OCH752 Energy Technology
OCH752 Energy Technology
OCH752 Energy Technology
Regulation – 2017
Prepared by
Introduction to energy – Global energy scene – Indian energy scene - Units of energy, conversion factors,
general classification of energy, energy crisis, energy alternatives.
PART – A (2 Marks)
Course BT
Q.No Questions Competence
Outcome Level
1 What is energy? CO 1 BT-1 Remember
Generalize the Global Energy scenario of conventional
2 CO 1 BT-2 Understand
Write about the availability of conventional energy
3 CO 1 BT-1 Remember
sources in India.
Write about the potential of various Renewable energy
4 CO 1 BT-2 Understand
sources in India.
5 Write about sector wise energy consumption in India. CO 1 BT-6 Create
6 What is meant by Per-Capita Energy Consumption? CO 1 BT-2 Understand
7 Define Energy Intensity. CO 1 BT-3 Apply
8 What are the units of energy? CO 1 BT-4 Analyze
9 How do we compare forms of energies? CO 1 BT-3 Apply
10 How is energy converted from one form to another? CO 1 BT-1 Remember
11 How do we calculate efficiency of energy conversion? CO 1 BT-4 Analyze
12 What are the general classifications of energy? CO 1 BT-4 Analyze
13 What are primary and secondary energy sources? CO 1 BT-2 Understand
14 Differentiate Commercial & Non-Commercial Energy. CO 1 BT-5 Evaluate
15 Write about Renewable & Non-Renewable Energy. CO 1 BT-6 Create
What is meant by Conventional & Non-Conventional
16 CO 1 BT-1 Remember
17 What is energy crisis? CO 1 BT-1 Remember
18 What are the causes of energy crisis? CO 1 BT-1 Remember
19 Write the methods to mitigate Energy Crisis? CO 1 BT-5 Evaluate
20 Write about Energy Conservation. CO 1 BT-3 Apply
PART – B (13 Marks)
Discuss in detail about Global primary energy reserves
1 CO 1 BT-2 Understand
and consumption.
Explain in detail about Indian Energy Scenario in terms
2 CO 1 BT-3 Apply
of Energy supply and consumption.
Course BT
Q.No Questions Competence
Outcome Level
1 What is Biomass? CO 4 BT-1 Remember
Give some of the organic materials used in biomass
2 CO 4 BT-5 Evaluate
Summarize various biomass feedstock used for
3 CO 4 BT-1 Remember
4 generation
List out all the biomass conversion technologies. CO 4 BT-3 Apply
5 Discuss about Hydrolysis. CO 4 BT-1 Remember
6 What is meant by Hydrogenation? CO 4 BT-4 Analyze
7 Define the term solvolysis. CO 4 BT-6 Create
8 Define biocrude. CO 4 BT-2 Understand
9 What is Biodiesel? CO 4 BT-3 Apply
10 Define the term gasifier. CO 4 BT-1 Remember
11 Discuss gasification and liquefaction of solid fuels. CO 4 BT-6 Create
12 Name the constituents of biogas. CO 4 BT-2 Understand
13 Write down the classification of biogas plant. CO 4 BT-1 Remember
14 Describe fixed dome type biogas plant. CO 4 BT-2 Understand
What are the phases involved in generation of biogas
15 CO 4 BT-4 Analyze
from biomass.
Discuss the role of fermentation process in generation of
16 CO 4 BT-5 Evaluate
17 Name the six factors affecting biogas production. CO 4 BT-2 Understand
18 Why site selection is important for installation of biogas? CO 4 BT-4 Analyze
19 plant?
List the application of biogas. CO 4 BT-3 Apply
20 Discuss about integrated gasification. CO 4 BT-1 Remember
PART – B (13 Marks)
What is the meaning of biomass? Further, discuss its
1 CO 4 BT-1 Remember
multipurpose utilization.
Discuss different biomass conversion technologies in
2 CO 4 BT-3 Apply
Explain two stage thermo-chemical transformation of
3 CO 4 BT-5 Evaluate
wood to methanol.
4 Discuss in detail about chemical conversion of biomass. CO 4 BT-1 Remember
Define gasification. Discuss about various zones
5 CO 4 BT-2 Understand
occurring during gasification process.
Describe gasification of solid fuels and give detail
6 CO 4 BT-4 Analyze
classification of gasification process.
List out the classification of biogas plants and explain
7 CO 4 BT-1 Remember
any two with neat sketch.