Design 07 Project 01
Design 07 Project 01
Design 07 Project 01
Design Problem
A progressive town of 120,000 population somewhere in the western part of Luzon is in the process of
implementing its updated Comprehensive Development Town Plan. Given top priority for
implementation within the first quarter of the plan period is the development of an approximately 6
hectares tract of land into a Municipal Park and Recreation Center.
As can be gleaned from the Vicinity Map (Fig. 1)), the proposed site is strategically located in the CBD
(Central Business District) of the town and very accessible to the population.
The land is of flat terrain with a mean sea level elevation of 1.50 meter endowed with flourishing
vegetation cover of pine trees and coconut trees towering and dominating the landscape. The inlet river
(Fig. 2) dividing the proposed development site from the built-up area is of brackish water and lined by
mangrove growth along its bank having a heavy concentration of growth in its terminal end. Marine life
thrive in the terminal end, while in the river inlet stretch, the marine life thereat has diminished due to
The present or existing improvements thereat are a basketball court, a tennis court, a crude athletic
oval field carved out of the earth surface, dilapidated concrete benches around several pine trees, a
concrete river protection levee along the river banks and the intrusion of squatters in the western part of
the area numbering 50 shanties or houses of light materials programmed to be evicted and relocated to
an appropriate housing site. The two bridges spanning the river inlet are of concrete culverts.
The Comprehensive Development Town Plan envisions the area to provide the necessary ecological
balance of the community by preserving, conserving, and protecting its natural endowments while
making it a site to accommodate the amenities required of the rapidly growing population.
The Municipal Planning and Development Council, who is in-charge in the implementation of the Town
Plan has conceived and adopted the following guidelines and requirements for the development of the
a. The immediate preparation of a Master Plan, to execute and translate into spatial terms the
aspiration of the community;
b. The utilization of the indigenous resources and materials that abound in the community for the
necessary infrastructure support and improvements that shall be introduced in the proposed
park and recreation center. The indigenous materials found in the community are: nipa, cogon,
bamboo, rattan, coconut, pine trees, narra and yakal trees, and other dipterocarp species,
adobe stones, white clay. Also, it has a big deposit of granite, chromite, and the other ores, the
town being a mining town;
c. The preservation, conservation, and protection of the area and its development into a Nature
For the different functions of the Municiapl Park and Recreation Center, the following are to be
accommodated in the Master plan:
a. Multi-Purpose Hall
b. Administration Building
This will house not only the administration facilities of the park, but also provisions of office
spaces for the different local NGO’s committed to support the development and maintenance of
the Park.
c. Guest House
This accommodates visiting technicians and resource speakers engaged in the Multi-Purpose
Hall. It shall have 4 bedrooms with 2 toilet facilities, a kitchenette, a dining area, and a living
This will host seasonal and periodic exhibition activities that showcase the communities’ various
agricultural, agri-industrial, and agro-forest produces.
This accommodates food stalls for the Park visitors and also to cater the food and snack
requirements of the seminar participants at the Socio-Civic Center. Dining or eating areas shall be
4. A Children’s Playground
This commemorates both local and national heroes that have relevance to the community.
6. Special Gardens
a. Chinese Garden Area. This is a commitment to the local Filipino-Chinese community who have
pledged to fund its construction and maintenance.
b. Herbal Garden. This is in support to the national health policy on herbal medicines.
c. Orchard or Plant Nursery. This is to support the maintenance of the vegetation cover as well as
the beautification aspect of the park.
As mentioned in the preceding description of the site, the existing basketball and tennis courts has
to be re-established, being a local sport endeavor of the community. There shall be an open oval
field for sports or competition purposes. However, due to the policy of no trees to be uprooted in the
development of the Park, the usual bleachers, for spectators surrounding the oval shall be ruled
out. Only one grandstand or center stage is required, (There is a Municipal Sports Complex being
developed by the community in another site.)
8. Skating Rink
This is in response to an earlier survey among the population whereby such sports activity was
given top priority and aspiration.
The western part of the site facing the China Sea shall be the beach area for bathing and
picknicking, circulation system of roads, pathways and walkways shall be in a continuous loop
connected to the Oval to address the strollers and jogging exercise requirements.
There shall be no vehicles inside the park. Parking facilities shall be provided before the bridge.
Note: The Socio-Civic Center, the Trade Fair and Exhibition Center, the Food Gallery Areas, and the
likes are expected to generate revenues not only for the community but also for the operation and
maintenance of the Park.
Project Requirements:
1. Design Concept
2. Design Translation:
a. Proposed Municipal Park and Recreation Center
i. Master Plan
ii. Aerial Perspective View
b. Proposed Guest House
i. Floor Plan
ii. 4-Elevations
iii. 1-Section
iv. Perspective View
Note: Output shall be on an appropriate scale to fit an A3 or 11x17 paper, landscape orientation
Fig. 1