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Theory Matrix

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Centro Escolar University, Manila

School of Nursing


INSTRUCTION: Use this format to present the synthesis of every topic in module 2 and their
application to Nursing Practice.

Name of student: Doronila, Alyanna Marie

Section: BSN 1I-13



Developmental theories are This will help nurses better

DEVELOPMENTAL THEORY systematic methods of reflecting grasp how theories interact
on how individuals grow from when caring and treating their
infants to teens to grownups to patients, and it may also
the old, and the different improve their skills and the
changes they get through along standard of care they can offer.
the route. Several types of
changes are identified by
different developmental theories.
The influential theories of Jean
Piaget describe how people's
cognitive growth progresses
over time. Lawrence Kolhberg's
thoughts address moral
development as individuals grow
older, whereas Eric Erikson and
Robert Kegan's theories
describe how identities and the
nature of the self change as
people get older.

In order to give a better working

GENERAL SYSTEM THEORY Change theory explains the environment and maintain
AND THEORIES OF CHANGE procedure of change, which strong relationships that will
shows exactly the need for protect the internal and external
environment for the nurses and
change, working towards the
patients, this can be applied to
new, desirable level of behavior, nurses to be connected to the
and finally establishing that new environment as well as system
behavior as the standard. components that will act as the
LEWIN'S three- step theory is interface. Theories of change
extended by planned change. can help nurses implement and
Lippitt's change concept enhance the duties they are
given, giving them more time to
emphasizes on the change
devote to each patient's care.
agent instead of the changes
itself, focusing on such changes
in which attempts to bring about
change are conscious,
deliberate, and intentional, at
least on the part of one or more
agents involved in the change
attempt. Social change is a
theory of change in
labor-management relations.

LEARNING THEORIES AND Learning theories, as well as With the help of this theory,
OTHER RELATED THEORIES other related theories, are nurses will be better able to
defined as a process of analyze the behaviors of
combining personal and individuals around them,
environmental situations in including their patients and
terms of improving or altering coworkers, to improve the
one's knowledge, abilities, and quality of the patients' treatment.
behavior. Theoretical
approaches produce ideas that
explain how this process occurs.
The relevance of this theory is
that it is feasible to comprehend
a behavior using Cognitive
Learning Theory if you first
understand what happens in the
brain to generate the behavior
that impacts your abilities.

THEORIES/ MODELS OF Communication theory shows us Nurses can benefit from

COMMUNICATION the full complexity of our communication since it makes it
conversations. The more you easier for them to exchange
understand about it, the better information or messages with
communicator you will become. their patients, and a successful
It can take the message of a message exchange results in a
single human person and the better understanding of patient
perception of the surrounding care.
world through signals in the form
of signs, symbols, and ideas. It
is important since it is the
interpersonal connection
between the nurse and the
patient during which the nurse
focuses on the client's individual
needs in order to facilitate a
successful information

CRISIS INTERVENTION Crisis intervention is the process This one can help nurses
THEORY through which a psychological evaluate their own feelings
practitioner finds, diagnoses, along with their patients. They
and interacts with a patient who should be able to use coping
is in crisis in order to restore skills and a strategy for handling
balance and decrease the problems, and it would be best if
impact of the crisis on their lives. they could handle any situation.
The individual is then linked to a
resource network in order to
reinforce the adjustment.

GENDER CONCEPTS AND Karl Marx's theories on class This will help nurses learn health
ISSUES IN HEALTH conflict and the link between procedures that can be used on
exploiter and exploited. In the people of either gender. To
succeed in this endeavor, one
autocracy of the family, women
must comprehend how gender
are subject to males. Men's relations are used, know the
economic advantage is the various interpersonal contacts
foundation for gender inequality. you can have with a patient.
The role of gender in
understanding health practices
and sickness experiences is
becoming more widely
acknowledged, and a greater
understanding of how gender
relations are applied is critical to
this effort. The effect of
masculinities and femininities,
as well as their interplay within
both of them, presents itself in
interconnections between
partners, relatives, and peers,
influencing health behaviors and

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