Operator E-Jets News Rel 006
Operator E-Jets News Rel 006
Operator E-Jets News Rel 006
06 – May 2007
May 2007 Issue No. 06
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May 2007 Issue No. 06
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May 2007 Issue No. 06
EMBRAER has received field reports EMBRAER has recently received a report
concerning difficulties during the about the finding of a broken engine
installation of the SF-ACE in the ejector pump feed tube flange (PN 170-
MOUNTING TRAY. This issue was 05988-401 – item 10, detail B below) on
raised due to the SF-ACE not fitting the an aircraft.
electrical connectors of the mounting tray
during its installation. Refer to (Figure 1).
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May 2007 Issue No. 06
Such issue was cause for an Pack Air Cycle Machine (ACM)
investigation in the past. It was revealed Contamination
that the fuel feed line from the engine
feed ejector pump to the manifold might Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190
be damaged due to vibration and/ or
misaligned installation. In spite of the recommendations given in
SNL 170-25-0004 (190-25-0007),
As a solution, EMBRAER issued SB 170- EMBRAER 170 and 190 aircraft are still
28-0007 – FUEL – REPLACEMENT OF subject to Pack 2 component
AN ALUMINUM TUBE WITH A contamination by beverages thrown in
FLEXIBLE HOSE IN THE ENGINE FUEL the forward galley sink, mainly coffee.
FEED LINE - providing instructions to EMBRAER would like to remind that, so
replace the aluminum tube connected to far, this contamination is not considered a
the engine feed ejector pump and to the cause of ACM failures. Also, the CMC
manifold with a flexible hose, thus should be used to keep track of Pack Fail
modifying its fittings, in order to increase messages and their correlated
system robustness by eliminating maintenance messages. For more
vibration and misalignment effects on the information about this, refer to SNL 170-
fuel feed line. 21-0021 (190-21-0014).
Currently, only 15% of the affected fleet
has this service bulletin incorporated, and
once an open fuel feed line is the main SPDA Block 10.1 RAT
cause of the Fuel Feed Fault, the
incorporation of this service bulletin is Deployment Logic Modification
also recommended as a proactive Affecting AMM Auto
attitude to avoid reports with Fuel Feed Deployment Procedure
Fault message.
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 POS MOD SB
Regarding the Fuel Feed Fault issue, 170-24-0038 AND EMBRAER 190 POS
EMBRAER is also recommending MOD SB 190-24-0009
observance of operational reference
EMBRAER 170 AOM 3-17, with As it is stated on Hamilton SB
instructions to keep the AC Pumps 1 & 2 40EPS04MPM02/03-24-4 Software
selectors ON before engine start, as well Accomplishment Summary, the RAT auto
as EMBRAER 170 AOM 3-29, this last deployment logic was changed to avoid
one with instructions to maintain a an inadvertent deployment on the ground
minimum of 65% N2 after selecting the caused by the loss of GCU 1 and SPDA
fuel AC pumps 1 & 2 to AUTO, in order to 2 at the same time. This change has
avoid the Fuel Feed Fault EICAS impacted the AMM TASK 24-23-00-710-
message before takeoff. 802-A Ram-Air-Turbine (RAT) Auto-
Deployment - Operational Test, because
with SPDA Block 10.1 it is necessary not
only to simulate in-flight condition and air
P-ACE HARDWARE speed greater than 50 kts, but also to
MODIFICATION remove power from the AC ESS BUS by
switching the GPU to the unlatched
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190 position (OFF).
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May 2007 Issue No. 06
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May 2007 Issue No. 06
The root cause for the damage is still Figure 3 – Detailed APU Inlet silencer
under investigation. There is a repair
procedure available since April 2007,
which covers most of the reported
CMC message Troubleshooting
Special repair procedure is available
upon request via EMBRAER Letter (IC). Effectivity: EMBRAER 170
This repair will be included in the
Component Maintenance Manual (CMM It has been observed in aircraft with
Part Number 4952354) in the next FADEC pre version 5.30 that some OBV
revision, expected to be issued on July faults could trigger OVERSPEED TEST
2007. FAULT CMC message. Also, the OBV
has been confirmed as the root cause in
many of these cases.
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May 2007 Issue No. 06
BRAKE FAULT correlated with As described in the SNL, the first attempt
PRESSURE MORE THAN BCM to clear the message consists in de-
energizing and energizing the aircraft.
CMD – SUMMARY This procedure will clear the fault
memory of the BCM. After the aircraft
Effectivity: EMBRAER 190
power-down/power-up procedures, the
EMBRAER has received reports about No. 1 and No. 2 hydraulic systems should
the occurrences of BRK LH FAULT and be turned ON and the brake pedals
BRK RH FAULT messages showing should be applied to make sure that the
simultaneously on the EICAS with the messages do not appear on the EICAS.
correlated CMC messages “INBD (or
If the messages persist after the reset
mentioned above, depending on the
correlated fault code recorded in the
When there is a report of BRK LH FAULT CMC, FIM tasks 32-41-00-810-848-A, 32-
and BRK RH FAULT simultaneously on 41-00-810-844-A, 32-41-00-810-846-A or
the EICAS, the CMC should be verified in 32-41-00-810-850-A should be carried
order to identify what the correlated out. The first step of the troubleshooting
maintenance message is. presented in these tasks is an attempt to
unclog the BCV. A “water hammer” effect
EMBRAER has issued SNL 190-32-0017 is produced in the inlet port of the BCV so
to clarify the BRK LH (RH) FAULT and to that an eventual residual pressure in the
inform the operators about all actions line downstream of the BCV is forced to
taken to solve this issue. The SNL has be released.
the following content: Issue Description,
Symptom of Event, Maintenance/ It was verified that the “water hammer”
Operational procedure to clear the effect could accelerate the process of
message, Root Cause investigation, damage in the outlet port filter of the
Interim measures and Solution. Shutoff Valve.
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May 2007 Issue No. 06
AD = Airworthiness Directive
DU = Display Unit
OB = Operational Bulletins
PN = Part Number
RT = Remote Terminal
SB = Service Bulletin
SN = Serial Number
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