Lecture 1

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Medicinal Chemistry 1

Code: PMC3202
Lecture 1

Pharm D
Faculty of Pharmacy
Nahda University

Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Intended Learning Outcomes
a. Knowledge & Understanding Skills
By the end this course, the student should be able to:

a1. State the mechanism of action, therapeutic uses of some drugs, in

addition to their adverse reactions, interactions with other medicines.

a2. Describe the structure activity relationship between the chemical

structure and the activity of various drugs and how to optimize the activity
of given drugs.

a3. Identify different targets (site of actions) of the discussed classes to

define their mechanism of action.
Intended Learning Outcomes
b. Intellectual Skills
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:

b1. Differentiate the methods for synthesis and assay of the studied drugs.

b2. Correlate the biological activity by referring to the structure of the

drugs and essential pharmacophores.

b3. Design the appropriate chemical changes in the studied structures to

increase the biological activity and / or decrease undesirable side effects of
the studied drugs.
Intended Learning Outcomes
c. Professional and/or Practical skills
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:

c1. Use some spectrophotometric methods to elucidate the structure of

some drugs.

c2. Apply different methods of analysis for assaying of some drugs and
assessing their purity.

c3. Optimize the structure of the drugs of the mentioned classes to improve
pharmacokinetics and pharmaco dynamics of drugs.
Intended Learning Outcomes
d. General & transferable Skills
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:

d1. Communicate by skillful written means in reporting different data.

d2. Manage time in analyzing drugs.

d3. Work as a team with an ethical attitude and approach according to

pharmacopeia guidelines.
Autonomic Nervous System
Autonomic Nervous System Drugs
1. Parasympathetic Drugs

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