The Ultimate Guide To Photometry

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The Guide To

Photometry Guide Contents

Application Information

Laboratory Photometers

Portable Photometer


Photometric Sensors


Other UDT Instruments Measurment Products

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


To Our Valued Customers

The early beginnings of UDT Instruments can be traced to 1967 when
HISTORY a small group of inventors at United Detector Technology (UDT) began
manufacturing the first commercially available transimpedance amplifiers
for planar-diffused and Schottky barrier silicon photosensors. Over the next
several years, this same group of people went on to pioneer leading-edge
technological innovations for photometers, radiometers, fiber-optic power
meters and optical position-sensing instruments. By the early 1980‘s, this
highly skilled and successful group grew into an autonomous entity known
as UDT Instruments.
Drawing on the momentum generated by UDT‘s precision photometric
instruments,the company developed an inventive handheld colorimeter
for the growing television and computer peripherals markets. The develop-
ment of UDT‘s SLS9400 colorimeter promises to strengthen our company‘s
position as a leader in precision electro-optics instrumentation, while
meeting the stringent demands of a multitude of CRT calibration require-
ments. UDT is poised and ready to excel to greater technological excel-
lence with only one goal in mind: to meet and exceed the ever-changing
needs of its customers worldwide.

We at UDT Instruments stand behind our products and the companies

SERVICE who use them. For this reason, we continue to service those same light-
measuring instruments that we built twenty years ago. By offering these
services to our customers, both new and established, we stay involved
with our products and extend a personal touch to our business relation-
ships. We know of no other company in our industry that hires more
qualified sales engineers, people who really understand light measure-
ment principles and practices. By hiring such knowledgeable engineers,
we ensure you that you will get the best electro-optic instruments to fit
your application and budget.

The instrument you receive is certain to be reliable and accurate. We

QUALITY maintain a Quality program that affects every indicator module, sensor head,
and optical accessory we sell. And when it comes time for re-calibration,
upgrades, or repairs, you’ll discover that our service and metrology depart-
ments reflect this same commitment to quality and personalized service.

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


To Our Valued Customers

UDT Instruments has always been and continues to be at the forefront
TECHNOLOGY of light measurement technology. We hold U.S. and worldwide patents on
our QED products, which are absolute radiometric reference standards in
the visible and near IR spectrum. Our QED-200 product won a prestigious
IR-100 award as one of the 100 most significant U.S. inventions in 1986.
These products were developed in conjunction with the National Institute
of Standards & Technology (NIST) and the National Physical Laboratory
(NPL). UDT Instruments continues to work with the NIST under Cooperative
Research And Development Agreements (CRADA) in order to develop even
more state-of-the-art products into the 21st Century.

In addition to our comprehensive "Guide To" tutorial series, UDT

PUBLICATIONS regularly publishes articles in trade journals and other scientific literature
which we've made available as application notes to explain subtle details
and applications of our technology.

UDT is committed to supporting the industry through its professional

PROFESSIONAL society affiliates. We are proud to be sustaining members of:
• Society of Photo Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
SOCIETIES • Optical Society of America (OSA)
• National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)
• Laser Institute of America (LIA)
• Illuminating Engineering Society of America (IES)
• Society For Information Display (SID)
UDT also actively participates in the Council for Optical Radiation
Measurement (CORM) and the Commission Internationale l'Eclairage (CIE).

UDT Instruments warrants that its products are free from defects in
WARRANTY material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of
one year from the date of shipment from our factory. UDT Instruments‘s
obligation under this warranty is limited to the replacement or repair
of any product determined to be defective during the warranty period,
provided the product is returned to the factory pre-paid. This warranty
does not apply to any equipment that has been repaired or altered, except
by UDT Instruments, or which has been subject to misuse, negligence,
or accidents. It is expressly agreed that this warranty will be in lieu of all
warranty of merchantability. No other warranty is expressed or implied.
UDT Instruments is not liable for consequential damages.

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Application Information
Photometry is the science concerned with measur-
ing human visual response to light.
Because the eye is a highly complex organ, this is
by no means a simple task. It involves the meeting of
many disciplines: psychology, physiology, and physics
among them.

Photometry can be said to have become a modern

science in 1924, when the Commission Internationale
de l‘Eclairage (CIE) met to define the response of the
average human eye. The Commission measured the
light-adapted eyes of a sizable sample group, and
compiled the data into the photopic curve. Simply
CIE phototopic response curve. stated, the curve reveals that people respond stron-
gest to the color green, and are less sensitive to the
spectral extremes, red and violet.

The eye has an altogether different response in

the dark-adapted state, wherein it also has difficulty
determining color. This gave rise to a second set of
measurements, and the scotopic curve.

Having defined the eye‘s spectral response, CIE

sought a standard light source to serve as a yardstick
for luminous intensity. The first source was a specific
type of candle, giving rise to the terms footcandle and
candlepower. In an effort to improve repeatability, the
standard was redefined in 1948 as the amount of light
emitted from a given quantity of melting platinum.

CIE scotopic response curve.

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Application Information
The basic unit of photometry is the lumen, which is related
Vλ to its radiometric analog, the Watt, by:
CIEPhotopic Photopic
Wavelength Luminous Lumen/Watt lm = 683 x W x Vλ
(nm) Efficiency Conversion Where Vλ is the relative luminosity, a coefficient scaled
Coefficient Factor to visual response. Unity occurs at the eye‘s peak response
wavelength, 555 nanometers.
380 0.0000 .05 Two useful laws in photometry recur: the inverse square law
390 0.0001 0.13 and the cosine law. The first defines the relationship between
400 0.0004 0.27 illumination from a constant-intensity light source and its dis-
410 0.0012 0.82 tance from a surface. It states that the intensity per unit-area
420 0.0040 2.73 on the surface, varies in inverse proportion to the square of
430 0.0116 7.91 the distance between the source and surface, or:
440 0.0230 15.7 Δlm/M2 α 1/Δd2
450 0.0380 25.9
Accordingly, successive illuminance measurements are
460 0.0600 40.9
only as accurate as the control of source to surface distance.
470 0.0910 62.1
Further, if illuminance is known at one distance, it can, barring
480 0.1390 94.8
interference, be calculated for any distance.
490 0.2080 142.0
500 0.3230 220.0 The cosine law indicates the intensity of light on a surface
510 0.5030 343.0 of fixed area, varies with incident angle. In fact, the intensity
520 0.7100 484.0
falls off as the cosine of the angle. This results because the pro-
jected surface area, in the plane perpendicular to incidence, is
530 0.8620 588.0
proportionally reduced.
540 0.9540 650.0
550 0.9950 679.0 Thus in measurements of environmental lighting, sensors
555 1.0000 683.0 require cosine correction to account for off-axis light. Without
560 0.9950 679.0 it, considerable errors will occur, especially with bright sources
570 0.9520 649.0 at low incident angles (e.g., windows). This often accounts for
580 0.8700 593.0 the difference in readings between two photometers.
590 0.7570 516.0 The cardinal challenge in photometry is to recreate the spectral
600 0.6310 430.0 response of the human eye. But electronic sensors have distinct
610 0.5030 343.0 response characteristics which bear no resemblance to the CIE
620 0.3810 260.0 standard observer. Therefore, these sensors must be spectrally
630 0.2650 181.0 corrected. Two techniques are conventionally used to accomplish
640 0.1750 119.0 this: wavelength scanning, and detector/filter matching.
650 0.1070 73.0 Scanning can be accomplished with discrete-wavelength,
660 0.0610 41.4 scanning monochromators, or multi-channel detectors. In
670 0.0320 21.8 either case, the intensity of a light source is measured wave-
680 0.0170 11.6 length-by-wavelength, and then the results are mathematically
690 0.0082 5.59 fitted to the photopic curve. For this reason, such techniques
700 0.0041 2.78 do not occur in real time, and require microprocessor con-
710 0.0021 1.43 trol. Scanning approaches offer high accuracy, but tend to be
720 0.0010 0.716 costly, and complex to operate.
730 0.0005 0.355 Optical filtering offers a simple and cost-effective solution.
740 0.0003 0.170 With only one photo-current signal to process, single-channel
750 0.0001 0.820 electronics can be used. Also, recent advances in filter design,
760 0.0001 0.041 and improvements in solid-state detectors, allow this method
Photometric to radiometric conversion factors. to rival scanning systems for photometric accuracy.

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Application Information
This filter-matching technique involves the layering of colored-
glass filters over an optical detector. Each element functions to attenu-
ate selective wavelengths until the detector‘s response simulates the
CIE curve. Planar diffused silicon photodiodes offer the best photo-
sensor characteristics, since they afford high sensitivity and linearity
throughout the visible spectrum. Using silicon photodetectors, and
advanced filter designs, UDT Instruments matches the CIE human
eye response curve within 1% total area error. This is the best match
achievable, according to CIE.
The intensity of off-axis light decreases There is another more important specification of the quality of a
relative to the cosine of incident light. photometric detector and that is the f11 value. This is defined by the
CIE and is a numerical value assigned to the average deviation of the
photometric detector‘s response from the CIE curve. An f11 < 1.5%
is the best possible laboratory grade detector while an f11 < 3% is
considered suitable for most applications.
However, the relationship between a given detector and filter
is delicate. Once the two have been matched, they should not be
interchanged with other photometric detector/filter pairs. Each detec-
tor exhibits unique response characteristics that require a specific
combination of filter layers and thicknesses.
Once the detector‘s response is fixed, it is calibrated using the
transfer of standards technique. This requires a detector of known
response, which can be obtained from the National Institute of Science
The typical spectral response of silicon
photodetectors. and Technology (NIST). A detector/filter pair is positioned before an
optical source with constant wavelength and intensity characteristics
(usually a tungsten halogen lamp). The electrical output of the detec-
tor under test is then compared to the standard detector‘s output.
Once the sensor‘s luminous response is determined, it can be
matched to a precision gain-controlled electronic amplifier and readout

Calibration by Transfer of Standards

UDT Instruments photometric
filters match the CIE curve to within Rt = Responsivity of the test detector (A/lm)
1% total area error. Rr = Responsivity of the reference detector (A/lm)
It = Measurement of the test detector (A)
Ir = Measurement of the reference detector (A)
A A l (A)
R t ( lm ) =R r ( lm )( lrt(A) )

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Application Information
Luminous Flux
Luminous flux is expressed in lumens, the fundamental unit of
photometry. It is a measure of the total optical output of a visible
light source.
The measurement requires all of a source‘s power to be con-
Detector centrated on a detector. This can be a problem with divergent
sources like LEDs, and lamps. In these cases, integrating spheres
are often used.

In illuminance measurements, area is Illuminance is a measure of the amount of visible light inci-
determined by the detector unless there is dent upon a prescribed surface area. In English units, one lumen
an external aperture.
of flux falling on one square foot is termed a footcandle. The met-
ric equivalent, one lumen per square meter, is called a lux (10.76
lux = 1 footcandle).
Of course, detectors don‘t have such large areas. So the area
of the detector is multiplied proportionally. Special attention is
due when the detector is under-filled or used behind corrective
optics, since the sensor‘s area no longer defines the surface
being illuminated.
For example, illuminance measurements are particularly sus-
ceptible to errors introduced by off-axis light. So cosine-correct-
ing diffusers are used with the detector head. Since the cosine
diffuser is essentially imaged onto the sensor, the diffuser‘s area,
Luminous exitance is calculated by
measuring luminous flux and dividing by
not the sensor‘s, represents the measurement surface.
the source‘s area.
Luminous Exitance
Luminous exitance is an intrinsic property of a light source.
It is calculated by measuring luminous flux (lumens), and dividing by the
surface area of the source. This measurement is also expressed in lumens
per square meter, but is not to be confused with illuminance measure-
ments or lux. The area referred to in luminous exitance is that of the light
source, not the illuminated surface. This measurement is most applicable
to emitters with flat surfaces.

Photometric Quantities and Units

Quantity Symbol Units Abbreviations
Luminous energy Q lumen•second…talbot lm•s…talbot
Luminous Density U lumen•second/m3 lm•s/m3
Luminous Flux F lumen lm
Illuminance E lumen/m2…lux lm/m2…lx
lumen/cm2…phot lm/cm2…ph
lumen/ft2…footcandle lm/ft2…fc
Luminous Exitance M same units as illuminance
Luminance (brightness) L candela/m2…nit cd/m2…nt
candela/cm2…stilb cd/cm2…sb
candela/π ft2…footlambert cd/π ft2…fl
candela/π m2…apostilb cd/π m2…asb
candela/π cm2…lambert cd/π cm2…L
Luminance intensity Iu lumen/steradian…candela lm/st…cd

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Application Information
Detector Luminous Intensity
Luminous intensity is also a source property, but
LED one where the source‘s direction and divergence come
Ω into play. Defined as the quantity of luminous flux
emitted uniformly into a solid angle, the basic unit of
luminous intensity is the candela, equal to one lumen
per steradian.
Several things are suggested by this definition. One,
this measurement is not applicable to collimated light
sources. Two, it is inaccurate for non-uniform emitters.
Luminous intensity is a measure of the flux To calculate luminous intensity, the detector‘s area
emitted into a solid angle. (or the area prescribed by the aperture in front of it),
and its distance from the light source must be known.
From these, the solid angle can be calculated, and then
divided into the flux reading.

Also known as photometric brightness, luminance
is a measure of the flux reflected by, or emitted from, a
relatively flat and uniform surface. The technique takes
into account the area of the surface measured, and the
angle subtended by an observer looking at it.
Luminance may be thought of as luminous intensity
per unit area, and so in metric terms is expressed as
candelas per square meter. But a host of other terms
are used for this measurement, some to describe a
circular measurement area rather than a square one (see
One luminous measurement technique involves fixing Photometric Quantities and Units chart).
the detector‘s field-of-view through the use of a lens. To measure luminance, the detector field-of-view
must be restricted, and its angle calculated. Usually, a
lens or baffle is used to achieve this. In fact, the human
eye, with its lens and aperture, functions as a luminance meter.
Note that so long as the detector‘s field-of-view is filled, this measure-
ment is independent of the distance between the detector and measure-
ment planes. That‘s because field size and source intensity vary in direct
proportion to one another as a function of distance.

Luminous Energy
Luminous energy is a measure of the rate of flow of flux, and so is
expressed in lumen-seconds. Generally, it is applied to flashed or pulsed
It is also possible to measure any photometric quantity on a time-depen-
dent basis. For instance, the illuminance of a rotating beacon in one direc-
tion could be integrated over time to yield footcandle-seconds.

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Application Information
Specifying a photometer system is best approached
in three steps. First, evaluate the source to determine
which measurement technique best applies.Then, select
a detector and optical system (detector head) that suit
the measurement. And finally, match the detector head
to the particular electronics which provide the most
effective user interface for the application.

Consider the Source

Common sense goes a long way in determining the
right measurement for an application. After all, pho-
tometry is concerned with the relation of light to the
CRT‘S and other displays are typically measured in human eye. So, the first question is: how will people
terms of luminance. be affected by the source to be measured?
For instance, measurements of ambient or environ-
mental lighting are concerned with people‘s ability to
read print or safely see objects in an area. It is not the
power of a particular source that is of concern, but rath-
er how well the source lights the area of interest. For this
reason, lighting for the outdoors, offices, factories, and
photography are measured in terms of illuminance.
However, if in the same room or space one wished
to determine the brightness of walls, fabric, or paint-
ed surfaces, the measurement changes altogether.
Because now the amount of reflected light received
by the eye is of concern. Since all of these surfaces
are diffuse and relatively uniform, a luminance mea-
surement would best apply.
Electronic displays such as CRTs, avionics, and
automotive panels are incident directly upon the eye
too. But alpha-numeric characters and line detail are
generally small. So the measurement system‘s field-
of-view must be limited or focused in order to mea-
sure only the lighted portions of the display. This is,
Integrating spheres are the most accurate means of by definition, a luminance measurement. So display
measuring small, divergent sources like LEDs. brightness is usually specified in footlamberts.
Lamps are used in so many applications that it is
impossible to define just one way to measure them.
As previously mentioned, lamps and lamp systems for area lighting (rooms,
streets, stadiums) call for illuminance measurements. But in automotive
exterior lighting, headlights are usually measured for illuminance, tail-
lights for luminance. There are a number of miniature, lensed lamps on the
market, and since their divergence is of concern, they would be measured
for luminous intensity. Incandescent and fluorescent lamp manufacturers
specify products in terms of luminous flux (or the radiometric equivalent,
watts) since these will be placed in fixtures meant to diffuse and measure
their total output.

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Application Information
Lasers and LEDs also require a careful approach. They are
measured in radiometric terms for scientific applications. But
when their potential damage to the eye is of concern, they
would probably be measured for luminous flux. A lensed
LED, however, is a divergent, though directional, source.
Luminous intensity would best characterize it. But with sur-
face or edge emitting LEDs, emission as a function of surface
area is significant. This describes a luminous exitance mea-
Luminous energy measurements apply to any periodic
source. Pulsed LEDs, photographic flash units, strobe lights,
arc lamp systems, and rotating or scanning lights are sev-
eral examples of sources whose flux is time dependent.
For luminance measurements requiring small
fields-of-view, a lens system with view-through optics
Selecting the right detector head
is essential. The measurement type dictates your choice of
detector head assemblies.
UDT Instruments offers a modular photometric sen-
sor-head design approach. In all cases,
a silicon photodetector, detector hous-
ing, and photometric filter assembly are
provided. And for those luminous flux
measurements where all incident light is
collimated or focused onto the detector,
this simple head will suffice.
However, if flux levels exceed 70
lumens per square centimeter, the
detector may become saturated, and
its output nonlinear. In such instances,
attenuation is recommended. Neutral-
density filters, apertures, or integrat-
ing spheres achieve the desired effect.
The correct selection depends upon
the amount of attenuation desired: it
should be enough to avoid detector
saturation, but not so much as to lose
sensitivity and dynamic range.
The simple detector/filter arrangement
is also effective for ambient measure-
UDT Model 1120 Telephotometer ments if all light is at normal incidence.
But when off-axis light, such as from
windows and peripheral sources, con-
tributes to the total flux, a cosine diffuser is needed.
In addition to being widely applied by lamp manufacturers, integrating
spheres are useful for measurements of small divergent sources like lensed
LEDs or miniature lamps. These can be inserted right into the sphere‘s
entrance port to ensure that all light is collected.

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Application Information
Luminance measurements require a prescribed
sensor-head field-of-view. The size of the source in the
measurement-field plane, and the sensor-to-subject
distance determine the angle. With large, but close
fields, a simple baffle (steradian shade or aperture)
will do. But small images, such are those on CRTs or
avionics, call for a lens system, as do measurements
at a distance. A variety of lens assemblies and opti-
cal accessories are available from UDT Instruments,
to accommodate most any luminance measurement,
whether microscopic or telescopic.
UDT Instruments offers a wide range of optical
accessories for out-of-the-ordinary measurements.
These include: fiber optic probes, for convenience in
measuring sources hidden in hard-to-reach places;
LED measurement systems specific to either seg-
mented or discrete LEDs; low-profile sensors for
slipping into tight spaces, such as in photolithogra-
phy exposure systems; and a variety of sensor heads
customized for CRT luminance measurements.

Choosing electronics matched

to the application
The light sensor in each UDT Instruments photo-
metric head is a silicon photodiode. Though sensor size
may vary, the output will in all cases be a low ampli-
UDT Instruments Model 1120 Microphotometer tude current signal. This signal will be converted into a
voltage by a transimpedance amplifier circuit, and then
used according to the requirements of the particular
Your choice of electronics depends upon the answers to a few basic
1. Is field portability needed?
2. Will the instrument be interfaced with a computer?
3. Is a visual display desired, or will an analog output suffice?
4. Will more than one measurement be conducted concurrently?
UDT Instruments offers photometer controllers and electronic amplifiers
that satisfy any combination of answers to these questions. The instruments
range from simple analog amplifiers and hand held photometers, to multi-
channel computer-controllable laboratory instruments. Versions are avail-
able which suit most any budget.

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Laboratory Photometers
SYSTEM S370 Single-Channel IEEE-488 Compatible
Power Meter
The System S370 Single-Channel Optometer is lightweight
and compact for portability; yet, it has large controls and a con-
venient, easy-to-read, 16-character LCD screen. As the user pro-
grams each test parameter, its microprocessor provides step-
by-step prompts via a LCD screen. Add any UDT Instruments
Radiometric Sensor Head and the system becomes a versatile,
simple-to-use photometric system.
The S370 can be controlled by a simple, 10-function keypad
or from a host computer via the IEEE-488 interface. Functions
such as sending and receiving data, viewing operational data
on the host computer's monitor, and programming the S370
can be performed from a remote location.
UDT Instruments unique plug-in calibration module enables limitless cali-
bration. The module is
an EPROM that is pre-
programmed by quali- Performance Specifications
fied technicians in a UDT
Accuracy Linear Mode Log Mode
Instruments calibration
±0.2% + 1 count, ±0.2% + 1 count,
lab. All calibrations are
103 to 107 range 103 to 107 range
NIST-traceable and mul-
±1.2% + 1 count ±1.2% + 1 count
tiple modules are also
108 to 109 ranges 108 to 109 ranges
The S370 has five func- Dynamic Range 10 decades. 9 decades
tions that eliminate Calibration May be calibrated in multiple units
tedious calculations. In Temperature Drift
"Linear", the S370 can 103 to 107 range ±0.03% /Cº N/A
be used with any lin- 108 to 109 range ±0.06% /Cº N/A
ear photodiode. "Log" dbm % of reading N/A None
permits attenuation refered to input
measurements or
measurements rela-
tive to a reference level. General Specifications
"Log Ratio" allows the Output
user to set a measure-
ment as a reference Digital IEEE-488 (drivers available
for Lab Windows™)
level to which other
measurements may be Analog ±2.5 VDC
compared. "Ratio" takes Output Connectors
the ratio of a reference Digital IEEE-488
value to subsequent Analog BNC
measurements. "Respon-
sivity" permits the user to Bandwidth 9.0Hz
program the responsivity Temperature Range
TOP VIEW of any uncalibrated sen- Operating 0º to +45ºC
sor head into the S370. Storage -20º to +60 ºC
The S370 also offers an
Dimensions shown in inches Weight 3.1 pounds (1.41 Kg)
analog output and an
analog bar graph display Accessories supplied 120/240V power supply,
on the front panel. instruction manual, corrugated
cardboard carrying case

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Laboratory Photometers

SYSTEM S380 System S380 Dual-Channel Photometer

The System S380 has all of the systems S370’s convenient
features: easy programming an IEEE-488 interface for host
computer control and storage capacity for a large number of
sensor head calibrations.
However an additional measurement channel is provided
with the S380 to measure two light sources simultaneously, or
perform real-time ratio measurements.
The second channel is as easy to program as the first, since it
is prompted and controlled similarity. Additionally, the prompt
menus and measurement data are displayed on a large, 2 x 16
–character LCD screen.

Performance Specifications
Accuracy Linear Mode Log Mode
±0.2% + 1 count, ±0.2% + 1 count,
103 to 107 range 103 to 107 range
±1.2% + 1 count ±1.2% + 1 count
108 to 109 range 108 to 109 range
Dynamic Range 10 decades 9 decades
Calibration Two selectable Available on
channels may both channels
be calibrated in
multiple units
Temperature Drift
103 to 107 range ±0.03% /Cº N/A
108 to 109 range ±0.06% /Cº N/A
dBm, % of reading, N/A None
referred to input
Bandwidth 9.0 Hz

General Specifications
Display Liquid crystal, with two lines of 16 characters
Display Range 0000 to 9999
Range Control Automatic or manual
Digital IEEE-488 (driver available for Lab Windows™)
8.5 Analog ±2.5 V DC Both channels
Output Connectors
Digital IEEE-488
Analog BNC
Temperature Range
Operating 0º to +45ºC
Storage -20º to +60 ºC
Weight 5.1 pounds (2.31 Kg)
Dimensions shown in inches
Accessories CE Approved Power Supply, instruction manual
supplied corrugated cardboard carrying case

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Laboratory Photometers
SYSTEM S350 The S350 provides both radiometric/photometric and log measure-
ments. Measurement modes are selected with a front panel switch. As
a photometer, the S350 makes power and energy measure-
ments. A front panel "Multiplier" control provides seven full-
scale decades of power and five full-scale decades of energy
measurement capability.
Data is displayed on a large LCD monitor. Four calibration chan-
nels are selectable from the front panel.

System S350 Specifications

Linear Mode Log Mode
Accuracy ±1.2% ±2 counts, 5%(referred to input)
Stability < 1% < 1%
Dynamic Range
Power 9 decades
Energy 7 decades
Log 9 1/2 decades
Temperature Drift
10-1 to 103 range ±0.03% /Cº
10-3 to 10-2 range ±0.06% /Cº
dBm, %of reading, 0.1%/ºC@ dBmA*
referred to input 0.1%/ºC@ -30dBmA*
2.0%/ºC@ -60dBmA*
Battery NiCad NiCad
rechargeable rechargeable
Battery Life
LCD backlight off 25 hours 25 hours
LCD backlight on 8 hours 8 hours
LCD powered 8 hours 8 hours
Temperature Range
Operating 0º to 45ºC
Storage -20º to 60ºC

2.88 Analog Output 0-100 mV

Display 3 1/2 digit LCD
8.70 Weight 3.75 pounds (1/8 kg)
Accessories supplied CE Approved Power Supply, instruction
manual, corrugated cardboard
TOP VIEW carrying case

Dimensions shown in inches

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Portable Photometer
Autoranging Handheld Power Meter
SYSTEM S371R The System S371 is a rugged, microprocessor-controlled hand-
held optometer that puts the capabilities of a benchtop model in
the palm of your hand. It accepts all UDT Instruments photometric
sensor heads. One meter can be programmed for 13 selectable cali-
bration settings.
Controls for the S371 are limited to seven buttons for added con-
venience: select proper calibrations, choose between linear and log-
arithmic measurements, set ranges manually or automatically, zero
the unit to compensate for ambient light, and set a reference level as
a standard for comparison measurements. Values are displayed on a
16-character LCD screen.

System S371 Specifications

Controls On/Off, Calibration/Select,

Log/Linear, Zero/Logarithmic Reference,
Auto/Manual, Step Range
Display 16-character, Dot Matrix LCD
Electrical Accuracy ±1% and ±2 counts
Bandwidth 3.0 Hz
Operating Temperature 0 to 45ºC
Battery Life
Before Recharge Greater than 8 hours
Battery 5 AA V NiCad Rechargeable
Weight 16 ounces (454 gm)
Accessories supplied CE Approved Power Supply,
instruction manual, corrugated
cardboard carrying case


Dimensions shown in inches

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •




The UDT TRAMP is a (AC coupled) transimpedance (current-to-volt-
age) instrument which provides a low input impedance to accurately
measure the short circuit current of phototransducers, such as
silicon and germanium photodetectors, vacuum photodiodes
and photomultiplier tubes.
This model provides multiple gain selection and utilizes
common BNC connectors for all input and output connections
for user convenience. A voltmeter, oscilloscope, chart recorder
or any other voltage sensitive instrument may be used to
monitor the amplifier output.

TRAMP Features
• Rugged metal case for superior 60 Hz rejection
• Computer interface
• Over 10 hrs. of battery life per charge
• LED display of gain range, overload, and low battery
• Low noise ≤5m V rms.

TRAMP Specifications
Gain 103 - 1010
Current Range 10-2 - 10-13
103 160 kHz
104 45 kHz
105 12 kHz
106 12 kHz
107 550 Hz
108 550 Hz
7.51 109 5 Hz
1010 5 Hz
FRONT VIEW 2.76 Noise (MV RMS) 0.5
Overall Accuracy ±2%
Offset Drift vs. 50 μV/°C
Input Impedance 0.001 ohms
Output Impedance 1 ohm
Output Voltage ±5V
Battery Life Greater than10 hours
Type 10 AA NiCad
Dimensions shown in inches Accessories supplied CE Approved Power Supply, instruction manual,
corrugated cardboard carrying case

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Photometric Sensors
ILLUMANANCE Each of these sensor heads is provided with a photo-
MEASUREMENT metric filter and cosine diffuser. The Model 211 is UDT
Instruments‘ “universal” photometric head, as it adapts for
HEADS use with most accessories. The Model 263 is a scaled-down
version of the 211 suited for field measurements. And for
applications with limited mechanical clearance, we offer
the low-profile Model 268P.

MODEL 211 Illuminance Sensor Head

Calibrations lux, footcandles
Photometric filter accuracy ≤ 1% total area error
CIE Vl function F1l ≤ 3%
Sensor active area 1 cm2
Measurement range 10-3 to 105 lux
10-4 to 104 footcandles
Compatible accessories Models 116, 124, 114, 1153, 1120,
2525, 105, 106, & 107

MODEL 263 Illuminance Sensor Head

Calibrations lux, footcandles
Photometric filter accuracy ≤ 1% total area error
CIE Vl function F1l ≤ 3%
Sensor active area 0.34 cm2
Measurement range 10-2 to 106 lux
10-3 to 105 footcandles

MODEL 268P Low-profile Illuminance Sensor

Calibrations lux, footcandles
Photometric filter ≤ 1% total area error
CIE Vl function F1l ≤ 3%
Sensor active area 1 cm2
Measurement range 10-3 to 105 lux
10-4 to 104 footcandles

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Photometric Sensors
MODEL 2153 Brightness Sensor
This luminance head is analogous to the Model 211, except that a lens
attaches to the photometric filter in place of the cosine diffuser. In this
way, the field-of-view of the sensor is fixed at 15º for measurements of
diffuse surfaces, or uniform light sources such as display panels or LCDs.
The 2153 is designed for measurement areas greater than 19.05mm.
Calibrations footlamberts, cd/m2, nits
Photometric filter accuracy ≤ 1% total area error
CIE Vλ function F1l ≤ 3%
Sensor active area 1 cm2
Measurement range 10-3 to 105 fL or cd/m2

MODEL 1153
When substituted for the cosine diffuser of the Model 211, the Model
1153 mimics the look and specifications of the 2153 above. It is intended
for users who make illuminance and luminance measurements. It may
be calibrated in footlamberts or cd/m2.

MODEL 114 Steradian Shade

When used with the Model 211 head, the Model 114 forms a 0.155-steradian
field-of-view. It is calibrated in footlamberts or cd/m2.
Measurement range 10-3 to 105 cd/m2
10-4 to 104 fL

MODEL 116 Luminance Probes

For luminance measurements in difficult-to-reach places, such as in
photocopiers or photolithography systems, UDT Instruments offers
two luminance probes. Both are fiberoptic bundles, two feet long,
which affix to the Model 211 sensor head. They may be calibrated in
footlamberts or cd/m2. The Model 116 provides a 6.35-mm entrance
aperture, while the Model 124‘s is 1.50 mm.
Measurement range
MODEL 124 Model 116 10-2 to 106 cd/m2
10-3 to 105 fL
Model 124 10-1 to 107 cd/m2
10-2 to 106 fL

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Photometric Sensors
MODEL 265 CRT Brightness Sensor
This luminance head was specifically designed for measur-
ing CRTs. Its integral lens provides a fixed field-of-view of
13º; and a soft rubber light shade eliminates errors due to
ambient light, and keeps the CRT from being scratched
during measurements. The 265 is designed for measure-
ment areas greater than 19.05mm.
Calibrations footlamberts, cd/m2, nits
Photometric filter accuracy ≤ 1% total area error
CIE Vl function F1l ≤ 3%
Measurement range 10-3 to 105 fL or cd/m2

MODEL 1120 Reflex Viewing Module

Since the Model 1120 provides a direct view of the
measurement field, it is ideal for CRT measurements of a
single pixel, small pixel cluster, or narrow scan line. But
it also enables users to measure distant objects, small
light sources, or to survey the distribution of light across
luminous surfaces.
This accessory operates like a camera viewing system,
since it splits the measurement and viewing fields. When
attached to the front of the 1120, a camera lens or micro-
scope objective focuses an object at the center of the inter-
nal 45º mirror. The user sees the object as an upright image
in the eyepiece. A small hole in the center of the mirror
allows a portion of the image to pass through. Then, it is
imaged by a relay lens onto the 211 sensor. To the user, the
hole appears as a black spot on the object, corresponding
to the actual area measured.
The Model 1120‘s field-of-view is established by the focal
length of the lens affixed to it. Adapters are available to accept camera
lenses or microscope objectives, converting the 1120 into a microphotom-
eter or a telephotometer. Since UDT offers a variety of lens accessories, a
system can be constructed to fit most any working-distance versus mea-
surement-field-size requirement.
To ensure accuracy, the Model 1120 must be calibrated with each lens/
aperture with which it is used. These calibrations are expressed in
footlamberts or cd/m2.

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Photometric Sensors
Telephotometer Configuration List
1120 Reflex viewing module
211 Photometric sensor head
1351 2.44
1120 211

1352 1350 Lens, 50 mm

1351 Lens, 55 mm Macro
1352 Lens, 135 mm
1706 Tabletop Tripod
109 Heavy-duty lab stand
Model 1120 Reflex Viewing Module
in Telephotometer Configuration Telephotometer Lens Performance
minimum internal limiting typical
Model # focal f/# focal measurement aperture sensitivity
5.0 3.88
length distance(m) field-of-view size (mm) (A/fl)
1354 1350 50 mm f/1.8 0.4 3.3 º 4.0 10-10
40/60 1707 2.44
1120 211
1351 55 mm f/2.8+ 0.2 for 3.3 º 1.6 1.8 x 10-10
80 Macro 1:1 conjugates
1352 135 mm f/2.8 2.1 1.3 º 4.0 1.2 x 10-10
.88 1713
Microphotometer Configuration List
1120 Reflex viewing module
109 211 Photometric sensor head
Model 1120 Reflex Viewing Module 1713 Rack and pinion focus mount
in Microphotometer Configuration
1707 Micro-adapter tube (includes 4 1-inch adapter tubes)
1354-5/10/20 5x, 10x, or 20x microscope objectives
1354-40/60 40x or 60x microscope objectives
109 Heavy-duty lab stand
1707 with 8 adapter tubes total
Microphotometer Lens Performance
Microscope Objective Lens Measurement Spot Size
Model # Power focal NA working 1707 with 4 typical 1707 with 8 typical
length distance adapter sensitivity adapter sensitivity
tubes (A/fl) tubes (A/fl)

1354-1 1x 1.36mm 2.60mm 1.30mm

1354-5 5x 30mm 10 20mm 0.8mm 9.8 x 10-12 0.4mm 3.7 x 10-12
1354-10 10x 16mm 3 6mm 0.4mm 8.7 x 10-12 0.2mm 3.4 x 10-12
1354-20 20x 9mm 2 3.2mm 0.25mm 6.0 x 10-12 0.1mm 2.5 x 10-12
1354-40 40x 5mm 1.5 0.3mm 0.1mm 3.7 x 10-12 0.06mm 1.6 x 10-12
1354-60 60x 3mm 1.2 < 0.3mm 0.07mm 2.3 x 10-12 0.04mm 9.8 x 10-12

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Photmetric Sensors

MODEL 224 LED Measurement Head

This sensor head makes use of a special fixture to measure
lensed LEDs. This attachment fixes the distance and angle
between the LED and the detector, so that measurement
accuracy and repeatability are ensured.
Calibrations candela @ 565, 585, & 665 nm
typical (other wavelengths
Photometric filter accuracy ≤ 1% total area error
CIE Vl function F11 ≤ 3%
Measurement range 10-5 to 103 cd @ 565 nm
10-5 to 103 cd @ 585 nm
10-6 to 102 cd @ 665 nm

MODEL 2525 Integrating Sphere

A six-inch integrating sphere with an attenuation of 600:1,
the Model 2525 is used with the Model 211 sensor head to
determine the luminous flux of LEDs.
The sphere has an internal baffle which makes it ideal for
diverging light sources. The 2525 includes an input aper-
ture plate with a 5 mm port, and a blank adapter which can
be drilled for other aperture sizes. Because an LED can be
positioned right at the input aperture, 100% of the flux is col-
Calibrations lumens @ specified wavelength
between 400 and 700 nm
Photometric filter accuracy ≤ 1% total area error
CIE Vl function F11 ≤ 3%
Measurement range 10-6 to 102 lumens @ 400nm
10-6 to 102 lumens @ 550nm
10-6 to 102 lumens @ 700nm

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


MODEL 101-1 Universal Sensor Housing
This Universal Sensor Housing holds a standard 1-cm2
BNC detector package. It is part of sensor head models 211,
2153, and 224. The male threads connect directly to UDT
Instruments‘ filters, attenuators, and integrating spheres.

MODEL 102 Filter Holder

The model 102 Filter Holder holds any 25-mm-diameter filter.
It is female-threaded on one side for connection to the Model
211 sensor head.

MODEL 103 Standard Lab Stand

This lab stand has a 1/4-20 threaded post for holding the
Models 211, 2153, and 224.

MODEL 104 Filter Holder and Coupler

Designed to hold standard 25-mm-diameter filters, the
Model 104 connects to standard threads of the Model 211
sensor head. In contrast to the Model 102, both sides of the
Model 104 are threaded. As such, it may be attached to other

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


MODEL 105, ND Filters
The filters extend the illuminance measurement range of the
106, OR 107 211.

Model 105 10:1 Attenuation

Model 106 100:1 Attenuation
Model 107 1000:1 Attenuation

MODEL 108 Male Coupler

The model 108 male coupler is designed to connect two UDT
Instruments accessories when both are female threaded.

MODEL 109 Heavy-Duty Lab Stand

This lab stand features a 1/4-20 thread mount post and is com-
patible with the Models 211, 2153, and 224. Its extra-heavy base
makes it especially useful with the Model 1120 reflex viewing

1706 Tabletop Tripod

Intended for use in CRT-, microphotometry-, and telephotom-
etry- applications, the Model 1706 provides tip, tilt, and pan
capabilities for accurate pointing and alignment. It attaches to
any sensor head with a 1/4-20 thread mount, and is especially
intended for the Model 1120.

MODEL 110 Sensor Holder and Aperture Set

This accessory holds UDT‘s standard 1-cm2 silicon photosen-
sors. It is provided with five interchangeable apertures of 5, 6,
7, 8, and 9 mm.

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


It‘s easy for you to take advantage of the IEEE-488 interface
on our Model S370 and S380 photometers, because National
Instruments offers LabWindows® drivers for these instru-
ments. These drivers enable you to write computer-control
programs, and analyze and display data in a Windows-like
To help get you up and running with the drivers, we offer
a fully- operational application software model that works
with all of our IEEE-488 photometers. This software provides
complete control in a clear, graphic format that simulates
each instrumentÍs front panel. The software - SFW370 and
SFW380 - is available in DOS format.
If you would like to further increase the software capa-
bilities of our power meters, UDT offers a free DOS ver-
sion of the LabWindows Driver. If you desire a different
LabWindows Driver (such as CVI), it is available from
National Instruments. With LabWindows extensive analysis
library, a wide variety of array manipulation, complex arith-
metic, and statistical functions are available for customizing
your application. Or you can synchronize measurements
with other computer-controlled measurements you make, and so perform
fully automated experiments.

Driver Requirements:
❏ IBM PC AT, EISA, PS/2 or compatible computer with at least
2M memory (4M recommended); 10M free hard disk space
❏ 80286 processor or better
❏ EGA, VGA, Super VGA, or Hercules graphics adapter
❏ National Instruments GPIB-II/IIA
❏ LabWindows®
❏ UDT’s Instrument Drivers (SFW370 or SFW380)
❏ Working knowledge of BASIC or C

Application Model Requirements:

❏ IBM PC AT, EISA, PS/2 or compatible computer with at least
640K of memory.
❏ 80286 processor or better
❏ EGA,VGA, SuperVGA, or Hercules graphics adapter
❏ National Instruments GPIB-II/IIA
LabWindows® is a registered trademark of National Instruments.
Labview is not available for the above instrumentation. For assistance with National
Instruments products, please contact the following:
National Instruments Sales 512 794 0100
National InstrumentsTechnical Support 512 795 8248

727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •


Discover the Power of Light

UDT Instruments provides a detailed guide for four other light-mea-
surement product categories. Each guide contains sections on theory,
applications, and on specifying an appropriate instrument or system. To
request any of these guides, just contact UDT Instruments.

Position Sensing Instruments

These instruments incorporate advanced detectors that monitor
the position of a light spot on their surface to within 0.0001 inches.
Through the use of a unique optical accessories and electronics, the
systems may be used for a variety of geometric measurements.
❏ Autocollimators ❏ Optical system alignment ❏ Straightness measure-
ments, ❏ Movement and vibration measurements

UDT Instruments offer many optical accessories with our radiom-
eters, for monitoring extremely powerful sources, or ones too dim
to be detected by the eye. Single-and multi-channel instruments are
❏ Lasers ❏ Lamp systems ❏ Infrared emitting diodes (IREDs)

Fiber Optics
Measurements for fiberoptic applications can be made in either deci-
bels or watts with our instruments. Both field-portable and laboratory
versions are available.
Optical fiber and cable loss ❏ Connector and coupler attenuation
❏ Losses due to fiber breaks or splices

UDT offers the first handheld tri-stimulus colorimeter to provide lab-
grade accuracy and precision at an affordable price.
❏ Assists CRT manufacturers with production line quality control
❏ Incoming inspection of CRT‘s for TV and computer manufacturers
❏ Allows technicians in the broadcast industry to measure and.calibrate video
walls for color accuracy, uniformity of brightness, and white balance
❏ Advertisers, computer animators, desktop publishers or anyone who
requires absolute color accuracy of their monitors or televisions will find
the SLS 9400 an invaluable tool
727 South Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 • 410-342-6520 •

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