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OCH752 Energy Technology

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(An Autonomous Institution)
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.





(Common to CSE & ECE)

Regulation – 2017

Academic Year 2020-21

Prepared by

Mr. T. Santhoshkumar, Assistant Professor (Sr.G) / EEE

Mr. M. Kamalakannan, Assistant Professor (O.G) / EEE

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(An Autonomous Institution)
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.



Introduction to energy – Global energy scene – Indian energy scene - Units of energy, conversion factors,
general classification of energy, energy crisis, energy alternatives.
PART – A (2 Marks)
Course BT
Q.No Questions Competence
Outcome Level
1 What is energy? CO 1 BT-1 Remember
Generalize the Global Energy scenario of conventional
2 CO 1 BT-2 Understand
Write about the availability of conventional energy
3 CO 1 BT-1 Remember
sources in India.
Write about the potential of various Renewable energy
4 CO 1 BT-2 Understand
sources in India.
5 Write about sector wise energy consumption in India. CO 1 BT-6 Create
6 What is meant by Per-Capita Energy Consumption? CO 1 BT-2 Understand
7 Define Energy Intensity. CO 1 BT-3 Apply
8 What are the units of energy? CO 1 BT-4 Analyze
9 How do we compare forms of energies? CO 1 BT-3 Apply
10 How is energy converted from one form to another? CO 1 BT-1 Remember
11 How do we calculate efficiency of energy conversion? CO 1 BT-4 Analyze
12 What are the general classifications of energy? CO 1 BT-4 Analyze
13 What are primary and secondary energy sources? CO 1 BT-2 Understand
14 Differentiate Commercial & Non-Commercial Energy. CO 1 BT-5 Evaluate
15 Write about Renewable & Non-Renewable Energy. CO 1 BT-6 Create
What is meant by Conventional & Non-Conventional
16 CO 1 BT-1 Remember
17 What is energy crisis? CO 1 BT-1 Remember
18 What are the causes of energy crisis? CO 1 BT-1 Remember
19 Write the methods to mitigate Energy Crisis? CO 1 BT-5 Evaluate
20 Write about Energy Conservation. CO 1 BT-3 Apply
PART – B (13 Marks)
Discuss in detail about Global primary energy reserves
1 CO 1 BT-2 Understand
and consumption.
Explain in detail about Indian Energy Scenario in terms
2 CO 1 BT-3 Apply
of Energy supply and consumption.

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What is meant by renewable energy sources? Explain in
3 detail these energy sources with special references to CO 1 BT-2 Understand
Indian context.
Discuss in detail about long term energy scenario for
4 CO 1 BT-4 Analyze
Explain the significance of energy consumption as
5 CO 1 BT-4 Analyze
Discuss in detail about various forms of energy with its
6 CO 1 BT-1 Remember
common units.
7 Discuss in detail about Energy Units and its conversions. CO 1 BT-3 Apply
What are the methods of direct and indirect energy
8 CO 1 BT-2 Understand
conversion? Describe in detail.
Define the following terms with three examples for each
a) Primary and Secondary Energy.
9 b) Commercial and Non-commercial Energy. CO 1 BT-4 Analyze
c) Renewable and Non-renewable Energy.
d) Conventional and Non-conventional Energy.
What are the conventional and unconventional energy
10 CO 1 BT-1 Remember
sources? Explain them in detail.
What are the advantages and limitations of renewable
11 CO 1 BT-1 Remember
energy sources? Explain them in detail.
Explain in detail about the fossil fuel usage and it is
12 CO 1 BT-1 Remember
crisis in the world.
Explain in detail about causes & preventive measures of
13 CO 1 BT-6 Create
energy crisis.
What are the conclusions on alternative energy
14 CO 1 BT-5 Evaluate
PART – C (15 Marks)
Discuss in detail the possibilities of utilizing the
following methods of power generation:
1 i) Solar energy CO 1 BT-5 Evaluate
ii) Magneto hydrodynamics
iii) Fuel Cells.
Write short notes on
i) Wind Energy
2 ii) Tidal Energy CO 1 BT-5 Evaluate
iii) Bio-mass and Bio-gas
iv) OTEC.
are electric generator.
the prospects of non conventional energy
3 CO 1 BT-6 Create
sources in India? Explain in detail.
Explain in detail about the necessity of non conventional
4 CO 1 BT-6 Create
energy in the production of electrical energy.

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Conventional energy resources, Thermal, hydel and nuclear reactors, thermal, hydel and nuclear power
plants, efficiency, merits and demerits of the above power plants, combustion processes, fluidized bed
PART – A (2 Marks)
Course BT
Q.No Questions Outcome Level Competence
1 Define steam rate and heat rate. CO 2 BT-1 Remember
2 Illustrate the function boiler and turbine. CO 2 BT-4 Analyze
3 Why the preparation of coal is necessary? CO 2 BT-3 Apply
Why majority of coal based thermal power plants are
4 CO 2 BT-4 Analyze
located near Seashore?
Generalize the necessity of feed pump in thermal power
5 CO 2 BT-6 Create
6 Define superheated steam. CO 2 BT-4 Analyze
Mention few turbines that are widely used in hydro
7 CO 2 BT-1 Remember
electric power stations.
Classify the hydro electric turbines with respect to high
8 CO 2 BT-6 Create
medium and low head.
Analyze the three main factors of power output of
9 CO 2 BT-2 Understand
hydroelectric plant.
10 Define the function of surge tank in hydro plants. CO 2 BT-1 Remember
11 Explain the function of nuclear reactor. CO 2 BT-3 Apply
12 Classify the nuclear reactors. CO 2 BT-2 Understand
13 Explain the requirements of fission process. CO 2 BT-3 Apply
14 Name the three moderators used in nuclear power plants. CO 2 BT-5 Evaluate
15 List the function of control rods with example. CO 2 BT-1 Remember
16 Summarize the function of cooling tower. CO 2 BT-1 Remember
17 Integrate to provide for safety of nuclear power plant. CO 2 BT-1 Remember
18 Evaluate the purpose of reprocessing of nuclear waste? CO 2 BT-5 Evaluate
19 Describe the advantages of nuclear power plant. CO 2 BT-2 Understand
20 Define ‘CANDU’ reactor. CO 2 BT-2 Understand
PART – B (13 Marks)
Explain the important components of a steam power Analyze
1 CO 2 BT-4
Explain with a neat sketch the various parts of a steam CO 2 BT-6 Create
power plant.
Draw the schematic diagram of a modern steam power
3 CO 2 BT-2 Understand
station and explain its operation.
4 Discuss the merits and demerits of a steam power plant. CO 2 BT-2 Understand
A steam power station spends Rs. 30 lakhs per annum for
coal used in the station. The coal has a calorific value of
5 5000 kcal/kg and costs Rs. 300 per ton. If the station has CO 2 BT-4 Analyze
thermal efficiency of 33% and electrical efficiency of
90%, find the average load on the station.
6 Discuss the merits and demerits of a hydro-electric plant. CO 2 BT-4 Analyze

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A run-of-river hydro-electric plant with pondage has the
following data: Installed capacity=10MW; Water head,
H=20m, Overall efficiency, ηoverall= 80%; Load
7 CO 2 BT-5 Evaluate
(i) Determine the river discharge in m3/sec required for
the plant.
(ii) If on a particular day, the river flow is 20 m3/sec,
what load factor can the plant supply?
What is nuclear fission and fusion? Explain with a neat
8 CO 2 BT-3 Apply
sketch the various parts of a nuclear reactor.
Discuss the factors for the choice of site for a nuclear
9 CO 2 BT-3 Apply
power plant.
An atomic power reactor can deliver 300 MW. If due to
10 fission of each atom of 235U92, the energy released is 200 CO 2 BT-1 Remember
MeV, calculate the mass of uranium fissioned per hour.
.(13) the comparison of steam power plant, hydro-
electric power plant, diesel power plant and nuclear
11 power plant on the basis of operating cost, initial cost, CO 2 BT-1 Remember
efficiency, maintenance cost and availability of source of
12 Discuss the types of combustion processes. CO 2 BT-1 Remember
13 Discuss the Types of Fluidized Bed Combustion. CO 2 BT-2 Understand
Discuss the merits and demerits Fluidized Bed
14 CO 2 BT-1 Remember
(13) PART – C (15 Marks)
Explain the functions of the following :
1 (i) dam (ii) spillways (iii) surge tank (iv) headworks CO 2 BT-5 Evaluate
(v) draft tube.
Explain the essential factors which influence the choice
2 CO 2 BT-6 Create
of site for a hydro-electric plant.
Draw the schematic diagram of a nuclear power station
3 CO 2 BT-5 Evaluate
and discuss its operation.
4 Discuss in detail about fast breeder nuclear reactor. CO 2 BT-6 Create

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Solar energy, solar thermal systems, flat plate collectors, focusing collectors, solar water heating, solar
cooling, solar distillation, solar refrigeration, solar dryers, solar pond, solar thermal power generation, solar
energy application in India, energy plantations. Wind energy, types of windmills, types of wind rotors,
Darrieus rotor and Gravian rotor, wind electric power generation, wind power in India, economics of wind
farm, ocean wave energy conversion, ocean thermal energy conversion, tidal energy conversion,
geothermal energy.
PART – A (2 Marks)
Course BT
Q.No Questions Competence
Outcome Level
1 Discuss the role of renewable source. CO 3 BT-2 Understand
2 Summarize the Renewable energy sources. CO 3 BT-1 Remember
3 Define Solar Radiation. CO 3 BT-1 Remember
4 Express the advantage of solar concentrators. CO 3 BT-2 Understand
5 Describe the Solar Thermal Power Plant. CO 3 BT-1 Remember
6 Define Solar Pond. CO 3 BT-3 Apply
Point out the importance of solar energy in the present
7 CO 3 BT-3 Apply
8 energyiscrisis?
What meant by energy plantations? CO 3 BT-4 Analyze
9 List main Components of Wind Power Plant. CO 3 BT-1 Remember
10 Draw the block diagram of Wind power plant. CO 3 BT-2 Understand
Express the Equation for the Maximum output power
11 CO 3 BT-2 Understand
(Pm) of wind turbine.
12 Define tip speed ratio (TSR). CO 3 BT-1 Remember
13 Compare the VAWT and HAWT. CO 3 BT-3 Apply
List the two important wind turbine generator
14 CO 3 BT-6 Create
in India. the details of wind energy generation in our
15 CO 3 BT-5 Evaluate
16 Explain ocean wave energy and state its advantages. CO 3 BT-6 Create
State the advantage of ‘closed cycle’ OTEC system with
17 CO 3 BT-1 Remember
‘open cycle’ system.
What are the different economic and environmental
18 CO 3 BT-4 Analyze
considerations of tidal power plant.
19 Define Geothermal Energy. CO 3 BT-4 Analyze
20 Explain the merits and demerits of Geothermal Energy. CO 3 BT-5 Evaluate
PART – B (13 Marks)
Explain in detail about the construction of solar cell,
1 CO 3 BT-1 Remember
solar module and solar array.
Discuss in detail about the principle of Solar Photo
2 CO 3 BT-5 Evaluate
Voltaic (SPV) conversion.
Classify different types of solar collectors and explain
3 CO 3 BT-2 Understand
any one in detail.
Enlist various domestic and industrial applications of
4 CO 3 BT-1 Remember
solar energy.
What is Wind power and derive the equation of power in
5 CO 3 BT-4 Analyze

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Summarize the working principle of Wind Energy
6 CO 3 BT-6 Create
Conversion System (WECS).
Explain about the various Types of Wind Power Plants
7 CO 3 BT-3 Apply
Classify the various types of rotor used in the wind
8 CO 3 BT-2 Understand
(i) Define Tip speed ratio and write the necessary
9 equation. CO 3 BT-1 Remember
(ii) What are the advantages of wind power systems?
Explain in detail about the pitch control and Yaw
10 CO 3 BT-2 Understand
(i) Discuss Principle used in the measurement of speed of BT-3 Apply
11 the wind. CO 3
(ii)Tabulate the main applications of wind energy.
Discuss in detail the ocean wave energy conversion and BT2
12 CO 3 BT-4 Analyze
its applications.
13 Explain the methods of utilization of tidal energy. CO 3 BT-1 Remember
Enlist different geothermal resources and explain heat
14 CO 3 BT-4 Analyze
extraction from hot dry rocks.
PART – C (15 Marks)
Describe the types of solar power plant. What are the
1 CO 3 BT-5 Evaluate
limitations of a Solar power plant?
Describe solar pond briefly. What are the main
2 CO 3 BT-6 Create
applications of a solar pond?
Distinguish between vertical Axis Wind Turbine and
3 CO 3 BT-5 Evaluate
Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine.
What is meant by Energy Plantation? What are its
4 CO 3 BT-6 Create
advantages & disadvantages?

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Biomass origin - Resources – Biomass estimation. Thermochemical conversion – Biological conversion,
Chemical conversion – Hydrolysis & hydrogenation, solvolysis, biocrude, biodiesel power generation
gasifier, biogas, integrated gasification.
PART – A (2 Marks)

Course BT
Q.No Questions Competence
Outcome Level
1 What is Biomass? CO 4 BT-1 Remember
Give some of the organic materials used in biomass
2 CO 4 BT-5 Evaluate
Summarize various biomass feedstock used for
3 CO 4 BT-1 Remember
4 generation
List out all the biomass conversion technologies. CO 4 BT-3 Apply
5 Discuss about Hydrolysis. CO 4 BT-1 Remember
6 What is meant by Hydrogenation? CO 4 BT-4 Analyze
7 Define the term solvolysis. CO 4 BT-6 Create
8 Define biocrude. CO 4 BT-2 Understand
9 What is Biodiesel? CO 4 BT-3 Apply
10 Define the term gasifier. CO 4 BT-1 Remember
11 Discuss gasification and liquefaction of solid fuels. CO 4 BT-6 Create
12 Name the constituents of biogas. CO 4 BT-2 Understand
13 Write down the classification of biogas plant. CO 4 BT-1 Remember
14 Describe fixed dome type biogas plant. CO 4 BT-2 Understand
What are the phases involved in generation of biogas
15 CO 4 BT-4 Analyze
from biomass.
Discuss the role of fermentation process in generation of
16 CO 4 BT-5 Evaluate
17 Name the six factors affecting biogas production. CO 4 BT-2 Understand
18 Why site selection is important for installation of biogas? CO 4 BT-4 Analyze
19 plant?
List the application of biogas. CO 4 BT-3 Apply
20 Discuss about integrated gasification. CO 4 BT-1 Remember
PART – B (13 Marks)
What is the meaning of biomass? Further, discuss its
1 CO 4 BT-1 Remember
multipurpose utilization.
Discuss different biomass conversion technologies in
2 CO 4 BT-3 Apply
Explain two stage thermo-chemical transformation of
3 CO 4 BT-5 Evaluate
wood to methanol.
4 Discuss in detail about chemical conversion of biomass. CO 4 BT-1 Remember
Define gasification. Discuss about various zones
5 CO 4 BT-2 Understand
occurring during gasification process.
Describe gasification of solid fuels and give detail
6 CO 4 BT-4 Analyze
classification of gasification process.
List out the classification of biogas plants and explain
7 CO 4 BT-1 Remember
any two with neat sketch.

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Give the properties of biogas and explain the utilization
8 CO 4 BT-6 Create
of biogas.
Discuss the basic steps involved in biogas generation
9 CO 4 BT-4 Analyze
from biomass.
Differentiate between the following methods of biogas
10 i. Pyrolysis CO 4 BT-3 Apply
ii. Combustion.
Discuss the following methods of biogas generation
11 i. Gasification CO 4 BT-1 Remember
ii. Anaerobic Digestion.
12 What is meant by wet fermentation & dry fermentation? CO 4 BT-2 Understand
13 List Indian types of biogas plant explain any one. CO 4 BT-4 Analyze
Describe in detail the various factors affecting biogas
14 CO 4 BT-2 Understand
PART – C (15 Marks)
Explain the impacts of biomass construction, production
1 CO 4 BT-6 Create
and operation.
Discuss with a neat sketch the bioenergy generation
2 CO 4 BT-5 Evaluate
through fermentation.
Discuss the materials used for biogas generation and
3 CO 4 BT-6 Create
explain the selection criteria of site for biogas plant.
What is meant by anaerobic digestion? Explain briefly
4 CO 4 BT-5 Evaluate
the factors affecting bio-digestion?

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Energy conservation - Act; Energy management importance, duties and responsibilities; Energy audit –
Types methodology, reports, instruments. Benchmarking and energy performance, material and energy
balance, thermal energy management.
PART – A (2 Marks)
Course BT
Q.No Questions Competence
Outcome Level
1 Illustrate various energy conservation acts. CO 5 BT-1 Remember
2 Discuss about the importance of energy conservation. CO 5 BT-2 Understand
3 Give the objectives of energy management. CO 5 BT-4 Analyze
4 Discuss the term energy accounting. CO 5 BT-1 Remember
5 What is an energy demand? CO 5 BT-2 Understand
How Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) facilitates
6 CO 5 BT-4 Analyze
energy efficiency programs in India?
How a nation benefits from Energy Efficiency
7 CO 5 BT-2 Understand
Discuss the basis aim of Energy Security for any
8 CO 5 BT-4 Analyze
9 Discuss the energy policy. CO 5 BT-1 Remember
Justify the components of the energy management
10 CO 5 BT-3 Apply
program to ensure the success.
11 Give the role of energy audit. CO 5 BT-6 Create
12 Examine the need for energy auditing. CO 5 BT-1 Remember
13 Explain the types of energy audits. CO 5 BT-3 Apply
Explain the difference between preliminary energy
14 CO 5 BT-5 Evaluate
audit and detailed audit.
What are the areas that need to be focused during pre
15 CO 5 BT-1 Remember
audit phase.
Illustrate the baseline data should be collected for a
16 CO 5 BT-2 Understand
detailed energy audit.
List out some of the instruments and metering used in
17 CO 5 BT-5 Evaluate
Energy Auditing.
18 What do you understand from Energy- Benchmarking. CO 5 BT-1 Remember
Give the basic principle of material and energy
19 CO 5 BT-3 Apply
Draw the components of material and energy balance
20 CO 5 BT-6 Create
of a process or unit operation.
PART – B (13 Marks)
Elaborate the terms energy conservation, energy
1 CO 5 BT-1 Remember
management & energy audit.
Briefly discuss about the necessity of energy
2 CO 5 BT-5 Evaluate
3 Write short notes on Energy conservation Act, 2003. CO 5 BT-1 Remember
Elaborately discuss about energy conservation act, 2001
4 CO 5 BT-3 Apply
and its features.
Disucss the various steps in designing an energy
5 CO 5 BT-2 Understand
management program.

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Compile energy management and forecasting BT-4 Analyze
6 CO 5
7 Discuss about energy security and energy policy. CO 5 BT-2 Understand
Explain some of the strategies to meet future energy
8 CO 5 BT-2 Understand
Discuss the manners and intervals of time for conduct
9 of energy audit as per Bureau of Energy Efficiency CO 5 BT-3 Apply
(BEE) regulations.
Justify the Methodology for detailed energy audit
10 CO 5 BT-3 Apply
Elaborately explain about various instruments and
11 CO 5 BT-1 Remember
monitoring systems used for auditing.
Discuss about Benchmarking and Plant energy
12 CO 5 BT-6 Create
13 Discuss about the energy balance of a system. CO 5 BT-4 Analyze
Discuss in detail about thermal energy management
14 CO 5 BT-1 Remember
PART – C (15 Marks)
Explain the difference between energy conservation and
1 CO 5 BT-5 Evaluate
energy efficiency with a suitable example.
Discuss atleast 5 duties and 3 responsibilities of an
2 CO 5 BT-6 Create
energy manager.
Compose a case study of energy audit for any suitable
3 CO 5 BT-6 Create
Write short notes on i) Psychrometer ii) Infrared
4 CO 5 BT-5 Evaluate
Thermometer iii) Stroboscope iv) Pitot tube.


1. To gain knowledge about introduction to energy sources.

2. To gain knowledge about Conventional Energy sources.
3. To gain knowledge about Non-Conventional Energy sources.
4. To gain knowledge about Bio-mass sources.
5. To gain knowledge about Energy conservation in process industries.

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