizontal discharge pattern.
Diffuser shall be compatible with 24 x 24-inch modules
Optional damper shall be constructed of heavy gauge steel.
for regressed narrow tee ceiling systems. These diffusers
Damper must be operable from the face of the diffuser by
shall consist of an outer frame assembly of the sizes and
removing the spring loaded inner core assembly. Optional
mounting types shown on the plans and outlet schedule. A
Throw Reducing Vanes (TRV) must be available to deflect
square or rectangular inlet shall be an integral part of the
a horizontal discharge airstream from each side of the TDC
frame assembly and a transition piece shall be available to
diffuser into diverging airstreams.
facilitate attachment of round duct. An inner core assembly
consisting of fixed deflection louvers shall be available in
The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
one-, two-, three- or four-way horizontal discharge patterns.
for the diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in accordance
The inner core assembly must be removable in the field
with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Optional Damper
Opposed Blade AG-95
Opposed Blade AG-35-B
Opposed Blade - Short AG-65-S
Square Neck Aluminum 01 Opposed Blade - Long AG-65-L
X X 24 x 24 X XX XX-XX-X XXX
Width Module 1-Way 1 Equalizing Grid - Long EGL
Size 2-Way, Opposite 2 Equalizing Grid - ShortEGS
2-Way, Corner 2C Throw Reducing Vanes TRV
3-Way 3 Earthquake Tabs EQT
4-Way 4 Accessories
Blow Pattern
Inlet Size 6, 8, Module 1-Way 1 Equalizing Grid EG
10, 12, Size 2-Way, Opposite 2 Throw Reducing Vanes TRV
14, 16 2-Way, Corner 2C Earthquake Tabs EQT
3-Way 3 Accessories
Module Size Backpan Size Round 4-Way 4
(inches) “A” (inches) Inlet Size (inches) Blow Pattern
6x6 6
9x9 6, 8
24 x 24 12 x 12 6, 8, 10, 12
15 x 15 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
18 x 18 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 Note: See damper model for size availability. F191
Square and Rectangular Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Available Steel Model: louvered faces with integrated
TDV induction vanes for exceptional air
Available Aluminum Model:
TDV-AA • Slot operator on the optional • For a uniform face appearance
Products Include: Model AG-95 damper allows easy on all neck sizes, specify an 18
• Standard Finish - #26 White. volume adjustment. (Rectangular x 18-inch dimension A size and
necks only). the desired round neck size. This
• Titus Model TDV and TDV-AA are is available in 24 x 24-inch lay-in
high capacity ceiling diffusers. • Core is easily removable from the module size only.
These diffusers maintain an face of the diffuser.
unbroken horizontal flow pattern
from maximum cfm down to • Model TDV is extremely flexible,
minimum, it is an excellent choice with cores available for one-, two-,
for variable air volume application. three- or four-way horizontal flow.
Border Type 2
• Material heavy gauge steel or
Border Type 3
(Lay-In) 1½"
A plus 59/16"
Ceiling Module
2⅛" ¼"
⅜" A plus 59/16"
Ceiling Module
F192 All dimensions are in inches.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Border Type 5 S1 Square A1 B1
(Dropped Face)
1 Way
2 Way
E2 X F2 X G2 Square
7/16" 2 Way
A3 X E3 X For A3, XPY
For A3-2, X>Y, X<2Y
* A plus 5½" For B3, X=2Y
Y Y For E3, X>2Y
Note: Standard diffuser is 2½
inches deep. Optional 4-inch XPY X>2Y
deep diffuser is available. A3-2 X B3 X Note: Dimensions X and Y shown here are
3 Way
the proportions of available rectangular
duct sizes. Duct sizes are available in
Border Type 6 3-inch increments. Dimension X is
X>Y, X<2Y X=2Y
(Bevel Drop Face) always the longer dimension for each
X core option.
Duct Size plus 1" A4 Square B4
4 Way
Note: Patterns are shown in plan view (looking down into inlet).
* A plus 5"
1. Remove shipping clips. 2. Push core sideways against 3. Hold core securely and allow to
spring. drop down.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
NC 16 23 29 34 38 41 44
S1-Pattern Throw ft. 15-20-28 19-23-32 21-25-36 23-28-39 25-30-43 26-32-46 28-34-48
12"x12" S2 & G2- Pattern Throw ft. 10-14-26 13-19-30 16-24-34 19-26-37 22-28-40 25-30-43 26-32-45
cfm Side A 75 100 125 150 175 200 225
A3-Pattern Side A Throw ft. 6-10-16 9-13-19 11-15-21 13-16-23 14-17-25 15-19-26 16-20-28
cfm Side B 113 150 188 225 263 300 338
A3-Pattern Side B Throw ft. 11-13-18 12-15-21 14-17-24 15-18-26 16-20-28 17-21-30 18-23-32
A4-Pattern Throw ft. 6-10-16 9-13-19 11-15-21 13-16-23 14-17-25 15-19-26 16-20-28
Total cfm 469 625 781 938 1094 1250 1406
NC 17 25 31 35 39 43 46
S1-Pattern Throw ft. 19-25-35 23-29-40 26-32-45 29-35-49 31-38-53 33-40-57 35-43-60
15"x15" S2 & G2- Pattern Throw ft. 11-17-31 15-23-36 19-29-41 23-31-44 27-34-48 30-36-51 31-38-54
cfm Side A 117 156 195 234 273 313 352
A3-Pattern Side A Throw ft. 7-12-20 11-16-23 14-18-26 16-20-28 18-22-31 19-23-33 20-25-35
cfm Side B 176 234 293 352 410 469 527
A3-Pattern Side B Throw ft. 13-16-23 15-19-27 17-21-30 19-23-33 20-25-35 22-27-38 23-28-40
A4-Pattern Throw ft. 7-12-20 11-16-23 14-18-26 16-20-28 18-22-31 19-23-33 20-25-35
Total cfm 675 900 1125 1350 1575 1800 2025
NC 18 26 32 37 41 44 47
S1-Pattern Throw ft. 23-30-42 28-34-48 31-38-54 34-42-59 37-45-64 39-48-68 42-51-73
18"x18" S2 & G2- Pattern Throw ft. 11-17-31 15-23-36 19-29-41 23-31-44 27-34-48 30-36-51 31-38-54
cfm Side A 169 225 281 338 394 450 506
A3-Pattern Side A Throw ft. 9-15-24 13-20-28 17-22-31 20-24-34 21-26-37 23-28-39 24-30-42
cfm Side B 253 338 422 506 591 675 759
A3-Pattern Side B Throw ft. 16-20-28 18-23-32 21-25-36 23-28-39 24-30-42 26-32-45 28-34-48
A4-Pattern Throw ft. 9-15-24 13-20-28 17-22-31 20-24-34 21-26-37 23-28-39 24-30-42
• All pressures are in inches of water. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value less than 10.
• Throw velocities given are for isothermal terminal • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance
velocities of 150, 100 and 50 fpm. See the section, with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Engineering Guidelines for additional information. • Throw values given are for isothermal conditions.
• NC values based on Octave Band 2 to 7 sound
power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Neck Velocity 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Velocity Pressure 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051
Total Pressure 0.042 0.075 0.117 0.169 0.229 0.300 0.379
Total cfm 919 1225 1531 1838 2144 2450 2756
NC 19 27 33 38 42 45 48
S1-Pattern Throw ft. 27-35-49 33-40-56 36-45-63 40-49-69 43-53-75 46-56-80 49-60-85
S2 & G2- Pattern Throw ft. 13-20-37 18-27-42 22-33-47 27-37-52 31-40-56 35-42-60 37-45-63
21"x21" cfm Side A 230 306 383 459 536 613 689
A3-Pattern Side A Throw ft. 10-17-28 16-23-32 19-26-36 23-28-40 25-30-43 27-32-46 28-34-49
cfm Side B 345 459 574 689 804 919 1034
A3-Pattern Side B Throw ft. 19-23-32 22-26-37 24-30-42 26-32-46 29-35-49 31-37-53 32-40-56
A4-Pattern Throw ft. 13-20-37 18-27-42 22-33-47 27-37-52 31-40-56 35-42-60 37-45-63
Total cfm 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600
NC 20 28 34 38 42 46 49
S1-Pattern Throw ft. 31-39-56 37-46-64 42-51-72 46-56-79 49-60-85 53-64-91 56-68-97
S2 & G2- Pattern Throw ft. 15-23-42 20-30-48 25-38-54 30-42-59 35-45-64 39-48-68 42-51-72
24"x24" cfm Side A 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
A3-Pattern Side A Throw ft. 12-20-32 18-26-37 22-29-41 26-32-45 28-35-49 30-37-52 32-39-56
cfm Side B 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350
A3-Pattern Side B Throw ft. 21-26-37 25-30-43 28-34-48 30-37-52 33-40-56 35-43-60 37-45-64
A4-Pattern Throw ft. 15-23-42 20-30-48 25-38-54 30-42-59 35-45-64 39-48-68 42-51-72
Total cfm 1875 2500 3125 3750 4375 5000 5625
NC 22 29 35 40 44 47 51
S1-Pattern Throw ft. 38-49-70 47-57-81 52-64-90 57-70-99 62-75-107 66-81-114 70-86-121
S2 & G2- Pattern Throw ft. 19-29-52 25-38-60 32-48-68 38-52-74 44-56-80 49-60-85 52-64-91
30"x30" cfm Side A 469 625 781 938 1094 1250 1406
A3-Pattern Side A Throw ft. 15-25-40 22-33-46 28-37-52 33-40-57 35-43-61 38-46-66 40-49-70
cfm Side B 703 938 1172 1406 1641 1875 2109
A3-Pattern Side B Throw ft. 27-33-46 31-38-53 34-42-60 38-46-65 41-50-71 44-53-76 46-57-80
A4-Pattern Throw ft. 19-29-52 25-38-60 32-48-68 38-52-74 44-56-80 49-60-85 52-64-91
Total cfm 2700 3600 4500 5400 6300 7200 8100
NC 23 30 36 41 45 49 52
S1-Pattern Throw ft. 46-59-84 56-68-97 62-76-108 68-84-118 74-90-128 79-97-137 84-103-145
S2 & G2- Pattern Throw ft. 23-34-63 30-46-72 38-57-81 46-63-89 53-68-96 59-72-102 63-77-109
36"x36" cfm Side A 675 900 1125 1350 1575 1800 2025
A3-Pattern Side A Throw ft. 18-30-48 27-39-56 33-44-62 39-48-68 43-52-74 45-56-79 48-59-83
cfm Side B 1013 1350 1688 2025 2363 2700 3038
A3-Pattern Side B Throw ft. 32-39-55 37-45-64 41-51-72 45-55-78 49-60-85 52-64-91 55-68-96
A4-Pattern Throw ft. 23-34-63 30-46-72 38-57-81 46-63-89 53-68-96 59-72-102 63-77-109
Total cfm 4800 6400 8000 9600 11200 12800 14400
NC 25 32 38 43 47 51 54
S1-Pattern Throw ft. 61-79-112 74-91-129 83-102-144 91-112-158 99-121-171 105-129-182 112-137-193
S2 & G2- Pattern Throw ft. 30-46-84 41-61-97 51-76-108 61-84-118 71-90-128 79-97-137 84-102-145
48"x48" cfm Side A 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600
A3-Pattern Side A Throw ft. 24-40-64 36-52-74 44-59-83 52-64-91 57-69-98 61-74-105 64-79-111
cfm Side B 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400
A3-Pattern Side B Throw ft. 43-52-74 49-60-85 55-68-96 60-74-105 65-80-113 70-85-121 74-91-128
A4-Pattern Throw ft. 30-46-84 41-61-97 51-76-108 61-84-118 71-90-128 79-97-137 84-102-145
• All pressures are in inches of water. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value less than 10.
• Throw velocities given are for isothermal terminal • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance
velocities of 150, 100 and 50 fpm. See the section, with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Engineering Guidelines for additional information. • Throw values given are for isothermal conditions.
• NC values based on Octave Band 2 to 7 sound
power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
8" Y 35 3-4-8 44 3-5-10 52 4-6-12 61 5-7-14 70 6-8-15 79 6-9-16 96 8-11-17
Round A4 X&Y 35 3-4-8 44 3-5-10 52 4-6-12 61 5-7-14 70 6-8-15 79 6-9-16 96 8-11-17
Return Factors Total cfm 174 209 244 279 314 383 453
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.049 0.071 0.097 0.127 0.161 0.239 0.335
Add 1 to NC NC 16 21 25 29 32 38 42
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
12 S1 X 174 10-15-26 209 12-18-29 244 14-21-31 279 16-23-33 314 18-25-35 383 22-27-39 453 24-30-42
x S2&G2 X&Y 87 5-8-16 105 6-10-19 122 8-11-22 140 9-13-23 157 10-15-25 192 12-18-27 227 14-21-30
12 A3 X 66 4-7-11 79 5-8-13 92 6-9-14 105 7-10-15 119 8-11-15 145 10-12-17 171 11-13-18
8" Y 44 3-5-10 52 4-6-12 61 5-7-14 70 6-8-15 79 6-9-16 96 8-11-17 113 9-13-19
Round A4 X&Y 44 3-5-10 52 4-6-12 61 5-7-14 70 6-8-15 79 6-9-16 96 8-11-17 113 9-13-19
Return Factors Total cfm 218 272 327 381 447 490 599
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.032 0.049 0.072 0.097 0.127 0.161 0.240
Add 1 to NC NC 11 17 22 26 30 33 38
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
12 S1 X 218 10-15-29 272 12-18-33 327 15-22-36 381 17-26-39 436 20-29-41 490 22-31-44 599 27-34-48
x S2&G2 X&Y 109 5-8-16 136 7-10-20 164 8-12-24 191 9-14-27 218 11-16-29 245 12-18-31 300 15-22-34
12 A3 X 82 4-7-13 103 6-8-14 123 7-10-16 144 8-12-17 165 9-13-18 185 10-14-19 226 12-15-21
10" Y 55 3-5-10 68 4-6-13 82 5-8-16 95 6-9-17 109 7-10-18 123 8-12-20 150 9-14-22
Round A4 X&Y 55 3-5-10 68 4-6-13 82 5-8-16 95 6-9-17 109 7-10-18 123 8-12-20 150 9-14-22
Return Factors Total cfm 235 314 392 471 549 628 706
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.020 0.035 0.055 0.079 0.107 0.140 0.177
Add 1 to NC NC - 15 20 25 29 33 36
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
12 S1 X 235 9-14-27 314 12-18-35 392 15-23-39 471 18-27-43 549 21-32-46 628 24-35-50 706 27-37-53
x S2&G2 X&Y 118 5-7-15 157 7-10-20 196 8-12-25 236 10-15-30 275 12-17-33 314 13-20-35 353 15-22-37
12 A3 X 89 4-6-12 119 5-8-15 148 7-10-17 178 8-12-19 207 10-14-20 237 11-15-22 267 12-16-23
12" Y 59 2-5-10 79 4-6-13 98 5-8-16 118 6-10-19 137 7-11-21 157 8-13-22 177 10-14-23
Round A4 X&Y 59 2-5-10 79 4-6-13 98 5-8-16 118 6-10-19 137 7-11-21 157 8-13-22 177 10-14-23
Return Factors Total cfm 314 392 471 549 623 706 863
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.035 0.055 0.079 0.107 0.138 0.177 0.264
Add 1 to NC NC 13 19 24 28 32 35 40
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
15 S1 X 314 12-18-35 392 15-23-39 471 18-27-43 549 21-32-46 623 24-35-49 706 27-37-53 863 33-41-58
x S2&G2 X&Y 157 7-10-20 196 8-12-25 236 10-15-30 275 12-17-33 312 13-20-35 353 15-22-37 432 18-27-41
15 A3 X 119 5-8-15 148 7-10-17 178 8-12-19 207 10-14-20 235 11-15-22 267 12-16-23 326 15-18-26
12" Y 79 4-6-13 98 5-8-16 118 6-10-19 137 7-11-21 156 8-13-22 177 10-14-23 216 12-17-26
Round A4 X&Y 79 4-6-13 98 5-8-16 118 6-10-19 137 7-11-21 156 8-13-22 177 10-14-23 216 12-17-26
• All pressures are in inches of water. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value less than 10.
• Throw velocities given are for isothermal terminal • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance
velocities of 150, 100 and 50 fpm. See the section, with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Engineering Guidelines for additional information. • Throw values given are for isothermal conditions.
• NC values based on Octave Band 2 to 7 sound
power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Return Factors Total cfm 320 427 534 641 748 855 863
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.018 0.032 0.050 0.072 0.097 0.127 0.130
Add 1 to NC NC 5 12 18 23 27 31 31
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
15 S1 X 320 10-15-31 427 14-21-41 534 17-26-46 641 21-31-50 748 24-36-54 855 28-41-58 863 28-41-58
x S2&G2 X&Y 160 6-9-17 214 8-11-23 267 9-14-28 321 11-17-34 374 13-20-38 428 15-23-41 432 15-23-41
15 A3 X 121 4-7-14 161 6-9-18 202 8-12-20 242 9-14-22 282 11-16-24 323 12-18-25 326 13-18-26
14" Y 80 3-5-11 107 5-7-14 134 6-9-18 160 7-11-22 187 8-13-24 214 10-14-26 216 10-15-26
Round A4 X&Y 80 3-5-11 107 5-7-14 134 6-9-18 160 7-11-22 187 8-13-24 214 10-14-26 216 10-15-26
Return Factors Total cfm 98 117 137 156 176 215 254
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.048 0.069 0.094 0.122 0.155 0.232 0.324
Add 1 to NC NC 15 20 24 28 31 37 41
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
18 S1 X 98 7-11-20 117 9-13-21 137 10-15-23 156 12-17-25 176 13-19-26 215 16-21-29 254 18-22-32
x S2&G2 X&Y 49 4-6-12 59 5-7-15 69 6-9-16 78 6-10-17 88 7-11-19 108 9-13-21 127 11-16-22
18 A3 X 37 3-5-9 44 4-6-9 52 5-7-10 59 5-8-11 66 6-8-12 81 7-9-13 96 8-10-14
6" Y 25 3-4-8 29 3-5-9 34 4-5-10 39 4-6-11 44 5-7-12 54 6-8-13 64 7-10-14
Round A4 X&Y 25 3-4-8 29 3-5-9 34 4-5-10 39 4-6-11 44 5-7-12 54 6-8-13 64 7-10-14
Return Factors Total cfm 174 209 244 279 314 383 453
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.047 0.067 0.092 0.120 0.152 0.226 0.317
Add 1 to NC NC 16 21 25 29 32 38 42
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
18 S1 X 174 10-15-26 209 12-18-29 244 14-21-31 279 16-23-33 314 18-25-35 383 22-27-39 453 24-30-42
x S2&G2 X&Y 87 5-8-16 105 6-10-19 122 8-11-22 140 9-13-23 157 10-15-25 192 12-18-27 227 14-21-30
18 A3 X 66 4-7-11 79 5-8-13 92 6-9-14 105 7-10-15 119 8-11-15 145 10-12-17 171 11-13-18
8" Y 44 3-5-10 52 4-6-12 61 5-7-14 70 6-8-15 79 6-9-16 96 8-11-17 113 9-13-19
Round A4 X&Y 44 3-5-10 52 4-6-12 61 5-7-14 70 6-8-15 79 6-9-16 96 8-11-17 113 9-13-19
Return Factors Total cfm 218 272 327 381 436 490 599
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.029 0.045 0.066 0.089 0.117 0.147 0.220
Add 1 to NC NC 11 17 22 26 30 33 38
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
18 S1 X 218 10-15-29 272 12-18-33 327 15-22-36 381 17-26-39 436 20-29-41 490 22-31-44 599 27-34-48
x S2&G2 X&Y 109 5-8-16 136 7-10-20 164 8-12-24 191 9-14-27 218 11-16-29 245 12-18-31 300 15-22-34
18 A3 X 82 4-7-13 103 6-8-14 123 7-10-16 144 8-12-17 165 9-13-18 185 10-14-19 226 12-15-21
10" Y 55 3-5-10 68 4-6-13 82 5-8-16 95 6-9-17 109 7-10-18 123 8-12-20 150 9-14-22
Round A4 X&Y 55 3-5-10 68 4-6-13 82 5-8-16 95 6-9-17 109 7-10-18 123 8-12-20 150 9-14-22
Return Factors Total cfm 314 392 471 549 623 706 863
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.031 0.048 0.070 0.095 0.122 0.157 0.234
Add 1 to NC NC 13 19 24 28 32 35 40
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
18 S1 X 314 12-18-35 392 15-23-39 471 18-27-43 549 21-32-46 623 24-35-49 706 27-37-53 863 33-41-58
x S2&G2 X&Y 157 7-10-20 196 8-12-25 236 10-15-30 275 12-17-33 312 13-20-35 353 15-22-37 432 18-27-41
18 A3 X 119 5-8-15 148 7-10-17 178 8-12-19 207 10-14-20 235 11-15-22 267 12-16-23 326 15-18-26
12" Y 79 4-6-13 98 5-8-16 118 6-10-19 137 7-11-21 156 8-13-22 177 10-14-23 216 12-17-26
Round A4 X&Y 79 4-6-13 98 5-8-16 118 6-10-19 137 7-11-21 156 8-13-22 177 10-14-23 216 12-17-26
Return Factors Total cfm 427 534 641 748 855 962 1175
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.027 0.042 0.060 0.081 0.106 0.135 0.201
Add 1 to NC NC 12 18 23 27 31 34 40
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
18 S1 X 427 14-21-41 534 17-26-46 641 21-31-50 748 24-36-54 855 28-41-58 962 31-43-61 1175 38-48-68
x S2&G2 X&Y 214 8-11-23 267 9-14-28 321 11-17-34 374 13-20-38 428 15-23-41 481 17-26-43 588 21-31-48
18 A3 X 161 6-9-18 202 8-12-20 242 9-14-22 282 11-16-24 323 12-18-25 363 14-19-27 444 17-21-30
14" Y 107 5-7-14 134 6-9-18 160 7-11-22 187 8-13-24 214 10-14-26 241 11-16-27 294 13-20-30
Round A4 X&Y 107 5-7-14 134 6-9-18 160 7-11-22 187 8-13-24 214 10-14-26 241 11-16-27 294 13-20-30
Return Factors Total cfm 628 698 837 977 1256 1530 1808
-SP = 1.1 TP Total Pressure 0.032 0.039 0.056 0.077 0.126 0.188 0.262
Add 1 to NC NC 16 19 24 28 35 40 45
Side cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw cfm Throw
18 S1 X 628 18-27-50 698 20-30-52 837 24-35-57 977 28-41-62 1256 35-50-70 1530 43-55-77 1808 49-60-84
x S2&G2 X&Y 314 10-15-29 349 11-16-32 419 13-19-39 488 15-23-44 628 19-29-50 765 24-36-55 904 28-42-60
18 A3 X 237 8-12-22 263 9-13-23 316 11-16-25 369 12-19-27 474 16-22-31 578 20-24-34 683 21-26-37
16" Y 157 6-9-19 174 7-10-21 209 8-12-25 244 10-14-28 314 12-19-31 383 15-23-35 452 18-27-38
Round A4 X&Y 157 6-9-19 174 7-10-21 209 8-12-25 244 10-14-28 314 12-19-31 383 15-23-35 452 18-27-38
• All pressures are in inches of water. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value less than 10.
• Throw velocities given are for isothermal terminal • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance
velocities of 150, 100 and 50 fpm. See the section, with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Engineering Guidelines for additional information. • Throw values given are for isothermal conditions.
• NC values based on Octave Band 2 to 7 sound
power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
consisting of fixed deflection louvers shall be available in The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
one-, two-, three- or four-way horizontal discharge patterns. for the diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in accordance
Steel (TDV) or aluminum (TDV-AA) induction blades shall be with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
welded to each wing of the inner core. The induction blades
Optional Damper
Opposed Blade AG-95
Model Height Opposed Blade AG-35-B
TDV Sq. or Rect. Neck Finish Opposed Blade - Short AG-65-S
TDV-AA White 26 Opposed Blade - Long AG-65-L
Blow Pattern
1-Way 1
Model Number Specification (continued)
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Backpan Size Blow Pattern
6x6 1-Way 1
9x9 Border 2-Way, Opposite 2
Model 12 x 12 Snap-In 2 2-Way, Corner 2C Accessories
TDV Rnd. Neck 15 x 15 Lay-In 3 3-Way 3 Equalizing Grid EG
TDV-AA 18 x 18 Spline 4 4-Way 4 Earthquake Tabs EQT
Inlet Size 6, 8, 12 x 12 White 26 Radial D-100
10, 24 x 24 Finish Radial AG-100
12, Module Size Combination AG-65
14, Butterfly AG-85
16 Optional Damper (note)
Module Backpan Round
Size Size “A”
(inches) (inches) Inlet Size (inches)
12 x 12 6x6 6
6x6 6
9x9 6, 8
24 x 24 12 x 12 8, 10, 12
15 x 15 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
Note: See damper model for size availability.
18 x 18 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16
Blow Pattern
1 1-Way
Border 2 2-Way, Opposite
Model 1 Surface Mount 2C 2-Way, Corner Accessories
TDV Rnd. Neck 5 Dropped 3 3-Way EG Equalizing Grid
TDV-AA 6 Beveled 4 4-Way EQT Earthquake Tabs
Inlet Size 6, 8, White 26 D-100
10, Finish AG-100
12, Combination AG-65
14, Butterfly AG-85
16 Optional Damper (note)
Backpan Size Round
“A” (inches) Inlet Size (inches)
6x6 6
9x9 6, 8
12 x 12 8, 10, 12
15 x 15 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
18 x 18 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 Note: See damper model for size availability.
Square and Rectangular Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Border Type NT
Square Neck
VANES, NARROW TEE Duct Size minus ⅛"
Available Models:
TDV-NT • Steel 2⅛"
TDV-AA-NT • Aluminum
⅜" 23⅜"
induction blades shall be welded to each wing of the inner
core. The induction blades shall be oriented at 45° angles
LOUVERED FACE, INDUCTION VANES, NARROW TEE in opposite directions to ensure rapid mixing of primary and
room air. The inner core assembly must be removable in the
field without tools for easy installation, cleaning or damper
Available Steel Model:
TDV-NT • Fixed Discharge
Available Aluminum Model:
The finish shall be #26 white. The finish shall be an anodic
acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The pencil
hardness must be HB to H. The paint must pass a 100-hour
Ceiling diffusers shall be Titus Model TDV-NT (steel) or TDV-
ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray Test without
AA-NT (aluminum with miscellaneous steel components)
creepage, blistering or deterioration of film. The paint must
for a fixed, horizontal discharge pattern. Diffuser shall be
pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test. The
compatible with 24 x 24-inch modules for regressed narrow
paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
tee ceiling systems. These diffusers shall consist of an outer
Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
frame assembly of the sizes and mounting types shown on
the plans and outlet schedule.
Optional damper shall be constructed of heavy gauge steel
(aluminum also available). Damper must be operable from
A square or rectangular inlet shall be an integral part of the
the face of the diffuser by removing the spring loaded inner
frame assembly and a transition piece shall be available to
core assembly.
facilitate attachment of round duct. An inner core assembly
consisting of fixed deflection louvers shall be available in
The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
one-, two-, three- or four-way horizontal discharge patterns.
for the diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in accordance
with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
The inner core assembly must be removable in the field
without tools for easy installation, cleaning, or damper
Optional Damper
Model Height Opposed Blade AG-35-B
TDV-NT Square Neck Finish Opposed Blade - Short AG-65-S
TDV-AA-NT White 26 Opposed Blade - Long AG-65-L
Model Number Specification (continued)
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Backpan Size
6x6 Optional Damper (note)
9x9 Radial D-100
Model 12 x 12 Radial AG-100
TDV-NT Round Neck 15 x 15 Finish Combination AG-65
TDV-AA-NT 18 x 18 White 26 Butterfly AG-85
Inlet Size 6, 8, Module 1-Way 1 Equalizing Grid EG
10, Size 2-Way, Opposite 2 Earthquake Tabs EQT
12, 2-Way, Corner 2C Accessories
14, 16 3-Way 3
4-Way 4
Module Size Backpan Size Round
“A” (inches)
Blow Pattern
(inches) Inlet Size (inches)
6x6 6
9x9 6, 8
24 x 24 12 x 12 8, 10, 12
15 x 15 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
Note: See damper model for size availability.
18 x 18 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16
Square and Rectangular Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Available Steel Model: continuous horizontal flow from
TDX maximum cfm down to minimum
cfm, making it an excellent
Available Aluminum Model:
TDX-AA choice for variable air volume
applications. • Material is heavy gauge steel or
Products Include: aluminum with miscellaneous
• Standard Finish - #26 White. • Model TDX is extremely flexible, steel components.
with cores available for one-, two-,
• The Titus TDX and TDX-AA have three- or four-way horizontal flow. • For a uniform face appearance on
louvered faces with integrated all round neck sizes, specify an 18
induction nozzles for exceptional • Core is easily removable from the x 18-inch dimension ‘A’ size and
air mixing. face of the diffuser. the desired round neck size. This
is available in 24 x 24-inch lay-in
• Slot operator on the optional module size only.
Model AG-95 damper allows easy
BORDER TYPES volume adjustment. (Square
Border Type 2 necks only).
Border Type 4
2⅛" 1½"
⅜" A plus 59/16"
Ceiling Module
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Border Type 5 Border Type 6
(Dropped Face) (Bevel Drop Face)
Duct Size plus ¼" Duct Size plus 1"
2½" ⅞"
* A plus 5"
* A plus 5½"
Note: Standard diffuser is 2½
inches deep.
Border Types 2, 3, 4
A Border Types 1, 5, 6 Available Available
Duct Size Dimension Available Round Module Round Duct
A Duct Size Size Size
9x9 6, 8 9x9 6, 8
12 x 12 8, 10, 12 12 x 12 8, 10, 12
24 x 24
15 x 15 10, 12, 14 15 x 15 10, 12, 14
18 x 18 12, 14, 16 18 x 18 12, 14, 16
Note: Round duct sizes are Note 1: Round duct sizes are
available only in sizes shown. available only in sizes shown.
1. Remove shipping clips. 2. Push core sideways against 3. Hold core securely and allow to
spring. drop down.
S1 S2 G2 A3 A4
TDX ADPI Comparison Diffusers
TDX (High Induction-Circular Pattern) vs. TDV (Cross Pattern)
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
12 x 12 Core, A4 Pattern
(@ 20 BTU/hr. ft2, Floor Heat Load)
TDV -- 92% ADPI
ADPI [%]
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Note: See ‘ADPI - Air Diffusion Performance Index’ in the Engineering Guidelines section for detailed
TDX , TDV & TDC Comparison Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Model TDX Square Neck Model TDV Square Neck Model TDC Square Neck
Induction Ratio Induction Ratio Induction Ratio
Delta T = 20BF Delta T = 20BF Delta T = 20BF
Neck Velocity = 250 fpm Neck Velocity = 250 fpm Neck Velocity = 250 fpm
Throw Induction Ratio Throw Induction Ratio Throw Induction Ratio
[Feet] [non-DIM] [Feet] [non-DIM] [Feet] [non-DIM]
1 1.2 1 0.4 1 0.1
2 1.4 2 0.5 2 0.2
3 1.9 3 0.9 3 0.5
4 2.7 4 1.2 4 0.7
5 3.9 5 1.9 5 1.2
6 5.5 6 2.4 6 1.4
7 8.0 7 3.6 7 2.1
8 11.8 8 5.4 8 3.2
9 17.7 9 8.6 9 5.6
10 26.4 10 21.6 10 20.0
11 39.0 11 30.7 11 27.9
12 56.6 12 38.2 12 32.0
13 80.5 13 54.0 13 45.2
14 112.0 14 65.8 14 50.3
15 153.0 15 80.8 15 56.8
Troom = 75°F Induction Ratio = [ (Troom - Tsupply)/(Troom - Tthrow)] - 1
Tsupply = 55°F (250 cfm, 12 x 12, A4 Pattern)
(250 cfm, 12 x 12 Core, A4 Pattern)
T150 - TDV
7' 8'
T150 - TDC
Jet Velocity (fpm) 564 436 330 292 240 199 161 128
TDC (20F, ∆T)
55F Supply Temp. Jet Temperature
57 58 62 63 66 67 69 70
Notes: At 55°F supply air, jet temperature from the TDX increases
1. ‘x’ Data taken 1” below ceiling.
more rapidly than from the TDC and TDV, illustrating the effect
2. Temperature: Room 75°F, Supply 55°F.
of induction performance with this diffuser.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 4-8-11 6-9-13 8-10-14 9-11-15 9-11-16 10-13-18 11-14-20
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 3-6-9 5-7-10 6-8-11 7-8-12 7-9-12 8-10-14 9-11-15
Total cfm 313 391 469 547 625 781 938
NC - 15 21 26 30 38 44
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 9-12-18 11-14-20 12-15-22 13-16-23 14-18-25 16-20-28 18-22-30
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 5-8-13 6-10-15 8-11-17 9-13-18 10-13-19 12-15-21 13-17-23
15" x 15" cfm Side A 78 98 117 137 156 195 234
A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 4-7-11 5-8-12 7-9-13 8-10-14 9-11-15 10-12-17 11-13-18
cfm Side B 117 146 176 205 234 293 352
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 6-9-13 8-11-15 9-12-16 10-13-18 11-13-19 12-15-21 13-16-23
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 4-7-11 6-8-12 7-9-13 8-10-14 9-11-15 10-12-17 11-13-19
Total cfm 450 563 675 788 900 1125 1350
NC - 17 23 28 33 40 47
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 10-15-22 13-17-24 15-19-27 17-20-29 18-22-31 20-24-35 22-27-38
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 8-11-20 9-14-22 11-17-24 13-18-26 15-20-28 18-22-31 20-24-34
18" x 18" cfm Side A 113 141 169 197 225 281 338
A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 5-7-13 6-9-14 7-11-15 9-12-17 10-13-18 11-14-20 13-15-22
cfm Side B 169 211 253 295 338 422 506
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 7-10-15 8-12-17 10-13-19 12-14-20 13-15-22 14-17-24 15-19-27
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 5-7-13 6-9-14 7-11-15 9-12-17 10-13-18 11-14-20 13-15-22
• All pressures are in inches of water. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value less than 10.
• Throw velocities given are for isothermal terminal • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance
velocities of 150, 100 and 50 fpm. See the section, with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Engineering Guidelines for additional information. • Throw values given are for isothermal conditions.
• NC values based on Octave Band 2 to 7 sound
power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Inlet Neck Velocity, fpm 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Duct Velocity Pressure, in. wg. 0.003 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.013 0.016
Size Total Pressure, in. wg. (max) 0.015 0.024 0.034 0.046 0.061 0.077 0.095
Total cfm 39 49 59 69 79 88 98
NC - - - - - 12 16
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 1-2-4 1-2-5 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-4-9 3-5-10
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-4-8 3-5-9
cfm Side A 10 12 15 17 20 22 25
A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 0-1-2 1-1-3 1-2-3 1-2-4 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-5
cfm Side B 15 18 22 26 29 33 37
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 1-2-3 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-5 2-3-6 2-4-6 3-4-6
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 0-1-2 1-1-3 1-2-3 1-2-4 1-2-4 2-3-5 2-3-6
9" x 9"
Total cfm 70 87 105 122 140 157 175
NC - - 13 18 23 27 30
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 3-5-9 4-6-10 5-7-11 5-8-12 6-9-13 7-10-14 8-10-14
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-11 4-7-12 5-8-12 6-8-13 6-9-14
cfm Side A 17 22 26 31 35 39 44
A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 2-3-5 2-3-6 3-4-7 3-4-8 3-5-8 4-6-9 4-6-9
cfm Side B 26 33 39 46 52 59 65
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 3-4-6 3-5-7 4-5-8 5-6-8 5-6-9 5-7-9 6-7-10
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 2-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-7 3-5-8 3-5-9 4-6-9 4-7-10
Inlet Neck Velocity, fpm 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Duct Velocity Pressure, in. wg. 0.003 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.013 0.016
Size Total Pressure, in. wg. (max) 0.021 0.033 0.047 0.065 0.084 0.107 0.132
Total cfm 70 87 105 122 140 157 175
NC - - 13 18 23 27 30
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 4-7-13 5-8-13 6-8-14
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 1-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 4-6-13 5-7-14
cfm Side A 17 22 26 31 35 39 44
A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-5 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-8 3-5-9
cfm Side B 26 33 39 46 52 59 65
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-7 3-5-8 4-6-9 4-6-9 5-7-10
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 1-2-4 1-2-5 2-3-6 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-4-9 3-5-9
Total cfm 109 136 164 191 218 245 273
NC - - 15 20 25 29 32
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 2-4-9 3-5-11 4-6-13 5-8-15 6-9-17 6-10-19 7-11-21
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 2-4-8 3-5-11 4-6-13 5-7-14 6-8-15 6-10-16 7-11-17
12" x 12" cfm Side A 27 34 41 48 55 61 68
A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 1-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-9 4-6-10 4-7-10
cfm Side B 41 51 61 72 82 92 102
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 2-4-7 3-4-9 4-5-11 4-6-12 5-7-12 5-8-13 6-9-14
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 1-3-5 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-9 4-6-10 5-7-10
Total cfm 157 196 236 275 314 353 393
NC - - 16 21 26 30 34
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 2-5-10 4-7-13 5-8-16 6-9-18 7-10-21 8-12-24 9-13-26
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 2-4-9 3-6-12 4-7-14 5-8-16 6-9-18 7-10-21 8-12-23
cfm Side A 39 49 59 69 79 88 98
A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 2-3-6 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 4-6-12 5-7-13 5-8-14
cfm Side B 59 74 88 103 118 133 147
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 3-4-9 4-6-11 4-7-12 5-8-13 6-9-14 7-10-15 7-11-16
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 2-3-7 3-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-11 4-7-11 5-7-12 6-8-13
• All pressures are in inches of water. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value less than 10.
• Throw velocities given are for isothermal terminal • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance
velocities of 150, 100 and 50 fpm. See the section, with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Engineering Guidelines for additional information. • Throw values given are for isothermal conditions.
• NC values based on Octave Band 2 to 7 sound F207
power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 8-13-21 9-14-22 10-16-24 11-17-25 13-18-26 14-19-27 15-20-28
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 7-11-21 8-12-22 9-13-23 10-15-24 11-16-25 12-17-26 13-19-27
cfm Side A 107 120 134 147 160 174 187
Round A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 5-8-13 6-9-13 7-10-14 7-10-15 8-11-15 9-11-16 9-12-17
cfm Side B 160 180 200 220 241 261 281
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 7-10-15 8-11-16 9-12-16 10-12-17 10-13-18 11-13-19 11-14-19
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 5-8-12 6-9-13 7-9-13 8-10-14 8-10-15 9-11-15 9-11-16
Inlet Neck Velocity, fpm 600 650 700 750 800 850 900
Duct Velocity Pressure, in. wg. 0.022 0.026 0.031 0.035 0.040 0.045 0.051
Size Total Pressure, in. wg. (max) 0.209 0.245 0.284 0.326 0.371 0.419 0.470
Total cfm 471 511 550 589 628 668 707
NC 30 32 35 37 39 41 43
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 7-11-15 8-11-16 9-12-17 9-12-17 10-13-18 11-13-18 11-13-18
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 6-9-14 7-10-15 7-11-15 8-11-16 8-12-16 9-12-17 9-12-17
cfm Side A 118 128 137 147 157 167 177
Round A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 5-7-11 5-8-11 6-8-12 6-9-12 6-9-13 7-9-13 7-10-13
cfm Side B 177 191 206 221 236 250 265
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 7-9-13 7-9-13 8-10-14 8-10-14 8-10-15 9-11-15 9-11-15
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 5-7-10 5-8-11 6-8-11 6-8-12 7-8-12 7-9-12 7-9-13
Total cfm 641 695 748 802 855 909 962
NC 38 41 43 45 48 50 52
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 10-13-18 11-14-19 12-14-20 12-15-21 12-15-21 13-16-22 13-16-23
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 9-12-17 9-13-18 10-13-18 11-13-19 11-14-20 12-14-20 12-15-21
18" x 18" cfm Side A 160 174 187 200 214 227 241
Round A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 7-9-13 7-10-14 8-10-14 8-10-15 9-11-15 9-11-16 9-11-16
cfm Side B 241 261 281 301 321 341 361
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 9-11-15 9-11-16 9-12-16 10-12-17 10-12-18 10-13-18 11-13-19
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 7-9-12 7-9-13 8-9-13 8-10-14 8-10-14 8-10-15 9-11-15
Total cfm 838 908 977 1047 1117 1187 1257
NC 45 48 50 52 55 57 59
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 13-17-24 14-18-25 15-18-26 15-19-27 16-19-27 16-20-28 17-21-29
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 11-15-22 11-16-23 12-17-24 13-17-24 14-18-25 15-18-26 15-19-27
cfm Side A 209 227 244 262 279 297 314
Round A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 8-12-17 9-12-18 10-13-18 10-13-19 11-14-20 12-14-20 12-15-21
cfm Side B 314 340 367 393 419 445 471
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 11-14-20 12-14-20 12-15-21 13-15-22 13-16-23 13-16-23 14-17-24
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 9-11-16 9-12-16 10-12-17 10-13-18 11-13-18 11-13-19 11-14-19
• All pressures are in inches of water. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value less than 10.
• Throw velocities given are for isothermal terminal • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance
velocities of 150, 100 and 50 fpm. See the section, with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Engineering Guidelines for additional information. • Throw values given are for isothermal conditions.
• NC values based on Octave Band 2 to 7 sound
F208 power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Neck Velocity, fpm 200 250 300 350 400 500 600
Velocity Pressure, in. wg. 0.003 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.016 0.022
Duct Size
Total Pressure, in. wg. (max) 0.027 0.043 0.062 0.084 0.110 0.171 0.247
Total cfm 113 141 169 197 225 281 338
NC - - 13 19 23 31 37
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 4-6-10 5-7-11 6-8-12 7-9-13 8-10-14 9-11-15 10-12-17
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 3-4-7 4-5-8 4-6-9 5-7-10 6-7-10 7-8-11 7-9-12
9" x 9" cfm Side A 28 35 42 49 56 70 84
A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 3-4-6 3-4-6 4-5-7 4-5-7 5-6-8 5-6-9 6-7-10
cfm Side B 42 53 63 74 84 105 127
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 3-5-7 4-6-8 5-6-9 5-7-9 6-7-10 7-8-11 7-9-12
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 3-4-6 3-4-6 4-5-7 4-5-7 5-6-8 5-6-9 6-7-10
Total cfm 200 250 300 350 400 500 600
NC - 11 17 22 27 35 41
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 5-7-12 6-9-13 7-10-14 8-11-16 10-12-17 11-13-19 12-14-20
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 4-6-10 5-7-11 6-8-12 6-9-13 7-10-14 9-11-16 10-12-17
12" x 12" cfm Side A 50 63 75 88 100 125 150
A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 3-5-7 4-6-8 5-6-9 5-7-10 6-7-10 7-8-12 7-9-13
cfm Side B 75 94 113 131 150 188 225
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 5-7-9 6-7-11 7-8-12 7-9-12 8-9-13 9-11-15 9-12-16
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 3-5-7 4-6-8 5-6-9 6-7-10 6-7-11 7-8-12 7-9-13
Total cfm 313 391 469 547 625 781 938
NC - 15 21 26 30 34 38
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 7-9-13 9-10-15 9-11-16 10-12-17 11-13-19 12-15-21 13-16-23
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 4-7-10 5-8-11 7-9-12 8-9-13 8-10-14 9-11-16 10-12-18
15" x 15" cfm Side A 78 98 117 137 156 195 234
A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 4-6-8 5-6-9 6-7-10 6-7-11 7-8-11 7-9-13 8-10-14
cfm Side B 117 146 176 205 234 293 352
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 5-7-10 7-8-11 7-9-12 8-9-13 8-10-14 9-11-16 10-12-17
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 4-6-9 5-7-10 6-8-11 7-9-12 7-9-13 8-10-15 9-11-16
Total cfm 450 563 675 788 900 1125 1350
NC - 17 23 28 33 40 47
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 9-12-16 11-13-18 12-14-20 13-15-22 13-16-23 15-18-26 16-20-28
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 6-10-14 8-11-16 10-12-17 11-13-18 11-14-20 13-16-22 14-17-24
18" x 18" cfm Side A 113 141 169 197 225 281 338
A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 4-6-9 5-7-10 6-8-11 7-9-12 8-9-13 8-10-15 9-11-16
cfm Side B 169 211 253 295 338 422 506
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 6-8-12 7-9-13 8-10-14 9-11-16 10-12-17 11-13-19 12-14-20
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 4-6-9 5-7-10 6-8-11 7-9-12 8-9-13 9-10-15 9-11-16
• All pressures are in inches of water. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value less than 10.
• Throw velocities given are for 20B cooling at terminal • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance
velocities of 150, 100 and 50 fpm. See the section, with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Engineering Guidelines for additional information. • Throw values given are for cooling conditions.
• NC values based on Octave Band 2 to 7 sound
power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 2-3-5 3-4-5 3-4-6 4-4-6 4-5-7 4-5-7 4-5-7
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 1-2-4 2-3-5 2-3-6 3-4-6 3-4-6 3-5-7 4-5-7
Neck Velocity, fpm 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Backpan Inlet Duct
Velocity Pressure, in. wg. 0.003 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.013 0.016
Size Size
Total Pressure, in. wg. (max) 0.024 0.037 0.053 0.073 0.095 0.120 0.148
Total cfm 70 87 105 122 140 157 175
NC - - 13 18 23 27 30
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-8 3-5-9 4-6-9 4-6-10 5-7-11
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 1-2-5 2-3-6 2-4-6 3-4-7 3-5-7 4-5-8 4-6-8
8" Round cfm Side A 17 22 26 31 35 39 44
A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 1-2-3 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-5 2-3-6 2-3-6 3-4-7
cfm Side B 26 33 39 46 52 59 65
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 2-2-5 2-3-5 2-4-6 3-4-6 3-5-6 4-5-7 4-5-7
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 1-2-3 1-2-4 2-2-5 2-3-6 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-7
Total cfm 109 136 164 191 218 245 273
NC - - 15 20 25 29 32
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 2-4-7 3-5-9 4-5-10 4-6-11 5-7-12 5-8-13 6-9-13
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 1-3-6 2-4-8 3-5-9 4-5-9 4-6-10 5-7-11 5-8-11
12" x 12" cfm Side A 27 34 41 48 55 61 68
A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 1-2-5 2-3-6 2-3-6 3-4-7 3-5-7 3-5-7 4-6-8
cfm Side B 41 51 61 72 82 92 102
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 2-3-6 2-4-6 3-4-7 3-5-8 4-6-8 4-6-9 5-6-9
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 1-2-5 2-3-5 2-3-6 3-4-6 3-5-7 3-5-7 4-5-8
Total cfm 157 196 236 275 314 353 393
NC - - 16 21 26 30 34
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 2-4-9 4-6-11 4-7-13 5-8-15 6-9-16 7-10-17 7-11-18
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 2-4-8 3-5-10 4-6-12 5-7-13 5-8-14 6-9-15 7-10-16
cfm Side A 39 49 59 69 79 88 98
A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 2-3-6 2-4-7 3-4-7 3-5-8 4-6-8 4-6-9 5-7-9
cfm Side B 59 74 88 103 118 133 147
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 3-4-7 3-5-8 4-6-9 4-7-9 5-7-10 6-7-10 6-8-11
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 2-3-6 2-4-6 3-4-7 3-5-8 4-6-8 4-6-9 5-6-9
• All pressures are in inches of water. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value less than 10.
• Throw velocities given are for 20B cooling at terminal • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance
velocities of 150, 100 and 50 fpm. See the section, with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Engineering Guidelines for additional information. • Throw values given are for cooling conditions.
F210 • NC values based on Octave Band 2 to 7 sound
power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Inlet Neck Velocity, fpm 400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Duct Velocity Pressure, in. wg. 0.010 0.013 0.016 0.019 0.022 0.026 0.031
Size Total Pressure, in. wg. (max) 0.095 0.120 0.148 0.179 0.213 0.250 0.290
Total cfm 218 245 273 300 327 355 382
NC - 12 15 19 22 24 27
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 4-6-11 5-7-12 5-8-12 6-9-13 6-9-14 7-10-14 7-10-15
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 4-6-9 5-7-9 5-7-10 6-7-10 6-8-11 6-8-11 7-8-12
cfm Side A 55 61 68 75 82 89 95
Round A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 3-4-6 3-5-6 3-5-7 4-5-7 4-5-7 4-5-8 5-6-8
cfm Side B 82 92 102 112 123 133 143
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 4-5-8 4-6-9 4-6-9 5-7-10 5-7-10 6-7-10 6-8-11
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 3-4-6 3-4-6 3-5-7 4-5-7 4-5-7 4-5-8 5-6-8
Total cfm 314 353 393 432 471 511 550
NC 18 22 25 28 31 34 36
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 5-8-13 6-9-14 6-9-15 7-10-16 8-11-16 8-12-17 9-12-18
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 4-7-13 5-7-14 5-8-14 6-9-15 7-10-16 7-11-16 8-11-17
15" x 15" cfm Side A 79 88 98 108 118 128 137
Round A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 3-5-8 4-5-8 4-6-9 4-7-9 5-7-10 5-7-10 6-7-11
cfm Side B 118 133 147 162 177 191 206
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 4-7-9 5-7-10 6-7-10 6-8-11 7-8-11 7-8-12 7-9-12
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 3-5-7 4-6-8 4-6-8 5-6-9 5-6-9 5-7-9 6-7-10
Total cfm 428 481 535 588 641 695 748
NC 26 30 34 37 40 42 45
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 7-11-16 8-12-17 9-13-18 10-13-19 11-14-19 12-14-20 12-15-21
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 6-9-15 7-10-16 8-11-17 8-13-18 9-13-19 10-14-20 11-14-20
cfm Side A 107 120 134 147 160 174 187
Round A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 4-7-9 5-7-10 6-8-11 6-8-11 7-8-12 7-9-12 7-9-13
cfm Side B 160 180 200 220 241 261 281
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 6-8-11 7-8-12 7-9-12 7-9-13 8-10-13 8-10-14 8-10-15
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 5-6-9 5-7-9 6-7-10 6-7-10 6-8-11 7-8-11 7-8-12
Inlet Neck Velocity, fpm 600 650 700 750 800 850 900
Duct Velocity Pressure, in. wg. 0.022 0.026 0.031 0.035 0.040 0.045 0.051
Size Total Pressure, in. wg. (max) 0.213 0.250 0.290 0.333 0.379 0.428 0.480
Total cfm 471 511 550 589 628 668 707
NC 29 32 34 37 39 41 43
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 6-8-12 7-9-12 7-9-13 7-9-13 8-9-13 8-10-14 8-10-14
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 5-8-11 6-8-11 6-8-12 7-8-12 7-9-12 7-9-13 8-9-13
cfm Side A 118 128 137 147 157 167 177
Round A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 4-6-8 4-6-9 5-6-9 5-7-9 5-7-10 6-7-10 6-7-10
cfm Side B 177 191 206 221 236 250 265
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 6-7-10 6-7-10 6-7-10 6-8-11 6-8-11 7-8-11 7-8-12
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 4-5-8 5-6-8 5-6-8 5-6-9 5-6-9 5-6-9 5-7-9
Total cfm 641 695 748 802 855 909 962
NC 38 41 43 45 48 50 52
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 8-10-14 8-10-14 9-11-15 9-11-15 9-11-16 10-12-16 10-12-17
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 7-9-13 8-9-13 8-10-14 8-10-14 8-10-15 9-11-15 9-11-16
18" x 18" cfm Side A 160 174 187 200 214 227 241
Round A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 6-7-10 6-7-10 6-8-11 6-8-11 7-8-11 7-8-12 7-9-12
cfm Side B 241 261 281 301 321 341 361
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 7-8-11 7-8-12 7-9-12 7-9-13 8-9-13 8-10-14 8-10-14
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 5-7-9 6-7-10 6-7-10 6-7-10 6-8-11 6-8-11 7-8-11
Total cfm 838 908 977 1047 1117 1187 1257
NC 42 45 47 50 52 54 56
S1-Pattern Throw, ft. 10-13-18 11-13-19 11-14-19 12-14-20 12-15-21 12-15-21 13-15-22
S2 & G2-Pattern Throw, ft. 9-12-16 10-12-17 10-13-18 11-13-18 11-13-19 11-14-20 12-14-20
cfm Side A 209 227 244 262 279 297 314
Round A3- Pattern-Side A, Throw, ft. 7-9-13 8-9-13 8-10-14 8-10-14 8-10-15 9-11-15 9-11-16
cfm Side B 314 340 367 393 419 445 471
A3- Pattern-Side B, Throw, ft. 8-10-15 9-11-15 9-11-16 9-12-16 10-12-17 10-12-17 10-13-18
A4-Pattern Throw, ft. 7-8-12 7-9-12 7-9-13 8-9-13 8-10-14 8-10-14 8-10-15
• All pressures are in inches of water. • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with
• Throw velocities given are for 20B cooling at terminal ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
velocities of 150, 100 and 50 fpm. See the section, • Throw values given are for cooling conditions.
Engineering Guidelines for additional information.
• NC values based on Octave Band 2 to 7 sound power
levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB. F211
• Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value less than 10.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
consisting of fixed deflection louvers shall be available in
one-, two-, three- or four-way horizontal discharge patterns. The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
Steel (TDX), or aluminum (TDX-AA), induction nozzles shall for the diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in accordance
be welded to each wing of the inner core. The induction with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Optional Damper
Opposed Blade AG-95
Model Height Opposed Blade AG-35-B
TDX Square Neck Finish Opposed Blade - Short AG-65-S
TDX-AA White 26 Opposed Blade - Long AG-65-L
Blow Pattern
1-Way 1 Accessories
Model Number Specification (continued)
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Blow Pattern
Backpan Size 1-Way 1
9x9 Border 2-Way, Opposite 2
Model 12 x 12 Snap-In 2 2-Way, Corner 2C Accessories
TDX Round Neck 15 x 15 Lay-In 3 3-Way 3 Equalizing Grid EG
TDX-AA 18 x 18 Spline 4 4-Way 4 Earthquake Tabs EQT
Inlet Size 6, 8, 24 x 24 White 26 Radial D-100
10, Module Size Finish Radial AG-100
12, Combination AG-65
14, Butterfly AG-85
16 Optional Damper (note)
Module Backpan Round
Size Size “A”
(inches) (inches) Inlet Size (inches)
9x9 6, 8
12 x 12 8, 10, 12
24 x 24
15 x 15 10, 12, 14
Note: See damper model for size availability.
18 x 18 12, 14, 16
Blow Pattern
1 1-Way
Border 2 2-Way, Opposite
Model 1 Surface Mount 2C 2-Way, Corner Accessories
TDX Round Neck 5 Dropped 3 3-Way EG Equalizing Grid
TDX-AA 6 Beveled 4 4-Way EQT Earthquake Tabs
Inlet Size 6, 8, White 26 D-100
10, Finish AG-100
12, Combination AG-65
14, Butterfly AG-85
16 Optional Damper (note)
Square and Rectangular Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Border Type NT
Square Neck
induction nozzles shall be welded to each wing of the inner
core. The induction nozzles shall be oriented at 45° angles
in split opposite directions to ensure rapid mixing of primary
Available Steel Model: and room air. The inner core assembly must be removable in
TDX-NT the field without tools for easy installation, cleaning or
damper adjustment.
Available Aluminum Model:
TDX-AA-NT The finish shall be #26 white. The finish shall be an anodic
acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The pencil
Ceiling diffusers shall be Titus Model TDX-NT (steel) or TDX- hardness must be HB to H. The paint must pass a 100-hour
AA-NT (aluminum with miscellaneous steel components) ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray Test without
for a fixed, horizontal discharge pattern. Diffuser shall be creepage, blistering or deterioration of film. The paint must
compatible with 24 x 24-inch modules for regressed narrow pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test. The
tee ceiling systems. These diffusers shall consist of an outer paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
frame assembly of the sizes and mounting types shown on Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
the plans and outlet schedule.
Optional damper shall be constructed of heavy gauge steel
A square inlet shall be an integral part of the frame (aluminum also available). Damper must be operable from
assembly and a transition piece shall be available to the face of the diffuser by removing the spring loaded inner
facilitate attachment of round duct. An inner core assembly core assembly.
consisting of fixed deflection louvers shall be available in
one-, two-, three- or four-way horizontal discharge patterns. The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
The inner core assembly must be removable in the field for the diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested in accordance
without tools for easy installation, cleaning, or damper with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
Optional Damper
Opposed Blade AG-95
Model Height Opposed Blade AG-35-B
TDX-NT Square Neck Finish Opposed Blade - Short AG-65-S
TDX-AA-NT White 26 Opposed Blade - Long AG-65-L
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Backpan Size Optional Damper (note)
9x9 Radial D-100
Model 12 x 12 Radial AG-100
TDX-NT Round Neck 15 x 15 Finish Combination AG-65
TDX-AA-NT 18 x 18 White 26 Butterfly AG-85
Inlet Size 6, 8, Module 1-Way 1 Equalizing Grid EG
10, Size 2-Way, Opposite 2 Earthquake Tabs EQT
12, 2-Way, Corner 2C Accessories
14, 16 3-Way 3
4-Way 4
Module Size Backpan Size Round
“A” (inches)
Blow Pattern
(inches) Inlet Size (inches)
9x9 6, 8
12 x 12 8, 10, 12
24 x 24
15 x 15 10, 12, 14
Note: See damper model for size availability.
18 x 18 12, 14, 16
Square and Rectangular Ceiling Diffusers (continued) Diffusers
250, 250-AA
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
TWO-, THREE- OR FOUR-WAY • Excellent for variable air
250, 250-AA
DISCHARGE PATTERN volume applications.
• Titus Models 250 and 250-AA • Louvers are individually adjustable • Optional Model AG-20 multi-
present a clean, functional, strong from the face of the diffuser. The louver damper has an adjusting
appearance, along with high louvers regulate the air volume as lever at the face of the diffuser.
performance. well as the angle of discharge. Mounted on the diffuser at the
factory. Steel, finished to match
• Designed for ceiling, high the diffuser.
side wall, and low side wall
installations. • Diffuser material is steel in Model
250, aluminum with miscellaneous
steel components in Model 250-
Border Type 3 (Lay-In) 15/16"
23¾" ⅜"
Panel Mounted (note)
minus ¾"
Duct Size
• 8x8
Duct Size minus ¾"
Duct Size plus 1¾"
1" • 9x9
• 10 x 10
• 12 x 12
• 14 x 14
• 15 x 15
• 16 x 16
• 18 x 18
• 21 x 21
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
1-Way 2-Way 2-Way Corner
L2 L2C L2C L3 L3 L4 L4
S2 S2C S2C S3 S3 S4 S4
• Models 250 and 250-AA diffusers • Because the louvers are • The preceeding performance
can be ordered in any of the individually adjustable, each tables show values for the
discharge patterns shown in direction of discharge can have various discharge patterns.
the diagrams at the right. its own volume and angle of
discharge, all from one diffuser.
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
NC-20 NC-30
Core Nominal Core Velocity 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Area Duct Size Velocity Pressure 0.001 0.002 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062
Sq. Feet Inches Total Pressure 0.003 0.014 0.031 0.056 0.090 0.131 0.175 0.225 0.290 0.355
cfm 10 25 35 50 60 70 85 95 110 120
NC 14 20 24 28 32 35 38
0.12 6x4
Throw, 2-Way 5-8-13 7-9-12 8-12-19 9-13-18 10-15-21 12-17-24 13-19-31
Feet 1-Way 7-10-16 8-11-15 10-13-19 11-16-23 12-18-26 14-21-34 15-23-37
cfm 15 30 50 65 80 95 110 130 145 160
NC 15 21 26 30 33 36 39
Throw, 4-Way 7-6-9 5-7-12 6-9-14 7-11-17 8-12-20 9-14-22 10-15-21 12-17-24
0.16 8x4
Feet 3-Way 4-6-10 5-8-13 6-9-15 8-12-19 9-14-22 10-14-20 11-16-23 12-18-26
2-Way 5-7-11 6-9-14 7-11-17 9-13-21 10-14-20 11-16-23 12-18-26 14-21-33
1-Way 5-8-13 7-11-17 9-13-21 10-15-21 12-17-25 13-20-32 15-22-36 17-25-40
cfm 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
NC 16 22 27 31 34 37 40
0.20 10 x 4 Throw, 4-Way 4-6-9 5-8-13 6-9-15 8-11-18 9-13-21 10-14-20 11-16-23 12-17-25
6x6 Feet 3-Way 4-6-10 6-9-14 7-10-16 8-12-20 10-13-19 11-15-22 12-17-25 13-20-32
2-Way 5-7-11 6-9-15 8-11-18 9-14-22 10-15-21 12-17-25 13-20-32 15-22-35
1-Way 6-9-14 8-11-18 9-14-22 11-15-22 12-18-26 14-21-34 16-24-38 18-26-42
cfm 25 50 80 105 130 155 180 210 235 260
NC 10 17 23 28 32 35 38 41
0.26 12 x 4 Throw, 4-Way 3-4-7 4-5-6 6-9-14 7-10-16 8-12-20 10-13-19 11-15-22 12-17-25 13-20-32
8x6 Feet 3-Way 3-4-7 5-6-7 6-9-15 8-11-18 9-13-21 10-14-20 11-16-23 13-19-31 14-21-34
2-Way 3-5-8 5-6-8 7-9-12 8-12-20 10-14-20 11-16-23 13-19-31 14-21-34 16-24-38
1-Way 4-5-6 6-8-11 8-11-15 10-14-20 12-17-24 13-20-32 15-23-37 17-26-41 19-28-45
cfm 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
NC 10 18 23 28 32 36 39 42
0.30 14 x 4 Throw, 4-Way 3-4-7 4-5-6 6-8-10 7-10-13 9-12-17 10-14-20 11-16-23 12-18-26 14-21-33
Feet 3-Way 3-5-8 5-6-7 6-9-15 8-11-15 9-13-18 10-15-21 12-17-25 13-20-32 15-22-35
2-Way 3-5-8 5-7-9 7-10-13 9-12-17 10-14-20 12-17-24 13-20-32 16-24-38 16-24-39
1-Way 4-5-6 6-8-11 8-11-16 10-15-21 12-17-25 14-21-34 16-24-38 18-27-43 20-29-47
cfm 35 70 105 140 175 210 245 280 315 350
NC 11 18 24 29 33 37 39 42
0.35 16 x 4 Throw, 4-Way 3-4-7 5-7-11 6-9-15 8-11-18 9-13-21 10-15-21 12-17-24 13-19-31 14-21-34
10 x 6 Feet 3-Way 3-5-8 5-7-12 6-9-15 8-12-19 10-13-19 11-15-22 14-19-30 14-21-33 15-23-37
8x8 2-Way 4-6-9 5-8-13 7-10-13 9-13-21 10-15-21 12-17-25 14-21-33 15-23-37 17-26-41
1-Way 4-5-6 7-9-12 9-12-17 10-15-21 12-18-26 15-22-35 17-25-40 18-27-44 20-31-49
cfm 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400
NC 12 19 25 30 34 37 40 43
0.40 18 x 4 Throw, 4-Way 3-5-8 5-6-7 6-8-11 8-11-15 9-13-18 11-15-22 12-17-25 13-20-32 15-22-35
12 x 6 Feet 3-Way 3-5-8 5-6-8 7-9-12 8-11-16 10-14-20 11-16-20 13-19-31 15-22-35 16-24-38
2-Way 4-6-9 6-8-10 8-10-14 9-13-18 11-15-22 12-18-26 14-21-34 16-24-38 18-26-42
1-Way 5-6-7 7-9-12 9-13-18 11-15-22 13-19-31 15-22-36 17-26-41 19-29-46 21-32-51
cfm 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 405 450
NC 12 19 26 30 34 38 41 44
0.45 20 x 4 Throw, 4-Way 3-5-8 5-6-8 6-9-15 8-12-19 10-13-19 11-15-22 12-18-26 14-21-33 15-23-37
14 x 6 Feet 3-Way 3-5-8 5-7-9 7-11-17 9-13-21 10-14-20 12-17-24 13-20-32 15-22-36 16-24-39
10 x 8 2-Way 4-6-9 6-8-10 8-12-19 10-13-19 11-16-23 13-19-31 15-22-35 16-24-39 18-27-44
1-Way 5-7-11 7-11-17 9-14-22 11-16-23 13-20-32 15-23-37 18-26-42 20-29-47 22-33-53
cfm 55 110 165 220 275 330 385 440 495 550
NC 13 20 26 31 35 39 41 44
0.55 24 x 4 Throw, 4-Way 2-3-4 3-5-8 5-7-12 7-10-16 8-12-20 10-14-20 12-17-24 13-19-31 15-22-35 16-24-39
16 x 6 Feet 3-Way 2-3-5 4-6-9 5-8-13 8-11-18 9-14-22 11-15-22 12-18-26 14-21-33 16-24-38 17-26-41
12 x 8 2-Way 2-3-5 4-6-10 6-9-15 8-12-20 10-14-20 12-17-25 14-21-33 15-23-37 17-26-41 19-29-46
1-Way 2-4-6 5-7-12 8-11-18 10-13-19 12-17-25 14-21-34 16-24-39 18-27-44 21-31-50 23-35-56
cfm 60 125 185 250 310 370 435 495 560 620
NC 13 21 27 32 36 39 42 45
0.62 18 x 6 Throw, 4-Way 2-3-4 4-6-9 5-8-13 7-11-17 9-13-21 10-15-21 12-17-24 13-20-32 15-22-36 17-25-40
10 x 10 Feet 3-Way 2-3-5 4-6-9 6-9-14 8-11-18 9-14-22 11-16-23 13-19-31 14-21-34 16-24-39 18-27-43
2-Way 2-3-5 4-6-10 6-9-15 8-12-20 10-16-25 12-17-25 14-21-34 16-24-38 18-27-43 20-29-47
1-Way 2-3-6 5-7-12 8-11-18 10-14-20 12-19-30 15-22-35 17-26-41 19-29-46 21-32-51 24-36-57
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
NC-20 NC-30 NC-40
Core Nominal Core Velocity 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Area Duct Size Velocity Pressure 0.001 0.002 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062
Sq. Feet Inches Total Pressure 0.003 0.014 0.031 0.056 0.090 0.131 0.175 0.225 0.290 0.355
cfm 70 140 210 280 350 420 490 560 630 700
30 x 4 NC 14 21 27 32 36 40 42 45
0.70 20 x 6 Throw, 4-Way 2-3-5 4-6-9 5-8-13 7-11-17 9-13-21 10-15-21 12-17-25 14-21-33 15-23-37 17-26-41
14 x 8 Feet 3-Way 2-3-5 4-6-9 6-9-14 8-12-19 10-13-19 11-16-23 13-20-32 15-22-36 17-25-40 18-27-44
12 x 10 2-Way 2-4-6 5-7-11 7-10-16 9-13-21 10-15-21 12-18-26 15-22-35 17-25-40 18-27-44 20-31-49
1-Way 3-4-7 5-8-13 8-12-19 10-15-21 12-19-30 15-22-36 18-26-42 20-29-47 22- 33-53 25-37-59
cfm 80 160 245 325 405 485 565 650 730 810
36 x 4 NC 15 22 28 33 37 40 43 46
0.81 24 x 6 Throw, 4-Way 2-3-5 4-6-9 6-9-14 8-11-18 9-14-22 11-15-22 12-18-26 14-21-34 16-24-38 18-27-43
16 x 8 Feet 3-Way 2-3-5 4-6-10 6-9-15 8-12-20 11-15-22 12-17-24 14-21-33 15-23-37 17-26-41 19-29-46
14 x 10 2-Way 2-4-6 5-7-11 7-10-16 9-14-22 11-15-22 13-19-31 15-22-36 17-26-41 19-29-46 21-32-51
1-Way 3-4-7 5-8-13 8-12-20 11-15-22 13-20-32 16-24-38 18-27-44 20-31-49 23-34-55 26-39-62
cfm 85 175 260 350 435 520 610 695 785 870
NC 15 22 28 33 37 40 43 46
0.87 18 x 8 Throw, 4-Way 2-3-5 4-6-9 6-9-14 8-12-19 10-13-19 11-16-23 13-19-31 15-22-35 16-24-39 18-27-43
12 x 12 Feet 3-Way 2-3-5 4-6-10 6-9-15 8-12-20 10-15-21 12-17-25 14-21-33 16-24-38 18-26-42 20-29-47
2-Way 2-4-6 5-7-11 7-11-17 9-14-22 11-16-23 13-20-32 15-23-37 18-26-42 20-29-47 22-32-52
1-Way 3-4-7 6-9-14 8-12-20 11-15-22 13-20-32 16-24-39 19-28-45 21-31-50 23-35-56 26-39-63
cfm 100 205 305 410 510 610 715 815 920 1020
30 x 6 NC 16 23 29 34 38 41 44 47
1.02 20 x 8 Throw, 4-Way 2-3-5 4-6-10 6-9-15 8-12-19 10-14-20 12-17-24 13- 20-32 15- 22-36 17-26-41 19-28-45
16 x 10 Feet 3-Way 2-4-6 4-6-10 7-10-16 9-13-21 10 -16-25 12-18-26 15-22-35 16-24-39 18-27-44 20-30-48
14 x 12 2-Way 2-4-6 5-7-12 7-11-17 10-13-19 12-17-24 14-21-33 16-24-39 18-27-43 20-31-49 23-34-55
1-Way 3-4-7 6-9-14 9-13-21 11-17-27 14-21-34 17-25-40 19-29-46 22-32-52 25-37-59 27-41-65
cfm 115 230 345 460 575 690 805 920 1040 1150
NC 16 24 30 34 38 42 45 48
1.15 24 x 8 Throw, 4-Way 2-3-5 4-6-10 6-9-15 8 -12-20 10-15-21 12-17-25 14-21-33 16-24-38 18-26-42 19-29-46
18 x 10 Feet 3-Way 2-4-6 5-7-11 7-10-16 9 -13-21 11-15-22 13-19-31 15-22-36 17-26-41 19-28-45 21-31-50
16 x 12 2-Way 2-4-6 5-7-12 8-11-18 10-13-19 12-17-25 14-21-34 17-25-40 19-28-45 21-31-50 23-35-56
1-Way 3-5-8 6-9-15 9-14-22 12-17-24 15-22-35 17-26-41 20-29-47 22-34-54 25-37-60 28-42-68
cfm 125 250 375 500 625 750 875 1000 1120 1250
NC 16 24 30 35 39 42 45 48
1.25 36 x 6 Throw, 4-Way 2-3-5 4-5-6 6-8-11 8-12-20 10-15-21 12-17-25 14-21-34 16 -24-38 18-27-43 20-29-47
20 x 10 Feet 3-Way 2-4-6 5-6-7 7-9-12 9-14-22 11-16-23 13-20-32 15-23-37 17-26-41 19-29-46 21-32-51
14 x 14 2-Way 2-4-6 5-6-8 8-10-14 10-14-20 12-18-26 15-22-35 17-26-41 19-29-46 21-32-51 24-36-57
1-Way 3-5-8 6-8-11 9-13-18 12-17-25 15-22-35 18-26-42 20-30-48 23-34-55 26-39-62 29-43-69
cfm 135 270 405 540 675 810 945 1080 1220 1350
NC 17 24 30 35 39 42 45 48
1.35 16 x 14 Throw, 4-Way 2-4-6 4-5-6 7-10-16 9-13-21 10-15-21 12-18-26 15-22-35 16-24-39 18-27-434 20-30-48
18 x 12 Feet 3-Way 2-4-6 5-6-7 7-11-17 9-14-22 11-16-23 13-20-32 15-23-37 18-26-42 20-29-47 22-32-52
2-Way 3-4-7 5-7-9 8-12-19 10-15-21 12-18-26 15-22-36 18-26-42 20-29-47 22-33-53 25-37-59
1-Way 3-5-8 6-8-11 10-13-19 12-17-25 15-22-36 18-27-43 21-31-50 23-35-56 26-39-63 29-44-70
30 x 8 cfm 155 305 460 610 765 920 1070 1220 1380 1530
24 x 10 NC 17 25 31 36 40 43 46 49
1.53 20 x 12 Throw, 4-Way 2-4-6 5-6-7 7-10-16 9-13-21 11-15-22 13-19-31 15-22-36 17-25-40 19-28-45 21-31-50
18 x 14 Feet 3-Way 2-4-6 5-6-8 7-11-17 10-13-19 12-17-24 14-21-33 16-24-39 18-27-44 20-31-49 22-34-54
16 x 16 2-Way 3-4-7 5-7-9 8-12-19 10-15-21 13-20-32 15-23-37 18-27-43 20-30-48 23-34-55 25-37-60
1-Way 3-5-8 7-9-12 10-13-19 12-18-26 15-23-37 18-27-44 21-32-51 24-36-58 27-41-65 30-46-73
36 x 8 cfm 182 365 545 730 910 1090 1270 1460 1640 1820
30 x 10 NC 18 26 32 36 40 44 47 50
1.82 24 x 12 Throw, 4-Way 2-4-6 5-6-7 7-11-17 9-14-22 11-16-23 13-20-32 15-23-37 18-26-42 20-29-47 22-33-53
20 x 14 Feet 3-Way 2-4-6 5-6-8 8-11-18 10-14-20 12-17-25 15-22-35 17-25-40 19-28-45 21-32-51 24-36-57
18 x 16 2-Way 3-4-7 6-8-10 8-12-20 11-16-23 14-21-33 16-24-39 19-28-45 21-31-50 24-36-57 26-39-63
1-Way 3-5-8 7-9-12 10-14-20 13-20-32 16-24-39 19-29-46 22-34-54 25-37-60 29-42-68 32-48-76
cfm 210 420 630 840 1050 1260 1470 1680 1890 2100
NC 19 26 32 37 41 44 47 50
2.10 24 x 14 Throw, 4-Way 2-4-6 5-6-8 8-11-18 10-13-19 12-17-24 14-21-34 16-24-39 18-27-44 20-31-49 23-34-55
20 x 16 Feet 3-Way 3-4-7 5-7-9 8-12-19 10-15-21 12-18-26 15-22-36 18-26-42 20-29-47 22-33-53 25-37-59
18 x 18 2-Way 3-4-7 6-8-10 9-13-21 12-17-24 14-21-34 17-25-40 19-29-46 22-32-52 25-37-59 28-41-66
1-Way 4-6-9 7-10-13 10-15-21 14-21-33 17-25-40 20-30-48 23-34-55 26-39-62 29-44-70 33-50-80
Core Nominal Core Velocity 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Area Duct Size Velocity Pressure 0.001 0.002 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.062
Sq. Feet Inches Total Pressure 0.003 0.014 0.031 0.056 0.090 0.131 0.175 0.225 0.290 0.355
cfm 235 470 705 940 1180 1410 1640 1880 2120 2350
36 x 10 NC 19 27 33 37 41 45 48 51
2.35 30 x 12 Throw, 4-Way 2-4-6 5-6-8 8-11-18 10-14-20 12-17-25 15-22-35 17-25-40 19-28 -45 21-31-50 24-36-57
24 x 16 Feet 3-Way 3-4-7 5-7-9 8-12-20 10-15-21 13-19-31 15-23-37 18-27-43 20-31-49 23-34-55 25-37-60
20 x 18 2-Way 3-5-8 6-8-11 9-14 -22 12-17-24 15-22-35 18-26-42 20-30-48 22-34-54 25-38-61 28-42-68
1-Way 4-6-9 7-10-13 11-15-22 14-21-33 18-26-42 20-31-49 24-36-57 27-40-64 30-45-72 34-51-82
cfm 270 535 805 1070 1340 1610 1880 2140 2410 2680
36 x 12 NC 20 27 33 38 42 45 48 51
2.68 30 x 14 Throw, 4-Way 3-4-7 5-7-9 8-12-19 10-15-21 12-18-26 15-22-36 18-26-42 20-29-47 22-32 -52 25-37-59
24 x 18 Feet 3-Way 3-4-7 6-8-10 8-12-20 11-15-22 14-21-33 16-24-39 19-28-45 21-31-50 24-36-57 26-39-63
20 x 20 2-Way 3-5-8 6-8-11 9-14-22 12-17-25 15-22-36 20-30-48 20-31-49 23-35-56 26-39-62 29-44-70
1-Way 4-6-9 8-10-14 11-16-23 15-22-35 18-27-43 21-32-51 25-37-59 28-41-66 31-47-75 35-53-85
cfm 315 630 945 1260 1580 1890 2200 2520 2840 3150
NC 10 20 28 34 39 43 46 49 52
3.15 36 x 14 Throw, 4-Way 3-4-7 5-7-9 8-12-19 11-15-22 13-19-31 15-23-37 18-27-43 20-31-49 23-34-55 26-39-62
30 x 16 Feet 3-Way 3-4-7 6-8-10 9-13-21 11-16-23 14-21-34 17-25-40 19-29-46 22-32-52 25-37-59 28-41-66
24 x 20 2-Way 3-5-8 7-9-12 10-14-20 12-18-26 16-24-38 19-28-45 21-32-51 24-36-58 27-41-65 30-46-73
1-Way 4-5-6 8-11-15 12-17-24 15-22-36 19-28-45 22-33-53 26-39-62 29-43-69 33-49-79 37-56-89
cfm 365 730 1100 1460 1820 2190 2560 2920 3280 3650
NC 11 21 29 35 39 43 47 50 53
3.65 36 x 16 Throw, 4-Way 3-4-7 6-9-14 8-12-20 11-16-23 14-21-33 16 -24-39 19-28-45 21-31-50 24-36-57 27-40-64
30 x 18 Feet 3-Way 3-5-8 6-9-15 9-14-22 12-17-24 15-22-35 18-26-42 20-30-48 23-34-55 25-38-61 28-42-68
24 x 24 2-Way 3-5-8 7-9-12 10-14-20 13-20-32 16 -24-39 19-29-46 22-34-54 25-37-60 28-42-68 32-48-76
1-Way 4-5-6 8-11-16 12-17-25 15-23-37 19-29-46 23-34-55 27-40-64 30-45-72 34-51-82 38-57-92
cfm 405 810 1220 1620 2020 2430 2830 3240 3640 4050
NC 11 22 29 35 40 44 47 50 53
4.05 36 x 18 Throw, 4-Way 3-4-7 6-9-14 9-13-21 11-16-23 14-21-34 17-25-40 19-29-46 22-32-52 25-37-59 28-41-66
30 x 20 Feet 3-Way 3-5-8 6-9-15 9-14-22 12-17-25 15-22-36 18-27-43 20-31-49 23-35-56 26-39-63 29-44-70
2-Way 4-6-9 7-10-13 10-15-21 13-20-32 17-25-40 20-29-47 23-34-55 26-39-62 29-44-70 33-49-79
1-Way 4-5-6 8-11-16 12-18-26 16-24-39 20-29-47 24-36-57 28-41-66 31-46-74 35-52-84 39-59-94
cfm 470 945 1420 1890 2360 2830 3300 3780 4250 4720
NC 12 22 30 36 40 44 48 51 54
4.72 36 x 20 Throw, 4-Way 3-5-8 6-9-15 9-14-22 12-17-24 15-22-35 18-26-42 20-30-48 22-34-54 25-38-61 28-42-68
30 x 24 Feet 3-Way 3-5-8 7-9-12 10-13-19 12-18-26 16-24-38 19-28-45 22-32-52 24-36-58 28-41-66 31-46-74
2-Way 4-6-9 7-10-13 11-15-22 14-21-34 18-26-42 20-31-49 24-36-57 27-40-64 30-46-73 34-51-82
1-Way 5-6-7 9-12-17 13-19-31 17-25-40 20-31-49 25-37-59 28-42-68 32-49-78 37-55-88 41-61-98
cfm 580 1160 1750 2330 2910 3490 4070 4660 5240 5820
NC 13 23 31 37 41 45 49 52 55
5.82 36 x 24 Throw, 4-Way 3-5-8 6-9-15 10-13-19 12-18-26 15-23-37 18-27-44 21-32-51 24-36-57 27-40-64 30-45-72
30 x 30 Feet 3-Way 4-6-9 7-9-12 10-15-21 13-20-32 17-25-40 20-29-47 23-34-55 25-38-61 29-44-70 32-49-78
2-Way 4-6-9 8-10-14 11-16-23 15-22-35 18-27-44 22-32-52 25-37-60 28-42-68 32-48-77 36-54-87
1-Way 5-6-7 9-13-18 13-20-32 18-26-42 22-32-52 26-39-62 30-45-72 34-51-82 39-58-93 44-66-105
cfm 715 1430 2150 2870 3580 4300 5020 5740 6450 7170
NC 14 24 31 37 42 46 50 53 56
7.17 36 x 30 Throw, 4-Way 3-5-8 7-9-12 10-14-20 13-20-32 16-24-39 19-29-46 22-34-54 25-37-60 28-42-68 32-48-76
Feet 3-Way 4-6-9 7-10-13 11-15-22 14-21-34 18-26-42 21-31-50 24-36-57 27-41-65 30-46-73 34-51-82
2-Way 4-5-6 8-11-16 12-17-25 15-23-37 19-29-46 23-34-55 27-40-64 30-45-72 34-51-82 38-57-92
1-Way 5-6-8 10-13-19 14-21-34 18-27-44 23-34-55 28-41-66 32-48-77 36-54-87 41-61-98 46-69-110
cfm 865 1730 2590 3450 4320 5180 6040 6900 7700 8630
NC 14 25 32 38 43 47 51 53 56
8.63 36 x 36 Throw, 4-Way 4-6-9 7-10-13 10-15-21 14-21-33 17-26-41 20-31-49 23-35-56 27-40-64 30-44-71 33-50-80
Feet 3-Way 4-5-6 8-10-14 11-16-23 15-22-35 18-27-44 22-35-52 25-37-60 27-42-68 32-48-77 36-54-87
2-Way 4-5-6 8-11-16 12-18-26 16-24-39 20-30-48 24-36-58 28-42-67 32-48-76 36-54-86 40-60-96
1-Way 5-7-9 10-14-20 15-22-36 19-29-46 24-36-58 29-44-70 33-50-80 38-57-91 43-64-103 48-72-116
• All pressures are in inches of water. between louvers further away from the border. This
• Throw values given are for terminal velocities setting discharges air parallel to the diffusers face
of 150, 100 and 50 fpm along a surface. The (horizontal discharge, if installed in a ceiling).
throw may be increased or decreased as much • See the section, Engineering Guidelines
as 20% by changing the louver setting. for additional throw information.
• NC values based on a room absorption • If all the louvers are adjusted to the full open
of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts. position, the listed NC values will be reduced by 7,
• Blank areas denote NC values less than the total pressure will be 0.30 times those shown in
10 and cfm values less than 50. the tables and the throw will be a vertical free jet.
• Black dividing lines denote ranges of NC values. • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with
• Performance data is based on an approximate ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual performance,
F220 ⅛-inch opening between the border and the with flexible duct inlet, may vary in the field. See the
section, Engineering Guidelines additional information.
adjacent louver, with progressively wider spacings
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The finish shall be #26 white. The finish shall be an anodic
ADJUSTABLE, 1-, 2-, 3-, AND 4-WAY DISCHARGE PATTERNS acrylic paint, baked at 315°F for 30 minutes. The pencil
hardness must be HB to H. The paint must pass a 100-hour
Available Steel Model: ASTM B117 Corrosive Environments Salt Spray Test without
250 creepage, blistering or deterioration of film. The paint must
pass a 250-hour ASTM D870 Water Immersion Test. The
Available Aluminum Model: paint must also pass the ASTM D2794 Reverse Impact
Cracking Test with a 50-inch pound force applied.
Ceiling and side wall diffusers shall be Titus Model 250 Optional opposed blade damper shall be constructed of
(steel) or 250-AA (aluminum with miscellaneous steel heavy gauge steel and shall be installed on the neck of
components) of the sizes and mounting types shown on the diffuser. Damper must be operable from the face of
the plans and outlet schedule. Diffuser shall have curved the diffuser by placing a standard screwdriver between the
deflectors, which are individually adjustable from the face curved deflectors.
of diffuser to regulate air volume and angle of discharge.
Diffusers shall be built in one-, two-, three- or four-Way The manufacturer shall provide published performance data
discharge patterns. The diffusers shall be constructed of for the ceiling/side wall diffuser. The diffuser shall be tested
20-gauge steel or 0.051 aluminum with miscellaneous steel in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.
components, depending on the model selected.
Model Finish
Multi-Use, 1-, 2-, 3- or Module White 26
4-Way Pattern Size Aluminum 1
250 XX x XX 24 x 24 3 XX XX-XX XXX
Width x 6 x 6 Lay-In Opposed Blade AG-15 L1, S1,
Height 8 x 8 Border Multi-Louver AG-20 L2, S2,
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Model Finish
Aluminum, Multi-Use, 1-, 2-, Module White 26
3- or 4-Way Pattern Size Aluminum 1
250-AA XX x XX 24 x 24 3 XX XX-XX XXX
Width x 6 x 6 Lay-In Opposed Blade AG-15 L1, S1,
Height 8 x 8 Border Multi-LouverAG-20 L2, S2,
9 x 9 Optional Damper L2C, S2C,
10 x 10 L3, S3,
12 x 12 L4, S4
14 x 14 Patterns
15 x 15
16 x 16
18 x 18
21 x 21
TurboFuser Diffusers
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PANEL-MOUNTED NOZZLES • An aesthetic alternative to
conventional air distribution
providing a contemporary look for
Available Model:
sports complexes, atriums and
TBF-AA • Aluminum
Products Include:
• Standard Finish - #26 White. • Material is heavy-duty aluminum.
Duct Velocity, fpm 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Velocity Pressure, IN WG 0.002 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040
Airflow, cfm 135 203 271 339 406 474 542
Size 6 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.076 0.171 0.303 0.474 0.683 0.929 1.214
1 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - 13 24 32 38 44 50
Throw, FT 12-15-20 14-17-25 17-20-29 19-23-33 21-25-36 22-27-39 24-29-43
Airflow, cfm 259 388 518 647 777 906 1036
Size 6 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.070 0.158 0.281 0.440 0.633 0.862 1.125
2 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 29 36 43 49 54
Throw, FT 17-20-29 20-24-35 23-29-41 26-32-46 29-35-51 31-28-55 34-41-60
Airflow, cfm 382 573 765 956 1147 1338 1529
Size 6 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.070 0.157 0.278 0.435 0.626 0.853 1.114
3 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - 20 30 39 43 51 56
Throw, FT 21-25-35 25-30-44 29-35-51 33-40-57 36-44-63 38-47-67 42-51-74
Airflow, cfm 506 759 1012 1264 1517 1770 2023
Size 6 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.070 0.157 0.278 0.435 0.626 0.853 1.114
4 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - 23 33 41 48 53 58
Throw, FT 23-29-40 28-34-49 33-40-57 37-45-64 41-49-71 43-54-76 48-57-83
Airflow, cfm 196 294 392 490 588 685 783
Size 8 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.056 0.127 0.226 0.353 0.508 0.691 0.903
1 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 19 27 34 39 45
Throw, FT 15-17-25 17-21-30 20-25-34 22-27-40 25-30-43 27-32-47 29-34-51
Airflow, cfm 377 566 755 943 1132 1320 1509
Size 8 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.053 0.118 0.210 0.328 0.473 0.644 0.841
2 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 25 34 40 46 50
Throw, FT 21-24-34 24-30-42 28-34-48 31-38-55 34-42-60 37-45-66 40-48-71
Airflow, cfm 559 838 1117 1397 1676 1955 2235
Size 8 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.052 0.116 0.206 0.322 0.464 0.631 0.824
3 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 29 36 42 49 53
Throw, FT 26-30-42 30-37-52 35-42-59 38-48-68 42-52-75 46-56-82 50-59-88
Airflow, cfm 740 1110 1480 1850 2220 2590 2961
Size 8 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.052 0.116 0.207 0.323 0.465 0.633 0.827
4 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 29 37 43 50 54
Throw, FT 29-34-48 34-42-59 39-48-67 43-54-78 48-59-85 52-64-93 56-67-100
Airflow, cfm 267 401 535 668 802 936 1070
Size 10 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.037 0.084 0.149 0.232 0.334 0.455 0.594
1 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - - 20 28 34 41 45
Throw, FT 16-20-29 20-25-35 24-29-41 26-32-46 29-35-50 31-38-55 33-41-59
Airflow, cfm 518 777 1036 1295 1554 1813 2072
Size 10 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.035 0.079 0.140 0.219 0.315 0.429 0.560
2 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - 14 25 33 35 45 52
Throw, FT 23-28-40 28-35-50 33-40-57 37-44-64 40-50-70 43-54-76 47-57-83
Airflow, cfm 768 1153 1537 1921 2305 2689 3074
Size 10 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.032 0.071 0.127 0.198 0.285 0.388 0.506
3 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 27 34 42 47 53
Throw, FT 28-34-50 34-43-61 41-50-70 45-55-79 50-61-87 54-66-95 57-70-102
Airflow, cfm 1019 1528 2038 2547 3057 3566 4076
Size 10 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.031 0.071 0.125 0.196 0.282 0.384 0.501
4 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - 18 29 37 43 48 54
Throw, FT 32-39-56 39-49-69 46-56-80 51-62-90 56-69-98 61-75-107 65-80-116
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Duct Velocity, fpm 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Velocity Pressure, IN WG 0.002 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040
Airflow, cfm 350 525 700 875 1050 1225 1400
Size 12 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.033 0.075 0.132 0.207 0.298 0.406 0.530
1 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - - 18 27 33 39 47
Throw, FT 19-23-33 23-28-40 27-33-47 30-36-52 33-40-58 35-43-62 38-47-67
Airflow, cfm 681 1021 1362 1702 2042 2383 2723
Size 12 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.031 0.071 0.126 0.197 0.283 0.385 0.503
2 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 27 35 42 47 53
Throw, FT 26-32-46 32-40-56 37-46-66 42-51-73 46-56-81 50-61-87 53-66-94
Airflow, cfm 1011 1517 2023 2529 3034 3540 4046
Size 12 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.031 0.070 0.124 0.193 0.278 0.379 0.495
3 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 27 34 41 46 52
Throw, FT 32-40-57 40-49-69 46-57-81 52-63-90 57-69-100 61-75-107 66-81-116
Airflow, cfm 1324 2013 2684 3356 4027 4698 5369
Size 12 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.031 0.069 0.123 0.192 0.276 0.375 0.490
4 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 27 35 43 49 53
Throw, FT 36-45-64 45-56-78 52-64-92 59-71-102 64-78-113 69-85-122 75-92-132
Airflow, cfm 444 666 888 1109 1331 1553 1775
Size 14 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.024 0.055 0.097 0.125 0.219 0.299 0.390
1 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - - 18 27 33 39 44
Throw, FT 21-26-37 26-32-45 29-37-53 34-41-59 37-45-65 40-49-70 43-53-75
Airflow, cfm 866 1299 1732 2165 2597 3030 3463
Size 14 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.023 0.052 0.093 0.146 0.210 0.286 0.373
2 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - 12 23 30 37 43 47
Throw, FT 30-36-51 36-45-64 41-51-74 47-58-83 51-64-91 56-69-98 60-74-106
Airflow, cfm 1288 1932 2576 3220 3864 4508 5151
Size 14 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.023 0.052 0.092 0.144 0.207 0.281 0.368
3 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - 15 25 34 40 46 52
Throw, FT 37-35-63 45-55-79 50-63-91 58-72-102 63-79-113 70-85-122 74-91-131
Airflow, cfm 1710 2565 3420 4275 5130 5985 6840
Size 14 Total Pressure, IN WG 0.023 0.051 0.091 0.142 0.205 0.279 0.365
4 Nozzle NC (Noise Criteria) - 16 26 36 41 47 53
Throw, FT 42-51-72 51-63-89 57-72-103 66-81-116 72-89-128 79-96-138 84-103-148
• All pressures given are in inches of water. • Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve
• Throw values given are for terminal velocities that will not be exceeded by the sound pressure
of 150, 100 and 50 fpm and for isothermal in any of the octave bands, 2nd through 7th, with
conditions. See the section, Engineering a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts.
Guidelines for additional throw information. • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10.
• The throw values listed are with ceiling effect. • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance
• To obtain static pressure, subtract the velocity with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006. Actual
pressure from the total pressure. performance, with flexible duct inlet, may
• If the diffuser is mounted on an exposed duct, vary in the field. See the section, Engineering
the throw values are 70% of those listed in Guidelines for additional information.
the table and will project downward.
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Nozzle Size
Model 10
TBF-AA Aluminum 14
Number of 1 White 26
Nozzles 2 Finish
Concentric Suppy/Return Diffusers Diffusers
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
COMBINATION SUPPLY/ • The CSR and CSR-P are compatible
with unitary package equipment
from 2½ to 25 tons.
Available Models: • The CSR-P shown in the figure
CSR • Without Plenum is ideal for applications requiring
CSR-P • With Plenum a system that provides equal
distribution on all four sides while
maintaining low noise levels. It
• The Titus CSR Series is designed may be installed in a T-bar ceiling • Four-way horizontal airflow.
to maximize the performance of a or plaster ceiling, or duct mounted • Low noise, low pressure
combine supply/return diffuser. in an open area. performance.
• Supply and return air is handled • Anti-smudging characteristics.
• Features and benefits of the CSR
through one air device. and CSR-P diffusers include: • Aluminum diffuser and
return air eggcrate.
• Lightweight design.
• Built-in hanging support for
easy installation.
Module Size ¼
S • Large commercial buildings,
R 1¾ warehouses, and retail stores will
find the CSR-P the prime selection
for single point air distribution
systems. Titus provides the entire
plenum and diffuser in one piece.
The assembled CSR-P unit makes
for an easy, low cost installation.
E D E Hangar Brackets
Module Size A B C D E F G
48 x 24 47 22 /16 23
13 15
/16 22½ 12¼ 11½ 1715/16
G Hanger Brackets
Module Size A B C D E F G H
48 x 36 47 35 2315
/16 4 /16 17⅞”
3⅛” 3 /16
48 x 48 47 47 2315
/16 4 /16 17⅞”
3⅛” 5 /16
60 x 60 59 59 2315/16 415/16 23⅞” 3⅛” 59/16 47⅞”
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
Airflow, cfm 1000 1500 2000 2500 Note: Data for 48x24 inches and
Total System Static Pressure
48x36 inches is for long side only.
0.13 0.29 0.51 0.79 For short side performance, multiply
(Inches WC)
48 x 24 inches
by .7.
Supply Static Pressure
0.05 0.12 0.21 0.33
(Inches WC)
Return Static Pressure
-0.08 -0.17 -0.30 -0.47
(Inches WC)
NC (Noise Criterion) 14 24 31 36
Throw, Feet 10-14-20 14-18-25 17-20-29 19-23-32
Airflow, cfm 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Total System Static Pressure
0.07 0.13 0.20 0.29 0.40 0.52 0.65 0.81
(Inches WC)
48 x 36 Inches
Airflow, cfm
Total System Static Pressure
(Inches WC)
48 x48 Inches
Airflow, cfm 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Total System Static Pressure
0.07 0.12 0.19 0.28 0.38 0.49 0.63 0.77
(Inches WC)
60 x 60 Inches
www.titus-hvac.com | www.titus-energysolutions.com
air distribution and low noise. Plenum distribution assembly shown in the plans.