Novel Family of Sensor Histidine Kinase Genes in A
Novel Family of Sensor Histidine Kinase Genes in A
Novel Family of Sensor Histidine Kinase Genes in A
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1 author:
Chiharu Ueguchi
Nagoya University
All content following this page was uploaded by Chiharu Ueguchi on 30 November 2015.
We identified three novel, highly homologous, sensor search with several EST databases was carried out at the DDBJ
histidine kinases that possibly function in the plasma mem- web site (National Institute of Genetics) using the TBLASTN
brane of Arabidopsis thaliana, i.e. AHK2, 3 and 4. While program (Altschul et al. 1990). The amino acid sequences used
AHK2 and 3 are expressed in several organs, AHK4 is for the search were AHK2 (amino acids 259–536), AHK3
mainly expressed in roots. AHK3 suppresses a sensor histi- (amino acids 120–399), and AHK4 (amino acids 155–421).
dine kinase mutant of yeast. Construction of a phylogenetic tree was carried out by the
232 Novel family of sensor histidine kinase genes
Fig. 2 Alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences of AHKs with other related sequences. (A) Alignment of the amino acid sequences of
transmitter domains. The predicted amino acid sequences of the transmitter domains of AHKs are aligned with those of ETR1 (Chang et al. 1993)
and CKI1 (Kakimoto 1996). The five conserved motifs (Parkinson and Kofoid 1992) are indicated above the alignment. The numbers in parenthe-
ses are numbers of amino acid residues in the gaps between the motifs. The amino acid residues conserved among the AHKs are highlighted. The
alighment was constructed by CLUSTAL W program (Thompson et al. 1994). (B) Alignment of the amino acid sequences of receiver (R) as well
as receiver-like (RL) domains, as described in panel (A). The three conserved motifs (Parkinson and Kofoid 1992) are indicated above the align-
ment. The numbers in parentheses are the numbers of amino acid residues in gaps. (C) Alignment of the amino acid sequences of extracytoplas-
mic domains. The predicted amino acid sequences of the extracytoplasmic domains of AHKs with several EST sequences are aligned, as
described in panel (A). The GenBank accession numbers used here are: A. AI974236 (Medicago truncatula), B. BE417613 (Triticum aestivum),
C. AW585576 (Medicago truncatula), D. AA660817 (Medicago truncatula), and E. AU062638 (Oryza sativa).
234 Novel family of sensor histidine kinase genes
Chemical Research, Kyoto University) indicated that they are Finally, we examined whether or not the putative AHKs
located in the plasma membrane (note that the certainty of the are able to function as histidine kinases by means of a yeast
prediction for localization in the plasma membrane was 0.600 genetic system. Budding yeast gene SLN1 encodes a sensor his-
in all cases). tidine kinase, the deletion of which is lethal due to constitutive
In addition to the signaling modules, another characteristic activation of the HOG1 MAP kinase cascade (Maeda et al.
sequence segment consisting of about 280 amino acids is con- 1994). Yeast strain TM182 (Maeda et al. 1994) carries the
served in all the newly identified AHK family members. This sln1, mutation and a plasmid harboring PTP2. The latter
is located between the two transmembrane segments (second encodes a phospho-tyrosine phosphatase under GAL promoter
and third ones of AHK2 and 3, and first and second ones of control. TM182 cells can grow on galactose- but not on
AHK4), and is presumably located in the extracytoplasmic glucose-containing medium due to the galactose-dependent
space (“Ex” in Fig. 1A, 2C). Finally, in all three AHKs, the expression of PTP2 (inactivation of the HOG1 MAP kinase
amino acid residues between the transmitter and receiver cascade). The AHK3 cDNA was cloned into pCUY315 (C.
domains show some similarity those of typical receiver, and Ueguchi, unpublished), a yeast expression vector carrying
thus we named them receiver-like domains (“RL” in Fig. 2B, CEN6, the ADH1 promoter, and the LEU2 marker. The result-
upper panel). The potential phospho-accepting aspartate resi- ant construct was then introduced into TM182 cells and AHK3
due in the RL domain of AHK2 is conserved, but the corre- expression was induced constitutively with the ADH1 pro-
sponding residues in AHK3 and 4 are not; they are substituted moter. As shown in Fig. 4, TM182 harboring AHK3 cDNA
with glutamate (Fig. 2B), suggesting that the RL domains of grew well on either galactose or glucose medium. In contrast,
AHK3 and 4 may not be functional in terms of the phosphore- the introduction of pCUY65 carrying a mutated AHK3 gene, in
lay reaction. which the His-460 residue in the transmitter domain was sub-
To examine the expression of AHKs in plants, a series of stituted with Leu (H460L), was unable to suppress the growth
RT-PCRs was carried out using total RNA prepared from repre- defect on glucose (Fig. 4). To determine whether or not the
sentative plant organs, including roots, leaves, stems and flow- suppression ability of AHK3 depends on the Ypd1 function (the
ers. As shown in Fig. 3, the transcript levels of AHK3 and 2 yeast HPt factor functioning just downstream of Sln1; Posas et
were determined in all the organs examined. While AHK3 al. 1996), AHK3 cDNA was introduced into CUY1 cells carry-
expression was observed significantly in all organs tested, the ing the ypd1, mutation (Suzuki et al. 1998). As shown in Fig.
AHK2 signal was relatively weak (Fig. 3). Interestingly, the 4, AHK3 failed to suppress this particular mutation. These data
expression of AHK4 appears to be organ-specific. A signifi- clearly indicated that AHK3 could function as a histidine
cant amount of the AHK4 transcript was observed in roots, kinase, at least in yeast. Notably, unlike in the case of AHK3,
whereas it was hardly detected in stems or flowers, and not at the introduction of AHK2 cDNA did not suppress the mutated
all in leaves (Fig. 3). sln1, strain (data not shown) for an as yet unknown reason.
Novel family of sensor histidine kinase genes 235
The results described here revealed that Arabidopsis con- Hua, J. and Meyerowitz, E.M. (1998) Ethylene responses are negatively regu-
lated by a receptor gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell 94: 261–271.
tains a novel family of sensor histidine kinases. The strong
Kakimoto, T. (1996) CKI1, a histidine kinase homolog implicated in cytokinin
similarity of their primary structures suggests that they may signal transuction. Science 274: 982–985.
function in similar signaling pathways. This possibility is Maeda, T., Wurgler-Murphy, S.M. and Saito, H. (1994) A two-component sys-
somewhat supported by the presence of a conserved extracyto- tem that regulates an osmosensing MAP kinase cascade in yeast. Nature 369:
plasmic domain likely involved in the binding of an extracellu-
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lar ligand molecule in various plants (Fig. 2C). Our results thus nals of proteins and predicting their subcellular localization. Trends Biochem.
suggest that AHK homologs may be involved in a common Sci. 24: 34–35.
biological process in a wide variety of higher plant species. Page, R.D. (1996) TreeView: an application to display phylogenetic trees on
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Posas, F., Wulgler-Murphy, S.M., Maeda, T., Witten, E.A., Thai, T.C. and Saito,
We wish to thank Drs. H. Saito (Harvard Medical School, H. (1996) Yeast HOG1 MAP kinase cascade is regulated by a multistep phos-
U.S.A.) and T. Kakimoto (Osaka University) for providing the yeast phorelay mechanism in the SLN1-YPD1-SSK1 “two-component” osmosen-
strain, TM182. We also thank Drs. A. Kaplan (Hebrew University, sor. Cell 86: 865–875.
Israel) and Y. Nagano (Nagoya University) for critical reading of the Rose, M.D., Winston, F. and Hieter, P. (1990) Methods in Yeast Genetics; a Lab-
manuscript and for the kind advice regarding the phylogenetic tree, oratory Course Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory press, Cold Spring